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17111230 No.17111230 [Reply] [Original]

are there any "tells" that signal the person is over 30? I saw a post where some zoomer rat complained about millenials trying to mix it up with zoomers at music festivals. that really pissed me off. so how would this poster know? is it the way they dress? hair recession? im just curious

>> No.17111252

1. wait for millennial to say "I just did a thing"
2. ???
3. profit

>> No.17111261

those ugly Graffiti/rock style tatoos
I dont like tatoos in general but at least my generation has a little more taste

>> No.17111268

"I hecking love craft beer"
"I listen to real music like the smiths"
"There's only two genders"

>> No.17111271

rent-free, zoomer

>> No.17111294

>I saw a post where some zoomer rat complained about millenials trying to mix it up with zoomers at music festivals

I'm not sure I follow? I don't think he meant crude age difference

>> No.17112240

last one is literally true

t. zoomer

>> No.17112253

Why are zoomer's so obessed with millennial's

>> No.17112264

we want them to fuck us

>> No.17112267

Talking about this sort of thing is genuinely embarrassing. I hope you don't do this outside of the internet.

>> No.17112287

Yeah in real life no one really gives a fuck what ''generation'' you belong to when interacting with you, most of my closest friends are in their fifties and sixties even though i'm only 32, i find more in common with them.

>> No.17112290
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They are a marketing term really. There's very little meaningful discussion to be had on the subject. It's especially embarrassing to see people discuss supposed generational boundaries as if a person in their early 20s and someone in their late 20s are "different generations" because a buzzfeed article said millenials were born in the 80s and early 90s, and zoomers in the mid-late 90s and early 00s.

>> No.17112300
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In the gym changing room a bunch of zoomers got mad I have a fwb that is 18 and Im 36

>> No.17112302

Well, I would already discount an article that says Gen Z starts in the 90s, anyway.

>> No.17112308


>Gen Z:Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)

you guys truly are the dumbest niggers in the world holy fuck

>> No.17112311

gen z are a bunch of tranny groomed faggots. ignore them, sincerely, a gen-zer

>> No.17112429

that is pretty weird

>> No.17112466

how did they know you were bum-buddies?
was he gagging on it in the sauna?

>> No.17112482


kek, we starting talking about it and she graduated HS and they were in the same class

>> No.17112540


>> No.17112546

That sounds kind of sad that they want to shut people out over a few years of difference in age. Its not like its impossible to relate between two generations. Those millennials could probably recommend them some good bands, not the top 40 rap and tiktok trends zoomers usually listen to.

>> No.17112969

livin the dream

>> No.17113124

Meh i am 32 and was fucking a 52 year old woman recently, as long as its not illegal and is between two consenting adults there is nothing wrong.

>> No.17113139

>I dont like tatoos in general but at least my generation has a little more taste

isn't the zoomer "taste" homemade stick-and-pokes and just lots of mini tattoos spaced super far apart?

Also isn't the quintessential millennial tattoo american traditional, blackwork, "I'm not blue collar but want to look blue collar". Like 23 year olds walking around with these thousand dollar masterpieces when in reality they're a barista.

>> No.17113153

They're obsessed with traveling and taking pictures, even if it doesn't match with their actual lifestyle. You look at their social media and you'd think they were some van-dwelling nat-geo journalist, when in reality they're just some 9-to-5 office bro who likes to drive places on weekends and holidays.

>> No.17113171
File: 539 KB, 868x752, 1644904743103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fucking boipussy or girldick.

>> No.17113202

that's still in line with their travelling aspirations and certainly better than being a faggot zoomer who spends his days glued to a screen and only goes out because his mommy makes him go out.

>> No.17113242

You managed to completely miss the point. Embarrassing.

>> No.17113287

no, you are

>> No.17113292
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>> No.17113403

trust me, no matter how you try to dress it up, no matter how many "you look young for your age" comments you get from people either your own age or older, and no matter how you may try to appropriate their culture, the zoomers can always tell you're not one of them.

>> No.17113572

I'm not a zoomer, but can't you instantly see how old someone is? Also if you are close to 30 you grew up in a totally different era, so obviously it's easy to spot, no matter how much time you spend online trying to catch up with trends
>that really pissed me off.
It shouldn't, the problem is millennials trying to cosplay as a zoomer, and I bet that the post that you are mentioning is some zoomer saying that they went to a music festivals and saw a bunch of millennials doing the Hasan Piker thing, which I agree is cringe, you'll never pass as a zoomer, so assume what you are.

>> No.17113606

no, that's fucking retarded
>I will buy a ticket and fly to another country to do anything I would do at home, but in another country
>AND take pictures
literal NPC behavior

>> No.17113608

Tbh they should be mad at that ho, not you. You're just playing the game

>> No.17113611

>that one zoomie schizo continues his seethe-fueled tirade against hipsters in their 30s
Did a millennial fuck your crush or something?

>> No.17113627

>literally NPC
retard, I highly doubt devs would program NPCs leaving their designated quest area into a game

>> No.17113641

you ask for their pronouns and they don't immediately answer is a dead giveaway

>> No.17113779

you just know

>> No.17113968

damn you're retarded lol

>> No.17113983

>the zoomers can always tell you're not one of them.
This is absolutely not true. Zoomers always guess I'm 20-22 when I'm actually in my late twenties.

>> No.17114040

I have this same hairline, how the fuck do I deal with it? I want to just shave it.

>> No.17114047

>mfw Millennial with zoomer gf and all I do is make fun of her for thinking flip phones are 90s and not knowing what a film camera is

>> No.17114048 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 850x850, 728394o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these? MSRP is $230 and on sale for $60.

>> No.17114051

They want to fuck us and I'm enjoying it

>> No.17114066


Some of them always get so triggered when you tell them you fuck their women so they try to treat you like you're a pedophile even though it's perfectly legal. Most zoomies i know r totally ok with it tho

>> No.17114070
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 1655934630102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna die

>> No.17114099

I have always thought that people who buy plane tickets to a city and just do the typical holiday shit shouldn't say they're traveling. I know they have to "travel" via plane to get there, but that's it, plane to destination then plane back home. That ain't traveling, that's visiting cities and man-made tourist spots.

>> No.17114312

this is one of the most autistic distinctions ive ever seen someone try and make

>> No.17114370

Zoomer girls are really unattractive, 90% of them are brownies.

The 10% that are white with blue eyes are extremely fuckable since they're the best genes from the gen x and millennial generations mixed into one fuckable teen-pie receiving bitch

>> No.17114525

32 year old millenials here

I think the way to spot us are
Skinny or straight jeans
Hair side parts
Facial hair
Sleeve tattoos or thigh/shoulder tattoos for girls
Chucks or slimmer sneaker choices
Thick frame eyeglasses

I find zoomers basically dress how we did in early highschool like
Baggy or flared jeans
Middle hair parts
Clean shaven
Small tattoos everywhere
Chunkier sneakers

I find it all facinating and fun desu. Especially millenial women getting insecure about zoomer girls making fun of their skinny jeans

>> No.17114568


>> No.17114572

zoomers are obsessed with beat up vans/converse though. they literally buy them used now off depop and shit

>> No.17114623

this guy is lying for the record and he's probably a virgin

>> No.17114696

Make fun of kurt cobain, if they get offended they're deep millennial

>> No.17114920
File: 972 KB, 1127x1013, 1616072964970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How do you do fellow gen z. I'm finna vibing to this beat, you feel me? Need to put this on tiktok, for real for real"

>> No.17115291

so do i

>> No.17115317

I'm not giving a cap, fellow bruhsef. fr fr yeezy tiktok.

>> No.17115518

Crisp, knew some 20yo goth chick with daddy issues who hooked up with a 40yo

>> No.17115650

Zoomers rock shit like this, millenials could never compete

>> No.17117029

There are only two genders.

>> No.17117313

Lot of low self-esteem people in here. We got a whole thread to arguing about age difference is in how we dress and stuff. Lol

>> No.17117695

now we’re gonna have millenials wearing these trying to blend in with zoomers. why did u put these oldfags on this

>> No.17117886

They dress like they're still stuck in 2013. Their fashion, their mannerisms, their slangs, THE FUCKING SWAGFAG HATS, the Hipster haircuts, the glasses, skinny jeans, the 1910s beard etc. etc. all screams millennial that still listens to Mumford and sons in their piece of shit Toyota Prius, or if they're black, they listen early 2010s rappers who are irrelevant now. Motherfuckers out here still dressing up like Jimmy DeSanta from GTA V like bro stop. you're not young anymore grandpa let it go

>> No.17117901

>how you may try to appropriate their culture, the zoomers can always tell you're not one of them.
In other words if you're not as braindead as they are, they can tell. Wew lad

>> No.17117902

Zoomer males haven't reached adulthood yet and zoomer women are horny.

>> No.17117953

Shitty Harry Potter references, Hawaiian shirt, Top Knot haircut and that tipical millenial beard

>> No.17118079

literally the other way around which you can see in every other post on this board

>> No.17118094

>Top Knot haircut
Is this still a big deal? Do a lot more Millennials go for that instead of Zoomers?

>> No.17118394 [DELETED] 

They're annoying and refuse to grow up, the insert themselves in our spaces then shit the place up

Also this lmao

>> No.17118400

i live in la and very rarely see it

>> No.17118406
File: 2.10 MB, 2059x3067, 1646240794706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They refuse to grow up and attempt to insert themselves into our spaces to feel young and hip

Also this, millennial losers, particularly the type that browse this site, love to creep on younger people because the ideals presented by alternative zoomers are something which millennials desperately craved yet were never able to actually have, as they were living in the shadow of gen x which kickstarted basically every alternative trend we still have derivatives of today

They're also just annoying, and get off on being annoying. Are you really surprised we don't want you around?

>> No.17118437


>> No.17118599

>Also if you are close to 30 you grew up in a totally different era, so obviously it's easy to spot, no matter how much time you spend online trying to catch up with trends
Not really, both groups spent their teens growing up in recessions and with functionally the same kinds of social media.

>> No.17118617

Blah blah blah I'll just throat fucked your sister while you get groomed on discord.

>> No.17119394

post bussy

>> No.17119418

That's a genX thing. GenY got Nirvana as a thing that happened in the past.
So we kinda don't really care that much.

>> No.17119832

>isn't the zoomer "taste" homemade stick-and-pokes and just lots of mini tattoos spaced super far apart?

I remember this being a thing on this board back in 2013. Weren't zoomers babies/little kids back then?

>> No.17119848

>that's still in line with their travelling aspirations


their travel aspirations are gay bullshit that was sold to them as both a substitute for a family and a religion. they are not living an examined life.

i have sympathy for them, though, because of this: working a job feels like and is a waste of your life.
in the past the trade you were making was you had a wife and kids to look after so you could work that job and it wasn't all bad.
but what the fuck does a millennial have?
fucking nothing. it's either they give themselves a trip to look forward to or they rope.

>> No.17121242

The basedface

>> No.17121336

damn did a millenial fuck ur boyfriend or something
or did u forget to take ur estrogen today

>> No.17121358

A millenial pumped and dumped him, and told him he'd never be a woman before he left.
He's still grieving and he has to vent on here instead of discord because zoomer platforms have no room for honest expression.

>> No.17121360

it takes time for relevant inner city trends to reach flyover states

>> No.17121372
File: 21 KB, 440x440, Michael Portillo Train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they give themselves a trip to look forward to or they rope
ah yes, the urge to puncture prejudice repeatedly in the arse; i know it well!
ah hahahahahaha a hahahahahahaha
ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.17121760

never heard of this, i'm not buying your used sneakers

>> No.17121800

I know this may be a novel concept to a drooling retard like you, OP, but people actually look older as they become older.

>> No.17121998

Your old. Just live with it.

>> No.17122021

There's a reason why for instance the type of music you hear during your teenage years is going to stuck with you for the rest of your life.
The way that trends/media/entertainment etc hit you when you're a kid/teen is completely different than the way it hits you when you're an adult.
You can spend all day trying to catch up with all the trends, the way that is going to hit/connect with you is not the same as a teen that is living it for the first time.
Zoommers clearly have a point on millenials refusing to grow up and trying to cosplay as one of them, unironically being the new "how do you do fellow kids"...

>> No.17122060

>Zoommers clearly have a point on millenials refusing to grow up and trying to cosplay as one of them

You wish.
Millenials don't "cosplay" as zoomers, they just never stopped following the trends (unlike previous generation who were stuck in a style).
Millenials were a generation where you didn't have 1 style but multiple niche styles, it's the hipster generation. And everything zoomer wear is designed by millenials, so fuck off.
You don't own todays fashion, you will own nothing anyway, you're the cuck generation.

>> No.17122064

they are right, teens are literal children and it's beyond archaic that the age of consent hasn't been raised to 21 yet

18 year olds CANNOT consent to sex with a man over 25 because of the inherent age power dynamic

>> No.17122079
File: 144 KB, 799x1200, 4633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's around 16 in most of Europe, so fuck off, bruh.

>> No.17122080

Your seething posts clearly say otherwise...

>> No.17122090

You're the one who seethe, fragile zoomer.
>don't fuck "our" girls
>don't wear "our" clothes
>don't come to "our" festivals
Like you created them. Name one festival a zoomer created. None. You go to festivals we created and we just stayed there.

>> No.17122120

Imagine caring about what "zoomers" think. Literally the most brain dead, fragile, and unoriginal generation.

>> No.17122135

Real question how do you spot zillenials.

>> No.17122138

Wait raising age of consent is actually catching on, what the fuck. No, no! Also if you're a chick you unironically will never look hotter than you do at 19, so fuck off.

>> No.17122232

Stop being brainlet and mixing the entire thread with my posts.
All I said itt was millennials and zoomers grew up with different cultural references etc and there's clearly a generational gap (ex tik tok gen vs instagram gen), so op shouldn't be surprised that a millennial can be instantly spotted among a group of zoomers. And obviously we are ignoring the fact that by looks alone, and doesnt matter how well preserved you are, it is super easy to spot someone that is in their teens/early twenties from someone that is 25+.
Keep seething and making we wuz king tier post pretending that millennials invented everything, but you can clearly see that some millennials are having an hard time accepting that they are getting older, such as op's post, you seething, guys like Hasan Picker still dressing up like a teen, btw that's what I meant by cosplaying as a zoomer, when you see a 25+ trying to dress up as a teen, I wasn't mentioning a specific trend.

>> No.17122269

>you can clearly see that some millennials are having an hard time accepting that they are getting older, such as op's post, you seething, guys like Hasan Picker still dressing up like a teen

That's where you're retarded.
As if Hasan Picker wakes up every morning thinking he will copy zoomers. As if he is coping and seething... When did he lie about his age?
He just dress as he always as a adds new trends he likes. He doesn't copy zoomers, it's pretty much the other way around.

You copy us, you copy the baggy pants from early 2000, you copy "dad shoes", and now you FRAGILE ZOOMERS are crying because you look like us and you want us to dress like something else?
Like what exactly? Like 30 years olds boomers from last decade? Things we never worn before in our lives basically?

>> No.17122278

1.7 actually, women don't have a X-chromosome

>> No.17122358

ok groomer

>> No.17122365

It's baffling how completely spooked some people have become by completely transparent marketing nonsense.

>> No.17122371

obviously not illegal but i sure hope you don’t complain about grooming

>> No.17122387

grooming is normal jfc, it used to be called courting.

Women and beta males hate seeing a man use his resources to get young pussy


>> No.17122424

yes, seeing someone buy pussy is unnerving, hence why prostitution is illegal in much of the world

>> No.17122440

There are more people with intersex conditions than there are red heads
Female athletes are 140x more likely than the general population to have a DSD (difference in sexual development)
Men have had children and later in life had to get a hysterectomy
Tl;dr organic life is fucky and produces a lot of retards (like u lmfao gottem)

>> No.17122443
File: 70 KB, 1024x995, 1653693827266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're still objectively male and female, retard

>> No.17122446

Because they look 30+?
Not to mention the non-stop bitching.

>> No.17122449

>There's only two genders
That's not something a millennial would ever say.

>> No.17122451


>> No.17122459

Gen X here.
Honestly, millennials are the most ridiculous generation complaining about boomers but being literal hippies.
On the other hand I'm honestly surprised how well zoomers turned out.

>> No.17122462

Nigga how the fuck is an intersex person objectively male or female

>> No.17122469

By having or not having an Y chromosome.
t. biologists

>> No.17122482

>The X chromosome is not a "female" chromosome and is present in everyone. The presence of a Y chromosome denotes male sex.
>Usually, a female baby has 2 X chromosomes (XX) and a male has 1 X and 1 Y (XY). But in Klinefelter syndrome, a boy is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome (XXY).
>Boys and men with Klinefelter syndrome are still genetically male, and often will not realise they have this extra chromosome, but occasionally it can cause problems that may require treatment.
every single cell that makes up your body is male, or every cell that makes up your body is female

>> No.17122488

When sexual development is highly disturbed chromosomes don't have a determining role and you have to look at phenotype if you want to apply a sex. Take testosterone-resistant XY individuals, since they effectively don't have testo they look like women with various health complications.

>> No.17122490

There's a lot more intersex conditions than these
Intersex is a genuine condition taken seriously by real biologists.
Doctors historically have been retards about this. Look at "John Money" and what he did to David Reimer. He was convinced that he could fix the genital abnormality by surgery and forcing him to have sex with his brother while he was a child.

>> No.17122500

Oops, I'm retarded
Reimer was a botched circumcision lmfao

>> No.17122502

these are issues with genital development
idk if the intersex label overrides chromosome assignment

>> No.17122544

Bro no one cares about millennials. Get over it. You're a lost generation.

>> No.17122589

MILLENIALS, they literally gave us the millenium, instead of calling us Yoomers.

Zoomers like gen-X are the generations no one gives a shit about. Gen Alpha will be better as they come from millenials.

>> No.17122614

the millennium would've happened anyway, time continues to progress regardless of the current generation, generally speaking.

>> No.17122904

>yes, seeing someone buy pussy is unnerving

everything is transactional

>> No.17123001

Zoomies have tiktok playing in their head

>> No.17123011

>there's only 2 genders
Pretty much. Older zoomers are apathetic doomers. Younger ones don't even know what gender is

>> No.17123021

Your 'style' is a meme

>> No.17123022

Do you have a vague urge to punch a poster? Chances are they're a zoomer

>> No.17123037

the urge goes away instantly because they wouldnt fight back, at worst would start filming

>> No.17123214

You are either quoting some liberal arts bs or mixing homo sapiens with bees.
Yes, intersex conditions are taken seriously, yet the Y chromosome still determines wether it's a man or a woman with intersex conditions.

>> No.17123384

do you mind if i save this image to my desktop? this is cool

>> No.17123397

Nope, I'm just considerably smarter than you!

>> No.17123400

>intersex exist
>therefore being an autistic porn addict with a fetish is just as valid

that doesn't follow, bro.

>> No.17123454

How the fuck are they supposed to dress? Like 1950s fedora wearing lovers? Your mad at millenials for wearing flannels and baseball caps ? Fucking idiot. You probably don't even know if your a boy or girl and Zoom zoom females, however they identify as, throw themselves at us in bars and the the club because you little queers are afraid of wet puss.

>> No.17123457

You dress how we did in elemtary and middle school. And Gen Xers are still out here dressing like fucking limp bizkit and going to The Weeknd concerts so eat shit and post bussy.

>> No.17123458

Faggot who can't compete with real men or ugly roastie who has hit the wall

>> No.17123560

All of that and yet you will still never be a woman.

>> No.17123578

Idk but most zoomers seem to want to have sex with me. Its weird.

>> No.17123584

Of course teens are retarded but so are most adults. Consent laws will never be perfect.

>> No.17123593

The funniest thing is that aoomers will be doing the same thing to them when they turn 30.

>> No.17123597

nice bait but i have less "power" at 31 than i did at, say, 14
i used to be someone, but now i'm just a friendless nonentity dying in slow motion

>> No.17123614

>18 year olds CANNOT consent to sex with a man over 25 because of the inherent age power dynamic

ever year you raise it isn't actually protecting the woman.
it's the opposite - she is still going to fuck. you're are partnercountmaxxing her.

ie. maximizing the amount of sexual trauma she experiences in her lifetime rather than minimizing it.

>> No.17123834

This didn't happen.

>> No.17123943
File: 717 KB, 924x387, 6989615E-A8C4-449D-ADFC-EB4C6CEADEDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you virtue signaling for right now? It’s an anonymous image board.

Are you going to screenshot this and show it to some zoomer girl you are trying to fuck?

>> No.17124100

>zoomers how do you spot millenials
Ask ya mum m8, fukin rekt.

>> No.17124174

i don't even agree with that guy but god forbid people have principles that aren't just for show

>> No.17124175

women should be married off by their fathers at 15-16 and be having kids at 17-19

>> No.17124191

as long as you don’t hesitate to say that in front of 15-19 year old girls that’s fine by me

>> No.17124405



>> No.17124526

actually, prostitution is legal in every country, it's called marriage
you must be unnerved 24/7, also acting like there are no male prostitutes

>> No.17124538

They know when I tell them, zoomer e girls love a daddy

>> No.17124543

>"wow there's more than 2 genders
>"okay what's your gender
>99% says male or female

>> No.17124544

Women hook up with older men, that’s how it fucking works. Zoomers will get their turn soon enough. The girls on yo ur social circle belong to strong millennial men. Again, you’ll get your turn soon enough. Just be ready when you hit 27 to start plowing easy pussy. It happens to every generation

>> No.17124631

i openly say that and that women shouldent vote at my office and the majority of women giggle, you can get away with murder if youre 6'4 and not bald