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File: 316 KB, 954x796, shit tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17061410 No.17061410 [Reply] [Original]

cant wait for tattoos to die out as a trend and for old zoomers to be completely ashamed of their retarded permanent shit

>> No.17061412 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 1041x1302, 1652150031037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so obsessed?

>> No.17061431

>tattoos as a trend
The GG Allin style doodles look stupid on most people though.

>> No.17061438

theyre trendy. a huge percentage of zoomers have or plan to get tattoos. not so tthe case 30 or 40 years ago. and even further back it wouldve been unthinkable to have your son or daughter come home and show off a piercing, let alone a tattoo.

>> No.17061455

Old timey tattoos on younger people are so damn cringy

>> No.17062341

LMAOOOO a walking billboard for assassin's creed of all things...

>> No.17062343

I buy a special paper for temporary tattoos, I print my own designs, I try to use them on my neck and hands and I go out to slay. I never intend to permanently scratch my skin like an idiot kek

>> No.17062349
File: 24 KB, 500x620, nadine4-e1578951253934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayyy lmao

>> No.17062363


>> No.17062366

The tattoo removal business is constantly growing so old zoomers will have a way out (at a painful and expensive price)

>> No.17062367

Isn't that amount of ink unhealthy for the body? Looks cul anyway

>> No.17062369
File: 35 KB, 562x237, scythian-warriors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can something that has existed as an art form literally back to the earliest humans be considered a "trend"

>> No.17062400

aahh ouch owie!

boomer detected

>> No.17062404
File: 45 KB, 540x339, me-inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some trends last longer than others

>> No.17062408

You just know she was abused as a child, probably by her father.

>> No.17062413

Different anon here. That's the stupidest shit I've read on this board in a hot minute.

>Hurrrrrr some trends last forever, but trust me they are trends hurrrr

If tattoos date back to our earliest ancestors, It's not a trend or fad. It's a societal norm. For as long as your sons breath, and their sons, and their sons, and so on; there will always be people getting tattoos. That isn't a trend, retard.

>> No.17062417


because everyone has them and they're not cool anymore.

>> No.17062421
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, 278187817_310767821140163_4427508308046092175_n.webp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17062433

you are unfathomably stupid and you fall for every meme someone shills u if they tack on based and tradpilled to the end

>> No.17062434


stay mad degen lol

>> No.17062440

they wont be the human brain doesnt work like that. skin cancer gonna skyrocket soon tho with all the heavy metals beneath people's skin

>> No.17062525


>> No.17062562

That's sick
The problem is he was a warrior. Dumb kids with social anxiety aren't, if they get cool tats they're still the same guy who freezes when talking to a girl

>> No.17062587
File: 160 KB, 792x1024, ETQJR6tUUAUQE1j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize how much your post smells like projecting?

>> No.17062602

I bet you could dip a quill pen into her lymph nodes and write with it.

>> No.17062604

That should just be the react when seeing shit like that. Just see some random person like that and go
>I'm sorry you got sexually abused as a child.
They'll probably have a seizure because everything they hear in their life implies people don't have pattern recognition and can't make predictions based on how someone looks.

>> No.17062650

are you okay?

>> No.17062653

Holy shit you're a fucking retarded socially isolated faggot, probably a jew too like ben shapeepee

>> No.17062658
File: 867 KB, 2560x1707, 130328-place-beyond-the-pines-he-said-tease_il53qq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is probably scared of the sight of vaginas like ben shapiro is

>> No.17062659
File: 119 KB, 1296x1604, IMG_20191231_001344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17062672

No, I was raped.

>> No.17062700
File: 95 KB, 720x960, df0e39459619069568949ed49781db0d--beard-haircut-hot-beards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17062703

That guy had a perfect physique and he went and ruined it with scribbles. What a fucking shame. Many such cases

>> No.17062705

>gets illuminati tattoo
>"yeah bro I totally love conspiracy theories"
>oh have you heard of this theory as to why so many kids are missi-
>"whoa bro, that's like, not true and kind of antisemetic"

>> No.17062709
File: 825 KB, 2400x2328, shiaohshit-tile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17062928
File: 197 KB, 2500x1645, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tattoos aren't trends. certain styles might come and go, but tattoos in general aren't new and aren't going anywhere.
I really don't understand people's hang-ups about tattoos. no one's gonna force you to get them.

>> No.17063290


He did that for a movie

A fucking movie, a bad one actually lmao

>> No.17063298

why do incels get so worked up by other people's tattoos?

>> No.17063390

This, holy fucking shit it's always the same thread every 2 days,both here and on /fit/ people seething because some of us have tattoos.

>> No.17063425

>"waaaaah I'm not cool enough to pull even a good one off, so they're bad!"

Same shit all the time with you lot

>> No.17063526

I think this has to go down as the worst tattoo mistake of all time

>> No.17063713

It's basically the same as the FPH threads on /fit/ - fat people and tattooed people both shamelessly pollute everyone's view in public, while having the audacity to act as if they're doing nothing wrong. It's disrespectful and disgusting and thus causes seething.

>> No.17064443

Do you really get upset seeing random people walk around in public? Christ.

>> No.17064447

Yeah but the volume by which this trend has grown has accelerated through the fucking roof since the 2000s. Also I don't think my anglo sailor ancestors were getting fucking pokemon balls and cringey band symbols tattood on their arms

>> No.17064450


>> No.17064477

Tattoos (and piercings) are now quite mainstream and are considered expressions of not only personal taste and belief, but even art ("body art").

>> No.17064497

Honestly the fact you give this much of a shit and are crying about it makes me want to get even more lol. Tattoos have been a thing for decades in the modern world, so long as you don't cover your neck and hands and shit, no one gives a fuck. But here you are, whining and yelling at clouds at just another thing people do. Talk about a lack of character. I work in IT and am perfectly fine with the shit I have, I even have bosses with finger tattoos that drive fucking 2022 S Coupes.

You cry about trends, yet you post in a fashion bulletin board. Examine yourself, worm.

>> No.17064500
File: 360 KB, 580x799, DA37A632-80D4-4371-BDE7-C371980AA3F4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a trend or fad. It's a societal norm.

>> No.17064506
File: 167 KB, 802x959, 3000BC tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5000 year of on going culture at least
Bad news for ya buddy. Also >>17063805

>> No.17064521
File: 85 KB, 602x900, bodybuilder-shower-12102944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people watch this grifter. Other than to kek at the video of him saying he wants to fuck his cousin.
Do people actually like when people say
>"Current trend, also go to my patron and donate to my YouTube"

>> No.17064670

I hope there will be new and better tattoo removal tech. I want more tattoos but I have some tattoos I want to change to a different style

>> No.17065009

I do. Subhumans naturally disgust me.

>> No.17065010

Don’t worry they’re basically dead. Trust me I used to do fashion forecasting

>> No.17065148

Because trends are not persistent. They come in waves. Tattos may be cool now but at some point in time they will stop being cool and further in the future they will be cool again.

>> No.17065171

I hate them as well, but they are very useful at a glance you can tell who is a retard who failed the IQ check.

>> No.17065210
File: 92 KB, 672x791, Yakuza-gang-members-pose-for-a-photograph-that-shows-their-traditional-irezumi-tattoo-designs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gang of criminal brothers that have tattoos as cool as this
how come Japan is the only one that perfected criminal tattoos?

>> No.17065380

did this retard cut one of his fingers on purpose?

>> No.17065386


>> No.17065399

Chicks with extensive tats have herpes and other pain in the ass STDs, I speak from experience. I don't fuck girls with tats anymore, but if you do, have fun fucking up your gut every month with antibiotics.

>> No.17065400

Why does does it look like the bottom middle one is eating the other dude's ass

>> No.17065468

his nose too
>there are at least 5 people in latam who did this shit
then people wonder why the Right is kinda making a comeback

>> No.17065474

"for the impure,all things are impure"
its only there if you choose to see that

>> No.17065512

Why do you care about someone else future regrets?
Seriously, I'm one of those that thinks that most tattoos look like shit, but tattoo haters are way more cringe than basic bitch tattoos.

>> No.17065526
File: 430 KB, 800x955, postman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irezumi tattoos in japan mimicked the art before its association with criminals. when japan opened up to the west and old traditional practices were cast aside (banned) it became something exclusive to criminals

>> No.17065913

honestly, do you not? I get upset when I see litter and stuff like that as well. I can see someone getting upset at people too

>> No.17065968

That sucks. They look neat.

>> No.17066112

Wasn't aware ink on your skin directly correlates with sociability. This line of thinking has always been farcical but c'mon with this shit.

>> No.17066195
File: 38 KB, 543x543, love pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is no different than the
> Trust me guys I have a girlfriend. You wouldn't know her she goes to another school

>> No.17066202
File: 24 KB, 521x411, b55ae0eaad7db46c6f443a64ba0328a7e2d1f5e95ad6f65dbc792fdec3bda057_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of cognitive dissonance. They can't comprehend how people with tattoos are doing well in life whilst they shit post on an incel forum about being a kissless hugless virgin
>Knew a guy who would rage irl when he saw tattoos. Eventually found out his mother used to beat him for doodling, telling him "drawings will get him nowhere" now he's a dead end Amazon worker who is basically like the point I made earlier

>> No.17066712
File: 31 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos have been apart of human culture for thousands of years and you're waiting for them to "die out".
Good luck.

>> No.17068341

It demoralizes me when I see a certain percentage of minorities in a day, or really fat people or just plain trashy people.