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16005128 No.16005128 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from being tall, rich, good looking and yada yada

>> No.16005129

Ehat ever they follow on instagram.

>> No.16005137

You could try being nice to them they’re really fuckin sad all the time

>> No.16005155


Alt girls love broke skater boys, who will manipulate them and make them order off the dollar menu, bc they have low self esteem

>> No.16005166
File: 625 KB, 500x558, dbcf0ad9b798635fb3f23299d86e65b5b34173fb_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're looking for a degenerate dad figure

>> No.16005169

op theyre probably depressed, diagnosed with a million disorders and mentally ill, just a warning

>> No.16005170

Can confirm

>> No.16005212

Honestly just being a funny decent guy who isn't a push over is the secret. Be good at conversation, keep it flowing keep it light.

>> No.16005221
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definitely an edgy look with tats, piercings, earings, long hair etc

>> No.16005255
File: 142 KB, 332x332, D_pMhXgUIAAI-nw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm

>> No.16005259

It’s actually probably better if you’re kinda ugly if you wanna date them they’re so insecure

>> No.16005286

Dudes rock

>> No.16005292

rodrick from diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.16005300
File: 65 KB, 720x720, 1613323712317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dudes rock 2021
dudes will always rock
eating off the dollar menu alone...
is not as great

>> No.16005366

the dollar menu is pretty good

>> No.16005621

alot of them don't like being around nice people which is usually how they end up they way they do

>> No.16005733

Simple streetwear. Not like, street wear brands or anything, but like, jeans and sneakers and a tank top + a beanie. There you go. Quit overthinking it

>> No.16005778

Boss perfume
Boss suit
Mercedes/BMW car
Glock or Walther gun

>> No.16005866

This is true, I pulled my PPK out when I was with a qt alternative girl and she fucked me almost immediately

>> No.16005886
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i pulled out a desert eagle and she screamed

>> No.16006417

haha, me

>> No.16006451

wrong. they're sad all the time and they like being around sad people.
be a nihilistic cunt all the time and you're gonna drown in pussy

>> No.16006461
File: 998 KB, 1440x2560, 1603643712304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there's particular styles they dig. Most of them like streetwear but I've had quite a lot of success and I dress sleaze.

>> No.16006463

actually all you really need is the tall part, good looking isn't necessary if you can play off a sleezy artist/musician aesthetic pretty well

>> No.16006475
File: 70 KB, 736x864, D44D525F-63FE-4B42-815B-27E9B239005B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should’ve heard that bitch moan when I pulled out my M60

>> No.16006789

this. egirls are mentally fucked and only go for equally degenerate men, or black dudes. No between

>> No.16006844

lmao cope. if that was true all of you neckbeards would have a depressed egirl gf.

>> No.16006908

>actually all you really need is the tall part, good looking isn't necessary if you can play off a sleezy artist/musician aesthetic pretty well
why do people always think attractiveness matters so much with women
its such bullshit
confidence and charisma is everything for getting anything other than a womans eye for a few seconds before you talk

>> No.16006919

that only works till 27-28 then most women figure it out

>> No.16006920

Tall white lean good jawline

>> No.16006947

fr im always seeing hot alt girls w dumpy guys

>> No.16006980

I think you missed the part where they prefer tall, rich, and good looking

>> No.16006998

Yeah they want someone trashy

>> No.16007487

I was getting fuck me eyes from heaps of alt girls (as well as all women more than usual) after a job interview in my city centre wearing the most boring shit, corporate blue button up, slacks, leather shoes

>> No.16007525

Can confirm, my supervisor once even came to 'mire my shirt by touching my chest until she realized and backed off before others would notice. And i'm not even that well built i just wear my clothes properly.

>> No.16007541

I have slept with girls predicated on nothing besides attractiveness but to be fair, they're usually bisexual so safe to assume they're just sex pests and not normal.

>> No.16007584

hot alt girls cheat a lot, go fuck them behind their bfs back. its the chad move

>> No.16007593

Can confirm. Solid 9/10 sad edgy witch girl goes out with fried-hair vegan bisexual e-boy, comes home with thighs covered in black bruising "I didn't like it but he's so cute uwuwuwu He was just wasted haha he drinks PBR"

>> No.16007653

>5'10" gymcel manlet
No hope for me with one of these girls, is there?

>> No.16007658


>> No.16007666

If you're over 5'7" and still can't get laid it's all on you.

>> No.16008703

Good chad facial aesthetics/handsome facial aesthetics, good skin, good hair, good clean shaven or good facial hair and nice teeth is important bro

>> No.16008723

most these girls post about and follow the meme of dating "skinny white boys with messy hair" I don't know why but alt girls always make posts about them on tiktok and twitter even though most of them are super political and hate "white people".

>> No.16009167
File: 180 KB, 1600x1594, Astral Chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtually this >>16007666 I'm 5'5 and have had quite a lot of sucess. Unironically being yourself as in a individual with thoughts and feelings is attractive. Stoicism has no place in the modern world people already don't feel.

>> No.16009205
File: 635 KB, 1113x1313, made you look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tall, rich, good looking chads that are the slightest bit alt (but barely)

>> No.16009222
File: 954 KB, 1440x1909, Screenshot_20210304-115501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, most alt girls are looking to live a aesthetic. I skate and had a lot of experience with alt girls, most of them are just really toxic In how they perceive their opposites. So they would rather have for example a partner that smokes,skates,takes drugs and just basically is the impersonation of having no interest in living a productive life and just drowning themselves away in their own pity.
Sure, there are some expeptions for sure. But i'm just talking about my own experience with those girls. Don't let someone boil your personality down to a skateboard, a pack of cigarettes and some depressing music.
I think the best way to get a girl interested is to express your personality/interests with your clothing, it's not easy of course but with some time and experimenting you'll surely get a nice balance. That's me in the picture just wearing things i bought in second hand stores or ordered them from second hand site to keep myself a little safer.

>> No.16009224

The main part that makes you seem more attractive is the confidence that comes with feeling comfortable in the clothes your wear.

>> No.16009705

This, I'm 5'9, alright looking and have plenty of success.

>> No.16010298

>6'2" (~184 cm)
>210lbs (90 something kg) and built
>Try to go for well dressed motivated look
>Ride a motorcycle, have permanent scowl and always busy due to career
>Make sure to always take the lead and look directly into people's eyes during conversations
>Have art hoe fetish
>Always get rejected
>Unpopular girls, nice girls and Golddiggers line up to get my attention but it really isn't my thing
>Get sad that I can't slay art hoe pussy but w/e
I know it's stupid, but I'd go with whatever some other anons said about being a depressed dickhead. They are self sabotaging and loathing, so don't go in expecting anything else than ass.

>> No.16010689

imagine describing yourself like this

>> No.16010692

Man puts on a permanent scowl for a tough guy look. Obviously he takes himself too seriously and is pretty far up his own ass.

>> No.16010715

I am a twink that gay guys find attractive and the only girls I match with on tinder are "alt" girls.
I mostly wear vintage stuff that doesn't look too gimicky and band tees

>> No.16010727

Jesus we got a BIG DICK SMOKER HERE!

>> No.16011284

Don't these type of girls idolize Timothée
chalamet, tiktok boys/tik tok twinks and 90s actors?

>> No.16011309

figure out what? women expire at 30.

>> No.16011907

I want an alt/goth/arthoe gf, but just in looks.
I don't need emotional baggage or broken personalities.
Why do all sane people dress so boring?

>> No.16011940

FPBP, girls and their stupid addiction to instagram will mostly like what is there

>> No.16012578

tough luck then. girls are socially intelligent enough to understand that the way they dress sends a message about what kind of person they are. normie high esteem girls who think they're a prize to anyone who gets w them would NEVER wear that lil peep thrifted type aesthetic in public

>> No.16014085

just get a piercing, makes me look like a goblin and alt bitches are into that

>> No.16014628

Muscles, success, status among peers. Just because she dresses different doesn't mean she is different.

>> No.16014638

>I don't need emotional baggage or broken personalities.
Hold yourself to a high standard, don't settle for shitty girls and if you are a good guy you will attract a good girl.