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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15995904 No.15995904 [Reply] [Original]

How do i dress like a BAD BOY?

(without the cringe)

>> No.15995906

just watch his video

>> No.15995907
File: 110 KB, 670x423, hybridmoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man on right looks like he rides a cool motorcycle

>> No.15995911
File: 69 KB, 512x512, chadsexcore3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try the bad boy chad sexcore style, bro

>> No.15996038


>> No.15996048

What's the name of this recurring model guy I've seen in SEXcore postings in /fa/?

>> No.15996068


>> No.15996077

SEX from India <3

>> No.15996108


>> No.15996247
File: 117 KB, 600x400, jeffrey-dahmer-115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nice guy looks like Jeffrey Dahmer and the bad boy like a try hard manlet fag.

>> No.15996257

Daniel Fuchs (pronounced "FUCKS")

>> No.15996276
File: 84 KB, 540x720, tumblr_a5beaf3da4373c79e9c073756d784398_5111674f_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15996365



>> No.15996378
File: 261 KB, 1200x600, badboypack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15996420

this guy WILL touch your thigh at the end of your first date at the malt shop he's dangerous

>> No.15996458

what age is the sexcore cutoff?

>> No.15996463

why do they all hold their bags like this
it seems wildly impractical for no reason

>> No.15996482

cause theyre not 15yo to "wear" a backpack
jfc "fashion" forum

>> No.15996483

speak english please

>> No.15996499


>> No.15996506

The Athlean X of so called fashion.

>> No.15996507

doubt it bro
at least early 30s and turbo chads can rock it in their 40s

>> No.15996540

This guy is 169 cm by the way, the amount of cope he uses up in his "being short benefits" video is insane

>> No.15996563

He knows he's lying through his mouth. But he needs that ad revenue from millions of Indians watching his videos.

>> No.15996650

>This guy is 169 cm
He is shorter than that actually judging by videos of him walking around. Around 160 cm or even shorter. I have friends who are this height and are nowhere that short as this midget.

>> No.15996969

Gotta work with what you have at the end of the day

>> No.15996977

>turbo chad
>40 years old
Chads either die young or age out.

>> No.15997488

>Driving with AF1

I hope it aint stick shift

>> No.15997496

>Not flaring your lads 247
You will never be chad SEXcore

>> No.15997501

***Lats. Sorry, I'm trans if that matters

>> No.15997571


>> No.15997883

Jesus Christ this is painful to look at. I can't tell if this guy really has this little self-awareness or if it's just a massive grift.

I know OP is shitposting but if there are any teenagers in this thread wondering how they can look like a "cool motorcycle bad boy that gets in fights and makes the girl who left you on read notice you" then don't. This isn't fashion, this is a man costume. A tired Holywood trope that turned into a MGTOW/incel trope.

>> No.15997903

I'm sure it's just a persona he plays for the money. He's getting old so soon he will have to pivot his channel to target middle aged men going through their midlife crisis with videos like "How to Make Your Ex Wife Jealous and Have Your Kids Answer Your Phone Calls"

>> No.15997944
File: 143 KB, 1873x1267, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15997953


>> No.15997956
File: 94 KB, 1014x759, exmtNgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15998296

Sexcore actually works better as you get older, up to a point. Guys that cant grow facial hair and look like theyre just out of high school trying to do sexcore are super cringey

>> No.15998311

holy kek

>> No.15998345

when he says boy he means child

>> No.15998388

Fun fact this is Jerry's car he just make George take the fall
(George is based on Jerry)

>> No.15998412
File: 1008 KB, 3664x2940, 0430_nws_rpe-l-stage-tuckerbeathard-02-wl12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15998499

Why will it take 30 days to change clothes.

>> No.15998555

Indians are tiny so it works there lmao

>> No.15998779

George is actually based on Larry David almost exclusively.

>> No.15998839

Athlean x actually has good advice though

>> No.15998876


>> No.15999349

>rides a 500cc cruiser core

>> No.15999362

love from bangladesh <3

>> No.15999382
File: 121 KB, 675x1200, 839v0o9h7oi11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're scared of getting bullied by obese women

>> No.15999468
File: 436 KB, 1182x966, 1425756591251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be very short twink (171cm)
>still somehow taller than this literal bosmer

>> No.15999506

I was actually really surprised to hear this guy recommend volunteering to get that "nice guy" energy out of you and to do actual nice things that way without expecting anything in return. That is genuinely gold star solid advice. Something he didn't mention though is that volunteering is also a great way to meet new people, probably other pretty decent people too(Including women). I may have judged this guy wrong. I would still proceed with caution as so many of these channels rub me the wrong way like they are targeting my inner insecure teenager.

>> No.15999512

>old man larping to old man larping

>> No.15999551

its not just clothes, its the attitude

maybe you should have watched the video

>> No.15999575

>maybe you should have watched the video

>> No.15999576

You are a cringe teenager yourself

>> No.15999605


>> No.15999671
File: 259 KB, 650x637, 53D5CA72-5AD1-4C25-B43C-588DB9B4E7CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing it for free

>> No.15999787

that's just simping

>> No.16000459

How is giving soup to a homeless person simping you brainlet.

>> No.16000463
File: 135 KB, 641x922, tumblr_op5nwkZmcA1vi04izo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do i dress like a BAD BOY?
pic related
chicks dig bare legs

>> No.16000470

Chad Deutsch vs Mutt Midget

>> No.16000476

The outsiders core

>> No.16000512

Then why would they carry a backpack instead of a fucking bag, you dumb faggot?

>> No.16001215

whats wrong with this guys nose

>> No.16001243

Older than you’d think. It takes time to build a physique like that, even frauding

>> No.16001274


>> No.16001278


>> No.16002793
File: 477 KB, 828x1135, 09FD4418-0D75-4FD6-84DF-BCEBB82A7340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take your bad and raise it to evil

>> No.16002797

A real bad boy doesn't sit there and design his fucking clothes like a bitch.
He wears whatever is available and doesn't give a shit how he looks.

basketball shorts and a t shirt with a couple stains or holes.

>> No.16002803

the fuck are you on about? They're good enough for driving with a manual unless it's some ancient defender with a heavy as shit clutch, polo's, 335d's, meganes and clios are just fine with af1's

>> No.16003819


>> No.16003856

Really depends on how you age, but all of the models you see in these pics are in their 30s

>> No.16003861

Memes aside, there is a lot of socially important work that capitalism just doesn't provide, volunteering is a great way to help others.

>> No.16003866

I think you're taking the wrong reading on "bad boy" as if it defines a real, core badness and is not being used to describe a james-dean inspired aesthetic.

Real actual badboycore is a prison jumpsuit.

>> No.16004003

Sexcore works best when you have a job or a steady source of income. IMO trying to pull of SEXcore in highschool or college is a meme, and you'd be better off going for bro-core, skater, or even eboy.

>> No.16005333

I was at a volunteering place for a great deal of time and it was wall to wall stealing, miserable over-sharing workers and customers and grifters.
I did meet a cool old gentleman who would tell comfy tales but no it was largely awful, because these people are all retired and you're just poor.

>> No.16005655

Thanks for the kek

>> No.16005669

>volunteering is a great way to help others
This might come across as edgy or w/e but I don't give a single fuck about others. Working for free is literally retarded. I can see someone volunteering If they don't value their time or most commonly now for virtual signaling.

>> No.16006360

Wow holy shit even in that second pic that's supposed to make him look as good as possible he looks like he'd rape his own mother. Jesus.

>> No.16007894

Just go to jail. Whatever you wear will be on a bad boy on Santa’s naughty-fuck list

>> No.16007907

i get it, i thought this way too as a young man. as you grow up and get some life experience you will understand why empathy is important

>> No.16008043

I still don't understand why she felt the need to highlight him with a red ring. He's the centre of the shot and the only man in view.

>> No.16008055

Imagine the girl with daddy issues you could attract looking like the nice guy and being buff as hell.

>> No.16008149
File: 32 KB, 300x411, 300px-Roose_bolton_by_berghots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself these questions:
What do you consider a bad boy?

>What do you think a bad boy could wear?
-Wear it

>How would that bad boy act?
-Star acting like that

Repeat it until you become it, think of it as an actor preparing for a role and they become that character.

Following these steps you will develop a "bad boy" style based on your own thoughts and not imitating what other "bad boys" do.

>> No.16009005

Imagine all the twinks

>> No.16009115

>If they don't value their time
You're on 4chan you neet

>> No.16009218
File: 45 KB, 288x457, AvengementHeader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16009345


>> No.16009348
File: 198 KB, 806x1048, 1610018966493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have this zoomer girl drawing in pic related?

>> No.16010447

>Not Chad Fuchs

>> No.16011318

aye jubub.com cringe boob.scom cringe