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15969665 No.15969665 [Reply] [Original]

Why do zoomers like to dress like literal clowns?

>> No.15969669

literally raised by ipads what did you expect

>> No.15969670
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't get it

>> No.15969674

those people are 30
Don’t put that shit on us those are your people

>> No.15969686

They are milennials mate

someone seems to be o b s e s s e d with zoomers

>> No.15969688

Christ, this again already?

>> No.15969689

they are 23

>> No.15969691

Groundhog day.

This is the exact same thread 2 weeks or so ago lol. And the same replies.

>> No.15969699

They’re both 30

>> No.15969715

Gets tiresome, it's either sexcore, is this soi, or some zoomer shit constantly getting spammed everyday, think something new up.

>> No.15969726

They are not even people asking the same thing in different ways, it's the same photo and same people and the exact same thread words.

People sure must be bored.

>> No.15969737

Honestly, coming here has just become an habit now, just the pass time but honestly it just makes me more bored.

>> No.15969759

At least you see that. That's what most posters are here, just bored. They resort to shit posting. Attempts to tell them to try and do something else, they don't want to know. It's odd. Any attempt at a serious thread turns to shit.

I check out a handful of other boards at the same time and are usually watching videos or reading something too. No point being bored wasting life when they're so many other things to be doing.

>> No.15969767

Aren't you like in your 40's
Why are you here anyway don't you have a job?

>> No.15969791

I'm 41. Work is less because of the wuhan flu.

But I don't always get this argument. When I was a teenager I wasn't online. Nor in my 20s much. I was out with friends, parties etc.

Wouldn't it make more sense someone in their 40s would be online? The teenagers online 24/7 are the real losers, imo.

If I had a wife and kids, fair enough. But I do not.

To me, it;s more likely older people would and should be online than young.

>> No.15969801

Those are fucking millennials!

>> No.15969805

>is this soi
yah kinda cringe
>some zoomer shit

>> No.15969807

fair enough

>> No.15969819

You claim that going outside as a kid made you better then a teenager that uses the internet 24/7 but you ended up in the same position they’re in at the end of the day but you have no more youth. You’re mad they’re mogging you by being way younger than you lmao. Old heads don’t deserve the internet

>> No.15969831

>but you ended up in the same position they’re in at the end of the day

What a silly argument.

We all end up in the same position. Dead. But before we get there it is the experiences that count and I have plenty.

My teens and 20's were spent at parties, getting drunk, having sex with girls, skating, just having a shit load of fun. Not sat in front of a monitor.

The ride isn't over, but I sure as shit have more of a valid "excuse" to have my butt online than an 18 year old.

>> No.15969834

You’re just doing the same exact thing but old and with less opportunities

Sounds like you fuckin suck more than anything

>> No.15969850

Autism. I replied to this already.

>guy spends his whole life online
>guy spends his whole life not online having fun
>at age 99 he spends his last year online


I've LITERALLY lived 10 times the amount of life every teen here has. You could either learn from that or continue being a whiny little bitch.

The fact that I simply said it makes more sense in a way for someone older to be here and not that I was somehow better means I touched a nerve, in that you know you're a shut in loser.

Well, then fucking CHANGE IT. Don't wet your panties at me crying. Get off your ass and do something about it.

>> No.15969851

Bro you have no children at the age of 40, most women in your age are going through menopause. Good luck with those crazies memories that all us “zoomers” surely don’t have

>> No.15969858

Why are you getting to fucking triggered?

You'll have the memory of being online all your life until 40 and still being single and will continue online. Go you.


>> No.15969862

The point was that we do go outside unless you’re a recluse, then they would’ve done the same internet or not.

>> No.15969864

>go out and
It’s Covid are you senile already

>> No.15969869

Straw men gish gallop

>> No.15969871

Teens are the biggest generation to stay online all the time now. Hours each day. Don't try and change what reality is lol.

Yeah pretending it was different last year and will be different next.

The daily life if you guys consists of each weekend being online.

Look at how mad you are getting over the truth lmao.

>> No.15969872


>> No.15969880

if you’re spending the same amount of time online that makes you a hypocrite

>> No.15969883


Someone asked me about my age and I explained why it was. I never attacked "zoomers" or implied I was better. I never even said it was their fault.

But look how enraged they are. This is why twitter is a shit fest. This is why they ARE in their rooms 24/7 and bitter and angry and pour it out online.

Just turn off. Go out in nature. Take away the bitterness and depression.

>> No.15969889

What? If we were the same age and at the same part of life, then yes. But we're not. I'm not a hypocrite because I wasn't online when younger.

Are you drunk?

>100 year old man tells 18 year old they shouldn't be wasting their life in their room and at a party

Perhaps work on your lack of IQ.

>> No.15969894

not saying you should be at a party, but if you’re saying how bad and poisonous it is to be online so much yet here you are like clockwork that’s hypocrisy

>> No.15969897

Almost as if the snow internet wasn’t around huh? Short story you’re old and coping. Have fun with your no children and no descendants

>> No.15969904

I never said that though, did I? I simply stated I find it odd when people think it's odd that older people are online and not odd when teens are online when I see it differently.

That's literally it.

If you're happy being online, then whatever. Cool. But judging by here, the constant shit posts, coomer threads and so on tell me the people are not happy.

And when I am here, I am trying to be genuine and actually help, not troll and post bullshit HOW DO I GET A G/F LIKE THIS crap.

>> No.15969907

>Almost as if the snow internet wasn’t around huh?

What? The internet was around when I was a teen if that's what you're trying to say.

In fact, you'd need to dial up and go online for e-mail as opposed to checking your cell, so I'd argue it being slower to do things requiring more time to do them then.

>> No.15969910
File: 143 KB, 625x255, Screenshot_2021-02-18 fa - Fashion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you already make this thread?

>> No.15970377

You like to argue that zoomers are wasting their youth glued to the internet, and how your youth was so much better than theirs bc you spend your time outside. But you are failing to see the bigger picture, your comparing your life with zoomers, not ppl your age. Guys in their 40's are creating experiences with their family and kids and yet here you are tripfagging on a Chinese cartoon forum that consists of zoomers. You know this and you choose to be here. It just shows how pathetic you are at this point of your life. You're going to die alone

>> No.15970385

To signal they're ready to suck some BBC and make #snowbunnycheck videos on tiktok

>> No.15970465 [DELETED] 


Even if you were right, it still doesn't change the fact about what I did as a teen.

I didn't even say my youth was so much better, stop making up retarded strawmen. I said it would make more sense that an older guy was here than younger.

I can also tell young people are not happy by their huge mental illness and depression rate. By how they just rant and rage about anything online because they are bitter. I can come to the conclusion them being online 24/7 isn't good for them.

You don't know a fucking buck thirty about my life, dumbass.

I never got a wife when I was younger because I spent many years in other countries in the military. You don't know when you've LITERALLY seen an open head with brains spilling out or kids with their fucking heads sliced apart feels like to drop back into society and start dating.

You don't know a fucking thing about me or about life. All you know is a shut-in teenagers meme view of the world that you get married at x date and have kids at y date when you've probably never even kissed a fucking girl.

>> No.15970468


Even if you were right, it still doesn't change the fact about what I did as a teen.

I didn't even say my youth was so much better, stop making up retarded strawmen. I said it would make more sense that an older guy was here than younger.

I can also tell young people are not happy by their huge mental illness and depression rate. By how they just rant and rage about anything online because they are bitter. I can come to the conclusion them being online 24/7 isn't good for them.

You don't know a fucking buck thirty about my life either, dumbass.

I never got a wife when I was younger because I spent many years in other countries in the military. You don't know when you've LITERALLY seen an open head with brains spilling out or kids with their fucking heads sliced apart feels like to drop back into society and start dating.

You don't know a fucking thing about me or about life. All you know is a shut-in teenagers meme view of the world that you get married at x date and have kids at y date when you've probably never even kissed a fucking girl.

>> No.15970469

shut up

>> No.15970596

Respect and suck the cocks of your elders, son

>> No.15970677

their formative years were the grim dark hellscape of 2008-2015 when every video game, movie and tv show was dark and edgy. So their fashion is an expression of rejecting that.

>> No.15970795
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>> No.15970844

Gotta get in costume if you're gonna live in clown world.

>> No.15971273

>Hayley Williams
>32 years old

>> No.15972173
File: 65 KB, 521x453, 1550022749026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made this thread two weeks ago and got embarrassed faggot. These are not zoomers they are too old

>> No.15972178

>Why do zoomers like to pretend they have mental illnesses
Well they do have them lmao, stay away from any bitch that says she has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

>> No.15972249

Your coping

>> No.15973396
File: 38 KB, 739x415, images - 2021-02-20T023337.094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973400
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>> No.15973403
File: 20 KB, 380x280, images - 2021-02-20T023731.017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973414

it reflects the epoch we live in
fuck off namefag tourist

>> No.15973418

This shit doesn't seem that different from the G4 days on TV millennials should remember.

>> No.15973427

>smartphone era kid gets on internet
>internet becomes worse and more controlled when smartphones come out
>hurrhurr you're too old for internet
>we need to censore the internet

>> No.15973617

They are 22. Stop lying

>> No.15973622

No one is stopping you whiney bitches from starting threads....

>> No.15973627

Dang, are you me Cecil? 39 here

>> No.15973775
File: 171 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210220-091046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973787

based wikifeet user

>> No.15973790

because its a clown world

>> No.15973794

Leftist indoctrination

>> No.15974317

a better question, why south americans are so obsessed with anime and video game culture to dedicate a tv-channel for that stuff?

>> No.15974322


>> No.15974368


>> No.15974369

I watched that channel. It has actually nothing but trashy anime and normie geek talk.

>> No.15975117


for real though. they act like they're so progressive for being open about mental illness, but all they actually do is joke about and trivialize it

>> No.15975123
File: 245 KB, 1280x996, music1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we really pretending that is exclusive to zoomers?

>> No.15975129

op is millenials too

>> No.15975147
File: 149 KB, 800x1000, sos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we really pretending this is exclusive to milennials?

>> No.15975152

unironically fire

>> No.15975160
File: 440 KB, 415x612, 40d428fbd3751c760c297fbf30c4f495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now an 80s punk girls thread

>> No.15975164
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>> No.15975166
File: 49 KB, 828x600, 66e65dc89e227c2b61270f35d28af8f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about 90's punk girls?

>> No.15975167
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>> No.15975168
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>> No.15975169

>them little heroin cigarette legs
break this cutie open like a crab leg lil butter and lemon

>> No.15975174

good enough,
shes cute

>> No.15975183
File: 1.05 MB, 1198x1430, tumblr_ot7chpe2WY1ruwynjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kim is precious.

>> No.15975186
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when no punk gf

>> No.15975205

Go to a local punk show and find one. They're just like normal girls but with spikier hair and worse hygiene.

>> No.15975884

>Go to a local punk show and find one
You wont find attractive punk girls at a modern punkshow, mostly old married hags in undersized exploited/sex pistols shirts and sweaty bald dudes in their 40's wearing checkered vans and cargo shorts.

>> No.15975928

He didn't say anything about attractive.

>> No.15975976

did she?

>> No.15975988
File: 35 KB, 487x650, kim-royer-rosado-boyertown-pa-photos37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She died 10 years ago.

>> No.15976029
File: 363 KB, 598x620, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right
>mostly old married hags in undersized exploited/sex pistols shirts

>> No.15976036

Because we're in clown world.

>> No.15976863

punk girls? dont you know that techno girls are way cooler in every way now?