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15957342 No.15957342 [Reply] [Original]

Is fat positivity just a cope or do some people genuinely believe they look good being fat?

>> No.15957343


>> No.15957347

If you tell it to yourself long enough and people don't tell you otherwise because they are "being nice" you can end up believing it.

>> No.15957363

>some people
Yes, they're called women and you aren't allowed to tell them otherwise thanks to feminism and pc culture.
You see, no one gives two shits about fat guys so they don't bother with the whole "you're still a beautiful person" crap.

>> No.15957367

It’s like shaming skinny people is fine but don’t you shame the fatties, that’s a sin.
Fat acceptance is fine because the medical industry cannot capitalize on the chronic health problems if they kill themselves or start exercising.

>> No.15957373

i was a tiny heroinchic twink in /fa/ early days but then i went out of my way to gain 70 pounds because i wanted to transition into sleazecore dadbod shit because of strangerthings.

>> No.15957381

Why is this even a question? Look at the moral degradation of society, they're already trying to push the normalization of pedophilia.

>> No.15957391

its cope and understandable
for some it’s an easier pill to swallow, it’s hard to admit to yourself you’ve let yourself go and you have a hard and long path to get to a healthy weight

it’s hard for me to relate because I have an easy time staying low bf, but I wish all fatties the best for trying to get healthy
only the ones that try anyway, don’t care bout the ones that knowingly fall further into the smelly fatty abyss

>> No.15957454

slampigs get the pass

>> No.15957528

>You see, no one gives two shits about fat guys so they don't bother with the whole "you're still a beautiful person" crap

>Hasnt seen all the 90s and early 00s TV shows where fat guys date tiny beautiful women, just cause they are funny/sweet

Shut up idiot being a gross fat pig has been normalized for men AND women and both should stop

>> No.15957538

>normalized for men
maybe on tv but not in the real world

>> No.15957544

I guess we found the fat feminist.

>> No.15957545

You ever outside? Especially in Fatmerica you see just as much fat men as fat women and the funny fat guy is still something that gets fat guys women.
And just look at middle aged couples, i see so many where the guy lets himself go to a fat pig and the woman still holds up, so being a fat sloppy pig may not be "empowering" for men, but its still way to fucking normalized

>> No.15957552

>Points out fat men are just as accepted as fat women and bot his bad
>REEEEE you fat and a feminist

Sorry i hurt your fee fees snowflake

>> No.15957554

>You ever outside?
Ausfag in pozzbourne so not for the past few days, and there's plenty of fat cunts here, but I've never seen them get women that weren't just as fat as them.

>> No.15957557
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>triggered this fucking hard
Guess I hit a nerve.

>> No.15957560

Yeah i guess i hid one with you
Let me guess you a fatso and cant get girls and thats feminisms fault right?

>> No.15957562

cope because they are too mentally weak to lose weight.

>> No.15957564

Yeah i think its more of an US and UK phenomenon and even there i bet you wouldnt see any fat person get laid in say LA.
It comes with people being fat pigs in these countries in general so they push for give them a chance bullshit, no idea if its as bad in Australia

>> No.15957569

fat dudes cant even get laid. like really fat ones. their dicks stop working from type 2 diabetes and their fat pads absorb their cock so its just a soft little cock head poking out of a big old gunt. disgusting

>> No.15957576

True, im pretty sure people that go for fatties have a fetish for that kinda shit in general, so they probably get off by gross shit like that.
I mean, they cant even really clean themselves and shit

>> No.15957582

It was a cope until the mid 2000s onwards. Culturally in Western, specifically Anglo, countries things have shifted in that fat women are desirable and not wanting to date a fat woman is a taboo now. It's progressing for fat men too but a bit slower, you see it with the whole "dad bod" desirability being pushed, men and women who take care of their bodies are described as health freaks and gym bunnies. A guy wants to be a body builder? Oh he's compensating for something like a small dick etc etc.

>> No.15957587
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>The whole world caters to you and yet you still aren't happy
>no matter how hard you try you still hate yourself for how you look
>you lash out at men on an anonymous Tibetan yak grooming forum for daring to disagree with you
>your favorite weapon is a form of reddit tier virtue signaling where calling someone an incel means you've won somehow
Lose weight you fat ugly disgusting cunt.

>> No.15957596

>Imagine being this triggered for saying fat men are gross and normalized too
>Imagine i even read your bullshit

Kill yourself and save us all from your triggered rants snowflake

>> No.15957601

Nobody genuinely believes anyone looks good when they're really fat, except for fat fetish people, but that's a whole different ballpark. It's clearly one of those things where everyone feels so sorry for obese people, especially women, that they make these patronizing comments about them. "Oh my god girl look at you!" That type of shit some attractive girl will say to a 300 lb chick to virtue signal, but there's an unspoken insult happening at the same time.

>> No.15957634
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It's the most ultimate extreme cope and always will be. Give fatties a button that will make them lose weight instantly with no side effects and they would all press it with zero hesitation. You can't purchase fitness, you can't get results quickly, you can't make somebody else do it for you, and you definitely can't fake it. If you're a worthless fat piece of shit with zero impulse control or willpower, then the only remaining option is to cope.

>> No.15957712

>maybe on tv but not in the real world
media sets the status quo for the real world

>> No.15957725

this is the kind of thinspo i'm looking for

>> No.15957766

oh no. u should have gone on hrt

>> No.15957791

>projection, the post
Put your trip back on so we can filter you

>> No.15957809


>> No.15957812

There is a healthy range of body types and sizes, as long as you're within the range its not my place to tell you whether you should lose or gain weight. But if you're one of the extreme outliers (severely anorexic/severely obese) then trying to defend either of these as "beautiful" is immoral, dishonest and dangerous.

>> No.15957822

why do fat people smell so bad
do they not wipe their bums? my old fat flat mate always smelt of poo

>> No.15957829


>> No.15957836


>> No.15957837

even if it was an aesthetic choice it's extremely unhealthy, worse than smoking and drinking.

>> No.15957844

They have a lot more surface area to clean, and most of the sweat and dirt will collect in hard to reach places like trapped in their fat folds. Also chances are they are CONSTANTLY sweating due to being exhausted from having to move around far more bodyweight than the average person.

>> No.15957904

weird unnecessary justification. they don't make the effort to clean themselves, the same way they don't make the effort to not be fat, so they stink. fat people's laziness doesn't end at being fat, it affects every aspect of their lives

>> No.15957940
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I find potbellies to be attractive

Skinny with a potbelly like they’re pregnant is to me the perfect body-type

God bless fat girls and girls with potbellies

God give me skinny girls with big potbellies

>> No.15957942
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I like all body sizes
But in this case I prefer the right one
The fat one

>> No.15957944
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Best personality type

What would nagatoro and konata be on Myers Briggs?

>> No.15957946
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>> No.15959780

>He hasn't met fat fetishists

>> No.15959964

Yet another form of cope, just using more complex mental gymnastics to get there. Yes, fetishes are a choice

>> No.15961176

it's an excuse to stay a lazy fat piece of shit
and a cope

>> No.15961652

Thin women usually like to be gang raped by blacks and are middle class/rich. If you would follow your reproductive instincts you would usually tend to the chubbier side of things, but I guess most of you have pornography induced psychosis.

>> No.15961699

A lie told often becomes the truth. It starts as a cope and spirals out into delusional beliefs that they look good, or that it's healthy.

>> No.15963528
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>fetishes are a choice

>> No.15963540

My attraction to women is a pragmatic choice solely for reproductive purposes. Can’t stand bitches behaviour. Would rather fuck a bro.

hmu with a bodacious tradwife babe who is like a bro if she exists

>> No.15963550


>> No.15963603

there's objectively more fat men than women retard

>> No.15963622

>fat hands typed this post

>> No.15964281

I wish all sexuality was a choice. I'd either go for strong trustworthy men or just turn it off entirely.

>> No.15965068
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This is my wife Erica, she's 6'2 and weights 275 lbs. We want to go to 300 before we try for kids, but I understand that skinny manlets wouldn't be able to handle fottie like her. No shame in that, just hope your proanas won't die during the global famine.

>> No.15965134

I mean, other than caffeine, copium is the cheapest legal drug in the world

>> No.15965452

why am i hard reading this?

>> No.15965477
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Obviously you are a high quality man, one that likes to pamper his woman and spoil her rotten. Let your d guide you, it knows how to make your tribe and progeny survive and prosper.

>> No.15965488
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thanks for the kind words anon

>> No.15965504

obviously a cope

>> No.15965559
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>> No.15965742

No it is a complete cope. Being high body fat decreases facial leanness which hides your facial bones and the proportions between them. It also hides muscle which would otherwise be attractive if it wasn't hidden. It is also a signal of cowardice and weakness because that you still have it implies you have "accepted" and "become content with" it to a degree. This mental cowardice is where the "self-love", "fat positivity" sprouts from. Fat women will then talk about how men desire "thick" woman, but when men say that they really mean high hip to waist ratio. By being high body fat, you are decreasing your hip to waist ratio since your waist is increasing in size.

Being overweight makes it more difficult to make and keep friends because people will reject you/not want to be seen with you; Having no friends or social life leads to boredom which can cause the loner to seek enjoyment through eating too much food. If a person is socially isolated, they will sometimes seek entertainment through eating and other destructive self indulgences (alcohol, drugs, etc.). This causes their appearance to suffer as they gain weight. Being fat damages the loner’s self esteem leaving them less likely to make an effort to socialize. This lack of effort adds to the isolated. Losers continue to gain weight as they age and become more lonely and isolated. Consequences of not having a social circle of friends to hang out with

There are exceptions to every rule. Some overweight people have better than average social skills. however, for every one of these individuals there are 100 fat people who no friends or lives.

People have a tendency to want to rationalize their (destructive) behavior. They are social outcasts who are unable to make friends and find relationships because they are constantly rejected for being overweight. Often their sole pleasure in life comes from eating. They get fatter as they age and more isolated. Normal people don’t live their lives this way.

>> No.15965801

slippery slope cringe