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File: 283 KB, 1768x1469, AB170D66-00EB-48D7-B100-A891C768D4F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15931599 No.15931599 [Reply] [Original]

Are normal conformist people getting fat because of what the media monopoly influences them to do?

Every normie girl on tinder has a fat fetish...

And I love being skinny

>> No.15931601

i wish she would fart on my face

>> No.15931604

normal conformist people are getting fat because they're weak faggots. No normalfags have fat fetishists, just you.

>> No.15931616


>> No.15931624
File: 219 KB, 1024x1179, 8C2BBFE6-DEBD-4357-8F68-EF3C27AD29DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All normalfags have fat fetishes
When have you last seen a fit tomboy?

I hate normies and I don’t have a fat fetish

>> No.15931635

>Every normie girl on tinder has a fat fetish...
Lmao, the US must sound like a fat faggot shithole. I would suggest you move out of there ASAP.

>> No.15931646

I suspect that they are weak lazy shits, and they're using the degenerate media to justify their weakness.

>> No.15931658
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In what fucking world do women find fat guys attractive? Next you'll tell me they like short bald guys too

>> No.15931660

Statistically fat IS "normal", disgusting as that may be. The average American woman has a fucking size 38" waist. I'm a 6'1" guy and at my absolute rock bottom of fatness I was a 36.

>> No.15931685

I find tall fat men attractive at times because it's like getting squished and licked by a giant teddy bear. <3

>> No.15931720


Short, bald and clever. Bitches love it

>> No.15931734

Teddy bears aren’t bags of fat you stupid shit

>> No.15931740

He said women.

>> No.15931743

I am one. Seethe.

>> No.15931747

Teddy bears and fat men are squishy.

>> No.15931750


>> No.15931759

>Bitches love it
They really don't

>> No.15931764

>normie girl on tinder has a fat fetish.
on herself or on a guy? I've never seen this

>> No.15931776
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nothing is more fashionable than a cute tummy poking out of her shirt

>> No.15931779

How can you have a fetish for yourself? How does that even work?

>> No.15931823
File: 7 KB, 176x250, 84751960-5DB4-43C0-9A80-F5FCCE587195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I jack off to myself in the mirror

>> No.15931828

you clearly dont interact with normal people. they'll say fatties are ok to virtue signal but will always salivate over stacy and chad

>> No.15931832

tomboys were genocided by the trans

>> No.15931855

That's not a fetish, that's narcissism

>> No.15931905
File: 320 KB, 971x839, 525D550B-68FA-42D5-84DB-F2A798D529B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only interact with normal people
Now all they want is a twink or tomboy with a potbelly

You know the (((media monopoly))) did this.

>> No.15931911

It’s because a lot of “normal” and even “hot” girls got fat in 2020 with covid and they have the social skills/manipulative attitudes to change the narrative towards chubby girls. I’ve been looking at 30+ girls because they still understand fitness is important but a lot of even skinny young females I meet will have an attitude of body positivity being a make or break thing for them, especially under 25. And I don’t know as well, but It seems like men they’re age are either accepting or tolerant of this fact , which sucks because they’ll keep treating their bodies like shit

>> No.15931973

Goddamn, Belle has really let herself go

>> No.15931978
File: 41 KB, 400x605, 79EA299E-9928-46C0-8A45-77841E18B107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be honest I like chubby NOT obese girls mainly because I enjoy grabbing and squeezing because I have big hands so getting to fill them with soft goodness is nice also grabbing love handles while fucking is great but i didn’t used to be like that, something changed in me when all the ‘thicc’ meme bullshit started spreading I used to like my women a bit taller than me and athletic and now I’m too deep in the architect’s teachings. Pls help me out of it bros

>> No.15932001
File: 131 KB, 750x1182, EC08C6AC-9E69-4BBB-8580-5175AC18AE5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I created the thicc meme.

Think about something else. Dive into a different taste. Imagine the sexiness of what you desire to love.
Make the connection.
Disconnect the connection you don’t want simply by replacing it.
One connection isn’t stronger than another. It’s simply deeper. A tree with more data.
The seed is as strong as the tree. Though the tree may have more old stories to tell... the seed will give you all you wish for. And it will be new and equally as good.... or better? Sometimes old tastes become boring. Maybe a new taste will freshen things up... as well as freshening up the old taste.

>> No.15932018

But that's a big difference between men and women.
The variety of types of women that men are attracted to are much higher than the types of men that women are attracted to.
Are there women who are attracted to fat guys? Sure, but it's a very small number. You can't say the same about men who are attracted to "thicc" women. But remember, you aren't allowed to say that women are shallow or materialistic. That gets you labeled as an incel, or worse.

>> No.15932072

Nah he just has a nice body
Try ezercising and youll understand too

>> No.15932368

Feels like knuckles are rubbing on your rib cage while being skinny, fat.

>> No.15932388

if your waist size is ever bigger than your inseam you need to fist fuck yourself

>> No.15932453
File: 21 KB, 1152x336, thicc_graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc is clearly a psyop, as an example from /vr/, Ion Fury had to desexualize the hell out of their protagonist who was previously a Duke Nukem character and is literally named Bombshell, but then you have Hedon, which got away scot free with having a character in a bikini because she's "thicc".
Pic related is google trends.

>> No.15932658

>Every normie girl on tinder has a fat fetish...

>> No.15933046


>> No.15933095

Fat only looks good through a filter, up close the stretch marks and cellulite from being fat are repulsive. The odour fat people have as well is repulsive, it's a slow creep up that smells of stale snacks.

>> No.15933122
File: 38 KB, 612x612, shaggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. can't get a girl because he looks severely malnourished
it's not that they have a fat fetish; they just don't have a skelly fetish

>> No.15933336

Girls that are otherwise skinny but have a bit of a potbelly or a chubby tummy are fucking top tier.

>> No.15933342

post hairline

>> No.15933478


>> No.15933480


>> No.15933485

people are getting fat because they’re being told to stay home and order food and spaces to go exercise are disappearing

>> No.15933486


>> No.15933494


>> No.15934373

>Now all they want is a twink or tomboy with a potbelly

The fuck are you saying, you fool? Nobody I know wants this. Go outside

>> No.15935219
File: 407 KB, 631x950, B40BC167-ADF5-435D-8FB0-34FACF61D052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to normal people instead of weirdos
Potbellies are a third boob

>> No.15935375

>spaces to go exercise are disappearing
you can literally exercise at home

>> No.15935429


>> No.15935560

Belle Delphine

>> No.15936160

thats not actually belle delphine is it?

>> No.15936234


>> No.15936239

girls rock
i accept my influencer overlords

>> No.15936348

It is

>> No.15936443


>> No.15937016

No it isn’t she still thin

>> No.15937027

You're getting fat because you eat too much food.

>> No.15937430
File: 916 KB, 900x900, 1557091717102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on now phaggot gimme the sauce plz

>> No.15937437
File: 57 KB, 405x443, tummy grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy grabbing and squeezing because I have big hands so getting to fill them with soft goodness
my fucking nigga

>> No.15937850
File: 87 KB, 750x654, 97C9A980-5AC2-47D8-88B4-F6E256EF13D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feederism is the best!

>> No.15938230
File: 36 KB, 680x447, E9259833-25A2-4E11-8991-F179615129AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I’m not the only one

>> No.15938237


>> No.15938264

If you can't do this, it means you have to work out more.

>> No.15938355
