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15930541 No.15930541 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15930620

Garyboldy core

>> No.15930790

N64Controller core

>> No.15930836


>> No.15930839

High test

>> No.15930937
File: 57 KB, 550x467, 1604490559655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the netherlands

>> No.15931074

should I move to the netherlands if i like tall white guys with that hairline?

>> No.15931092
File: 2.49 MB, 640x548, moonmoon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15931253

It's not a specific haircut nor is it necessarily popular. What you have right there is an overgrown buzzcut combined with a low-class Russian phenotype that often comes with a specific pattern of receding hairline.

>> No.15931259

There was a kid who sat in front of me in one of my classes last year who had that. His crown area was dense as could be, but nonexistant past the midway point of his head, but he still let it grow. He also wore suits everyday and had an abundance of funny ties. I wonder if he posts here.

>> No.15931268

pretty based

>> No.15931290

I knew a guy who had this hairline when he was like 14. Poor guy still hasn't let go.

>> No.15931427
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sounds pretty cool

>> No.15931443

the chad embrace

>> No.15931584
File: 40 KB, 752x752, 8C836B42-57A7-4CCB-A3B9-C6642BC7BCEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/M E R Z C O R E/

>> No.15931588

Is every eastern european man lookiong like Nico Bellic?

>> No.15931619


>> No.15931723

High rates of stress, depression, and alcoholism.

>> No.15931817

I guess but in keep in mind they are shy and know nothing about romance. Be ready to be treated the same way as a man and split bills.

>> No.15931820

>Why is this haircut so popular in Eastern Europe?
perhaps drugs like finasteride are just less popular in eastern europe

>> No.15931829

BROTIP: "Eastern Europe" isn't a single monolithic country. Very few people actually look like those tracksuited 90s street thugs every burger likes to meme about.

>> No.15931838

diaspora detected

>> No.15931909


>> No.15931937
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Fukn idiot.

>> No.15932548

Alcohol and Krokodil

>> No.15932702

caring about balding is for home of sexuals
no idea why they refuse to shave tho

>> No.15932773

found the baldie

>> No.15932799
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You are welcome to kiss my solar plexus, little imbecile. I will call him Garyboldy whenever I want.

>> No.15932817
File: 46 KB, 720x540, Сталкер 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pethetic thread. 27 replies and not a single one cares about OP concern. I am a Russian, I will answer your question.
You can not compare West and East Europe. We were never out of war since WW2 and communism, even if the war is only against our own people. Suffering is a deep part of everyones lifes here if you are not a mobster, oligarch or corrupt government official your life is shit. Harsh living conditions start at birth, permanent existential dread starts to set in in teenage years and never goes away. The depression also never goes away and with this depression comes hyperconsciousness. We only see the bad because that is all there is. We have no shiny toys to distract ourselfes and are not as braindead and blind as the West. On one hand you envy them on the other you pity them. We all live in hell, but at least we know it. This leads to a sense of hopelessness, the world did not go to shit since [irrelevant event], it was always and will always be this way. We have to eat shit all our lives and ask for seconds with a smiling face. The suffering is always there. Religion is so strong here because we want to escape but if you see religious leaders driving around in expensive western cars with kilograms of gold on their bodies you become dejected. Working >40 hours a week in a job you hate just to earn barely enough to pay taxes, rent and food sucks away at your soul. But everyone just accepts >40 hour work weeks because they are the most normal thing in the world for them, never questioning how fucked up it is you work more than you have time for yourself, the West especially like said earlier. Physical health starts declining as early as in your twenties, the most cruel illnesses too, they don't kill you, just lower your already extremely low quality of life even further.
Now ask yourself this:Would you care about a vanity like falling out hair with a life like this? When mine did at around 19 years old, I did not and still do not.

>> No.15932818


>> No.15932837

How do I ask for that haircut?

>> No.15932853

Sounds like they know everything about romance, and aren't gullible in the age of equality.
It's a fucking buzzcut.

>> No.15932883

pidoraha cringe

>> No.15933012
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>> No.15933014

go fuck yourself leech

>> No.15933042

how do i fix this bros?

>> No.15933159


It's over

>> No.15933170

That's not a haircut it's just normal guy hair. First you have a normal amount of testosterone and reach age 35-40 or so, and then you cut it short like you always did because you're a guy. Bam, you've got this "haircut" and unless you're a metrosexual pansy nooobody gives a shit.

>> No.15933351

>nooobody gives a shit.
Young girls do

>> No.15933362

dirt genetics make it easy to be a Norwood 4

>> No.15933436

how can people like this guy ?

>> No.15933504


it's a meme for some but the general idea is that him and Macron are a new type of neoliberal leader that take geopolitics seriously (though Merz will probably not be relevant now that he didn't get elected as head of the CDU)

>> No.15933519

if you already have ops pic, then there is not reverting it

>> No.15934319

lmao cheers Vlad

>> No.15934462
File: 12 KB, 287x215, norwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got one spot of hair in the front, kinda like pick related and I wonder if it wouldn't be better to shave that spot off and just buzz the rest.

>> No.15935376

Shave it off, it's over.

>> No.15935912

didn't read lmao

>> No.15936617

my brother...

>> No.15937382

Slavs literally start balding in their teens, so norwooded up hairlines dont matter since every adult male has them and theres less of a metrosexual culture (except among the rich big city teens ofcourse)

>> No.15937589


>> No.15938100

That's called a receeding hairline m8, it's just genetics.

>> No.15939950


>> No.15940471
File: 37 KB, 664x664, gf-UxTh-XYXh-xXZk_mariusz-pudzianowski-664x442-nocrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slav genetics here. There is no escape besides a transplant.

At least infinite slav sleaze potential, and that is fine with me.

I hate this metrosexual rope attitude to male pattern baldness, just play with it, if nothing works just shave it off.

>> No.15940826


>> No.15941053
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Peak masculinity

>> No.15941069
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>> No.15941119

lol you're a fag dude

>> No.15941131

>neoliberal leader that take geopolitics seriously
Funny how you can get away with selling out to the rich if at least you're not selling out to the chinese.