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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 139 KB, 1080x1350, img-51c72327512e27a73b4ad7d14f09ce8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15927288 No.15927288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15927318


>> No.15927330

androgynous male model is face of thinspo

>> No.15927333


>> No.15927336

previous thread: javascript:quote('15907138');

>> No.15927338

Previous thread : >>15907138

>> No.15927347
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, 1612469078784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hair. I love hair

>> No.15927358


>> No.15927391


>> No.15927403

We don't use that word anymore in [current year]

>> No.15927449

not only did op do a thread way, way before the bump limit, that mf didn't even bother to copy&paste the op
shit thread,see you next /thinspo/ thread

>> No.15927468
File: 180 KB, 1091x592, Screenshot 2021-02-05 111625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I would be so excited for a jump rope bros&sisters. I will make a picture of my fat ass today and then in 30 days again. I plan on jump roping 5x a week. If I don't have abs after this imma end my shit then and there. Anything I should know before I start or should I just not overthink it?

>> No.15927520

jump ropes are fun as hell ngl gutes gelingen

>> No.15927522

If you want abs then you should probably also do some abdominal strength workouts too. Like sit-ups or crunches or something like that. But jump rope is a great cardio routine.

>> No.15927810

Do you guys dress in a way that shows you are very slim? I figure girls do it more than guys. I'm a dude on my way from skinnyfat to thinspo and always wear rather baggy clothes, because I like the contrast of baggy clothes ona slim body. I think girls only wear baggy clothes when they got shit to hide, like they are fat or something. I hate skinny jeans from look & feel, but I can imagine buying a slim fitting shirt.

>> No.15927815

agreed on the contrast thing

>> No.15927823

is one meal a day the fastest way to lose ?

>> No.15927903

why would i want to look like that he looks like hes about to get fucked

>> No.15927923

Are you just starting out trying to get thin? OMAD is a rather radical change, that'll frustrate you more than anything else. For starters, just start counting calories and see that you're in a deficit. Calories in - calories out works for everyone. If you're just starting out that alone might make you feel low-energy, but it'll baseline eventually. If you want to go a step further than just a caloric deficit, try intermittent fasting. So give yourself an 8 hour window in which you are allowed to eat and don't eat anything for the remainding 16 hours. And if that is not enough, you might start thinking about OMAD. If you are very obese I'd even advise against the fastest way to lose fat, if you see loose skin hanging off you like sheets you wish you'd stay fat. The fastest way is often times one that isn't sustainable anyway.

>> No.15927942

>he looks like hes about to get fucked
God I wish that was me, haha just joking, lol.

>> No.15927964
File: 50 KB, 615x621, 1612478599039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ate an entire tube of texas bbq pringles ama

>> No.15927977

Are they tasty? An entire tube (200g) is just 1006 calories. I could treat myself to one and still got enough calories left for 200g of chicken or quark. When it comes to Pringles I've tasted all normal flavors, but sourcream&onion is my favorite.

>> No.15927988

Salt and vinegar for me

>> No.15927991

Not really tasty, just addictive

>> No.15928001

i’m 190lbs and i wanna get 150 by the summer. but i’ll count calories like you said
i’m just sick of being disgusted by myself

>> No.15928018

Roast Chicken for me, criminally underrated.

>> No.15928055

>getting thin for girls
>getting thin to feel better
>getting thin to get more confidence
>getting thing to be healthier
cringe and bluepilled
>getting thin so gay thinspo anons say they want to fuck you
based and redpilled

>> No.15928065


>> No.15928089

Have some Timothee Chalamet inspo. Here he was filming for a new movie.

>> No.15928135
File: 406 KB, 1080x673, 20210205_092738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15928136

rope jumping is for little girls
i hope you don't do it in public without a shirt on like those embarassments on youtube

>> No.15928246

stop making these threads gay nobody likes you gays

>> No.15928267

why would you want to look like this? they look like a concentration camp survivor

>> No.15928294

girls universally find him attractive

>> No.15928297

how much heroin does he consume?

>> No.15928305

yeah emphasis on girls. women who arent mature enough yet to see past whatever teen bop magazine is covering this month

>> No.15928345

Do you guys experience low energy and disability to concentrate when on a caloric deficit? I just started this Monday, so maybe it'll go away, but if it doesn't I really need to start eating my usual again. I really can't mess up my apprenticeship like that.

>> No.15928361

of course, retard, what did you expect? don't you know how the human body works?

>> No.15928370

Looks like Margaret Qualley on the left

>> No.15928378

Wtc? Also how do I convince my bf to dress like this?

>> No.15928395

>Timothee Chalamet
The fuck happened to him, looks horrible on the right, like a literal junkie

>> No.15928470
File: 3.53 MB, 3024x4032, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id like to lose a little bit of body fat, anyone have any suggestions for how to do it? i'm assuming i shouldnt be lifting weights. i spent the last year with a normal dumbbell program and definitely got leaner but also have build noticeable muscle/size in my arms and shoulders. at this point i just want to be a bit leaner/skinnier and that's it.

>> No.15928483
File: 39 KB, 863x960, markusruehl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also have build noticeable muscle/size in my arms and shoulders.

>> No.15928488
File: 25 KB, 554x467, FB_IMG_1610723169005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>people at streets calls me fattie
>quarantined so I must do something
>drinking only water
>cutting all sugar
>eating veggies
>cutting fried shit and snacks
>feeling better
>le pandemic decreased so start walking
>1 month walking
>feeling good man
>go to store
>people at streets calls me skinny fag

>> No.15928491

looking good man

>> No.15928494

What fucking shithole do you live

>> No.15928550

ha i mean compared to before when i was a skinny fat blob with 0 perceivable muscle mass. like at least theres the tiniest bit of a bicep is what i mean. also i am probably body dysmorphic anyway so who knows what i actually look like

>> No.15928748

who is calling you skinny in public... what?

>> No.15928959


>> No.15929179
File: 851 KB, 1312x1544, 1611976247933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find whenever I drink vodka I don't really gain weight, is this just a placebo? Like I'll drink almost an entire fifth and then wake up the next morning looking skinnier and weigh myself and actually have lost weight if I fasted the day I drank that vodka.

>> No.15929647

why is this type generally considered to he aesthetical these days

>> No.15929659

how to i get my hair like that pls help

>> No.15929700

>do not comb, blow-dry or style


>> No.15929701
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>> No.15929704

my hair always goes back to it's default shape and it waves around.
looks like a fuckin umbrella

>> No.15929718

Dunno then, ask a professional, mine go that way the way I described

>> No.15929915

Why is there such a fascination with twink femboys lately? For the past two years I've been seeing way more of this stuff. Why?

>> No.15930018

They are objectively the most beautiful humans

>> No.15930055

Your body fat is fine already

>> No.15930061

What an ugly cunt

>> No.15930813

Being underweight sucks ass when you have a masculine face and noone can pul it off, prove me wrong

>> No.15930938

My dick is hard

>> No.15931095
File: 206 KB, 1200x1800, 2013-01-20-20-25-44-egi0103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been in the making for a while now. Fashion has long been interested in androgyne beauties rather than the Adonis, Greco-Romanesque man but the success of David Gandy, for example, does not mean that it's going away.

Hedi Slimane redefined men's fashion two decades ago. That was, arguably, the beginning, for he introduced a boy with feminine qualities, that he wanted to be reinterpreted as masculine.

>"Hedi Slimane told me I was boyish in his eyes. For him femininity and masculinity are the same thing, the difference is not so interesting, he said."
>"Men are not supposed to be mysterious. That's what you say about women. But I think men can have a little of it [mystery], too."

>> No.15931564


>> No.15931990
File: 66 KB, 816x385, weight-loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this normal? Tips on how to not gain back weight?

>> No.15931992

>he wants "mature" women

>> No.15932169

10/10 would breed.

>> No.15932172

why thin when you can /fit/

>> No.15932175

Are you a girl

>> No.15932180

how can you breed if he doesn't have a vagina

>> No.15932182

If you stick to autismo charts it'll never become a lifestyle and you'll always end up fat.

>> No.15932215

I am fucking overweight, retard. That's the whole point of the chart, if I had a normal BMI then I wouldn't bother.

>> No.15932220

Love yourself at any size you deserve it

>> No.15932239

fuck that body positive shit

>> No.15932256
File: 419 KB, 3000x4500, enam1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O, vey. It's not healthy

>> No.15932272

Have you ever been in a relationship with a girl that's got anorexia? How would I get on her good side? I want her to do what she feels is best for her own sake but also her health. Whenever I try to even bring the subject up it looks like I find new ways to fuck it up. I once told her that she looked "healthy" on a picture that she uploaded and she replied by saying something in the lines of "You can't say that to a person that's going through this!". I also tried to tell her that she could just cut down on calories instead of just not eating and she, yet again, replied by calling me an enabler. What do, /thinspo/? Help a brother out.

>> No.15932318

please tell me this is a boy

>> No.15932336

Are you actually trying to get her to lose weight, or encourage her that she looks good as is. Take it from a man that spent his teen years dating the psychological car wrecks that are Nerdy/Artistic American Teenage Girls:


You're good for trying. You care about her. You may even love her. But the things that drive someone to eating disorders and body dysmorphia are not easily fixed. It has to come from within.

>> No.15932619

globo homo propaganda, rising popularity of anime

this one straight up looks like a girl
not like i mind

just don't comment on her weight and eating habits retard

>> No.15932642

Fuck you Jeremy, I know you're in here. Moosenigger fuck

>> No.15932752

Do zero calorie pops like Coke Zero have any baring on my weight or are they safe to drink?
I’m not talking healthy, I’m speaking purely in terms of weight impact.

>> No.15932861

She is clearly mentally ill and loves to play the victim role, why would bother with her if there are normal girls out there?

>> No.15932862

The more thin I get the more I realize how fucked up and wide my hips are, as a male. Makes me want to become a fat fuck so I can hide it better desu, really discouraging.

>> No.15932878
File: 713 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210207-121806_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I skinnyfat? any advice

>> No.15932893

Not severely, do pressups

>> No.15932940

I can't pinpoint why but this looks like a screeenshot from a porn flick

>> No.15932947

No you are just skinny. Just gain some muscle

>> No.15932983

I love her

>> No.15933020
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>> No.15933023
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>> No.15933054
File: 192 KB, 439x591, lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the things that give me the most /thinspo/ isn't thin people's nude bodies, but the way they look in clothes.

>> No.15933056
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>> No.15933079
File: 101 KB, 1200x1195, ESrHuNTWAAApPNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/thinspo/ when I stand
>fat unshapely blob when I sit

>> No.15933083
File: 97 KB, 770x1077, acd9b60d931997607a3b599e6bddc74e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sit!

>> No.15933150


>> No.15933224

My TDEE is about 1600 kcal and I feel dizzy when I eat ~ 1300 kcal/day. I eat lots of fruit, vegetables and fish so I don't think I have any vitamin deficiency. What to do?

>> No.15933232

you feel this way because you’re being fed fake bodies daily online and in print advertising. those hot ig models would have bellies when they sit down too. it’s normal

>> No.15933254

iron tablets

>> No.15933355

Is your face at least good enough to go femboy or have you been blessed with roastie hips and an ugly ass face like me

>> No.15933384

don't care, would smash

>> No.15933385
File: 115 KB, 640x794, tumblr_756db87c183ce58dd996ecd8fb7321e8_b775567b_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15933393
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>> No.15933401
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>> No.15933406
File: 95 KB, 640x745, tumblr_71fa19fb4ed30c4fe825c7374ffc036c_b343d79c_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15933411
File: 59 KB, 500x639, tumblr_o1n3wjO7RA1tqmvk4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15933420
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 4EvNCDXfzihK3B4RvCg7gd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally 1/10 face.

>> No.15933456

No shit, you have your BMI in the chart, retard. My point still stands.

>> No.15933461

I need a face to that body

>> No.15933465
File: 112 KB, 1242x929, fund4z9fd8961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing weight won't make you prettier, you are just an ugly motherfucker.

>> No.15933508

Losing weight can make you prettier. It enchanses your facial structure and makes your eyes appear bigger and your lips fuller. That guy to the left in your pic (can't remember his name) is already unattractive due to his chubbiness. Look at how is fat hides his jaw and hangs under his chin. It makes his side profile look horrible.

>> No.15933671

I will not tolerate yung lean slander.

>> No.15933685

>Losing weight won't make you prettier, you are just an ugly motherfucker.
Would you rather look at someone who's fat and ugly or fat and thin?

>> No.15933690

>fat and thin
wait no

>> No.15933695

Schrödinger's fat pockets.

>> No.15934029

Because they are heckin' cute and valid, that's why

>> No.15934140


>> No.15934224

Yes, you're doing well. You already lost 4 kgs in less than a month and that's great! To rephrase what the other anon said, in order not to gain weight back you need to make it a lifestyle. That is easier to do when you don't constrict your calories as much and lose weight more slowly, accepting that it's going to take longer. Don't get burned out when you plateau and keep in mind that the loss is going to slow down with time.

>> No.15934284

Maybe just a bit, but it's not very noticeable. You look good desu.
Maybe gain some more muscle?

>> No.15934401
File: 92 KB, 1280x960, 1460829712234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compared to even just a decade ago, people nowadays are generally less anal about guys choosing to be more cute/feminine with the way they look and express themselves if that's what they want to do.
So twinks/femboys are just rising to their baseline popularity after an artificial downward pressure on that popularity has been removed, so to speak.

>> No.15935147
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, 1593266121095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be last night
>eat 10 oreos, 1.5 butter biscuits, 5 rice cakes with strawberry cream cheese and butter, a bowl of tortilla soup, and a mongolian bbq lamb meal dripping with oil and sauce and including 2 egg rolls and pot stickers
>call it a "cheat day" and feel zero guilt

>> No.15935150

I do this once every couple of weeks. its the only way I can manage to not relapse to old bad habits.

>> No.15935154


Can I reason this question since it hasn’t been answered? I’ve seen some people say they drink Coke Zero because the gas makes their stomach expand so they feel less hungry, but like is it an actual helpful tool I can use? What are the side affects of drinking it to often?

>> No.15935232

Zero calories is zero calories. I drink diet soda and I can vouch for it being filling because of the carbonation. They usually contain a little caffeine so that helps with appetite too. And they're helpful for me as a substitute when I'm craving something sweet.

I heard aspartame is bad for you in general but I haven't heard anything about it making you put on weight. Apparently too much of it can cause gut problems and inflammation, and those can cause weight gain. But personally I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you're drinking a lot of it every day. But every body is different and I'm not a doctor, etc.

>> No.15935312

no barring what-so-ever. i can't deal with carbonation, so they're great to down when i don't want to eat yet. can't eat with a fizzy stomach.

>> No.15935323

Height? Those are my exact numbers - 1600 is my maintenance and I'm losing reasonably quick on <1300. I'm 5'2 though.

>> No.15935329
File: 573 KB, 1080x1296, 3kiw9qpx5md7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timothee Chalamet is the ultimate thinspo.

I love you Timmy!

>> No.15935400

IBS, bloating and meteorism (haha farts are funny).

>> No.15935447


Ugh. Cringe.

>> No.15936056

jump rope is good cardio especially if you're in lockdown. some things if you're a beginner: focus on proper form. don't bother about speed, make sure you really nail that form, you don't wanna fuck your joints up. and use shoes until you are proficient enough
only way to lose fat is a calorie deficit broski

>> No.15936074


But calories taste so good. How to bust late night carb cravings. I eat super healthy and drink very little... but goddamn if at 2am i don't get insane cravings for junk. Dunno what to do

>> No.15936076

cmbyn phase is thin however hes not that thin anymore and he is short

>> No.15936099

eat less during the day so you can have more at night

>> No.15936298

>even feeling the need to do this to begin with
what the fuck?

>> No.15936344

I'm set to reach my weight goal in late June, which is just a few weeks before school starts, and hopefully it'll be in-person after this summer. Counted every crumb that went into my mouth so I want everyone to see the new skinny me.

Parents, specifically my dad, getting concerned though even though I'm at the high end of a normal bmi right now. Pretty sure he wants me to stop losing within the next 5 pounds but I want to go for at least another 20-25. Either way can't wait to start going back to classes with my new wardrobe and confidence.

>> No.15936372

Stop losing weight for others, you have to do it for yourself. Other that that, good job.

>> No.15936425

How many calories do two hours on the elliptical burn? I've heard that it's something like 150kcal/30min but that sounds kinda off.

BMI: 26.9
86.3 kg, 179 cm

>> No.15936455

Fake sweeteners raise insulin levels like sugar does, leading to more fat storage. Just drink water.

>> No.15936487

we do, faggot

>> No.15936498

why is he so perfect

>> No.15936577
File: 215 KB, 1080x1175, thugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has probably been answered to death on this board, but how do I avoid binging? I have a terrible habit of stress eating, and eating impulsively when I'm bored. I try distracting myself but most of my typical activities aren't stimulating enough for me to just be able to ignore my hunger or impulses.

I've tried keto, and ended up going from around 320 to 220 in roughly 10 months, but I transitioned off of the diet and gained a solid 30 pounds back. I've gotten back on it twice but couldn't stick to it, and with quarantine and my own mental health problems I've gone back up to roughly 280. I don't know how to force myself to be disciplined, and I'd rather kill myself than look the way I did at my heaviest. I feel weak

>I have no thinspo pics on my computer so here's the closest thing i could find

>> No.15936655
File: 485 KB, 1080x1340, 264p4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 5'0 and 77lbs would be a dream

>> No.15936689
File: 2.73 MB, 960x1280, B0C03089-1F2C-4AB2-BD00-2475ED53073F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much of thinspo is ed? and what’s the rest, aesthetic appreciation?

>> No.15936721

How can a man look so bad? I mean, his hands are veiny and thin and that might be attractive for some but his bod looks skinnyfat. Also what's with the room? It looks cursed.
Not into fashion but I can probably tell that these shoes are on the expensive end yet on him they look Walmart tier.

>> No.15936850

163cm and ~58kg

>> No.15937063
File: 1.04 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20210208_174246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15937079

nice ponies faggot

>> No.15937088

how do i get thin?

>> No.15937092

eat less

>> No.15937099

stop eating you rotten beached landwhale

>> No.15937141

count your calories

>> No.15937146

it's my sister's old bed :(

>> No.15937276

>fast for 3 days
>look like an escaped Auschwitz prisoner
>thighs are still thick
why the fuck is it so hard to lose thigh fat?

>> No.15937330

Let me sex you

>> No.15937408

Why is this "losing weight for yourself" meme so encouraged? That's a stupidly selfish way to look at things but unsurprisingly people treat image change as empowerment and not what it is, vanity. Unless you're losing cause you're at a weight where you're going to suffer health consequences, this is all about lacking confidence visually judging oneself against other people, usually for relationships/sexual means

>> No.15937417
File: 166 KB, 1919x1079, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todays food
>1 margharita pizza
>125g of chips
>100g of chocolate
>500ml of coca cola
What the fuck just happened?

>> No.15937426


my thinspo

>> No.15937428

For reference, leading up to this day, my previous daily meals were about 300g of lean meat or fish.

>> No.15937432

Cravings happen when you restrict so heavily, and it's a terrible idea to deny your body the opportunity for a night of abundance once or twice a month when you can allow it

>> No.15937435


>> No.15937438

it happens to all of us, cut your calories over the course of the next week

>> No.15937442

I miss looking like this. Why did I have to get fat. Fuck.

>> No.15937489

Based uplifting-anons. But seriously, I was at ~800 calories leading up to today and then like I was possessed I went to the store for the sole reasonof buying this junkfood which is 3x as much calories. But eating all this shit (in record time even) made me already sick of it, so I'll accept this as an accident/cheat-day and move on.

>> No.15937505

Be careful, don't start relying on them. They don't have a large effect on insulin levels, but they do have some, and can lead to craving sweet foods.

>> No.15937509

>like I was possessed
Take weight loss too far or too fast and your body will eventually take over

>> No.15937532

did you maybe go through something stressful recently that would make your body suddenly crave junk food as a means of relaxation? perhaps don't restrict your calories as much to prevent binging. good thing that you've moved on tho, don't feel ashamed and keep on going, we're in this together

>> No.15937534


>> No.15937545

>How many calories do two hours on the elliptical burn?

just entering this into google spits out several calculators

how do you want to lose weight if you're even too lazy to google?

>> No.15937554

Entirely based on intensity, how many miles per hour?

>> No.15937624

Found that machine on my parents' home, it's a piece of shit with no electronics on it whatsoever. I'd just say average intensity.
Still, using different calculators online the average of the results I've got is ~834kcal for two hours. Is that... Normal? I've never generally been into any kind of aerobic exercise so that seems like too much for just 2 hours.

>> No.15937629
File: 639 KB, 2040x2864, 20210203_180143(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon saying my waist looks 30+ inches and that my body is ugly in the last thread, thanks for the free meanspo. Back on another 2.5 day fast.

>> No.15937648

ur literally fat

>> No.15937746

Assuming constant peddling a decent walking pace, not breathless but not effortless, no, that's normal. Ellipticals aren't really that great for intense calorie burn sessions, they're usually more comfortable to use long-term. but you gotta be consistent with your sessions and continue to recalculate as your weight decreases. For more intense calorie burn I recommend biking

>> No.15937849

Don't fast, idiot, exercise and eat broteins, salmon and some good (in small amounts) carbs. If you just fast you'll be forever flabby.

>> No.15937923

Wouldn't fasting work after a certain time or is it bad in general?

>> No.15937945

It literally estimates the calories you burned on the fucking elliptical

>> No.15938053

Limited evidence suggests it might help but less than non-lazy methods (exercising and eating well), and mostly in people who are either obese or have metabolic syndrome. Even so the evidence is lacking and contradictory. Stick to what we know. TL;DR fasting bad.

>> No.15938154

I'm 5'3 and 111 lbs which is a bmi below 20. I'm on the lower end of average. But I do look fat.

I do the occasional fast to help boost my routine of mostly eating fruit, veggies, and protein. I walk every day, too. That's fine, isn't it?

>> No.15938849

It's true I did it 98% for vanity. I did it to widen my dating pool, look cute instead of cringe in my clothing style, and so people would treat me like anybody else and not just a fattie. Especially the clothes thing, I could find nice things to wear but they never ever looked "right". No matter how much effort I put in to my appearance I never looked put together enough for me but now I actually look good. Being able to stand at work for 2x as long effortlessly and slide through tight spaces is a bonus I also won't take for granted.

>> No.15938908

>I do the occasional fast to help boost my routine of mostly eating fruit, veggies, and protein. I walk every day, too. That's fine, isn't it?

Walking isn't intense enough (depends on your goals of course, better than not moving anyway), and it sounds like you're not getting the good fats you need (salmon and tuna are ideal, just don't only eat those because mercury). Don't overdo the fruit, get some good carbs too, you don't wanna fuck your kidneys up among other things. But seriously you need good fatty acids and not just for the looks.
t. 5'7'' x 105 lbs

>> No.15939146

Nothing wrong with that, I just wish more people accepted their vanity for its own sake as their means for image change as opposed to some weird self-aggrandizing attempt at "improvement" so they feel better being vain lol

>> No.15939172

sure :)

>> No.15939217

>goal is lean physique, but I want to look healthy with visible musculature
>lifting and eating maintenance+100cal to build some muscle before cutting
>lifts up, weight is basically the same
>lost job
>spending my days driving for grubhub to make ends meet
I've been skipping the gym and stress eating guys. I am eating pasta right now and I am about to make a bowl of icecream. Fuck please help.

>> No.15939268


>> No.15939270

Eat the foods you like in smaller portions. If you eat too much, be sure to burn it off with some exercise.

>> No.15939275

Too slow, if you eat too much the best thing is to chug and ton of cofffee and shit everything out before it's disgested.

>> No.15939358
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Thank you, anon.

>> No.15939470

The only people that make What I Eat in a Day videos are planets, athletic teenagers, nutritionists, and the ED's that have weird food habits. Show me what regular 20 year old skinny people that sit on their ass all day eat and how much that's all I want.

>> No.15939493

Oh and vegans. Vegans LOVE recording what they eat for some reason. In fact when I watch WIEIAD 8/10 times the random video I click on is made by a vegan. boo

>> No.15939710

>regular 20 year old skinny people
it's the metabolism tha does the heavy lifting not the diet. that or just count your calories

>> No.15939800
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How do I get a waist like this? :(

>> No.15939811

The right genetics and being thin, that's literally it

>> No.15939812

Do you guys enjoy the fasting high? How would you describe it?

>> No.15939869

sounds like russia or some other slavic shithole

>> No.15939873

why do so many women think that that nose ring looks good?

>> No.15939890

height and weight?

>> No.15939894

just run away from your fridge

>> No.15939902

Young Thug is thinspo for sure, an article described him as 6'3 and the thinnest person you will ever meet, he sips lean and pops pills thought so I'm sure that helps

>> No.15939915
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>> No.15939937

5'6 41kg

>> No.15939948

How the fuck are you 5'6? You look like you are around 180 cm.

>> No.15939963

Shut the fuck up, man. If you really lose weight just so you can feel better while being in the presence of others then you've got much more personal work to do besides losing weight. Your argument is literally invalid, and I don't tend to use that word often. Have you ever heard of a thing called self betterment? Self betterment for the sake of it, stop viewing yourself through the eyes of others. Nobody gives a fuck about you and it's better for you to realize that sooner than later. Work on yourself for yourself because in the end you'll always be by yourself.

>> No.15939965

have sex with me

>> No.15940001
File: 1.48 MB, 407x229, FA627C91-5B28-4691-9E84-8A28C2AE7E4E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift boys

>> No.15940019

whats ur diet like

>> No.15940020

the gym is closed

>> No.15940083

do you lift for thinspo bussy?

>> No.15940097

Why else would you bother?

>> No.15940120

hight weight low reps or low weight high reps?
>mfw i fucked up my elbow tendons/nerves by climbing and despite it happening like 2 years ago i still feel it when i go too hard
kill me

>> No.15940156

mostly rice and veggies and maybe chicken like, twice a week.
lol i wish i was that tall
gladly :p

>> No.15940182

Post more pls

>> No.15940232
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eat at a caloric deficit

>> No.15940266

anon probably has a vagina

>> No.15940286

I literally just come to these threads to masturbate and leave

>> No.15940412


>> No.15940451

dont post in thinspo fatty

>> No.15940508
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>> No.15940524


>> No.15940630
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>> No.15940637

This is just too gay man

>> No.15940656

Mmmmm daddy wants moar


>> No.15940829
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Isnt that whats thinspo about?

>> No.15940831

Is this the face of /fa/?

>> No.15940873

>Nobody gives a fuck about you
Incredible projection

>> No.15940890

My friend just turned 27. Joked this morning at 2 a.m. that he didn't leave his room to make dinner that day because he was too busy playing vidya because that "requires effort." He's been skinny since our earliest school days together, and that's his secret to skipping meals--laziness. Otherwise he drinks soda and alcohol and eats small amounts of junk

>> No.15941031

Hey guys I need a weightloss goal to work towards.
What do you think would be a good weight to strive for as a 5’2 28yo female

>> No.15941177


>> No.15941197

Perfect <3

Goal body right here. I love abs like that.

>> No.15941204

Is there such thing as eating too low of a cal deficit? If so whats the limit

>> No.15941355

How do I eat less when i am depressed?

>> No.15941402

What helps me is to keep yourself busy with time killing activities like playing sandbox games (with no real goal). The time just skips ahead without any effort and you don't have to think about anything, not even food. It's not the ideal solution but it works, at least for me.

>> No.15941441

is a little over 5'6 and 108 pounds good or nah

>> No.15941729

Become more depressed. I haven't gotten out of bed in days and haven't eaten in days either. The love of my life and I will never be. I just idly scroll through my phone in the dark, listen to music, and wait until my existence ebbs away.

>> No.15941793

Thank you!

>> No.15941893
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>> No.15941941

>tfw i eat like this whenever i want and always stay naturally skinny

man it really is a genetic lottery isn't it

>> No.15941961

Fuckin' gorgeous

>> No.15942137
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>jump rope for the first time in a while
>push myself a little too hard
>coughing and nauseous by the time I'm done
>end up vomiting
Sweet. I didn't eat today yet but I'll keep that rope handy in case I eat something I'm not supposed to, lol

[This post doesn't advocate eating disorders btw.]

>> No.15942138

Underage or a girl with mental disorders lol

>> No.15942471
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He's right, you know..

>> No.15942508

nose rings make me hard instantly

>> No.15942721


>> No.15942831

would you be willing to send me self harming videos if i paid you?

>> No.15943006

Why would you say such a thing, man? Like for real... Who hurt you?

>> No.15943010
File: 94 KB, 500x305, WCQqfCSY4zkxHwa-MmC_Jj5sqh6BVlYjHjs8ovEnZD8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15943031

I'm neither underage nor a girl.

That could be exciting. Depends on the self-harm, I guess.

>> No.15943037

Not them, but I feel like it is duelling alter egos

>> No.15943062

nobody hurt me man, why would you say such a thing?

>> No.15943086

Make a new thread already I've got something funny to post and I want it to be high up.

>> No.15943095

No, stop it. The last like 3 threads people have been posting them 60+ posts before the bump limit and not even including the FAQ and links in the OP

>> No.15943133
File: 159 KB, 500x375, where do you think you are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is just too gay man

>> No.15943136

Hey, I started jumping rope for the first time too. Do you also have calf and back pain?

>> No.15943161

A little but it's not too bad. I used to hike lot so I think I have pretty strong legs.

>> No.15943165

how long is your inseam (how long are your legs) if your main body is that long?

>> No.15943167

who this and is it achievable as a man

>> No.15943187

imagine wanting to fuck over everyone in the thread by making a new OP like 200 posts before the bump limit to post a shitty meme that gets you like two (You)s
fuck off, man

>> No.15943190

Suck my cock. Although I bet you'd be into that so let me tell you this; Fuck you.

>> No.15943193

i'll dm you when the next one is up

>> No.15943202

Ty bb, you'll lone this one. Trust me.

>> No.15943314 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15943329

Ok you win /fa/. You turned me gay.

>> No.15943337


>> No.15943340

Bailey, @Newposter2 on twitter

>> No.15943346
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>> No.15943447

What a beautiful frame

>> No.15943452

aren't those early estrogen tiddies it looks suspiciously like tranny porm

>> No.15943457

This is /fa/
Not /hm/

>> No.15943479

>tfw losing weight because autism fools my brain I'm in literal pain if my thighs touch

>> No.15943632

Every time I retrict I go blind whenever I stand up, anybody know how to fix this?

>> No.15943662

Drink more water, salt, if it doesn't work restrict less