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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 775 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210112-175614_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15862278 No.15862278 [Reply] [Original]

...automatically make you /fa/?

>> No.15862294

Being attractive makes life easier 100%. Doesn't matter if it is a guy or gal.

>> No.15862299
File: 248 KB, 1205x778, 513AFEDB-E483-4CDB-B53A-07E50C9ED028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being attractive makes life hard you bigot

>> No.15862301

thats a bot

>> No.15862302
File: 697 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210112-175608_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does having an easier life make it easier to be /fa/?

>> No.15862310

Anyone who disagrees is an incel

>> No.15862329

having big ol tiddies does

>> No.15862359

Is this supposed to be attractive? This is literally every Anglo slag out there

>> No.15862366

Looking good is nice but not necessarily a fashion statement.
But yeah on a sheer attractiveness/looking good scale you're right

>> No.15862798

fake profile.

>> No.15863932

yikes. no eggs

>> No.15863950

She's mediocre at best. The fact that she looks big boned means she better have some serious tits or noones going to bend over backwards for her.

>> No.15863983



>> No.15864045

Attractive men don't have to cope by tryharding over their appearance like reddit cringelords to be attractive.

>> No.15864201
File: 267 KB, 826x1259, 889E55A9-E6CB-46CB-A90C-7EC6D82BB9BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wh*te women
Why do they age so poorly?

>> No.15864226

>automatically make you /fa/?
Nope. Dated a legit beautiful girl (long red hair, dreamy blue eyes, perky tits and ass, tall and model thin) that dressed like shit and getting her to dress better was like pulling teeth. I'd take a good looking but average girl that I can confidently take out anywhere without worrying about if she's going to show up to an event in lularoe clothes.

>> No.15864233

I wear more formal wear now, I attract a higher caliber of women. If you want some yoga pant clad thot to play around with have your fun.

>> No.15864238

In my opinion, no. Being /fa/ is more of an approach that will show through how you look, thus making you appear more attractive in eyes of some but not all of course.

>> No.15864242

Okay lol

>> No.15864244

“just have confidence bro”
sorry that only worked when women didn’t have a choice to mace you for trying to speak to them. Stay in your place incels

>> No.15864272

Alright haha i personally get tight alt ponaany with just being /fa/, so being myself :)

>> No.15864278

This is exactly what I want. Fuck christmas cakes.

>> No.15864290

My mom is 47 and looks likes her. I'm positive she's lying, even by low standards she looks too old to be 34.

>> No.15864295

well you’re not an incel or have an incels personality then, good job anon

>> No.15864392

I'm 32 and the last wedding I went to (friend from high school) looked like her. Fat in face starting to go away wrinkles starting to form

>> No.15865524

Good looking+ruff childhood is highest /fa/-tier

>> No.15865963

based similar person

>> No.15865973
File: 370 KB, 1200x1800, 12C65274-A699-4225-B6C1-94C5E0D0916D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being fa is about being fashionable not attractive, but being attractive helps you look more fashionable

pic related ugly fashionable guy

>> No.15867535


>> No.15867553
File: 192 KB, 517x300, cute pose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say yes. Such as pic related, whatever I wear I can look pretty effay.

>> No.15868064

wtf. I'm new to fa. wtf is this?

>> No.15868079

This happens in under a day for literally any girl, and the same for very attractive men.

>> No.15868142
File: 761 KB, 893x539, handsome chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chad who posts on this board. He's also a SoundCloud rapper who goes by the name Teen Pucci Muncher

>> No.15868585

holy shit big energy

>> No.15868697

his clothes like shit you fucking tasteless zoomer

>> No.15868717 [DELETED] 

because formal wear reflects higher socioeconomic status you goof, they think you have money and that's what they're after, it's not the clothes that make you more attractive but the illusion of you buying them shit

anyway, if that gets you laid then fair game, just be aware of the mechanism behind it

>> No.15868720

menswear is beta reddit shit, zoomer girls are repulsed by that since they don't care about pulling meek stable soiboys who will respect them but laid back guys who will netflix & chill them

>> No.15868730

she is conventionally attractive but terribly bland and absolutely not /fa/

rick has been /fa/core forever
get swole or leave, faggot

>> No.15868783

being attractive is being /fa/
If you're attractive anything you do or wear will be /fa/ no matter how weird or normie.

>> No.15868858

because theyre women

>> No.15869208


what the fuck is this? did /fa/ or /fit/ expose a tripfag or something

>> No.15869230


>> No.15869235
File: 1.28 MB, 4000x4000, 2E13E5B9-969D-4F90-8001-66313B041CDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15869271

My mom said I'm the most beautiful little man in the world.

>> No.15870085

Yeah no, im a skirt-wearing ann d camel blues art pop sort of guy but i'm not really good looking i look like a tall baby

>> No.15870095
File: 92 KB, 800x1067, aqeu8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has big tits, but her face is mediocre at best.

>> No.15870667

She looks like an Appalachian trailer park girl.

>> No.15870672

kek the fucking druggie animal’s-slut tripfag is too funny

>> No.15870690
File: 78 KB, 444x460, 1479941934602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on a blind date
>have a decently fun night
>call for a second date
>get rejected
>that's okay guess I'll try tinder again
>3 days later, still 0 new matches
Joke's on you, I am neither attractive nor /fa/.

>> No.15872048

Kek is Indre still fucking horses to pay for her poverty?

>> No.15872791

>Dog lover

>> No.15874248

fashion is the biggest most elaborate cope for the ugly

>> No.15875243

She does it for free, sometimes with “drugs” (sugar and sand)

>> No.15875512

I want this woman

>> No.15875865

kek I’ve seen this thing irl before

>> No.15875874

Please drug it with mouthwash and sand, then run over it with a car after sticking a horse’s penis in all its holes.

>> No.15876573

The cortisol levels required to constantly spam this stuff can't be good for your looks.

>> No.15876636

That female? is is ugly.

>> No.15876641


>> No.15876689

People who age well generally don't harbour a state of mind which is constantly bitter and judgemental of people that they don't even know, or if they do they have the decency to keep it to themselves. A positive focus on skin care generally follows mental self care and a positive outlook on life.

>> No.15876697
File: 95 KB, 575x620, ED441134-2E54-449D-866E-07EE92D8993E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.15876711

>constantly bitter and judgmental of people
Bruh I posted one picture

>> No.15877381

>small business owner
Its this