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/fa/ - Fashion

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15853459 No.15853459 [Reply] [Original]

Barbour, shotguns, pheasants and wellingtons.

Don't see enough traditional British country clothing on here

>> No.15853492
File: 96 KB, 500x662, 179 - XqsqX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get done for larping OP but I'm with you, I take a lot of inspo from this style

>> No.15853764

This looks awesome can we make a /country/ general?

>> No.15853769
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>> No.15853940
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>> No.15854021

vghh...the smell of cowshit...Home

>> No.15854088

Be careful guys, people in /tip/ general will probably raid this thread to keep themselves from balkanizing

>> No.15854632

Awesome /countrycore/ thread, pics and idea.

>> No.15855175
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>> No.15855548

I'm with you OP, pity my country is a touch warm for this, but I really wanna get a Barbour jacket for winter

>> No.15855605

Hey anons, if you have any Barbour related questions I can probably answer them for you.

>> No.15855607

This is a 10 in Bongistan

>> No.15855615


Nah, that's countryclubcore.

>> No.15855675

What's the one to get?

>> No.15855681

Even better.

>> No.15855687

Doubt it, they are nitpicky and repulsed by British trad. Anything not OCBD and sack suit gets treated like a leper there

>> No.15855693

Does the wax get on your other clothes?
Can you give a quick comparison of the three different types of waxed jacket and your recommendations?
How is their fit when it comes to layering?
Is maintenance and upkeep difficult? How about durability of modern Barbour?

>> No.15856018
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>> No.15856057
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Live in the pod. Eat the bugs. Love the immigrants. Pay the taxes. Enjoy the city.

>> No.15856119
File: 94 KB, 553x885, 7f29c4dcad95e8c640a9d9c5713505a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to start a Brideshead thread but this will do

>> No.15856121

I'll try and keep to tweeds and the such but some of it is too good not to post

>> No.15856122
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Accompanying picture didn't post

>> No.15856129
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Curiously, a lot of Charles' (Jeremy Irons' character) tweeds have a half belt and a yoke more often associated with Western styling. James Dean has a camelhair jacket in East of Eden with a somewhat similar appearance, for example. The most similar jackets I can find on ebay are old ones from Pendleton, but they too often have ugly suede detailing on the shoulders. I've seen a couple RRL ones, though they're very pricey.

>> No.15856135
File: 86 KB, 480x768, dianaquickbh_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqFMiL_mHH5i6FBhVg9IyGthbsq1PvgdPYXWz9gsoQx4g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of two images of Sebastian, now. Does this jumper's knit have a particular name? Difficult to find anything similar.

>> No.15856139
File: 57 KB, 460x276, england2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An image of Sebastian in 'oxford bags', likely in a dupioni silk. Started in Oxford, of course, but became ludicrously wide upon its arrival in America apparently due to mix-ups in metric systems. And what sort of shirt fabric is that? Surely not oxford, looks uniquely soft and heavy. You see it in period shows/films and sometimes pictures from around the 1920s.

>> No.15856148
File: 77 KB, 600x479, ab595f5435d82af8a8e0359f298dd0cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stop for the time being with this. Club collars and tweed - also seen with Hugh Grant at Oxford in 'Maurice'. Club collars are rare, now, let alone this somewhat odd pairing. Does anybody know a good seller for them, ideally not a weird vintage one? BB and RL sell them, but not in plain white. Turnbull & Asser sell a penny shirt, or something along those lines, but with an odd compromise to try and make it appear more casual.

>> No.15856184
File: 2.31 MB, 2880x1722, 1607139119361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll throw in something a little more in line with the thread, too. This is from the RAU. The guy in the purple cardigan looks like some dashing figure out of a Rockwell painting. Note the brogues, too. The girl in the pink jumper and her partner are dressed well, and the guy in the action man jumper looks like he has colossal shoulders. There are, too, assorted tattersalls and barbour coats.

>> No.15856930

fuck yes

>> No.15856932

mate no you can absolutely pull this style off. barbour jackets are standard wear for those with some dosh in the home counties

>> No.15856933

Based thread.
I wanna get some harris tweed pants.

>> No.15856936

i got the beaufort

>> No.15856949

alright cunts - the real question is:
quilted or wax?

>> No.15857115

>all these white people

It's actually repulsive to look at.

>> No.15857138

More like this please, I just bought a place that looks similar, leaving the city.

>> No.15857151
File: 246 KB, 1024x768, 1608993074984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15857202

this is urban. This is a lie. Log homes are the superior.

>> No.15857244

Country is not the wilderness. go marry a bear in another thread

>> No.15857307

yanks will never understand what countryside is

>> No.15857312

that's not urban retard, that's a cottage that's grown out of an actual ethnic historical tradition, something a muttoid would never understand.

>> No.15857327

based evelyn waugh

>> No.15857621

Wax all the way, quilted isn't bad if you're an old woman

>> No.15858135

Maker's Kamakura has some, they call them Round Collars though

>> No.15858228

Take your meds

>> No.15858229

just try using any of the other terms for them like peter pan collar, round collar, or Eton collar (I know this is not a historically correct name but round collars are often called that now).

>> No.15858247

Sexy ass boots

>> No.15858408
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, 211 - 7EKoXC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15858553

fucking inspo

>> No.15858556

literally all i want from life is to be inside this picture

>> No.15858564
File: 46 KB, 600x367, vashti_bunyan_young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vashti is the true anglo folk waifu

>> No.15858566
File: 39 KB, 656x364, anne-briggs-1-1170x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and anne briggs

>> No.15858572

ITT: tory larpers

>> No.15858593


>> No.15858620

Thomas Farthing sometimes make them.

>> No.15859009

lol what a pussy

>> No.15859125
File: 110 KB, 960x720, shooting1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll post a few old photos of mine

>> No.15859126
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>> No.15859127
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>> No.15859130
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>> No.15859134
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>> No.15859145


Very comfy.

>> No.15859169

cute voice

>> No.15859261

ID on boots?

>> No.15859300

have fun with your inner c*ty full of shit, needles, hobos, criminals, and orwellian society lmao

>> No.15859329

>implying the Paris section of Down and Out in Paris and London is not a romantically /fa/ lifestyle
>you will never know the characters that live in the corners of the city

That being said you're also right and the country life has never sounded more alluring than it does now. That's why everyone and their mom is buying fixer uppers in east bumfuck.

>> No.15860111


Gay Catholic fascism is the true way

>> No.15860156

Was gonna say that too

>> No.15860165

Beaufort or Bedale are the best all around jackets. I just got an international and am loving it. Personally I’d avoid getting the slimmer fit jackets (Ashby/Bristol) they just aren’t as good after a while.

>> No.15860196

Yes the wax will get on other clothes especially if you just bought it or it was recently rewarded. I’d keep it away from other clothes in the closet or in a garment bag. You should also avoid keeping a heated seat too high as I can melt the wax off.

Bedale is the equestrian jacket and will be shorter than the others. It has knit storm cuffs which are a nice feature for some. They look a bit boxy on some but you can normally size up/down one to get your desired it.

Beaufort is the hunting jacket and is a mid-length coat. It’s my fav personally because I’m tall but I also like the hidden game pocket in the back/plus it fits over a suit.

The border is the longest fit and is the most traditional barn jacket out of the three. Do normal size or a size down on these as they do fit really big. I think they can look good on tall people mostly.

If you get your regular size you should be able to layer plenty under your Barbour jacket. The wax makes the clothing airtight so any layers you have underneath will stay insulated. I wear my jacket deep into winter. Personally I think a denim jacket underneath a Beaufort looks amazing.

Upkeep is pretty easy. You can’t really wash the jackets without stripping all the wax off so you just sponge clean most of the time. They do absorb smells pretty easily but you can normally fix it with white vinegar or fabreeze. The made in the UK Barbour obviously has the highest quality but most of the other wax jackets are made in Eastern Europe and have the same construction standards. If you remember to rewax them every couple years or so they should hold up for decades

>> No.15860240

Just ripped the pocket seams on my Barbour sapper jacket from putting gloves and sunglasses case in them.

Now I need to get them sewn and the ripped cotton repaired.

>> No.15860277

come back to /tip/ we miss you

>> No.15860280

low tier bait

>> No.15860282

They smell and pick up odors easily. Buy if you want to smell like an old man’s swampy sweaty dick.

>> No.15860363

To me they kind of smell like an old box of crayons

>> No.15860467

thanks for this again

>> No.15860683

Damn, love some anne briggs.

>> No.15860739
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>> No.15860747
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>> No.15860748
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>> No.15860960

More of this thread(s) please.

>> No.15861025
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>> No.15861027
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>> No.15861236
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Great stuff. Anyone got barbour's moleskine trousers? The price seems suspiciously cheap, so bit concerned about quality

>> No.15861271

I grew up in a wealthy area in the Southeast United states and this picture looks like it was taken in my hometown..all these people look similar to people I grew up with

>> No.15861338
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x3024, 5BA85541-857F-4EC7-A098-4578C9BAA9B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two English Setters. Awesome at hunting birds and an awesome CountryCore accessory

>> No.15861344

Nice aussie bro

>> No.15861389


>> No.15861392
File: 211 KB, 1200x1200, 3007D3A3-3DC7-4A13-A21E-F9C5A0D45162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been trying to find some tweed stuff that’s not formalwear.
It’s really disappointing because there is basically none available. I’d like a casual vest or jacket in tweed.

>> No.15861408


>> No.15861422
File: 458 KB, 750x421, WI-ODR-HuntingNew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15861450

What are you talking about? Tweed is casual by nature

>> No.15861491

>wants casual tweed
>uses a somewhat formal example of tweed that resembles a suit waistcoat

Say wut. And this:


>> No.15861832

Looks like Le Chameau

They're over rated and over priced.

>> No.15861842

I don't know about the modern ones but the older ones are the real deal.

I also have a pair of cords from the 80s and the are even realer. I mean like you keep your ferrets in them and can pass them on to your great grand-children levels of real quality. I'll dig out a picture of my moleskins when I'm on my other comp.

>> No.15862154

ty based anon

you have made the thread

>> No.15862158

am planning to make it a general mate

>> No.15862163

The Southeast aristocracy are Anglo Saxon thoroughbreds to a large extent. On top of that they're actually drawn from the rural stock of these same English folks, where up in New England those are Puritans from the Southeast, a specific strain of English people.

It's a really spoopy feeling to feel as though you recognise a type of people, it's like you half remember their faces, feel like you know them and what they represent.

>> No.15862181

Two walrus teeth individuals coming to the same "muh yankees" conclusion while on different sides of a coin. Colour me shocked lmao.

>> No.15862189

Is farming considered posh in the UK?

>> No.15862200

this is literally an anglo thread lmao

>> No.15862214
File: 95 KB, 700x700, oconnells-harris-tweed-baracuta-jacket-olive-tan-herringbone-with-windowpane-67007820ht_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me 10 seconds to find.

>> No.15862216

Thats what you do when you accidentally commit a wrong think right?

>> No.15862224
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>> No.15862234


>> No.15862283

Cordings are out of my size for corduroy trousers lads, any other similar brands in price and quality I can find in the UK?

>> No.15862384

looks nice, wouldn't want to sit on that unkempt bench tho

>> No.15862411

If you're a farmer and you don't sound like a bumpkin (bonus for barbour jacket) retards will assume you're rich. The RAU in particular however is known for its particularly affluent student body.

>> No.15862413

my ex bought a used barbour jacket at some trift store when she went to the UK for 10£. How much should I be paying a used one?

>> No.15862419

Tweed gives a casual character to any garment, but don't wear a waistcoat anon, especially not by itself. You either look like you're missing a fedora+katana or like some HSS insta faggot. Buy a sport coat, it's not exactly formal wear. Charcoal and light grey herringbone, or maybe something more colourful like pic, although it's more Sloaney and hard to pull off

>> No.15862422

Are you American? English Setters are beautiful but they're nowhere to be seen here in England. Plus tiers and the like make any travel to buy one difficult.

>> No.15862427

Call it /anglo/, not countrycore. Better off casting a wider net

>> No.15862430

Yes, that and photos out of 'the last hurrah'. Post 70s rich anglo life isn't the same

>> No.15862452
File: 727 KB, 1074x1454, 20210113_000046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn't post

>> No.15863119

hunting in a tie just seems uncomfortable.

>> No.15863151

Holy shit what a fucking larpfag. That pedo hasn't ever worked a day in his life. There are probably 20 servants behind that camera

>> No.15863269

Sauce on the jumper?

>> No.15863274


>> No.15863290

I like harrington jackets and tweed but that's not something I'd wear.

I like that tweed a lot though. What I really want is a shirt-jacket in Harris tweed and I literally can't find one anywhere.

>> No.15863334

Take it to an Orvis or Barbour store. Restitching hand warmer pockets are the cheapest repairs. Get it rewaxed while it’s out.

>> No.15863337

I have pair of the current moleskins. They’re pretty much my favorite pair of pants for the winter. They are a really nice cut but you need to size down to get the right fit.

>> No.15863353

Olive or sage?

>> No.15863391

What does this stand for?

>> No.15863399

All of these posts belong in the tip thread

>> No.15863401

Yea and you clearly made this thread to destroy tip but you will lose . Tip is the glue that holds fa together punkass

>> No.15863406

What’s the best one for actual motorcycling?

>> No.15863409

olive is the more classic and works for most people. Sage looks really good if you have red or blonde hair. Personally I really like the navy and I own an engineered garments x barbour jacket in black.

>> No.15863413

Classic international jacket but I know there are some triumph collabs out there which are probably made sturdier than the regular international line. To be honest I wouldn't wear waxed cotton on a motorcycle. Not really all that safe.

>> No.15863505
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This is a few years ago now.

>> No.15863562


>> No.15863685

Awesome, definitely gonna buy a pair then

>> No.15864126

He 'traditional fit' ones are what you want. Feel free to size down but they are a slim trouser anyway. Cant speak for the quality of newer hipsterbarour lines of trouser

>> No.15864168
File: 1.03 MB, 818x1086, AAD5D7F6-36F2-43F4-B797-18043A97B653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I’m an American. That is really interesting. They aren’t very common over here but they aren’t expensive. It’s about $1,500 to $2,000 for a well bred pup which is pretty mid range. I love them. It’s the only dog breed I have had since high school. They are super sweet. Any idea why they kind of died out over there? There was a really coveted blood line called the “Ryman Stock” that almost died out but this guy end up creating a breeding program and saving it.

>> No.15864217

Royal Agricultural University. I think its "College" now. About the poshest place in England desu

>> No.15864236
File: 699 KB, 458x815, 1610539802349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help finding where to cop this or similar

>> No.15864247
File: 308 KB, 439x442, 1610539868595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here´s the tag

>> No.15864256
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>> No.15864261
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>> No.15864349

A quarter zip? Literally anywhere. Is that fleece, sherling, what?

>> No.15864362
File: 99 KB, 612x1003, 6104B4CE-0654-431B-8E56-E1DCBEC44010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was posting the waistcoat as an example of something I wouldn’t wear.
I’ve found a RARE few examples of slightly casual tweed stuff online, but they’re really expensive.

I might go to a tailor and see if they can make me a shirt-jacket with Muir tweed.
I like picrel but it’s decidedly for shooting and would look weird in a city/suburban setting.

>> No.15864411

You guys would like the Beretta magazines

>> No.15864427
File: 141 KB, 382x405, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it,s more like fleece I think. live in spain and I cant seem to find something. The only ones I find are modern and ugly af pic related

>> No.15864448


>> No.15864538

You might check the go to Anglocore brand websites like Barbour, LL Bean, Orvis, etc. No idea if they ship to Spain

>> No.15864609

Can you be more specific or link one? Searching turns up nothing but pistols

>> No.15864623

>literally just tip and neofolk combined but done poorly
you niggers are really grasping at straws trying to come up with new "cores"

>> No.15864658

It's neither of those things, except maybe overlap with trad. And this thread would be in /tip/ if it wasn't cancer

>> No.15864916
File: 779 KB, 2205x3608, marryme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only pic I have

>> No.15864970

Is that royal security?

>> No.15864989

hottie catherine

lmao no

>> No.15865019

Tfw when an average american is better armed than the royal security.

>> No.15865100

Wish I had one lying around, but basically everyone is holding a shottie, like a requirement or something...

Here is the calendar:

>> No.15865227

I love this core and it looks great on me but I can’t be bothered with it, most of the time, cheaper weather protection gear is better sadly. These photos don’t show all the fucking mud everywhere, the drizzly rain getting on everything and the wind blowing your hat off annoyingly.

>> No.15865260

Cordings is the shop you're looking for. They sell by far the best non-tailored posh people trousers in England.

>> No.15865264
File: 255 KB, 1830x1250, di.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young, /countrycore/ princess Di was so cute.

>> No.15865327

Why were they so mean to her, bros? It's not fair! Damn the Royals!

>> No.15865454
File: 195 KB, 1080x1350, di2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her, but i can imagine she might have been a bit of an insufferable, histrionic and over emotional nightmare, and not something the uptight royals would want to deal with.

>> No.15865483

it's called "pastoralcore" and get these disgusting anglos out of this thread

>> No.15865578

no they don't this isn't about dressing like a preppy new englander

>> No.15865585

honestly you should expect to find them for about £40/£50
your gf was extremely lucky, probably some charity shop in a rich area run by a clueless old lady

>> No.15865591

post 70s uk isn't the same

>> No.15865602

i made this thread to talk about clothes. who gives a shit about factionalism in discussions about dress on a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.15865606

god almighty she's so fine

>> No.15865612

Literally nobody dresses like this outside of Anglophone countries. Shoo shoo back to your neo nazi folk larp thread

>> No.15865624

>go to british countryside clothing thread
>still see am*rican opinions

>> No.15865659
File: 1.62 MB, 555x559, 1509388164122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an AMERICAN website

>> No.15865660

Two scoops two genders two impeachments

>> No.15865663 [DELETED] 

>two impeachments
Naw, Senate Minority leader (McCarthy) just came out against it

>> No.15865676

so's your mum's onlyfans mate and what

>> No.15865694

You write like an uneducated retard. You are clearly low-class britbong. Why are you even here? You are obviously too poor to afford anything in this thread....dreaming of what you will never experience? Heh, loser

>> No.15865720

If you're not descended from British stock you're not American, you're a tourist

>> No.15865725

There are way more German descendants than English ones...I am of English and German stock

>> No.15865736

Yes, we imported a lot of German peasants to populate the frontier quickly

>> No.15865744

fella you write like you try too hard to sound clever

i bet at school you used to whisper "yes!" when you got an answer right, and remind the teacher when you had homework.

>> No.15865849

Uniqlo if you are a poorfag

>> No.15866083

Love this picture, the royal thighs are something else

>> No.15866143

why do people love and fantasize this literal ugly
dot head fucking whore?

>> No.15866176
File: 50 KB, 366x488, 1429741659207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't give a FUCK about tasteless anglo opinions

>> No.15866186
File: 142 KB, 395x435, white lable OS beaufort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ordered up a white label beaufort. not sure how its different than the mainline other than being a bit oversized. pretty excited.

>> No.15866462

Should be a little more oversized. I love the white label stuff

>> No.15866553

What distinguishes white label?

>> No.15866607

White label is more “street wear” oriented. A lot of it has a more Japanese look to it. The pants/shirts/sweaters from that line are great

>> No.15866743
File: 844 KB, 1600x1200, PC160219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Northumbria.

>> No.15866765

Richard Hammond General - /hamster/

>> No.15867072

I do conclude that this beauty was constructed for a well-known three letter acronym

>> No.15867110

leave the thread then lol

>> No.15867111

like the knife mate

>> No.15867146

I kind of like the aesthetic if but only if you're an old plummy red-faced farmer. Growing up in the English countryside most people I knew who dressed like this were absolute cunts and I'd rather distance myself from them

>> No.15867149

He's not even a real hamster!

>> No.15867352

They probably feel the same way about you

>> No.15867364


>> No.15867768

most of these ppl wont be farmers just land owners who will rent to farmers, land owners are posh in the UK

>> No.15867894

w2c those knives?

>> No.15867922

Most farmers are not rich or posh. Although it's a common belief that they are. The pic you are quoting only looks posh because it's likely early 90s and how the UK used to look so it looks out of place, or some posh area today.

>> No.15867930

You don't know what 'country' means in England.
Of course they are posh.

>> No.15867942

I have both a Beaufort and Bedale jacket. The Beaufort I hunt with hard all the time, rewax it yearly, good as new.

Can't do the tweeds and wellies though, even as wet as it is around here. Old canvas Duxbak trousers and Vietnam-style jungle boots.

>> No.15867950

I've spent plenty of time in England and you're falling into the same trap. Look it up. Most farmers are not rich in the UK.

A village is essentially in the country and not all villagers are posh or rich.

>> No.15867972

You're not getting it.
This thread isn't about farmers, son.
It's about landed gentry.
Big difference.

I'm sure being a military brat was fun but you're not a veteran.
You shouldn't lie about that.

>> No.15868051

I'm not even going to begin.

>> No.15868501

vashti is a babe

>> No.15868580
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>talking about farmers
>n-no we are talking about landed gentry

Yeah nice goal post shifting. Of course landed gentry are rich and posh.

>I'm sure being a military brat was fun but you're not a veteran

My father was killed before I was born. I wish I had been a military brat instead of growing up dirt poor in Compton with a single parent.

>> No.15868592

he was right about everything, and so based.
he tried to warn us....

>> No.15868625

Her kids would not have looked like her.

>> No.15868665

I love the aesthetics of the country and I fantasize about moving there but I'm afraid that the neighbors and other community members in the rural life will be the boring, conservative type who don't want to try new things and get together to discuss or do things; or worse, the type who care only about how much they hate the government. Are there more interesting, active, and aesthetic-minded communities out there living the rural life?

>> No.15868716

>in the rural life will be the boring, conservative type who don't want to try new things and get together to discuss or do things

Bit cringe mate. You essentially love the aesthetic of a life but not the reality of it. If rural life was full of "progressive" little zoomers. it would no longer be rural life. You want a life those people have created but you don't want those people. But it does not exist without those people.

>can i have their life but with totally different people

No. Because then it wouldn't be that. The kind of people you want to be around do not create that type of life so stay away.

>try new things and get together to discuss or do things

Such as what? Please tell

>> No.15868739

I absolutely don't want their life. I want to live in the aesthetics of the country. If that makes me anything but aware of my own tastes then name me a criminal, mate.

For what its worth, I still want a community that, for example: takes care of their bodies, eats right, exercise and such, can converse with one about current affairs with some level of competence, has their hobbies, as you know. But I also want to bathe in the aesthetics of the country each day. Just, yes, without the people who have lived the hard life such that it has made them sullen sods

>> No.15868755

But the aesthetic of the country comes from the people. The country life does not make the people, the people make the country life.

>Just, yes, without the people who have lived the hard life such that it has made them sullen sods

I think you have some stereotype or movie in your head. Country folk are fun, free, welcoming, kind etc.

How exactly do you want them to be different? You say you want to discuss things but explore more. What exactly do you mean?

>> No.15868778

>Country folk are fun, free, welcoming, kind etc
Ah perfect! /fa/s a weird board

>> No.15868833

Abysmal post, stay far away from the countryside you are human cancer

>> No.15868986

I'd like to get a little .410 single shooter like that one day. They look like sweet poppers.

>> No.15868993

Sounds like you're looking for western MA or anywhere in Maine

>> No.15869022

>the type who care only about how much they hate the government.
FYI we hate the government because we are so far removed from it. Rural folk are the largest land owners and pay the most taxes, but see less of a return on them than entitled city fags like yourself. The hatred is well justified. Go be a larpfag elsewhere, we are full

>> No.15869029

Rural people pay less in taxes and benefit far more than urbanites from government spending.

>> No.15869031

Facts don't care about your feelings wanker

>> No.15869043

Sorry sir, I may be in the wrong. I was recently exposed to a really bad movie called Wicker Man and may be a bit biased. Also, sir you should know that here in West Bengal country people are strange, they don't treat women right, and I'm a bit afraid they won't understand me and won't talk to me and things after I finish transitioning.

>> No.15869050

I’ve lived in towns under a thousand and in major cities.

>> No.15869829

no you haven't

>> No.15869848

Ah, the Royal Cunny Spotter

>> No.15869855
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>> No.15869859

hope you have a license for those butter knives

>> No.15870080

Abysmal post. If you like the country then you should support the Conservative politics and traditional value that developed and sustained it for so very long, not seek to subvert the lot of it with the mid century horseshit that drove it into the ground. I suppose you could find a higher income rural area around the Cotswolds, near Oxford, so on and so forth. More likely to be well-educated and aesthetically minded, hence why they're living in the country rather than with the convenience of the city.

>> No.15870082

I would take my dogs to your house every morning to shit all over the lawn. And my horse. And I would fire rubbish out the window every time I drove past.

>> No.15870087

Eh, it's often true. More community focused country areas = nicer people, and in general people distanced for the dissolution of trust in the city will be more trusting, nice and generous to people. Of course there's the occasional hardened mean farmer stereotype, but there's unpleasant people everywhere.

>> No.15870091

Are you handicapped that you have to type "eh" before your post? Are you that thick that you think you need to write "eh" when you type? Are you that slow???

>> No.15870307

>but there's unpleasant people everywhere.
Found one!
What shoes you wear, bud?

>> No.15870311
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>More likely to be well-educated and aesthetically minded, hence why they're living in the country

>> No.15870377

not him but I'd like to know if cordings actually sells stuff that is made in England. I suspect not because they would have advertised it but maybe they are so posh they don't even see stuff being made in bongland as now being novel.

>> No.15870416

Why else would a wealthy person live in the country if they have the means to live in a city besides the tranquility of it?

>> No.15870459

A few things are. Moleskin jeans in particular.

>> No.15870543

Eat the bugs.

>> No.15870550

Stay in the city, where you belong, you absolute faggot

>> No.15871935
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where does this end and /tip/ begin?

>> No.15871952

it fits in but its the english version

>> No.15872328

when you try it

>> No.15872671

You should stay in the city.

>> No.15872678

3 terms

>> No.15872807

/tip/ is murrikan city clothing
country is english countryside and outdoor clothing

>> No.15872929

w2c boots?

>> No.15872936
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I can't decide between two barbours. Should I get Ashby (pic)...

>> No.15872941
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or Corbridge?

>> No.15872963

>the two gayest models
make sure to get extra wax, cumstains won't buff out so easily

>> No.15873002

Don't buy hipster Barbour. It's fake countryside for fags.

>> No.15873096

I'm not American, so nobody would really read it that way.

I also mostly wear gorpcore, but wanted something a bit more classic and old-fashioned, but still water-resisting and fitting with my overall aesthetic. Filson could work, but it's murican so hard to get in Europe.

>> No.15873134

>where does this end and /tip/ begin?
the glasses and the hat I think, also having the jacket oversized and buttoned, and shitty facial hair never helps

I don't think I could ever justify wearing a tie outside of formal occasions

>> No.15873460
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William Lennon, absolutely based company.

>> No.15873472
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>> No.15873562
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Trad fashions sort of cross over into old English country fashions - see >>15856119. Lots of people trace back preppy fashion to 'Sloane Ranger' fashion - see >>15856184. There are different quirks from which you could tell them apart, though. American fashions err more on the informal, and fashionable - low waists, skinny fits, so on and so forth, and are often more ostentatious - brighter colours, accessories... That image is more English, I'd say, especially considering the fairisle layering (pic related). Once again, I'd recommend looking up, or better yet watching, the 1981 Brideshead. It's a cross section of English fashion - military uniforms, tweeds, morning dress, city suits, 20s casual, everything, or Jeeves and Wooster, too, maybe.

>> No.15873571

All creatures great and small as well?

>> No.15873585

Fuck off we're full

>> No.15873631
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Everyone wore clothing like that 85 years ago, it's only formal now cos people dress like shit these days. example of ''formal'' wear being worn casually, unemployed people in 1936. Even country clothing is just traditional clothing really. Lords and laborers used to dress alike.

>> No.15873651
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>> No.15873659

Probably had rickets or some other growth disorder, was more common back then.

>> No.15873674

Never seen it myself, though a search yields some nice tweeds, tattersall waistcoats and all. Probably more representative of working class fashions in comparison to how perfectly tailored everything is in BR.

>> No.15873680

Surprising how suddenly it's fallen off. 1990s->early 2000s wearing a jacket was still customary, now you'll get a weird look in London for wearing a shirt.

>> No.15873709
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More like late 50's to 1960s, clothing become more like it is today then, due to a number of factors, personally i wish people dress more like back in the day.

>> No.15873785

if anything, college and living in the city made me more right wing.

>> No.15874092

Of course it would. City living is ugly, lonely, and for what? It would drive anybody who wasn't delusional to Conservatism.

>> No.15874130

Modern college woke liberalism would turn Karl Marx right wing.

>> No.15874284

> you were always right wing, bootlicker

>> No.15874598
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>I want to move to the country to subvert the local culture and remove it of the identity that caused me to move there
Anon.. you wouldn't happen to be...

Disregard if you live in America, their political discourse is shit and actually as bad as you seem to think it is. Not that they're wrong, they're just asses about it.

>> No.15874855


>> No.15874908
File: 63 KB, 720x764, tazed in balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal security doesn't taze themselves in their own balls. They have this thing called "training" and develop a thing called "skill".

>> No.15875110
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>> No.15875169


>>15870080 here, didn't realise you were from West Bengal. Fuck off, nobody wants you in England. Whatever aesthetic pretensions you have a misguided. Go be a tramp elsewhere.

>> No.15875478

rent free

>> No.15876768

Charles tyrwhtt

>> No.15877234

What’s something you guys would actually wear for a long walk around town. Figure you’re out for as long as 2 hours, it’s cold, you’re up and down hills, etc.

>> No.15877245

No. You want the idealized aesthetics of country life without the he values of country life and that’s not possible. Try to find some obnoxious college town out in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.15877253

fuck off back to /pol/ why do you annoying conservative types still exist. you guys never get your fucking way. society always marches forward past you people and you die alone and unloved

>> No.15877260

Grow some brain cells, genius. The guy wants an idealized country folk that doesn’t exist anywhere. Sorry to burst your bubble.

t. Lives in a rural college town

>> No.15877278

Whats wrong with that? Aesthetics are superficial most of the time but the nonsuperficial aesthetic elements itt mostly don't have anything to do with chopping wood, plowing, planting, milking, etc. But other than those things, what would the values of country life even be? Beating your wife? Fuckin a pig? Smoking meth? Mudding?

>> No.15877280

Just stay out. You’re clearly an ignorant troll.

>> No.15877284

these trad guys are so delusional and conservatives keep trying to hold us back
in my dream we can live in the cyberpunk sci fi world and people dress like english countrymen with crazy dyed hair and nobody cares next to people dressing like the 80s or rich people in togas and it all doesnt matter.
but of course these retarded conservatives read one book from a guy who fucking bombed innocents(something you'd think they'd be against) and think they've been 'awoken'. people really are total sheep to propaganda

>> No.15877319
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>> No.15877329

most rural towns are filled with drug addiction and poverty these days, much like big cities, landed gentry are not representative of an whole population. Working class people in more rural settings would have worked in the coal mines in britain but not much has really replaced them so there is the problems i have mentioned above.

>> No.15877427

In winter it's Timbs, heavy denim, a flannel shirt and/or a tshirt, wool crewneck and a thin jacket over that, wool socks, they don't make your feet sweaty and keep them warm. Maybe a wool hat and gloves if it's really cold

>> No.15877521

Can a Barbour Bedale jacket look good on a manlet (5'8")? They look a bit long.

>> No.15877577

>They look a bit long.

You must be shorter than you say.

>> No.15877597

how is this different from cottage core?

>> No.15877617

one is for the tenants and one is for the gentry.

>> No.15877621

>after I finish transitioning.
So you’re a Bengali troon?

>> No.15877656

That’s simply not true.

>> No.15877723

You know that story was fake right dipshit?

>> No.15877758

What exactly are your objections to cityfolk moving to the country and dressing like countryfolk?

>> No.15877926

Have a tyrwhitt shirt, oxford, nice, but looks a little nerdy because of the washed aspect. But, from the GG video the consensus is that their trousers are meant to be bad

>> No.15877935

If they're eager to reject the very thought that exists to conserve that lifestyle, they can stay out. Otherwise, why would anyone object?

>> No.15877978

Couldn't that be said about almost every time someone switches from one to another?

>> No.15879081

Yes. Your point?

>> No.15879135

Sometimes, maybe, there's a friction between a familiar way of life and a new one, but the point is nobody will encourage some nerd on the Internet to pack their bags and fly in from Bengal to the country, especially when he has delusional fancies and ideas that are very much antithetical to the country way of life.

>> No.15879248

north pennines?

>> No.15879257

If I have loads of money and literally don't have to work, maintain a farm, fuck pigs, etc, then what is the problem to buying a house, moving there, and dressing a particular way to match the aesthetics shown in this thread? Because it pisses off degenerate farmers?

And what is wrong with that? Because it hurts country folks feelings?

>> No.15879314

>Because it hurts country folks feelings?
>what would the values of country life even be? Beating your wife? Fuckin a pig? Smoking meth? Mudding?
Imagine wanting to live around people whom you despise and hold in utter contempt.

>> No.15879352

where to start with this for female clothes? is a tennis white skirt appropriate only for tennis or ok if matched with a knitted sweater

>> No.15879640

Because rural areas are often pretty poor because of a lack of jobs, which means house prices and life in general is pretty cheap as the market reacts to the upper limit of what people can afford. Then people from the city arrive and things get more expensive, independent businesses end up closing and your town or village becomes a commuter hub. And to add insult to injury, you try and claim or copy existing practises, but because you're from the city you don't know how to do that without commodifying it. And so what you get is a parody of country life put on solely for you cunts to walk about in, mascerading as living the country life while simultaneously moaning about the natives.
Basically stay the fuck out of Norfolk please.

>> No.15879649

Yes it is, small towns can be considered rural if they are far away enough from large cities, they are not urban, It's mostly a thing in northern england. I would know i live in one and see it everyday.

>> No.15879908

so you want to go somewhere in order to ruin it

>> No.15879920

you are a technophile high on the lies that justify the annihilation of everything good in this world.

>sheep to propaganda
you utter fucking faggot you're the one cooming over literally dystopian depictions of nightmarish future, meanwhile we just want to have the normal fucking life that was ubiquitous until literally the last two centuries. fuck off and die alone in a hole of aids

>> No.15879928

because you people destroy everywhere you go. you get sick of the shit of the city and you pack your bags to some nice countryside town, start whinging immediately that there isn't a 24 hour paki shop selling offal in a pita bread and that farmers don't know the correct number of letters after LGB. you are fucking odious cunts who just take take take and ruin everywhere you tread. stay the fuck in your rathole of a city.

>> No.15879938

yeah looks like the dark peak to me.

went camping there not too long ago with a mate. up around hathersage is gorgeous

>> No.15879944

"get your way", our way is the literal historical norm until the last two centuries. this is the aberration, all of human history is "conservative".

once this fossil-fuel fed machine breaks down things will reassert themselves to how they should be, and necessarily always must be.

>> No.15879946

this is it. these cunts are so used to simulations that they think they can ape something without living it truly and completely, with the struggle that it actually entails. no grasp of authenticity.

>> No.15879951

exactly what we want to see. post more lad

>> No.15880059

Not especially country but yeah a tennis skirt will do for Sloane Ranger type stuff. Ballet flats/horsebit loafers, too, see >>15856184, especially the bird on the middle right with the pink jumper. Country styles see a lot of overlap between men and women, just in skinnier cuts, slightly more subject to trends. Still barbours, jeans, tattersall shirts, shetlands, etc.

>> No.15880492
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>> No.15880505

This is a completely reasonable justification and should be enough to convince any reasonable person matching its description to not move to the country. Well said

>> No.15880508
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>> No.15880515

the irony that people post shit like this every day on blue boards with no awareness of what they did to 4chan by coming here...

>> No.15880523

reasonably reasonable reasoning. well said.

>> No.15880535

It's a blue board because there is safe content via images posted such as not allowing porn and gore, and outright racism but it's not a blue board to restrict speech and only allow extreme left wing dogma and politically correct narrative posted.

Holy shit man. Go back to re.dd.it.

>> No.15880538

I've been here as long as you if not longer
You were never even one of the good tripfags

>> No.15880562

What a great refute to the conevrsion.


Great bro. You're still a moron trying to politically correct speech in a fucking country thread which is well known for conservatism and traditionalism.

You just want the look without the way of life or the people. I get it. That's called LARPING.

This look is being CONSERVED from the past. It's not compatible with being PROGRESSIVE.

What's next, you are against animal culling? Absolute utter MORON.

>> No.15880566


If anyone was ever deserving of a slap.. and if anyone just outed themselves as some teenager in the city, it's that kid who has supposedly been here almost 20 years. Yeah alright. Whatever you say.

>> No.15880569

Hello? Based department on the line?

>> No.15880627

The conclusion of your rant was literally calling me a newfag lol.
The core of the topic is demographic shifts by the way; you've been here long enough to fill in the blanks of what they've done to this place.
Maybe you prefer the sites latest incarnations. I noticed your hunger for attention has you aping newfags and spamming threads. At least it gets upvotes from great board contributors like >>15880569

>> No.15880652

>The conclusion of your rant was literally calling me a newfag lol.

No it wasn't, it was that perhaps you should move to another place that restricts speech more aggressively if you are offended by such petty things.

What an earth are you talking about? The whole point was a blue board does not mean extreme speech modding, it just means it's safe to view at work, and (up to now) free speech is still legal at work.

>The core of the topic is demographic shifts by the way; you've been here long enough to fill in the blanks of what they've done to this place.

Oh right so demographic shifts on message boards can fuck them up but demographic shifts of people into the country who despise their way of life but just want to larp in their clothing will not fuck it up?

Gotcha. Your mental state sounds 100% healthy and logical right now.

>I noticed your hunger for attention

Calling your stupid shit out HURR U CAN'T POST ANYTHING BUT ULTRA PC SPEECH CUZ THIS IS A BLUE BOARD!! is not me hungry for attention and your COPE is off the scale right now.

Apologize and move on. Be the big man.

>> No.15880658

>At least it gets upvotes from great board contributors

It's seething.

>> No.15880672

the suit as you see them in the pictures started as working class attire. you could definitely find borgousie dressed in similar clothing. the borgousie is part of the upper middle class/upper class whereas lords, belonging to the artistocracy and a different class entirely, would not wear anything like this.

>> No.15882161

My house is full of them, fairly certain they're bone handle