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File: 120 KB, 1042x1280, miga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15847531 No.15847531 [Reply] [Original]

What core is this?

>> No.15847541

C average student core

>> No.15847546


>> No.15847547

himbo Jamiroquai

>> No.15847562

ooga booga

>> No.15847633

not going to lie i thought trumpers were fucking pussies and were too thin blue line bootlickers to do anything like this

they gained a little of my respect.

now back the second ammendment like a libertarian and i'll support

>> No.15847646

What part of the constitution mandates shooting people when you lose an election ?

>> No.15847649

I've only heard a woman being shot due to not following some rules, not protestors shooting people at will.

Eitherway, you're too obsessed with media if you care.

>> No.15847650

laws only get you so far, politicians are bought off by the chinese. tree of liberty cleanse the corruption

>> No.15847663


>> No.15847671


>> No.15847678

to hell with the consequences I'm going for it core

>> No.15847681

Jake Angeli is himbo tier hot

>> No.15847786
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Sack of Rome core.

>> No.15847787


>> No.15847811
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Gloria Swanson core

>> No.15847813 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15847822


>> No.15847848
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Uprising Core

>> No.15847856

5 Yuan has been added to your account. The protesters didn't shoot anybody.

>> No.15847863
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they should have burnt that dump down

>> No.15847868


>> No.15847871

Man that was awesome when Michaels bitch slapped that redneck

>> No.15847879

bunch of retards storm the building and did nothing. at least go all the way and hold people hostage or something, but nope they only did it for clout

>> No.15847905

ok for real, I legit never gave a fuck about trump and think the majority of his supporters are retards and/or schizos, but this shit was a false flag 100%. I also thought the claims of election fraud were also stupid but this is not real at all. Everything about it is extremely fishy

>> No.15847910

>they only did it for jail time

>> No.15848042

I don't think it's a false flag per se. It's more like a color revolution designed to fail which members of the political class will capitalize on and use to further justify a growing surveillance state.

>> No.15848057

tundra barbarian core

>> No.15849275

why is he kinda hot...

>> No.15849278

it's the rubberized grip gloves that will spread your ass cheeks with great support and efficiency

>> No.15849319

the police let them enter the capitol.
the backed up and let them walk in.
they could have resisted since they were armed and the protesters weren't.
100% staged.

>> No.15849330
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>> No.15849337


damn he cool

>> No.15849343


fuck thats him? being a baldy/hairlet really is a cure

>> No.15849354

the only reason I'm glad they didn't is because i don't want losers like this getting credit for something cool, if we burn the capital i want it to be about something big not about overhyped claims of fraud

>> No.15849496
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>> No.15850644
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 639801d33fed5c4cb8a48f17a92516ae61bf2b1a_2_500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tee made it to congress

>> No.15850645
File: 97 KB, 1000x1000, wemerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15850651

Your tee a shit

>> No.15851713

soon to be imprisoned core

>> No.15851722

that's pretty rad ngl

>> No.15851733


>> No.15851746


>> No.15851864


>> No.15852130

imagine spending the better part of the last 5 years having your brain and ego melted by uninterrupted /pol/ exposure, flying to washington in the middle of a pandemic to hear trump whine about oprah and mike pence at a rally, marching up to congress on his orders to smash shit and then mill around aimlessly you go home and hear that biden won anyway and all of your favorite twitter news sources named like Patriot Newsman Of the West with avatars of roman statues have posted your photo online and are labeling you a "gay communist antifa actor." then the next day the god emperor you pasted into warhammer memes puts out a video cucking himself and bending the knee. "i'm sorry, those were heinous acts! p-please let me tweet again jack!!" you can't leave dc because the airlines have dubbed you a flight risk. you can't stay because the cops are actively looking for you after one of their own died. your roommate at the only hotel that would accept you is a guy named based_kekistani 1488 who wants to show you his goblin slayer torrents. the sun is going down and you're getting cold.

>> No.15852926


>> No.15852938

Brawn without brains

>> No.15853035

remember back in 2021, when you could just post whatever you wanted online?

enjoy the good times bros because we're in them but for not much longer

>> No.15854175

I cant with them trumpers now yelling "but b but no this false flag he antifa", to those obvious and loyal trumpers lol
Top 10 anime betrayals

>> No.15854181

>remember back in 2021, when you could just post whatever you wanted online?

You cant say whatever you want online for years now

>> No.15854185

CIA actor core

>> No.15854208
File: 448 KB, 673x732, C90A96BD-7800-44C7-B5FA-DE530F963A44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you want online for years now

I just did

>> No.15854213
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>> No.15854621
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Give Black Beanie bro some love. Uwu.

>> No.15854925

Drug induced paranoia core

>> No.15855572
File: 531 KB, 690x666, lolgetfucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so handy these retards aren't camera shy

>> No.15855597

Leave the dumb patriots alone.
It's not their fault they love America!

>> No.15855599

well you have to understand context and the typical american trumptard, qboomer mindset. To them 2020 has shown masks as an "enemy" clothing, either due to Antifa/BLM rioters or neolib "wear your fucking mask" pandemic response. This year has also shown that rioters don't really meet any consequences, even if they destroy government property, so they were moving under the assumption that worse case scenario they get tackled and then maybe jailed or night, or just beaten up by police and leave.

>> No.15855619
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>This year has also shown that rioters don't really meet any consequences
I seem to remember several deaths not to mention many injuries and innumerable pepper-sprayings.

I think the whole thing was political theater and that these guys are crisis actors.
For example, why was this black lives matter protestor storming the capital?
A: he's undercover

>> No.15855633

>I seem to remember several deaths
yeah and people die driving, isn't going to stop you from getting in a car. I mean consequences like in other countries, where if you are caught or identified rioting in government property you are immediately apprehended and imprisoned, and nobody would be surprised. 2020 riots maybe 1 out of 1000 rioters faced legal issues and did so because twitter activists identified them and their was public pressure to arrest them. Or maybe they grab two guys to discourage the rest into just going home. And many 2020 riots happened in places where the local gov was sympathetic of them, these trumpers probably thought the same would happen if trump was still in power and the GOP was still falling in line. I can guarantee you nobody who raided the capitol thought anything serious would happen to them
As to the idea that the riot was fake, yes and no. CIA engages in this shit all the time in other countries. Have agents incite a riot or revolution and then everybody else goes along with it. So maybe 5 glowies in the crowd and then mob logic takes control and they all rush

>> No.15855652

America is the world’s unfunniest comedy.

>> No.15855691
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>> No.15855703

its actually funny though, especially if you already have money+sex so what happens has no real effect on you. I've been laughing the last 5 years

>> No.15855805

He can, imagine if they were black. They would get the death sentence. Fucking Amerikkka.

>> No.15855851

if they were black the congressmen would kneel and they'll be hailed as heroes. sois would tweet comparing them to the rebel alliance or harry when he broke back into hogwarts when it was controlled by he who should not be named. they would respond to angry people saying that buildings are not more important to human lives and that protesting is supposed to make you uncomfortable. the american gov and symbols is built on slavery and systemic racism, therefore what they did is right, and it is their property as they, black kangs and queenz built the capitol building because thats what they saw said on twitter. pictures of a black person in the senate chamber would be posted on leddit and the nyt as "inspiring and defiant".

>> No.15855855
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x1280, tumblr_3f3010cae028646b06e0780eac119d3b_d2769dfe_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15855973

i would let this man do unspeakable things to me core

>> No.15856192

fuck you sieg

>> No.15856196

We wuz vikings and shit core

>> No.15856211

>claims of election fraud were stupid
Either we’re not talking about the same election or your head is buried in the sand

>> No.15856254

Oh shit, better let a judge know.

>> No.15856269

The judges are probably all in on it.
So sad my parents came to america in the 90s to be in the land of freedom and opportunity - was my dads dream bc he grew up in Soviet Union times...... and now all this bullshit.....USA is gonna be so fucked by the time Harris/China/Soros finishes their term - mark my words - working Americans are focked

>> No.15856294

they came in the 90's, when the soviet union had ended and everything got much, much worse there

>> No.15856296

Larp core. Probably some office cubicle cuck

>> No.15856297

Let me guess - you’re Russian?

>> No.15856305

russian oligarchy is far worse than the red curtain could ever hope to be

>> No.15856315

no, I'm thoroughly american white
You can't deny biggest drop in quality of life and life expectancy in world history that isn't called a war or a plague. Nobody left Russia in the 90's to avoid communism, they did it to avoid a capitalist explosion

>> No.15856325

You felt the need to expose yourself as another idiot racist?

>> No.15856328

If you believe this you need a reality check

>> No.15856332

Yes bc after Soviet Union fucked up my home country upside down and inside out - corruption ensued bc it’s not like the country’s gonna peachy keen over night - it takes time to fix shit and get things how they should be. Pls don’t sit here and tell me Russia was doing us a favor with the whole SU thing bc you have no idea wtf you’re talking about

>> No.15856341

>knows americans are being fucked
>knows former soviet republics are fucked up
>thinks the soviet union was the problem, anywhere
pick two

>> No.15856344

Russia is still a fucking shithole too today for the average working class person, many russians feel nostalgic for the soviet union. The stories i have heard of heroin addiction in the russian federation after the fall in the 90s is horrifying. needles littered on the street, people with fuck all, the fall of the soviet union was the greatest disaster of the late 20th century.

>> No.15856354


It was also a disaster for the western working class, because it gave the neoliberal elite the freedom to get rid of any rights the western working class had gained, now we slave away in warehouses and factories without any voice.

>> No.15856388

snowflake core

>> No.15856425

>fall of Soviet Union was the greatest disaster of late 20th century

You guys say the most ridiculous shit sometimes and I just KNOW I know for a fact that you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.

>> No.15856468


Look at the eastern block today with regular people and come back, it's shit. If it was so much better today people wouldn't still want the days of the soviet union back, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

>> No.15856605

Yea just let all the little countries get swallowed up by communist Russia - lose autonomy be forced to speak Russian at school n shit - wtf are you even saying? Idk if you’ve ever heard of nationalism but it’s a thing bb.

>> No.15856658

You are not even addressing what i have said, there was massive amounts of poverty and drug addiction after the fall and there still is, just like western countries in working class communities. Capitalism was literally forced on the people by boris yeltsin, it was a fucking disaster. This isn't coming from my mouth, it's coming from people who lived through it and are still living through it.

>> No.15856788

>You are not even addressing what i have said, there was massive amounts of poverty and drug addiction after the fall and there still is, just like western countries in working class communities. Capitalism was literally forced on the people by boris yeltsin, it was a fucking disaster. This isn't coming from my mouth, it's coming from people who lived through it and are still living through it.
ah yes. the solution to the failures of communism is more communism!

you people need to be locked in a padded cell where you can't hurt anyone

>> No.15857105

>about something big not about overhyped claims of fraud
>overhyped claims of fraud
They literally stole an entire election that even from a mathematical and statistical perspective is impossible. That's not big enough for you? You must watch MSM an awful lot.

>> No.15857134
File: 540 KB, 1007x889, EE08C609-3FAB-4176-9D72-26BF7CC96F1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes think that the Capital Police let them in because they wanted an insurrection. Instead of burning the place down (And saving the world) they just walked around and took selfies

>> No.15857142

Did you make this? Where can I buy one???

>> No.15857229

You cunts never offer anything else, soviet communism isnt identity politics, its got one thing going for it, i never said i was ultra educated, im just a working class man .

>> No.15857356

>u racist
try harder
no, I just generally hate americans, hypocrites, party loyalty, and zealotry

>> No.15857380

Great pasta

>> No.15857384

I think it’s less that they love America and more that they just hate everyone else

>> No.15857391

I addressed it - it had more to do with independence. People have pride where they are from and it was all slowly turning into Russia. The reason it’s shitty now is bc of the Soviet Union had dismantled those countries basically and they had to start from scratch - which it’s gonna take more than a couple decades to become rich powerful economies...especially when a bunch of corrupt vultures start grabbing up power - the rich get richer poor get poorer...my point is that it’s still the Soviet unions fault those countries were/are in disarray —- it’s gonna take time to get those places back in order. But at least they have their independence and self respect. The only people that liked SU are the grandmas - and Russians too.
I’m no expert on the topic but saying that Soviet Union communism was better than national pride and independence is ridiculous.
I lived through that shit. In fact my country was the first one to gain their independence back....I remember even when everyone’s dad had to go fight in the Capitol volunteering bc obv we had no army - and Russia had tanks they were just plowing over people with.
You clearly don’t have a good understanding of what it was all about. And that’s ok.
And I can tell you that Lithuania’s economy is slowly but surely getting better and catching up little by little.

>> No.15857484

Lithuania is a shit hole, Russia is a super power aligned with china....wrong choice

>> No.15857499

Fuck yeah merida! Usa usa usa also... let's over throw the government .

> Tries to start a coup while holding flags of the government you're trying to oust

>> No.15857681

What the hell do you know about Lithuania?

>> No.15858492

Enough to know it would have been better off as russia

>> No.15858495

Imagine being this man, knowing that you will be forever immortalised in these pictures as a cuck. Just look at those horns!

>> No.15858496

Lmao you don’t know shit about Russia either

>> No.15858497

a future predicted by ryan trecartin but right wing instead

>> No.15858498

By the very act of you asking what others know of Lithuania and assuming they know nothing proves their point it is a shit hole because nobody knows anything about it being such an irrelevant little nothing country.

>> No.15858536

Failed actor that lives with his mom core

>> No.15858541

Indre, I want to remind you that you're the only one here that doesn't have a degree. World politics is covered in breadth

>> No.15858557

That speaks volumes on your education if you’ve never heard of Lithuania and you should probably go back to 4th grade.
At least I’ve been to both of those countries and I know what I’m speaking of - we were talking about the dissolution of SU...through which I lived and that has affected my life drastically. I don’t understand whY you guys aren’t connecting the dots here —- i give up it’s too much of a concept for you guys
Socialism and communism is not the way to go. thank fucking god I’m not Russian.

>> No.15858560

get a room

>> No.15858569

This is all cope for " I've lived in that shithole but you guys are talking over my level of understanding"

Just face it, you're a wino fucktoy don't try to interject into conversation

>> No.15858571
File: 55 KB, 713x540, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you even fucking read? I never said I haven't heard of Lithuania, I said nobody knows anything about it. Any stranger from pretty much any place in the world could name things about say Japan, but Lithuania is just some irrelevant little country.

A couple of glasses of wine for breakfast again? Lol.. what a mess.

>> No.15858573

I wouldn’t feel safe

You wouldn’t know an educated person if one smacked you upside your head
And I know you’ll never admit I’m right
In fAct you’re probably trolling me for a drop of attention

>> No.15858578

Everyone here has a degree, except you.also you're the oldest one here....let that sink in before you grab another glass of cheap wine

>> No.15858588
File: 633 KB, 538x720, alcoholic bum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wine to wake up in the morning
>a little glass of wine with lunch
>wine to relax at night

Hey look! Here is my impression of you. I'm you.

>> No.15858590

Also, you killed your own kids. Milf murderer

>> No.15858592

She's 34 and doesn't own a car, bitch literally rides a scooter around

>> No.15858602

Lol that's why she has this attitude, she knows she is a failure and washed up. She then just invents fantasy stories to cover over it. All her stories and places she has lived are all false. She's just some drunken house sitter because a friend has taken pity on her. I bet she even rants about here during her therapy sessions. Sad.

>> No.15858605

I’m not alllowed to drive a scooter
Stop with this 3rd grade behavior it’s pathetic
Also you are scum. True scum. Like I know I’ve made shit decisions before - but you just choose to be scum
Learn to handle rejection like a man

>> No.15858671

lol i can imagine the therapist trying to hold back a laugh

so youre drinking this morning because you were bullied on a fashion board filled with teenagers?

>> No.15858686

Hey I was just thinking I see a lot of chaturbate cam girls from around your country who are pretty hot. So in the context of where you're actually from, you're pretty ugly, yah? You must be below average in Lithuania? I imagine if you went to Russia you would be stared at for being ugly. Hah, not trying to be an asshole, was just a thought. U alright. having a good day? Enjoy it.

Haha yeah that's another point really, she has to have a drink before she can even come on here for the courage. Then she tries and plays the tough character "I don't care, I am living life" with all her edgy shit. But too stupid to comprehend that we can all easily see past that. It's simply an ageing woman who last saw her looks over 10 years ago and needs to drink a box full of wine before being able to face the world, even if it's online. Pretty tragic really. I can see why her friend has taken pity on her.

>> No.15858694

>Like I know I’ve made shit decisions before

Which would be fine if you had learned something from that but every single time some kid posts a drugs thread you're right in there OMG DRUGS ARE SOOO KOOL!! I AM LIVING LIFE!! I REGRET NOTHING!! FUCK DA GOVERNMENT, LAWS SHOULD NOT EXIST!! WHY DID THEY ARREST ME FOR A DUI!! I'M A FEMALE, GUYS DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT!

It's just sooo fucking stupid how you talk about your Mother and how you supposedly care for her but you don't regret a situation that could have ended up with the cops knocking on your Mothers door to say your brains are all over the windscreen of a vehicle. Why? because you're selfish. You don't care about that or if you might have killed someone. All you care about is your own selfish needs of getting fucked up because you're a coward who can't even face the world. You haven't addressed any of these issues and at your age now, it's unlikely you ever will.

10 years from now and you'll feel a lot worse on the path you're taking, even now you have no coping balance and in years to come, with age creeping up on you, the balance will tip right over and you'll have no husband or kids to keep it balancing back so you will just overdose and suicide. You're not unique. Your story isn't unique. You're simply weak.

>> No.15858700
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>> No.15858703

only worthwhile thing in this shithole of a board is watching retarded tripfags go at it, thank god they do it in every fucking thread

>> No.15858800

i would like his hat please.

>> No.15858839

Lmao ive been here three years and they’re here every single day it’s amazing

>> No.15858841

Exudes confidence and charm, not to mention the contextual assumptions that he is in support of justice and truth etc.