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File: 42 KB, 548x640, 48C56913-88BE-4A42-BAD3-B7EB8ED77501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15845390 No.15845390 [Reply] [Original]

I watched Drive (2011) recently and I love this jacket. I almost want to buy one but I don’t want to LARP as a movie character and regain my virginity. Are there any jackets or windbreakers that come off like this? Kind of flashy but not too out there, unique but not over the top. Sukajans just have too much shit all over them

>> No.15845543
File: 142 KB, 292x257, .40 keks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never change 4chan

>> No.15845570

read the sticky

>> No.15845583

Wouldnt reccomend getting an identical copy, somehting similar could be nice tho

>> No.15845962
File: 95 KB, 890x698, GOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't progressed to the superior louis bloom

The Driver is just a mechanic (part time stunts) and does some underhand dealings.

Meanwhile Bloom sits online all day, learning things, learning people, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. He is not an autist, he just doesn't want to deal with idiotic sheep coonsumer masses. If he must engage in conversion, he will quickly control, dominate, manipulate and gain the upper hand. The Driver can't even order a cheese burger without pausing to think!

Bloom is fucking awesome.

>> No.15845966

Someone post the compilation pic

>> No.15845978
File: 575 KB, 750x819, IMG_0938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got you

>> No.15845999

>loses all desire to buy the jacket
>realizes that just like these guys, I think I’m some how more “worthy” of the jacket than “them” and it looks better on me

>> No.15846002

>souvenir jacket mens

There you go. Just get something similar.

>> No.15846098
File: 69 KB, 852x582, CIMW9KgR3rSkygXgVJPX20yfH8ne41PKRvejEbSQ9h0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15846100

Someone post the collage of incels wearing that jacket kek

>> No.15846101


Do you even bother browsing threads? It's only a few posts up there...

>zoomer attention span

>> No.15846108

I guess i don’t care enough to browse threads since I’m mostly here to shitpost.

How sad of you to point that out tho. How’s being a tripfag working out for you? You getting that sense of identity that comes from tripfagging?

>> No.15846115

Not as though you're 40 posts in. It's right there the image.

>I guess i don’t care enough to browse threads since I’m mostly here to shitpost.

Noted. So you're a troll and call others tripfags when your life is so boring you come here simply to troll and shit post.

>when you out yourself as a loser


Get a hobby.

>> No.15846116

Fuck off, Zoomer

>> No.15846120

>you're a troll and call others tripfags
That’s exactly what you are, dumbfuck. Trolled & rekt

Seething so hard he’s samefagging

>> No.15846128

The zoomer can never just admit they never read the thread. They get angry and start to rage which shows their low self esteem issues coming right to the surface.


Dude you're a fucking loser.

>> No.15846150

>The zoomer can never just admit they never read the thread
I literally said i don’t read the threads and i also told you the purpose of why i post here. Are you retarded?

>Dude you're a fucking loser
Ohhh nooo some rando irrelevant tripfag called me a loser guys

>> No.15846151

No you just have zero attention span so played it down with HURR I'M JUST TROLLING!!

Look how salty you are lmfao. Holy shit, image being this sensitive. Little buddy, open your curtains, let some light in and leave your room for a while. You're one of those angry shit ins in their room while their family is embarrassed about them.

>> No.15846177

And you called me a zoomer....

i don’t know where that “leave your room” bit came from it kinda sounds to me like youre projecting from here.

But if you get so hung up over trivial things on 4chan it seems to me like you’re the one that needs to reevaluate your life.

Putting on a tripfag to create an identity of sorts or in your case garner attention isn’t doing you any favors and more than likely isn’t healthy for you.

I did troll you pretty hard tho.
You made yourself look like an utter idiot. I take it you’re the “town retard” of this forum?

>> No.15846201

Yeah bro I am projecting about leaving my room in my parents house when I have videos of me in my apartment lol.

Bro, I made a little joke about low zoomer attention spans and you sperged out and played the old "i'm trolling" card.

You're an overly sensitive little dweeb. Incel core.

>> No.15846422
File: 957 KB, 599x805, Howdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Stop talking to the town retard.
2. Your shitposts suck if you're oblivious to the rest of the thread.

>> No.15846482
File: 106 KB, 796x618, i am the driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15846486
File: 148 KB, 1282x945, 1584932233169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15846541
File: 666 KB, 421x815, the driver lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this movie! He wears a lot of denim like me. I am wearing denim today. I am the driver lol. The best movie quotes ever! I can drive! You have up to 5 minutes or I will kick your mouth in XD

>> No.15847073

The one in the bottom left looks chad

>> No.15847095

like 90% of those are pretty clearly just for costumes though

>> No.15847099

on the floor at real human bean

>> No.15847109

is this denim dan?

>> No.15847234

Jesus Christ

>He is not an autist
You sure are

>> No.15847249
File: 215 KB, 534x303, do you want me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UR MAD lol

>> No.15847326
File: 1.38 MB, 902x1468, BryanGooseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unintentionally got this jacket for free when I was buying another one. Some lady had just sold her house and was selling her dead fathers belongings.

Anyway I got home and realised that on some level I had fulfilled this same Drive (2011) prophecy. I think it channels the same vibes without being a replica.

>> No.15847330
File: 1.10 MB, 932x1392, Byrdman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this is the jacket I originally went to buy.

>>It had actual birdseed in the pocket.

I choose to believe old man used it as his bird feeding jacket.

>> No.15847344

Why does that mans face looks like a sad clown face paint?

>> No.15847353
File: 487 KB, 817x456, mr happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's MR. HAPPY!

I do some part time work as a clown for children's Birthdays :-)

>> No.15847364


>> No.15847724

He's litteraly an autistic sociopath, did you see the movie anon ?

>> No.15847737


>> No.15848177

Explain the appeal, I've always thought the jacket looked tacky but appropriate for the film.

>> No.15848198
File: 450 KB, 3022x2340, IMG_20201020_181118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color (white) not is the best. I like bomber like this ...

>> No.15848325

What has this got to do with anything?
Punch yourself in the face
Read the OP again. Reeeeeeeeeetard.

>> No.15848368
File: 13 KB, 260x347, 5856367_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be an autistic clown than any one of these fags in here.

>> No.15848481 [DELETED] 

>He's litteraly an autistic sociopath, did you see the movie anon ?

About 15 times, breh.

He is not autistic at all. He is a sociopath, yes. And he displays those characteristics. You are likely assuming because he reels off lines he read online he has autism and can't interact normally with people, well that's what a personality disorder such as being a sociopath does to you. But he still functions to actually get along with people for the most part if he wants to and you can't tell much is wrong and at best, he might come off a little weird.

This is not at all like an autist. Even when they try and mimic human behavior they fuck it up and don't understand it. Louis does understand it, he just doesn't like it,

Autism is not a personalty disorder like being a sociopath, it's neurological disorder generally from birth and genetic. The roots of a personality disorder are mostly unknown and stem from either birth or environment. While they can appeal to overlap, they are totally different conditions.

You only see Louis as an autist because you see inside his life. If you met him in the street you never suspect anything, you likely meet sociopaths and psychopaths many times. Not if you meet a real autist, an ass burger! etc. you will tend to know.

This is probably one of my favorite subjects.

>> No.15848483

>He's litteraly an autistic sociopath, did you see the movie anon ?

About 15 times, breh.

He is not autistic at all. He is a sociopath, yes. And he displays those characteristics. You are likely assuming because he reels off lines he read online he has autism and can't interact normally with people, well that's what a personality disorder such as being a sociopath does to you. But he still functions to actually get along with people for the most part if he wants to and you can't tell much is wrong and at best, he might come off a little weird.

This is not at all like an autist. Even when they try and mimic human behavior they fuck it up and don't understand it. Louis does understand it, he just doesn't like it.

Autism is not a personalty disorder like being a sociopath, it's a neurological disorder generally from birth and genetic. The roots of a personality disorder are mostly unknown and stem from either birth or environment. While they can appear to overlap, they are totally different conditions.

You only see Louis as an autist because you see inside his life. If you met him in the street you would never suspect anything, you likely meet sociopaths and psychopaths many times. Now if you meet a real autist, an ass burger! etc. you will tend to know.

This is probably one of my favorite subjects.

>> No.15848496
File: 716 KB, 835x367, goose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He used to play a real human bean song each morning and measure his arms and chest to make sure they were the exact same size as the Drivers.

>> No.15849168

saw this shit in public the other day
some lanky nerdy sounding kid with his two equally faggy friends and he was wearing the goose jacket
if you reading this, you exited to the parking lot from the food court, it was about 7pm on december 21st
you cring as fucc

>> No.15849190

I'd rather live inside Gosling's basket with the puppies he's smuggling

>> No.15849192

narcissism is an illness, cecil

>> No.15849302

Bruh like fuck off he called you out and you just seething like a bitch

>> No.15849707

You literally can't be both of those things

>> No.15849710

How old are you

>> No.15849740

Do you actually Cecil? That's some creepy shit I must say.

>> No.15849933
File: 133 KB, 830x1500, 71odoLkW0tL._AC_UL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I got this badass Mahjong inspired Sukajan because I play the competitive game of Riichi Mahjong. The jacket is significant to me because I love to play Mahjong and I have an excuse to wear it to Mahjong tournaments.

You are a talentless little twerp and you have no business wearing anything flashy because you bring absolutely nothing to the table.

>> No.15849938
File: 93 KB, 1080x844, A1B93239-F223-45BA-B6A0-D3F87A07A83E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was me with Fight Club but to a much lesser degree. Plus I was in like middle school. Spiked my hair, got a red leather jacket and told some people that I hallucinate a guy following me around. I even told a friend who was a 4channer that my hallucination guy looked like Brad Pitt because I'm rarted. He just looked at me and asked if I'd ever seen Fight Club. "Nah..."

>> No.15849941

actually real fucking cool. started playing rich mahjong mid quarantine and it's good times.

>> No.15849955
File: 96 KB, 1198x1010, img61255902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once i saw this chuuren shirt on rakuten, i elected not to get it due to being a little gaudy but it has nothing on that jacket
>I have an excuse to wear it to Mahjong tournaments
i really hope that you do this

>> No.15849975
File: 2.99 MB, 628x402, 1430213354649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15850006

This looks fucking terrible, yet another example that good fashion = chad face.

>> No.15850031

Is this a copypasta now,

I feel like this is a copypasta now.

>> No.15850245
File: 475 KB, 1429x880, happy wants to play.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so mean to clowns now? It's not creepy.

My routine is... ARE YOU ALL HAPPY TODAY, KIDS??? I AM. AND DO YOU KNOW WHY I AM? BECAUSE I AM MR. HAPPY!! *honk honk* *giggles*


The only time I got some shit was from a parent when I placed my hand in one of the kids pants and tickled them while saying ants in your pants! ants in your pants!


>> No.15850278

I hope you're not really you

You're a white supremacist conspiracy theorist right?

>> No.15850293

I do! Not a lot though, couldn't even call it part time. Because of the stupid creepy clowns stuff pushed, less and less parents want a Birthday party clown.

>You're a white supremacist conspiracy theorist right?
