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/fa/ - Fashion

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15844982 No.15844982 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15844983
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>> No.15844989

Damn, is she balding?
Anyways, this type of chinese typically only dates and interacts with other rich chinese, even when living in white cities.

>> No.15845001

Wear something that says "I have shit tons of disposable income"

>> No.15845006

A nice expensive suit or flashy brands?

>> No.15845022
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Be black.

>> No.15845037

Imagine raising a mulatto mutt...

>> No.15845222

asians hate blacks lmao

>> No.15845228

True unfortunately.

>> No.15845260

at least you don't have to worry about being asian lol

in all seriousness though it kinda has to suck to live in the West as an asian dude, knowing that most asian chicks who were brought up here prefer to date/fuck almost any other race but their own, and that you'd basically have to jump through all kinds of hoops (or, become ridiculously fucking wealthy) to even get them remotely attracted to you

>> No.15845489


>> No.15845520
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>> No.15845703

why do these kinds of posts exist? 4chan memes this way too hard wh

>> No.15845773

This has essentially nothing to do with fashion, ask somewhere else

>> No.15845818

People on here look for a million different things that they can't control to blame for being a failure so they don't have to exert effort actually improving themselves.

>> No.15846099

Honestly befriend one of them and join one of the cliques you can either go full hype beast or avant garde. I managed to get a gf like this and a couple of flings. But I must warn you most of them are either complete sociopaths and narcissists. You must also blow lots and lots of Money on clubs and raves. It was really taxing on my mental health. It’s fun to do but in very small doses. They are also extremely racist so you better be white or Chinese, Korean, Japanese if you are south East Asian you have no chance. I ended up being in a lot of debt hanging out with them.

>> No.15846112

You don't want that smoke OP.

>> No.15846133

Are you white?

>> No.15846154


>> No.15846171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846196

holy shit go outside

>> No.15846206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15846210

Lmao based

>> No.15846212

Come here cunt, I'm going to smack you

>> No.15846374

You just need a gold Rolex with bracelet one link too big.

>> No.15846387

What, a bog standard middle class Chinese girl?
Just be white lmao, you don't need to dress like anything. If you're on /fa/ you've already got it.

>> No.15846538

>Damn, is she balding?
probably lightly balding. asians in my experience have shit thin hair and lose it at the parting. coupled with an already high hairline, they often look like a very thinning old person hair wise

>> No.15846540
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Middle class?

>> No.15846561

China does not have an upper class, unless you count oligarchs as the new aristocracy I guess

>> No.15846575

True, thankfully.*

>> No.15846579

What the fuck are you saying retard? "Upper class" just means rich you autistic homo

>> No.15846580

Upper class means aristocrat, words have actual meanings y'know
you're thinking upper middle class

>> No.15846590

How would this compare to NA?

>> No.15846609

"The economic group with the greatest wealth and power in society"
Every society, excluding hypothetical egalitarian ones, will have an upper class.

>> No.15846613

>complete sociopaths and narcissists
If I didn't hate a lot of modern asian culture this would be hot as fuck

>> No.15846616

I don't know.
>the social group that has the highest status in society, especially the aristocracy
get dunked on

>> No.15846618
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Is this what you mean?

>> No.15846620

Pretty much. Like I said, you could consider them to be the new upper class.

>> No.15846628
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>> No.15846633
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>> No.15846637
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>> No.15846641
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>> No.15846654

That doesn't contradict what I said. It doesn't say it refers only to aristocracy, and the term hasn't for around a hundred years. If it still did it would have almost no meaning in the many countries that have no formal aristocratic class.

>> No.15846656

>nig is already halfway out the door

>> No.15846674

Do you want a real answer?

I can't speak for professional Chinese models because they're pretty much complete artifice, but I can give some tips on dating Asian chicks more generally, assuming you're a western dude.

Off the top of my head:
- Don't be some sort of Chinaboo/Koreaboo/Weeaboo trying to assume all elements of Asian culture. They're almost certainly going to want to date you because you represent the West. For some reason, the girls really like it when I wear flannel shirts and jeans, polo shirts and khakis, and other traditionally American shit. No need to go hypebeast.
- Despite the above, have a passing familiarity with the culture, and especially the food. This will win you brownie points. Studying the language isn't mandatory but helps.
- Be fit. One time I fucked this Korean girl full of plastic surgery that spent the entire time I was in her feeling my delts/pecs.
- Don't ever ever ever ever ever stereotype her into some sort of Asian role. No "submissive" shit, no "lol do u wear a kimono," none of that.
- She will likely try to suss out whether you have yellow fever. The fastest way to shut this down is to ask her if her recent boyfriend(s) were anything other than white.

>> No.15846678

just kys for being such a faget

>> No.15846680

Well yeah, IMO many countries only arguably have an upper class.

>> No.15846685

>They're almost certainly going to want to date you because you represent the West
Holy shit this is absolutely true. I am a HUGE Chinaboo and very few people were interested in even talking about that shit, most were interested in my westernness.

>> No.15846691



>> No.15846729

>I am a HUGE Chinaboo and very few people were interested in even talking about that shit, most were interested in my westernness.

Some of my yellow fever-ass friends always end up going overboard. They try to wear the local clothes, eat the local food exclusively, etc. I don't think the girls are necessarily pissy about that (as they do appreciate effort, I guess), but it comes off as cringy and forced.

Fuck that.

Nowadays, when I travel through Asia, I intentionally Western it up a bit. More boots, more jeans, more flannel, more prep, etc.

>> No.15846803

i lived in china and korea so i can kinda speak about it

desu it kinda depends on the circles you run around
there are chinese that are like really into that shit too, zoomer chinese culture is huge on larping as ancient chinese
it's mostly a girl thing, but they love to wear hanfu and shit
the thing is, if you hang out around these groups, you have to have REALLY REALLY good chinese and also constantly be into that shit, like i have pretty good chinese compared to most foreigners and even I was lost alot of the time lol
also, you won't get like a pass for being a foreigner, some chinese make friends with foreigners because they think they are interesting, but these types don't care that much, so you'll have to put in extra effort

like i said, it depends more on who you hang out with
yeah alot of chinese will just be interested in you because you're western so if you just care about hanging out with that crowd it makes more sense to western it up a bit, but if you want to hang out with like normal chinese i think acting like the locals won't harm you

but obviously it takes like alot of effort, so if you don't care about learning the language or some shit just go full western lol

also, did you see any successful non-asian or white dudes get with those kinds of girls?

>> No.15846820

from what i noticed, they seem to really be into a certain type
>180 cm+
>medium to long length hair
>blonde and blue eyes helps i guess
you should dress like a twink preferably, kinda casual but still nice, kinda like a 90's look

>> No.15846828

Who would you consider more attractive, Chinese or Korean girls?

>> No.15846838
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>> No.15846851

Be white, pretty boy from wealthy, functional family

>> No.15846852

I think you're absolutely right, particularly in that you're being way more fine-grained than I am on the topic.

In all Asian countries I've been to, there's definitely a difference between the foreigner-friendly girls and the more generic population. The former are way more tolerant than the latter, particularly when it comes to language/culture. I actually have friends that fall into the latter category, and I kinda like it - I don't feel like they're fawning over dumb shit like American TV shows.

>also, did you see any successful non-asian or white dudes get with those kinds of girls?
Naw. That said, the groups I hung around with aren't exactly representative. I'm a lawyer and I do a lot of cross-border work, so I'm either usually interfacing with locals (which don't count) or the "worst" of expats in the country. In my very limited experience:

>English teachers/other potted plants
Marry the first thing that gives them wet pussy

>Consultants, lawyers, etc.
Tend to go after the pretty, young, Westaboo types, mostly because they are (1) pretty, (2) easily impressed by Western bullshit, and (3) like your money

>> No.15846864

hmm, pros and cons
but to answer your question, koreans on average are more attractive, but there are really really hot chinese girls too

chinese have alot of variety desu
girls from dongbei (northeast) tend to be a little taller, whiter skin, smaller eyes
sichuan/chongqing girls have clear skin and cute faces
but generally speaking, at least for uni aged chinese zoomers, they tend to be... kinda plain
they don't care that much about dressing well or makeup so they look kinda mediocre, but most of them are really nice and at least kinda interesting to talk to, and some of them have pretty decent bodies
im guessing that as they get older, they start to care more about their looks and that's when they start to get pretty

koreans on the other hand..... fuck ugh
there is a term called 김치년 which means like kimchi bitch, and like all korean guys use it lol
they tend to be moon-faced, small eyes, and are basically two-dimensional (no tits or ass), but they can use makeup and they dress really well, so most of them are really pretty
but dude.... most of their personalities... ugh fuck
it's not true for every korean girl, but alot of them seem kinda stuck up and insular, they basically only date and hang out with other koreans, and they aren't really that interesting or kind, and they are like fucking clones lmao

>> No.15846883

what the fuck is a potted plant

>> No.15846907

Nice. Thanks for this!

>> No.15846913

someone in academia?

>> No.15846915

The worst thing is I'm an ancient Chinese Chinaboo and I've been told my interests are supremely gay. Like I love listening to guqin and drinking all sorts of Chinese teas in an actual gaiwan (ofc gongfu method is literally from the 70s but you get it, most Chinese people just add leaves + water to a thermos and have done with it). Nobody wants to talk about liaozhai zhiyi or water margin because they hate it from studying it in school ;_;.

I end up having to pretend I like Sherlock or talk about umbrellas.
I for sure don't speak good enough Chinese yet to survive with people who don't speak fluent Chinese. I can get along with people who only speak broken English but we haven't become, like, proper friends.

I met literally one girl who wasn't interested in me for my race/nationality, who I luckily ended up dating.

I got asked if I was Russian a lot, I think it's because I'd eat at the shittiest, cheapest fanguanrs and bought stuff at wetmarkets n shit so they assumed I was a poorfag...which was true tbf.
Tell me about law. I've considered doing a law conversion so I can make money and live in China but I heard it was a classic "dream job" trap which can't actually be achieved.
As it is now I'm probs just gonna end up academic, but you CAN'T be a humanities academic in China because A. being an academic fucking sucks there and B. being humanities FUCKING sucks there holy shit.

>> No.15846921

sure thing, again most of the things i talk about are zoomer culture, so there might be some differences if you're a bit older

that's cool dude, im a uni student so yeah the circles you hang around are definitely different, i hope i can get to your level someday though kek
which one did you like the best in terms of living?

>> No.15846930

>it's not true for every korean girl, but alot of them seem kinda stuck up and insular, they basically only date and hang out with other koreans, and they aren't really that interesting or kind, and they are like fucking clones lmao
I can vouch for this.

Korean girls can be insanely, insanely hot, but can also have the personality of cardboard, albeit with the added flavoring of consumerism. I'd give my left nut to date a hot-ass Korean girl with a personality.

>what the fuck is a potted plant
Slang term. "White Potted Plant" used to be this term thrown around in expat communities for jobs where Western dudes would be hired tor make companies look diverse and English-friendly. Case in point, it was apparently fairly common for white dudes to get hired to Chinese companies in the '00s/'10s just so they could sit in meetings and make the company look Western-friendly.

>which one did you like the best in terms of living?
Both are oppressive places to live with really shitty work/life balances. That's just Asian culture, though.

My recommendation: figure out some sort of job/life circumstance (grad school?) where you can travel to those countries at your discretion. For example, some of my programmer buddies have 100% remote work arrangements, such that they can fuck off to wherever. That allows them to work a job they actually enjoy (and work for an American company that pays well and doesn't work them to death) while also being somewhere cool.

>> No.15846942

are you in china now? and also a uni student?
if you're a uni student, best thing to do would be to join clubs that cater to your interest, some chinese might think it's gay but there are also chinese that are really really passionate about that and love that shit
just kinda like how alot of american zoomers don't give a shit about history, but there are people are really into that shit

i would also suggest going to 漫展, the rough translation is anime convention, but it's meant for like people who like dressing up in chinese cosplay and watching bilibili, it's meant for a younger crowd (14-22)

but this all requires that you speak chinese, so learn it well lol

>> No.15846950
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>> No.15846952

korean women can be stunningly beautiful but to actually interact with them you pretty much have to sell your soul down the river. there is not much there and the spectrum of acceptable ANYTHING is very narrow. it's like the opposite of an 18 year old white girl telling her dad "well hes in the hells angels but theyre not like a GANG, gang!"

everything is judged according to a norm and if you fail, you are a failure. if you succeed you are noted by all for it. if you blend in nothing happens. I'll reiterate they can be heartbreakingly beautiful but there is almost nothing there for someone from the west. a shame.

>> No.15846961
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>> No.15846995

>are you in china now?
I wish lmao, covid bumped us all out in February
>and also a uni student
I was ;_;. Actually they kicked me out for not attending classes but they would've kicked me out for covid too.

I did see a few legit lolita peeps, that was cool. Alongside the hanfu girls, but I heard they were nationalists.
I mostly met Chinese people either through 1. my flatmates (who were Chinese obvs), nightclubs, or tinder. The last two were ofc westaboos, while the first were all middle class because changning/xujiahui.
>learn it well lol
I am! I swear! I'm taking a break from anki rn actually. I've started watching Taiwanese puppet shows too.

>> No.15847044

>I wish lmao, covid bumped us all out in February
yeah, i was only away for a month, but i really wish i stayed in china instead

also lmao how the fuck do you get kicked out for not attending classes? nigga just go to them lol

>but I heard they were nationalists
who told you that wtf? the hanfu girls at my school didn't care that much about foreign shit and only spoke chinese, but were really nice and welcoming if you were interested in chinese culture

gotta do more nigga, zoomer chinese don't talk like that, you need to watch a shitton of bilibili
i recommend using this website
it's like chinese 4chan kinda

she explains chinese words or some shit

and since you like chinese history, maybe you'll like this

>> No.15847072

>180 cm+

>> No.15847210

most upper class asians marry other upper class asians. asian girls might fuck around with white guys but would rather settle down with chang. southeast and south asians are hungriest for white cock

>> No.15847385

You could easily pick a chick mine that by wearing raw Japanese denim with cuffs, crepe sole Red Wing boots, with a full grain distressed leather belt that has a patinated buckle, and a starched white t shirt that's tucked in. If you want to dress to impress you could wear Pendleton flannels or Carhartt duck canvas jackets. Accesorizing is up in the air with either green Seiko Alpinists or Hamilton field khaki mechanicals on OD green NATO straps

>> No.15847483

>also lmao how the fuck do you get kicked out for not attending classes? nigga just go to them lol
well sorryyyyyyy
I've got bad ADHD and I found out literally the day before I set off that my medication was totally illegal in China (the people in charge of us studying in China had all wrongly told me it was totally legal) so basically I had no meds the entire time. Combine that with the fact I was best friends and flatmates with someone who, it turned out, had undiagnosed ADHD too...
It's a shame, they looked so sad when they told me they had to boot me.
>who told you that wtf?
Just heard online n shit. Also my ex said they could be weird but lmao now she's flatmates with a mangaka and a genshin impact concept artist.
>gotta do more nigga
I'm trying my dude I'm trying but it is SO HARD finding stuff to consume. My friend's descended to the level of watching Chinese vtuber talent shows, although she seems to unironically like that shit. I've just been rewatching wu shan wu xing.
Thanks for the recs btw, I watched that miao show and it was just on the level I needed. I also started scissor 7 and it's a lot better than I thought it'd be.
Uh...how do I get it to load correctly?
Also omg you can help me with this question I've had for years, when I was a megasperg I told a Chinese friend of a friend about 4chan and they said it was just like some Chinese app or site they used where you were also anomymous and people were also super abrasive n shit, d'you know what that might be?

>> No.15847526
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>> No.15847607

>I've got bad ADHD and I found out literally the day before I set off that my medication was totally illegal in China
i actually take adhd meds too and brought them into china, desu it's not like they check your bags when you fly into pudong, as long as you don't tell anyone you're gucci

weird.... it works for me, just search up 匿名版 or A岛 on google
obviously there can't be an exact replica of 4chan on the chinese internet, but the closest i can think of is maybe 百度贴吧?

>> No.15847613

Quick list
>Black chad
>Blacks in general
>White chad
>The j-word
>Their jawline
>Self diagnosed mental disorders
>Immigration in general
>Any girl who isn't a perfect 5/10 for being either a stacy or a thumb
>Their parents

Not the best way to get laid I admit

>> No.15847623

>China does not have an upper class

Wow china's so rich the middle class posess private jets BASED

>> No.15847626

Nobody cares about your opinion, the word upper class doesn't mean aristocracy that's why there's two different words you ape

>> No.15847796

you sound like a nigger

>> No.15847799

>posess private jets
they rent them.
do you even instagram?

>> No.15847802


>> No.15848205

Modern asian culture is all about narcissism and sociopathy though?

>> No.15848219

The skeleton key to vagina's across the world.

>> No.15848221


>> No.15848491
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>> No.15848625

Lmaaaao saved. Based and blackpilled

>> No.15849062

asian chicks are so /fa/ bros

>> No.15849068 [DELETED] 

I'm black and this is still funny.

>> No.15849107

TriHard 7

>> No.15850315
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lookin ass

>> No.15850347

can vouch for the SE asian phenomenon. Phillipinas are the sluts of the world.

>> No.15850371

I was born in the Philippines and I find this to be true for the most part.
This is why I'll never date a filipino woman.

>> No.15850388

>almost any other race but their own
that's false tho.
Whites sure, but blacks and hispanics are not liked by asian women.

>> No.15850402

This is accurate, happers are losers no matter what
I knew one with an absolute chad of a dad, just made him even more intimidated/resentful towards 'white guys'
The only way is to CRISPR out the Asian appearance genes so the kid doesn't end up an insecure mess

>> No.15850407 [DELETED] 

I know a family who own a shitload
they rent them out
i'd say the owners and the renters are both upper-class
just like the owners and renters of jets anywhere else

>> No.15851238

they are going to hate you for telling the truth

>> No.15851280

Because BBC is too big

>> No.15851297

Whats the point of living if you're not part of the 1%? We're just NPCs...

>> No.15851363

if you're upper middle class then you have a pretty good shot at making it to top 1% if you try
otherwise you're right though, you'd have to go full daoist sage and live in the mountains and pretend materialism is wrong to cope

>> No.15852445

Shes so cute

>> No.15852485
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imagine being some dude actually sitting there taking photos like "yeah pose for me bbe"

what a cunt lol

>> No.15852506


dude's gotta show off to his bros later on
besides, that fendi bag next to the "model" isn't gonna pay for itself, she's gotta earn it

>> No.15852508

By being very rich. This is the only way. As >>15844989 said.

Trust me, I speak Chinese and lived in China for years

>> No.15852559

No other way? Chinese girls seem cute

>> No.15852568

you can always go for the ugly-cute ones

>> No.15852629

Be white and dress like a rich educated douche

>> No.15853112

>the girls really like it when I wear flannel shirts and jeans, polo shirts and khakis, and other traditionally American shit
Absolutely true, my ex would buy me disgusting stuff like this to wear and always ask me to go out in some clowny Americana uniform. If I was her fetish, I really don't even mind, she was really nice and it was better than being alone :^(

>> No.15853575

lol, brainlet

>> No.15853785

her hair is just thin I think

>> No.15854734

Asian 6s-8s, both foreign and westernized, are abundant and easily accessible

Westernized Asian 9-10s are tough to get but if you are chad like and dress well are accessible

Foreign Asian 9-10s require at least $10M in net worth, but the good news is that's all you'll need

>> No.15854851

That's moneyed background there, gotta have $$$ for that game. Dress rich.

>> No.15854978


>> No.15855042

if you have to ask... theres prob nothing you can do

>> No.15855199
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this is a great post and the last point is very, very important. As someone with crippling yellow fever, every hot asian girl I've ever gone out with tried to corner me about it. Just respond, "I'm just attracted to you I guess. Do you like me because I'm white/only date white guys?" and redirect like anon says

>> No.15855264


I'm literally dating 6 asian girls simultaneously in Northern VA. They all complain to me that most white guys want to fuck asian girls but don't want to date/marry them. Trust me, the amount of asian girls getting with white dudes would be even higher than it already is if it was up to the asian girls. These girls are all Chinese or Korean.

>> No.15855395

Cultivating a harem of 6s is a mediocre accomplishment anon

>> No.15855996

bullSHIT. You're right that every single one of 'em will ask you about it, but 90% of them WANT you to say you've got a thing for East Asians. They all get disappointed when you say
>nah I don't think race has anything to do with who I'm attracted to, I like you because you're super pretty
well too fucking bad because it's the truth

>> No.15856310


Seethe, chang

>> No.15856313


No I would say 80% of the time he's right. You are correct though that some want to be fetishized. Most dont care but there are asian girls who will drop you immediately if you've ever dated another asian girl

>> No.15856401

I'm talking about actual Asians btw, not westernised ones. I'm sure westernised ones hate it.

>> No.15856778


I see. Yeah I think you're right. When I was in Japan they loved that I liked asian girls.