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15798567 No.15798567 [Reply] [Original]

Are you scared of aging?

>> No.15798574

nah. i have a nice chin and cheekbone combo that would look good no matter how loose the skin is over it. and i can grow a full beard.
gonna go for that karl knausgaard look

>> No.15798588

If you start a good skin routine in your early 20's you can be in your late 40's and still look young.

>> No.15798589

im in my early 30s

i smoke because of stress (yes yes i know....) and my white hairs are freaking me out

>> No.15798590

nah I look almost exactly like my uncle and he aged gracefully and still looks like a cute, kind man. I also dig that people put less pressure on you the older you get

>> No.15798594

Yes, despite doing fine.
>Some 22 years guys thought I was their age when actually I'm 34.

>> No.15798634

I just turned 26, and sort of. I used to smoke a lot of weed, so that didn't help, but I still look really young. I just know between 26-30 is when most people go from looking youthful to adult-manly. I'm not worried about looking older, and there are guys who look young until 35, but generally, I'd like to get a few things done before I start looking like a boomer, so I need to get fit.

masks sort of suck when you are my age lol

>> No.15798837

Obviously different lighting

>> No.15798852

people always think I look older than I am, between 25-30. They've been saying this since I turned 18. I have zero wrinkles, good hairline, smooth skin, clean shaven. I guess I just have a more "masculine" looking face. I could never play off the young pretty boy look. My friends in high school use to joke that I can buy everybody alcohol and they won't ask for an ID. I don't mind, I still consider myself good looking and it seems like people respect me more, even more so after telling them my actual age
I noticed a little thinning a few months ago so I'm on fin right now. And I have a skincare routine. No drinking, no smoking, decent diet, exercise.

>> No.15798866
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No, worst thing is trying hard to staying young, makes you look cringe.

>> No.15798872

>currently 20
>people say i look ~17
Absolutely. Ill either look a decade younger until im ~55 then have a slow decline, or ill hit the wall at full speed when im 45 and just enter babushka-mode.

My partner has VERY good looking parents who aged like wine, so im pretty sure hes gonna turn heads into his 60s (even if he didnt, love is blind, id think he looks like a model even if hes your average grandpa) i fear with my life that hes gonna move on to greener pastures rather than stay with his 55-but-looking-70 babushka-wife

>> No.15798880

>. Ill either look a decade younger until im ~55 then have a slow decline, or ill hit the wall at full speed when im 45 and just enter babushka-mode
thats not how it works. 99% of men that look young for their age when they are in their 20s due so because of ingrained facial features, not because they are "aging gracefully", as in no wrinkles, good skin, ect. You probably have facial features associated with children, big cheeks, round eyes, small chin, short forehead, skinny neck. You'll age at the same rate as everybody else except once it accelerates past a certain point you'll just look weird. Masculine features hold their age well

>> No.15798887

Nigga that’s a girl your replying to retard

>> No.15798893

you will never be a woman

>> No.15798895

guy looks older because he lost a lot of weight and is pulling a face
get him something to eat and he will look similar to the before pic

>> No.15798897

I'm excited if I can look like a hot older dude.
I don't really want to look like a twink pretty boy forever.

>> No.15798898

I will never be a man and it kills me on the inside

>> No.15798917

Back to /tttt/ with you, princess

>> No.15799413

you won’t look “young” but you’ll look like a better looking 40 year old

No matter what you do you’ll lose fat volume in the face as you age that will change the overall face shape

>> No.15799430

That's not aging. He lost a significant amount of weight.

>> No.15799639

Yes, but im 18 and already using sunscreen plus my genetics are pretty good

>> No.15799689

God I hate ugly people so fucking much

Why are you subhumans even on this board

>> No.15799754

What good pussy does to a mf

>> No.15799773

Do not be afraid of something you cannot change.

>> No.15800005

nah cause I'm asian, also im skinny and don't roast in the sun so i don't think i'll sag much.
really hoping i get a sweet grey streak in my black hair. and lose baby fat in my face so my sharp cheekbones look more prominent.

>> No.15800030

Nope. Not one bit. Almost 27 and take care of my body with a lean muscular build, do cardio and take care of my skin. Diet as well. Most people think I am 18-20. This will be awesome when I get older. People my age are already aging like shit and also getting fatter by the moment. If old classmates see me out and about when I come visit my parents, they always compliment how well I have aged.

>> No.15800043

War fucks people up and makes you age faster, but also he looks better on the right.

>> No.15800631

yeah this. One period of time when i lost a significant amount of weight quickly I also looked like I "aged". Facial fat holds the face up and makes it look plump. Thats why you see people who lost weight after being obese most of their lives look much older, because the skin stretched to accommodate the weight over time so when it is lost it sags. If you were at a normal weight and then lost a bunch you'll look the same once you gain the weight back. I'm 5'11", it only took like 10-20 lb for it to change how my face looks

>> No.15800641

lol just use tretinoin bruh

>> No.15800654

yes, next question

>> No.15800662
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No. I'll look like this when I'm 50.

>> No.15800698

>he looks better on the right.


>> No.15800749

I know one 50 years old man who looks like he is barely 30. He does fitness training for all his life. At the same time, I doubt that he even takes care of his skin.

>> No.15800778

He can literally stop smoking. Wtf are you on

>> No.15800782

tret can't help with loose skin or loss of fat, it only works on collagen production and cell turnover

>> No.15800875

I don't get loose skin though. I went from 250lbs to 100 and no loose skin.

>> No.15800914

Not really, always looked a bit older than I am and have naturally oily skin (not excessively), so I feel like I'll balance out around 35/40 and look relatively young in my later years

>> No.15800927

whats a good skin routine?

>> No.15800933
File: 84 KB, 780x410, 46b0a90b816b91ec988ab9c0c658a7a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though smoking makes you look older, it still makes you look more look.

>> No.15800936

all natura bisse

>> No.15800938

same lost 120lbs this year by fasting and omad and no loose skin

>> No.15800948

he monke

>> No.15800955

sunscreen if you aren't black and moisturize

>> No.15801060

Anybody knows an online shop thats ships tretinoin to Germany?

>> No.15801067

blacks don’t crack is a lie. Blacks are crack addicts and can’t get enough of my boipussy

>> No.15801074

So that bump near his eye, would you remove it or keep it?

>> No.15801484

Paulas choice

>> No.15801540

get retinol from the ordinary
same shit according to multiple studies

>> No.15801542

yup, but not exactly right
you don't really lose fat, what happens is that the collagen keeping those pockets of fat in place breaks down and they lose resistance, sagging under gravity
a jowl isn't fat going away, it's the collagen holding that fat in place breaking down

>> No.15801590

not washing and not leaving the house

>> No.15801742
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>> No.15801747

He does, he looks too boyish on the left, women like mature looking men. men age like wine, women like milk.

>> No.15801757

Why would I fear aging?
I get smarter and better looking every year!

>> No.15801768

>look 18

>> No.15801770

what a strange incelular statement

>> No.15801781

>women like mature looking men
This is a hilarious cope

>> No.15801811

na, it's true. older men get younger pussy all the time.

>> No.15801821

>the top 1% most handsome men can still score in their 40s and 50s
>therefore it's okay that i'm an ugly undesireable incel, because one day i'll magically turn super hot and start scoring pussy
kk retard have fun with that

>> No.15801846
File: 59 KB, 521x800, 8c36bb2ccb5da6da1fae4634026e4697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most handsome
it's not about being handsome, but that helps.
it is about being alpha, or at the top of the totem pole.
he can be tall or wealthy or bad ass.
all those things are attractive to women, not just face.

>> No.15801849

yep, it's incelposting alright

>> No.15801857

Cope, only good looking men can age like wine and even then most of them look like shit after 30

>> No.15801859

incels don’t use words like alpha u oldcel subhuman

>> No.15801867


>> No.15801874
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>> No.15801879


>> No.15801883

keep crying
never said women don’t hit the wall, all humans do eventually

>> No.15801891

just wait til u get older and the collagen breaks down

>> No.15801894

I eat 66 baby foreskins every day.

>> No.15801943

whatever helps you sleep at night, hachiman

>> No.15802072

I was talking about white hair, pretty sure smoking has nothing to do with white hair

>> No.15802084

i mean it just seems like the guy was wide eyed the whole war, because other then those wrinkles he didn't change much

>> No.15802322

I kind of agree. I attended university from age 24-25 and picking up 18-22 year girls was extremely fucking easy, much easier than when I was the same age. Its like they were immediately drawn to me without me even mentioning my age. Most other men around that age still look or act like children

>> No.15802665

right has better hairstyle
left has better face

>> No.15803119

Aging is inevitable. Best thing you can do is embrace it and not fight it

>> No.15803207

im 24 and i still look and act like a child

>> No.15803216

yeah that’s hot when the guys a few years older but not decades older

>> No.15803291
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Ferengi looking mofo

>> No.15803322

Wow, cool dude alert

>> No.15803452

Some younger women have a daddy complex, I'm not even old but it's not unheard of of men in there 40's dating women in there 20s cos they have more maturity, are still reasonably attractive if they look after themselves and are usually financially better off.

>> No.15803868

No. I am scared of not being able to grow a beard

>> No.15803885
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>31, 5'10" barefoot, 197lbs this morning.

>> No.15803891
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And I know, those glasses are trash. I replaced them.

>> No.15803896

It's a part of life that I can't control so I don't worry about it too much. That said, that doesn't mean I'm absolved from taking the steps to look good at each stage of my life.

>> No.15803901

I meant ask "how am I aging?" But for got to add that part. Kinda implied. I worry about aging more these days than a few years ago. I got divorce and now I kinda feel behind the curve in life.

>> No.15803905
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>> No.15803906

Lol I wear contacts most the time. I have a way better face shape than that but nice try. Still, how am I aging, fag?

>> No.15803912

ok faggot

>> No.15803932

What the hell is your problem. You're the only incel here.

>> No.15803939


>> No.15803941

What's the weather like in Bavaria this time of year?

>> No.15803943

Untreated skin cancer in black populations is a major problem because people think they don't need sunscreen

>> No.15803950

That wasn't me, the pic poster. That was just someone else thinking you're obviously unhappy with yourself so you have to act like a baby.

>> No.15803951

why are you so gay

>> No.15803952

Pretty sweet, not too cold yet when the sun hits just right. Where you from, Anon?

>> No.15803957

Sounds lovely, I'm in Florida, but originally PA so I kinda miss the seasons.

>> No.15803961

hunter eyes vs prey eyes
what 0 pussy does to a mf

>> No.15803968

Agreed, hope you are finding some happiness in Florida but it's not for me. Too many Mexicans. Not trying to hate on any of God's children but it's nice to have some more of your own culture around.

>> No.15804345

left side is a guy without character, right side is a guy with a character.

>> No.15804366

Moisturize every day no matter what your skin type. Oily people need to moisturize too. Wash with a facial cleanser rather than soap.
Have good posture.
Don't overeat, even if you don't get fat, excess food makes you age.

>> No.15804599

Collagen supplements every day

>> No.15804644

no, but of balding

>> No.15805477

hair transplant or new haircut, contacts, weight loss, and not having the facial expression of a beta male will up you in attractiveness by at least 3 points

>> No.15805982

that guy's just emaciated

>> No.15806007

you look good bro

>> No.15807534

No, I'm tired of people thinking that I'm 15

>> No.15807539
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>> No.15807554

Sunscreen and moisturize daily is the most important thing first step. You can get moisturizer that doubles as sunscreen. Use a cleanser as much as your skin can handle it. I use cleanser daily and apply moisturizer twice daily. The moisturizer I use in the morning has sunscreen in it.

>> No.15807563

Your skin looks solid. Are you doing anything about your hair? It looks like you already need a hair transplant. If you aren't on medication for your hair yet, get on fin/min ASAP. Everyday that goes by that you aren't on fin you lose more hair.

You also need to lose weight but I'm sure you know that already.

>> No.15807572
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 0AAD04E8-2855-4345-8312-B3E4788BA21F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look good bro
>Your skin looks solid

>> No.15807588

Well I never planned to be alive this long so I’m indifferent to the matter.
Some child called me man the other day and I thought it was adorable.
I don’t want wrinkles though.

>> No.15807590

unbalanced compliment sandwich

>nice skin
>oh you have shit hair do something about it
>fatass lose weight but you knew that already

>> No.15807592

Mam****** not man
Goddamn auto text needs to be eliminated

>> No.15807594

>Well I never planned to be alive this long

YOUR BURTH WUZNT PLANT KYS you fashionable horsefucker

>> No.15807595

people have been calling me sir, man, and mister since I was like 19

>> No.15807600

How old do you look?
This is all relatively new to me.

Put your trip back on - you may be able to fool them but you’re not fooling me

>> No.15807613

>How old do you look?
past teen years its not about age, its about masculinity and commanding respect. beta males get the sir treatment once they reach an age where it is required to be addressed in that way.

>> No.15807614

>auto text
Filthy phone poster.

>> No.15807623

I'm 30 and still look ambiguously between 17 through early 20s, depending on how some people usually age differently. I've been told that I look like I'm a late high school or early college student many times. With a few days of stubble, that just puts me at around the higher end of that age range, and maybe up to around mid-20s, but I can't grow very much on my cheeks areas.

>> No.15807665

I didn’t realize being phone-shamed was a thing....geez guys

>> No.15807667

>tinder/real life

>> No.15807680

It's been a thing since after phone posting became most prevalent in 2014. Phone posting never really was a thing until people started noticing the filename structures and started calling normals out because of it. I would fuck you though and make some beautiful Lithuanian babies. Also ITS MA'AM.

>> No.15807682

people who get mad at phoneposters are just a bunch of shut-in losers that never get invited to anything.
i have a life to live. i can’t spend all day glued to my desktop.

>> No.15807687
File: 90 KB, 940x816, EE8D7AB5-DCA3-45E8-A233-820CCEA494D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet it’s okay to be glued to 4chan and to access this shitsite from your phone

>> No.15807702

i only shitpost here when i’m bored and when i have gone through every other social media feed.
try not to get triggered as easily as just did you snowflake

>> No.15807706

Forgive me for the misspelling
I’m surprised you people continue to correct me but ok
Thanks I guess

>> No.15807822

I actually spent less time on this site once I deleted the app off my phone and only could access in from my desktop

>> No.15807845
File: 308 KB, 1125x1080, B06FE8D1-CC82-41FC-AD66-FC07A0408CEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social media

>> No.15807912

go back

>> No.15808121

why are you?

>> No.15808994

Yeah, I'm unironically going tranny just to prevent hair loss. 4mg e, 50mg bica, fin, dermarolling, minox.
It's just started now, and I'd rather die than be bald

>> No.15809147

oh hey its mac demarcol ool whats up man?

>> No.15809152

Im going to die young so what do I care?

>> No.15809166

just take fin lel, and derma roll you dont need to be a tranny

>> No.15809186

I have dysphoria regardless

>> No.15809239
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Only in that my dick stops working and I stop being "cute"

Other than that, whatever.

>> No.15809257

take your meds you neurotic freak

>> No.15809289

hunter eyes vs prey eyes
what 0 pussy does to a mf

>> No.15809306

I'm 23 and people constantly confuse me for 16-18, even with short hair. I have fat cheeks, big eyes, narrow shoulders, etc. etc. my only saving grace is my voice which receives compliments from women every now and then. I mostly get hit on by older women (30+).

>> No.15809486
File: 219 KB, 828x498, 42786258-EDE7-47C4-9579-13FA4376BCB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lose face fat

>> No.15810016

sorry to hear that

>> No.15810297

god please let me die before I look this bad