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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 509 KB, 2000x1500, Emq0w5-VEAEM96f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15734934 No.15734934 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely believe Japan is now the current fashion capital of the world. This is the average Japanese fit, as they wait on line for the Jil Sanders x Uniqlo collection to drop. Westernfags cannot compete anymore.

>> No.15734936
File: 875 KB, 556x748, Screen Shot 2020-11-23 at 6.36.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're forgetting the golden age of Jfashion.

>> No.15734953

sampling bias. this is a picture for a fashion collection to drop so the people waiting in line are very in to fashion and thus will focus on having good fits.

>> No.15734983

t. zoomer

Japan has been leading the wave for a minute. People such as yourself see the influence rap had on fashion but not how japanese streetwear influenced them.

>> No.15734985
File: 164 KB, 1200x731, 1586963472352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. This is a better example of what the average person looks like in a large city.

>> No.15735003

why his gfs legs bigger den his

>> No.15735011

Damn they look even cooler than the people outside Uniqlo.

>> No.15735013

guy in the orange polo mogs all the retards spending hours waiting in line to buy uniqlo clothes

>> No.15735017

they mog tf out of americans

>> No.15735052
File: 168 KB, 750x959, 00DAA117-5D26-48EC-93F1-A1BB71C9D488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese really are peak normcore

>> No.15735064

she's a cute asian gf and he's a skinny asian bf.

>> No.15735070

>This is the average Japanese fit,
Lmao, do you really thing that the "average" person is waiting in line for a collab?
I'm not saying that japonese aren't fashionable, I'm simply saying that your example is extremely retarded.

>> No.15735077

>jil sander x uniqlo
cringe and poorfag-pilled

>> No.15735106
File: 56 KB, 645x773, 1507591975125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a cringey hypetrain for something made with absolute dogshit materials.
Jil Sander's minimalist fashion is only famous off the back of its fabrics/cuts/materials, using uniqlo and their bordering on plastic bag materials for a coat for a Jil Sander silhouette will make it look like absolute ass

>> No.15735111

Still leagues ahead of any american city.

>> No.15735125

You just further proved OP's point

>> No.15735132

Tokyo is the fashion capital of the world since like 1970

>> No.15735169
File: 143 KB, 1200x857, i-img1200x857-1597730989zohjgn2665330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15735172
File: 134 KB, 1500x1178, w1500_q80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15735189

Is uniqlo any good? Is it worth buying stuff on sale? Considering building entire uniqlo outfits I dunno

>> No.15735201

The funny thing with Japanese fashion is that many of their garments are directly replicated or inspired from the West, especially Americana/workwear, the hippy/folk movement, and US Military wear. They just imitate it so much better than us now.

>> No.15735291

So truuuuueeeeee

>> No.15735310

no. it's literally fast fashion that poorfags shill on here because it's the first articles of clothing that they have bought that weren't from a walmart/target

>> No.15735312

I really don't understand the hard-on you guys have for gooks in this board. If literally anybody else dressed like this you would call them a fucking normie.

>> No.15735316

Japs and gooks have feminine faces so they look better in anything. They're the only races that come close to the feminine appearance of the western european.

>> No.15735318

So it's equivalent to old navy clothes?

>> No.15735321

The thing about the Japs is that they wear very conformist clothes but they wear them really nicely. They never wear dirty or wrinkled clothes, plus there's basically no obesity and they have good hygiene so they look really neat at all times. I would call Japanese fashion tidycore.

But people in Milano and Stockholm dress better I think.

>> No.15735330

>The thing about the Japs is that they wear very conformist clothes but they wear them really nicely.
Said the faggot who's only interaction with Japanese people is prepared photoshoots and youtube videos.

>> No.15735333

i think koreans dress nicer

>> No.15735339

Only in the rich parts of the country. If you're talking about a place like Cheongdam then I agree.

Shut up bitch boy.

>> No.15735359

koreans follow trends so like they're all wearing a uniform. freaks me out.

>> No.15735493

So I shouldn't get a $6 shirt?

>> No.15735494

you can't be effay without spending minimum $600 on a t-shirt

>> No.15736075

Ur on 4channel my guy

>> No.15736094

Why is there a big photo of a westoid woman? Why don't they just use nip models?

>> No.15736217

yeah koreans definitely dress the best, but they basically all wear the same shit, even places like china have more individuality lol

places like gangdam, cheongdam, hongdae, basically anywhere in jongno/mapogu/gangnam the average person is really well dressed, but even outside of places like seoul and into the provinces they still mog the shit out of the average american

like fuck i really don't understand why americans dress so badly, walking into a costco is like walking into hell fuck

>> No.15736228

I think it's more they're willing to embrace different parts of US culture, while modern Americans, particularly anyone under 30, just want to dress like they're black, or don't care at all. If you showed them any of that stuff "it's old and not cool", which means a rapper didn't wear it infront of them yet.

E.g. Nike Dunks, everyone in the west stopped caring about them around 2011/12 while Japan still liked them for ages, with the west only liking them again when McDonalds Fortnite man gets to "Make" a pair

>> No.15736440 [DELETED] 

>clothes lines
the absolute state of capitalism

>> No.15736475

lol they all look korean

>> No.15736524

Juvenile fast fashion. I'll bring /sprezz/ over there. Nips will 'mire.

>> No.15736538

Everyone looking at his phone instead to talking each other.
The future is awesome

>> No.15736776

>japanese stand in line waiting to consume fast fashion garbage
not effay

>> No.15736941

Yeah this looks way better than any city in America

>> No.15736951

>fast fashion
Remember anons anyone who uses this term is an industry shill who thinks he’s special because he overpays for streetwear

>> No.15736998

cope subhuman mongrel cuck,which shithole are you from?

>> No.15737003

keep teling yourself that

>> No.15737031

anyone who defends uniqlo as not being fast fashion is a coping poorfag.

>> No.15737290

Go check out the channel Rambalac on youtube. He does 4k walking videos around Japan. After watching that I'd say the average Japanese citizen looks
pretty damn good compared to the fat lazy scum, and brandwhores here in American who think they can dress just because the brand they wear

They are just ultral casual and look comfortable in their clothes. Plus relaxed/loose fit seems big over there, while here we still have fatfucks trying to squeeze into skinny jeans like it's 2010

>> No.15737701

Only as far as basics go. You can buy a lot of articles cheaply and if you’re in shape it’ll look good.

>> No.15737709

>like fuck i really don't understand why americans dress so badly
This shit just looks bad on us. If we dress like the pics in the thread we look like goths or the 40 yr old virgin.

>> No.15737955

So how should americans dress

>> No.15737957
File: 180 KB, 1000x1295, howdy partner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this

>> No.15738022


>takes pic of people in line at a hospital
>”everyone in x country has something wrong!!!!!”

>> No.15738037

Uniqlo isn't quality and this line isn't even popular in japan. This is mostly school kids in their untucked uniforms

>> No.15738043

OP is an animefag who is trying to justify his Japanophilia

>> No.15738050

Bape, juunya, yohji, cdg, entire selvedge movement, entire workwear trend, minimalism

Fast fashion icons like muji, Uniqlo, GU

Japan is on the bleeding edge but the style always seems to be watered down. It's not pure

>> No.15738196

Are uniqlo shoes good? Need a pair and they're on sale

>> No.15738276

>untucked uniforms

lmao while most do their clothing colours are uniform, none of them at wearing their school uniforms

t. native japanignog

>> No.15738312

I just want to say many of them in this picture are scalpers

>> No.15738323

Yep, literally all american fashion icons have said this, Rocky, Ian, Ye, pharell all said people in Japan are the best dressed.

>> No.15738342

All of those things you listed are fucking trash.
Idk why you're even on this board since fatties cannot be /fa/

>> No.15738348

t. streetwear fag that buys 200$ ACNE polyester jumpers, because he heard that ACNE is much quality

>> No.15738359


I want to dress all black but its so fucking boring now when everyone does it

>> No.15738376

You seen these chinese fashion videos? Even the commies are beating us.


American fashion sucks and is a subtle symbol of our collective decline.

>> No.15739018

keep coping poorfag. i don't even own a piece of acne because the majority of it is chinkshit. stop being such a braindead consoomer and actually buy something that isn't made by a 12 year old bangladeshi

>> No.15739022

The West is on it's deathbed. It doesn't surprise me that the average Asian has a much greater level of self-respect when it comes to their appearance.

>> No.15739085

Extrmemly based.
If normies dressed this well in America it would be a miracle.
If you can't pull off normcore or black overcoats something has gone very wrong.
>they are not immune to propaganda

>> No.15739094

>wait on line for the Jil Sanders x Uniqlo collection to drop
>This is the average Japanese fit

Ok sure

>> No.15739131

estrogen=more fat
testosterone=less fat

>> No.15739332

Can't make heads or tails of that chart.

>> No.15739338

Can confirm, go to any japanese University and the fits there will blow your mind.
(I've been going to one for 4 years, no.3 university in Japan and still pretty good fits)
I mention that becase the stupider the person is the better the fits usually (at least here)

>> No.15739374

nah its sk
also waiting in line for consumption is not fa

>> No.15739601

Post an SK fit that substantiates this, otherwise: >>15735359

>> No.15739608

when i went to japan, the biggest thing i noticed was how nice everyones shoes were. everyone had clean shoes and most everyone wore leather shoes rather than sneakers.

way more shoe cleaners and cobblers around too

>> No.15740624

no its not you fucking incel

>> No.15740628

All replies to this post are some kind of an ironic counter-force to the 'good-fit' bubble that was created in /fa/. Those are not good fits

>> No.15740645

>only black

into the trash it goes, booooooring

>> No.15740759

Most zoomers could probably pull off some variant of korean fashion, maybe not with a bowlcut but with some variation at least.

Granted it would look maybe slightly odd, but that's just because we are so used to americans dressing like shit lol

most people in china either copy from koreans or from american blacks

seriously chinese zoomers amaze me, they will be dressed up in the best streetwear money can buy, but these niggas can't get a haircut worth shit, most chinese guy haircuts are some variant of the "just fuck my shit up" cut

>> No.15741406

well yeah
In general Americans have much lower standards for what's presentable in public.

>> No.15741423

idk I have a +J blazer from a few years back and it's really nice
as with most fast fashion brands they have one set of quality standards for their normal line, one for their diffusion, and one for their collaborations. Obviously the collection is not gonna be on par with her own label with her at the helm but it's a great value for the money.

>> No.15741430

>japan is the fashion capital of the world
>posts pic of uniqlo store as example

>> No.15741434

They all look the same.

>And their clothes are pretty boring too

>> No.15741450

I would say they're better than any other fast fashion brand and they're much closer to Gap/Banana Republic than H&M/Zara/Express. The main problem is that you can look a bit generic, a "Uniqlone" if that's all you wear.

They said, I've bought stuff from Uniqlo since like 2009 and the only things that have worn out before I'm done wearing them are the socks, and maybe one hoodie I wore for a few years. I don't think you should worry about the quality.

>> No.15741548

might help to snort some ket

>> No.15741574

brilliant for basics. had a few flannel shirts that shrunk over time but not that much
most of their limited edition graphic t shirts suck but you'll get 1 or 2 each batch that are really really good, if you like streetwear graphic tees but are too poor to pay £50 for a fucking t shirt then your best bet is keeping a close eye on uniqlo's ut collections

>> No.15741891

better than whatever shithole you are from

>> No.15742603

literally some of the worst quality clothing i've ever seen, everything is paper thin and really poorly made everyone who wears this shit is a basedboy cuck getting willingly fucked in the ass by japanese CEOs making billions off of mass produced fast fashion boring horse shit

also everyone being on their phone in this pic makes me so fucking sad, how many people there waiting in line for the drop just so they can post it on instagram, i fucking hate the world man

>> No.15742615

And they're a racially homogeneous country so that's extra effay.

>> No.15742638

>I genuinely believe Japan is now the current fashion capital of the world.

Italy is the fashion capital of the world, and has been for all of modern human history, so you're wrong. I'll admit Japan is more /fa/ than most places though. Just not more /fa/ than Italy.

>> No.15742686

>Wearing black = fashion

>> No.15742691

Ok boomer

>> No.15742693

uniqlo is high quality what are you saying? After I got my first uniqlo shirt I could never go back. My other shit would break down in one year but my uniqlo stuff is going 6 years strong

>> No.15743060

>Land of Poors, Covid contractions, and pickpocket central is fa


>> No.15743070

you confuse durability with quality

>> No.15743094

What brands in the price range have the durability but also the quality that Uniqlo is lacking?

>> No.15743099

Soulless black wearers.

>> No.15743105

call me a brainlet, but these niggas all look the same. Black on grey, half the guys are wearing the same coats and shoes. How the fuck is any of this fashionable!?

>> No.15743265

Getting mogged by gf, sad (or hot)

>> No.15743274

You don't know shit about Italy you stupid mutt

>> No.15743338

i dunno, for me I went into a uniqlo and the prices were great but everything felt like rigid polyester to me, i was disappointed
I did get a couple pairs of socks though and they're pretty good

>> No.15744604

>t. seething pisspoor covid contractee on their deathbed

>> No.15744633
File: 171 KB, 786x550, japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan had cool fashion with niche groups. Japan has more history with fashion
Korea at the moment dress well but it's just the start for them

>> No.15744645

>thinking a massive amount of young people actually die of covid and not 82 year olds instead.

>> No.15745397
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 480467CD-8DA0-4E59-8960-DD3A75B7A2F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seether

>> No.15745441

Japanese fashion is like their food, personalities, cars, and anime protagonists: bland, muted, "normal"

All that grey, brown, and black is too safe. Their entire culture is "dont stand out, be the sheep."

>> No.15745444

I love a good straw man fallacy. Tell me more.

>> No.15745453


>> No.15745468
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 9102D49C-FB24-409E-8321-30CDBD4AEFC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grossly inaccurate generalization

>> No.15745488

I've lived in Japan for 9 years. How about you?

>> No.15745497

They aren’t models sure but remember this is your average person. They aren’t poorly dressed like westerners are

>> No.15745501


This also isn't representative of your average person is it, it's a fucking line up for a fashion drop. Do you think most normies are going to line up in the fucking cold for a uniqlo drop?

If you go to drops in the West you'll see the same thing, people are massively better dressed compared to your average person.

>> No.15745529

I was referring to the train station pic retard

>> No.15745607

lol bug man, how’s it feel to be a subhuman insect?

>> No.15746517 [DELETED] 

if only americans and europeans dressed better than the japs and gooks...


>> No.15746523

You're an idiot

>> No.15746526

if only americans dressed better than the japs and gooks...


>> No.15746532


>> No.15746548

the monochrome virgins
the chad orenji

>> No.15746593

seems dumb. i'd rather live somewhere with mostly terribly dressed people -- makes it easier to look good by comparison/with lower effort

>> No.15746687 [DELETED] 


>> No.15746782


>> No.15746898

They're average fits just slap an overcoat on lol

>> No.15747809

weeaboo delusion is something else

>> No.15747882

Lmao people from my eastern european no name uni dress better

>> No.15747899


uniqlo is just another fast fashion brand

>> No.15747904

Staring at your phone isn't effay

>> No.15747942

>black coat and black t shirt and black jacket
Truly amazing

>> No.15747956

It was always China.

>> No.15748508

That's what I'm saying. None of these look good, it's just that none look bad.

>> No.15748805
File: 35 KB, 640x359, roofkoreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koreans mog them to shit

>> No.15748935


I'd rather see skinny poorfags clad from head to toe in uniqlo than the gave-up-on-life hamplanets that are always growing in numbers.

>> No.15748942


>> No.15749268

beter than kike boot licking mongrel cuck

>> No.15749276

Amerimutts are subhuman so

>> No.15749516

Swear I saw this exact same crowd going into a Amsterdam sex show.

>> No.15750855

whats a good japanese fashion forum? i dont care if i have to use google translate, id rather read horribly translated memes than be here any longer.

>> No.15750950


>> No.15751076

they all look generic and ""on trend""
get some culture

>> No.15751086

And what looks good to you

>> No.15751131

>Cites Rocky, Ian and Ye as "authorities" in style
Dumb zoomer
Pharrell is all right though

>> No.15751703

All I know is they're damn good at making vintage American clothes.


>> No.15752683

They always have been very fashionable.
God bless the Japanese. May they remain prosperous for the rest of eternity, and may they evade the grasp of the globohomo.

>> No.15753020

that's so disproportional
why do you like it?

>> No.15753030

based retard who couldn't argue to save his life

>> No.15753046

You're not on twitter faggot

>> No.15753057

who are you quoting retard

>> No.15753062

Damn, that's cool, where's this pic from?

>> No.15754531
File: 128 KB, 1137x758, 2019_0929_10180500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are all going to work in that photo, area? If you ever been you would know that OP statement is true. This is Ginaz last year.

>> No.15755497

>watching japan walthrus

it's over

>> No.15755779

If a shirt costs $6 retail, there is a 100% likelihood that it was made by enslaved children. Supporting slavery is not very effay.

>> No.15756742

please tell me you aren't serious this has got to be bait no one person can be this culturally unware

>> No.15757437

dif anon but its featured either in "fruits" or one of the early/middle 2000s tokyo street fashion books... or both.

I think its called bosozoku. You can find more pictures googling Bosozoku fashion or japanese motorcycle gangs.

>> No.15757608

Mogging average Euro cities

>> No.15757613

Cope harder spaghettocuck

>> No.15757765

>t. Gracile twink

You should be ashamed.

>> No.15758391

retard lol

>> No.15758903

>hating on Jun