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File: 101 KB, 500x729, b22184ed571aa0a1ca010a03ccc4e412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15727121 No.15727121 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't men wear these hats anymore?

>> No.15727123

Too impractical in an era where cars barely have room for your head, nevermind a tophat.

>> No.15727136

at least pepe still wears them

>> No.15727154

I wear a hat regularly and it's inconvenient at times as you have to put it somewhere all the time. Having a rigid tophat ought to be even worse.

>> No.15727155

Better food in higher quantities has made people taller on average. With the same sort of topper hat, the average man nowadays would not go through a door without bumping his hat off.

>> No.15727171

Are you implying the top hat was a cope for manlets?

>> No.15727179

Most of men's fashion is either manlet, fat or bald cope.
Extreme formality requiring hats at all time was a way for people who were short due to shitty diets and bald due to said diet as well as living in smog-filled early industrial cities to cope with how short and bald they were.

>> No.15727184

Nobody cares about being bald back then, baldie anxiety was invented by magazine ads.
Wearing a hat shows piety to God.

>> No.15727197

>Wearing a hat shows piety to God
nigger what
Only women are meant to cover their heads during prayer, as well as priests and preachers in the secular clergy. Men are not and have not for several centuries, removing your had during service is one of the longest running traditions that is not canonical.

>> No.15727211
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What about the Latvian Orthodox?

>> No.15727219
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>Wearing a hat shows piety to God.

>> No.15727252

Orthodox traditions differ a bit but not in that regard : that is still secular clergy, although covering your head during service happens more often in regular orthodox clergy.

>> No.15727288

Catholics and jews subverted the fashion

>> No.15727300

they're superfluous, no need. people aren't walking out in the cold their whole life anymore. cars killed hats

>> No.15727514

this hairstyle will be in once some sort of drug gets created where everyone can always have hair.

>> No.15728312

JFK is the sole reason why men don't wear hats anymore.

>> No.15728379
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I do like those pants

>> No.15728456

this is your brain on american mode

>> No.15728470

because modern men are faggots

>> No.15728476

bc they dont want to look like willy wonka

>> No.15728491

boomer here, I get the reference.

>> No.15728500
File: 92 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-0e714b5660392b6a413da423f3bb61c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spot the main character

>> No.15728586

Based and George pilled

>> No.15728964

I was raised Catholic myself lad, was just joking

>> No.15729405

this style needs to make a comeback for 2030

>> No.15730973

Their hats are very pious.

>> No.15732533

Rate DDL's fit

>> No.15732642

Cars with roofs became widely used.

>> No.15733067
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Take heed OP, this may very well be your one and only chance to own this exact fit.

>> No.15733136
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Untrue, pic related description of Jesse James

>> No.15733609
File: 95 KB, 768x513, f63b6613eb818d88ee944323fb3ded0b99-16-burn-trump-thread.2x.h473.w710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls sir, we still do

>> No.15733718

big dick energy

>> No.15733726

Cuz hats and beanies and caps make u go bald

>> No.15734466

but if everyone was short, no one was?

>> No.15735643
File: 135 KB, 1024x895, Isambard_Kingdom_Brunel-1024x895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and the fellas rolling up to build things that still exist in 2020

>> No.15737297

Why do you think wigs and hats were so popular. They hated balding then as much as we do now, they only had fewer ways to deal with it

>> No.15737389

It depends on the region and the period but wearing hats or covering the head in some way did show piety to God. This was especially important in public and is more consistent across time periods with women to show purity. The connection with covering your head with morality continued on into the 40s, when hats began to go out of fashion somewhat. Rationing and munitions work made difficult for people to continue wearing them and more people from then on decided to forgo them. Although they remained relatively popular for the following two decades, many hat manufacturers went out of business. It's sad bc I love hats.

>> No.15737441
File: 3.57 MB, 3000x4592, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the modern equivalent of this look, and how do I achieve it?

>> No.15737456

this lol
you are fucking retarded

>> No.15737471

Hats got replaced by shoes. Shoes are new hats. Everyone looking at your shoes now.

>> No.15737813

no it don't. the good god fearin folk of texas have been ranchin and utilizin western brimmed hats for years and they show no piety. they are humble and hard workin. this is why catholics are of the devil and wrong, baptist is hte true god's way to go

>> No.15737856

holy shit how small is that guy? he must be the size of an action figure for this chains in the back to look that huge.

>> No.15738249

Why do you think he wears the hat?

>> No.15738709 [DELETED] 

Well that's obviously not even close to being the reason they fell out of fashion but feel free to just keep posting whatever bullshit comes first to your mind.

>> No.15738736

he was short as shit actually, like five feet tall. an absolute god of modern civil engineering though, the little fella made good of himself

>> No.15738770

Calvin Klein and Burberry have got their mouth all glued up with cunnyjuice.

>> No.15738875


>> No.15738948

less suspended particles in the air, like dirt, grime, etc.

>> No.15738961

Leonardo Dicaprio on the left is demurely clothed