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File: 140 KB, 1308x824, FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15705311 No.15705311 [Reply] [Original]

give me ONE good reason why i shouldn't buy a perfect fake (replica) rolex for $600

i'll save you the trouble:
>you can't

>> No.15705317

Just buy a steinhart

Counterfeits are cringe

>> No.15705319

not if no one (except me) knows it's a fake. seethe more, faggot.

>> No.15705340

if you dont mind being a phony, then go ahead

>> No.15705357

phony? how can you even tell if i am a phony when it's literally impossible to find a difference between these two watches?

>> No.15705362

You're giving money to criminals

>> No.15705748

Because you can get a 60$ shitter and the hicks that are impressed by it still won't be able to tell the difference.

>> No.15705827

how is that different from buying the original?

>> No.15705838
File: 180 KB, 400x610, Rallygraf_Quartz_reverse_panda_cuir_400x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best looking quartz racing chronograph? Similar to pic related.

>> No.15705845

because rolex doesn't impress anybody.

also i got a free innova dis driver from the rewards account on my smart watch so...

>> No.15705847

why give your hard earned dollars to organized crime?

>> No.15705849

Cause it aint a Seiko stunner

>> No.15705864

because you can find the same replica for $60

>> No.15705875

But you'll know it's fake. And that will mainfest itself outwardly in some form or another.

>> No.15705894


>> No.15705906

honestly spending $600 on a replica shows even less care for money than buying a real rolex it's a great flex go for it

>> No.15705915

You fuckers think this watchfinder guy is a sleeper agent going nuclear?
>has gobbled the shit the swiss throw at him for years
>has felated every ad to walk this earth
>forced at gunpoint to shit behind the camera like the cuck he is
>tired of it all
>it's his chance at revenge now
>"This Fake Rolex Is The Most Accurate Yet! Don't "fall" for this guys haha :^)"
>"Wouldn't it be a shame if people started buying fakes instead of swiss imagine haha"
>"That's for buying my 86th Celini you Authorised Dicksuckers"

>> No.15705919

I'm glad he sits behind the camera
I don't have to see him as a balding fat dude he might be

>> No.15705923

>because rolex doesn't impress anybody.
Neither does your tripcode

>> No.15705932

deep down you'll know you are one.

>> No.15705944

Which one, I bought one recently for about $300 that's damn good but there's flaws. The rotating mechanism is a tad sloppy. White indents around the bezel aren't quite deep enough.. screw in wonder isn't machined perfectly, it's a little grindy when you wind it in or out.

It's not far off a 1:1 copy. I'd pay for a better match IF it also came with the forged paperwork and serial stamps etc because backing up the watch with paperwork in a draw if challenged is key to making it work in my head.

The one I have now, green submariner.. if I had a real one, I'd wear the fake day to day it's that close to stop from wrecking the real one.

>> No.15705946

Also OP where or what should I search for? Mine was from submariner store. They have some sister sites that do TAG and Omega and stuff but yeah.. not 1:1 and not quite good enough.>>15705944

>> No.15706483

I'm sure you'd get away fine with it, unless someone really scrutinized it (checking the minor details/ taking off the case back), but IMO i wouldn't by a fake, becuase every time id look at it id know its not really a Rolex. eventually id put it away. do yourself a favor and buy a vintage omega or JLC if you cant justify spending that much on a Rolex. I have a Tudor Black bay bronze that I love. its made well and reasonably priced.

>> No.15706503

There are nicer watches available for cheaper. I mean own a bootleg, that when it breaks, that no one will be willing to service for you.
If you are poor, then instead of worrying about getting an expensive watch, worry about getting more money. Start hustling. Don’t start hustling so you can afford that expensive watch, start hustling so you can live a better life.

>> No.15706516

Lmao. Not even close to a flex. Buying a replica seems extremely insecure.

An actual flex is to be rich enough to buy a Rolex without any second thought, but choose to wear a cheap Casio or something

>> No.15706521

If you are considering buying a fake it’s because you can’t comfortably buy a Rolex. So anyone who knows you will know you bought a replica which looks pathetic.

Just buy a watch you can afford.

>> No.15706523

Because it’s pathetic and so are you

>> No.15706542

>1 - illegal
>2 - counterfeit makers dabble in human trafficking and medication counterfeits
>3 - if you be seen with a Rolex buyt not have an actual Rolex, then you're doing it for the image and anyone who cares enough to know what a Rolex is will be able to sniff out your fake
>4 - have fun buying a new one once the battery runs out because these fakes are usually made with cheap quartz movements that are made to break when you open them to change the battery
>5 - there are now tons and tons of homage watches that look about the same, are of much higher quality than counterfeits and come with warranty and customer support
There is absolutely no reason to buy a fake now that the homage segment of the industry is that large, unless you're in Africa or India and have no distribution network/airmail to get your stuff.
And fakes aren't even cheaper than today's homages.

>> No.15706545

A quartz Yema Rallyegraph.
>sleeper agent
Dude, he literally works for a store, that's a wide-awake agent fro you. Of fucking course he's going to shill the stuff his store stocks and not be as enthusiastic about the rest, or not recommend it as much.

>> No.15706553

Everyone will know it's fake unless you have a high-paying job, in which case, just buy a damn Daytona if you want one so bad

>> No.15706554

It’s extremely obvious to anyone who knows about watches. Do you know why? Because your family doesn’t have money, you probably drive an econobox, you don’t live in a nice house, you’re probably a student or recent graduate. 3 options
1. It’s a fake
2. You stole it
3. It’s real, but costs more than your dogshit car and you rent, making you retarded.
I would never judge someone for wearing a cheap watch, but I will judge them for being so sad that they waste money on a replica for imaginary status gains when anyone who knows the first thing about watches will know that you are not in a position to afford it.

>> No.15706601

He's a sleeper agent AGAINST the swiss you retard. Not a sleeper agent working for his dogshit store

>> No.15706628

what if im a millionaire but have a brain so ill buy the same watch for 500$ instead of 10k

>> No.15706674

Then you're even more of a retard because if you spend 10k on a Lolex, it will eventually gain value due to how enthusiastic the customer base is. It's just a matter of time.
10k on any Rolex will grow into 15k in 10 years or so.
Rolex customers are just that gullible.

>> No.15706686

You could probably get your money back out of the Rolex if you decided to sell it. Setting that point aside, it’s fine if you’re averse to expensive watches. Just wear an Apple Watch or a Casio. It’s a lot less pathetic.

>> No.15706692

>it’s fine if you’re averse to expensive watches
It's not as if there weren't tons of quality, interesting watches to pick with prices ranging from 20 bucks to 600.

>> No.15706693

no, just because market behaved in a certain way in the past doesnt mean it will continue in the future, if this was very likely then I would buy a legit one.
Replicas are just going to keep getting better and they are almost perfect already.
your days are numbered watchfags ill be rotating my rolexes each day while driving my bentley and no one will suspect a thing

>> No.15706698

As long as Rolex continues their mountain Jew artificial scarcity scam, retards will continue to pay above retail for them. The mental gymnastics you’re doing to try and justify buying a replica because you’re poor is truly baffling. Why don’t you just buy a microbrand shitter sub homage that will probably be of much higher quality?

I very much dislike Rolex and their disgusting business practices, but I dislike replicas even more.

>> No.15706703

>just because market behaved in a certain way in the past doesnt mean it will continue in the future, if this was very likely then I would buy a legit one
Rolex Hype has quite litarally been the most stable part of the entire watch industry over almost 70 years at this point, continues to be, and is basically what kept it all from disappearing entirely in the 2000s and 2010s but okay, I guess a garbage quartz is more reliable.
>no one will suspect a thing
People who don't even know what a Rolex is won't suspect a thing because they won't care and won't even notice you're wearing a watch, or they will and will call you a retard because you should "just look at your phone lol".
Anyone who knows about watches will smell the fake a mile away.
it hasn't worked for decades, it's not going to start working now.

>> No.15706705

I like the look of the rolex, like I said I didnt become rich by accident, inheritance or pure luck, I worked hard and I dont want to spew money when i can get 99.7% same watch for 5% of the price

>> No.15706708

there is a much higher chance that the rolexes keep a decent price for the next 10 years than some retard who knows watches figures out mine is fake, there is no way to tell on the best replicas

>> No.15706711

>99.7% same watch for 5% of the price
>garbage materials
>entirely different movement
>none of the features
>99% same watch
Based retard.
These fakes aren't even splash-proof, let alone shock-resistant.
Say what you will about Rolex overpricing, they at least have good construction and reliable materials, as well as warranty, customer service, repairability, etc.

>> No.15706713


>> No.15706718

Dude, my 70 bucks Vostok is higher quality than the 300 bucks replica you want to get, there's nothing for me to cope with, you're the one being a complete tard.

>> No.15706725

>It’s extremely obvious to anyone who knows about watches
Who the fuck is that? :D Who the fuck cares... /fa/ always this elitist shit "I am wearing Seiko, the fedora of watches, because even tho I am 14, this is cool mechanical piece of watch that other 50yo dads will definitely appreciate, like fuck fashion, quality over design and style here. No fucking Quartz - unless it's digital G Shock"... clowns..

>> No.15706732

Based ESL retard.

>> No.15706742

spot on my fren

>> No.15706746

>Who the fuck is that?
The only people who will care.
That's the thing though, since no one really gives a shit about watches anymore other than complete watch autists, then what even is the point of getting a replica?
No one is going to be impressed by the piece, or name recognition, and the only people who might give a shit will spot it.

>> No.15706754

vapid models are impressed by that shit, its just free points and to be fair the watches look good

>> No.15706765

>then what even is the point of getting a replica?
Very good point. I assume it would be a gimmick. Like a modern sprezzatura, an ironic mustache of a bracelet. I honestly think if you sell it with this attitude, it will have higher fashion value than genuine old pervert from Germany, sir Fritz of kids, Rolex. It's like a getting mickeymouse watch to your 5 grand suite. Similar value I would say. Like I bough 1 dollar watch from aliexpress with pineapples on this hipster party where everyone was whipping off their gold apple watch. Fuck those pretentious twats, pineapple beats apple any time.

>> No.15706777

If you have an eye tumor, Rolex look fucking amazin bro. Really wonder what your story is based off. Been on multiple model parties and noone ever gave a shit about rolex. Just pay or be a new guy. There is always some bambilionair around who is paying everything and these bitches full of cocaine and ecstasy from Russia just want to tap anyone. Just be careful so you don't fuck the bodyguards sister, almost happened once to me and I almost shit bricks when this cocaine drug dealer (if you can call it that way cause he was just giving it away) massive gorilla thailand dude, totally out of control cause he was probably the biggest customer of himself, was asking me some questions... As you can probably tell, my english is not the best, his was ever worse... Oh memories on Taipei :D

>> No.15706800

>pineapple watch

>> No.15707114


This is the one I picked up, they actually fucked up and shipped it twice so I've got two. Doesn't seem to be any deviation between the two so I'd imagine they're fairly strict with manufacturing. It's damn good but.. I know there's a better version and I think OP might have a link for that version.

$161 USD plus shipping.

Like I mentioned, I'd prefer a closer copy that comes with the box and documents and I know that exists somewhere. The doco is a must with matching serials for pulling off the illusion and that's worth the extra cash. They're getting very close to 1:1. I know there's a better version and I will absolutely buy one when I find it.

>> No.15707157

No one cares about your garbage counterfeits, I want the chinaman pineapple watch for one buck.

>> No.15707168

4 and 5 are mostly bullshit

>> No.15707177

I want a counterfeit
Where do you look for them? Are they on ali express or what?

>> No.15707186

Ali will have all the lookalikes you want but nothing that uses actual brand names.

>> No.15707187

They are called super reps and the forum is called RWI.

>> No.15707324

>85% off!
>white gold
>Location: California (kek)
>How to order the watch :
1.Please go on paypal.com
2.Click on send money
3.Insert email to send payment to: valentinoservodei@gmail.com
4.Put correct price of watch USD 161,33+(25 USD FOR DHL SHIPPING)
5.In add a note section put your shipping information and model of watch that you want

Holy kek. Who falls for this shit

>> No.15707572
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20201113_013531485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, it works. Quality is good, few small issues. They fucked up and sent two, one arrived two weeks after the other.

I think the super reps RWI one is potentially better.

>> No.15707750

Even from the shitty low res image i can tell you the watch on the right is a fake, the text is too thick.

>> No.15707783

This is the common sense OP is lacking.

>> No.15707784

Buy a watch you can afford, flexing is fucking cringe.

>> No.15708289

Says the guy who's never smashed impressionable 11/10 18 year old puss

>> No.15708290

It's not real.

>> No.15708292
File: 317 KB, 908x758, 737E5742-5CFA-44A2-AAB0-D2F77001D4DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. It’s real, but costs more than your dogshit car and you rent, making you retarded
This hits worse than I’d like it to

>> No.15708295

>Who the fuck is that?
Anyone who can immediately spot the disparaty between your general poverty and your expensive watch.

Meaning 99% of everyone you know.

>> No.15708435

Who the fuck is gonna look at your paperwork on your godamn watch? Be honest and just say that you plan to scam someone, it's a lot less disingenuous that way

>> No.15708451

Holy shit those are bad - on DHGate and Aliexpress these are like 50/60$

>> No.15708472

I'm sorry but what? Backing up the watch in a draw? If challenged? Is there some underground wristwatch fighting game I'm not aware of?
Alsk buying shit just to own and not actually wear is autistic. You'd buy a real watch and a fake so the real one could be worn maybe once or twice a month? Year? Fucking pillar of autism screaming insecurity
Like those sneakeefags buying the supreme Louis vuitton edition shit nikes and leaving them in a box. Turbo autism

>> No.15708576

I have a lot of things like that. I like the way they look, but they are too fancy to wear them casually. Sometimes I don’t even feel enough energy to try them on at home. Yet I don’t want to sell them because those are good looking and costed me a lot.

>> No.15708587

You aren’t rich if you’re looking at replicas lmao. You’re not fooling anyone.

>> No.15708590

OP cruising around town a 2014 mitsubishi mirage with an add on Bentley body kit, counterfeit rolex on his wrist, grinning as passerby stop and stare

>> No.15708592

Paperwork for a replica is so pathetic. Holy shit.

>> No.15708595
File: 650 KB, 569x802, 1423317110080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that inner-bezel not matching the model, or any model
>that bezel in general
>the pants-shittingly awful magnifier
>that gap in the bracelet
You're getting ripped off paying $160 for that sloppy quality, this is a $40 job on aliexpress.

>> No.15708600

Why do you say they're bad? There's a lot of dust on the lens and watches in those pics, imo they're visually pretty close to 1:1

t.not a product photographer sorry

>> No.15708601

Your reply is autistic.

"Mates come round, hey nice watch is that real?.. yep.. sure it is! Naa it's fake!.. naa here's the paperwork and box it came in.. oh sick"

>> No.15708611
File: 30 KB, 678x452, images - 2020-11-14T015317.950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've got plastic still on them so it looks distorted.

> Gaps in the band.

I'm not sure you've ever seen a real one in the wild.. those gaps are normal.

The serials are the same set-up as a legit one.

>> No.15708616
File: 55 KB, 715x429, images - 2020-11-14T015657.911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't see a serial in the pics, you can see the Rolex markings just like a legit one. It's 1:1 visually.

>> No.15708620

The end links have gaps and are obviously empty, it's one of the easiest signs of a fake.

>> No.15708697

Yeah ok so now that we know you're poor AND know literally nothing about watches, I suggest a Citizen Eco-drive

>> No.15710100

then why make this post

>> No.15710123

>You are wealthy
Just buy a real one
>You are poor
Either "Hey Anon, you're fucking stupid for spending 20k on a watch on your salary", bonus points for having the awkward conversation where you have to lie that it's real, lest be labeled a larphing phony trying to look like hes something hes not.

Either way you're lord of the cringe for even considering this.

>> No.15710152

It's also the easiest dial to fake. Left has more elegant, less jarring text, and the "20" on the lower dial is perfectly aligned, unlike the right one. That said I would get it, wear it, and say it's fake to anyone that cares about watches. If that pisses him off I ask how much makeup his wife wears before it counts as deception.

Thing is I bet who ever bought this one spent WEEKS of back and forth, with cad assisted alignment programs to assess which quality control pics he rejected to arrive at the best they had. They basically won't ever want to deal with him again and will jipp him next time.

>> No.15710341


>> No.15710429

Isn't it normalized to be "treating oneself" with stuff like that once in a while. I though that's what people from middle class do.

>> No.15710438

I guess you've never bought anything from Adidas, Nike, Zara...

>> No.15710448
File: 74 KB, 729x960, 8331427_xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a homage of this watch.

>> No.15710533

Unironically, no

>> No.15710537

What's up with buying anything from Adidas, Nike, Zara?

>> No.15710540

>give me ONE good reason why i shouldn't buy a perfect fake (replica) rolex for $600

because you are still a bum that cant afford one and everyone can tell because you are wearing it with walmart jeans and incel new balances.

also, watchfinder got bought out and hates on rolex and shills mall tier shitters.

>> No.15710547

you motherfucking dumbass, that's what people do! there was a whole trend of mixing luxury items with cheap stuff. what rock have you been living under?

>> No.15710627

Get better mates honestly. If a mildly interesting 2 second moment of brag/flex is worth thousands to you, you're a fucking retard who's got too much cash in his hands (probably not even yours)

>> No.15710646

It’s not about other people you dumb fuck

>> No.15710659

My mom bought years ago a fake Rolex at a jewelry store in St. Maarten while on vacation and she's stll has it and still works.

>> No.15711078

Do you know where do they have their factories?

>> No.15711171

>600 dollars to have a bullshit item that just tells the time
>a swatch does the same job for 5€

>> No.15711180

>5 bucks
The name you are looking for is Casio.
Swatches are stupidly overpriced for what they are.

>> No.15711383

>what rock have you been living under?

one where everyone i know is fuckin rich and they don't dress like shit. it's an exclusive rock and you're not invited.

>> No.15711460

>caring so much about looking cool and brandwhoring that you buy a "good fake"

cringe. try working out and reading more to get a grip on yourself.

>> No.15711473

Went to three different Rolex dealers today. None of them gave me the time of day, let alone had any stock for what I'm looking for. Doubtful I'll be getting a call back anytime soon.

>> No.15711481

The watch you're looking for is in a safe in the back.
They won't tell you it's there until you buy like a dozen other watches.

>> No.15711646

Where do everyone else have their factories? It seems like buying stuff from hipsters on insta is the only way out.

You and I seem to belong to different classes. There's no point in exchanging opinions because an approach is going to be completely different.

>> No.15711801

Nah, if a dude applies for a job with a genuine rolex on his wrist but rents a farmer shack I will give that dude respect. To me someone who is poor but wears a rolex strives to perform far above what's allotted to them.
If you wear a flashy fake gold watch I'd think you're a psycho.
If you're so inclined to find a perfect replica, I wouldn't know unless you told me. Maybe it's a frankenstein, those are cool.
There are near mythical handmade rolex replicas that are better than then the real thing so...don't be too quick to judge.

>> No.15711828

Well, I guess so.
My point was that acussing someone of contributing to chinese mafias because you buy fake watches from China it's total bullshit because one way or another all of us do.

>> No.15711834

You'll only impress dumb strangers, anyone who knows you or can judge the your persona/style/overall composition will realize/assume that it's fake and immediately draw negative connotations about your character. If you're going for sleazecore then sure, a fake rolex (preferably a shitty one) is virtually part of the uniform.

In any case, you'll know its fake, intelligent people will deduce that it's fake, and overall you'll have cheated yourself & lowered your reputation.

I wouldn't advise poor people to scrape together what they can to afford a rolex either, because then you're even worse off as people will STILL assume it's fake even though its legit. You may still enjoy it yourself, but if you bought it at least in part to show off -you've shot yourself in the foot.

>> No.15711839

If what you're looking for is a stainless steel sports watch then they probably thought you were mentally impaired going in there asking for one. Buy a ladied gold datejust, some jewelry and an ugly tag, then ask if you can be put on the waitlist for a sub or whatever the fuck you want. MAYBE you'll get one next year.

>> No.15711843

Oh shit those endlink gaps are fucked up, those SCREAM fake and i'd see that from 2 or 3m away

>> No.15711865

>people will STILL assume it's fake even though its legit
Imo it’s for good actually. Here people might see you as a psycho for paying brand price, they might get mad at you and so on. If they think it’s fake they stay chill, but you can enjoy yourself being so well off.

>If you're so inclined to find a perfect replica, I wouldn't know unless you told me.
Whenever I think of buying a replica I imagine myself making sure people know it’s replica, as if I was kinda apologizing for being so cheap.

>> No.15711877

are you saying it's only "1:1 visually" if you don't know jackshit and that's exactly how these fakes get sold in the first place?
damn dude, if only OP knew about that

>> No.15713124

This is true as long as we are speaking about a Rolex, which literally everyone can recognize.
If we talk about Panerai, Tag Heuer, Nomos... People don't know a shit about watches.

>> No.15713295

OP, everybody has shopped for a rolex at least once and seen how expensive they are.
All your friends will know its fake. and they will ask you "is that a rolex"? and you will have to say "yea it is" and lie right in their face. and they'll know the truth and lose respect for you.

>> No.15713298

everybody will know its fake because everybody automatically assumes a rolex is fake until they find out it's not. by seeing the guy's lambo or house. you have neither so everybody will just assume it's fake and laugh behind your back.

>> No.15713377


>> No.15713380

retard alert

>> No.15713391
File: 87 KB, 408x408, Photo 3-31-19, 12 23 34 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was probably yesterday when I thought like if I ever get to buy a Porsche I can buy whatever fakes and they're gonna look ledgit.

>> No.15713393

Well OP
It depends.

Buying a fake Rolex is a contradiction. It defeats its own purpose. You see the value of a Rolex is that a Rolex is more than a watch. It’s a Rolex. A watch, you can buy it and everybody can buy It for 10 bucks. But a Rolex No. with a Rolex you are sending a message : I can own a Rolex. The price of the Rolex is one of its appeal.

So if your buying a Rolex so you can have 99% of a Rolex. You are in the wrong. You’re just owning maybe a nice watch that is a fake Rolex. You are better of with a Normal watch.

If you’re buying a perfect replica to make everyone mad, to send the message that you can own a Rolex even If you can’t, then that is the right move. But you’re a hack then. You are as fake as the Rolex. But hey why would I care.

>> No.15713407


>> No.15713419

My only problem with fakes are giving Chinks money. Chinks steal so much fucking IP and money it's disgusting. I hope the next plague wipes them all out.

>> No.15713900
File: 90 KB, 220x165, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends what you want from the watch:

If you are buying a watch just to try to impress people, then you might as well. That's bearing in mind if they think you wouldn't be able to afford it or they spot the fake then you've done the opposite of impressing them. Should work on niggers and teenagers though. In my opinion regardless of whether you're buying a fake or real Rolex to impress people you're an idiot poser.

However, the right reason to buy a Rolex or any other expensive watch should be because you appreciate the precision engineering and quality that goes into it. You're buying a watch that you can pass down the generations, a watch that will actually gain value if properly looked after. Imagine inheriting a watch from your grandfather and getting it appraised only to find out it's fake.

>> No.15714425

> Just buy a steinhart

Thread could have ended after this first post.

The right reason to buy a replica is if you want a specific luxury watch model which does not have a high-quality homage and appreciate the engineering of a complicated mechanical movement. If you buy a replica to pass it off as a Rolex for social status reasons, you're basically a nigger.

>> No.15714448

i can't give any reasons not to buy one. fuck the swiss

>> No.15714871

>Seiko, the fedora of watches


>> No.15714883


A really good fake still costs a good amount of money, like maybe $500-1000 for that Daytona. Just because it's fake, doesn't mean that the processes used to make a convincing fake are easy.

I've been to markets in Luohu and Shenzen. There are obvious fakes that go for $10, but if you want the really convincing shit it's in the hundreds. And that's when you buy it direct from the chinaman. Buy it from some inbred in Turkey and you're paying more.

So anyways, you drop $1000 a convincing fake that all the while will last one year and will be IMPOSSIBLE to service. So you'll end up paying $1000 to be able to fool a bunch of retards for 1 year. Meanwhile, you could have just bought a real Daytona for $13k held onto it for a few years and sold it for $15k. Netting yourself a profit and some self-respect.

>> No.15715172 [DELETED] 

> me: okay, brand is expensive, gotta gets me some replica
> /fa/: noooooo, don’t support the fake makers, that’s dumb
> me: fakes are meh, I want to get some real deal
> /fa/: noooooo, why would you waste your money, you gonna look like a fag wearing Rolex with thrifted clothes

The fuck with yall?

>> No.15716584

Because Rolex is of poor taste.

>> No.15716600

At one hand I do understand the point of pursuing the real thing. At another, it seems like posters who say like "how embarassing it would be to answer the questions about the watch" havent been talking to real people in a good while. Look around, dupes are normalised up to the point people may not even pay attention to them. Nobody may ask if those are Lolex because they know the exact booth in local department store that has them. It would only look weird if anon belongs to some different social circle that knows and cares about things like that, and anon considering to buy a rep somehow tells me they don't. Chances are people won't pay attention at all.

>> No.15716628

Of all the sellers on there are there any you'd recommend?

Also in general where is best to find a decent replica watch? I don't care about buying genuine ones, literally no point in spending a stupid amount of cash, OP is right

>> No.15716631

>I know there's a better version and I think OP might have a link for that version.

Any chance you have a link for where better rolex replicas are sold? Or any other links regarding the topic at all that would be helpful?

>> No.15716634

>reputable counterfeit sellers

There's no honor among thieves, as they say.

>> No.15716693
File: 749 KB, 1439x2673, Screenshot_20201116-171106_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just buy a used one?
Keep an eye out for something you like.
You can even take it for service at an AD

>> No.15718235

you can buy good original watches for 600 bucks. the people you want to impress with it will be able to tell that you couldn't afford one even if they can't tell the watch apart from a real one.