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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 750x695, peak fashion25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15672955 No.15672955 [Reply] [Original]

The style that saved /fa/.

>> No.15673046

god this looks like shit.

>> No.15673476

Unironically too, I've yet to find a woman here who doesn't cringe or laugh at these guys, is it an american or british thing?

>> No.15673483

Awesome and based Chad style

>> No.15673485

Amazing and based Chad SEXcore

>> No.15673753

this looks like actual shit senpai

>> No.15674097

I like it and my friends too
*young pretty girl*

>> No.15674186

real talk this was the fit I was going for. Is it bad or good?

>> No.15674208 [DELETED] 

Looks GAY.

>> No.15674211

That is some basic bitch shit right there

>> No.15674214

I am real grill on interwebz lololol...and this style tells me that the man is unoriginal, vain and possible even vapid because he could not choose a style for himself that if unique to his personality probably because he doesn't have a personality to begin with. He's a man with no plan or vision. What is that chain belt even? Is he gonna hit me in the bedroom senpai? He couldn't even close that jacket properly. What's his favorite color? Is it the green in his shoe or has he never looked at colors past elementary school homework? If this has saved /fa then you should all be ashamed of yourselves, swear off fashion and leave 4chan.

>> No.15674221

Women love this outfit. They just happen to love wearing it.

>> No.15674299
File: 68 KB, 611x960, 370331fdeaa318409c9afe66f1f903f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear a denim jacket properly faggot

>> No.15674323

I’m a girl but only wear baggy and straight leg jeans. Skinny is a big No because my skin got itchy. How the hell men wears it so easily? Don’t you feel itchy in the balls? Just saying

>> No.15674346

Ah the basic uniform, everyone has a white tee, denim jacket, dark jeans, and white sneakers

>> No.15674350 [DELETED] 


>> No.15674508
File: 106 KB, 736x736, 1593696416799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reazy for... HMMMMPPPHHH.... ze SEX.

But real talk, SEXcore is absolutely perfect because it ticks all the boxes normies/Chads care about:
>gets pussy/recognition
>reasonably affordable
>available at any mall

>> No.15674519

Those pocket chains are so awful

>> No.15674529
File: 145 KB, 576x1024, 1577953291242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else are you going to keep your massive wallet filled to the brim with fresh 200 EUR banknotes from falling out of your pocket while you're on your way to the SEX?

>> No.15674531

How do I achieve SEXcore?

>> No.15674556

its beyond good or bad its sexcore

>> No.15674559
File: 98 KB, 735x1102, 1560432294341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a handsome face.
Take steroids and work out a lot.
Wear a mix of casual streetwear and high-end dress attire, making sure your shirts and pants fit extra tight.
Take tons of pictures where you pretend to be walking and post 'em to Instagram.

There you have it. SEXcore.

>> No.15674596

Can you describe what you smell like please

>> No.15674598

pic unrelated?

>> No.15674601

love the shoes, i have a pair

>> No.15674604

Face doesn't really matter. Be skinny. Smell good. Wear tight and revealing clothing (e.g. unbuttoned shirt.) It's hard to master. Aim for: tight clothes that look like they're ready to come off at any minute. That is sexcore.

>> No.15674642


>> No.15674652

sometimes when I'm sitting around and haven't showered for a while my armpits are like onions

>> No.15674933

>I've yet to find a woman

>> No.15674944

>Face doesn't really matter.
nigga its the only thing that matters
you can dress like rick owens, mac de marco, or a dirty car mechanic if youre good lookin youre always good to go,

>> No.15674950

I legit remember when sexcore was just a joke and I knew that eithin a year it would turn into an actual thing on this board and it did.

>> No.15674964

please let this trend of super-slim pants and cuffed ankles die soon

>> No.15674990

Dont hate to admit it but I dressed like that today

>> No.15675008

>>>>>>>Face doesn't really matter.

>> No.15675038

Don't recommend roiding, please.

>> No.15675052

it's literally safer than drinking alcohol you pussy

>> No.15675188

Okay now and go dilate

>> No.15675193

>I like it and my friends too
>*young pretty girl*


>> No.15675199

That jacket is so small, I'm wondering how you can even put it on

>> No.15675216

lol What? That's how women want you to dress.

>> No.15675224
File: 3.97 MB, 828x1792, 8407BA51-14F5-410E-84D3-8661F0AD436B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

70s style denim (with or without bell bottoms) is the only way to go hombres

>> No.15675273

70s style carema as well it seems

>> No.15675281
File: 2.38 MB, 828x1792, FAAD10C7-D375-4118-8012-22B778B37953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I had to do some funky editing to get under the 4mb limit.

Got one of these bad boys for the real 70s vibe

>> No.15675284

>reasonably affordable
I guess poor people need clothes too

>> No.15675301

This unironically looks better than 98% of shit posted here. Not even joking.

>> No.15675312

The sunglasses, watch, rings and perfect beard make him look like a huge tryhard.
Otherwise the fit is very basic and normal there's nothing wrong with it, just the person wearing it in op pic

>> No.15675322

more like the most cancerous meme in recent human history

>> No.15675350

thats easy

>> No.15675726

Kinda like gears of war on /v/

>> No.15677044
File: 47 KB, 480x480, 1548071290342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15677057

not him, but fill me in on this?

>> No.15677612

If you use your fingers to cover the rips in the jeans and the wallet chain, guy on the left's fit is actually quite nice.

>> No.15677835

/v/ used to make fun of gears cause it's basic as fuck, especially compared to 6th gen shooters, and now there unironic hype threads about it.

>> No.15677838

Same. There's only one way for /fa/ and that's downhill

>> No.15678125

What's female SEXcore?

>> No.15679136

yoga pants

>> No.15679209

All good jokes have truth to them

>> No.15679210

this but take SARMs instead of steroids

>> No.15679245

i only played the first two and the first is one of my favorites because of sentimental reasons since I played it co-op with my da. i thought the world and aesthetic was gory and neat. is the rest of the series worth it?