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/fa/ - Fashion

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15541654 No.15541654 [Reply] [Original]

Here we discuss panty droppers. Fragrances that coax forth intoxicating vaginal effluvium in torrents of briny broth - veritable Venusian queefs! This is a place for heterosexual chadlords who stride forth from the field of battle to not merely take the wives of their slain enemies but their daughters too!

You’re a fucking Alpha Dog Anon and want you really want to do is lay down scent for the bitches!


BBC perfume documentary (part 1 of 3):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annRzLYrRwM [Embed]
160 Tuesdays' Sarah McCartney talk:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOIjVZO8azQ [Embed]
w2c bottles

Use Google to obtain the maximum discount code at fragrancenet (37%).

http://www.notino.com (see directory at bottom for your country)
general info
various fragrance communities/review sites/blogs
w2c samples
on DIY fragrances
affordable snice scents

>> No.15541655
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>> No.15541678

What makes women decide what smells good? How come a lot of what they think smells good is not well received in the community?

>> No.15541691

Is this a joke? You're memeing right?

>> No.15541693

The "community" is made up of incels and chinks

>> No.15541714

The community has been subverted by literal homosexual degenerates. It’s a fucking fag festival now. Here we recommend scents from straight men using straight talk and state whether or not you got compliments or got laid with a particular frag.

This is not a meme. This is a reclamation. Feel free to discuss frags but the onus should be on what to wear to increase the potentiality of getting your dick wet. There’s nothing to be ashamed about in this.

The real coomer threads are the faggots circle jerking each other like sobs before they retreat to a musty back bedroom to have a wank with a few dribbles of overpriced Jew water on their wrist.

> we’re about fucking women here.

>> No.15541727
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I think discussion of AXE & LYNX should be allowed desu

>> No.15541751

Mmm yeah. I like giving women headaches whenever they come within 3 feet of me. They love that shit.

>> No.15541821

Why do fragcom faggots like talking about wearing whatever fragrance they want. They sometimes boast about how they don't care if people around them feel uncomfortable with their scent. Is this predatory behaviour by violating their olfactory space?

>> No.15541829

Nasal rape. What would you expect from creepy faggots?

>> No.15541842

I just ordered a sample pack of a bunch of fragrances to try and pick out my daily

>> No.15541906
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Prada sport must, I lost myself in the fragrance

>> No.15542104

Give me one good reason that I shouldn't just get a bunch of cologne samples from department stores and then repeat the process when I run out, never actually paying money for the scented jew

>> No.15542148


>> No.15542151

Reminder that this thread is for designer Chads ONLY. Niche beaver piss-huffing losers have to use the other shit thread.

>> No.15542154

Because their autistic virgins and think smelling like shit is better than smelling good kek

>> No.15542273

nobody is saying not to do that, but why not buy a bottle of a particular favorite instead of looking like a sperg stuffing 10 identical samples in your pockets.

>> No.15542322


>> No.15542409
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this turns women into some kinda feral beast that just wants to rip your pants off and give you oral.

>> No.15542457

I love frags but holy moly that's a cringey op. Scent is 'overkill' when it comes to women, for example Chad might get some compliments on his scent, but he was gonna get them anyway. NoChin McTendies is just going to smell desperate and women will find his expensive scent pathetic and cloying

>> No.15542530
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> you on the left

>> No.15542538
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Bro - I’m already sexually active/ talk to women. This thread is legit. Yesterday I was wearing a basic bitch frag (RL Polo Sport) and was complimented on it. I’m hoping this thread gets lads talking to women in some capacity too. Ever think the scent might be a nice placebo to get things moving?

Fuck this homo shithole bros. They just want you fuckin miserable brehs. Your literally circ jerking with bony, angish queers with halitosis or asexual autism’s in that other thread. Notice how when someone specifically tries to cultivate a fun, normal space for men who want to fuck women it’s labelled “cringe”. Makes you think...

>> No.15542540

This is exactly what you should do lad. Then go get yourself a “tester” bottle on eBay at the best price for the one you like. Testers are usual larger and cheaper, especially ones that are ex-display but unused.

>> No.15542613

Rec me some frags for uni that women actually like

>> No.15542629

You really got that triggered by this anon calling out calmly your simping for compliments huh?

>> No.15542651

fpbp women have absolute shit taste in anything that men do. like their taste for themselves and their hobbies can be great. but taste for what their men enjoy is garbage. go ahead and fuck your way to a girlfriend, /frag/gots. 75% of your scents will be off-limits around her because they don’t like the top notes enough to keep an open mind to the mid or base. women hate complexity. keep it simple. keep it clean. keep it axe clean.

>> No.15542652

Try Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce or Ralph Lauren Polo Sport. Good and cheap for a young guy. Remember to talk to women.

>> No.15542658


Opie here. This is based. Also boys try not spend more than 75 on a bottle. You can get 100ml bottles for less even if you are thrifty. Since this is for young/heterosexual men you’ll want your cash for drink/food. The other thread is for childless old queens with lots of disposable.

>> No.15542687

i’m that anon and yes i would also agree to the pricing aspect. if you want an expensive niche scent, then just catfish one of the twinks in the other thread on kik and tell them you want to smell like the men they fuck while their beard wives are on vacation. but if you want to fuck those same wives while they’re on vacation? stick in this thread.

>> No.15542741

how to make fragrance last longer?
I tried many fragrances and none of them lasted long

>> No.15542770

spray on clothing

>> No.15542801


>> No.15542815
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Literally had this soaked on my wrist When I had some fingering action at a house party last night. I don’t know if it’s regarded as a great scent but she did sniff my wrist when I fed her her juices. NGL was pretty fuckin hot.

>> No.15542861

But did she just dig her nose into the fragrance? I'm only interested in fragrances like that...the ones that you know is catnip. Sauvage so far has a pretty good track record for me, but I wouldn't mind collecting more.

>> No.15542925
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I haven't been in one of these threads in ages. Is it still LARPing that you like some normie chad nightclub scent like eros, spicebomb, or sauvage, mixed with unironic "unless it's some obscure basement designer and costs $500 for 10ml of a two-note scent... it's trash" elitist posting?

>> No.15542947

Based jannies

>> No.15543076
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>poorfag cope: the thread
There is one reason and one reason only you fags shit on expensive frags: you’re wagie cuck losers and can’t afford them. Simple as.
>B-but if I was a billionaire I’d still d-drive a Honda Civic!!! I-it w-works!!!

>> No.15543106

people shit on expensive fragrances because a lot of them smell like shit compared to designer-tier...price is a non-issue for people buying vintage la nuit just to have a sexy scent that mogs your "expensive" smelly Arab juice

>> No.15543115

Sorry, can’t hear you over all this debt I don’t have.

>> No.15543143

That’s right, wear your poverty on your sleeve, wagie.

>> No.15543325
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Soi faggots you mean just like you. Further proof of the fag infestation of these generals.



LMAO! The utter pretension and elitism. No wonder your general is a fucking laughing stock and full of childless queers in their 40s sniffing each other’s gaping rosebuds.

>> No.15543339

Kind of sad how obvious it is that they're trying to masquerade as enthusiasts but are actually using fragrance as a status symbol instead of honouring it as an art form. They're nothing but insecure dilettantes.

>> No.15543365

>Y-you’re gay if you don’t like my 20.00 drugstore j-juice!!!
Projecting. Very sad.

>> No.15543399
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Salty and jelly asexual/homosexual faggots from the most pathetic general on this board.

>> No.15543435

You wear frags to get pussy. Period. I’m lmao @ all these virgins with their “muh niche artisanal beaver pissarino!”. What a bunch of dorks lmao. We should just make this a permanent thing. Fuck /frag/! This is the superior designer Chad thread!

>> No.15543444
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>> No.15543473

What is the most saddest thing is that they lack the knowledge to actually dissect fragrances. It is literally like reading an elementary school student trying to explain the artistry behind Mozart or Monet. They actually believe in the fucking notes the marketing team spews out. They don't even know the names of the actual chemicals used in creating the composition. They have zero background in perfumery and don't know their ass from their ass and a hole in the ground.

>> No.15543506

Rent. Fucking. Free.

It’s honestly pathetic how jelly you poorfags are of your glorious nichefag overlords.

>> No.15543521 [DELETED] 
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you know a thread is based when the mods remove opie image

>> No.15543523

They gobble up the marketing notes and think they actually smell what they're being told it is supposed to have. I don't know how much more delusional one can get.

>> No.15543530

>m-muh chemistry
No one cares, dork. Your designer swill smells like cheap chemical soup. I don’t give a fuck about notes, I care about quality.

>> No.15543549

I suspect you might be based to some degree. Can you rec something from the high end that screams sex while you are here and what do you think of niggers?

>> No.15543557

Musc Ravageur. Don’t know nothin’ bout no niggers, G. I don’t associate with African-Americans.

>> No.15543589
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Ravageur. Cool thx. Bro you should contribute to this shit. Worst thing that can happen is more normies get interested in smelling nice. Why do you like ravageur? What makes it sexy?

>> No.15543598

>No one cares, dork. Your designer swill smells like cheap chemical soup. I don’t give a fuck about notes, I care about quality.

>m-muh quality

Yet you recommend Musc Ravageur over Helmut Lang Eau de Cologne. Even the fucking perfumer, Maurice Roucel, has said it himself.

>There sometimes is a misconception that Frederic Malle Musc Ravageur is my “musk” fragrance. This is not true; there is no musk in it at all, it is an animalic oriental. Helmut Lang Eau de Cologne is one of the muskiest perfumes on the market and is my musk masterpiece.

You're a stupid fucking noselet that is calling other people noselets. The irony.

>> No.15543624

Smells sexy, but also classy. Spicy, animal I’d vanilla and resins. Doesn’t smell like cheap swill.

>implying I give a fuck if it has musk or not
Keep coping, dork.

>> No.15543636
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, rs_600x600-200318160006-600.instagram-grandma.ct.031820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh wow, that does sound sexy. I bet her pussy starts dripping smelling something so classy and refined.

>> No.15543674

Oh yeah, fer sure, bro. Gets that puss puss soaking!

>> No.15543688

Ignore the haters. I'm looking for a cologne that projects that I'm a gentleman to classy women. What cologne should I wear? You seem like you're a classy gentleman yourself.

>> No.15543694

Buy a fedora and soak yourself in Musc Ravageur.

>> No.15543705

Gotta get yourself some AVENTOOS, bro! Sexy Miami bad boy leather jacket Michael Jackson scent. Make sure to only get the VERY BEST batch, though. Anything less wont get you any pussy.

And don’t buy from perfumeonline.ca. They sold that mongaloid, GORsWIPE a fake bottle lmao.

>> No.15543710

It has musk in it so I'm scared it would be too sexy.

>> No.15543724
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Got this last Xmas from my gran. Hope it will get a good reaction. Is this a good brand boys? Polo sport is next.

>> No.15543737

Dude, your gram wants that D! She hot?

>> No.15543742

She died from Covid in April. Thx breh...

>> No.15543744

So you’re getting anal, then. Bonus!

>> No.15543748
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This is her. You’re pretty fucked up you evil cunt. RIP Margaret xx

>> No.15543752

In all honesty, if she did really die, that’s terrible and I feel for you, bro.

>> No.15543762





This shit just proves why the Frag general elitists are singularly rotten, dead-eyed old queens. Disgusting shit. You know late teens and early 20s post here for info and can’t afford 300 dollar plus scents. They’re interested in girls, going out and getting laid. Some naive kid posts a frag that his dead granny gave him and he gets abuse.

Fucking elitist cunts. Hope you rot. Someone screencap this shit.

>> No.15543768

No you don't. You're scum because you think you're better than others with your elitist mindset. It is so funny too, if you asked girls on the street they would laugh at your smelly water hobby.

>> No.15543776

>coomers come into /frag/, shit the place up and call anyone not wearing Sauvage or Eros losers, virgins, dorks, etc.
>someone comes into your containment thread and talks some shit: A BLOO BLOO BLOO! STOP BUWWYING US POOW, INNOCENT CHILDWEN! W-WE JUST WANT WUV!
Pathetic. Just like /pol/, always playing the victim card. Talk shit, get hit. I have zero sympathy for you fags.

>> No.15543785

RIP Margaret

>> No.15543799
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The true face of Frag Fags. Fucking disgusting. Seriously I’ve become more and more disillusioned with that General and the elitist nasty shit there. Holy fuck tho - you really are soulless fags...

>> No.15543807

>conveniently omits the guy admitting he was just joking around

>> No.15543812

They rage hard when you say some niche frags smell like a dirty ashtray and can't understand some young guys just want to smell good and get some female attraction.

>> No.15543816

This exact same thing happened in a /frag/ thread a while back. Some dude’s mom died and you faggots called him a bitch for being upset about the jokes. Bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.15543827

Absolutely abhorrent behavior.

>> No.15543832

Good. Stay here. We don’t want you in /frag/.

>> No.15543847
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Stay mad elitist queen. We have Cecil on side. We know we’re based. Fags.

>> No.15543853

Not mad at all. Honestly happy you’re here rather than in /frag/. Please, make /coomer/ a permanent thing.

>> No.15543867

What have you against young guys wanting to smell nice, have fun, go on dates and get laid? Is Frag the most cancerous general next to /TIP/. Holy shit..are we the sprezz of Frag?

>> No.15543882

Got nothing against that. I got a problem with you fags coming into /frag/ and calling anyone who doesn’t wear coomer shit losers and shitting up the place. But you know that, you’re just deflecting.

It’s like someone said a few threads back, you ask respectfully, you’ll get good advice. You shitpost and act like a nigger, you’re gonna get told to fuck off.

Fuck off.

>> No.15543900

Ok. Well I’m not that guy desu. I know who you’re talking about though. Just treat this place as somewhere less formal and drop a bit of knowledge if you can and we’re golden. I’m the opie.

>> No.15543908

That’s cool with me. Just keep the obnoxious coomer shit out of /frag/ and we won’t have any problems.

>> No.15543941


Ahhh so much cringe. You think you're an internet bouncer or something.

>> No.15543978

Lol indeed. He’s a real hard cunt this fella. Remember boys. Don’t coom to Frag or else. ROFL

>> No.15544008

Eh, just let them have their circlejerk. No reason to go there anyway, they don’t want to actually help people, just huff their own farts. Just ask here, us based designer Chads will help you.

>> No.15544193

I actually doubt that any of /frag/ posters come here to shitpost but rather that it's some schizo roleplaying but if you do then stop it. Let them have their dreamworld. Also everyone who has actual questions not shitposts about designer frags is obviously more than welcomed to ask it in the main thread. You'll get answers, don't worry.

>> No.15544239

My next frag for getting pussy wet is most likely going to be Dior Homme 2020. Been reading a lot of positive reception by girls on basenotes forum and Fragrantica review page.

>> No.15544251

I layered Versace Eros Flame and REPLICA Jazz Club today and you socially crippled virgin nerds can't stop me because I'm 6'2" and muscular

>> No.15544253
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Same. Next on the hit list. Affordable too.

>> No.15544295
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Boys would Latvia be kosher to buy from?

>> No.15544452

>buying from someone named Igor
Gonna be fake like his Aventoos.

>> No.15544493


>> No.15544515

Bree Daniels, I think

>> No.15544680
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Thanks anon.

>> No.15544993

I fucking love kosher latvias, dude! My grandma makes them every year and they’re the best!

>> No.15545612

>96 posts
>23 posters

>> No.15545937

Your point being Gaylord?

Boys how much should I spray say with 100ml of Fahrenheit for best projection? I don’t want to overuse it. I spray once on one wrist, then rub it onto the other wrist before giving each side of my neck two small sprays.

Should I spray on clothes under the arms?

>> No.15546156

> 3 sprays from a 100 mL bottle will last 490 days


>> No.15546642

Bumping. C’mon, where my CoomChads at?!

>> No.15546781

I think there is already solid choices from Dior. Dior Suavage and Dior Homme would be my choices. I'm not into the super sweet frags even if they make pussy drip because it is a bit too peacocky for my preference.

>> No.15547360

As much as I believe Jeremy Fragrance's frags will be very suitable for getting pussy dripping...I just don't want to pay niche price for it. I rather get Sauvage or Bleu de Chanel.

>> No.15547970
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Margiela’s JAZZ CLUB is it meme mix of brass and nigger musk or is it worth it?

>> No.15548249

For that genre...tried and true is YSL La Nuit. Only get Jazz club if you like the smell better on yourself. La Nuit/Jazz Club/The One are all occupying a similar vibe. Pick the one that you like the most.

>> No.15548533

do they mix well?

its a meme but i still like it

>> No.15548575
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I'll take three

>> No.15548748 [DELETED] 
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Boys, what’s a fuckin decant?

>> No.15548944
File: 49 KB, 750x636, F3492FB5-0B3D-4449-BE7A-B1F07169AFBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.15549129

I'm not too familiar with mixing fragrances...they feel like music. You could mix music but it would feel crude to just play 2 songs concurrently. That's what it feels when like to me when people wear 2 or more complete fragrances.

>> No.15549238

go back to your containment thread, incel

>> No.15549303

Rispek frum Mumbai BB

>> No.15549307

i lov u bayby pls sent bob and pleisse vagine? ok? u com mumbai i gav u sex in cat sex sex love ok thak you

>> No.15549377

Bad boy sexy Michael Jackson! *spins*

>> No.15549391

I feel sad for those autists. They cope with fragrances instead of trying to better themselves. They're all overweight and look like shit...it is so sad. They overcompensate by masquerading as some erudite with "taste", but they are nothing but fraud dilettantes.

>> No.15549449

I bet you look just like Chris Hemsworth, pathetic coomer.

>> No.15549467

Really hit a nerve with you, huh

>> No.15549474
File: 244 KB, 900x1200, DE1A1A11-14C3-47CD-802F-7816C7645A41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-haha! R-rent f-free!

>> No.15549581
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Armani Code...is it sex? Love how it stinks.

>> No.15549874

I've heard it was good. I don't wear it just because I don't like the smell. Its in the La Nuit/The One kind of category.

>> No.15550970

BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dumb fuccin’ Cumbrains! No one likes your shit thread!

>> No.15550976
File: 382 KB, 1309x1877, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys just compared some fuckin Dior Sauvage to Armani code. The chick in the pharmacy thought one was particularly musky. I said as in a “den of foxes” - quite the icebreaker (got her number). But yeah, Sauvage has way more goin on. The fanny will be dripping so much I’ll need a decanter boys I’m tellin yeh! Haha!

>> No.15551028


>> No.15551068

Soiboi, what have you against reeking for the ladies?

>> No.15551827

You cringe because women are cringe. But it is what it is. Shouldn't be sad or hurt that women get wet from Sauvage. Just accept it and play the game.

>> No.15551831
File: 40 KB, 1039x191, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women are cringe...but it feels so good when you're fucking them so it is what it is. Don't tell me you're not having sex?

>> No.15551878

We damn well know no one in this thread has even sniffed pussy. You’re embarrassing yourselves. This is some fedora-tier cringe.

>> No.15551896

>We damn well know no one in this thread has even sniffed pussy. You’re embarrassing yourselves. This is some fedora-tier cringe.

Nice projection there you unattractive faggot.

>> No.15551943

Absolutely pathetic. You virgins can’t even argue properly.

>> No.15551944

Timestamped pic with face and abs. Right now. Do it, faggot!

Spoiler: you won’t do it.

>> No.15551958

LMAO you want me to time stamp my face while my girl is sucking my dick? I bet you do since most people into fragrances like you are closeted faggots.

>> No.15551964

So you’re not posting a pic of your disgusting fat gut and patchy neckbeard, then. Color me shocked. Never @ me again.

>> No.15551972

You’re browsing 4chan while getting blown by your “””‘””girl””””””? Seems legit.

>> No.15551985
File: 424 KB, 800x1036, eros21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex

>> No.15552087

>n-no you, you're ugly
>hehe got'em

lol you spend so much time on smelly water that you don't even know how to socialize properly anymore

>> No.15552111

All you have to do to make me look like a complete fucking moron is post a pic. Makes me wonder why you haven’t done it yet.

>> No.15552126

best scents for women?

>> No.15552143

The amount of interest to you have in how a guy looks like really is not helping the argument for how you're a closeted homosexual.

>> No.15552160

Depends on who the girl is. I'm biased, and I like a lot of my favourite scents on girls.

Dior Higher - cool slightly androgynous edgy/grungy but not too grungy girl wanting to give a low key vibe

Fahrenheit 32 - same girl as Dior Higher but being a little bit more flirty, it has an addictive quality to it

Carolina Herrera Good Girl - flirty party girl, more feminine and less edgy androgynous as the girl above

Odeur 53 - minimalistic, edgy, slightly mysterious

Bois d'Argent - smells academic and slightly mysterious

Molecule 01 - minimalistic, slightly sensual in texture

Helmut Lang Eau de Cologne - minimalistic, androgynous, edgy, with a smoothness and sweetness in the dry down

Chanel Paris-Deauville - low-key casual, down to earth, slight delicateness

Bleu de Chanel EdT - androgynous strong, professional, boss woman

For girls, I'm picky and I want the scent to match the overall vibe or else it clashes for me. Having a preppy school girl wear Good Girl would just feel off. Having a flirty party girl wear Bleu de Chanel would also throw me off. For girls, the scent should harmonize with their own personality.

>> No.15552172

No, you claimed to be some alpha Chad super stud who’s constantly getting laid. I called bullshit. You proceeded to evade every attempt to prove me wrong.

Post a pic or you’re a fat, ugly, autistic fuck who’s never even been in the same building as a naked woman. Your move.

>> No.15552199

>talks mad shit about how much pussy he’s getting
>accuses others of being fat, unattractive virgins
>gets called out
>heh y-youre gay for wanting to s-see how another man l-looks
Absolutely pathetic. I can smell the Cheeto dust from here.

>> No.15552213

Hey I don't know much about fragrances, could I have some help with a signature scent? I like to dress somewhat traditionally, or minimal and clean, occasionally a little grungy. I'm looking for some warm earthy scents, I think they would go well with my laid back demeanor. Something inviting and masculine. Budget is around $100, I'm willing to move laterally on that.

>> No.15552222

Dior Homme 2020, easy mode.

>> No.15552236


>> No.15552240


>> No.15552264

You got quads. So I'm inclined to trust you.

>> No.15552270

Ask this in /frag/. This is a containment thread for /frag/ coomers and shitposters.

>> No.15552557

LMAO, they wouldn't know anything about fragrances that appeal to women.

>> No.15553227

He didn’t ask for a pantydropper, cumbrain. He asked for a signature scent, and from what he described, implicitly doesn’t want something like Eros.

Also, still waiting on that pic, fatty.

>> No.15553453

>all these cumbrain simps trying to act like alpha Chads
Pretty pathetic thread, ngl

>> No.15553764

You have zero clue on how to match fragrances and fashion. That's why you think anyone here would recommend Eros for someone who "dresses somewhat traditionally, or minimal and clean, occasionally a little grungy." It fucking blows your mind that you can coordinate clothing with fragrance because of how smooth your brain is.

>Something inviting and masculine
These are 2 concepts you know nothing about

>> No.15553806

Still no pic, huh?

>> No.15553834

Post a pic of yourself

>> No.15553846

I’ve been trying to get him to for like 2 days now. He keeps ducking. How fat you figure he is? I’mma say 350 minimum.

>> No.15553891


I bet ya'll want to see my dick and asshole while you're at it. It isn't a joke when we call you guys faggots.

>> No.15553893
File: 1.58 MB, 1440x900, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hehe we got him now, this guy has been hurting our feelings and we're going to prove him wrong by asking him to post his picture on an anonymous message board

>> No.15553899


Makes a guy wonder why you’re trying so hard to avoid posting a pic.

>> No.15553920

no women gets wet off of a goddamn perfume

>> No.15553926

We know. He’s incredibly autistic. He’s currently spamming the real /frag/ with Dior Homo 2020 shitposts because he’s upset no one’s giving him attention.

>> No.15553933

>still replying to coomers
Let them have them their safe space where they autistically role play with each other as Chads lol

>> No.15554321

Apparently liking fragrance as something that make s you more attractive is an attack on these autistic faggots. In their mind there is only one singular approach to fragrances. Pathetic.

>> No.15554347

All you need is Old Spice Bearglove. Thank me later.

>> No.15554351

>All you need is Old Spice Bearglove. Thank me later.
I wasn't really a big fan of Old Spice when I smelled it in the grocery store. I'm not as intense as Jeremy where he would wear fragrances that smelled bad to his nose but smelled really good to girls. I rather not wear fragrance than wear something I detest.

>> No.15554440

>coomer who calls people virgins if they like anything that isn’t sexy bad boy leather jacket fragrance claiming that /frag/ only likes one kind of scent

>> No.15554753

Still mad that we made fun of your shitty horse water, huh?

>> No.15555609

on the one hand
>if I wear this 20$/ml eau women will finally see how [desirable trait] I am and how much [desirable trait] I have and how rich and refined I am; if you don't wear something as expensive it's because you're a poorfag wagecuck and you smell like [undesirable trait], unlike I, who smell like daddy's got money
on the other hand
>if I wear this 5c/ml spray women will finally see how [desirable trait] I am and how much [desirable trait] I have and how much of a free thinker I am; if you wear something more expensive it's because you're a tryhard who hasn't ever smelled pussy and you don't have anything else going for you, plus you smell like [undesirable trait], unlike I, who smell like I'm my own man
and in the middle
>a girl wearing X perfume will have characteristics A, B and C, a girl wearing Y perfume will have characteristics D, E and F, and a girl wearing Z perfume will have characteristics G, H and I; I know because I know

I came here to look for some advice but fuck me for thinking I could learn anything useful from you all

>> No.15555852

Fragrances are basically background olfactory music that plays around you. Imagine a fucking movie with no background music you dumb fuck. Of course when you choose certain background music it will highlight certain feelings from the audience interacting with you. That's why certain fragrances will highlight certain moods of the girl. Girl wearing X will have characteristics of A, B, C.

Oh she smells kind of slutty, for example.

>> No.15556600
File: 27 KB, 375x500, 375x500.9099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleu de Chanel is a great fragrance that gives off an impression of a clean and competent modern man. Someone who is overweight and ugly would not be able to pull it off as how it was intended.

>> No.15556602
File: 210 KB, 923x909, o.66608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleu de Chanel

>> No.15557404
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 2135_aba2k4_dior_homme_2005_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dior Homme. The 2011 formulation is just an imitation of true genius. Perfect for that sexy metrosexual man.

>> No.15557410
File: 267 KB, 1168x754, dh2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masculine vulnerability with a plush elegance.

>> No.15558370
File: 36 KB, 440x600, IMG_9885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dior Higher is a targeted for a younger audience back in the early aughts. A melange of notes to create an overall abstract feeling of cool edgy youth.

>> No.15558380
File: 8 KB, 236x354, be0c301a643b3e7cde506e1457895142--dior-men-dior-paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dior Higher was for the men who were transitioning from teenagers to young adults. It was a signature mildly edgy scent that can be dressed up or down without being too old or serious. Slight sexy sensual feeling on the dry down.

>> No.15558393
File: 387 KB, 831x617, dior2001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dior Higher would smell just as perfect when wearing t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Youthful insouciance.

>> No.15558584
File: 327 KB, 1920x1282, D2DFEA47-D5BF-4B07-A8F6-46C8949197D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15558590
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>> No.15558593
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>> No.15558597
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>> No.15559263
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>> No.15559653

The existence of people who wear fragrances like normal people invalidates their autism. They feel like they safe space is being attacked. They create an echo chamber when the rest of the world wear fragrances to just smell nice to others.

>> No.15559671
File: 546 KB, 1668x1432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based!

>> No.15560546

humans have come to a point where brute strength is valued less than political power/scummt scheming smarts. musclemeatheads are too preoccupied lifting heavy objects to realize their oppression and that they are being used as dolls to play in entertaining and profitable wars.

>> No.15560561

based af

>> No.15560587

i, a gigachad, am not oppressed. I have a house, BITCH

>> No.15560600

the blood cum fragrance is something I wear when I pleasure my gentle gentleman’s gentile genitals

>> No.15560613

straight men are slaves to vagina. Free yourself and learn to appreciate your fellow man

>> No.15560652

what does fa think of aramis on a 20 year old femanon

>> No.15560684

might turn gay men straight

>> No.15560863
File: 820 KB, 1321x934, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys - just a reminder that they had to sabotage this thread by begging the nannies to remove the SFR bikini main image. Let that sink in. Why do f(r)ags hate heterosexual men?

>> No.15560893

who the girl tho?

>> No.15560900
File: 208 KB, 1800x1800, 186569256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fans of ELDO's Tom of Finland on here? Despite all the heavy gay erotica marketing, it genuinely makes my gf's head spin, she can't get enough of it. Lasts for ages too

>> No.15561956

>Straight, gay... these words are irrelevant here. Tom of Finland is beyond sexuality – he is sex, in all its fullness and magnitude, open and erect.

>> No.15562275

What frag would a computer hacker wear?

>> No.15562330
File: 73 KB, 700x699, bbdfab84f9276e72f626049f9c2c7d7097-12-mr-robot-where.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're grungy I can see CK One or Molecule 01 being nice matches. Not necessarily because it is a perfect match, but it adds a layer of mystery to you.

>> No.15562354
File: 400 KB, 1560x1960, thc002_escentricmolecules_molecule01_1560x1960-j5nbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is definitely an appeal for Mr. Robot to be minimalistic. So a minimalistic fragrance like Molecule 01 would be a nice fit. His style is also quite introverted and subdued, so his fragrance shouldn't be loud and assertive at all.

>> No.15562371

secretions magnifuck

>> No.15562404

What the diff between 2020 and the older door homme? Is it a new frag or just a reformulation?

>> No.15562407
File: 47 KB, 1049x205, dh2020-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 for modern sexy man, the older one is for closet homos and drag queens who want to smell like a lipstick makeup bag

>> No.15562411

they're entirely different fragrances

>> No.15562553

I find the iris quite based but don't like the chocolate
Is 2020 an ambroxan basedboy frag? I'll give it a sneef anyway

>> No.15562590
File: 60 KB, 1079x227, dh2020-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good with my aroma chemicals, but the impression I get from DH2020 is more bad boy sensual woods in the dry down. I read a lot of people mentioning Iso E Super, but it is more complex than Molecule 01 for sure. I think people just jump to the conclusion of woods = Iso E Super. Again, I'm not good with the individual ingredients, so I can't say whether it has ambroxan or not. Dior's Bois d'Argent has a significant amount of ambroxan as well and I can't really pinpoint it.

>> No.15562595
File: 113 KB, 1200x602, 04-ambiance-dans-paris-1572900251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into iris, the mastermind behind the original Dior Homme, Hedi Slimane, has moved to Celine and released a set of 9 fragrances with iris being a theme. It is priced in the exclusive pricing though, so more expensive than mainstream designer pricing.

>> No.15562668

Thanks lads very cool. I'll check out those Celine ones

>> No.15562724

what makes it so expensive, anon?

>> No.15562813

Price is based on supply and demand. There is apparently enough demand for them to price it at designer exclusive range. Despite a lot of them containing the note orris root, I'm not going to bullshit you and say that it contains expensive ingredients. A lot of the time pricing is to ensure it retains an air of exclusivity. Alas, people don't like it when everyone also wears their fragrance. In an ideal world, I would want everybody to be able to own Bois d'Argent since it is a pretty nice smell. Having more people wear Hedi Slimane's fragrances would be a better world....but that's not how the world really works. So the rule is to only buy something because you also like the smell of it. Don't buy something because of some bullshit hype of it being exclusive or having expensive ingredients. The $/mL is ridiculously low on their side and they just mark it up to whatever price they think will generate the profit they are looking for.

>> No.15563166

Now if we go late 90s/Y2K hackers, they are definitely a bit flamboyant, eccentric, and edgy. I can totally see Bvlgari Black being a nice choice for this vibe. Bvlgari Black has this smokey/burnt smell juxtaposed with a powdery vanilla making this mysterious but not brooding.

>> No.15563169
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 117592108_716075565788477_7107568073665858584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although this isn't from the movie Hackers, this gave me the feeling.

>> No.15563182

thoughts on neroli 36?
i like it but i worry i am a scentlet

>> No.15563183
File: 28 KB, 375x500, 375x500.154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels very metropolitan. It isn't trying to mimic anything "natural" smelling and leans into that "synthetic" but sexy allure of modern living in a big city. Gritty but still sleek because of the delicate powdery sweetness.

>> No.15563187

Don't believe in any "objective hierarchy" or "objective authority" on fragrance besides your own. As long as you like smelling it, that's the most important thing in how you judge a fragrance.

>> No.15563251
File: 3.49 MB, 4080x5436, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is perfumit legitimate? They seem to be the only site offering a tester bottle that I want and that's setting off alarm bells in the back of my head

>> No.15563364
File: 12 KB, 236x340, 8489a87c61e1b5c818d0ad6967b574f2--models-smoking-s-models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine Bvlgari Black matching perfectly for her. There is an obvious edginess that it just harmonizes with the fragrance. At the end of the day, they are both obviously showing they're trying hard to look badass.

>> No.15564933

There is something androgynous about Bvlgari Black for sure, I'm still struggling to think about the male styling that would work well with it.

>> No.15565584
File: 181 KB, 539x720, bvlgariblack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a cockiness in a guy who chooses Bvlgari Black. He knows he's sexy and he flaunts it. Indie skinny rocker vibe.

>> No.15565640
File: 598 KB, 1440x900, bvlgariblack-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would suit Bvlgari Black as well

>> No.15565641
File: 490 KB, 1440x900, bvlgariblack-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is this "dirty" sexiness in Bvlgari Black that is nothing close to anything animalic. So it is still chic.

>> No.15565644
File: 469 KB, 1440x900, bvlgariblack-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrapped with some coziness from the powdery vanilla.

>> No.15565646
File: 436 KB, 1440x900, bvlgariblack-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Bvlgari Black would mesh well with cigarette smoke

>> No.15565647
File: 583 KB, 1440x900, bvlgariblack-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect for sex as there is this muskiness that is very sensual as well.

>> No.15565664
File: 65 KB, 970x621, 2523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recommend a better amber than mfk grand soir?

>> No.15565744
File: 279 KB, 668x716, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys get this - I doused my cock my some Fahrenheit. I’m uncut so only on foreskin. The GF loves the smell of it so I literally made her gag and wretch as her throat devoured it. The smell of the Frag, my precum, a hint of the sweet aroma of vomit, her pussy juices - intoxicating. She’s a dirty girl and loved it. I’m afraid however there’ll be a different connotation for the Fahrenheit with her after our last session. Thought I’d share a snap!

>> No.15565782
File: 53 KB, 640x725, image2616350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a big fan of Fahrenheit myself. It is a bit too leathery, and I don't get any gasoline vibes so it just feels bland. It kind of roughly in the same ballpark as Antaeus for me. They both give me a 80s macho man vibe.

>> No.15565788

It’s funny man - she loves it for these very reasons.

>> No.15565796
File: 248 KB, 793x567, Screen-Shot-2017-11-21-at-11.43.57-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing subtle about Antaeus or Fahrenheit. They both feel very try hard like Fabio. Which kind of makes it corny.

>> No.15565799

corny has its own fan base. Doesn’t offend me but I’m not really in love with the scents

>> No.15565865

Which one of you armchair psychologist autists is trying to “teach” the Frag fags that real reason they wear cologne is to fuck bitches and has literally written mini-essays about it? I love this site.

>> No.15566006
File: 181 KB, 1668x255, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine posting this. Yikes...

>> No.15566020

He posted that in response to you claiming that everyone was just jealous of your success. Nice try though, incel.

>> No.15566036

so sad to try to justify your life to online randoms....very cringe and pathetic

>> No.15566392

The dry down of Bvlgari Black is still present on my skin. It feels like diaphanous veil on my skin. If you breathe into the skin, it comes back to life with a ghostly reminder of the freshness in the beginning. The scent becomes a very intimate experience and would be hard to annoy anyone nearby. People would have to hover within millimetres of your skin to detect it at this stage.