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File: 61 KB, 1043x782, ciggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15508810 No.15508810 [Reply] [Original]

what do you smoke /fa/?

>> No.15508838

Bond classic blue

>> No.15508840
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anything that will rot my brain

>> No.15508845

Imagine smoking in 2020

>> No.15508851


>> No.15508884
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Any leafs got cig recommendations? I don't smoke often and have only had du maurier and belmonts before.

>> No.15508930

Currently smoking Cereal Milk by Cannabiotix

>> No.15508964


I don't wanna pre-mature age, smell like shit and feel like shit

>> No.15508966

only people who smoke today are trashy teenagers, arabs and feminists

>> No.15508993

Ur mums pussy

>> No.15509005
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>> No.15509035

I pretty much exclusively smoke Camel Blues, with the newest tobacco laws they're called Camel Smooth now though.

>> No.15509056

try benson & hedges special blend— they’re long and great with a cup of coffee. matinees too.

>> No.15509085

Amber Leaf with extra slim filters and rizla greens

>> No.15509146

Whatever I'm given for free, I would never pay for smokes lol

>> No.15509206


did for 10 years

i don't anymore because it ruined my lungs, and my ability to be active, and therefore stay skinny.

Smoking is a trap.

>> No.15509211

Lucky strikes

>> No.15509301

Camel or Gauloises if i'm feeling fancy.

>> No.15509345

I only smoke cigars on special occasions. Vape the rest of the time

>> No.15509425

marlboro gold, to smoke by themselves but mostly for joints (hash)

>> No.15509488

I'm a Pall-Mall man myself

>> No.15509556

/fa/ posters generally smoke cocks.

>> No.15509674

Fellow camel blues smoker aswell

>> No.15509699
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Cinnamon Sticks

>> No.15509700

Prince Rounded100s
Or Luckies when i can get them

>> No.15509718
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>> No.15509724


Cigarettes are groce
Gave them up a couple of years ago

>> No.15509728

only cigars, havent had a chance to smoke weed in since like june but i only do joint or pipe for that

>> No.15509753

Smoking is terrible for your health and will make you look older

>> No.15509813


>> No.15509911
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ill occasionally buy a pack of Camel Filters
been smoking a couple packs of cigarillos this summer, Cafe Creme filters, goes great with some coffee in the morning

>> No.15510810

lmao this dude needs sauce to know cigs are bad for u

>> No.15510815


>> No.15510825


these (unfiltered) and Nat Sherman MCDs are my go to. Camel unfiltereds are fine in a pinch. If I can’t find those then I just drink

>> No.15510843

Snitch niggas

>> No.15510856


>> No.15510954

no, i used to and it gave me high bp. i'm not even fat lol

>> No.15510965


>> No.15511027

I prefer a good cheroot cigar cigarettes are gross

>> No.15511031

>making rollies past the age of 16

>> No.15511037

based keeping the old box

>> No.15512291

du maurier silver

>> No.15512316

lucky strike, pueblo tobacco, shitty weed, hashish and redbull flavoured hookah

>> No.15512680

marlboro touch, fuck all non smoking incels itt

>> No.15512713
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>not smoking cigarettes

Were you bullied in school, mentally retarded or both?

>b-but it will kill you

So? Is life a competition of who lives the longest?

>you get addicted!!!

No you won't if you are not an underage b& and smoke in moderation.


Who's telling you should smoke a pack a day you fucking moron?

>> No.15512806

>not smoking rollies your whole life
The only people I know who don't smoke rollies are gay men and girls in their early 20s who work as a hairdresser.

>> No.15512875

That was my mentally up until I got hooked

Also American spirits dark green and black box

If I'm broke Newports

Been pacing myself now I can go a month with out smoking at all but it goes down the drain the minute I'm out and someone lights up

I swear the smell of tobacco makes me hard

>> No.15512894
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>> No.15512920
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>> No.15512959

cringe department has something to tell you anon

>> No.15512965

Smoking and drinking is gross.

>> No.15512968
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> Smoking and drinking is gross.

>> No.15512973


>> No.15513100

Black n milds

>> No.15513113

Only guy I ever knew who smoked Pall-Mall was the biggest tradlarp NN faggotni ever met.

>> No.15513136
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>> No.15513155

..imagine smoking for fashion statements LOL

>> No.15513182

Imagine thinking smoking didn't start as a fashion statement.

>> No.15513197

I quit about 12 years ago and I don't regret it. If I hadn't, I'd probably be dead by now

>> No.15513234

oh no.. it totally didn't start for medicinal and ritualistic purposes.. it started because smoking is totally c00l and fashionable muh 80s camel ads.
fucking idiot.

>> No.15513342

What do these taste like?

>> No.15513595


>> No.15513704

t. Jamal Washington

>> No.15513733

PallMall menthols, they suck.

>> No.15513977

luckies are tasty

>> No.15514024

lucky strikes with no filter

>> No.15514071

newports but I vape constantly :(

>> No.15514072

Cigarettes are worthless and unfa in 2020

>> No.15514080

Don't worry, you won't need it, kid, trust me.

>> No.15514089

That's why they'll be superfa in 2030

>> No.15514093

A man of fine taste

>> No.15514096
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Just started back after about 6 years of quitting

>> No.15514102

cringe. I don't smoke.

>> No.15514104

Keep telling yourself that, dumb faggot

>> No.15514197
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>Gauloises if i'm feeling fancy.

>> No.15514273

Don't like nicotine, so I smoke weed. I vary how I smoke it, a bong, pipe/one hitter, and joint. On holidays or celebrations I like to take out one of my classic tobacco pipes, and pack it so I can smoke a lot at once, over a longer period of time. It's actually really pleasant to use an old tobacco pipe. Too bad it looks so larpy.

>> No.15514312

No, it's unhealthy and makes your breath smell.

>> No.15514410

marlboro lights/golds for 12 years, stopped two months ago, wish me luck boys :^)

>> No.15514426


have fun destroying your lungs and dying a slow, painful death for a shitty larp

>> No.15514506
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>have fun destroying your lungs and dying a slow, painful death for a shitty larp

>> No.15514596

Ok but what about having shit tier endurance and needing to cough in the morning once you get a little older?

>> No.15514737

whatever is on the ground outside my apartment

>> No.15514748


That's what heroin addicts round my end do, pick up half smoked and nearly smoked tabs, scruffy bastards.

>> No.15514791
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>why yes my personality is based around consuming addicting cancer sticks

>> No.15514899
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> why yes, I do not smoke because its unhealthy

>> No.15514978
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>Why yes, I do not smoke because its unhealthy

>> No.15514992


>> No.15517011

I smoke marlboro reds because I have no personality and no taste and I couldn't care less about my health I'm fucked nyway

>> No.15517293

19 , been smoking for abnout ayear now . how can I get cigs with the 1 ban . imb4 someone says ask a firend to buy you some , i have no above 21 freinds

>> No.15517308

Light blue American Spirits and cut the filters in half. Sometimes marb reds when I wanna chain smoke and Nat's because they usually have coupon for em

>> No.15517313

Also I vape nic salts because my job involves driving around all day in a company vehicle

>> No.15517471
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I vape unflavored nicotine.

>> No.15517508
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Crack obviously

>> No.15518305

how can you ever quit when your packs look that cool