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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.36 MB, 1160x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15474573 No.15474573 [Reply] [Original]

> transcends a difficult childhood and toxic home environment
> serves his country in the armed forces
> does the best he can not being Brad Pitt
> dispenses redpills and prevents young men from becoming Betas & Simps

Yeah. I’m thinking Cecil is pretty fuckin Effay.

>> No.15474576
File: 63 KB, 781x402, baldfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything is better than igor small cut dick kikeman

>> No.15474578

This post was typed by tripfag hands.

>> No.15474613

Every trip has his day. Good riddance

>> No.15474638

This. It’s obviously him. Nobody fucking gives a fuck he could be dead and nobody would care. Sad. He keeps larping and posting as anons claiming to miss and want him but it’s a op fucking obvious.

>> No.15474640

Imagine having sex w someone that looks like that. I would rather off myself.

>> No.15474651

Fuck. That is a horrific sight. I would rather be torture be Mexican cartel.

>> No.15474699
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Cecil has actually had sex...

>> No.15475283
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he should be euthanized by the state

>> No.15475287
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>> No.15475289

cecil is a beast

>> No.15475477

Just giving it my best shot here, buddy!

Lol this and more than once, Twice in fact!

Gay for me.

>> No.15475518
File: 1020 KB, 1294x1663, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cecil is an legend of /fa/

>> No.15475592

Oh mighty Cecil, redpill me on getting a gf? How do I achieve it?

>> No.15475606

Tell me what you have done thus far to achieve it?

If you say nothing, you've already found 1 big answer.

>> No.15475625
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Based and Tony Robbins-pilled.

>> No.15475701

>asking a manchild virgin how to get a gf

>> No.15475705

I've had more hot snatch than you've had McDonalds food, and judging by the fact you're likely a greasy, fat incel, that's rather a lot.

>> No.15475739
File: 937 KB, 1078x1835, SmartSelect_20200721-155054_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never stop posting King. Take care of yourself. How's the sleep?

>> No.15475744

Holy fucking shit gramps take your meds

>> No.15475751
File: 23 KB, 358x499, slayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all the women keeping me awake, 16 to 116, they're killing me, I tell ya.

Incel. I've read pic related twice. I know my shit.

>> No.15475766

>he has to read a book to figure out how to rub it off

>> No.15475791

>he's never made a woman squirt so hard it could blow a fucking door off its hinges

Dear incel, I...

>> No.15475810


Cecil threads always cheer me up bros. It's comfy knowing he's out there and enjoying life and not a narcissist twink.

>> No.15475813

Don’t drink the coolaid

>> No.15475827
File: 27 KB, 333x499, alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it by day 28.

So much mad here.

>> No.15475838

imagine needing a manual to be an alpha!!!
the opposite of being alpha man

>> No.15475855

>imagine needing a manual to become a mechanic
>it's the opposite of being a mechanic

:o) You're never gonna make it, my dearest anon.

>> No.15475861

Cecil is one ugly mothafucka, that being said I have nothing but respect for him

>> No.15475862

being an alpha is something instinctual. needing someone to tell you how to be manly so you could fake it is literally the most beta shit ive ever heard all day - and i just came back from the gay sex thread

>> No.15475864

we are all tired of your samefagging

sage hide report

>> No.15475873

I'm moderately handsome!

Lol totally clueless.

To find the true answer to this, who has been balls deep inside a handful of teens. Me or you?

Thank you, I win.

>> No.15475875

Never change Cecil

>> No.15476003

out of all the boards, why /fa/? why would you stick to the board where you stick out like a sore thumb?

>> No.15476011

Jesus christ, one day we'll all look like this. Enjoy your life.

>> No.15476138

Indeed and stop fucking simping hard on a message board over girls you'll never ever meet, nor will they have nay impact on your life.

Get your ass out there and fucking do something.

>> No.15476157
File: 592 KB, 929x1433, SmartSelect_20200731-174853_Omnichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you in spirit.

>> No.15476166

>I'm moderately handsome!
As I said, and judging by one picture of you I saw before, you would look better with a beard.

>> No.15476174

does he really look like that? looks shopped to me

>> No.15476180
File: 10 KB, 645x773, cecil feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yes. But then Goebbels wasn't the most handsome or tallest. This should tell us just because someone young and attractive posts here, you shouldn't listen to their every word.

Yeah, I do at times, just itchy and a little grey.

>> No.15476199
File: 41 KB, 748x379, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15476212

Are you a racist too and hate all non-whites?

>> No.15476213


The receptionist at the Doctors office IS his his private life. What he means is he is unable to deal with assertive people so he cries online about it and makes up stories about how he would deal with them.

A fucking female receptionist bullied him LOL.

She is there to serve you in a job role, he likely came across as a weird sperg though so she treated him like that.

>> No.15476224

No? To both.

I'm a racial realist, yes. I've also been to Africa/Middle East so whatever I feel towards blacks and Islam is founded on a lot of real life experience, the opposite to what 99% of white Westerners have experienced with reality.

>> No.15476228
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>> No.15476233
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Cite some of your observations. This is fascinating.

>> No.15476249

>NAZI nah broooo just a race realist haha
Wow, I would sure love to hear that.

>> No.15476263

I caught 2 males in Africa raping a young African girl but they had smashed her head in first with a machete, so she was like half conscious and covered in blood.

This was not a rare occurrence either. These people are just not on the same level as us.

If you don't think any changes can occur in races such as Abbos being separated from whites by around 60,000 years, in that time absolutely no differences can occur then I'm not sure I am able to help you. Evolution, Darwinism, Biology and genetics must mean nothing to you.

>> No.15476267 [DELETED] 

@sissyl, you gonna post pics of your military service and african adventures

>> No.15476272

For what purposes

>> No.15476274

@sissyl, will you ever post pics of your military service and african adventures

>> No.15476275 [DELETED] 

to prove you aren't a lying bag of shit

>> No.15476276

to prove that you aren't a lying bag of shit

>> No.15476288

I've never lied about anything posted here, that much is clear. Everything in my current situation stems from my past.

Of course I am not going to post all my military ID or whatever. Yes, some of my opinions are taboo now. But most of what I did can never be conformed anyway.

Why do you have such a hard on for some proof? I've never mentioned it from the start because I don't want to be judged by it. I don't like guys who go into a place and start ranting about how they are mil vets and deserve respect.

Certainly if anyone here wants to come to a bar for a few drinks with me, I'll show you everything.


>> No.15476290

Ok, and what do you think about intelligent, successful blacks, and white trailer trash?

>> No.15476298

A lot of 'race realists' also think that climate change isn't real, vaccines are dangerous, flat earth is real, creationism, and so on... Are you one of them?

>> No.15476306

That they exist?

I think blacks as an average have a lower IQ than whites which is a great predictor of success, life outcome and ending up in jail.

But then East Asians have a higher IQ average than whites, which is why they are on the top in most cases and highest earners in the USA, unless the USA is now an east Asian supremacist country?

But of course intelligent blacks exist, some are more intelligent then a large percentage of whites.

They are not the average though. I treat all blacks on merit when I meet them. I just mean on average sadly, their IQ isn't the highest which prevents them from high success overall.

I think it's ridiculous to think every race has the exact same base IQ at birth or whatever and that with the right schooling or status in life they can achieve anything, get to the top field in maths or whatever. They can't. It relies on IQ and for the most part, that's genetic.

If a family of smart people have smart family members, we usually accept that as genetic but race is simply a large family too and it works in the exact same way.

>> No.15476313

you must be part black then

>> No.15476315

You are literally boxing me into a group, something you'd no doubt accuse others of bigotry for doing the same thing.

>climate change isn't real

The earth has natural cycles of heating up and cooling down, every x thousand amount of years. What we see now, can be that. The "99%" of scientists or whatever who agree with climate change only get funding that way, there isn't 1% of scientists who disagree, there are many, they simply have no funding nor a voice.

>vaccines are dangerous

Pro-vaccine people are always ignorant to what a vaccine is though. They believe it;s simply "the virus but dead" and other such simple explanation. They HAVE had mercury in, parts grown from baby fetus and for the most part, what makes a vaccine dangerous is not the components of the vaccine but the bodies response.

So a vaccine could create antibodies within the body, but the the body comes into contact with the actual virus, because the body only had the vaccine which wasn't 100% identical to the virus, it can see it as a greater threat and sent the immune system into overdrive and kill the host.

There are many cases in vaccines in which all is good and well but 6 weeks later when the real virus comes along, all the hosts are dead.

> flat earth is real



To get to race realism I would have to believe in evolution, so no.

>> No.15476316

So the Jews are smarter, ergo they literally did nothing wrong. Survival of the fittest amirite?

>> No.15476319
File: 51 KB, 1243x490, jews vs whites, the reminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they literally did nothing wrong

>> No.15476321

The "blacks" from Africa do not resemble modern day humans though in the sense of the beginning. So no, not really. And if I was, then so what? There is still thousands upon thousands of years of separation and changes have occurred.

I don't hate blacks, this is all biology to me. I don't have the solution to change them and IQ rises via Darwinian conditions such as happened within Europe but because of white intervention and aid to Africa, it actually is preventing that form happening so it's all a bit messed up.

>> No.15476326

Intelligence is just 1 element. I suppose it depends on what you do with said intelligence.

What about if the whites that did bad things were led by the Jews though? Such as the case in slavery, most were merchant Jewish owned ships.

>> No.15476341

>You are literally boxing me into a group
But isn't that what you have been doing with your 'race realism'?
>something you'd no doubt accuse others of bigotry for doing the same thing.
I never called you a bigot, you're assuming things, something with your mind maybe.
>The earth has natural cycles of heating up and cooling down, every x thousand amount of years. What we see now, can be that. The "99%" of scientists or whatever who agree with climate change only get funding that way, there isn't 1% of scientists who disagree, there are many, they simply have no funding nor a voice.
Cecil, this is very embarrassing, you should read more scientific journals and stop binge-watching conspiracy videos on Bitchute. Then again I do not know how high school level education was back in your day.
>Pro-vaccine people are always ignorant to what a vaccine is though. They believe it;s simply "the virus but dead" and other such simple explanation. They HAVE had mercury in, parts grown from baby fetus and for the most part, what makes a vaccine dangerous is not the components of the vaccine but the bodies response.
Again, read a fucking book mate, this is fucking embarrassing, the metallic components are added in a vaccine to preserve and keep the vaccine's potency intact so it stimulates antibody development.
For a major proponent of IQ, you sure as hell seem to have a lack of it.

PS: Why are a white nationalist too? Because I don't understand why someone who is Italian would be one...

>> No.15476386

>But isn't that what you have been doing with your 'race realism'?

No? I've been talking about biological reality. I am not boxing in all blacks with having low IQ but as an average, not on an individual basis.

When you can't accept reality to solve issues, you never solve them.

>Cecil, this is very embarrassing, you should read more scientific journals

I freely admit climate change isn't something I have been interested in. Mainly because no matter what we do, the West it won't change things. China, India etc. will not change their ways so what we do will be pointless.

The biggest thing adding to any climate change is new births. Africa is exploding in births and many are migrating to the West. So a bigger impact on climate change isn't people in the West using paper straws, it would be to stop that migration and population growth, which if course is not going to happen as the climate people are in the same camp as the open borders.

>Again, read a fucking book mate, this is fucking embarrassing, the metallic components are added in a vaccine to preserve and keep the vaccine's potency intact so it stimulates antibody development.

And that component can be dangerous. It does not matter what is preserves or whatever.

You lack an understanding. My IQ is over 140. A vaccine in theory can be created in a very short amount of space, so why generally do they require at least 2 years of testing after?

For the reasons I stated. Vaccines won't usually kill you; the bodies immune system will.

So yes, I would not have vaccine that is ready in the shortest amount of time in history without long time testing.

>PS: Why are a white nationalist too? Because I don't understand why someone who is Italian would be one...

Huh? I am not a white nationalist.

>> No.15476393

Anyway, I think I'll go and get my 2 hours of daily reading in and push out a few hundred ab crunches.

A few weird people itt.

>> No.15476402

How do you explain the fact that your appearance and phenotype are biological proof that you are a lesser being?

>> No.15476404

Genetics, not appearance. I guess you think an albino is white then. Lol retard.

>> No.15476407

an African albino*

>> No.15476409

@the bitch obsessed with this sissyl character, posting all these pics of the creature, you have shit karma, in your next incarnation you will be an insect

>> No.15476412

You may be white, but you are still a subhuman manlet who uses a communal bathroom.

>> No.15476416

No we’re not all gonna be this hideous. I realize you feel sorry for him, but don’t bc he brings it on himself. He’s a complete asshole inside and out.
He won’t answer the valid questions (like why the fuck are you on this board? You’re not into fashion you Are textbook fish out of water. Why here?)

Come on people if we all pull together and try hard enough he will go away. Pol managed to get rid of him. With determination we can too.
He gives zero fucks about fashion all he wants to do is argue about his political views.
And Jesus fuck if you take advice from this scum ugly clown - then you’re def not making it.
Sorry I hurt your feelings Cecil - but this is not the board for you. I’m pushing it too considering I’m 33 and dress kinda basic - but at least I like fashion and have knowledge of some shit.
You spam hair thread without hair.
You call people mentally ill - when clearly you’re sick in the head.
Just go find somewhere that suits you better.
Nobody wants to see your fucking face on a daily basis.

Thank you for your service. But pls get help and go away.

>> No.15476418

Are you a woman?

>> No.15476420

stop talking like a stupid bitch addressing someone else while talking to another person

>> No.15476422

you are subhuman, kill yourself

>> No.15476436

For fucks sake just turn your trip off and ignore him, Indre. It'll be better for you and far fucking better for the board.

>> No.15476440

>I freely admit climate change isn't something I have been interested in. Mainly because no matter what we do, the West it won't change things. China, India etc. will not change their ways so what we do will be pointless.
Tsk tsk. Their per capita emissions are still by and far way less than the west. America alone accounts for more per capita emissions than them. Even the Nordic countries which manage to use their petro money to invest in green energy and export all their trash to the third world further skews the data.
Even historically speaking, both China and India had a majority share in the world's population and GDP because of their geographical advantages (more fertile lands, no diseases, etc.). In fact their birth rate is already about to check itself in a few years. It also shows that poorer living standards equate to a higher birth rate (in relation to Africa). What about encouraging a Green deal in the US and what can actively be changed? Every country that goes through a industrializing phase has higher emissions (see industrial Britain). Did you ever do your fair share of research into the topic? You're parroting the same points I see on /pol/ 'info'graphics.

>A vaccine in theory can be created in a very short amount of space, so why generally do they require at least 2 years of testing after?
Because if you actually read into medical science, biology is a very specific field with many variations in controlled environments. A small randomized reaction can fundamentally change the entire outcome, hence why medical research breakthrough can take years to occur.

>Anyway, I think I'll go and get my 2 hours of daily reading in
I hope you actually read something worthwhile.

My god dude, you sure do claim to love science, but you really don't actually understand the basic fundamentals yet. Either that, or you just like to use science as a 'tool' to justify your behaviour, not uncommon though, I hope you grow out of it, for your own good.

>> No.15476445

How fuck old is he? every picture of him looks either young as 30 or old as 60

>> No.15476447

>Pol managed to get rid of him.
wait he used to post there and got kicked? story?

>> No.15476466

yes cecil, im sure coronavirus is a chinese hoax to damage american manufacturing, right?

>> No.15476469
File: 1.21 MB, 1668x1153, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here “me” - imagine these hands on your pruney clit.

>> No.15476475

labia is pruney, but a clit?

>> No.15476477
File: 1.21 MB, 1491x1305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off atheist twink. Enjoy your vaccinations and Netflix interracial propaganda.

>> No.15476484

>Fuck off atheist twink.
I'm not an atheist, actually. Heterosexual too.

>Enjoy your vaccinations
Enjoy COVID, we need some population control anyway, make Cecil proud.

>and Netflix interracial propaganda.
As long as it makes you seethe? Will do gladly.

>> No.15476489
File: 240 KB, 646x622, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Lemme get this straight. He’s encouraging socially awkward young men to get out of their comfort zone, work out, improve their mental health and procreate in a heteronormative fashion and not simp or coom.

He also btfos hateful niggers, buttblasted twinks/degenerate homosexuals and thots looking for ((yous)).

No wonder /fa/ hates him. Too. Fucking. Based.

>> No.15476493

Oiiiii vey it’s mr guttman! How did you flick over the goyim today? Kidding Igor. Love you bro. But let’s be honest here for once - what do you think of the white goyim vs niggers let’s say?

>> No.15476511

He's 60

>> No.15476517

Turn your trip back on, faggot

>> No.15476546
File: 4 KB, 125x117, IMG_0356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Cecil, I may have shit on you a couple of times because of your face which gets posted everywhere and the fact that you're a tripfag but you are pretty based on race and IQ, which shows me that you still have a bit of sanity left.

>> No.15476636
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My fucking sides ITT

>> No.15476649

In case you all don’t realize - 95% of the posts that claim they like Cecil and that he is “based” and so on - are literally him samefagging - he has been caught on more than one occasion with his trip off.
Don’t fall for the BS.
He needs to find a place more suited for his interests.
If he wants to chill and lurk and w/e go ahead but stfu and keep a lower profile. Stop attacking people that are here for fashion.

Goddamit I go from pity to hatred every time I’m here.
Again thanks for your service (if that’s even true) but go Somewhere else - this is a fashion board.
About look/fashion/even hair - and you have none of those.

>> No.15476650

same goes for the anti-sissyl posts lol

>> No.15476653

he is sharpening his writing skills, character development and whatnot

>> No.15476662

Just stop responding to him then. Unless you're actually the same person too.

>> No.15476672

Ok fine. Then stop posting that god awful face.
“Oogabooga I purposely post ugly pics” yeah no shit bc you can’t post decent ones

I know I said I wouldn’t respond but I’m just about ready for war atm.
You guys seriously want to look at that face in a daily basis?
If so it’s probably bc it makes you feel more attractive...regardless trust me guys, it’s not worth it bc you’re not comparing to real world.

>> No.15476678

I haven’t responded to him in a while. Bc good lord he goes on campaigns. I just think this board would be better if he fucked off.
And yes I know this board is shit - but I assure he he is scaring potential regulars away.
Hell, if /fa was like this when I first got here I wouldn’t have stayed for more than 5 min

>> No.15476680
File: 885 KB, 1440x933, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come spread your fanny slime all over my face “me”! Girl on girl is haaaaawt

>> No.15476687

This board would be better without tripfags, full stop. How about you set an example by dropping your trip, posting anonymously like every other fucker here, and keeping it that way?

>> No.15476688

Why did you come here to this thread causing trouble Indre you silly cow? Why didn’t you stay out?

>> No.15476690

I like sissyl because he makes me look less ugly

>> No.15476700
File: 26 KB, 600x254, 00r0r_hNpetHBqZvF_0fu06z_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not wrong
assertive aggressive women are horrible fucking people you do not want in your personal space

>> No.15476704

Bc every fucking time I hit catalog - I see his ugmug and wonder why the fuck are we even allowing this?
This board has become weak and spineless. Blows my mind that people are letting him shit up the board with his face everywhere.

Tell me - you wanna look at that face? Am/pm? Doesn’t matter. If he wants to post gore - go to /b/

>> No.15476713

Elton John said it and he was serious, women are the niggers of the world, and they should be kept down.

>> No.15476718

Ancient wisdom is right. All cultures keep women down. Because that's human nature. Women are under men.

>> No.15476724

Women should treasure their domineering man

>> No.15476741

and we do. its just sad we live in a world of mostly pussies that overcompensate for their lack of manhood.

>> No.15476743

He's no denim dan

>> No.15476747
File: 718 KB, 1668x965, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he disturbs you so much? Because he isn’t a hottie?

>> No.15476749

that clown apparently needed a manual for how to act like a man. lmao. its in some thread - a book about how to be alpha....i mean cmon guys....you wanna take advice from someone that doesnt believe in his own manhood?

>> No.15476751

Fock off femoid. Fucking useless hole. Look for simps elsewhere.

>> No.15476762

no its bc hes is ruining the board. its dead enough. we dont need him scarring off potential people that may acutally add value

>> No.15476765

It's sad that you're still posting with a tripcode and shitting up the board.

>> No.15476766
File: 53 KB, 600x600, azhhafq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that fucking ugly mug hahahaha

>> No.15476771

You come here to talk about yourself, how beautiful you are and how ugly people here are. I've posted more fits than you.

I'm an asshole for trying to help people, meanwhile you are a felon. I've been here 10 years. Pol never did shit to me. More lies once again.

I don't talk politics ever until asked.

I used to have hair, you retard.

You're doing classic BPD splitting. At this point you truly do believe I am a great evil and you are an angel, when the reality is the opposite. I was nothing but friendly with you, but now you are engaging in reckless behavior too.

Maybe increase your therapy.

>> No.15476791

>It also shows that poorer living standards equate to a higher birth rate (in relation to Africa)

Correlation does not imply causation and that's what you're doing here. The reason is because of K selected and R selected species, with one having high birthrates because only a few are expected to survive (as is the case in Africa) while the other has a small number of offspring as they are all expected to survive as is the case in the West. The West used to have the same R selection strategy as Africa with high birth rates. But because of Western intervention via medicine and aid, the R selection in Africa is causing the population explosion as more are surviving than would naturally in nature via Darwinism which would also increase the mean IQ but that has all got fucked up because of Western intervention.

>Every country that goes through a industrializing phase has higher emissions

So the West cuts everything out while we leaver China and India for a few hundred years and then after that they will magically cut down their industry? LOL

The West is in decline. The native populations are being replaced. That's more of a threat than climate change so I just don't care about it. Live half lives now to be replaced and when replaced, non-whites won't care about it alongside other white things such as veganism so it's all pointless.

Politicians do all the destructive shit they can because they know they will live their days out rich and die before the shit fully hits the fan so why should I do anything different. Stop being a fool.

> A small randomized reaction can fundamentally change the entire outcome, hence why medical research breakthrough can take years to occur.

So a vaccine made too early, in 12 months time millions of people could be dead. Vaccines are way more than you're making them out to be. We have our own in built vaccines called an immune system! I am not taking any shit from a lab.

>> No.15476799

>I hope you actually read something worthwhile.

I'm reading some more literature on how to give women a mind blowing multiple orgasm, so yes. Pretty worthwhile. Probably not for you though.

>My god dude, you sure do claim to love science, but you really don't actually understand the basic fundamentals yet

Another pseudo who's replies are over 50% wrong.

OK, how about this. if you are so confident, debate me on webcam for a video for my channel/ Live debate.

If you make an excuse then you're just another coward troll.

I'm 61.

>Listening to her lies

I've never been banned form any board in 10 years.

It's fake yes.



>> No.15476803


How do you say what this is.. ah yes, absolutely fucking gagging to get fucked by me.

Not gonna happen. I've seen your reports. You were arrested for prostitution to find your meth habit.

>> No.15476810

>fake virus
remind me why people worship this dude again

>> No.15476819

>It's fake yes.
literally a fucking boomer, take your meds

>> No.15476823
File: 677 KB, 1008x883, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the fucking freak tranny.

>> No.15476830

>It's fake yes.
Even /pol/ isn't this retarded dude, you're on another level, no wonder you got banned

>> No.15477206

no1 worships that MONSTROSITY

>> No.15477216
File: 816 KB, 1361x887, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could be Sisters!

>> No.15477296
File: 258 KB, 947x475, Aleppo_Codex_Joshua_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why are there all those dots?

>> No.15478026

I come here more regularly thanks to him. He has good energy. He is perfect for keeping delussional narcisists preoccupied and in check.
Getting as caught up as people do with him because disagree with something he said - as evidenced in this thread - is indicative of mental illness

People like Cecil. Some for what he stands for, and others for who he stands against. That shouldnt be controversial or unthinkable.

>> No.15478028

People would notice more if he stopped posting than if you did...

>> No.15478036

how is this thread still up

>> No.15478058
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 1596652078311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey this was from /i/

>> No.15478063


First you need to be a janny and then look at the threads. If the thread doesnt make you seethe it stays up

>> No.15478241

I've had my daily dose of Cecil-posting.

>> No.15478355

alphas aren't born anon, they're raised

>> No.15478366

yep. and he completely owned Igor the other day and igor hasnt posted since. can you say based?

>> No.15478371
File: 5 KB, 211x250, 1597159190445s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
