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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.15470250
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*this chart is outdated*
Current new chart WIP:

>> No.15470310

> Shalimar clone
What happened to us, what have we become?

>> No.15470331

Found a carded sample of Ferragamo Uomo Casual Life in the back of a drawer and wearing it right now. The opening is very nice and aquatic. It gets sweeter as time goes on, but still suitable for warm weather. The og Uomo is also nice but only in winter and too sweet for office wear.

>> No.15470332
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Just tried Egoiste, Homme Ideal and Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit is the only one I liked from start to finish. Egoiste was good too but after a while it gets too sweet. Can you rec me something that remains sharp all the way?

>> No.15470346

Guerlain Vetiver seems up your alley.

>> No.15470431
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That's already on my radar.
I wonder why notino isn't selling it anymore

>> No.15470484

Ordered another bottle of Aventus to keep in the car. Also ordering some Bois Du Portugal.

t. Based anon

>> No.15470492
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Which frag would this person wear?

>> No.15470505

Patton wore Bois du Portugal layered with aventus on D Day. Those were his 2 daily driver fragrances through all of WW2, really.

>> No.15470507

The gay version of eau sauvage whatever it is

>> No.15470559

>keeping aventus in the car
Bayond based

>> No.15470596
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Ok, so I have been wearing this in the european heat wave and it's pretty awesome. Longevity is very nice and even though the notes wouldn't suggest it, I geat a very beachy vibe in the very high heat.

>> No.15470630

eau sauvage

>> No.15470640

What would you guys recommend for a hot desert climate working 12+ hour days on a minesite?
t. literally the first time checking out this fragrance general

>> No.15470643

Are you above ground in the heat or under earth inside the mine?

>> No.15470645

Above ground in the sunshine.

>> No.15470665

I guess that's not a difficult case. Since it is hot, you want a fresh smell and since you're outside, you don't need to worry about it being too strong for anyone around you.
Fresh smells are the most popular genre of mens fragrances these days. So you can basically go to a store and pick what you like, I would say.
If you want to check out two classics that are cheaply available everywhere, check out Davidoff Cool Water and CK one. People here might decry them as boring and basic, but I always enjoy them in the summer and you can't really go wrong with them. They might be a good starting point.

>> No.15470694
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How much influence do you think individual brands have on gray market sales? Outwardly the stance taken by most companies is that the gray market is bad for the industry but I was thinking about it today and I noticed something.

The niche side of the gray market seems to operate backwards when compared to the designer side of the gray market. With designers, the more popular a fragrance or brand is, the less likely you are to find it discounted, but for some reason the opposite seems to be true for niche houses. You have a better chance of finding a black man at a parent-teacher conference than a 100ml Bleu de Chanel on fragrancenet, but I've never seen them run out of Aventus for more than a day or two. You probably won't see 1 Million Parfum in significant quantities for at least another year, but Kalan and Aventus Cologne have been available since launch, even with covid fucking with everybody's supply lines basically all year.

Creed and Parfum de Marly are definitely not the most respected houses among fragcom autists like ourselves, but they are far and above the most talked about and best selling niche brands out there right now. Are they purposefully flooding the gray markets to boost their overall recognition? I mean, it would be a decent strategy if true. Of all the niche houses I can think of, Creed and PDM probably have the greatest number of safe blind buys, and between the discounts themselves and afterpay, fragrancenet and fragrancex are the easiest and most reliable way for a non-rich person to acquire niche fragrances. Plus both PDM and Creed are notorious for gobbling great big fistfulls of fragtube cock. So now when Jeremy tells them PDM and Creed shit diamonds, the unwashed masses go hunting and find that they can afford this shit, then take to the internet and spread the word about how Herod is the best tobacco scent that ever existed or will ever exist...and boom! Herod is now the best selling tobacco fragrance ever

>> No.15470714

Chanel doesnt rely on perfume sales alone, they can afford to keep their class and style exclusive, while others have to rely on constant sales growth yoy to fuel the company. In business if you aren't growing, youre dying, thanks to a debt based monetary system.

>> No.15470718

What frag would a gay sissy like on a guy? Asking for a friend uwu

>> No.15470725

dior homme cologne
Mugler cologne
Ferarri bright nerolli
Man Eau Fraiche
Aqva Amara
hermes eau tres fraiche
creed smw
eau sauvage
adp fico de amalfi
tom ford neroli portofino

>> No.15470751

I wasn't saying that Chanel had low sales, the opposite is true. Chanel doesn't end up at discounters because it sells so well at retail. That's not just true of the gray market, but overstock outlet stores as well. You'll never see a bottle of Bleu de Chanel at TJ Maxx or Marshalls because those stores acquire their stock from retailers like Macy's and Sephora when they order more product than they can sell. But with BdC sells so well that there is never any surplus product lying around to sell to Marshalls

>> No.15470755

uh no, they protect their brand image, and have chosen to not sell to discounters and take a very litigious stance against resellers.

>> No.15470761

> Are they purposefully flooding the gray markets to boost their overall recognition?
You don’t fuck with distributors, you pay them 80 percent of the retail prices: https://tauerperfumes.com/blog/2016/10/02/the-price-of-things/

Also, you seriously need to get laid.

>> No.15470793
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Any Maison Francis Kurkdjian Baccarat Rouge 540 fans here?

I want to get a sample somehow.

>> No.15470801
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>> No.15470804
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Got mine super cheap from a roma that probably stole it out of a shoppe, he probably didnt know what he had selling it so cheap, moron.

>> No.15470805

that bad huh??

>> No.15470815

FUCK YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BR 540 IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. It smells synthetic, clinical, latex, fluoride, exactly like the dentist office. Not even lying I almost gagged when I first put it on, felt like someone was about to drill into my teeth.

by far the WORST frag i had ever smelled. Fuck you cock sucking useless aids infected asshole fuckacum butt

>> No.15470824

I dislike it but fucking love Greenwich village which a lot say is a creamier more tropical clone

>> No.15470834

friendly reminder that maceration is a pseudo science meme perpetuated by the IFRA so that companies can keep selling you reformulated nerf juice

>> No.15470837

Got myself an Old Spice shower gel for gym and holy fuck you people are insecure af being worried to wear your oldschool fragrances because they can smell 'dated' to others while Old Spice that everyone uses smells like straight from a 70s movie and no one bats an eye. I really believe that all those 'don't overspray to not be obnoxious', 'office safe scents', 'dated', 'too oldschool', 'not appropriate for hot/cold weather' things are entirely made up by frag autists who don't have a clue that no one but them and their friends on internet give a damn.

>> No.15470846

doesn't change the fact that habit rouge smells like lemon insect repellant you insecure manchild

>> No.15470849

old spice is a womens perfume you massive faggot, go suck a dick

>> No.15470879

I've worn Lapidus and Bel Ami in high school so I really don't give a shit whether people find my fragrances dated or not

>> No.15470896

the fact that you have to acknowledge people who think like that screams insecurity to me. no one cares if you wear old spice despite it smelling "dated" -- wear whatever the fuck you want you insecure cuck

>> No.15470982
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Royal Essence

>> No.15471042

Can anyone recomend either a masculine white floral, or green tea frag for less than 100$ per 100 ml?

Really love Amouage Reflection, but I'm not a millionaire. Same goes for Creed Silver Mountain Water.

Had a bottle of JPG Fleur du Male and it was great, but it's fucking unobtanium in 2020.

>> No.15471057
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This is pretty sharp

>> No.15471071

ferrari bright neroli and guerlain teazzura might be worth looking at. both very cheap

>> No.15471093

I tried bright neroli, a bit too citrusy/cologny for my taste.

Will definitely try teazzura.

Btw. I think 100$ is a bit too unrealistic, I may go for 150$. (Considered buying Wood Neroli from Bvlgari, I like it, but it's kinda boring)

>> No.15471104


>> No.15471108

is it just me or does anything Versace have trouble lingering? maybe my nose is fucked

>> No.15471158

>smell thing on day
>smell the exact same thing 3 days later, smells completely different
>smell it again 2 weeks later
>smells different again

I'm starting to think smell is a complete meme

>> No.15471160

I have pretty good luck with Versace desu. YSL on the other hand is awful.

>> No.15471166

No idea what's with Versace. I could put a gallon of it on and won't smell it in a few hours. Meanwhile cheap equivalents like CK, Burberry stick around for a bit.

>> No.15471173

if you like VETIVER you are RETARDED

>> No.15471192

Wait, but how is that a bad thing?

>> No.15471194

nishane b612 is very similar to beau du jour. very.

>> No.15471235
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>crippling autism and ocd force you to organize your collection by bottle color in online review websites

>> No.15471236
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meme or no meme

>> No.15471288

What are some other essential violet frags other than GIT and Fahrenheit?

>> No.15471292

no meme, very snice

>> No.15471306

ombre leather

>> No.15471315

almost out of tanqueray...

>> No.15471399

They are not violet frags you mental stillborn. The are violet leaf frags.

>> No.15471404

Grey Flannel

>> No.15471424

What if he was underground? I cannot imagine fresh scents being very good for that environment because of the smell of the caves. Would light florals be best or he should go all in and use absolute nuclear bomb winter fragrances and gas everyone in a 500 meter radius?

>> No.15471487

just bought a camo TNF puffer at half price to wear with my Emporio jeans and Lacoste trainers to bait supermarket staff and people on the street into thinking I'm a chav
What frag do I wear with it for maximum dislike?

>> No.15471500

Overspray Sauvage

>> No.15471533

Good thinking anon but what about overspraying Man in Black or 1 Million Lucky?

>> No.15471646

I was watching Come Dine With Me a while back and I remember this homo being the host and when they were snooping round the host's house as they do, they spotted his frag collection.
I remember Snicebomb being one of his.
Is it the new Le Male or am I missing something here?

>> No.15471730

>unironically watching reality tv
>complaining about fags

>> No.15471788

Anons who own Bleecker St, what kind of performance do you get from it. I recently picked up a bottle and get about 7 hours of longevity on my skin with mediocre projection and soft sillage. I absolutely love the way it smells, just wish it performed a bit better. Do you guys think I’m going noseblind?

>> No.15471925

>Luv me Terre d'Hermes
>says everywhere it's an old people scent
>still in uni
what are my options here? any alternatives that are fine for uni?

>> No.15471960

I dunno man I'm a fan of weird artisanal niche stuff and don't care if anybody likes how I smell but if I was still in college around a bunch of young girls I'd definitely wear something they'd like.

>> No.15471964

TdH is not an old man scent, I’m actually wearing it as I type this out. Got a compliment on it from a 21yo Tinder whore a couple weeks ago, she said It smelled like a proper man’s cologne should.

>> No.15472025

Who has the most expensive collection in here? I feel like I'm in the running but I haven't specifically tried to build an expensive collection, I just live cheaply and spend most of my disposable income on perfume.

>> No.15472047

Probably Hookerfag. He’s around 15-20k at this point iir.

>> No.15472077

Oh nevermind I'm nowhere close to that. I'm sitting at like 4k right now and it already feels ridiculous to me.

>> No.15472088

Hookerfag owns a bunch of apartment buildings or some shit though, so he can afford to have a crazy collection.

>> No.15472109

i blind bought vibrant leather. it is god tier that is all thanks

>> No.15472130

We own mostly business properties, actually. Strip plazas, office buildings, a couple shopping centres, that kind of thing. We do own a few residential properties, but it’s 95% commercial. We’re also in 6 different countries, that’s why I’m in Europe so much and why I’m living in Canada right now.

>> No.15472154
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Did you have sex today?

>> No.15472161
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Does anyone else get vanilla from Interlude Man? I'm trying it out for the first time in months and I'm getting vanilla for the first time. I know that Amber is a note it's supposed to have, maybe that's what I'm smelling, but it smells like vanilla to me. Vanillin to be more exact. My nose isn't great but one time I was eating these really tasty but very cheap Mexican vanilla cookies and they strongly reminded me of Jeroboam - Insulo. That's how I learned the difference.

>> No.15472170

Anyone cop a bottle of koala yet? whats it like?

>> No.15472174

It's like most of their perfumes totally forgettable and boring with a weird similarity to most of their other perfumes

Zoologist is a meme

>> No.15472221


>> No.15472224


I do like Trex, Civet, Camel, and Squid though

>> No.15472254

Bless you hookerfag for living the dream of being successful and a 4chan autist all at the same time

>> No.15472275

Amber more often than not contains vanilla so

>> No.15472300

Haven’t smelled Koala, eucalyptus gives me a headache, but Sloth is fantastic. Love my sleepy boi.

>> No.15472308
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Jesus Christ what the fuck

I knew it wouldn't go for cheap but damn

>> No.15472325

I’m no hero, I’m just a dude who loves blowjobs and smelly water.

>> No.15472346
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funny, ive been masturbating to vintage as well. I think its a pochet et du courval from 78-81.

>> No.15472347

225 for .5oz as well

>> No.15472349

I'm working my way to Koala. I have a few to get through before that one.
Fuck off :^)

>> No.15472376

T. autistic Zoologist reviewer

>> No.15472401

>stop liking what I don’t like! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

>> No.15472420
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wtf is this shit

>> No.15472448

Eau de toilette
Intensity **oo

>> No.15472450

I regret to inform you all that TDH is one of the few popular / meme scents I have yet to sample.
I'm just sceptical of vetiver as a prominent note since I hate Guerlain vetiver... Too soapy and old fashioned to me.

>> No.15472454

Top kek, you are absolutely in denial
Vetiver is way too sharp and obtrusive, it really only fits mature people

>> No.15472475

You’re a faggot who probably wears invictus

>> No.15472574

Even if I were, at least i'd be in peace knowing my fragrance fits my age

>> No.15472627

i say this as someone who respects ellena and knows he's one of the GOATs: there are so many less boring and shitty "old guy" fragrances than TDH out there. you have a limited number of days in your life, imaging wearing TDH for any of them

>> No.15472628

Only kids thinks vetiver is a "mature" note and whatever. It's so ridiculous

>> No.15472747

The earthiness of the EDT (or was it EDP? I may be mixing flankers) can be a bit sharp and considered as mature to some people, but honestly, unless you are using some aromatic/woody fougere barbershop fragrance(rive gauche, beau de jour, platinum egoiste, brut, etc...) don’t worry about wearing “mature” fragrances.
Back to TDH, I do prefer the eau de vetiver intense version over the other 2 as it replaces the earthy vetiver with a creamy and stronger vetiver that reminds me of orange flavored chocolate. In my opinion, it is less mature than the other 2.

>> No.15472758


>> No.15472789

Buy Ganymede faggot

>> No.15472790

I've never smelled BR540 (at least on purpose. I live in NYC and I'm sure I've smelled it on people at some point), but people seem to compare it to a fuckload of fragrances that smell nothing like one another. Is BR540 the white and gold dress picture of fragrance or something? No one can seem to agree on what it smells like

>> No.15472802

> Is BR540 the white and gold dress picture of fragrance
Yeah, no. It is a cobalt twist drill bit to your brain through the nostril. Once you smell it, you will never confuse it with anything.

>> No.15472836


>> No.15472896

I keep Chanel No. 5 in my car so teh bitches feel as rich as me ;)

>> No.15472941

Guys, the question is, do head notes even matter? In half an hour you will be left with base notes anyway. Don't you feel like it's some form of false advertisement?
What's /fa/ opinion on picking fragrance ignoring head notes whatsoever.

>> No.15472952

Because we enjoy the initial refreshing blast lifting mood even if it is ephemeral.

>> No.15473021

It's interesting,Layton is like the Viking of /fa/. It gets a fascinating amount of hate here. Oddly Viking is the Viking of everywhere but /fa/

>> No.15473064

How do I make myself smell like coffee?

>> No.15473080


buy a frag that smells of coffee then spray it on you

>> No.15473160

Just get a sample set straight from MFK

>> No.15473184
File: 393 KB, 1020x1129, 77806_9a35990b67907a3002132fd60adc5ded_bracken_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this new for 140, I didn't see myself getting that much of a better deal. I love the box. I don't really like barbershop perfumes but this one isn't a typical example.

>> No.15473233

/po/ frag thread, 200+ replies


>> No.15473259

you're the OP aren't you

>> No.15473263

Lol I'm a white nationalist like any other sensible white person but damn is /pol/ just full of rednecks? "I don't wanna wear any a yer sissy fag perfume I wanna smell like gasoline, WD40, and whisky!"

>> No.15473273

>better thread than some recent /frag/ ones

>> No.15473282

way better by miles

>162 ips
>bump limit reached in 2 hrs

>> No.15473286

I don't think they are truly rednecks, they're larping just like anyone else and they believe it makes them based, just have an opinion (preferably something you never questioned) and assert it in the most over the top way you can.

>> No.15473289
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>> No.15473500

I swear you faggots just live to be contrary and hate on masterpiece fragrances.

>> No.15473549

Good news fellas, waiterfag here who had panic over his mum's health a couple months back...
I start work again tomorrow, nice and cushty, gonna be a pain waking up early with my nocturnal sleep schedule. Not gonna risk wearing a frag for the first month or so, since new owners and want to make an impressions without giving any negative connotation as the "cologne guy"
Which sucks cos between that and rona, my bottle of CK Escape as a dirt cheap work/beach frag is gathering dust. Maybe next year.

>> No.15473552 [DELETED] 

w2c a sample of ysl kouros?

>> No.15473556
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w2c a sample of the white kouros?

>> No.15473569
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found this https://www.perfumesamplesanddecants.com/products/yves-saint-laurent-kouros-perfume-samples?variant=31425705293
but with shipping it comes to $21 usd for a 3ml fuck that shit lol

>> No.15473594
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tom ford grey vetiver EDT or EDP ?

>> No.15473603
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What are some other colognes that smell very similar to the white kouros?

>> No.15473607
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>> No.15473621
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>just get Sauvage bro

>> No.15473722
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>mogs Spiritueuse Double Vanille and Avignon simultaneously

>> No.15473725 [DELETED] 

looks jewish lol

>> No.15473737


>> No.15473776

Got gifted a 125ml of Joop xmas 2018 by my mum.
Only used it a dozen times. Guess I'll make everyone else suffer in the winter time....

>> No.15473832

It's wonderful. Ombre Leather has ashy, masculine undertones, and AdP Leather has balmy, feminine undertones. That doesn't make it any less unisex, but makes it very wearable and versatile

>> No.15473862

The edp smells great and lasts forever.

>> No.15473904

weird cause ombre leather is marketed as unisex and adp colonia leather is marketed as a men's fragrance

>> No.15473920

that's because /fa/ is generally afraid of women, and Layton gets their attention

>> No.15473953

There is no substitute... D O U S E

>> No.15473966

this is bait

>> No.15473970

No way, Ombre Leather is so sweet. The drydown is just pure amber and jasmine which makes it really feminine imo

>> No.15474017

Is it just me or LDDM is similar to..... TdH?

>> No.15474298

I don't mean to trigger autistic shitposting but what are some good price: performance fragrances? (something cheap but in your opinion good)

>> No.15474306

take the guerlainpill

>> No.15474315

added to my list, thanks

>> No.15474361
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Just got my Tsuga Parfums sample set in. From the few I've smelled so far it's not amateur. Obviously he's not a master perfumer but I think he's pretty good.

>> No.15474380
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Bitches love the Bubble

>> No.15474386

Kouros is relatively cheap and performs extremely well.

>> No.15474392

thanks, will check out as well

>> No.15474396

do not buy kouros

>> No.15474449

Reporting back here some of the perfumes are pretty good but I went on his Instagram to message him my thoughts and he's got something pinned about how to be a better white ally so he probably lost ~300 dollars in sales because of that, just from me. Fifteen (not 150) (not 1500) unarmed black people were killed by police in 2019. We don't need to change the whole country over it.

>> No.15474451

Why not?

>> No.15474541
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How good or how much of a piece of shit is this backpack? Debating on getting the dylan blue gift set or just a bottle of it somewhere else cheaper.

>> No.15474548

Unironically based

>> No.15474553

The worst part is, it'll invariably smell like shit by now. And not in the way Kouros normally does, in that "ancient fragrance" scent way where it all kind of festers into a bad, chemically smell after sitting for long enough. Kouros has an opaque bottle, so at least the sun degradation won't be a factor, but we'll see. Still pretty old.

>> No.15474555

Imagine not being able to separate the art from the artist. If his frags are good, don't let his stupid beliefs get in the way of that unless said beliefs are somehow negatively impacting what he's creating.

>> No.15474581

Just ordered a sample set from MFK.

Baccarat Rouge 540
Grand Soir
OUD Satin mood
Amyris homme

>> No.15474585

Suppose for curiosity's sake I wanted to sample a number of amateur, perhaps even poor fragrances, where ought I look? Etsy?
This is a sincere question, don't meme me with Zoologist bs

>> No.15474591


Nordstrom's has it on sale the other day

>> No.15474611

Is anyone gonna try mr.nicheguys sample set? Usually not interested in YouTuber turned perfumers but he seems pretty autistic about it

>> No.15474621

> Etsy

>> No.15474636

I already posted about it just a little while ago. I'll give my opinions on each.

Osmanthus Toboggan - Possibly the most complete perfume out of the line. Not my style but it's good.

Blue Heaven - I get kind of a weird futuristic fresh vanillic vibe out of this one.

Shirley - Smells like tomato leaf and weed. Very natural smelling.

Myrrhder - Vanilla and marshmallows. I guess it's got myrrh but I don't know what it smells like.

Juxtaposition - I just got a nice rose. A YouTube video he posted today said that it was supposed to smell really weird but I didn't get that.

Mellifera - Really great natural honey scent, better than Bee and maybe even better than Slowdive, but I think it's weak. This is one of the best from the line.

Wine & Chocolate - Reminds me of noir de noir, it's alright

A Man and his Pipe - Smells too sweet to me, kind of chocolatey. It has deer musk, ambergris, castoreum, and even muskrat musk, but I swear I don't get much of any of that.

Milestones - I think there's real oud in this, and deer musk. It's pretty smoky too.

Vicki-Lin - basically just straight smoke

My opinion right now is that his pricing is in line with the quality and expense of ingredients he's using but his blending skills aren't there yet. Standouts are Mellifera, Milestones, and maybe A Man and his Pipe.

>> No.15474653
File: 6 KB, 181x278, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the guy who recommended me Oud Wood Intense when I asked about a dirty animalic but wearable perfume. I just tried out the sample I ordered and I really like it.

>> No.15474692


>> No.15474702
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How is this? (I realize it might not be as good as some older versions) but how's the smell now for fall?

>> No.15474739
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, Hunter-X-Hunter-2011-Episode-131-x-Live-Reaction-Review-Gon-Vs-Neferpitou-Finale..-OMFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf says LDDM gives her a headache
>its one of my favorite frags

Is it over lads?

>> No.15474755

She's probably lying. Shit test her.

>> No.15474770
File: 37 KB, 375x500, 375x500.53015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus above is this good stuff right here! Chameleon is the first from Zoologist to really, really impress me, though I concede I've only tried four others up until this point.
Ocean breezes and tropical ylang ylang are the stars of this mature yet somewhat whimsical fragrance. I knew nearly instantly this was going to be one of my favorites. Even after a long duration, it still lasts and does so well.

I wish I had an anecdote or story to share as I've worn this, but I'm afraid I don't. If you're looking for a fresh Pacific breeze to be whisked away to for a moment, this is the one to try. At present, this is on the shortlist of 1 which I will buy at the end of my lexicographical sampling of Zoologist.

>> No.15474831

humans hate vetiver.
women hate vetiver.

>> No.15474991

I love Chameleon too. Very underrated scent. I bought both it and Dodo at release and didn’t regret it in the least. Chameleon is an interesting tropical scent that manages to avoid smelling too “beachy”. Many tropical scents just wind up smelling like sunscreen, or a fruity cocktail or something. Chameleon legitimately smells like a tropical paradise. The warm, salty breeze, exotic florals, the fruit notes, it’s like being on a tropical island. Great stuff.

>> No.15475178

it's not as abysmal as some of their other offerings, but the chapaca note is so synthetic and wonky
only works if you don't have a reference for champaca

>> No.15475215

> dirty animalic
In his last review Eugene said that Louis Vuitton Nuit de Feu is the once-in-a-decade animalic frag. The review is about Chanel Le Lion and it is a great genuine review.

>> No.15475223

> I realize it might not be as good as some older versions

Don’t be that guy, please. It is a great perfume, T. Wasser restored it in 2014 after an unfortunate reformulation of 2011. Just sample first.

>> No.15475233
File: 226 KB, 576x699, 1506718314147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this site legit? https://donnatella-perfumes.myshopify.com/collections/mens-fragrances/products/cool-water-1?variant=23079018369

the prices seem too good to be true

>> No.15475466

cool water 125ml is usually around 20 bucks at discounters tho? 30 for 200ml at fragx

>> No.15475565

best vetiver fragrance?

>> No.15475619

grey vetiver. guerlain comes very close though but its a bit too sharp for me

>> No.15475621

Sultan Vetiver

>> No.15475626
File: 21 KB, 328x400, explorer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blind bought this on Fragrancenet a month or two ago because it was cheap and everything was closed, just out of curiosity. I'm actually kind of impressed and I think a lot of people aren't really getting what Mont Blanc is trying to do. This really isn't a clone so much as what Aventus Cologne should have been. This is definitely the highest quality fragrance Mont Blanc has put out, both in terms of the scent and presentation. I actually like the bottle better than Creeds desu. It feels weightier and the cap isn't cheap plastic. The opening is where this resembles Aventus the most, but it goes in a different direction pretty quickly. To me this slates somewhere between Aventus and Sauvage (albeit definitely favoring Aventus). The trouble with Aventus clones is that they're attempting to recreate an expensive fragrance using cheap ingredients and they get pretty close, but there's always something off putting about each of them. CDNI has that god awful lemon pledge note, Insurrection pure lasts for 45 seconds, Parfums Vintage smells great sometimes, but you run the risk of getting a bottle that smells like wood chips and salami. With Explorer they just altered the composition entirely so you get something that isn't "99% similar", but still smells much better than the clones

>> No.15475635
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I loved it back when it was popular on /fa/.

>> No.15475673

I don't necessarily see Explorer getting much "hate". People seem to universally agree that it smells good. It just seems pointless to release yet another Aventus style fragrance 10 years and 10,000 clones later because anyone with an interest in Aventus style scents probably already own 10 Aventus style scents. That's just from the point of view of the community though, it makes plenty of sense business-wise. Yeah, there's a million Aventus clones on the market, but you can't walk into Macy's or Sephora and pick up a bottle of Armaf. In order to go hunting for a clone you have to already know what Aventus is, which 99.9% of the general public does not. Virtually nobody's going to know that Explorer is based on one of the most successful fragrances on the niche market or that you can get similarly smelling fragrances for cheaper. They're just going to think it smells good and buy it. It's actually shocking that this is really the first Aventus clone from a major designer brand.

>> No.15475674

Was reading some article where they wrote it was a success for them, and it was responsible for a substantial increase in revenue. I'd probably buy that rather than an arab clone if that was what I had to do.

>> No.15475681

This is a pretty easy question to answer, just look into this thread http://www.basenotes.net/threads/468600-Vetiver-fragrances-inventory-under-the-radar

>> No.15475710

Fragrance that gives off tiramisu vibes?

>> No.15475774

I had a gay friend straighter than you.

>> No.15475814

Dua soulmate
Ferragamo uomo

>> No.15475908


Thank you

I am considering Sycomore, but it is very expensive

I'll try encre noire 'l'Extreme, which is similar to sycomore

Right now, tf grey vetiver is my favorite

>> No.15476007

Overly sweet shit
Cloying shit
P good but too resiny sweet for warm weather

>> No.15476095

I'm looking for a fragrance that is fresh, flowery, the kind of smell that your clothes have when you just wash them. Nothing dark or intense or whatever. I'm a baby face kid and that would not suit me. Most fragrances I've tried smell like some arab or a suited up businessman.

I know you guys probably hate these questions but it's worth a shot.

>> No.15476106

individuel smells like freshly laundered clothes, leans a bit feminine but it should suit you. reflection man also good

>> No.15476130

Carven pour homme intense

>> No.15476140

>it'll invariably smell like shit by now. And not in the way Kouros normally does, in that "ancient fragrance" scent way where it all kind of festers into a bad, chemically smell after sitting for long enough
I had 1981, 1986 parfums corp, 1992 pc, 1996 sanofi kouros and none of them went bad. They had monster projection and longetivity amd still smelled amazing

>> No.15476143

Also 2 of them were splash bottles which are typically known to go bad

>> No.15476145

> clothes have when you just wash them
Chanel Jersey, washed and ironed.

>> No.15476175

i have a 1984 charles of the ritz sample and i've never smelled any other version of kouros before so i have nothing to base it off of. i can't even tell if it's "gone bad" or anything, even though the seller was legit and I know he stored it well

>> No.15476261

Which Guerlain Aqua alegoria should I get first? I’m thinking of Mandarine Basilisk and Pampelune as it is similar to Dior homme Cologne and possibly better.

>> No.15476347

Phikosykos is very snice once the medicinal cream edge goes away
Too bad it performs like shit

>> No.15476356

None. But if you must, grey vetiver

>> No.15476398

> Which Guerlain Aqua alegoria should I get
Summer is over.

> Pamplelune is similar to DHC2013
Yeah, no.

>> No.15476433

Be care allegorias are more addicting than crack

>> No.15476476

Acqua di Parma Colonia

>> No.15476588

Prada L'homme is better than all the replies you've got so far

>> No.15476589

kek that shit is like the opposite of fresh laundry smelling clothes

>> No.15476592

lay off the crack

>> No.15476601

Prada Amber pour Homme is more of a laundry frag than L'Homme.

>> No.15476681

Straight drooooooop

>> No.15476735

Not as fresh, not as "baby face", as the anon requested
APH is a pretty mature kind of clean to me
L'Homme is literally what he described

>> No.15476761

So this thread is dead.

What's everyone wearing today, both scent and clothing wise? Wore some natural linen pants, a university stripe button down, some white sneakers and doused myself in LHIC.

>> No.15476785

no shit

>> No.15476808

one of the hottest days of the summer in la coming this saturday. might be outdoors and drench myself in dune ph

>> No.15477139

Had to go pick up a prescription at the pharmacy today. Wore ADP Essenza. I’m liking it more and more as time goes on. Very Italian barbershop-y.

>> No.15477235
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Can anyone recommend a fragrance that screams sex as in I want it and am good at it?

>> No.15477238

They’re smelly water not miracles, m8.

>> No.15477272

Sex Panther

>> No.15477274

But some may have greater power than others! Any recs?

>> No.15477351

Alright I'll prob blind but lidg it's hard to test stuff right now

>> No.15477357
File: 48 KB, 1200x620, social.57784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to Thom Browne? they seemed way overpriced and I've never seen them sold anywhere

>> No.15477439

Describe your natural musk.

>> No.15477475

thom browne clothes are shit and the fragrances are the same. personally i'm waiting for berluti to finally make a fragrance. an actual storied menswear house. It would probably be great

>> No.15477484

If you’re not getting laid now, no fragrance will change that.

>> No.15477498
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>> No.15477519

I finally tried the Zoologist samples. They all end up smelling like woman fragrances on my skin, even T Rex. They aren´t bad but I don´t think they should be that expensive.

>> No.15477523

The only "you smell sexy" I've ever gotten

>> No.15477529

tfw no homesteading collared shirt bf

idk if they still sell it but maison margiela soul of the forest

>> No.15477535
File: 7 KB, 225x225, habdan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wth, why do PDMfags never talk about this? This is one of the best things from the house I've smelled

>> No.15477538

this is the smokey caramel apple one right

>> No.15477539


>> No.15477541

yeah. It's incense and caramel apple

>> No.15477566

really wanna sample it but i already have TL and if it's almost the same i'm gonna feel memed on

>> No.15477602

Oajan is the standout fragrance from the Arabian line and it does something similar. I like this one though. Kind of reminds me of an upscale 1 Million Prive because of the sweetness combined with myrrh resin.

>> No.15477627

Pls go. We’re all stocked up on schizo tripfaggot shitposters.

>> No.15477638

I'd say go for it, that's what samples are for. But they are 60% the same indeed

>> No.15477761

Tan hoodie, black cargos, Norne. It's cool enough that I can get away with this, and it's comforting.

>> No.15477816

>upscale 1 million prive

i gotta try this. prive is probably my favorite designer fragrance. love love that shit in the fall/winter.

>> No.15478292
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>> No.15478298
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>> No.15478398

so lads, with the new owners where I work I've been asked to wear a waistcoat and tie. What frag should i make my signature to go with this?
My workplace is by the sea but I think something fresh and cypress heavy would be a good choice here

>> No.15478408

Anyone smelt the new JPG Le Male Le Parfum?

>> No.15478437

Check out Bottega Veneta Parco Palladiano II Cipresso

>> No.15478491

Have you tried your namesake? Heard it's top tier

>> No.15478512
File: 129 KB, 557x872, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m genuine. I literally want reds of fragrances that the experts here have had women comment on.

>> No.15478532

anyone tried daisy by marc jacobs? thinking of getting it as my first perfume. only used essential oils for frag up until now

>> No.15478675

If you mean the Bottega Veneta VIII, yeah. It's one of the better neroli scents around, but I ultimately decided that it's a bit overpriced for what it is.

>> No.15478789

You’re in the wrong place. We are not a coomer thread.

>> No.15478963

for me it's Floriental

>> No.15479018

how to make fragrance last longer? they last short on my skin

>> No.15479043

Too much lavender, and I don't like lavender.

>> No.15479077


>> No.15479128

Use unscented moisturizer first

>> No.15479150

for example?

>> No.15479520

cetaphil lotion cheap as dirt at walgreens

>> No.15479555

No real posts in seven hours. Amazing. To make this a real post I will ask a question. I know it's been discussed a million times, but what's the deal with Aventus? I like it, it's pleasant, but to me it doesn't have anything really interesting about it. I'm hoping somebody with a high verbal IQ can explain it to me (I'm a dummy).

>> No.15479663

what makes you think a dead thread will be interested in your question about aventus

>> No.15479774

I've actually never bought fragrance before idk what the fuck I should look for, do you guys have a whole collection of fragrances for different occasions or do you always just use the same one or two for everything?

>> No.15479790

It’s because Aventus does what it’s meant to do better than any other fragrance (Except for maybe roja elysium). It smells unique (or at least it did in 2010), is extremely versatile, generally performs well, and is extremely mass pleasing. On top of all that aventus is a big status symbol fragrance that a lot of normies will recognize. This is why Aventus is so popular.

>> No.15479811

4ch contrarians will shrug off Aventus as "just okay" but in reality it is a bloody STELLAR fragrance from top to bottom. Scent, performance, marketing, everything. I ate crow the first time I tried it. The only drawback is how unnecessarily expensive it is.

>> No.15479812

>try a sample, really like it
>Multiple reviewers say that Parfums Vintage's version of it is identical
>Buy it
>It's not even close

>> No.15479826
File: 736 KB, 605x716, 1578625387521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are frags that can cover all seasons, and there are frags that can only be worn for special occasions. but who gives a fuck. just wear whatever you love.

go to a physical store and try out everything. buy what you like and start from there. it is much cheaper online than in store. certain brands will send you free samples too if you do not want to go to stores. Llok up stuff on youtube and https://www.fragrantica.com/ to get a feeling of what you might like. i suggest you buy popular crowd pleasers before going off the deep end. What are you looking for in a fragrance, how old are you, what kind of job do you have (indoor/outdoor), are you a guy or a girl?
look at this pic >>15470250 to get a feeling of what you might want. Good luck niggie :D

>> No.15479827

I really like Aventus and I want to buy it, but I don't know what to believe. On one hand you've got people saying that current Aventus is garbage and certain clones of it are superior (like Parfums Vintage), but on the other hand you have people (who may or may not be Creed fanboys) who say that Aventus is much higher quality than any of its clones. Personally I actually have little experience with Aventus, I just know that I want it based on a single 2ml decant (year of production unknown), but I ordered a 2ml decant of Parfums Vintage Emperor Extrait and like the guy above I was very disappointed. It's not nearly as good. People talk about CDNIM having a "lemon pledge" opening, and that's what I got with the PV.

>> No.15479836

lol just fucking buy it. buy it once and cry once.

if you are afraid of getting a bad batch, then go to a physical store, and if the guy selling the perfume is worth his weight, then he will let you try it out of the box before buying.

>> No.15479843

Is batchfaggotry really a thing? I'm so doubtful.

>> No.15479846

Woody or fresh (or woody fresh I guess) sounds most appealing to me mostly because I like the smell of wood, love the way cedar smells.

I'm 25 male, my job takes me indoors and outdoors and I sweat either way, I dont think I would wear fragrances to work desu. Thanks for the tips anon.

>> No.15479857

i heard Creed has good marketing, decent products, and questionable QA. for the absurd amount of money you are spending, it better be worth it. If a bottle is gonna cost +200, I always come in the shop to test the bottles, no matter what brand. as an aside, the Creed test bottles at Nordstrom were fucking empty. all of them.

>> No.15479860

I think all of that batch shit is autism UNLESS they're saying something like "new batches are bad".

>> No.15479882

PV is arab bullshit, fuck those sandniggers.

>> No.15479925

this has to be satire
Aventus has been copied, overused and reformulated to death
If you can't understand that society's effect on something (overusing) changes that thing's value, you are retarded
On top of that, it's literally not the same smell it once was and lasts for 30 minutes at max

>> No.15479994

Clones are never as good as the original. Never. The only question is whether it’ll be “good enough” for you, which obviously will be subjective.

>> No.15480001
File: 3.17 MB, 1366x1518, ultramale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narciso Rodriguez for Him, and its been discontinued. Roberto Cavalli Uomo and Boss Bottled Night are popular but I find them quite boring. Fahrenheit Absolute is based but hard to get. Lalique Hommage a l'Homme is also popular but its half violet and half oud and when it dries down its just oud so i'm not the biggest fan cause i dont like oud. Also KL for Him but its hated and Paul Smith for Men but I just got that.
lookit i finally blind bought grey flannel and it smells like a public bathroom. it is absolutely disgusting and where the fuck is the violet? i bought it for the violet and its nowhere to be found. but whatever i blind bought Paul Smith for Men as well and its like aqua fahrenheit but with less cucumber so far to me so i'm enjoying it. Ungaro III as well which is weird but I like it, its quite dark. Molinard Violette so far is just blackcurrant but hopefully it gets better.

>> No.15480003

See this shit, what are you supposed to do as someone who wants to buy Aventus? One guy basically says that Aventus isn't the same perfume as it used to be, the other guy says that all clones are inferior.

>> No.15480019

They’re not mutually exclusive, both can be true. Clones ARE inferior, and Aventus ISN’T as good as it used to be. Now the question, I guess, would be is a good clone better than a not-so-good real Aventus. On that, I can’t comment since I own neither of those things.

Best advice I could give you, I guess, is go try it in store, if you like it, ask to buy a bottle from the same batch. All you can do, really.

>> No.15480055

aight i just realised ungaro iii is reminding me of antaeus. good, as much as i wanted antaeus chanels never hit discounters so good.

>> No.15480295

Chypre palatin good
other fragrances bad

>> No.15480473

That's really strange desu, my Grey Flannel has a LOT of violet and doesn't smell offensive in the least.

>> No.15480485
File: 41 KB, 375x500, 375x500.16012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this bad boy

>> No.15480498

i admittedly buy clones. i really don't give a shit. i own almost every major aventus clone: vibrant leather, explorer, armaf, insurrection... i tried aventus for the first time about a year ago at a vegas boutique. sprayed the back of my hand and walked the fuck out. over time, you can absolutely tell the quality. it has an almost creaminess and smoothness that can't be denied, and hasn't been matched by the clones i own. are they close? yes, they are. are they good? yes, and i enjoy them, but i'd be a lying fuck if i didn't say that aventus is tiers higher in terms of overall composition. it is, and it should be. i'll never buy a bottle because i enjoy my clones and feel like they do the job, but i know now where they rank, and that's okay with me. in terms of performance, it lasted a good 6-7 hours on my hand, so good in my opinion.

>> No.15480562


I'm happy with Carlisle desu

>> No.15480575

how old is your bottle? mine just smells like old man, but it is lush and i'd say it has a better quality to price ratio then encre noire. its just so off putting though. i guess i can gift it to an uncle or something idk

>> No.15480585

Mine is from 2018. Maybe you just don't like oakmoss? Otherwise idk really

>> No.15480656

probs don't like oakmoss. also i see a lot of people on fragrantica saying it settles down after 15-30 minutes so i'll give it another shot tomorrow.

>> No.15480758

Notino has cleared all LVMH brands from its catalogue.

>> No.15480760

Also, check this post:

>> No.15480804

Try and keep it to one bottle you love and is versatile

This is a weird thing to be into and a bit of a stone to be tied to and it's better to have one signature smell in terms of not making you appear autistic

>> No.15480813

i have like 12 bottles i absolutely adore. some seasonal, some i use at home, some for special occasions and some versatile

i have a lot of samples/decants though, just because discovering new smells is quite fun

>> No.15480857
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>> No.15481007

You’re going noseblind you fucking retard. Legitimate Aventus lasts at least 6 hours, I don’t give a fuck what batch it is.

>> No.15481048

A Better Man by Toni Gard
Element Shoes
Quiksilver Shirt
Reell Shorts

>> No.15481050
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>> No.15481074

Jeremy is crazy but gotta love the guy.

>> No.15481222

Musc Ravageur = Givenchy Pi gone boujee

>> No.15481231

I know Jeremy is pandering hard to the likes of me but fuck I am liking this

>> No.15481249

sociopath is a a bit too obvious on the god thing but most people won't notice

>> No.15481258
File: 242 KB, 1600x971, Screenshot_2020-08-13 Last Video for a Long Time Here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@Jeremy do weighted pullups bro, you're too narrow

>> No.15481267

Les sable roses= POAL

>> No.15481353

The new D&G king EDP is a beast i literally swam in a lake and it lasted for another day on my skin

>> No.15481390

so no one thought it was important to mention that amber sultan smells like sausage

memed again

>> No.15481393

dirty nigga

>> No.15481398

So this is the first Jeremy video I've ever seen


>> No.15481428

have sex

>> No.15481432
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>when the testers arent out

>> No.15481450
File: 1.28 MB, 1421x1715, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Fahrenheit good for sex?

>> No.15481462

Go away, GORsWIPE.

>> No.15481474

You tried this a few threads ago already and were told in no uncertain terms that you’re full of shit.

>> No.15481475

Fuck off fag

>> No.15481481


>> No.15481490

eat shit

>> No.15481492

eat my shit, faggot

>> No.15481702

What's the best deodorant to get?

>> No.15481748

he is getting more and more based as time goes on. amazing highlights of this video:

-doesn't apologize for calling bad women "whores" and even doubles down on it

-literally admits to jerking off while snapchatting this girl

-reveals he has a latina fetish and a fantasy of learning spanish and living in miami with a latina wife, and also reveals the reason why he shilled artisan pure the past few years is cause it is part of his "all white" miami fantasy

>> No.15481790

This is the most based Jeremy video that I've ever watched.

>"And there's other things from like.. the gay community..."

Bros? wtf?

>"I moved to central germany and had some issues.. with some.. communities"

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15481934
File: 862 KB, 1054x590, 1580669892388.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, basado, basé

>> No.15482089

Son, I do believe he’s referring to them there muzzies.

>> No.15482115

fucking kek

>> No.15482116

>a polish german who hates turkroaches

can i get a based check?

>> No.15482119


I need proof

>> No.15482121

found the turk

you have to go back

>> No.15482160

he has to go back to central asia

>> No.15482346

Wore viking today, what an awesome fragrance. Probably my favorite creed, easily the best performing one I have tried. Definitely need to grab a bottle. What do you fags think?

>> No.15482470

I used to hate Jeremy but now I actually really respect him. I do think he's mildly insane though.

>> No.15482479

I sprayed on a sample I had because of your comment. It's really good, really smooth. Smells high quality, but it really is similar to Old Spice.

>> No.15482484

>be off and on with Musc Ravageur for a couple months
>try my small decant out again tonight, really enjoying it
>see an almost too good to be true deal on eBay (no, not from Russia, a trusted seller)
>buy it
>very soon after I buy it it turns into a straight Play-Doh smell on my arm
>I mean it smells exactly like Play-Doh (which is a common complaint about some amber perfumes
Bros help

>> No.15482488

Is Redolessence a FTM?

>> No.15482702


>> No.15482761


>> No.15482903

Is that Aventus he's sniffing?

>> No.15482904
File: 194 KB, 418x366, 1564148138063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are turkish lemon frags actually good? gimme some recommendations with lemon frags, one that doesn't smell like bathroom detergent pls

>> No.15482937

man jeremy is such a chad

>> No.15483318

To me it's a super simple clean scent. Very classic yet very modern. I think Creed (obviously) have witnessed the success of Aventus and wanted to recreate a ubiquitously masculine fragrance and make some more money. Interestingly enough, every time I've worn it I've gotten major compliments, more so than Aventus.

That being said, it's very expensive for what it is I feel. I'd rather go with a classic scent like Eau Sauvage and save some money.

>> No.15483319

Eau Sauvage Cologne. One hundred percent.

>> No.15483546


>> No.15483616

Dior Homme Cologne