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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 427 KB, 831x2213, tip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15453031 No.15453031 [Reply] [Original]





Not being updated anymore:

Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
Gentleman's Gazzete info on /TIP/: https://pastebin.com/QrNDDG60 (embed)
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing:
https://pastebin.com/XuddAMgt (embed) (Provisional, European)
https://pastebin.com/SMMg3tK9 (embed) (Special patterned Sweaters, European)
https://pastebin.com/Tsu6xGLg (embed) (OCBD, General)
https://pastebin.com/yJ2MxMCQ (embed) (Spanish shoes, European)

Previous Thread: >>15444835

>> No.15453033








>> No.15453046

Shit picture as always, OP.

>> No.15453073
File: 581 KB, 900x1223, 9a56342184e1741dcca90b3ca2c0608c_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453075
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>> No.15453080
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>> No.15453082
File: 534 KB, 750x1125, Drakes0410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453083
File: 207 KB, 800x1200, https___hypebeast.com_image_2018_08_rowing-blazers-fall-winter-2018-lookbook-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453085
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453088
File: 197 KB, 791x1024, Rowing_Blazers_FW18-13_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453090
File: 97 KB, 620x413, street-etiquette-the-black-ivy-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453092
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>> No.15453093
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>> No.15453097
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That's all for now, might post more inspo later

>> No.15453098

w2c coat?

>> No.15453160

Were getting raided again horrible op bait pic

>> No.15453164

Just ignore it, it's just one guy this time.

>> No.15453167

chocsosa has the smallest fucking legs, throws literally every single fit of his off
also niggers are not /tip/

>> No.15453212

They coordinate raids in the /spezzatura/ discord.

>> No.15453223

>post a few inspo pics with black people in it
>nooooo (((they))) are raiding us, this ethnic replacement fucking leftist discord trannies coordinating raids on trannycord
Christ you're pathetic

>> No.15453236
File: 145 KB, 1200x800, bush-andover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453251

Discord tranny raids are very real and only a discord tranny would say otherwise. Dilate.

>> No.15453258

>Oxford Cloth Button Down Collar Shirts DOs and DON’Ts

>1. Do Not Wear BDs with Formal Wear
>2. Do Not Wear Button Downs to Formal Workplaces
>3. Do Not Wear Short Sleeved Button Downs in Summer
>4. Do Wear Button Downs on the Weekend
>5. Do Not Wear Button Downs to Interviews

Is this just autism or should OCBD's honestly only be worn as casual attire? I don't see why an OBCD wouldn't be fine for an interview for an average job.

>> No.15453273

OCBDs are pretty causal, you would have to be a faggot to say otherwise. You can obviously wear it as a lawyer and such but don't wear it with a dark business suit.

>> No.15453278

it's not even those..
4chan is like 99% liberals
quite hard to find a conservative/republican opinion on this shite

>> No.15453279

Pure autism, but yeah, they shouldn’t be used in business attire (who even still uses that, though)

>> No.15453282

I'd say spamming 12 pics at the beggining of a thread where the only commenality is the race of the people rather than the fits themselves is pretty sketchy and looking more to provoke negative response rather than add to the quality of discussion. If you just posted the maybe 4 good fits I don't think anyone would complain.

>> No.15453285

>4chan is like 99% liberals
imagine actually being this delusional

>> No.15453290

>4chan is like 99% liberals
Fuck you kike, gtfo

>> No.15453291

I work in a cubicle setting where I don't make 6 figures and it's not odd to see people wearing polos.

>> No.15453293


>> No.15453296

>It's hard to find conservative opinions

You mean neocon opinions right? Maybe because not even /pol/ is that fucking dumb.

>> No.15453303

Well then wear an ocbd, we're not saying that you can't wear an ocbd to the office, we're just saying that it doesn't look good with a dark suit.

>> No.15453408

daily reminder that having a breast pocket on your shirt is busdriver tier

>> No.15453412

>4chan is like 99% liberals
Lol, low taxes, wars for Israel and fuck abortion, right?

>> No.15453418

I put my cigarettes in my shirt's break pocket. Fight me.

>> No.15453432

The only thing that you will be fighting is cancer.

>> No.15453435

Isn't that a staple of classic Oxfords though?

>> No.15453462

Oh wow, a patronizing comeback about smoking, how smart and original. I had never heard about the risks of smoking before, thanks for the tip.
You are the equivalent of those atheists who can't keep themselves from moralizing everybody and anybody about religion

>> No.15453487

>doesn't know how to respond to a post
you have to go back

>> No.15453493

where do keep smokes?

>> No.15453505

I just want to look normal but all the ideas will stand out. Why is it so difficult to not stand out while not wearing jeans or track suits. Is there a style of clothes that is as comfortable as tracksuits but also look presentable and respectful?

>> No.15453512


>> No.15453533

Yeah you're embarrassingly self conceited

>> No.15453536

>2. Do Not Wear Button Downs to Formal Workplaces
Those aren't a thing anymore, grandpa. Jackets and ties are very rare. Dressing quirky is unironically actually considered more formal than dressing professionally. Our CEO usually wears a black suit with a Pokemon printed tee to sales meetings, and every client compliments him on his shirt.

>3. Do Not Wear Short Sleeved Button Downs in Summer
Bait. Short sleeve button downs are beautiful.

>4. Do Wear Button Downs on the Weekend
>5. Do Not Wear Button Downs to Interviews
Neither one of these is a real rule.

>> No.15453540

There is a reddit clique that really doesn’t like short sleeves shirts for some reason.

>> No.15453554

Natural selection at work, you yourself know the dangers of smoking yet you will still practice it, it just shows you what type of person you are, your lack of self control bleeds itself into other aspects o life, doesn't it?
Also, your analogy isn't very good, what atheists do is brag about how "smart" and how they're above God because of their "logic", I'm just trying to help in a somewhat humorous manner. I'm guessing that you are Christian, now do you think that Jesus would encourage smoking, something that damages your body, a body that God made, you are hurting God.
As the other anon pointed out, this is just embarrassing.

>> No.15453560
File: 130 KB, 768x479, george-hw-bush-socks-green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What watch brands are /tip/ approved? And are there any that <$1000?

>> No.15453563

>I just want to look normal
The absolute state of normies, you either look like you care about life or you look like some fat fuxk who sits on the sofa all day drinking beer, it's your choice after all.

>> No.15453568

>you yourself know the dangers of smoking yet you will still practice it

You can live your whole life in a bubble and never get sick, but who the fuck wants to live in a bubble?

Everything you do brings you closer to death. Stop fucking panicking over delaying the inevitable and enjoy yourself a bit.

>> No.15453569

Not breast pocket is Macy's clearance rack tier.

>> No.15453573

Stop trying to sound smart, you didn't get a single point right

>> No.15453578

>black suit with a Pokemon printed tee to sales meetings

That's incredibly autistic. Where do you live where this shit is "qwirky?"

>> No.15453588

>it's a conspiracy!

>> No.15453596

One more (You) for excellent bait. Goes to show the quality of the average /tip/ poster.

>> No.15453599

>mind ur own biz lol
That wasn't even my point, dim wit, you usually don't choose to get sick but you choose to smoke, which hurts you, how do you not get this? Honestly, it's good that smokers exist since it gets rid of hedonists like you, I'm really happy to know that you have a higher chance of infertility so that you won't spread your genes.
You never even addressed the point about Christianity, now, tell me, are you a Christian or not?
Also, just a friendly reminder to everyone that when a child is dying of leukemia, money that could been spent on finding new treatments or even cures is instead spent on people with no control over there lives.
Smoking is a waste of time, waste of money (not only your money), kills people, hurts others around you and turns people into neurotic, 10 minute pleasure obsessed "people".

>> No.15453605

Why do you smoke? What benefits does it offer? Everything about it seems like a drawback. Is it purely an addiction to whatever tobacco companies put in them that keeps you throwing money at them?

>> No.15453611

>Stop trying to sound smart
I'm not trying to, the fact that you think I'm trying to sound smart makes you a massive retard, also, this isn't an argument.
>you didn't get a single point right
Then would you by any chance like to refute what I just said or are you just going to be a pussy, idly standing doing nothing whatsoever in a fight that you joined?

>> No.15453625

>Why do you smoke?
I like smoking, simple as. I don't buy shitty cigarettes full of chemicals because they taste like shit.

>I'm not trying to
Yes you are, stop writing like a stuffy idiot.
>then would you by any chance like to refute what I just said
You just made a bunch of assumptions about me that all turned out to be wrong, what's there to refute. Also you're retarded christ cuck and your "Jesus would encourage smoking" argument as literally 0 value except to other retards like you.
This is exactly what I was saying at the beginning. Stop trying to "help" smokers, they don't care about your preaching, they just want you to mind your own fucking business.

>> No.15453632

Not him
To be fair you were the one who brought up cigarettes in the first place, and even said "Fight me". If that wasn't you then you have taken offense on behalf of another anon.

>> No.15453660

>Jeb in a dress and wig
>W. with a monobrow

>> No.15453664

You choose to get sick by not living in a bubble.

>> No.15453666

Huntsville, Alabama.

>> No.15453689
File: 84 KB, 760x570, 2D9856014-today-bush-socks-131205-02.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on loud socks?

>> No.15453704

>Do my weekly drop-in to r/Navy Blazer to see whats up
>Crosslinked post from r/Male Fashion Advice
>Check the sub out of curiousity
>Every other post is f2m trannies
>Someone says that while "man" refers to gender, "male" refers to sex
>Buried in downvotes immediately
>"Male can mean gender or sex"
Holy shit, reddit is fucking shithole.

>> No.15453710
File: 454 KB, 2048x1309, 16BUSHss-slide-1HPB-superJumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15453721

This fit got shit on in the last thread, why start with it now?

>> No.15453722

>Yes you are, stop writing like a stuffy idiot.
Stop embarrassing yourself, seriously. This sentence alone shows how much of a brainlet you are.
>You just made a bunch of assumptions about me that all turned out to be wrong, what's there to refute.
I made two assumptions, one of which is that you have no self control, which is probably true, it is with most smokers, I've seen it before but you just don't want to admit it, plus, nicotine is addictive. You can of course tell me how many times a day you smoke to prove me wrong but I bet you that you will say that you smoke less to prove your point.
>Also you're retarded christ cuck and your "Jesus would encourage smoking" argument as literally 0 value except to other retards like you.
Can you not write a sentence properly? Hahahaha Anyway, you're the one who brought up Christianity so I'm assuming that you were a Christian, ironically you're starting to sound like one of those atheists that you mentioned. I never said that Jesus woukd encourage smoking, holy shit, you are the biggest retard I know of.
>This is exactly what I was saying at the beginning. Stop trying to "help" smokers, they don't care about your preaching, they just want you to mind your own fucking business.
Right, since you mentioned the point about Christianity then you definitely saw my point about it hurting others, why are you so disingenuous? Also, if you wouldn't care about others calling you out for smoking then you wouldn't of been having this "discussion" with me, why do you care what a person on the internet says after all? We can all see that you regret smoking and that you're insecure about it, you definitely have some doubts, it's quite amusing to me, really.
I have already given you enough time, you brought up zero solid arguments but of course you can try again and show me why smoking is good for society and others, not just because you find it pleasurable.

>> No.15453726

Holy shit folks, we have got a real thinker right here! You're just not very bright, now are you? Do you seriously think that this is was a good point? Humans were made to live in the outdoors, not to smoke. I'm not even going to give you anymore time because this is something that a child would come up with, fuxk off

>> No.15453741

I get the feeling that OP wanted to start the thread on a humorous note

>> No.15453744

>humans were made to live outdoors
>More than 419,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. each year are linked to indoor tanning
Holy shit, I'm glad that skin cancer is literally going to kill you, you fucking hedonist. If you would just stay the fuck inside, we could save so much money on skin cancer research, and probably every other communicable disease. But nope, you can't just live your isolated in a bubble because you are a retarded hedonist who wants to die of skin cancer, and wants to spread your germs around to everyone else.

>> No.15453759

You are so juvenile...

>> No.15453769

>stay inside goy
>don't go outside
>don't enjoy nature
>don't gain a greater appreciation for the Earth and its wonders
>don't spend your free time walking, hiking, camping, or any other outdoor activities
>stay inside and consoom goy
>if you don't you'll get skin cancer

>> No.15453783

>indoor tanning
Hahaha your own source literally goes against what you said! xD
Like I mentioned, you're very juvenile, humans evolved outside in nature and so we should obviously be out in it, I mean, how is this not clear? Yes, you will be at a higher risk of things but you aren't necessarily wanting it and you may not even get it, most smokers get cancer. You're definitely trolling, there's no question about it, I'm really not going to waste anymore time on you.

>> No.15453791

literally everyone else dresses like slovenly niggers these days
t. lawyer

>> No.15453871

Smokers btfo

>> No.15453985

How buttblasted are you lmao, I'm not reading this drivel
Stop throwing shitfits over other people's life choices retard, you'll be a lot happier

>> No.15454008
File: 105 KB, 634x845, 1596132751177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pants should I have for my dark brown suede chelsa boots? i got them for 70% off

>> No.15454026

Justin Theroux pants

>> No.15454101

Fucking hell! The nerve of these SLIM shitting discord cocksuckers!

>> No.15454108

Yes. That anon is a menswear troll don’t listen

>> No.15454115

throw out the boots faggot

>> No.15454117

Please don’t post off topic thanks. Discuss tip fashion or apparel

>> No.15454120

Grim. But to be fair its soul sucking to even walk from car to building in a suit
t. Louisiana

>> No.15454123

You just admitted that you're too much of a retard to read all of that and your only argument is that what I wrote is "drivel". Consider suicide instead of smoking, you will die quicker and it won't affect anyone in a bad way.

>> No.15454129

Does BB even make any 100% cotton chinos anymore?

>> No.15454135

Yes, obviously they do

>> No.15454163

I don't have time to waste reading some christ cuck cope about smoking, don't fool yourself thinking you're smart.
You write like a stuffy little cunt but you have nothing interesting to say. My advice to you is shut the fuck up forever and humble up.

>> No.15454189
File: 9 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall/winter lineups hitting stores any day now

>> No.15454254

Oh fuck off, please, you really tire me and anyone else how read your lame arguments
Go fuck yourself, you're the one who brought it up, yet you're too retarded to realise otherwise.
I think that it's you who needs to shut the fuck up unless that's already done for you since you probably have throat cancer lol
Remember me when you will be gasping for your last breath of air, cunt :)

>> No.15454303
File: 234 KB, 210x528, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, that looks like my graduation's ceremony clothes

>> No.15454316

Jesus Christ calm down you sperg, smoke a cigarette or something jeez

>> No.15454377

Hahahahaha I'm pretty calm, what are you on about? lol I was just saying what many would, you sound like a truly pathetic "person" and the thought of your death really excites me and many others too, what's wrong with that lol hahaha
No, I don't think that I will stoop down to your level :)

>> No.15454390

Why you post niggers retard only white people can be prep

>> No.15454412

It's b8, m8

>> No.15454440

Oh shit now I feel like a retard

>> No.15454442

>sprezzaturafags are literal fags
can't make this shit up

>> No.15454458

>they're talking about fucking each other
You can't make this shit up
Nice trips, btw, anon ;)

>> No.15454473

love me some white supremacist tears

>> No.15454613

Go to your favorite brands website. I gurantee blacks are overrepresented.

>> No.15454628
File: 33 KB, 780x438, 190311172923-tucker-carlson-file-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where Tucker gets his ties? The shirts are Mercer and Sons, and the blazer is JPress.

>> No.15454639

1984 tier faggotry

>> No.15454642
File: 106 KB, 720x720, 316b8b45c7e7983b0825499005b5558e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faux News

>> No.15454647
File: 70 KB, 564x737, 2b954e6e4c8175a10905910dc666c52f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or is his shirt way too tight? Like this would look goofy and uncomfortable in anything but this perfect static pose.

>> No.15454654
File: 21 KB, 277x367, 53cbf6bb17aa3c6e0da441c3aaba6231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15454715

you are right. the low rise pants looks awful too

>> No.15454735

It’s tight but it’s preppy, the looser you go the more Trad it gets

>> No.15454865

>he thinks this is what prep looks like

>> No.15454873

he's just bloated from drinks on the quai anoche
have you never watched a cycle of antm before?

>> No.15454890
File: 2.26 MB, 2988x5312, 1544460276834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes the best sweaters for lounging around the house? I haven't seen another person outside the grocery store in weeks

>> No.15454904

brioni, brunello cuicinelli, john smedley, or loro piana

>> No.15454912
File: 1.62 MB, 1125x1508, D9058DF0-E0FD-4E09-838F-279E1157A18A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15454916

Fuck off sprezzoturo fa/g

>> No.15454920

Recommend a sneaker for jogging

>> No.15454926

Of it fits your personality

>> No.15454929

Not being facetious here but honestly ask sneaker general they know their sneakers

>> No.15454935

?? confused here

>> No.15454943

a couple anons here are obsessed and seething, ignore them.
For lounging I prefer sweatshirts. You can get loopwheeled ones from Buzz Rickson or Warehouse off Rakuten for $100 or so. Softest piling you will ever feel in your life.

>> No.15454953

Loop wheel is king for sweatshirts. Be prepared to shell out though

>> No.15454963

Off to your gay Italian menswear SEXCORE containment thread please

>> No.15455002

ohh haha you're one of the shitposters

>> No.15455064

No clue what you’re talking about we don’t use discord on tip

>> No.15455150


>> No.15455205

Post your slim shitter fit

>> No.15455218

because you're upset you can't afford a cashmere sweater?

>> No.15455232

is this you? >>15454427

>> No.15455693


>> No.15455739

Why are people calling that bait? Some people are a bit retarded...

>> No.15455797
File: 40 KB, 389x400, 3E9351A7-9897-428E-87E9-923B8AF94466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some tips on wearing hats while being /tip/? I like all hats but I prefer classic brimmed hats (>inb4 muh neckbeards from 10 years ago ruined them) I enjoy hats very much and think they complete and outfit nicely. I’m just wondering what advice those of you who are going to be positive about hats have because it’s often pretty hard to put together and outfit in which a lot of hats work with it.

>> No.15455804
File: 343 KB, 1263x2004, IMG_20200803_134056906~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a drape check on a new summer weight shirt? I think it's quite classic yet no turning me into a potato sack.

>> No.15455805
File: 336 KB, 1181x2361, IMG_20200803_134107125~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15455806
File: 373 KB, 1431x2183, IMG_20200803_134128968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nape hair begging for a clean up included.

>> No.15455821

Nice, bruv. Who's the maker?

>> No.15455829

Looks great. That's a beautiful collar.

>> No.15455839
File: 449 KB, 1080x1776, IMG_20200803_134541_915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, it's Czech RTW, but they ship all over EU.
Here's a closeup of the fabric (sweater fluff included), if anyone wants to see.

>> No.15456011
File: 37 KB, 397x500, 80de20dbbd7664677c874c43350fc62f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What keeps you motivated bros? No matter how well you dress, how hard you studied, how much you make, trad women just don't exist anymore. I did everything thing my life right, 4.0 GPA from a private university, I'm /fit/ and still actively compete in wrestling competitions, and I make 75k at age 29. Every piece I own is from BB, JPress, or Mercer and Sons and almost all have been tailored.

And what women selection is there? Garbage. They all wear sweatpants or yoga pants to work. They have tattoos. I found one girl who dressed nice, had no tattoos, and was intelligent (but also Jewish)...then I found out her college nickname was Tova Hova (because she was a ho), and that she livestreamed herself giving a blowjob to a fratboy on a dare. What's the fucking point of any of this? We are dinosaurs living in a age that doesn't want us. Do you ever just want to say "fuck it", and trade in your wardrobe for jeans and graphic tees, and instead of working out or reading the classics, just watch Netflix while smoking weed?

>> No.15456018

Imagine living in America and trying to be tip

>> No.15456022

Probably because all the shoes look like trash

>> No.15456145

Had it not been been for uni and the occasional side job in the field, I'd be a near-complete shut-in. I'm 24 yo KV who still lives with my parents, yet I'm not terrorized by depressive thoughts.
Take care of your body and your mind, choose your friends carefully and don't let the heckin boogeymenerinos live in your head rent-free.
Know that there is happiness and beauty in the world and they are both incredibly resilient.

>> No.15456165

You had me all the way up to "do you ever just want to say fuck it." Life sucks and all but you should still have a life you're proud of even if you are a dinosaur.

>> No.15456289

I mean, I'all for that "fuck off, we're full" thing, but in all seriousness you should come to Central/Eastern Europe. Poland/Slovakia are good choices, but they're getting culturally enriched by Jews, so maybe Ukraine or Belarus. Don't come if you're a nigger or look like le 56%.
China is a good option too, if you don't mind licking the governments boot. USA is a lost cause.

>> No.15456552

Can't wait for Marvin to run tb h

>> No.15456575

In most of fashion shots/ Instagram shots like this where the model has their sleeves rolled up it's because the shirt is way too small and would look goofy with the sleeves down.

>> No.15456856


>> No.15457189

alas, thread dead

>> No.15457202

There is a golden 2 hours where no one is posting. Euros aren't up, east coasters are asleep, central time is eating dinner, west coasters can't be /tip/ but they're awake. This is when you get organized cuckposting in the thread

>> No.15457450
File: 629 KB, 1125x654, BAB81E10-5F92-45F0-BEED-2E40A91BBE89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Do u expect when the entire thread starts with a non tip outfit as the op. This is the only general that is so completely toxic (narcissistic/masochistic) even our own posters can’t take the thread seriously enough to post an actual on topic relevant thread image

>> No.15457494
File: 202 KB, 1024x682, 20761744979_95cd276c78_o-1024x682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15457495

i am begging you to roll up those sleeves, you look like a robot

>> No.15457502

i dont need women to keep me motivated. i like these things because i like it. i look at myself in the morning and i like how i look and the person ive become. if youre worrying about sex that just means that youre failing in other ways that prevent you from being happy.

youll make it. we'll all make it.

>> No.15457629

>local country club is begging for donations or they risk going out of business because of Covid
This sucks.

>> No.15457645

Sorry for your hardship, Brad.

>> No.15457667

>instead of working out or reading the classics, just watch Netflix while smoking weed
Why would you give up on yourself? Have you seen the people who do what you said? There is nothing appealing about that lifestyle. Self-improvement should always be a goal in life.
>caring what women think
>caring about women at all
Be better than that. Everything you do should be to elevate yourself and those around you.
Also post fit, I want to see /fittip/

>> No.15458034

Watching that movie right now

>> No.15458071

Baste. good inspo in there enjoy

>> No.15458076
File: 494 KB, 1243x736, option 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up lads. I need penny loafer advice for conferences/church/etc. Body type is tall ectomorph.

pic related is option 1

>> No.15458079
File: 621 KB, 1048x661, option 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

option 2

or if they're both ugly I'd appreciate some shoe recs

>> No.15458124

animal house has better inspo
is this b8

>> No.15458139

I tried a 1k loro piana sweater on as a whim when I was buying sweaters at Ralph Lauren last year. Softest clothing I've ever held, but there was absolutely nothing to the material at all- it felt like it would tear quite easily

>> No.15458146

A lot of chicks around my age, 19-22, are into the Dark Academia aesthetic- which is just, Ivy league but purposely all dark and gloomy looking. A lot are into liberal arts, which is cool too, specifically in the realm of classical literature and philosophy. I think you were just literally born in the wrong cohort, so the look of your liking- or rather, an aesthetic comparable to your tastes- isn't as widely shared.

>> No.15458224

That doesn't make them less of a bunch of promiscuous whores who would make horrible mothers.

>> No.15458377

You are mentally ill. Have sex once in a while, might just help

>> No.15458405

Are you a woman?

>> No.15458441

Why aren't you having sex?

>> No.15458455

>Focus less on discipline, virtue, and parenthood and more on sex
Go. Back.

>> No.15458475

Are you a woman?

>> No.15458478

Get a whore if you need to, but please have sexual relations asap

>> No.15458498

Are you a woman?

>> No.15458509 [DELETED] 

Quit spamming you autismo fuckwit

>> No.15458514

>penny loafer advice

>> No.15458515

Quit spamming you autismo fuckwit

>> No.15458568

You definitely lack experience with women. Maybe keep looking or find a means to not judge the ones who aren't dressing well. You sound like a retard generalizing as you are.

>> No.15458577

God, I hate Americans

>> No.15458628

We don't think about you at all :)

>> No.15458709

Both ugly. Rancourt seems to be the standard here. I’ve got some Allen Edmonds cavanaughs that I really like which are similar in price. They’re also having a sale right now.

>> No.15458717
File: 1000 KB, 640x1136, 18744C84-FBD6-45F9-A1B4-1639D310DF9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a fit check?

>> No.15458751

I would wear penny loafers instead, but very good otherwise.
Id on pants?

>> No.15458830

ooh very nice. only issue I notice is that the jacket looks fused, based on how flat the lapels are. get a nicer one that doesnt have black buttons

>> No.15458832

Yes! Absolutely change out those buttons. And I agree about the shoes - boat shoes are so overrated.

>> No.15458856

Pants are L. L. Bean double L chinos, classic fit. Not the most /tip/ but a great economical buy.

Interesting. I have not heard of fused jackets. This one is from J. Press. How can I tell if it’s fused or not?
Buttons are actually a deep brown.

>> No.15458879

You write like a woman lol

>> No.15458907

Does Brooks Brothers do free alterations on their blazers, or only on suits? Is their 3/2 navy blazers something they will have in-store? The nearest BB is an hour drive.

>> No.15458931

Ahh yes, I'm afraid everything made by J.Press, even their presidential line, is fused. This means that in between the fabric, there is no free floating canvas layer for structure

>> No.15458947
File: 454 KB, 720x1080, _200804_131619_716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the fused suit, the canvas is glued to the front face of the jacket

>> No.15459040

That’s too bad. I really like the jacket still, so I’m not going to sweat it, but that’s good to know for the future.

>> No.15459506
File: 400 KB, 720x1280, 20200804_141822_275-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first haircut since febuary and i walked out with this
lord help me

>> No.15459509

Should've showed him the Ralph Lauren pictures that some of the other anons gave you.

>> No.15459513
File: 436 KB, 720x1280, 20200804_183512_973-edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she, and in the end i settled on playing it safe and getting my usual because i might not have a chance to get another cut this fucking year if my government keeps acting fucking retarded. only, i didnt get my usual cut, i got this.

at least it sorta works with the bandanna i now need to wrap round my face every time i want to buy so much as a jug of fucking milk now, the thick fucking cunts.

>> No.15459523

Honestly, it doesn't look that bad, I think you're sort of overreacting, it doesn't even look that different from the last one we saw desu.

>> No.15459527

its not so bad now i suppose, but yesterday when i got it i walked out looking like some sort of shitty beatles tribute act. personally i think its too short, could do with about an inch more length in the sides and back.

>> No.15459532

that said, what do you make of the partially tucked bandana? im wondering if i shouldnt see about getting something i can wear a similar way made out of a nicer fabric, perhaps a vintage patterned scarf or something and make myself look a little modish.

>> No.15459534

Don't you talk to the hairdresser? it's kind of your fault so don't complain about it...

>> No.15459538

fuck me anon i tried, i even showed her pictures of my hair at its best but for the life of me ive had no luck getting what i want out of a haircut from her. its like i tell her one thing and she thinks "nah, this would look better" and i wind up with nothing like what i asked for. im sure part of its down to my communication but this is taking the biscuit. might try a more expensive hair salon next time, see if i cant get a cut where i actually talk to the person for a bit first.

>> No.15459567

Fair enough, same thing happened to me a couple of times, i even got laughed at because of how it looked (it looked fine from the front but really fucked from the side and especially the back), I guess that you just have to go to one hairdresser unless you want to die. Like I said, it doesn't look too bad so don't worry about it, anon, it won't make it any better and will make you insecure when talking to people, and people may notice, I was been pretty conscious about it but no one noticed. So yeah, don't be too apprehensive because you think that your cut looks like shit.

>> No.15459584

fair enough. cheers for the honestly and the helpful attitude, anon. its refreshing with how silly the threads have become lately.

you any thoughts on the scarf thing?

>> No.15459601

>there is happiness and beauty in the world and they are both incredibly resilient
whitepilled again :))

>> No.15459625

It's my pleasure to, also, it's really frustrating how the threads were starting to get good but then some guy had to bring all that stuff in, you know what I'm talking about.
On the matter of the scarf, of course, I think that it would look much better than a bandanna although you would have to go with silk or even cashmere scarves since wool is too scratchy which is I'm sure something that you already know by now.

>> No.15459649

yeah, im just flicking through the gents gazette videos on them at the moment. im thinking pure silk is what i want ideally, theres a lot of vintage mod paisley and patterned scarves on ebay i could buy cheap to play around with. my main thought at the moment is how do i best wear such a scarf so that i can raise it over my mouth now that im fucking legally required to do so? bandanna makes that kinda easy as is.

>> No.15459669

I couldn't really help you on that bit since I barely even wear scarves. I could tell you this and it's that you ideally want to get a long scarf, once you do you can just go online and search some ways that you could tie it so that it would cover your mouth. Its lucky that you live in the Southern Hemisphere since you wear all these layers.

>> No.15459682

Anyone got a rec on some heavy looking penny loafers? I want that rough handmade look to go with my raw denim and loop wheel sweatshirt over an ocbd

>> No.15459685
File: 290 KB, 1581x2560, 81GH4zeFUEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, I forgot to load the image. I already have the pants and shirt from this image

>> No.15459692

Officine Creative

>> No.15459698

Thank you for the recommendation

>> No.15459704


i live in the north of england, its either miserable and pissing it down or boiling with godawful humidity and 0 wind.

>> No.15459744
File: 145 KB, 700x783, tmr-dg-navblaz-cl2-loafers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get some loafers like this in the pic? Bass Weejun colorblocks aren't very available in the UK.

>> No.15459798

you got a lot more to worry about than a scarf ffs
you still look like a greasy school shooter

>> No.15459805

Ah, okay, I'm still quite surprised that you can wear a peacoat thoigh, lucky you! If you don't mind me asking, what do you normally wear underneath it?

>> No.15459847

thanks, anon

depends. given where i live and the sorts of things others wear around i will just dress it down with a tshirt or a polo and cords if im feeling lazy, the loafers sorta lift the look back up a little anyway. if i want to look good ill wear a button up under it, but besides an all white seersucker, some cheap corduroy shirts i bought purely because they were cheap and comfortable, a white OBDC thats honestly not worth the £6 i payed for it on sale years ago, and a white and blue tm lewin shirt i need to slim down a little to fit into i am honestly severely letting my look down there quite a bit at the moment.

>> No.15459883

>Take blazer to tailor to have sleeves shortened
>sleeve now looks twisted
Kill me.

>> No.15459893

Where's the shirt from?

>> No.15459933

Very good

>> No.15459939

Does BB do M2M blazers, or only suits?

>> No.15459941

Rancourt does custom colors.

>> No.15459961


>> No.15460030

Anyone have any experience with the online m2m suit manufacturers? I live pretty far away from any place you would actually want to buy a suit from.

>> No.15460133
File: 84 KB, 700x700, rancourt beefroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, Rancourt. The Beefroll looks much better with denim and nails the rough, handmade vibe. They are actually handmade as well.

>> No.15460151

I just have to save up. I start getting big boy paychecks in September.

>> No.15460173

Just ignore me next time I ask lol

>> No.15460188
File: 187 KB, 1030x1263, 4Unu10N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fall lineups when?

>> No.15460340

Can’t stand the look of beefRoll only fatassses Americunts would buy a shoe called beef roll that literally looks like an uncooked piece of meat

>> No.15460389
File: 446 KB, 725x712, rancourt weltline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, lots of people have bad taste, you aren't alone.
Rancourt has that covered as well.

>> No.15460509
File: 1.16 MB, 480x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4D chess

>> No.15460718

Kill the tailor instead

>> No.15460811

Nice ! Can we know brands ?

>> No.15460871

>t. pajeet

>> No.15460873

Oxford and sport coat are from J. Press. Pants, belt, and shoes are all L. L. Bean.

>> No.15461169

I think it's good

>> No.15461462

Why do you only wear shirts underneath the pea coat, is it because it would be too hot to wear more layers? Desu, if I were you I would rather wear a thinner coat but with jumpers and ocbd instead of what you wear at the moment.

>> No.15461579

a few reasons. ive a limited wardrobe atm, im putting it together one thrifted item at a time. coats are also more convenient. too hot? open it, or just take it off. taking off a sweater is less convenient than a coat. i only really wear sweaters at all in the winter. also i have a habit of winding up with the shape of my phone worn into my trousers, so ive opted to instead use my coat pockets as they will flex less and look better with things in them. coats are pretty underrated desu. i do want a lighter coat at some point though, a brass buttoned navy blazer would be handy but fuck if i'm likely to thrift one of those. likewise, a sports coat is on the horizon i just havent decided what i want out of one atm.

>> No.15461848

get a haircut, or just wash your hair

>> No.15461853

toss me off

>> No.15461886

If you’re over 14 then kys

>> No.15461895

Lmao you look like some twink alien

>> No.15461903

Start lifting. You got embarrassingly flat chest and/or lordosis

>> No.15461944

Bro bean is /tip/py as hell

>> No.15461952

Well, if you have a 100% wool jumper, you shouldn't really be too hot unless you're wearing it in the summer (I have actually worn wool jumpers throughout this years summer) since wool is breathable.
>a brass buttoned navy blazer would be handy but fuck
I have found a couple in my size so I think that you should be able to find some on eBay. I wouldn't wear a navy blazer as a coat though, a duffle or waxed coat would be better imo.
Ignore the guy insulting you about your hair :p

>> No.15461960

seething fatty

>> No.15462011

Bean is good, the pants are treated to make them wrinkle-free and stain-resistant, so not quite the all natural vibe of /tip/. I was more referring to the price tag. I was expecting some asshole to shit on me for wearing sub-$250 pants.

>> No.15462047

Frugality is an underrated /tip/ value.

>> No.15462063

i dont own any 100% wool sweaters unfortunately, theyre a touch pricey for a thriftfag like myself.

id really like a lighter coat or jacket i can wear in warm weather for convenience, a navy blazer would be ideal for that imo. alas, they tend to run pricey on ebay for anything good, more or less the same price as some of the more expensive stuff ive bought new in the past.

also yeah, hes kinda retarded.

this desu

>> No.15462080

I keep it thrifty myself. I'm saving up for a house so I can buy one (or at least put down a significant amount towards one) as soon as my fiancee and I get married. So I haven't copped anything new or retail for a few years now

>> No.15462083


>> No.15462121


>> No.15462135

>i dont own any 100% wool sweaters unfortunately, theyre a touch pricey for a thriftfag like myself.
You can find many for a decent price on eBay, although, yes, it will take bit of time searching which I'm sure that you wouldn't mind since as you said, you only wear jumpers in the winter. I'm not sure what your financial situation is like but you can definitely find high quality, wool jumpers for less than £30 as long as you are patient.

>> No.15462148

sensible. we were too til corona cleared our fucking bank balance. now itll be a boat to get the fuck out and go somewhere less retarded.

probably just a patience game i suppose, and having the cash set aside to snap up something nice when it does show up. a lot of the time tho i see something nice come along, keep tabs on it, and it shoots up to stupid money in the final hour of bidding. i dont understand the people who bid before the last 10 minutes or so of an auction, like what do you hope to accomplish with that?

>> No.15462171

How did people in the 60s always wear wool suits every day? How often did they take them to cleaners? I find I never want to wear my wool shit because I don't want to be bothered going to the cleaners.

>> No.15462212

You barely have to wash wool because it has oils which kill bacteria, and even if you feel like you will have to wash it then just do it by hand.

>> No.15462231

That sucks. Sorry dude. Hopefully the universe stops with this shit soon

>> No.15462309

How old were you when you realized canvassing was a meme?

>> No.15462651

S&M has 20% off of their casual trousers, many of which are already on sale. Stock up on your greenos, gentlemen.

>> No.15462773

The chest pocket of your Members Only jacket, duh.

>> No.15463139

Not much, I have wool sweaters that I haven't cleaned in 2 years and they don't smell bad

>> No.15463143

>then I found out her college nickname was Tova Hova (because she was a ho), and that she livestreamed herself giving a blowjob to a fratboy on a dare. What's the fucking point of any of this?

hahaha c'mon, this is pretty out there, even for modern women. Exactly how many red flags did you ignore? This reads like cuck fetish porn.

>> No.15463147

>Pants are L. L. Bean double L chinos, classic fit. Not the most /tip/ but a great economical buy.

How's the rise? I'm in the market for some cheap transitional chinos until I can be fucked to get some M2M stuff.

>> No.15463150
File: 159 KB, 361x423, 1595200099585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15463156 [DELETED] 

>Every piece I own is from BB, JPress, or Mercer and Sons and almost all have been tailored.

I feel ya but don't be so pretentious, you're bordering on sounding really autistic or some kinda Elliot Rodger who thinks because he has x and y it will automatically get him z.

Imagine meeting a woman:

>where are all the good guys at?
>every piece of clothing is from "insert store"
>i did everything i'm supposed to, to get a great guy!!

That would be a huge red flag, so maybe the issue is somewhat with you.

>> No.15463160

>Every piece I own is from BB, JPress, or Mercer and Sons and almost all have been tailored.

I feel ya but don't be so pretentious, you're bordering on sounding really autistic or like some kinda Elliot Rodger who thinks because he has x and y it will automatically get him z.

Imagine meeting a woman:

>where are all the good guys at?
>every piece of clothing i own is from "insert store"
>i did everything i'm supposed to, to get a great guy!!

That would be a huge red flag, so maybe the issue is somewhat with you.

>> No.15463177

>where are all the good guys at?
>every piece of clothing i own is from "insert store"
>i did everything i'm supposed to, to get a great guy!!
Nobody talks like this you dicrepit swamp creature, how about you go outside for once?

>> No.15463186 [DELETED] 

Can you even read your fucking tard, that's what the poster basically said who I am replying to. Jeez! The IQ on this board!

>you dicrepit swamp creature

Now what yo momma called me.

>> No.15463187

Can you even read your fucking tard, that's what the poster basically said who I am replying to. Jeez! The IQ on this board!

>you dicrepit swamp creature

Not what yo momma called me last night.

>> No.15463190

No where did he ever say that he had a conversation like that, holy shit, you are actually the biggest retard to post on this entire board, in fact, in all of 4chan! How does it feel, knowing that you're the biggest retard here?
Also, you write like a nigger lol

>> No.15463197

It was an analogy, you utter and total brianlet regarding how if someone thinks they have done things "right" it means they will get what they desire when life isn't like that, it's not a mathematical equation.

Holy shit, you're stupid. How do you even member when to breathe? Lol insanely low IQ.

>> No.15463203

my man right here be clinically retarded lmao

>> No.15463210

whats up with all deleted posts?

>> No.15463213

Lol this.

It's called correcting a typo and re-posting.

>> No.15463217

Holy shit, I just realised that I misread what you said......

>> No.15463224

I accept your apology, good of you to admit your mistakes.

>> No.15463231

T-thank you ._.

>> No.15463262

>Fall collections still not out
I'm getting nervous, bros. Are they going to be cancelled because of covid?

>> No.15463477

When did you realize how bad vanity sizing has gotten for men? I wear a size 32 pant in everything. I bought a vintage 1960 size-32 pant from Brook's Brothers off ebay, and couldn't even get closed to fastening the button. Measured my waist just out of curiosity, and it measures 38".

>> No.15463523

You are so fuxking fat, lose weight, piggy.

>> No.15463524
File: 36 KB, 736x365, tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is how to deal with retarded tripfags

>> No.15463531

I don't care about a womans sexual history, or about women for that matter. I like the company sometimes and I like sex, but I don't want to occupy any mental space with another persons business. I care about myself and my family. I don't care about some chicks backstory.

Funnily enough, I am dating an almost NOS Latina chick at the moment who fits your remit perfectly, but that is not at all what attracted me to her.

>> No.15463549

Reminder that nobody cares. Cecil is pretty cool. People can just ignore him if they want, they don't need to go through all that autistic shit you are typing. You're worse than a tripfag. We get it, you know how to filter, we get it, you want attention showing that you have filtered people. Now please go and spam another thread.

>> No.15463656

Ok Cecil

>> No.15463720

That's not fat, skelly retard. Go starve to death lol

>> No.15463721

>Cecil is pretty cool
Top kek

>> No.15463726

Cringe. Go spam another thread retards.

>> No.15463730

Please suck on a shotgun, tripfag-lover

>> No.15463733

Why does this board even allow tripfags? Literally none of them have ever contributed anything positive to the board.

>> No.15463737

"I want to kill people for thinking someone who uses a trip is ok"

You're mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.15463738

Sadly it doesn't work for me. Why will nothing save me from Cecil's retardation?

>> No.15463740

Did he strike a nerve, Cecil? You seem upset.

>> No.15463743

You are jumping on the bandwagon for attention. Nothing at all what he said was retarded. I doubt you even read his post. Grow up.

>> No.15463744
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I want to kill people for thinking someone who uses a trip is ok"

>> No.15463746

Cecil always ruins threads with his shit, has he ever posted a fit?

>> No.15463748

Cope. I'm not Cecil. He made a post and he had a point. That was it. Now there is post after post derailing the thread for no reason and then you blame the bogeymen "tripfags" for it when it is yourselves. Mentally ill.

>> No.15463751

Holy shit, Cecil, you're really asshurt right now! You're so mad you even turned off your trip to white knight for yourself! Really embarrassing display.

>> No.15463754

OK schitzo.

>> No.15463758

He hasn't. The biggest shit talkers never have the balls to post fits.

>> No.15463763

>Cope. I'm not Cecil.
Who are you then, his boyfriend? His mom? Because you're wasting a lot of time and effort replying to every single post that says something negative about your precious tripfag.

>> No.15463765

Gonna be honest, don’t think anyone in the thread really wants more.

>> No.15463766

>accusing cecil of not having balls to post

LOL. Newfag.

>> No.15463769

Ok Cecil

>> No.15463770

Using a trip is not ok unless it is thread specific it’s a violation

>> No.15463773

I am replying to you derailing the thread over fucking nothing. Some guy posted how he can't find a decent woman even though he gets his clothes tailored and Cecil pointed out that's a bit silly. That's it. He never even said shit about someones fit or anything. You are just shitting up the thread for no fucking reason. Boredom or just sad.

>> No.15463774

Alright, Cecil's white knight, show us your boyfriend's fits. I'm sure they're of superb quality, just like his posts.

>> No.15463777

based cecil making all these larpers seethe

>> No.15463780

>derailing the thread
Lol. You're the one responding to every shitpost with a paragraph, fucking autist. You should have just shut up, but you had to poke people. Ironically, your rage posts about people "derailing muh precious thread" have detrailed it further than they originally did.

>> No.15463784

T. Cecil

>> No.15463790

Cringe mentally ill.

>> No.15463794

Yeah, that describes you pretty well.

>> No.15463795

Why? Does seeing niggers bother you? Are you a racist?

>> No.15463800
File: 908 KB, 1101x619, the honkler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mad

>> No.15463801
File: 83 KB, 700x911, polo-ralph-lauren-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, now that the tripfag autism fest is over, it's time for inspo.

>> No.15463803
File: 2.05 MB, 4172x2184, IMG_20200404_145837_879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I was being measured by a tailor years ago. I had the exact same issue and was briefly disgusted by myself before I went back to smoking, eating and drinking whatever I want because who fucking cares.

In other news I won't shooting on the 12th this year because of Covid. Fucking kill me. Tweeds will need to wait till pheasants in November.

>> No.15463804

Cringe lol. Keep replying, autist.

>> No.15463805
File: 791 KB, 1417x2048, a7368fd48a9e410dc3bdf9a64fe83f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15463815

>50 years old ads

lol. nobody dresses like this today you teenager autist.

>> No.15463816

Because the asshole put leading and ending spaces in his name . At some point someone is going to have make a complaint to admin because he is purposely misusing and abusing the system. Just so that you are forced to view his countless off topic posts .

>> No.15463827

point out his off topic post. go ahead. if not, you can be reported for low quality posts.

>> No.15463832

Where are you anon? Guessing UK but whereabouts? That picture looks gorgeous

>> No.15463848

I am being forced to address his
off topic
Spamming flooding posts because he is in my tip thread. He doesn’t dress tip and he literally in here just draw all the attention on to his mentally ill shitposting

>> No.15463851

I unironically saw people dress like that everyday when I lived in a posh seaside neighborhood back in 2010, minus the sweaters. It probably hasn’t changed, although some thots may have begun to wear sweaters despite the heat.

>> No.15463857

show us your photos of you dressing tip and then we will allow you to post itt. idiot.

>> No.15463869

I don’t even bother remembering sizes anymore. Last year I bought a quite nice pair of Italian trousers and they came at 32. Few weeks later I went to Benetton to see how their shit is and I happened to find an interesting pair of pants. 32 barely fit my leg, and when I questioned the sales assistant they said “oh, it is because we use Italian measurements”. The size that fit me ended up being 48. My waist is 37, so I don’t know what is up with that.

>> No.15463872

New thread

>> No.15464311

Less of a commentary on the content being posted, more of a commentary on how you’re blindly saying “will post more later” despite every response to the photo set being negative.

Some of the fits are just very bad as well.