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15450439 No.15450439[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get this look as a a POC. The endgame is a qt gf but I’m afraid I’ll get torn down for wanting to dress better by both ghetto niggers and crusty crackers.

> nerdy lanklet
> live in mainly white area
> doomed?

>> No.15450451


It's okay, just roam around campus a be a whiny little fag. You'll get a dumb cunt to fall in your lap in no time

>> No.15450452

What do you wear now?

>> No.15450458

Are you just a POC or black? You sound like a faggot and your attitude won’t get you any gf with redeemable qualities

>> No.15450465

Moms half fillipino and dads black.

>> No.15450473

Just do it.

>> No.15450530
File: 2.40 MB, 429x592, See Eye Ayyy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares what getto boomers and crusty niggers think?

>> No.15450578

Just one up everybody. Maybe hit the gym some. Focus on you king.

>> No.15450584
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>> No.15450618
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worst of both worlds, post your face retard.

>> No.15450630

Despite what bitter faggots in /tip/ may have told you, white people (including even old school white southerners) like it when black people dress well and speak properly. People today will tell you this is a form of racism and black people will tell you they like it because you're an Uncle Tom, but the reality is because dressing and speaking well are qualities that white people value in general. Look at which white people other white people look down on. It's the ones who dress like rednecks, trailer trash, or wiggers and have worse diction than ESL Asians. People will say that that's because white people "don't like other cultures," but why would someone like a culture that doesn't value presenting yourself well? It's just another form of making excuses for terrible behavior to get votes by democrats (not even a republican).
This means you're tall. Good. Lift to become ottermode and you're golden.
>live in mainly white area
Where? If anywhere outside the south you'll swiftly get whatever you want. If you live in the south it won't be as swift, but you'll get there if you're determined. You're far from doomed. Get to it, Anon. Just be honest with yourself about what's holding you back along the way. It could be racism, but it could also be yourself. A dishonest assessment in either case will only hurt you.

>> No.15450642
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I should also clarify that, as a southerner, there are reasons why you would have a harder time here. White southerners overwhelmingly vote conservative, which is fine. None of this is meant to be an indictment. The opposite, actually. What this means is you won't get the sort of social boost you would in other regions (as per the graphic). Southerners of all colors tend to prefer to keep to their own, myself included. There is nothing wrong with that in itself. Branching out is stigmatized in many families though, so between both of these factors you would see higher comparable difficulty compared to, say, any city north of the Mason Dixon. I prefer our way of life here but won't get butthurt by just seeing an interracial couple. Good luck regardless of whatever the actual scenario is.

>> No.15450664

Miscegenation is wrong.

>> No.15450673

The absolute state of "white" America. It really is over.

>> No.15450943

Bro just stick to your own

>> No.15450947

Just wear what he's wearing

>> No.15450986

If you are a POC and want a white girlfriend you’re admitting your race is inferior and you don’t want to have black offspring but half black because mixed kids are all the rage on social media

God damn I’m glad I’m white

>> No.15451031

>How do I get this look as a a POC

You're BLACK. Just say it. BLACK. You're using white words people made to control you and treat you as a project of their virtue.

Wake up.

>> No.15451034

Is this all part of some elaborate psyop to drive whites insane with no socio-cultural sphere that isn't inimical to their mere existence?

Srsly bros. My heart is hardening.

>> No.15451038
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Hey you guuuuuuys!

>> No.15451056
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>> No.15451078
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Lmao. Seethe crackers! You're women love the BBC from POCS!


>> No.15451086

You're letting rich whites define you....you think these white liberals are going to let you have any of the money or power they're after when they're done using you?

It's going be the same old same. Same cops going to be killing you when Karen is in charge screaming because she saw a "poc*" near her target and felt threatened

>> No.15451104


>> No.15451310

Black women are fine as fuck. Just stick to your own and don’t pollute our women.

>> No.15451313

Haven't been on /fa/ since 2015 and now the whole board is filled with cuckposting.

>> No.15451317

>nerdy lanklet
it was over before it started for us

>> No.15451357

That is cringe, you nerd fag. go lift, looksmaxx and become a black chad or some shit

>> No.15452389

>I’m afraid I’ll get torn down for wanting to dress better by crusty crackers.

I have the utmost respect for a POC who chooses to stray away dressing like an absolute fucking retarded degenerate. Who cares about the ghetto niggers; do you wish to associate yourself with that type of person? I highly encourage you to explore clothing options akin to what is featured in your pic-related.
t. crusty cracker

>> No.15452394

First don’t wear your hair like that it’s too thuggish

>> No.15452505

If whites are inferior why would you want a white woman? Why wouldn’t you want a black women who’s equally superior to you?

>> No.15452509

Do you know how fucking cringe it is to find common ground with whites by calling your own people niggers? Fuck man you don't deserve the look, just perm your hair and be one of those weird niggas that gets the Kingdom Hearts haircut and runs in a Naruto stance and call it a day.

>> No.15452535

mentally ill half-caste narcissist rage-dumps on whitey and furiously masturbates to the idea of making white people mad with a blonde gf.
he's nigger elliot rodger.

>> No.15453201

Most important tip of all: Stop focusing on race. Dress like you want. Stop giving a fuck about whats appropriate for your race. It´s all bullshit and the only way to actually stop those issues is to stop giving a fuck about skin color in any possible way.

>> No.15453284

seething dicklet cracker lmao

>> No.15453485

When the race war comes I'll see you on the field mah nigga foeman.

>> No.15453518

there won't be a race war, just a transfer of resources

>> No.15453565

You’re Steve Lacey

>> No.15453627

Classy black dude can be a cool aesthetic if its genuine.
Got a black friend who gets around in preppy sort of polo shirt attire sometimes, ex-army dude. Fuck what the getto thinks, rise above that shit man.
Just don't go hipster core and wear your clothes too tight with retarded over the top colouring, pic you posted looks good.

>> No.15453633

“Classy black” is literally a byproduct of colonialism and white people enforcing their cultural standards onto other people.

>> No.15453864

To make white incels like you seethe

>> No.15453890
File: 2.45 MB, 640x1136, 790F80EC-36D3-477F-AA5D-9D0D213A7780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white women are trash bro
i don’t guck with them
focus on self love and getting money. women are just a bonus to your life not a focus

>> No.15453943
File: 163 KB, 812x1024, 7DA65FA2-CD7B-4042-B387-C74BD400DB46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason you got mocha skin is because the slave owner fucked your great great great grandmother

>> No.15453994
File: 8 KB, 311x439, BB05DA30-1ADA-44F9-8F53-845A8058F6D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you honestly think posting that pic would bring more people to your side? Lmfao get your head out of your ass white women are the most loyal of any race, the only reason a white woman would be trash is because they race mix and as it so happens that’s the only white women blacks will ever know

>> No.15454027

Zero clue why you would want to date a white woman. I don't date them myself and I'm white. Get yourself a black girl my man.

>> No.15454076

didn’t read any of that shit

>> No.15454080
File: 111 KB, 640x640, FB7A8864-5CAD-4C36-8CE5-33033BE615B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s okay, I know your kind has trouble reading

>> No.15454148


>> No.15454561

yeah white women are kinda boring these days

>> No.15454608

We'll just become south Africa

>> No.15454743
File: 28 KB, 268x268, 1565575924355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race bait threads should warrant permabans
No one cares if you're a nigger hapa nordic mediterranean just bee urself

Based Socratic poster

>> No.15454810


>> No.15454857

Holy shit the fragility. Op asks question about stepping out of his sartorial comfort zone and challenging ethnic norms and suddenly its racebait. Big news for you bud, there ain’t just white people in the US.

>> No.15455508

I liked the version where it said “get a job” more

>> No.15455513

Ha I went to uni with him. Very funny bloke. We used to hang out but I realised I just looked like a puddle duck next to him.

>> No.15455626

Hey anon, I'm also black. Most black people won't put you down for deciding to do your own thing. Having your own swag and being unique is something that most people will respect. You will have people who bash you for it, but it's important that you just find your niche and be comfortable with it. I tend to dress semi traditional, or a bit grungy, using lots of vintage clothing and milsurp. I don't talk or act like I'm uncomfortable with my blackness, I embrace the fact that I'm black. But I also feel comfortable in being different, and because of it people respect me. I have plenty of friends of all races, ages, and backgrounds. They all accept me for how I am, and they all get that I'm different and confident about it. You just need to be confident in yourself, and do the things that make you feel the most like yourself. Do not let a hater get you down.

>> No.15455664

Trust me man white women are the shittiest people on earth. You can have em.

>> No.15455676

>how do I put on a sweater and a coat
Just fucking wear them holy shit

>> No.15455757

Dress however you wamt. Stick to your own nasty kind.

>> No.15455774


You'll need to start on www.drakes.com and www.ralphlauren.com. look for "fair isle wool" on Ebay.

>> No.15455790

a noose