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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 157 KB, 984x1091, kjjafsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15442194 No.15442194 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for the well dressed man and those seeking to improve their dress by exploring colors, patterns, textures and other styles while appearing more mature, elegant and refined.
>What is “sprezzatura”?
Required viewing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QG4lTMjWtY
Required reading: https://parisiangentleman.co.uk/2017/02/24/how-obsession-with-sprezzatura-can-kill-the-sprezzatura/
>Do I have to be European to wear this style?
Absolutely not. Anyone can wear this as long as they are confident and don’t care what people think. You should be dressing for yourself, not for others. Is this style more common in Italy and other Mediterranean countries? Absolutely. But you could wear this wherever you are.
>How is this different than Trad/Ivy/Prep?
Whereas the /TIP/ threads favor classic styles and tailoring, wider fits and more drape, Mediterranean and modern menswear favors slimmer cuts, tailored closer to the body to accentuate and flatter your body. Slim fit is allowed and in many cases encouraged.
>Where should I start?
Start with sport coats and mix and match with trousers. Experiment with colors and patterns. Don’t be afraid of color. This isn’t business style, where bland conformity is the norm. We want to be colorful, and experiment with fabrics. Wear linen, wool, cotton, anything you want.
>Where can I find good inspo to draw from?

>> No.15442195
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>> No.15442196
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>> No.15442197
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>> No.15442199
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>> No.15442200
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>> No.15442201
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>> No.15442203
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>> No.15442205
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>> No.15442208
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>> No.15442211
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>> No.15442214
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>> No.15442219
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>> No.15442221
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>> No.15442224
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>> No.15442225
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>> No.15442229
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>> No.15442232
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>> No.15442236
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>> No.15442243
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>> No.15442246
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>> No.15442251
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>> No.15442252
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>> No.15442253
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>> No.15442254
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>> No.15442263

24 posts, 24 images,
>1 poster

>> No.15442267

No shit, dumbass. I just did an image dump to start the thread. Yuros are still asleep right now and Americans don't dress like this

>> No.15442282

I’m going to have a cotton suit made very similar to that one in the OP. Unstructured, relatively slim, good 8-9cm lapels patch pockets, preferably unlined and canvassed where it might need to be.
Any tips on choosing the fabric? Despite it being a summer suit, it still needs some weight if it is to be worn without a lining. Should I go for pleated trousers, considering that cotton trousers don’t keep a crease unless starched, which would defeat the purpose?

>> No.15442289
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Are you planning on it being a strictly summer suit? If so, consider linen, for maximum breathability and comfort. Have you considered seersucker? I know it's a pretty bold fabric, but I can't wait to get a seersucker jacket made.
I general, I think pleats just look better. You can always press them if the crease starts to fade

>> No.15442294

/sprezzatourettes/ you mean

>> No.15442298

Go back to /LARP General/

>> No.15442308

Fuck off. Sprezz not allowed there.
For some reason...

>> No.15442310

The tradclowns are scared of anything fitted as it doesn't let them hide their guts

>> No.15442314

I already have a linen sports coat and a worsted wool 3-season suit, so the natural next step would be getting a cotton suit for the summer. Linen probably is superior, but I do want to see how cotton compares.
On a sports coat I can see it working, but it would end up looking pretty horrible on a suit. It is probably quite difficult to find the fabric itself, I have never seen it for sale even in Europe.
>You can always press them if the crease starts to fade
They still last for like 3 wears even if you don’t wash the trousers. Maybe if you are a twink and have small thighs it can work, but in my experience it is pointless, specially considering that ironing them at home does not seem to to bring back the creasing. Overall I am rather inclined to have it done with double pleats.

>> No.15442320

Going to see my tailor today for a new suit. Cannot decide if I want a navy one or go for a lighter shade of blue. I already have a grey suit and a suit is not at all mandatory for my work.
A lighter shade could be more fun buy getting the staples would be good.

>> No.15442324

Is it charcoal grey or light grey? Personally I would get the lighter one because you can wear it basically anywhere without looking odd.
In my case I am saving some of the staples for last, like the black suit, which I want to be made in those exotic ultra black light-sucking fabrics that have come out lately.

>> No.15442328

Its a darker medium grey. Another positive with a medium blue is that I can play around more and not have it made so conservative.

>> No.15442330

Double pleated is the way to go then I think. Even if the crease fades the pleats won't, so go for it.
I've actually never owned a cotton suit, so I can't say

>> No.15442334

Light blue would be very cool. Navy is an easy answer since it's so versatile. I wear my navy jacket with beige pants, grey, etc.

Why a black? There is literally no reason to ever wear a black suit unless it's a funeral.

>> No.15442335
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>> No.15442336
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>> No.15442343

>light blue
While it does look pretty nice, winter is coming up and living in northern europe I think I'll go for something I can push longer into 3/4ths of the year.

There's plans to get seersucker for next summer though.

>> No.15442345

Then navy seems the way to go

>> No.15442346
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>> No.15442372

Cifonelli is one of the greats in the world and my dream is to have a suit made by him one day

>> No.15442376
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This is basically how I'm trying to dress from now on

>> No.15442392

Oh great qnother style for cringy larpers to try and emulate terribly

>> No.15442402

No is putting a gun to your head and making you post here.
It takes half a second to hide a thread

>> No.15442404


Important to remember is that this is not "formal attire". At least, it's not strictly. It can encompass formal attire, but just because you're wearing trousers, a dress shirt, or a jacket, does not mean that it's formal attire.

While this may be common knowledge in europe, this isn't so in North America. In most places in America (even major cities), showing up in a sport coat to hang out with friends would have people asking why you're so "dressed up" or if you're going anywhere after this.

>> No.15442415

Excellent post and great point. I think that's why so many people like the raging tranny faggot here>>15442392 hate it so much. They think it's dressing up for something like how the /TIP/ losers try and LARP as old money New Englanders, pretending to be the Kennedys or something.
This is simply a way of dressing casually, but dressing well and taking pride in what you're wearing.

>> No.15442418

Why are people so threatened by someone wearing a shirt and tucking it into their pants with some loafers? Why do people immediately cry "larp!" when they see it? It's not like it's affecting them

>> No.15442439

So it's literally every style thread. The only authentic non larp style for you must be baggy shit stained sweatpants with a tee shirt.

>> No.15442445

People that dress like shit get really insecure and threatened by someone in a suit or sport coat. The idea of standing in a queue next to someone in a nice jacket while they're wearing a hoodie bothers them because they know that person is better than them.

>> No.15442469

those pants

>> No.15442471

Looks like Gurkha pants, but not sure the brand.

>> No.15442474
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Something about beige summer suits just does it for me. I think my next jacket will be in this color

>> No.15442475
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Was looking for inspo online and saw this one. How about a royal blue?

>> No.15442484
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How do I achieve this aesthetic?

>> No.15442490

By looking at the individual pieces and trying to replicate them.

>> No.15442493
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>tfw no sprezz gf

>> No.15442571
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>> No.15442580

Could be an idea. That blue was fine. Usually I find some blues nauseating.

>> No.15442583
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>tfw no big tiddie sprezz wife

>> No.15442595

By purchasing pants the same texture as your face.

>> No.15442597
File: 131 KB, 1080x1350, sprezwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a marriedfag and I always try to encourage my wife to dress better. She went from dressing like a teenager to now dressing very prep. I think full (wo)menswear is too much
>tfw no whatever this is

>> No.15442815

Went with a nice dark blue fresco. About a step down from navy.

>> No.15442834

where can I find trousers like these?

>> No.15442836

I think suit supply has that kind of fastening on one of their pants. Maybe Brescia

>> No.15442873

Fitted is fine, half the people in the Instagram like https://www.instagram.com/fadiblanc59/ take the most immodest and faggy approach possible that it does injustice to everything else posted.

>> No.15442886

Lol why doesn't he just get a proper haircut? Seems like the most massive cunt in existence.

>> No.15442902

The difference unless you're a 9/10 (you aren't) you can't afford to have your skin tight shirt half buttoned anywear but on the beach maybe without looking like a massive poser.

>> No.15442905

projecting much?

>> No.15442931

Are you the guy who a few weeks ago posted somewhere that he feels superior while waiting in a line, wearing a sport coat? Lmao

>> No.15443147

Good job OP, it was in the water for months that we should stop associating with /LARP/ general aka /TIP/. Keep it up.

>> No.15443185


>We've moved from "wearing a jacket in public is tryhard" to now even wearing a button-up shirt in public is tryhard

Midwest and Southern Americans from generation X need to LEAVE NOW. Or, I much rather you stay and learn how to dress in something that isn't a graphic tee and basketball shorts.

>> No.15443201


>they know that person is better than them.

Naw, this is what we're not going to do. I'm all for dressing well, wearing button downs and summer sport coats in casual settings -- but /sprezz/ is not going to become a place of elitism or thinking that dressing like this makes you any better than anyone else.

I will agree that people do feel threatened and insecure around a person in a sport coat. As a person living in North America, it's very obvious. I live in a major city, and even when I go to hang out with friends if I wear a sport jacket, I'll get comments on it. Some will be genuine compliments about looking good that we all exchange with each other, but there will always be a few of the men that ALWAYS bring up how "adult" or "dressy" I look. Meanwhile they're sitting there literally wearing a t-shirt from a brewery.

The comments stating how "adult" something is always get me. They're unknowingly implying that what they have on is for children -- making fun of themselves even though I would never.

I think it may be a holdover from Boomer style and a rejection of it. Gen X rebelled against their parents, the boomers. And Boomers wore suits to every occasion. This then passed down onto us, Millennials and Gen Z -- who see Boomer style on television, but reject they're way of life since boomers can go fuck themselves.

>> No.15443211

thanks based sprezzbro for keeping the tread as it should be

>> No.15443218

agreed. Sprezz threads are refreshing and a different take on dressing well. For me at least it feels much more organic than the stuffiness of tip

>> No.15443278
File: 460 KB, 422x779, Screenshot - 2020-03-07T202836.173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only real "fa" thread on this garbage, zoomer infested shithole board (watch/skincare generals excluded)

Everything else is zoomer/betamale cringecore

>> No.15443347
File: 138 KB, 1080x1349, 330f72b53456e316b0ec3d21189d7c75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know exactly what I'm talking about though, There's a clear differnce between OP pic and whatever this is. Unless you're 8+ find a shirt thats not skin tight and button I up more than half way.

>> No.15443375

w2c shirt and pants

>> No.15443427

Looks very pitti uomo but both are honestly fine.
Personally I prefer the more subdued kind but I can appreciate pitti uomo-esque for what it is.

>> No.15443501
File: 115 KB, 960x984, photo_2020-07-29_19-52-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey frens, am I /sprezzatura/ approved?
I like wearing button-down collar shirts but only button-up one of them...
I also like wearing my bowties more loosely.

>> No.15443515

Low quality bait.

>> No.15443523
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w-what are you talking about anon?

>> No.15443534

even if bait, what makes you think the bowtie is loose?

>> No.15443557
File: 131 KB, 720x1280, photo_2020-07-29_20-26-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I just took the picture like 30 minutes ago

>> No.15443588

Well any tighter and you'll choke!

>> No.15443679

100% agreed.

Could sprez threads be a calm and friendly place for TIP refugees to gather?

>> No.15443759
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What are some /sprezz/ fitting sunglasses that are not clubmasters?

>> No.15443763

>Seems like the most massive cunt in existence.
Most ignorant statement alive

>> No.15443767

Look at the brand TBD Eyewear. Good prices for probably the most /sprez/ eyewear styles out there

>> No.15443777

>Oh great qnother style for cringy larpers to try and emulate terribly
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15443815

SEX core: The Summer Edition

>> No.15443848

I dig your vibe my friend
Going by your neck and hands you are young though, perhaps leave the bowtie off
Don't do that whole 'fuck my shit up a little bit in specific ways for no reason' thing though. It's gotta add something/change the silhouette/say something about you

>but /sprezz/ is not going to become a place of elitism or thinking that dressing like this makes you any better than anyone else.

Hear hear

I'd like to see these threads maintain a fairly wide lens when considering what is /sprezza/ related rather than developing a strict standard like tends to happen with generals. It would be really lovely to just have a space to discuss menswear.

>> No.15443858

These kinds of comments make so sense though. Most people wearing them are thin

>> No.15443867

Calling it /sprezz/ is literally just a joke for those who are in the know. It's poking fun at people who get upset about someone trying to dress nicer. See the links in the OP to learn more about it.
In general, this is a menswear thread with a very Mediterranean flair as the /TIP/ threads wretch and seethe whenever you post menswear, so we need our own thread for it.

>> No.15443870

there's a wedding coming up and I need to get a suit I have come to two choices of a check grey blazer/pants with bowtie or black suit with red trump power tie both based off Rodney Dangerfield. maybe one of those sweet smoking jackets?
Any advice is helpful

>> No.15443878

I wouldn't go with black. Yuck

>> No.15443879

If this isnt bait, I will tell you what I don't like about thi fit.
The burberry-esque trench coat is somewhat out of fashion in tip/sprezz settings, being more associated with casual fits. A overcoat/paletot made out of thick wool would be much more appropiate, but this is a rather minute criticism, as it is a question of trends. My main issue with it is that it simply does no fit you. It is big at the shoulders, at the arms and likely at the torso.
I don't like the shirt pattern. It is not as serious as a solid shirt but is not as laid back as other patterns. Windowpane in general has this weird effect and it is further accentuated by the lack of color. Looks very boomerish and outdated in general. 1980s-90s outdated.
The jacket is fine, but it is simply not to my taste. I do wonder why you are using a pocket square with a trench coat, though, specially considering that the color of the fabric is very similar to the tie, which is a no-no. The tie itself is too tidy and cleanly knotted, I really hope it isn't pre-tied. Also, that bullshit with the color will never look good. It CAN be interesting with a non-button collar overlapping the jacket because it may look accidental, but this is very obvious that you just wanted to make it look odd.

>> No.15443883

I'm just asking in this thread because it's th e most active

>> No.15443898

Thanks I was thinking that as well although the wedding is sealing this groom's fate so black isnt entirely inappropriate lol

>> No.15443899

If anything I would avoid black unless its a tuxedo. Make sure that is appropriate for the wedding dresscode however.
In any case a check is very casual compared to black so.. What is the dress code?

>> No.15443907

Black suit with with bowtie, preferably one of the "butterfly" shape.
>maybe one of those sweet smoking jackets?
Without knowing anything about the wedding, that is what I would recommend. The standard dress for weddings in North America is black tie (which is incorrect, but whatever), which is comprised of a dinner jacket, pleated shirt, cummerband or vest, matching trousers and bowtie. Traditionally these are black or midnight blue, but if you follow most of the rules and have a good fit, you can experiment with more interesting ideas such as dark green, blue or red velvet jackets and maybe intentionally ignoring a rule or two.
If it isn't black tie/black tie optional dress code, it is somewhat of a gamble. If it is during the day, considering that we are in the middle of summer, the grey one might be interesting. I would avoid the "trump suit" as it looks very business-like, and that is not something you want to project on a wedding. Oh, whatever you do, do not pick a grey/silver tie, those are exclusive to the groom.

>> No.15443917

This is the new sexcore

>> No.15443929


No matter how many times you post it doesn't make it true or funny and when asked how you conveniently never respond

>> No.15443949

>skinny dudes in suits and loafers is "sexcore"
/fa/ is really running out of memes at this point

>> No.15443954

>The standard dress for weddings in North America is black tie
Are you American because that is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever read.
Maybe 30 years ago, yeah. But nowadays a regular suit is the norm with the the groom usually opting for a fun color and the groomsmen wearing a different color. No one gets married in black tie anymore. Hell, I got married in a navy suit, my brother in a grey suit, a friend of mine in a blue suit and another friend in no suit, just a vest.

>> No.15443955

it's outdoor and there's no dress code other than look nice I could wear a Hawaiian T if I wanted to but the groom is immediate family so I don't want to be too much of a jerk. I think the grey check blazer/pants with bowtie is most appropriate and good looking and yeah the black with red tie is probably too aggressive

>> No.15443964

In that case do not wear a black suit with a bowtie. Guaranteed you will look out of place and probably be the only one dressed like that. Unless told to dress that way, don't.
Wear the grey blazer and you should be fine. When in doubt, just ask the groom (or better yet the bride since they're usually the one coordinating all that stuff) which to wear.

>> No.15443966

The groom will not be wearing anything adventurous I've known him my whole life he'll probably be wearing black blazer/pants and probably no tie he's super predictable

>> No.15443969

that's what's up.
except with a match

>> No.15443971

Then yeah, absolutely do not wear a black suit and bowtie. You never want to be better dressed than the groom

>> No.15443977

Yeah. In that case I'd definately go for the grey suit.

>> No.15443978
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Any other brands like Pini Parma?

>> No.15443988

Thanks guys!

>> No.15443991

Watch this video. The master himself talks about great value and budget brands to check out. This video is how I discovered Pini Parma in the first place.
I would check out Spier and Mackay but they don't really do high waisted stuff as far as I know

>> No.15444005

Hey! I have that shirt! I proposed in it too!

Its a sweet shirt. Instead of a traditional button coming through the collar, there is an extra layer of linen right between the collar and neckline to hide the button.

Really nifty stuff, plus a great color

>> No.15444008

What brand and where did you buy it? I love those kinds of stripped shirts

>> No.15444045

I recently started getting into cigars and love them. They're so relaxing and enjoyable.
I'd never do it in public because I'd feel way too larpy, but it's fun to smoke at home

>> No.15444061

na dude, own a stogie like a boss. It's only larpy if you shove it in people's face like, "hohoho i'm so sophisticated". If I understand the concept of sprezzatura correctly, it's logically impossible to do spezzatura and be larpy.

You wouldn't want to go to a party where they're judging you on you choice of vice anyway.

>> No.15444071
File: 108 KB, 640x776, 1589993911561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinds of shoes are good for a style like this? I'm not a huge fan of loafers since I feel like they project a little too much saudi oil prince vibe (or alternatively cape cod frat boy vibe) and sneakers seem way too dressed down. Are brogues good?

Pic isn't exactly the same style but somewhat related

>> No.15444073

I find its more of a time constraint to smoke cigars in public.
And now my shithole of a country has made it illegal to smoke in outside restaurants and cafés as well so it's only really feasible to smoke at home anyway.

>> No.15444084

Any really casual shoe really. Is there no loafer you like? I find it hard to say that there is just "loafers" since they are all very different compared to each other.

Spectators comes to mind but the shirt is really throwing me off.

>> No.15444087

Loafers are basically the default for this style. If the rest of your outfit is good then looking like a Saudi price will be no issue.
If you're not wearing loafers than you're pretty much stuck wearing oxfords/derbies unless you wear sneakers.
Loafers just hit that sweet spot of looking good but not being too formal like oxfords, but not being straight up casual like sneakers.
If you think they're too formal, look into a pair in suede, which is way more casual than calf

>> No.15444091

>google image search
>michael portillo clothes

>> No.15444092

Oh, and you could easily wear boots.

>> No.15444095

My issue is that is just takes so long to smoke a cigar, usually. Unless it's one of those shorter ones.
I can take 45 minutes to smoke a cigar sometimes

>> No.15444102

Good night /sprezza/ great thread so far!

>> No.15444106

45 is rather normal. Dont try to push it.

>> No.15444110

Night dude. See you here tomorrow

>> No.15444116

both true, and yeah, depends on the vibe. depends on the party i guess

>> No.15444118

where do you go when you've exhausted the finest pieces of Zara, Asos and All Saints? You go to where manhood ages, the ocean. It's all the same principles but for a different cost bracket. Why are you so defensive about it? Do you not want to be attractive to the opposite sex? Were talking about tastefully dressed men, in well fitted suits, who spend there commutes under a tuscan sun. These fuckers are sexy. They've just got some salt and pepper.

>> No.15444135

Sexcore is an /fa/ meme about jacked dudes wearing skin-tight ripped jeans and shirts that will rip to shreds if the guy lifts his arm.
I just don't get how it has anything to do with wearing suits and high waisted pants. I'm not defensive, I just don't understand how anyone can in anyway see them related

>> No.15444137

You can size up at spier and Mackay to get a good rise. Their dress pants come in an unfinished hem though. So if you aren't naturally a 37 leg then you'll need to get them tailored

>> No.15444158

True, but there's a difference between pulling low/mid rise pants up higher and wearing actual high waisted pants. The crotch is designed a certain way to be lower so they don't crush your balls. That's why I always go for dedicated high waisted whenever possible

>> No.15444376
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x1908, 2020-07-29 20.05.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something named Haupt, got it at a local shop

>> No.15444390

Very nice. I'm gonna check around to see if they are available in the US. Do you remember the price at all?

>> No.15444400

Based as fuck. How long until it's ready?

>> No.15444437
File: 610 KB, 1920x1440, Meermin~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a pair of Meermin (ignore the AE shoe trees) loafers a week ago and they're great. Nice fit, perfect stitching, no loose threads or anything.
But holy fuck, they are stiff. I wore them for the first time and got a terrible blister on both heels and had to take it easy and let them heal and then they healed enough to wear and they gave me another blister in a different spot. Now I have to wait for that one to heal.
I'm wearing bandaids and moleskin patches, but at this rate they'll take months to break in. Never had this happen with any other shoes or boots before

>> No.15444450

Should I cop?

>> No.15444458

I've heard the break in period for meermins is rough

>> No.15444478

I heard that too and just assumed people were being pussies. I've broken in so many pairs of leather shoes and boots I figured I'd be prepared for this, but no, this break in is an entirely different beast

>> No.15444482
File: 288 KB, 1080x1351, seersuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really debating it. I've been wanting a seersucker jacket for ages, but I'm debating between the blue stripes from Spier and Mackay or just going through my local menswear shop and having a MTM jacket made in red stripes.

>> No.15444492
File: 47 KB, 800x533, seers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15444513

What are your recs for a beginner level shoe? I only have one gyw from Clark's and it was pretty comfy the whole time

>> No.15444515

Do you have a budget in mind?

>> No.15444516

when i have the cash, i'm doing it anon. Pull the trigger on that cop

>> No.15444525

Around 250-300 for some loafers. I'm starting my first salaried job in a bit and I'd like to get myself some nice shoes for christmas

>> No.15444530

For entry level you honestly can't beat Meermin's price to quality ratio. Just be prepared for the break in.
If you wanted to save just a bit more you could some Carminas for 400

>> No.15444543

Yeah, I'm gonna do it. Just gotta save up a bit more

>> No.15444549

sprezzatura is the gayest name for a general, you are gay. and this thread is shit.

>> No.15444551

Cry harder. Go back to your sneaker and streetwear threads

>> No.15444576


>> No.15444581
File: 58 KB, 500x669, hgbvfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15444633
File: 174 KB, 977x1342, whatmat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What material does this look like? Is this cotton?
This is what I want. A casual sport jacket that I can wear with jeans but lose the tie for a nice casual look

>> No.15444644
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, stripes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get shirts like this with the wider stripes?

>> No.15444646

Nothing wrong with loafers. For a similar vibe maybe ranger or camp mocs.

>> No.15444651


>> No.15444658

I don't want to be an elitist and be like the /TIP/ posters, but ranger and camp mocs are basically the official wardrobe of trap/prep.
Now, if you don't care about stupid arbitrary rules, then go ahead and find a good comfortable pair and wear them without caring.
Personally, they're not my thing. Though I do own boat shoes but I also sail some times

>> No.15444660

Awning stripes
Kamakura has some in linen

>> No.15444664

If they're not your thing that's fine. Loafers are 'official wardrobe' of tip as well though.

>> No.15444668

There's going to be a big spill in /tip/ posting in this thread. There have been multiple autistic meltdowns in /tip/ every thread for a while now. It's going to balkanize and you will get a lot of ivy posters here. Prep and trad will probably move to reddit

>> No.15444675

True. Interestingly, European menswear and American tradwear both like loafers but different styles.
Yuros with the exception of certain British shoemakers like slimmer, sleeker and bolder styles. Just look at any Italian brand to see what I mean.
American and many British loafers are much more rounded, conservative and less daring. Look at Alden's to know what I mean

For me? It's the Italian style.

>> No.15444721
File: 216 KB, 600x900, gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15444851
File: 804 KB, 1792x4032, muh fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First OC for of the thread. Pretty conservative and basic fit.
Pini Parma pants, Eton shirt, Meermin loafers and the jacket is part of a MTM suit I had made from my local shop. I don't usually wear socks with loafers but I'm still breaking in these shoes and the socks help with the blisters

>> No.15444873

Decent fit but damn are you tall and lean. Those trousers have a pretty decent rise, but it still looks low on you. Might be something to do with the angle, idk.

>> No.15444877

>shirt half unbuttoned
Welcome to Sleaze General sprezzatura Meneral.

>> No.15444883

It's mostly the angle of the mirror. It's short so I had to tilt it to get my whole body in it.
But I am tall and lean. 6'3", but it's all torso. My inseam is only 32" despite my height. So it's high rise or bust for me as anything low rise makes my torso even longer. Those pants are a little below my bellybutton

>> No.15445032

We'll see. Hopefully first fitting in 2 months.

>> No.15445034


>> No.15445040

Good things come to those who wait.

>> No.15445081

Ugh. I have the same. 32" inseam and 6'5".
Needless to say I'm very happy with MTM is becoming more and more common.

>> No.15445150

Damn, I thought my 32 inseam at 6'3" was bad. Having a torso that long at 6'5" but be damn near impossible to shop for.
I literally can't wear t-shirts because they don't make them in a compatible size. M fits but is too short, x-large is long enough but way too big.

>> No.15445156

Luckily I can wear XL. But everything could be longer I guess.

>> No.15445179

You shouldnt generalize Europe like that. In the netherlands its probably worse than in North America. Whenever I wear a dress shirt (no jacket, no tie) with trousers (or even jeans), I get the ‘why are you dressing up?’ remark. It is pretty much expected to dress like a teenager unless there is some special occasion.

>> No.15445182

Dutch are subhumans and I hope I live long enough to see Netherlands nuked in my lifetime

>> No.15445186

How to sprezz in a cold climate? Mainly thinking about using a waistcoat to add some insulation but most of the sprezz stuff I see is always sunny south of italy

>> No.15445192

Just dress like the Drake's lookbooks. Tweed, cord, denim etc.

>> No.15445199

It's incredibly easy to dress this way in the cold because most of this style is based around jackets and long sleeved shirts. It's usually a matter of changing materials to heavier wools, tweed, etc. and overcoats.
Overcoats are one of the best things about winter as they're so incredibly stylish but it's usually too hot to ever wear them. I'll find some inspo and post it

>> No.15445205
File: 81 KB, 500x625, overcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15445206
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>> No.15445207
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>> No.15445209
File: 83 KB, 500x625, overcoat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15445232

I'm super excited for the cold.

Button down/sweater/sports jacket is my bag.

>> No.15445252
File: 98 KB, 1240x1240, 1581293701968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get a good unstructured overcoat? I don't like padded shoulders

>> No.15445303

Just made a huge discovery. Friend works in Thailand atm and has found a silk mill that makes twill silk fabric. It's sold to a couple of big (nice) brands for ties but they also sell the bulk fabric. The margins on those ties must be insane because a bolt of twill doesn't cost that much. What if I bought some, had it made up into nice ties, then sold it through ig shopping. Could it work? Sounds like it could work...

>> No.15445306

Layering is the way to go. Waistcoats is one thing but play around with scarves and coats too. I mainly have 230-250gsm suits and I survive the Swedish winter just fine.

>> No.15445308

What's the difference with something like ivy?
Or maybe closer; dandy.

>> No.15445314

If its decently made I might consider one. I was thinking of starting to create ties as a hobby myself.

I know someone at styleforum started by making ties only and has now moved on to becoming a small MTM brand.

>> No.15445328

Sprezzatura focuses more on the suits, coats and accessories in general. Its also much more playful and appreciative of the construction process and materials imo.

Its closer to dandyism than ivy for sure.

>> No.15445427

I would wear loafers. You could probably wear brogues too yeah. Your other option is slippers.

>> No.15445433

Go for it. That's literally how businesses start. Start a tie business, see where it takes you

>> No.15445435

ID on watch?

>> No.15445438

Step 1: get an Ulster coat or pea coat
Step 2: wear regular fall sprez stuff

>> No.15445443

Rolex Daytona two tone. Good luck, that's probably a $20k watch

>> No.15445444

Meant for >>15445435

>> No.15445538

Nautica do a nice one. Shoulders are *slightly* thick though due to the thickness of the wool.

>> No.15445546

Because it's non-Meds larping as Meds.
Which is fine, medlife is best life.

>> No.15445564

Didn't fid anything, they only have a peacoat

>> No.15445569

Tucking a shirt into pants and loafers is a purely Med thing? What a retarded post by a retarded poster
Suits are British anyway and the loafer as we know it today is an American thing. Italians took it and made it theirs, but to say this is a Med thing is just retarded

>> No.15446137
File: 88 KB, 750x750, ascot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the ascot but still pretty well put together outfit

>> No.15446141

Its just too much unrulyness. The belt itself is too out there and the ascot is also way too much even if it would be the only "statement"

>> No.15446204

Sprez/menswear/sartorialism/whatever is much more fashion oriented. Trad/Ivy style is pretty much just "being properly dressed" in conservative upper class taste.

>> No.15446418

If you can sell good silk ties with linen interlining for about $40-50, yeah, it might be a good idea. Tie making seems simple but it does have its details, mostly to do with design and proportion.
Make it one of those "transparent" shops that tells the customer exactly what everything is made of and how/where, alongside with the associated costs of labout/materials/shipping/marketing and you may even make some ripples in the market.

>> No.15446510

damn those fat feet yikes

>> No.15446657
File: 32 KB, 720x717, d3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have an @? Neither reverse image search nor the filename have lead me anywhere.

>> No.15446666


>> No.15446669

This. What the fuck is going on in >>15442199

>> No.15446680

Thanks! May your creases stay sharp and your GETs awe-inspiring

>> No.15446683

As a reward, please explain what it is?

>> No.15446705

An interesting post number. You get dubs when the last two digits are identical, trips when the last three digits are the same and so on. You got quads and dubs.
We at 4chinz are pretty autistic about these things.

>> No.15446710

Oh a get. I just assumed it was an abbreviation since you put it in all caps.

>> No.15446725
File: 129 KB, 900x1174, 15041118HS_13_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This armani exchange bomber jacket is on sale for 100$ should I buy it? Havent bought a jacket from them in a while but they're usually good quality

>> No.15446732

I'd refrain from it due to it being a bomber jacket and the print is in poor taste. But more importantly why are you asking this in /sprezzatura/?

>> No.15446736


>> No.15446751

Virtually any MTM shop.

>> No.15446759

I can't afford to spend 2k on a coat, man

>> No.15446775

What's your budget then?

>> No.15446781

Probably around 700 or 800 bucks if it's worth it.

>> No.15446785

I like the on the right. Is it navy? What's a good brand for that kind of coat?

>> No.15446887

Spier and Mackay have some pants that are specifically called high rise

>> No.15446926

I literally have the exact same body, do you have any good resources for high rise pants?

>> No.15446989

thoughts on a side swept bangs cut as a male? i feel like my facial features are best flattered with this sort of cut but honestly it doesnt exactly fit with menswear

>> No.15447021

These cheap adjustable shoe stretchers worked great for me. Just make them tight and let them sit in the shoes for a week. If you need to soften the leather, (I know this sounds crazy) try to kneed it or alternatively put a thick towel around the shoes, then take a hammer and beat the shit out of them for 30 mins or so. I'm not joking. It can really make the leather more pliable, just make sure to not beat on them without the towel to protect the surface and focus on the spots that give you trouble.

>> No.15447049
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, oldschool nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps this is a good thread to ask. Any specific brands/designers that make classic mens jackets with high arms holes and maybe a bit more elongated form?

>> No.15447055

>Unless you're 8+ find a shirt thats not skin tight and button I up more than half way.
He says whilst posting on a board dedicated to discussion of fashion and style. Maybe r9k is more your speed.

>> No.15447062

Not sure about the armhole but don't most jacket makers offer a long option? (42L, 36L, etc)

>> No.15447067

Ah my bad you're right. My main gripe is always the excess fabric under my arms and the bat wings-effect it causes.

>> No.15447090
File: 62 KB, 363x1147, IMG_20190730_171801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an Englishman living in Paris and I've been posting in /tip/ for maybe a year or more despite living in Europe and probably being more regular menswear than strictly /tip/. However yeah, recently It's really become too retarded. It used to be bait accusations of larping that derailed threads. Now it's pictures of black models. I've had to migrate. Here's what I wore today.

>> No.15447097
File: 333 KB, 1280x1920, 22657bb3fd53e4687802a77f0b211c26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy on the left runs Anglo Italian. Excellent brand that I highly recommend (if you can afford it). Other brand I'd recommend is lbm 1911. Find their awesome unstructured, lightweight blazers on yoox for 100€+ you won't regret it and you can thank me later.

>> No.15447141

Nice pants, may I ask specifically what they are?

>> No.15447154

Uniqlo vintage fit. Btw, I need a new belt. I'm thinking braided. Any recommended brands?

>> No.15447167

I love the way I feel wearing my suit, I love wearing loafers, but I just don't know when I can wear this without sticking out. I don't live in a big city and people around me dress like slobs.
The only times I ever wore my suit were to my wedding and a funeral.

>> No.15447182

I've definitely also skewed more to menswear/vintage looks than true /tip/ but there's no threads dedicated to it. I'm glad for the sartorial general. Ironically enough this fit is much better than your usual ones in the tip general.

>> No.15447467

There are a bunch but LBM is a good starting point. Just get a long size.

>> No.15447777

102 and 106 are longer sizes. I think germans do 152 and so as well. Might be more roomy overall though.

>> No.15447799

I hate how short the LBM jackets are, something stupid like 74cm back on a 52 jacket. If they were 81cm (and with a much lower buttoning point), I'd be all over them.

>> No.15447845
File: 785 KB, 1841x2762, Conor Mcgregor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.15447849

This is just a faggot trying too hard

>> No.15447862

Its not sprezzatura.

>> No.15447873

Short jackets are very Italian though. I've got Michael Phelps proportions (without the muscle) so I really need long bum covering jackets. Spier and Mackay at least let you customise them length. Not sure what other soft shouldered I optionns there are though.

>> No.15447890
File: 607 KB, 330x848, mysuiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sirs

this is my suitings, do you like the same /sprezza/? How can I become plentiful better?

>> No.15447895

Big if true

>> No.15447943

No, that is soccer hooligan-core

>> No.15448046

I know, it's more of a pet peeve of mine. I can't short jackets that show off the bum, just looks so unbalanced and unproportional, especially when the buttoning point is high.

>> No.15448068

Well they have to be high to not appear unbalanced. But I agree, short jackets are awful.

>> No.15448108
File: 103 KB, 841x1280, refugee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's fit.

sprezzatura tip of the times - a mask makes a great "pocket square" if you live somewhere you have to carry one.

>> No.15448117

>reverse search produces no results
Great fit anon, very good. Where did you get the pieces from?

>> No.15448119
File: 270 KB, 960x1280, closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's custom.

Half lined glen check in wool-silk-linen.

>> No.15448130

>that lining
Based as fuck
What do you do that you can dress up so nice every day?

>> No.15448135

Yes based

>> No.15448162

Thank you for the kind words.

I consult for "complex" software things (graphics, algorithms, HPC, finance) with some other stuff on the side.

>> No.15448166

Makes sense. Consulting has always been effay as fuck.
Looks good anon. Hope to see more fits posted in the future

>> No.15448188

You consistently have the best fit posts, thanks for them and please keep them coming.

>> No.15448447

Coomers begone

>> No.15448453

>>15448108 >>15448119
Looks really good. Love the lining you crazy bastard.

>> No.15448943

Someone please tell me where to cop this jacket, because all the search results from the image go back to pinterest

>> No.15448989

It’s probably bespoke. A shoulder with spalla camicia can only really be hand made.

>> No.15449004

Thank you, I'll see if I can find one similar enough

>> No.15449011

You can maybe *try* buying an unstructured jacket off the peg and having a tailor mess up the shoulder a bit for you. If you do this make sure of two things - there is enough room around the chest when the armhole is shrunk, and that the armhole is also roomy enough to take in material. Disclaimer, I’ve never tried this, but it should be possible.

>> No.15449017

While possible in theory, shoulder reconstruction is pretty advanced stuff and will cost you. Instead Id look into big tailoring houses and see if they have any RTW

>> No.15449020

Alright, I'll see my local tailors first, thank you

>> No.15449028

very based

>> No.15449204

Correct. Being better dressed than someone means you need to be gentle with their ego. Be kind and they'll instantly like you. Be an ass and they'll never forget how much they hate you. (Disclaimer for autists: this advice does not apply to women)

>> No.15449288
File: 213 KB, 1080x1350, andreas_linder_93014350_1103072533383954_8830803883282731252_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So SEXcore with a Mediterranean twist?

>> No.15449325

>tired of wearing sneakers because they look too casual
>don't dress sharp enough most of the time to be wearing derbies, oxfords or whatever
What do?

>> No.15449348

Dress better.

>> No.15449352

How are his feet so tiny lol

>> No.15449356

its too hot

>> No.15449386


>> No.15449404

100% positive it's bespoke or at least MTM
Your best bet it to show that actual picture to a tailor. It's probably some lightweight wool, it's double breasted, big peak lapels.

>> No.15449405

Obviously just dress better, but loafers are so easy to wear. They pretty much go with anything

>> No.15449407

I'm not gonna go from tee shirts and jeans to full sprezz though
Loafers aren't too formal?
Any specific suggestions? I'm guessing suede?

>> No.15449420

Loafers fill that sweet spot between casual and formal. You can easily wear loafers with jeans and a shirt
Start small. Instead of a t-shirt wear a button shirt. Start tucking it in, switch jeans for chinos, etc. Small adjustments first until you've created a style you're comfortable in

>> No.15449429
File: 191 KB, 960x1280, loafs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go with the traditional designs. Either go with more unusual colors or textures to bring more casualness to them. Here are the ones I was wearing today, along with a woven pair.

>> No.15449432

What dress shirt is this? Great collar

>> No.15449448
File: 87 KB, 1200x849, Gigalegends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex is based

>> No.15449497

They don't go well with t-shirts? I have a lot of plain color tees but very few button-up shirts (and the ones I do have are linen)
Those look nice. I think I might actually have a pair I got as a gift years ago, but they're very much a classic penny loafer design so I'll try to look for something more casual.

>> No.15449553

I mean, yeah, wear them with t-shirts. You can wear loafers with anything really. But obviously a nicer kind of shirt will probably look better. Just try them with different tops and see what you like most.

>> No.15449559

Dont need to go full sprezz. But if you want to wear dress shoes and not look like a clown you will need to improve your wardrobe.

In general stick to loafers for now. If you go with colored ones (green/blue/red) you can more or less get away with anything as long as the shoes arent too "out there" compared to the rest of the clothes. E.g. Blue shoes with bright neon pink clothing.

>> No.15449586


>> No.15449603

Tbh suede chukka aren't a bad call when it's not super hot either. Dont know if its certified /sprezz/ but it's a decent gateway into more formal footwear. I'd opt for something a little nicer than Clark's though

>> No.15449646

Suede Chelsea boots are amazing step up from chukkas.

>> No.15449669

Chelsea boots are just so ugly and I can only imagine douchey Australians wearing them.

>> No.15449847
File: 486 KB, 748x992, aapUN6J1EFE_vbfDVR9pVRMVlMpbstJWrl9gve9p5YM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of all them shitty IG posers you posted that carlos guy actually looks like some film star with amazing style reminds me of Pacho Herrera from Narcos

>> No.15449850

All my suit trousers have belts i use with them what kind of waist do these trousers have where they look so good beltless?

>> No.15449867

Ive seen old videos of london where everyone wears a suit or dress shirt even on weekends its like everyday wear for poor and rich.

I wonder if it ever become mainstream especially now that people work from home more than ever and even most offices before covid are all casual t shirt wear

>> No.15449879

Yeah, Carlos is pretty based. Super good inspo. He owns a company in Spain but I have no experience with his products.

>> No.15449882

Suits shouldn't be worn with a belt. It's a sad state of affairs that normies think suits should be worn with a belt.
Look for pants with side adjusters rather than belt loops.

>> No.15449930

based victorian dandy poster

>> No.15449943

Got some jeans to rock with my heavier tweeds. I'm digging the rough look. They are a little loose though. Should I wash/dry them to make them a bit smaller?

>> No.15449950

The jeans or the tweeds? I assume you are referring to the jeans

>> No.15449983

>tfw my suit I got married in doesn't fit anymore because I gained weight since getting married
The jacket still fits but RIP my waistline

>> No.15449987

The jeans. I got the Uniqlo 3D jeans. The fit is great. Not too slim or baggy with a solid rise. They're just an inch or two to big in the waist.

>> No.15449995

Then you can probably get away with washing them and be fine. How's the inseam? They'll probably shrink an inch in the leg too, just be aware

>> No.15449996

Fitted, tailored waists. Some have side adjustors

>> No.15449999

Exactly. If the pants are tailored to your body then why would you need a belt? Doesn't the belt imply they don't fit and you need the belt to hold them up?

>> No.15450027
File: 65 KB, 1024x1023, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15450028

Looks good but fashion can't make up for going bald

>> No.15450093

They are a couple inches too long as well. But I try not to tailor things until they've been washed. I made that mistake once and ended up with 4 pairs of high water chinos.
It's never too late to get in shape

>> No.15450096
File: 20 KB, 603x603, OIP (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15450118

Imagine being so butthurt that your /tip/ thread got raided you throw a tantrum here

>> No.15450152

I don't actually plan on losing the weight, I'm just going to get the waist let out on my trousers.
I had just gotten out of the army and was really thin and fit at that time. Now I'm at my "normal" weight.

>> No.15450157
File: 124 KB, 888x1052, 99ed56c4644ddf06142b9ac2345c05e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to cop these chinos?

>> No.15450158

Literally anywhere.

>> No.15450176

I feel like the button stance on this is too high. The triangle of death is very obvious. Not sure how I feel about a polo under a jacket. I'd have to try it personally and see if I like it.

Or were you just posting black people in this thread as a joke because you thought we'd bite the bait the way the trad/ivy/prep threads do?

>> No.15450213

This guy is unironically more sprezzatura than 90% of the images ITT. The only things standoffish is not what he's wearing but his musculature. Dyels will seethe at this.

>> No.15450216

Just watched the sprezzatura video in the OP. Very fascinating. Though most of the pics here fucking suck and are definitely not sprezzatura.

>> No.15450222

I don't think you know what sprezzatura means. In fact I know you don't.

>> No.15450228

Based actually watched the video bro and knows why these threads are called /sprezzatura/ as a joke

>> No.15450273

Great thread, bros. See you in the next one


>> No.15450479

Who is this?

>> No.15450682
File: 77 KB, 676x676, 744b8be685b00ea34150a928f6a123d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its Pacho Herrera aka Alberto Ammannn from Narcos a Netflix show
Forced meme on /tv/ for awhile https://youtu.be/Q5yirGZGvPY