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File: 64 KB, 1100x825, don draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15383966 No.15383966 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people consider this sort of face the ideal? He does look handsome I guess, but handsome in a generic and bland sort of way. He has no striking or interesting features.

>> No.15383993

He looks like a tanned British-German White man, which is what he is. He also has rather more robust features than is typically selected for in modern Hollywood, which is part of Jon Hamm's appeal for representing the old fashioned archetypical businessman Don Draper. I think the casting for Mad Men was excellent. I am not sure who else was working in modern Hollywood that could have done Draper's role justice.

>> No.15384008

That's probably the appeal. He's the average man's "obtainable" attractive.

>> No.15384027

"Striking" and "interesting" are just nice ways of saying weird or unusual.

>> No.15384031

exactly. be the same

>> No.15384046

>generically handsome
is a cope from ugly narcissists trying to pretend they are ugly like a runway model.

>> No.15384097

Because there is an objective standard of attractiveness and he pretty much hits all the marks. Also, as one anon already said, "striking" and "interesting" just means uncharacteristic or ugly.

>> No.15384132

there isnt an objective standard of attractiveness, are you dense ?

>> No.15384179

he looks old school masculine

>> No.15384311

He doesn't have particularly sharp or square features that are associated with masculinity. His jawline is not particularly square for instance.

>> No.15384320

generic clean cut 20th century handsome businessman look

>> No.15384339

>robust and masculine
>has no visible cheekbones

>> No.15384345

I am OP but yes there is an objective standard. He is objectively handsome but, as I said, in a generic and plain way.

>> No.15384351

>eyes not blue
>hair not blond
>swarthy for a white man
>hits all the marks of attractiveness

>> No.15384399

the absolute state of this cope

>> No.15384518

Because of strong futures, skinny guy is cute to look at, fuckboi or whatever you would like to call it but at the end that’s temporarily while he looks more like a man.

>> No.15384520

This, exactly why

>> No.15384579

>he looks more like a man.
Right on the mark anon. He's the guy who could wear the fits from ''what makes it søy'' and make it noy søy. He looks like a no frills man.

>> No.15384584

>there is an objective standard.
Lol you're stupid. There's a widely agreed upon standard but it is by no means objective. Anything that has to do with taste can not by definition be objective.

>> No.15384672

>His jawline is not particularly square for instance.
It's a strong jaw, nevertheless. And don't get too hung up on facial features - there's more to a man/ a woman.
And the classic man ain't just masculinity, but has to be fine as well, if not more importantly.

>> No.15384704

Old school masculine was less jawline and more chin. He has a symmetric face, a large, tall frame, and he’s in good shape but not muscular. That was the ideal man back then, someone who looked good in a suit. Now it’s more about a square jaw and a ripped lean physique.

>> No.15384724

100% you're ethnic lmao only indians are obsessed with fairness

>> No.15384761

Some anons don't realize that one can be both handsome AND non-generic looking...
Generic good-looking people appeal to npcs and very low self-esteem people. If anything, the attention given to these people should be a plus/

>> No.15384783

He’s got that cool composed but nice person look to him.

>> No.15385166
File: 68 KB, 525x657, bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His main facial feature is being the head of the Based Department.

>> No.15385179

Yes makes perfect sense. Only Indians consider aryan features attractive

>> No.15386358

>Some anons don't realize that one can be both handsome AND non-generic looking
Post some examples. I am not saying that you're wrong but I'm just interested.

>> No.15386369

anon, you might not know this, but the US used to be a white country with plenty of blond people. in countries where blondness and blue eyedness are no longer rare, they aren't as fetishized as much.

look at any male sex symbol from classic hollywood. mostly dark haired, some dark eyed: the fabled "tall, dark, and handsome" archetype.

jon hamm is excellently casted this archetype, one that is no-longer in play today but would've been very alluring in the 60's: this barrel-chested, traditionally-masculine, tall dark and handsome businessman with an imposing voice.

>> No.15386375

>imposing voice.
His voice wasn't really that impressive in the early seasons, but his voice got a little bit deeper in the later seasons. Maybe it was all the smoking and drinking and depression.

>> No.15386761

Not ideal, Eye color is cope
You've legit brain damage, Blond is near death sentence on a guy
>Swarthy for a white man
Swarthy is ideal for men

Are you sure you aren't gay?

>> No.15386767

>Eye color is cope
>Eye color
This word has lost all meaning

>> No.15387146
File: 35 KB, 400x500, 838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15387150

>Blonde hair and blue eyes are a death sentence
I can smell you from here

>> No.15387166

Op gay

>> No.15387178

literally the most generic italian

>> No.15387208

you are jewish

>> No.15387935
File: 10 KB, 206x245, 9136487B-3139-454F-B09E-CD34B29B7EEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. What do you mean by aryan? Early indoeuropean settler in modern Pakistan? Germanic blood? Or just blond hair blue eyes?
The European definition of beauty is the worldwide concept of it which was inherited from the Greco-romans, and it’s never been about pigmentation, only features matters (barring extremes, such as extremely dark skin or hair too blond, etc).
Only ethnics are obsessed with colour. Im central euro and most my friends are light too and we all prefer picky related over some depigmented mess. Ideals of western beauty would be Audrey Hepburn for women for example. Or Gregory Peck for males.

>> No.15387942

I agree with hair. Blond hair is terrible on men. Every single blond women I’ve met say they dislike it on men. Eye doesn’t matter really, although very deep blue looks the best IMO.
Ideal skint would be slightly tanned year round, like Matthew mcconagheuy

>> No.15387946
File: 12 KB, 226x300, putin reaction (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that website that showed you what is being torrented from an IP address?

>> No.15387950

he looks like a real MAN in a world full of s o y b o i s

>> No.15387954

It's an act. he is always acting. Putin is a fag, Jon Hamm is fabulous

>> No.15387959


>> No.15387964
File: 27 KB, 283x323, 1293805962001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's legit

>> No.15388000

Blonde guy here, and even I'll admit this is a big cope.
Some women love blonde haired blue eyed guys, but usually if it's a darker blonde like a golden sort of color, wheaty maybe? I don't know color specific terms. Also it must be thick AF. I lucked out on both of these. Dudes with thin lighter blonde hair are fuuucked. All that being said, I've always understood that that the most attractive guy by alot of American and other Western standards is a darker complected northern European/Germanic/Celtic man. White but not pale, light colored eyes (blue, green, or hazle), and darker hair. I think a big part of it is that it makes your eyebrows and facial hair darker, and thus more handsome. If you're one of those guys who lucked out with super dark eyebrows and facial hair, but blondish hair, that's pretty good all-around.
Red head dudes are fucked, most feasible way to preserve that genetic is to pair ginger girls with dark blonde lads who have a copperish hue in there.

>> No.15388219
File: 85 KB, 500x694, sick boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dudes with thin lighter blonde hair are fuuucked.
You were saying?

>> No.15388254

Bro that's not his natural hair color, or texture, and he's got dark eyebrows.
We're talking about natural complexions.

>> No.15388262
File: 207 KB, 900x1119, 20200709_165128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red head dudes are fucked
Am I?

>> No.15388298

>doesn't track pornolab

>> No.15388307
File: 866 KB, 1345x567, 3outlaw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look good brother

>> No.15388308

What's the point of pornolab when there's pornhub? I used to stupidly hoard porn videos

>> No.15388312

Bitches get old fast, I always need new porn `

>> No.15388313

damn I thought that was a dead pixel fewf

>> No.15388434

You're on the good side of the redhead coin. You guys are either atrocious or good looking.

>> No.15388439

Videos get deleted. Hoarding videos is the only true way. Things get constantly removed from the web but you can keep them forever if you have a double backup and update your storage as time goes on.

>> No.15388454

I don't care, life is short

>> No.15388458

You're pretty good looking for a ginge dude. Lucky you. You're not fucked, but having invisi-brows is always a big downside. Mad props for wearing dark colors though. I think if you're super light complected, you should embrace contrast, and dark colors, and vice versa.

>> No.15388752
File: 30 KB, 512x341, 51EFA319-384B-4E58-BB8B-BB4D58C488D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vincent kartheiser was still the most attractive actor in mad men.

>> No.15388796

I cant get aroused unless I can see every pube in high definition.

>> No.15388805
File: 141 KB, 572x784, 1593789473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related,
Jane Birkin,
Charlie Chaplin,
Patrick Stewart,
Janelle Monae,
Mads Mikkelson,
Lupita N'yongo,
Chloe Moretz-Doesnt
Jade Rose Parker
Michael Jackson,
Parker Posy,
Tilda Swinton,
Kalki Koechlin,

I can go on.

>> No.15388841

check inthecrack.com my dude

>> No.15388843

I need to see that trained butt hole in 8k

>> No.15388918


What can you expect, they got brainwashed into thinking "ugly means exotic"

>> No.15388920


>> No.15388921


>> No.15388956

He’s wh*te, which is a fucking shame.

>> No.15388963


>> No.15390075

So you're a coomer?

>> No.15390740
File: 71 KB, 500x699, short-hairstyles-for-men-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider a face like this ideal.

>> No.15390774

literally has nothing to do with how jon hamm acts and everything to do with how he looks

regardless he is charming and funny outside of acting

>> No.15390782

He is boring irl and a nerd

>> No.15390873


What the fuck is British German?

>> No.15390928


>> No.15390983

post voice

>> No.15391015
File: 129 KB, 750x1112, C6C776B6-8F30-4FA7-AE2A-7444EC66EE21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t consider his face ideal at all, looks boring to me. It’s deformed from my pov

>> No.15392369

most blond guys have dark eyebrows

>> No.15392375

It is Jon Hamm's heritage.

>> No.15392516

>Tfw light eyebrows that look non existent from distance

Feels slighty bad man

>> No.15392534

That look is not the ideal. He has a specific type of attractiveness that isnt all encompassing to all women.