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File: 261 KB, 828x1454, 4769FA79-89A4-45A2-AB2A-CF5BD2F8BD9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15309681 No.15309681 [Reply] [Original]

Any husky guys here? Need some inspo

>> No.15309684

no you fat fuck

>> No.15309686

>teddy bear vibes
So you are a homosexual?

>> No.15309697

I’m not really fat. I’m just big. I eat healthy and play sports. Played football and baseball my entire life

I’m starting to get into fashion now that I have a job and money to spend


>> No.15309699

youre fat bro

>> No.15309708

>I’m not really fat. I’m just big
Why do all fat people call themselves big like it's gonna make their rolls go away?

>> No.15309736

Because I am big. I can bench more weight than anyone on my team

>> No.15309743

Powerlifters are fat too. The only reason you can bench that much is because you’re unusually large for your age. Being able to push weight doesn’t make you not obese

>> No.15309742

doesnt matter if you're 100 lbs overweight, tubby
go ask your highschool gym teacher how to lose weight

>> No.15309744

Buy yourself a gym membership instead

>> No.15309768

you're fat

>> No.15309776

I’m not obese
I haven’t been to the gym in a bit because corona but I’d workout with my football team all the time before. Hopefully gyms will reopen soon
I’m bigger than a lot of people but nothing wrong with that. I’m still healthy whether you like to believe it or not :)

>> No.15309777

ok nice troll i actually fell for it. if the OP is actually you, which at this point i doubt, lose weight

>> No.15309781

That’s not me. Just using that photo for reference since I don’t want to post myself. I’m around that size though. Just looking for fashionable cloths that would fit my build :) this is a fashion board dedicated to cloths

>> No.15309795

your body is not aesthetic therefore you should change that before buying clothes. if you have a gut like that guy you're fat, not strong

>> No.15309945


>> No.15310012

honestly if youre strong and your cardio is good you can be pretty healthy with that much body fat; look at sumo wrestlers. it sure isn't aesthetic though and god help you when you get old and stop exercising.

>> No.15310129
File: 36 KB, 292x504, lance-armstrong-early-days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you cant hold that kinda body fat if you do any rigorous cardio, maybe if you eat absolute shit. bet this guy does the equivalent of a high school gym class warm up run and then calls it a week if that at all.

if you don't have to carb-load your sport isn't hard enough. cardiolets are legit subhuman

also op is underage

>> No.15310224

I’m not underage and I do extensive cardio during drills. You think football is easy? I bet you couldn’t last one practice

>> No.15310262

look im trying to give op the benefit of the doubt; it is possible (like i mentioned, sumos) but you'd probably need to be dedicating your life to it.

>But sumo wrestlers don’t usually suffer from these symptoms. So what’s their trick? CT scans reveal that sumo wrestlers don’t have much visceral fat at all. Instead, they store most of their fat right underneath the skin. That’s why scientists think sumo wrestlers are healthy. They have normal levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in their blood, and unexpectedly low levels of cholesterol, both of which lower their risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

>> No.15310272

>"not underage"
>snapchat zoomer get you a guy who meme
>highschool football player
>the word vibes
>replies to everyone in the thread
>believes you can be healthy at that weight
>posts on a blatantly anti-fat board and website
>unironic grindr terminology

>You think football is easy? I bet you couldn’t last one practice
i can and i have bud.
>warm up
>run around a few cones
>hit some dudes
>catch some balls
>get tackled once or twice
>chat shit with your friends in between exercises
>repeat for a few hours
>maybe play a mock game at the end
>go home to mommies mac and cheese and tik tok videos

>"hurr durr football is hard"
for you

>> No.15310293

You realize a bear is a homosexual term right

>> No.15310294

>the word vibes
Is a millenial thing.

>> No.15310295

Yeah but can you run a mile?

>> No.15310303
File: 66 KB, 512x307, B3ZksmZ2HZ52ceYiupJvpeEaY7Y_-heJX-f9s0qPBbjIfbcQj_1fWHhyIjTunRmhIH5HZhtLFDE31mNGGauYj6H3SGt_2F2Nl_-z33QZuaMbE1tAeDJyQI-6hFF4vhPm1E8angUqJiv5kMmaGD8JlEvsLGO3Ua0XPqXSRsNVBlaN5G9CmJUscE4qpC[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can bench more than you.

>> No.15310320

You're a fat person in denial. Wait till your doctor tells you about your high cholesterol, high blood and diabetes in your 20s. Lay off the fucking fast food you fat ass.

>> No.15310659

Died laughing reading this. kek

>> No.15310666

Yeah dude sumo wrestlers are just bundles of raw muscle underneath that fat though. I think you're giving op a little too much credit, he doesn't look like he carries the fat in the same was as an athlete stronglifter/sumo wrestler/bloatmaxxer etc does at all. You can tell the difference easily.

>> No.15311156

You also need to do pull ups...

>> No.15311189

Quiet fatty

>> No.15312086

So Is no one going to help me out?

>> No.15312093

lose weight
there i helped you

>> No.15312097

no it isnt

>> No.15312399

You're fat as fuck my guy. Easily over 25% bf.
Think about that, more than a quarter of you is useless fucking flab. Disgusting lard.

>> No.15312427

sorry bro this board isn't for fat people. Try asking /b/

>> No.15313084

Help yourself fatty

>> No.15313109


1 - how much do you bench?
2 - you're still fat

>> No.15313115

lose weight fatso

>> No.15313608

Honestly lose weight and then we’ll help you. No point in investing in quality pieces if you’re fat. Besides most designer doesn’t make plus size

>> No.15315354
File: 51 KB, 434x600, 273554DD-C8AF-4617-9CBD-DC195CB35C69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bane is a big guy. I like his look a lot. I wouldn’t wear the armory though just coat

>> No.15315366

Bane also has muscles you fat fuck

>> No.15315372

Lose weight

>> No.15315379

kys obese fuck, this is not a board for things like you.

>> No.15315382

wow you are harsh wtf is wrong with you kid

>> No.15315442

You too fat ass

>> No.15315446
File: 693 KB, 1043x1834, me March 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch you tripping calling me fat

>> No.15315467

I am not the one thats wrong, this board has gone soft on shit that shouldn't fly here destroying aesthetics

>> No.15315482

Big Fat Ass Nigga

>> No.15315483

kid stfu

>> No.15315507

or the allmighty tripfag will cry?
fuck off to /fit/ nobody gives a fuck about you stick to your shitty generals.

>> No.15315510

That’s Generation Z for you. They believe you can be healthy at every weight

Watch this high school fitness video from 1962.

Not one fat kid in sight. Everyone is lean and can do advanced body weight exercises

Boomers > Gen Z


>> No.15315522

so? people were also shorter and science was more primitve

>> No.15315524

Another video with JFK talking about the fitness program. Based af


>> No.15315525

fuck boomers

>> No.15315526

and fuck you especially. bitch

>> No.15315538

Igor why are you so upset. Gen Z are all lazy fat fucks just like OP. No discipline at all. That’s why they’re fat and riddled with disease and so dependent on medication. It would be better for the gene pool if they were eliminated or just stopped reproducing

>> No.15315550

You are insanely full of bile, not healthy for you.

>> No.15315601

Damn they all have better bodies than me and I workout pretty consistently. I think it’s their diets back then

>> No.15315685

theyre literally just low bodyfat teens

>> No.15316254

true but still theyre not fat. most americans are overweight at that age now

>> No.15317237

Start fasting

>> No.15317278

weird flex.

>> No.15318540

If you're tall and big, just wear long pants and jumpers (not fucking hoodies). They hide weight well, what I did while I was losing weight.

>> No.15318588

American culture and language is the epitome of degeneracy.

>> No.15318607
File: 380 KB, 1920x1080, 918230ef6fa79441255910efb9bb651b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lose weight by actually putting in effort, eating healthy and playing sport is not everything

>> No.15319055

I couldn’t finish loading the picture you fat fuck

>> No.15320089

Since everyone here is gonna be a bastard I’ll try to help. Your shoulders look proportionally small and rounded so stand up straight and wear things that’ll make your shoulders appear a little more broad. Don’t ever wear your socks that fucking high ever again especially when you’re wearing shorts and lastly wear an expensive watch because honestly it never hurts

>> No.15320093


>> No.15320160

>wear an expensive watch because honestly it never hurts

>> No.15320200

lose weight

>> No.15320610

Terrible advice

>> No.15320928

I don’t know anything about watches so any starters and what do you mean by expensive like how expensive

>> No.15320974
File: 1016 KB, 732x866, 43ed78be3cd221cfe276544aa3564903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heart shoe
heart shoe bad

>> No.15320979


>> No.15321559

What’s your advice then?
Eh look at U-Boats

>> No.15321568

daily reminder that u should rope yourself fat fuck.

>> No.15321610

Hopefully one that doesn’t cut of circulation to your fat fucking sausage arm

>> No.15321895

>Heart shoe bad

Heart shoe bad bad

>> No.15322587

Lose some weight you fat fuck.

>> No.15322613
File: 97 KB, 980x712, EUj7_byXsAAMhFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15323982
File: 146 KB, 750x937, tumblr_olqov1uSV71rm3z0zo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> one of the top threads in the board
> still no pics of overweight men
Fuck everyone who posted in this thread sage

>> No.15324342

t. fat and gay