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File: 291 KB, 572x927, 93146AB9-9800-4CF0-AD79-E4ACDC6DB5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15260074 No.15260074 [Reply] [Original]

meanspo edition

Last >>15248021

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies (fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.15260082
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Is it still worth going for the sticc aesthetic if you look older? I'm 20 but people think I'm 25.

>> No.15260084

Are the meal replacement powders worth anything? I bought a pack when they were in discount, but haven't tried them yet.

>> No.15260097


>> No.15260101
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Sum1's angery

>> No.15260103
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Don't tease the fatty. It may make his heart explode.

>> No.15260120

Has anyone got more webms or gifs of the cute guy with white hair and a tail from last thread, im not gay but he made me hard as diamonds

>> No.15260131

You retards spend hours of days in this thread and NEVER lose any weight, and just complain because you are fat sad depressed pigs, keep trying to not look in the mirror anon!!

>> No.15260146
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Look, you made him write more fanfic of us: >>15260131

>> No.15260164


Its reality. Go look in the mirror :) try not to cry and cut yourself again

>> No.15260172
File: 36 KB, 326x318, gmfwd9ilj4911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can believe in whatever they want, be it 5G spreading corona, gods, your fantasies. I'm not going to take that right away from you. Have a nice day, anon. You seem to enjoy your life the most in these threads. Admirable body positivity.

>> No.15260181

Did i hit a nerve because this is actually your reality :)

>> No.15260182
File: 280 KB, 1185x1373, IMG_20200523_183506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 manlet
am i thinspo yet? not going for the ducked-in-stomach barrellchested skelly look

>50 decline pushups
>2x 30s Lsit
>20 pike lifts

skip breakfast most days, skip rope every other day

>> No.15260186

Mediocre, you look good but nothing extremly impressive, not really thinspo

>> No.15260189

You look pretty good, I wouldn't drop more bodyfat since I don't think it'd do any hugely noticeable difference at a reasonable cost of your health

>> No.15260194

Working out wont make you taller anon, you are just going to look like a mini fridge if you keep working out

>> No.15260254
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Just fucking eat and lift, faggots

>> No.15260257
File: 82 KB, 469x514, 6A52D9E4-C0F5-44D5-B6BD-49D35D3A7F85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolute state of you lads. Grim grim grim grim.

>> No.15260260

I think you look delicious anon
keep it up

>> No.15260398

anyone run here? do you do fasts in conjunction with running? thinking about water fasting on my off days

>> No.15260428

I run 70km/week

>do you do fasts in conjunction with running?
yes sometimes, but never deep into a fast, only less than 36 hours at most, only longer than that and running just makes the hunger UNBEARABLE, to the point where I can't stop think about stopping, I usually always break my fast immediately after finishing the run with a protein heavy meal so I can recover and get back at it again

>thinking about water fasting on my off days
I'd recommend running 3 hours after you break your fast.

>> No.15260490

300ish to 155 here...long shot, but does anyone have experience with loose skin surgery ?

>> No.15260512

Just buy some scissors anon, easier to do it yourself at home

>> No.15260531

I went from 375 to 210 (currently)

On my way to 170ish. I DO have loose skin but it’s really not terrible. I have a theory that fasting should take it all away in time. Specifically dry fasting. I read somewhere that dry fasting eats scar tissue, and that’s all loose skin is essentially

>> No.15260821
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Do not fucking eat

>> No.15260871


>> No.15260883

so i can look like whatever the fuck this thing is? no thank you.

>> No.15260896
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>> No.15260913
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ok so im going to make this quick. first time poster to this thread. i weight 280 (haha fat i know) and im sick of it, im trying to devise a diet for losing as much weight as possible along with some exercise. so far my plan is
>40 to hour long bike ride in the morning
>skip all meals except dinner
>cup of coffee in the morning
>keep dinner to about 1000 calories
>afterwards immediately go on a hour walk/speedwalk.

this is me trying to get to about 150 pounds. how does it sound?

>> No.15260942

Perfect, that's what almost every real dieting anon does here, ignore the fitfats and meme posters, that works perfectly

>> No.15260946

Theres a few like him, search "otaku gets f****d" i forget the name of the others but can link them later

>> No.15260968

Sounds shit anon, don’t bother with the exercise, eat at 1k cal deficit. Limiting yourself too much will just lead to binging (especially with exercise) From there see how it goes, maybe you can put you cals down even more

>> No.15260984

cool. ive been monitoring my diet for awhile using this app. does a deficit mean that i only eat 1000 calories or do i just eat 1000 less than the max im supposed to get?

(the app says i should be burning about 2800 a day due to my bmi, so should i be eating just 1000 or should i be eating 1800?)

Sorry, im terrible with like......describing what i mean lol

>> No.15261010
File: 141 KB, 1125x1469, E89FA47F-C638-429B-BFE0-04BD1F9609E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to look like this and identified as male, but now I’m thinking I’d rather be androgynous. Only problem is I went through a mental collapse and developed a binge eating disorder.

I’m 50 pounds heavier than in pic related. How the fuck do I overcome this and be the person I want to be?

>> No.15261029
File: 185 KB, 400x400, 436es.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You count the calories you take in (CI), you count the calories that you get rid of (CO), you take the difference CI - CO. Now, suppose this is negative. Then you are doing good, and then you just drop the minus sign and you have your deficit.

>> No.15261039
File: 3.65 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20200521_232730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha dude could you stop being such a sissy bitch? Like seriously what experiences did you miss out on when you were younger to result in you not developing past the mental state of a 16 year old?
I would be more understanding but I'm sure you enjoy when guys talk down to you like this you pathetic little boy.

>> No.15261044

go away trannie

>> No.15261055

thank you! i really appreciate the help.

also i know theres always fatposters who like...ask for advice n then just dont follow through. i hate them so im actually gonna keep ppl updated cos ive3 honestly never wanted anything more in my life than to be thin

>> No.15261079

Best not to listen to the anime posters, they have been here ages and just complain they cant lose weight,, their advice is worthless

>> No.15261093
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>> No.15261107
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The best of luck to you, anon!

>> No.15261110


>> No.15261121

Hey I’m just asking how to lose all the weight quickly while not bingeing

>> No.15261147
File: 338 KB, 1308x901, grant-me-the-strength-to-carry-on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plesea doo

>> No.15261152

>got thin
>still ugly

>> No.15261155


>> No.15261254

Come back wearing yoga pants and turn around, this is important so we can answer you

>> No.15261298


>> No.15261634
File: 68 KB, 629x767, gloomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had other interests, or real hobbies. Restricting wouldn't be so fucking boring if I did. Nothing ever sticks. I can't even watch a movie in one sitting.

>> No.15261682

would it be a bad idea to drink prune juice not too long after a 48 hour water fast
i dont plan on breaking my fast with it of course, im just feeling constipated and want to know if i'll be able to alleviate it before it becomes unbearable

>> No.15261684

Why not Coffee instead of sugar water

>> No.15261685

Gl anon I gave the 1k deficit advice and I’ve losing about 14 pounds a month

>> No.15261691

that would be a much better idea than drinking prune juice if it actually worked for me. for some reason coffee just tends to cause more stomach cramps when im constipated instead of stimulating a bowel movement

>> No.15261749

I literally wish I looked like you anon, too bad my hips are huge

>> No.15262031
File: 114 KB, 1200x600, web3-high-five-vs-praying-hands-emoji-yayayoyo-shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here
im drunk but I just wanted to thank you eating disorder weirdos for doing your part in the world to generate more twink for me to smash

i lift for this shit

keep up the good work

>> No.15262231

LMAO keep dreaming you pig, i don't fuck fatties

>> No.15262262
File: 687 KB, 1536x2830, 8E536B28-7E1A-4DC7-9D66-9B8818AB4BA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struggling to gain weight fml, why is it so hard >:c

>> No.15262270

lift faggs and bulk

>> No.15262276
File: 67 KB, 747x525, 1e5e3a76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262292

I'll give you all the advice you need to fix your BED but first I want proof that it's actually you and not a larp so I don't waste my time, post a timestamped picture

>> No.15262478

Hey guys,

6'2" 230 lbs. Green eyes

Is jogging a bad idea at my weight. Should I go for long walks instead? What about the Gorona?

Please advice

>> No.15262537

My BED is fine anon, i just got a new mattresses the other week

>> No.15262559

I gonna be brave and head out for 20 min walk

>> No.15262564
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>> No.15262578

Dopamine fast.

>> No.15262588
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>> No.15262591

Video games are perfect. I can play for 8 hours without even thinking about anything else.

>> No.15262606

Do you have any recommendations for "immersive" games that makes me forget about everything else?

>> No.15262609

Stop posting this uggo tranny

>> No.15262612

Pic of new mattress? How soft is it? Firm?

>> No.15262666
File: 23 KB, 500x500, EX_le2UXsAIyBrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anon but if you are into anime Hunter x Hunter is really immersive/"bingeable". It also has a great soundtrack:


>> No.15262670

Osu, its so immersive that you become a weeb and ruin the rest of your life forever

>> No.15262691

Then you develop a mental illness and either become a different gender or spend your time being a cumdump trap for weird old men online

>> No.15262744

This, I played 12 straight hours of Apex Legends yesterday without moving from bed, shit is incredible for fasting (and quarantine anxiety, etc)

>> No.15262792

pear shape

>> No.15262795

aphex twin core

>> No.15262806
File: 88 KB, 615x923, 0A1BFA19-569A-4A8A-BAA5-6C9BDC20658E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember
Fat is not /fa/
Fat is not /fa/
Fat is not /fa/
Fat will never be /fa/

>> No.15262814

I tried video games too. The novelty wore-off very fast.

>> No.15262954

itt: mental illness

>> No.15262962

Gentile reminder that fasting fucks up your metabolism.

>> No.15262965

ok fattie

>> No.15263006

post proof

>> No.15263029

Sounds like something a fattie who just ruined their fast would say

>> No.15263031


>> No.15263064

why does thinspo always get brigaded? are fatties really this seething?

>> No.15263076

Nice try. I'm sexcore

>> No.15263090

>check out ed twitter
>it's all chubby binge eaters saying you don't need to be underweight to be anorexic

I guess I'm stuck here

>> No.15263107

LMAO im on ed twitter and can confirm this. it's all pro recovery and uwu stay safe sweetie ur so smol eat something!!11! everyone there just wants to be validated and called tiny

>> No.15263128

It does if you don't do cardio or work out

>> No.15263129
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Idk what my goal is rn, maybe more muscles

>> No.15263139

Skinny fat

>> No.15263141

Damn no gym for 3 months really brought me downhill

>> No.15263145

okay retarded faggot speak for yourself, i'll think of your post the next time im balls deep in one of your fellow thinspo twinks

>> No.15263150

never stop being obese goyim
a bmi under 25? that's practically starvation
oy vey

>> No.15263198
File: 118 KB, 899x1123, 1589447865436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gonna make it, bottom boy

>> No.15263208

Just lift and eat at maintenance or slight surplus. It's not complicated

>> No.15263236

Parents specifically cooked sausage rolls knowing im fasting and wont want any, then try force me to have some, i hate these disgusting vile fat npc's. Hope they choke on them

>> No.15263279

>t. ungrateful, mentally-ill brat

Your poor parents.

>> No.15263296


>> No.15263306
File: 121 KB, 1200x870, 7ea247b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you just have to move out. Simple.

>> No.15263318

my lowest held weight (6'1 110 lbs ish) through HS was bc i ate 4 days a week and played vidya from 4 pm to 4 am every day. can't think about being hungry if u just play games nonstop

>> No.15263322

>t. eating disordered mentally ill autist
your father should've pulled out

>> No.15263335

question: are you thin before thinspo or did you lose weight? and if you did, how much did you lose and what was your diet plan?

>> No.15263350
File: 24 KB, 382x415, a2e1efbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you thin before thinspo or did you lose weight?
Thinish 17 bmi, then I gained some and came to these to pass time. Now I've lost a few kilos, but I'm still on the wrong side of 18.
>what was your diet plan
Combining fasting and OMAD.

>> No.15263489

I've been planning on doing something like this for a while but in my mind i was calling it a "dopamine fast"

>> No.15263553

>17 but then put some on, then i joined thinspo and im above 18

You couldve literally just said "i joined thinspo at about 19 bmi"
We didnt need your coping story to try to not sound fat

>> No.15263589


>> No.15263596


>> No.15263765


>> No.15263929

What does you having green eyes have to do with anything?
Also wake up early to jog, I'd suggest power walking since running would be bad for you knees
If their are people outside just wear a mask
You can also run in place and do excerises at home if you're so worried

>> No.15263938

Ed tumblr is way better than ed Twitter since all the fags on tumblr moved to Twitter so now they spout stupid shit like that.

>> No.15263945
File: 158 KB, 750x1334, d9cb913d-d6be-42f1-a8b4-0c733c8b43c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 yrs old, 6'4", finally reached target weight 149 lbs. we're all gonna make it

>> No.15263946

How do I into ed tumblr

>> No.15263954

I do light intermittent fasting + running,
I eat between 3pm-9pm and run at 11am after a few cups of coffee

>> No.15264008
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Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.15264164
File: 1.60 MB, 1016x1190, Screen Shot 2020-05-24 at 7.59.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emma chamberlin is my body goals. how much do you think she eats a day and how often do you think she works out? she actually looks soort of fit sometimes but i think he body is mostly diet.

>> No.15264186

What's the consensus on fake sweetener? Does diet soda actually fuck up your weight loss somehow?

>> No.15264189

No, not enough for it to really matter at all. Very minimal effects, still 100x better than having something with real sugar

>> No.15264217

How old is to old to be into all this ana shit? Every ana space seems dominated by teenagers.
People don't just grow out of this stuff, r-right?

>> No.15264226
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, big_1496148706_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fucking retarded for using anime as reactions. no cap.

>> No.15264228

how can you go to the gym and be so skinny fat?
i'm 6'0 165-170lbs and look smaller than you and don't even go to the gym

>> No.15264233

what do these retards think this is? /a/?

>> No.15264246
File: 51 KB, 1080x648, 14ebd88bd75b8c2e2f3e29196a6df82b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idefk, but i know they have a mental illness and are obese af.

>> No.15264286

This, every anime poster in this thread has eventully revealed their actual weight the past few week, and their all above even average, dumb fat weebs

>> No.15264299
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>> No.15264376

ok cool, diet drinks are my crutch and I was always curious if it was fucking with me somehow

>> No.15264438

not OP but ive seen a few of her vids and she strikes me as the kind of girl who drinks iced coffee in place of meals and does simple shit like yoga or pilates. couldn't guess on specifics regarding how much she eats calorie wise but i know she's vegan so it's easier to stay skinny that way (don't crucify me i know there's plenty of fat vegans out there, just saying it helps cut out most fast food options)

>> No.15264468

i think you're pretty spot-on. in one of her daily routine vlogs she said she only ever eats pasta w/ either pesto sauce or marinara and besides that the only thing she had that day was coffee.

>> No.15264473

Fat vegans are actually really rare/pretty much nonexistent
Veganism is a great way to lose weight since veggies and fruit keep you fuller longer than a mcdouble

>> No.15264493

i post anime rarely and i'm 15 bmi, i don't post pics that often though. thread usually gets derailed by ppl asking if i'm a dude or not

>> No.15264501

I know a overweight vegan who stuffs herself of veggies because the're "low calories and healthy" so she just binges on them, just because they're low calorie doesnt stop fatties from gorging themself, ive personally also lost weight eating only mcdoanlds. Its, CICO, mcdonalds actually doesnt have a ton of calories. Fatties just use it as a excuse for their shit eating habits

>> No.15264547

yeah caffeine is pretty a pretty decent appetite suppressant, im so jealous of people like her, not even because they're skinny, but because they don't obsess over food and constantly think about their next meal like me. they just have other shit to worry about or take up their time. i just want food to stop controlling my gd mind man.

>> No.15264589

nice tits fatty

>> No.15264593


>> No.15264647

remember to work out with ur fasts boys

>> No.15264650

Do you have things to take up your time?

>> No.15264664

not really, unemployed due to covid, can't see friends, not really a gamer, trying to get back into reading though and I'm currently trying to break my through my binge eating habits with some 3 day fasts paired with journaling and meditation. so far I'm feeling optimistic about the process. just wanted to vent. if you have any ideas on occupying time id really appreciate it! or any advice in general

>> No.15264744

origami is cheap and relaxing, >>>/po/ has a ton of free books and resources as does youtube, and you can easily impress people after a month of effort

>> No.15264770


Is she thinspo

>> No.15264800

hmm that does look pretty cool and fairly inexpensive! thanks anon!! :)

>> No.15264819

>impress people

Aka, will be called "sad" and probably get bullied for doing it

>> No.15264862


>> No.15264906


>> No.15264951

its ok bro highschool is only a few years

>> No.15264962

Internets a lifetime, where the bullying will never end,
>fat anime posters

>> No.15265450

Mid 30s or so?
When you have 0 baby fat on your face and you just look weird, as with everything it depends on the person

But also look at fucking Bowie or Mick Jagger, they were thinspo por decades and still are

>> No.15265499

lost 10lbs in a month with keto woo

>> No.15265524

More like
>almost died of keto flu

>> No.15265548
File: 87 KB, 592x597, lividlipidsselfconscious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is my absolute favorite reverse thinspo

>> No.15265643
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>> No.15265741

Get off the internet, get off this shitty board, and get treatment. Your problems won't be solved by trying to turn yourself into a woman

>> No.15265749

Based fridgebro

>> No.15265786


>> No.15265886

damn what the fuck happened to thinspo

>> No.15265887
File: 3.00 MB, 1662x831, fdvghfggfggfggfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're making progress.

>inb4 wide hips
I know, it's a curse.

>> No.15265964

I know you're not asking but I think a middle part in the hair would look better desu

>> No.15266005

was about to eat some food but came here and now i dont want to
still drinking vodka though

>> No.15266026

>wide hips
Keep loosing fat till corona is over then go to the gym and work on lats and shoulders

>> No.15266101

Whats with those massive creases, are they scars? You looking better tho

>> No.15266111

At least start doing calisthenics
Hell, even doing as many pushups as you can every day will help immensely at this point

>> No.15266128

how do i correct my posture, do i have to start lifting to strengthen back muscles?

also it's my goal in life to look underweight but strong like this someone PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO DO IT https://www.allkpop.com/article/2020/04/bvndits-maknae-seungeun-is-earning-mad-respect-from-netizens-with-her-chiseled-arm-leg-muscles

>> No.15266132

looks like stretch marks and/or loose skin.

>> No.15266134

Shes not strong at all lmao, do 20 squats a day for a week or two and your legs will be like that if you're skinny enough

>> No.15266141

yeah loose skin surgery scars right?

>> No.15266149

i literally am going to do 20 squats a day now but she has amazing abs?? how do i get them.. it says she did taekwondo for them like wtf

>> No.15266156

Just do situps every day, she has the illusion of more muscle because shes so retardedly skinny

>> No.15266171

ok thank you!! yeah that makes sense actually.. can you guess her bmi? i wanna be that exact bmi but have no idea what it is because her online stats are fake

>> No.15266184

I would guess around 16bmi but thats with muscle, girls hold most fat in the top of their legs but she has virtually non so she must be pretty low

>> No.15266210


You're a 14 year old girl, right?

God I hate anorexia threads with underage girls killing themselves. So wrong these are allowed on a fashion board.

>> No.15266235

Sad old man

>> No.15266252
File: 479 KB, 646x637, uhohh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15266258

thanks interesting that's quite high so she must workout hard.. i'm gonna focus on calisthenics like you said n idc if my bmi increases if it's muscle

no i'm 23 but mentally stunted and wanna look 14 forever so close!

>> No.15266396

i have a bmi just under 25 and im 166cm am i fat and how much should i weigh?

>> No.15266406

Lmao are you here every single day all day? You are sucha loserrr dude.

Lmao still in better shape than you dweebs

>no i'm 23 but mentally stunted

Not going to disagree with this, sweet pea.

>> No.15266497

25-29.9 bmi is generally considered overweight. if you just wanna be average just drop to 20 or 19, if you want to be thin then go even lower

>> No.15266510
File: 187 KB, 472x478, 18AC861E-6750-4F84-B7BC-82744EC3039A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the blubber growing around my face, what do?

>> No.15266717
File: 1.70 MB, 3088x2316, F6075808-756C-472B-8221-3EC895D3099D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ribs starting to look pretty good while relaxing my midriff

>> No.15266750



>> No.15266769

Oh you tards still starving yourself?

>> No.15266786

post body

>> No.15266797

ate a giant bowl of oats right before bed

haha, just carb loading before my 50 mile bike ride tomorrow I guess :3

>> No.15266830
File: 84 KB, 683x400, befunky-collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not eat

>> No.15266837 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 2452x1836, IMG_20200419_160927890_BURST000_COVER_TOP~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15266843


>> No.15266951


>> No.15267225
File: 53 KB, 640x788, EYp7IAoXYAUjKIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally down to 160lbs. my bmi currently is 25, my goal is 15. anyone here who has an 15bmi and doesn't mind posting their body? :3

>> No.15267253

Maybe after a few drinks later

>> No.15267732

those are just the creases where the fat folds. i used to be fat and got them all the time from sitting hunched over for long periods

>> No.15267776

haven't been on this board for years but my BMI is ~17 (5'8", 110 or so lb) and I've been trying for years to gain weight lmao.

Rapid metabolism gang

>> No.15267866
File: 273 KB, 1080x1808, IMG_20200526_042139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am I bmi 16.5 and still skinnyfat:(
I walk 6k steps a day, 30 minute workout 3times a week(I'm lazy), only eat dinner of about 600 calories and fast for about 20h every single day

>> No.15267922

does your 30 min workout involve cardio or resistance and how long living like this did it take you to get to bmi 16?

>> No.15267937

wait nvm, presumably it was 6 months. i wish i wasn't so impatient :(

>> No.15267947

yes, song sucks tho

>> No.15267953

The song's kinda nice, but she's to far for me. Admirable however.

>> No.15267973

>190 lbs
>26.5 BMI
>goal of around 20 BMI or 160 lbs
Should I be going for daily calorie deficits or will I be okay with staying under a certain calorie amount a day?

>> No.15267998

Were you looking to Chris-chan for fashion inspiration?

>> No.15268016

I think you look great. I have a similar build, but iv packed on a bit of muscle to get to 130lbs. Same height tho.

>> No.15268022

Did you read the post? Obviously no him, since that person is a cutie skinny boi, and he's at a BMI of 25, which is overweight.

>> No.15268026

actually pretty good, I'm in this thread to bully but I got nothing to say here. keep it up

>> No.15268030

being in shape and thin is great but dont fucking starve or do other shit to be thin lol. its not good. health and self love is based everyone

>> No.15268049


>> No.15268060

no worry anon, I actually started losing weight like 2 years ago when I was 70/65kg, lost the first 15kg by just eating less but now I'm underweight and eating less isn't enough so I gotta do some extra. Also I didn't realize I haven't been doing any cardio or anything like that so I'll have to look into it thank you :)

>> No.15268473

i dont feel thin so i guess i got that going for me

>> No.15268512
File: 36 KB, 750x531, 1546355141971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I had seen all that 4chinz had to offer. but this shit? you faggots are literally egging each other on to become anorexic.
pic related is what should have happened to you
inb4 ur fat hurr durr

>> No.15268514

>self love is based everyone
culturally degenerate pablum

>> No.15268556

t. anorexic bitch
go read a book or something. fulfilment and happiness doesn't come from other people's perception of you.

>> No.15268596

800 calorie omad or never check this thread again fatty

>> No.15268602


>> No.15268620
File: 1.70 MB, 2112x4421, IMG_20200526_072520__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am very skinny

>> No.15268634

I've been thin all of my life and I come here to see/collect pictures of cute girls and to share pictures I've found, and occasionally talk about fitness. Almost everyone in the U.S. is overweight (other western countries aren't far behind) it's disgusting. It's nice to get a break from being surrounded by ham planets even if it's just online.

>> No.15268638

i am 6'3 and weigh 140 and i get so much pussy

shawties love skeletor boys. its fucked up

>> No.15268641

>Is it still worth going for the sticc aesthetic if you look older? I'm 20 but people think I'm 25.

Yes, if you can maintain your looks into your 30s and 40s then you'll be fine.

>> No.15268648

i hate fat people. anyone overweight is instantly worthless to me because it shows they have 0 self control.

>> No.15268684

Stop lieing anon, its only the fat ugly pigs who like skellys. You fat chubby chaser,
You get so much pussy but the girls have more rolls than a greggs. I bet you like to lick the pizza grease from their flaps

>> No.15268706
File: 222 KB, 640x443, le_monke14212_F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a blood test
>have anemia, bradycardia and hypotension
>doctor tells me I'm unhealthily underweight and that I needed to gain weight to fix my anemia
>have only lost even more weight since then
>follow up bloodtests is tomorrow

>> No.15268752

DRINK TEA OR HOT WADDER, STOP being hangry. Go DRAW SOMETHING, write about your feelings, watch a MOVIE. STOPP being hangry.
Love each other. Support each other. As God or the bible or whatever said.
Do NOT spread negativity. We mustn’t be like all the other threads full of HATE. We are evolving thanks to fasting benefits, RIGHT?

>> No.15268765

good post

>> No.15268803

would suck all night

>> No.15268829

Starting my fast today but already had 2 coffees. Oh well

>> No.15268839


>> No.15268840


>> No.15268841

i have never lain with a fat woman

>> No.15268854

more protein. less carbs. smth like 0.5g per lb of body weight.
do lift weights and if you're afraid of being "bulky" which most anorexics are, do calisthenics for high reps or use very light weights for high reps to build endurance as opposed to mass.

>> No.15268870

You have never lay with any woman anon

>> No.15268936

front view?

>> No.15268944
File: 2.15 MB, 3088x2316, 1EA57763-3131-449D-A870-2E108D7196D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon

>> No.15268970

Pic of butt in yoga pants anon

>> No.15268980
File: 34 KB, 560x375, brittany070305_560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15269029

when did I say fasting is bad? I personally only try to eat one meal a day, avoid all processed sugars and exercise once a day.
my reason for losing fat is that it will hopefully unlock my top tier facial genetics that have been covered by fat ever since I was a teen. I don't want to become a stick figure, and neither should you. You are mentally fucked. you seem to have no goal as to what point you want to get to before you increase your caloric intake to a sustainable level again. Thats dangerous. Stop, re-evaluate why you're doing this, and then make a level headed decision as to when / what HEALTHY bodyweight you want to be at when you finish.

>> No.15269113

What maximum BMI can one have and still be allowed to post in these threads? Aspiring to be thin, of course, and working towards it.

>> No.15269166

post at whatever weight, but please don’t post physique until you’re sub 18

>> No.15269270

Any, the anime posters are about 30bmi, this thread is mostly fatties who come here to trick themself into thinking they are getting skinner so they dont hate themself, the rest are "naturally skinny" 18-19 bmi 20 year olds who post their skinnyfat pudgy belly

>> No.15269272
File: 602 KB, 460x420, 1565627496271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15269278
File: 178 KB, 565x596, 1576610386841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I always get super fucking skinny through hard work and restrictive as fuck diet but then ruin it by getting fat again.
im currently 25 bmi again after being underweight just half a year ago.

>> No.15269309
File: 244 KB, 350x338, giphy5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in this thread do OMAD? It feels great.

>> No.15269317

>25 bmi
Just give up anon, you were probably never skinny in the first place stop coping

>> No.15269363


>> No.15269379

Sometimes. When I'm in the mood to just not be constantly eating I'll do one meal a day.

>> No.15269415

i was 51kg and 179cm at my best :(

>> No.15269427
File: 1.34 MB, 3088x2316, DCFC48F7-BE56-48F3-83D7-0F590A7A6073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this good enough anon?

>> No.15269431

can u step on me

>> No.15269442
File: 64 KB, 1118x407, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think the normal bmi range is all wrong? like bmi 20-25 is chubby to fat, should not be considered normal. Also bmi around 17 should not be underweight cause it's perfectly healthy

>> No.15269940
File: 1.49 MB, 1184x1190, Screenshot 2020-05-26 at 21.30.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

195cm 70kg

>> No.15270392

you wouldn't even feel it, that ñigga weighs 2 pounds

>> No.15270411

tried adderall for the first time and i havent felt any hunger or cravings in forever
feels pretty good man

>> No.15270458
File: 45 KB, 640x617, EYaVH4ZUMAAl51K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else dealing with anhedona while restricting? I don't feel like doing anything.

>> No.15270464


>> No.15270469
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, 20200214_151233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i thinspo enough? 185cm 60kg

>> No.15270754

No, very average

>> No.15270839


You are to me



mental illness detected

>> No.15270892
File: 2.25 MB, 2273x4044, Quarentine Bordeom - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never been over 17.8 bmi, this was taken at low 17's

>> No.15271304

impressive. very nice.

>> No.15271326

I'm not a poster in these threads so correct me if I'm wrong but...
These threads are basically closeted (and not closeted) gays perving on twinks and people with borderline anorexia giving themselves reasons to starve themselves more? I've always had a trash compactor metabolism so I've never been able to exceed 60kgs and I don't see what's so aesthetic about being thin desu

>> No.15271328

Might get myself a 5$ large pizza from lil b Caesars now. Buuuttt I need to lose weight :c

>> No.15271332

Eat you fucking retard.

>> No.15271333

Most of the people in this thread are skinnyfats like me who have just enough of a gut for it to be unappealing. Anyone going beyond >>15270469
or >>15270892 are mentally ill

>> No.15271337

Define skinny fat anon. I don't think I'm a skinny fat...

>> No.15271400
File: 124 KB, 260x194, 1578821268157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15271420
File: 328 KB, 902x1602, 8AE733D4-1663-47B4-A430-B352A8235788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fit would have you believe is skinny fat is just fat. Real skinny fat isn’t too unflattering, it’s looking somewhat proper skinny with bare muscle definition/highish BF%. Pic related is what I’d consider me at the height of skinny fat, and I’m being generous

>> No.15271446

OH lord you guys are so pedantic holy shit. Skinny fat is when you aren't fat but actually look fat sometimes. You don't look fat at all.

>> No.15271447

>have anemia, bradycardia and hypotension
Anon he's going to fucking die. Grow up.

>> No.15271454

>You don't look fat at all
Ty, could've used that a month ago when I took the pic

>> No.15271460

that anon is me and no I'm not going to die lmao my doctor is just a jealous fatty

>> No.15271461
File: 45 KB, 921x921, ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still I believe what I said and skinny fat isn't too bad a thing
if pic related on the left is skinny fat, then skinny fat isn't real

>> No.15271469

it's offputting to me cause it shows they deal with all their problems by binging

>> No.15271486

>i was 51kg and 179cm
Hot af

>> No.15271500
File: 62 KB, 1053x592, mynameehhjeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruin a perfect 16 hour fast by binging late a night

Why do I do this?

>> No.15271510
File: 707 KB, 828x1033, EE9A8F21-3416-4B9E-9794-590483227396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, that’s not even omad. Make it to omad first before u consider fasting. A “16 hour fast” isn’t a fast

>> No.15271518

The BMI scale is from the early 1800s and doesn't take lean bodymass in account, so yes, it's only good for keeping populations in check. On individual level, bodyfat percentage should be the gold standard, with men being in the 13-18% range and women above that due to hormonal needs.

>> No.15271553

How do you know your body fat %?

>> No.15271572
File: 1.94 MB, 1215x791, 1573577837046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easiest way to do it is to compare yourself to an image like pic related

measuring yourself with capillers is really hard to get right

everything else is total bullshit and doesn't work.

>> No.15271580
File: 171 KB, 750x920, flat750x1000075f.u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 30% female

>> No.15271604

Thanks. That's super helpful

>> No.15271658

Nah left isnt skinnyfat, thats just fat

>> No.15271667
File: 104 KB, 720x720, 20200526_082717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had a piece of toast for breakfast ama

>> No.15271670


>> No.15271682

Post it now please dear

>> No.15271721
File: 668 KB, 1507x2592, IMG_20190101_145451~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to lose weight so you have any advice? What's my bf%?

>> No.15271723

way too much. stop eating

>> No.15271724
File: 630 KB, 1944x1897, IMG_20200527_090120~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck haters all day

>> No.15271726
File: 2.07 MB, 1944x2592, 15905846220271948571085748200021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For how long? I fast once a week usually thinspo boys

>> No.15271735

You need to fast for atleast a year, you literally look like a blob how have you not hero yet, stop posting your horrendous fat body

>> No.15271741

Way to go asshole

>> No.15271757

lol getting mad on 4chan for being told shit you already know

>> No.15271759
File: 291 KB, 1173x1914, 20200504_122139~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been away from these threads for a bit, 6 ft 110 lbs

>> No.15271766 [DELETED] 

Whqt kind of gravebloom is that on your arm? You're looking low on bodyfat.

>> No.15271772

Nice, rip your legs tho

>> No.15271780
File: 5 KB, 90x120, IMG_20181110_171730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be thin kind of. I guess I'll try a 7 day fast now. This was me before.

>> No.15271781

Holy shit those tattoos are so shit

>> No.15271801

>leather jacket
Oh no no no

>> No.15271805
File: 105 KB, 703x937, IMG-20181110-WA0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's with the jacket off stop laughing

>> No.15271856

Im laughing even more, you look awful lmao, you have bigger tits that the femanons on this board

>> No.15271861

It's not my fault it's because I'm vegan neither do I work out

>> No.15271891

>fasting fucks up your metabolism
actually it improves it

>> No.15271906

it's good for your skin too.

>> No.15271936

A bunch of skellies in this thread.

>> No.15271941

that's the point anon

>> No.15271956

Make a diet general on fit instead.

>> No.15271960

I'm just stating the fact I'm not complaining.

>> No.15272049

No, its mostly fat/skinnyfats, there's about 3 of us regulars who are 15bmi and im one of them

>> No.15272080

hello fellow 15 BMI anon. are you staying comfy?

>> No.15272139
File: 321 KB, 964x1000, 1572241632100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that normal?

>> No.15272142

15 bmi is very low.

>> No.15272163

it's thinspo

>> No.15272173

Yeah you're right about it.

>> No.15272183

i'm 5'1 and about 100lbs which is supposed to be normal but I look fat af ?

>> No.15272192
File: 134 KB, 374x567, obscure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy lordd humongous, please come back to discord i will be your boyfriend i promise

>> No.15272205

omg ur so sexy please let me have ur discord qt..

>> No.15272221

Because your 18.2bmi which is pretty skinnyfat

>> No.15272285
File: 539 KB, 2077x981, 1574071649892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15272299

what is a good weight to aim for?

>> No.15272490

86 lbs, for your height

>> No.15272539

I'm 5'6 and 110, I don't look skinny but more on the slim side of average, if you're almost 5' then you'll probably want to hit under 100 pounds

>> No.15272557

Anon wtf stop you're ruining your body

>> No.15272634

>Injure my shoulder doing weights before the quarantine
>Injure my knee walking a fuck ton during quarantine
>Now stuck at home bored

How do you manage your free time? I just feel like I have nothing enjoyable and productive to do.

>> No.15272645

learn/practice an instrument
learn a new language
play a video game

>> No.15272758

You sound basic as fk

>> No.15272783


>> No.15272824

what should be added, anon?

>> No.15272825

Go play a video game and learn japanese like all %99 of white male incels who browse 4chan and reddit, saddo
Wow your so unique and have interesting hobbys anon! You're not like the other guys!

>> No.15272872


>> No.15272953

That would make sense if it wasnt widely known information that 4chan is full of white males who learn Japanese and play videogames

And they make up about %99 of the site

>> No.15273043

that's fair, but how many people do you run into irl that are learning japanese?

>> No.15273068

Kinda a double edged sword question, because the ones who play games and learn japanese never go outside

>> No.15273078

kek, fair point

>> No.15273120

Those are both your choices, so it is entirely your fault

>> No.15273347

These choices are important to me.

>> No.15273415

Idc, just pointed out the fallacy in your statement

>> No.15273531

Then ghost

>> No.15273536

fellatio of relative strangers
cigarette smoking

>> No.15273567

why have these threads been so slow recently?

>> No.15273645

As always, the active posters get bullied and stop posting here, this cycle literally happens 3-4 times a year

>> No.15273725
File: 24 KB, 347x347, Screen-Shot-2014-11-16-at-10.28.31-PM-800x470-14161952751~2~(1)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I meet a thinspo girl if I have a body like this

>> No.15273857

Because like me the 15bmi posters get shit whenever we p9st good advice by fitfat chubby retards so we judt give up and let you fatties be fat