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15251448 No.15251448 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you own any reps? How do you feel about replicas?

>> No.15251460



>> No.15251472

I own a few reps and it’s a mixed bag imo. I have some ricks that you’d have no idea were reps but I’ve also gotten prices that are pretty shitty. It’s def lame to wear reps but if it’s nice and no one knows who gives af just don’t be some r/fashionreps fag who buys a bunch of preme and bape

>> No.15251481

Anything that's a meme enough to have replicas of is likely bad. However, if the replicas look good-- sure. It's like the person who's afraid of buying generic medication because he thinks the name brand is higher quality. A penny saved is a penny earned

>> No.15251484


>> No.15251494
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if you buy the high quality reps then you start to feel like you've used a cheat code like in gta.. at least that is how I feel. Its awesome knowing that you're not just being a brainlet CONSOOMER
also desu almost nobody irl will have enough knowledge to tell the difference in authenticity even its a shitty fake

>> No.15251498

>Its awesome knowing that you're not just being a brainlet CONSOOMER
how are you not?

>> No.15251502

who's gonna tell him

>> No.15251505

I prefer more sets of low reps desu

>> No.15251509
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>> No.15251513

I love reps. If you actually get the good stuff, no one will ever tell the difference from retail. Half of my shoes collection is from Taobao/Weidan

>> No.15251620

Honestly its a great option for people that are tight on money... also I don't see the point of paying 7k retail for some designers when they themselves also have factories in china that make their stuff for only a couple bucks

>> No.15251662

for me it depends on if they are branded or not. for example, I wouldn't wear fake raybans with a logo on them, but I don't have a problem with wearing identical looking/quality ones without the logo.

>> No.15251733

depends. If the functionality is altered by being a rep, its shit. Its also pretty retarded to buy things like box logo fakes because they look like shit and theyre easily replaced by something better and cheaper. If for instance you want a pair of geobaskets or dunks to try out instead of dropping a ton of money, theyre not a bad option. Id say personally, dont buy it for the logo because the reason to buy things for the logo is to flex you have money, so buying fakes is pretty stupid and ironic

>> No.15251880

i don't like them beause i don't know what's in/on them

like tshirts can be dyed with who knows what.

there was a recent thing going around that chinese produced onions sauce was dyed to color using human hair

and a lot of paints in china feature heavy metals that aren't good for you even at tiny amounts

also reps always seem to have the fit/finish/quality shitty

plus they don't seem all that cheap

why buy a closet full of reps for $1200

when you could buy maybe 5-6 pieces from solid brands to build a non-hype wardrobe out of.

levis trucker jacket instead of a gucci fake jacket etc

>> No.15253065

>why buy a closet full of reps for $1200
why buy 1 authentic item when you could buy 15 good fakes for that money?
you could even find nonhype brands for cheap, yet you refuse to because you are a fashion victim

>> No.15253067

replicas of brands are gay as hell because if your replica includes branding you are definitely going for the brand over the style, or at least going for both of them.
if you just saw a jacket you like and had one made that looks like that but without the branding - that's fine.

>> No.15253083

>if you just saw a jacket you like and had one made that looks like that but without the branding - that's fine.
wtf why cant you have both the brand and the nice jacket?

>> No.15253096

you can absolutely have that if you want it but the consequence of it is that i and many others will think you're a faggot for pretending you have the real thing.

>> No.15253110

>implying you'll ever know it's not the real thing
I have never been called out for any of my reps because 99% of people aren't autistic enough to tell the minor differences from a retail piece

>> No.15253121
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>I am the faggot for paying 80% less than you for almost the exact same product just from a different factory

>> No.15253133

yes you are. that you want it made with the branding is an admission that you consider the branding to be important.
if you had it made without the branding you would be saying you want the look of the piece but don't care to have people associating you with its brand or price tag.

>> No.15253160

you sound retarded

>> No.15253169

you sound retarded

>> No.15253232

i would never wear fakes but thats just me. dont really hate the idea but the people who do it are always posers, go figure lmao

>> No.15253361

bro, i already told you, you can do what you want, but you can't stop me and other people thinking you're a faggot. why don't you get this?

>> No.15253768
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You are one rep Max

>> No.15253779

>Do any of you own any reps?

>How do you feel about replicas?
Good. It feels good spending 10% of the cost for the a 99% accurate product.

Some reps are bad though. I've donated some right after receiving them. Even with the dupes I've saved a ton of money over all.

>> No.15253783

gay, if you cant afford it don't pretend

>> No.15253787

Has anyone tried selling fakes on Grailed? Is it easy or do the chinks know if its fake?

>> No.15253790

it's not sustainable unless your fake is very very good, and anything seriously expensive people are going to ask for extensive photos

>> No.15253812

You always have to ask for QC pics before you pay. Some sellers will send you the worst one of the batch if they think you don't care

>> No.15253818

Even with QCs on everything this will happen. You can't tell how a fabric will feel or how it will stretch.

>> No.15253824

based fa/g/got

>> No.15253948

replicas are for frauds

>> No.15254047

The truth is you can't buy 15 fakes for 1 good non-designer article.

Let's say you just want an alpha industries jacket....$120....right....

It's going to run you at least that if not more for a knock off Balenciaga jacket from some counterfeiter

>> No.15254092

Jackets are a bad example. They are more expensive to make and ship. Tshirt are far better. Why buy $500+ tshirts when I can buy them for $25-50 for the exact same thing?

The general rate for high quality reps is 10% of retail.

Even Louis products go for about the same rate. Yes, a good quality keepall might cost $400 but that's still 10% of the original.

>> No.15254248

not everyone that is into streetwear buys reps but everyone that buys reps is into streetwear..

>> No.15254292

Sorry, I don't speak poor.

>> No.15254310

Sorry, no. I don't like streetwear at all and think most of it is cringe. I mainly buy reps of Yohji.

>> No.15254358


>> No.15254370

i don't see much of an issue getting what's essentially the same product for a cheaper price but they seems sketchy a lot of the time and i can't trust what i might order would be a 1:1 replica

>> No.15254384

>no punctuation
>no capitalization
this aint it chief

>> No.15254391

If you buy reps because you like the design/silhouette/etc then I don’t see anything wrong with it

If you buy reps to flex big logos and LARP as a richfag then you are a braindead fucking consoomer

>> No.15254604

This is the truth

>> No.15254797

id like to think that pretty much both reddit and 4chan have gotten past the box logo hype awhile ago

>> No.15254839

box logos arent the only big logos and many others would fall into this same category. Things like the Raf I <3 NY sweater, or Triple S for example

>> No.15254845

Last I saw, the subreddit for reps is full of kids buying box logo, offwhite, CDG, etc

>> No.15254852

i buy my basics from James Perse in Los Angeles, so lets take what i pay, $40-65 on sale for a tshirt made in the USA, of organic cotton...

i guarantee no tshirt is as nice as one of those shirts. i don't want to wear some short staple cotton, ill-fitting shirt built for a 5'2" 85 pound an because it has a bootleg gucci logo screen printed on it...

>> No.15254857

Sounds like you have no idea about reps but you're proud of your ignorance. This is why I filter tripfags

>> No.15254859

>criticizing my writing

you read new yorker magazine? im in it bitch

i dont have enough time to capitalize or punctuate on 4chan for some kids who buy counterfeit clothing from china

>> No.15254864

are you even getting the same level of construction and silouette of fake yohji or are they just tossing in some random chink hanes castways and adding a saftey pin to it?

>> No.15254874

Nigger. Im saying youre not reddit. Im saying the idiot should have seen your faggy tripcode and realized/recognized that you're not a reddit newfag here on vacation.

I'm also saying that no punctuation or capitalization won't fly on reddit.

Your post clearly wasn't reddit. That's why I replied to this fag >>15254358 and not you.

>> No.15254881

Its very high quality and all custom made to order.

>> No.15256646

A few, none in real CWs. I just like the looks. Quality has been on par with real stuff. Brand fashion is bearish, only alive because of the average consumer having no idea how to get reps.

>> No.15256658

I don’t like reps.
A big part of fashion is keeping
High price point is good for the seller if they can get the amount they ask for, but it can also be good for the buyer as in paying more, they insure themselves against blending in and looking the same as everyone.

>> No.15256675

agreeing on this one; there's a lot more to the garment than actually just the looks of things. i've worked in fashion in the high-end spectrum, and let me tell you man, some of the shit that these guys do really is detail-oriented.

reps just replicate the look, not necessarily the whole process of the garment. there's a reason why rick owens garments look and feel a certain way -- there's a specific process to it that makes it at that price.

buying fakes really, is just to flex desu. you can try to justify buying fakes all you want, but in the end, you're just somebody that wants to be recognized as some "fashionable" person... i feel like there are other ways you could go on about doing that.

>why buy a closet full of reps for $1200
seriously lmao. your shit-tier reps just add up to really well made one piece for fucks sake man. you could buy yourself some great boots with that kind of money, hell, you could buy like 3 rick owens stooges jackets man.

>> No.15256687

Some materials are hard to replicate in a cheap way. The problem lies in that design is centered around making things expensive. It's a silly concept. There's nothing wrong with making things appear expensive, exclusive, exotic or new (in all senses of the word), but at a certain point, you should consider wearing gold jewlery, since the only goal is to display affluence.

Aesthetics transcend economy, but fashion is in firm lock step with it.

Don't misinterpret that as a "wear cheap reps", that can easily compromise the intended aesthetic.

>> No.15258159

Resellers and designers have made a stigma around reps but in truth reps can be on par with the actual legit item
most prices of designer items do not reflect the actual cost to make it (sure there are other expenses that need to go into the products end price but its nowhere near adequate nor reasonable)