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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 1080x1063, byyt1imfejy31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15246755 No.15246755 [Reply] [Original]

ok /fa/ thats it. What do I wear to attract this type of girl? I've already got my indie music project in the works but need the /fa/shion to back it up.

>> No.15246765

mac demarco core

>> No.15246787
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>> No.15246818

You don't attract girls by dressing in a way but by being interesting, handsome and not a sperg. How old are you to think you attract certain women through dress alone you simp?

>> No.15246825 [DELETED] 

Watch the WAYW threads. Notice how the girls who hit on dudes in them don't hate on guys who are the same style as them? They go for the most attractive guys regardless of fashion.

The same way as in if you see a hot girl you wouldn't reject her because she is not into the shit and style you are. Grow up. Do you think you can just dress in some style, walk down the streets and women of that look will flock to you? Lol incel shit.

>> No.15246828

>>15246755 (OP)
Watch the WAYW threads. Notice how the girls who hit on dudes in them don't hit on guys who have the same style as them? They go for the most attractive guys regardless of fashion.

The same way as in if you see a hot girl you wouldn't reject her because she is not into the shit and style you are. Grow up. Do you think you can just dress in some style, walk down the streets and women of that look will flock to you? Lol incel shit.

>> No.15246829

22 sir pls be nice

>> No.15246833

I would hold this girl down and fuck her tight little holes till she was begging for mercy then pump her full of warm cum and let it ooze out of all of her holes

>> No.15246849

have sex

>> No.15246854

Seething incel who thinks he has devised a formula to get girls. Hurr if I dress like the kind of guys they want they will wanna fuck me even though I am a virginal incel dweeb durr!!

Meanwhile these thots bare getting railed by your average chad in his muscle vest and cargo pants.

I wish I was 15 and this naive.

>> No.15246855

skinned chad hide

>> No.15246864
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>> No.15246875

I want to coom now

>> No.15246877
File: 42 KB, 300x305, soi goibbler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody who isn't into an ideology speaks like that and if you're into an ideology you're likely a pea brain.

Of course we all want to be equal and treat equally, you don't need an ideology to do and believe that, it goes without saying.

It's the same shit as when a girl says she is into being "kind" and or empathy. That's a huge red flag she has BPD because people are that way as a norm, it doesn't need to be stated.

The fact you wear an "equality" t-shirt and are brainwashed into an ideology really means you don't believe in equality at all and believe some groups oppress others and should be treated worse while you believe some are oppressed and should be given certain privileges.

So gtfo with that equality shit.

>> No.15246888
File: 194 KB, 724x823, 492FB4A8-A95C-4238-A21C-D9A73AE052DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody posts soi jacks but pea brains

>> No.15246897
File: 55 KB, 563x957, 7454e39db9131b2efe2865874b32bee0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


E-Boy core, Softboy, Chadcore, Sexcore or anything prettyboyish can get these girls.

But in reality, mac de marco core is enough if you are in a band/a musician or in the right social circles or environment (art college, urban city and etc.). I've seen some cute art hoes hook up with the ugliest motherfukers just because the guy is in a band that the hoe likes and also the fact that she was drunk

>> No.15246899

Truth hurts, hmm?

Imagine wearing a t-shirt with "I'm kind" on and how odd it would be and forced because being kind is expected norm. Being a jerk isn't. It's because people such as her and you are fucking societal weirdos and brainwashed by ideologies because you are gullible and have no grounding.

>> No.15246901
File: 186 KB, 835x858, 27480AC8-6B4E-43F9-A026-5AA5C94BCDDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always depends on a lot of factors, but fashion wise, I think you’ve probably got it. You win the cheesecake

>Truth hurts
You’ll recover.

>> No.15246908
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, art hoe12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as every other girl but artsy

>> No.15246910

>has all these saved images of girls he will never meet nor will they even know he exists and will remain a perpetually single forever alone virgin type

Yeah, you really got me there. Like seriously, are you some kinda reverse pimp who works on her behalf to spread her around and get her interest and money all while you receive nothing. Focus on yourself ffs, be something, maybe then you might actually get interest from one of these girls but the shit you're pulling right now is just creepy af.

>> No.15246917

this gives me hope, thanks anon

>> No.15246923

>needs to form a band
>needs to put a gig on
>needs to rely on some drunk as fuck chick then finding him attractive

>this gives me hope


>> No.15246925


SEX-core is extremely effective on these bitches. Show up to a shitty art show filled with skinny fat dyels and hungry skeletons in sexcore and see heads turn.

>> No.15246932
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>> No.15246940
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>> No.15246981
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>> No.15247016

this is the stupidest reply that presents itself nowadays. Having sex does not mean your view on style and clothing is that of a teenagers. Grow up buddy

>> No.15247063

Good looking guys (or, in a smaller scale, successful/rich/interesting guys) will always be attractive to all types of girls regardless of style differences. You're probably not into the goth subculture but you'd fuck a 10/10 Goth girl regardless of how much you think she'd look better in another style.

That being said, prettyboys / long haired guys / guys into artsy shit or music usually have more success with that type of girl. Go for a style that highlights those features (i.e. not SEXcore, eBoy style would fit more).

>> No.15247152

if you're really attractive just wear busted workwear from L train vintage. That's all u need

>> No.15247226

>What do I wear to attract this type of girl?

>> No.15247229

what's her insta

>> No.15247251


Semiotics ring a bell?
By dressing in a certain way you can signal things like your subcultural affiliation, interests, tastes, values, etc. etc. This is certainly not irrelevant when trying to attract someone likeminded. It's not everything, mind you, but it's a piece of the puzzle.

>> No.15247274
File: 259 KB, 860x945, COOMIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15247277

How low is your iq?

>> No.15247282

room temperature probably

>> No.15247290


>Of course we all want to be equal and treat equally, you don't need an ideology to do and believe that, it goes without saying.

It really doesn't, sadly. Ever wonder how racism and facism got any traction? Or been to /pol/ for that matter? Hate to break it to you, but you already have an ideology by opposing these things. Might as well get the t-shirt then.

>> No.15247295

>They put in all this effort for a chance at a one night stand with a drunk whore
Couldn't be me

>> No.15247305


damn son

>> No.15247308

mean this from the bottom of my heart, even tho i guess ur memeing. these girls are trash and a headache. sex gets boring, always having to tie them up and dealing with their exaggerated loud moans. they will bust ur balls over the tiniest things, and you will say something 'dumb' which sets her off. is fun for a few months but wouldn't recommend reorienting ur style and aesthetic around trying to impress some chicks who are incapable of being loved and reciprocating it.

>> No.15247309
File: 69 KB, 728x728, b8t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15247314

You're proving my point by going right to talking about racism, fascism and pol. You're into that radical left type ideology yourself.

The default position of people is equal and generally nice. Without that, a society would collapse.

The response to an extreme ideology is not another one. That's what causes wars.

Even your understanding of "racism" is incorrect as the so called "racists" don't want an unequal society with people below them or having zero rights, they simply want things such as border controls.

Every gay, black, brown, orange, deerkin etc etc. has the same rights in society as each other. No singular group has more rights than another.

This does not apply in an Islamic society in which some groups do have lesser rights and if these "equality" types applied their beliefs evenly they would attack such societies and yet they do not. In fact those that point this out they call racists themselves. So you see it's very much an ideology and it's not based on "equality" at all.

Those that believe in true equality need no ideology, it's very simple and they would call out each group accordingly that treated certain groups as unequal.

Those that only call out certain groups call them out in accordance with their ideology. So therefore it's only equality to groups that their ideology permits. THAT'S NOT EQUALITY!

>> No.15247325

@babymeg8 personal acc
@girlbimbo shitty drawings

>> No.15247333
File: 525 KB, 750x855, IMG_E4397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be an ig verified softboy model

>> No.15247335
File: 797 KB, 750x1188, IMG_E4398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15247355

Sounds like they’re very superficial.

>> No.15248044

What kind of man has "GRL PWR" tattood on himself

>> No.15248050

Hey faggot, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15248055

>if you're into an ideology you're likely a pea brain
Yeah, who actually has opinions about things that affect the world and how we exist within it? Only idiots care about things like cultures (especially other cultures, which we all know are wrong) and political parties, and how those concepts affect the people within them.

Goddamn you're fucking stupid. Go outside, right now. You'll either expand your horizons or catch the plague and die; either is fine.

>> No.15248060


An ideology is not an opinion. Another dangerous individual.

>> No.15248102

the kind that gets art hoe pussy

>> No.15248283

Skater boy style.

>> No.15248368

Guys, stop the presses. Apparently, if you're the sexiest guy in the room you will get the attention of the women in the room.


>> No.15248606
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>> No.15248688


>> No.15248704

you described my relationship with my gf

>> No.15248746

be black

>> No.15248756

Based Cecil

>> No.15248980

dont make indie music, girls like this are infinitely more into rap or techno, cmon man

>> No.15248988

You have to be black.

>> No.15249173

>her tight little holes
yeah, good joke. next time say caves cause no way girls like that have anything down there than absolute desolate cavernous barrens from every day dicking

>> No.15249184

pls explain why do girls like that kind of boys. all it takes to take that fucker out is a good slap in his face and he kisses the ground like it's his ego. if you punch him he goes straight to china like in the damn cartoons

>> No.15249370

because everyone wants a feeble little mousy 5'8 man with feelings

>> No.15249375

wow quality of arthoes really dropped
seems even female memes are hitting the wall at some point

>> No.15249393

This girl probably doesn't even know c major

>> No.15249401

>Long messy hair
>Demarco core
>Low bf%

>> No.15249877

She probably didn’t even order that Playboy poster

>> No.15249881

Also, clean your fucking mirror, woman.

>> No.15249883


First, you'd have to make out with him and caress him passionately.

But in all seriousness, a lot of girls like pretty guys. What can I say

>> No.15249984

Have sex incel

>> No.15250061

Not worth

>> No.15250067

You're just making him look better when you do that. Could you stop?

>> No.15250070 [DELETED] 

Yeah and it totally doesn't work on me considering I have pics with the chick I am banging and I have pics of notes women have sent me asking me to batter ram their pussy. It's just an actual incel self projecting.

>> No.15250074

Yeah and it totally doesn't work on me considering I have pics with the chick I am banging and I have pics of notes women have sent me asking me to battle ram their pussy. It's just an actual incel self projecting.

>> No.15250080

You fags only say this and agree with shit like this because this is how you dress

>> No.15250133

Have sex

>> No.15250203

Have sex

>> No.15250216

I just did. You might know the person who I just raw backed. She goes by the name...

Yo momma.

>> No.15250220
File: 17 KB, 136x102, DE041D6A-A4EC-4596-8153-56662AF9677A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a disgrace Cecil. You’re a middle aged man arguing with kids on a stupid image board

>> No.15250232

i see threads like this everyday. Dressing to look cool/ impress others (especially girls) is so cringe. pls stop

>> No.15250267
File: 371 KB, 621x472, i heart cecil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea but am kute doe??


Dat meens i luff yew... in dinosaur :3

>> No.15250277

this dude really posted her instagram for drawings lmao. you really think I give a fuck bout that

>> No.15250279

Women do not care what your style is, all they care about is how you carry yourself and how shredded you are.
You would not believe the conditions that women will have sex in if you are confident and shredded.

>> No.15250300

god bless your mental illnesses

>> No.15250316

There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Anon. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you shouldn't understand.

You don't wanna get mixed up with a guy like me. I'm a loner, Anon. A rebel. So long, Anon.

>> No.15250345

bc it was the first acc that came up when i was searching for her, she probably switched and the shitty drawings was where all her personal shit was, i simply posted it for credibility

>> No.15250360

>things grown men say on the internet

>> No.15250377

Just be a tall, lanky TikTok twink.

>> No.15250447

the ultimate blackpill is finding a girl who you love for her endearing personality and who will love you for the same reason. Looks don't even matter in that respect.

>> No.15250449

Cope harder

>> No.15250466

stop watching porn no white woman i have ever spoken to has expressed this preference
gross and retarded
in this scenario, this is a cope

thank you

>> No.15250471

lol surprised it hasn't ended during quarantine, thats what happened with me.

you are right in a way but here is where u slip up:
>the ultimate blackpill
>Looks don't even matter in that respect

a girl won't respect you if they don't find you attractive, looks are inextricably linked with how you are perceived.

>> No.15250481

>lol surprised it hasn't ended during quarantine, thats what happened with me.
it did for 3 weeks and she installed tinder/bumble then begged me to take her back. she swears she never met anyone. but im sure she flirted with a bunch of dudes thru text. shes also schizo. so not many guys would put up with her shit beyond sex.
i already slept with 4 other girls since the lockdown anyway. but yeah we are still together

>> No.15250482
File: 909 KB, 1280x2560, 2213DCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you need is a nice haircut and a smile and the ladies will be yours ;)

>> No.15250509

Girls are not attracted to physical strength exclusively. Most don't give a damn about how strong you are as long as you're not fat and have a pretty face.

>> No.15250516


>> No.15250656

Imagine dressing for the sole purpose of attracting femoids and not for yourself

>> No.15250662

imagine unironically using the term "femoid"

>> No.15250669

what's up with this love/hate relationship you guys have with arthoes?

>> No.15250699

i do. i love her

>> No.15250711

Girls who have actual interests are pretty rare, but at the same time girls like this usually have standards and guys on here aren't a fan of that

>> No.15250889

so you have an indie music project just to get laid? way to go loser.

>> No.15250898

Just don’t shower or wash your clothes. Don’t wear skinny jeans. Cuff your pants. Wear looser fitting tees/shirts

>> No.15250899

You're actually the most based poster on this board, Cecil. Keep up the good work.
Love you xoxo

>> No.15250938
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>> No.15251269

Fucking Hell we've got a graduate from the school of hard knocks in the thread wonder if the birds like that line

>> No.15252058

>Of course we all want to be equal and treat equally, you don't need an ideology to do and believe that, it goes without saying.
If you cannot question assumptions this base level, you're simply not a person with a lot of agency.

>> No.15252119
File: 34 KB, 500x363, doug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to look like this

>> No.15252875

just be moderately attractive and a total fuckin asshole and she'll fuck you. literally nothing else matters. give them weed too maybe.

>> No.15252965

>give them weed too maybe
this. girls will actually come to your place if you tell them you have good weed. just dont be a creep about it.

>> No.15253128

>gross and retarded
sadly he's right, however after the initial head turn it's fair game - and that's where you should win. if you have a personality, that is.
t. 6'3" skellie arthoe chaser

>> No.15253131

>girls like this
anon i..
you haven't been around this type of girl, have you?
their only "standard" is a cute face, and often not even that.

>> No.15253394

>Be decent looking
>artistic hobbies (photography etc)

Most of these chicks look like absolute shit especially without makeup/clothes on tho, just a warnin'

>> No.15253400

wear serb police blue tiger stripe pants with hiking shoes and sweatshirts and somehow shoehorn your awful music into a couple of events
also be an ugly slav buzzcut el goblinovich with a slightly fucked eyelid

>> No.15253491

Be Chad, lift, focus on your purpose. If you so this you can have any woman you want.

Focus on you and the women will too!

>> No.15253577
File: 53 KB, 1132x492, IMAG2566~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>el goblinovich
kek, someone's angry his crush likes adidas jacket toting chads
>slightly fucked eyelid
got me there. good thing nobody notices it irl.

>> No.15253658

but i was describing my own fucked up ass anon

>> No.15253736

post eyes anon

>> No.15253859

Allahu akbar then

>> No.15253926

Let me explain it to you, boomer
Girl in OP is a called an "e-girl", guy in the post you're quoting is a "e-boy", they match perfectly together.

>> No.15254084

dressing is part of "interesting, handsome and not a sperg" u monkey brain

>> No.15254093

sounds like a healthy relationship that will surely make you happy in the future anon

>> No.15254708

>stop watching porn no white woman i have ever spoken to has expressed this preference
The white women I fucked do have this preference

>> No.15255183

you fucked them precisely BECAUSE of the preference, you fucking mongrel
how hard is it to understand holy shit
i don't care what color your skin is i don't care how you are as a person i fucking hate every single person who posts on this shitty god-forsaken board

>> No.15255360
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>> No.15255373
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>> No.15255380
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based coomer comrade

>> No.15255440



>> No.15256176

have sex

>> No.15256238

I feel like it‘s the opposite, cute with no standards but a complete lack in genuine interest outside of aesthetics.

>> No.15256993

You havent lived until youve bullied the girl youre currently seeing into admitting she wouldnt have fucked you if you were shorter and uglier

>> No.15258153

>Even your understanding of "racism" is incorrect as the so called "racists" don't want an unequal society with people below them or having zero rights, they simply want things such as border controls.
