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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.69 MB, 1181x692, wig boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15226931 No.15226931 [Reply] [Original]

LOL wig boi. Everything we know about celebs is an illusion. They look nothing like we think they do and in most cases they are more ugly than the average person.

If I was a celeb I'd be an 8/10 no doubt about it.

>> No.15226942


>> No.15226945

guy on the looks like some chad you wouldn’t want to fuck with, right looks like some prissy rich fag

>> No.15226956

He looks pretty bad in reality for his age. he's only a few years older than me and without his wig he is as attractive as me.

>> No.15226971

He's much younger on the right. You're being disingenuous OP

>> No.15226998

Also, when I buzz my head I can see a lot of scalp but after a few months of growth it's no visible

BTW, there's no shame in losing your hair

>> No.15226999

fuck, my hair on the left
buzzing it down now

>> No.15227002

I agree that Beckham could've aged much better(especially since he's rich) but this is just cope, bro. He still doesn't look bad.

>> No.15227003

Yeah, no
Ur a fucking swamp monster, he looks like a grandpa without his wig

>> No.15227009

No I am not, I took it from a media article today.


He has diffuse thinning, the worse kind of balding. Diffuse thinners end up with the hair on back and sides but shiny on top look and are not good transplant patients.

>BTW, there's no shame in losing your hair

never said that there was.

Compared to someone like Jared Leto, he does.

Yeah, yeah. I am not a model by any means but at 41 years of age, I am semi-attractive.

>> No.15227023

Maybe I'm diffuse thinning too. Oh well. I'm 48 so I guess I had a good run

>> No.15227035
File: 775 KB, 919x545, bad boiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get away with it if you're good looking like I am.

>> No.15227059

nobody wants you here, cecil. go spam some other board

>> No.15227255

yeah they do you bitter little incel he is the best poster here!

>> No.15227269

Don’t tell me you turned fag on us, huh Cecil? You better take off that eyeliner and lipstick, little man

>> No.15227272

And here you are posting on /fa/ with 16 year olds

>> No.15227344
File: 1.54 MB, 1355x812, handsome dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told it makes me look handsome.

Only posting for the pu$$y

>> No.15227358

holy shit is this shooped?

>> No.15227381

No? Do I look too handsome? The only shoop was this photo in which someone shooped my eye area.


>> No.15227396

Are all tripfags bald?

>> No.15227446
File: 1.42 MB, 1339x814, having a nice time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It comes with wisdom and having apple sized balls.

>> No.15227454

>those lips
Are you part black by chance, Cecil?

>> No.15227458

Is this Cecile faggot new? I was here a year or so ago and don't remember someone trying this hard to be obnoxious.

>> No.15227460

No I am not. At all. My heritage is Aryan Germanic Dutch. I think maybe you are being a little bit racist.

>> No.15227462

He is one of the new jannies.

>> No.15227466

I've been here 10 years or so lol. Never used a trip back then though. I'm not obnoxious at all. I'm always helpful but if people wanna be a dick to me I will return it in kind.

>> No.15227473

I don’t know man...
Not even the swarthiest of the meds have lips that big. Your nose is also a bit wide, but it looks more alpine than African.

>> No.15227485

Yo momma didn't complain when she was sitting on them

>> No.15227522
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1568851716404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not obnoxious at all.

>> No.15227562

I'm not. I'm just a nice guy :3

>> No.15228767

you need a therapist desu

>> No.15229027

and pills. big pills and multiple different kinds. strong medication. injections maybe. Cecil you are deranged

>> No.15229172

Didn't know you played the drums cecil.

>> No.15229866

This is /fa/. We’re all fags here.

>> No.15229887

To filter out trip users:
>first, make sure you are in Desktop Mode (otherwise you can’t see the advanced filter settings)
>Click on the [Return] button (when your on the [Catalog] page)
>once there, click on “settings”
>these are the global/advanced settings (different from the settings on the <catalog> page)
>click “Filters & Post Hiding” (****again, phone posters, you must scroll to very bottom of page and manually enable desktop mode first to see this advanced setting****)
>see “Filter & Highlight specific threads/posts [Edit]”
>click [Edit]
>click [Add] to add a new filter
>insert the trip users trip code in to the blank box in the “Pattern” column and then
>scroll right to the “Type” column
>click the drop down and select “Tripcode”
>scroll right again to the “Hide” column so you can click the check mark box
>this will activate your filter and ensure that your filter is hiding the “Pattern” which you want to hide
>***click {Save} to save the new filter*** it’s on the bottom right of this SUB-menu
>click the {x} to close this sub menu now (***be careful not to click outside the menu on the greyed our background*** otherwise all settings adjustments will be lost)
>click {Save Settings} button
>now check the thread to ensure the trip users comments are all hidden

>> No.15229908

>filtering people on 4chan
Can you be any more of a little bitch?

>> No.15229915

Will yew be my fishnet wearing goth girl therapist pls anon? :-)

Yeah, wish I could play more. Or in a band. my ex g/f plays the guitar. Shame we're not together anymore.

Hurr udrr durr let me control others! BORING.

Or here is an idea, just ignore me. But no, you enter my threads to tell others how to think. Go away.

>> No.15229941

its not a wig
just grown longer with loads of thickener

>> No.15230049

Lmao he's a bad diffuse thinner, it's clearly a hair piece.

>> No.15230146

You post in every fucking thread, I only go to /fa/ like once a week and I still see you every fucking time.
You look like a fucking ghoul but have some deep-seated narcissism that forces you to find attention in whatever sad little way you can. A 41 year old man coming here to spam threads full of teenagers for replies.

>> No.15230160

>You post in every fucking thread, I only go to /fa/ like once a week and I still see you every fucking time.

And? What's your point? Is there a limit to which days you can visit? Who sets such limits? You? Wtf. Little power obsessed dictator.

>You look like a fucking ghoul but have some deep-seated narcissism

I get some, you get none. Who really looks like a ghoul?

>calling others a ghoul while being too ashamed to post your own face

LOL. What a bitter incel.

> A 41 year old man coming here to spam threads full of teenagers for replies.

None of my posts are spam. Posts like yours are which are not even posts. They are abusive shit flinging at me. That's spam.

>> No.15230202

You made a thread to say you look better than David Beckham you delusional old fruit

>> No.15230253

No I never. I made a thread about how some people idolize celebs and feel bad about themselves and that celebs are super hot when it's all fake. I made a thread to raise the average posters self esteem.

Something you are obviously lacking in with your bitterness and venom.

>> No.15230305

Reread all of your posts in this thread.
>If I was a celeb
>without his wig he is as attractive as me
>I, I, I
>Me, me, me
You didn't make it for other people, you made it for yourself. There is literally no reason - not a single one - for you to be a tripfag on 4channel other than narcissism.
Bitterness and venom are necessary when the goal is to bully you into leaving. If you'd really been here for ten years, you would understand that this is how it's always worked.

>> No.15230645

Post timestamp with /fa/ on the page. I legit feel like you're just stealing screen caps from a very pathetic unknown livestreamer. If not, i actually think you're pretty based for this avant guard trolling.

>> No.15230652
File: 60 KB, 713x576, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good having this tripfag blocked.