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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 739 KB, 784x1851, 20200426_182104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15179988 No.15179988 [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of $700 pants...

>> No.15180001


>> No.15180008

To be fair the quality is pretty nice, but I would price them at only $150 max
Oh well, no regrets

>> No.15180104

Well, what are they?

>> No.15180112

I wish uniqlo made a model like this, I would definitely cop a few.

>> No.15180132
File: 286 KB, 946x1280, tumblr_omewpoqreT1ua94rro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15180153

You know Uniqlo will reuse that style again at some point don't you? Why rush to buy now? 15% off is pretty meh anyway for SSENSE since the summer sale is coming up soon

>> No.15180157 [DELETED] 

fashion niggers are fucking retarded

>> No.15180160

quality basics, anon
quality basics

>> No.15180166

What do you mean no regrets? Are you not able to return them?

Receiving a product worth a fraction of the price paid is worth a return IMO

>> No.15180169

I could, but I don't really care
I have lots of disposable income

>> No.15180174

You paid $700 for some sweatpants that you don't even really like and you have no regrets? Are your parents wealthy or something?

>> No.15180198
File: 25 KB, 500x460, 1587773356469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15180208

Disgusting return those basedboy pants
>I have a lot of disposable income
If you're not making 6, or 7 figures you should return them ASAP

>> No.15180212

You have to go back.

>> No.15180214

I am clean shaven and right wing
You're the soiboi for associating plain black pants with a certain type of person

>> No.15180224

Of course you're right wing you're rich

>> No.15180237

lol @ standing on heels

>> No.15180244

You know black nylon joggers have been around for years right? Welcome to the club I guess

>> No.15180245
File: 32 KB, 823x550, 1578989526216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am clean shaven and right wing
You have to go back

>> No.15180316

you first

>> No.15180321

they look like shit in the preview and look like shit IRL. dunno what you expected

>> No.15180325

post your favorite style of pants and enlighten me on what looks good, anon

>> No.15180327

Are you wealthy from your job? What field/career are you in?

>> No.15180340

he's probably a sim swapper

>> No.15180347

Nope, family

>> No.15180349

After you, I insist.

>> No.15180384

hope you return them shits opie

>> No.15180640
File: 12 KB, 250x247, 2AF9C597-D782-4260-A2AB-BD395A1C7987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing, buying, even being in the same room as a pair of j*ggers

Sell them on grailed and hope god will forgive you

>> No.15180783

>thinking he actually earns his money

of course he doesnt care about returning these $700 pants
its not his money, he doesnt feel anything

just another spoilt kid

>> No.15180798


>> No.15180801 [DELETED] 


>> No.15180810

You seriously need the Internet to figure out that those pants are about the ugliest shit you can wear? I allways assumed they were some conscious statement like "fuck you dad, I'm going to look like a neet weedhead".

>> No.15180863
File: 181 KB, 2040x2040, 201471M191022_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually think this looks bad, you have absurdly shit taste.

>> No.15181021

Should have at least got these


>> No.15181036

it looks bad

>> No.15181133

It doesn't look bad it just looks painfully average

>> No.15181156

furthermore, go have it tailored if you have $700 to spend and shut the fuck up you /fa/ggot.

>> No.15181169

literally sample text

>> No.15181237

looks like zoomercore

>> No.15181259

lol i dont think i would pay over 40$ for these, they look very silly, a mix between track pant joggers and suit pants... so dumb man, sell those man and cut yo losses babes

>> No.15181449
File: 148 KB, 400x402, 1490820608281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo dog you can get poorly fitting polyester jogger track pants at target for like 20 buckaroonis

>> No.15183040

I get the half-a-faggot tryhard rationale behind conspicuous consumption, but spending $700 for something that looks, feels, and is of the same quality as something worth $20 is plain old retarded.

>> No.15184093

you're retarded and you should kill yourself

>> No.15184501

Perhaps average for middle schoolers and NEET weedheads

>> No.15184519

imagine being this incel and thinking "yes, this pair of pants will solve everything"
how does one even reach such a point?

>> No.15184531

Bad is the wrong word. But they're as average as it gets

>> No.15184545

>thinking your politics somehow excuse your retarded choices

>> No.15184549


>> No.15184553

not too sure what the fuck is wrong with op, flatass design for 700 dollars