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/fa/ - Fashion

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15130253 No.15130253 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/ggots, i'm an fine art student that potentially has the opportunity to study abroad in one of these 4 cities for a term/a year. how do they compare, from most to least fa? which is the best for underground arts/music/misc. culture?

>> No.15131832


>> No.15131839


>> No.15131854


>> No.15131872

comfy tier would be taipei

>> No.15132043

Osaka is top tier for underground shit, but i guess tokyo is the best out of the 4

>> No.15132048

Taipei just gets Japan's hand-me-downs

Seoul is 95% rich trend-chasers or poor trend-chasers wearing knock-offs. But you'll get around better with english and probably be able to integrate with underground scenes better

Kyoto's too small to really have a big scene, especially if you don't speak the language

Tokyo probably has the most well-rounded fashion scene due to pumping out international designers constantly. Also has the biggest middle class and DIY scene. Tons of secondhand stores where you can find almost anything on any budget.

I'm biased though, I live in Tokyo already

>> No.15132109

my uni doesn't have any agreements with unis in osaka, but it's quick/easy to get to from kyoto from what i've heard. dir en grey are from there and they're one of my favourite bands, so that's pretty cool i guess
>Taipei just gets Japan's hand-me-downs
you alright to go into a bit more depth about this? taipei was looking like my favourite choice so far.

>> No.15132115

Are you gonna major in blowing your parents trust fund for an arts degree? Useless cuck, learn a trade

>> No.15132120

Cornichonwa, my name is Ken-Sama.

I am an american otaku (that is an anime fan for you gaijins) living in Osaka, and as you can see, i am completely fluent in japanese. So much that my fellow Osakans think i am a local.

In Osaka (or just Zaka, as we like to say), we have the best fashion in the world and gaijins all over the world like to come here to copy our kawaii trends.

Abrigado gozaimas.

>> No.15132126

Taiwan, while being a mostly chinese-influenced culture, has about as big a fetish for Japan as Japan does for say France.

It hasn't really come into its own in terms of identity in terms of external influence, however I can't speak for any sort of underground subcultures.

Honestly though it's a fantastic country, and you'd probably feel a little more free and a little less conformist pressure, which might be way more enjoyable as an arts student

>> No.15132132

that's not how paying for uni works in uk lol
yeah taipei just feels really comfy and though taiwan's culture isn't necessarily internationally recognised on the same level as japan's, from the research i've done it does seem like there is interesting stuff going on there, tho obviously i wanted to hear from other people too. if you're into nature then you're literally spoilt if you're living in taipei too, literal forest mountains and shitloads of scenic old towns in new taipei

>> No.15132141

Taipei is comfy as all fuck, not overall as /fa/ as some others, but really it's the cozy capital Asia--fantastic little tea shops and and cozy places abound

The average Korean in Seoul dresses quite well, but the city itself isn't as comfy as Taipei, absolutely fucking freezing and shitty in the winter. Plus, as others have said, Koreans tend to trend chase and a lot of stuff just has a bit of a self-conscious feel to it in terms of fashion. Overall the city and lifestyle is a blast though.

Tokyo is obviously massive and pumps out a ton of international fashion and probably the best in fashion terms, but not super comfy

Haven't visited Kyoto yet

>> No.15132151

Never been to Seoul so can't comment, but Tokyo has a bit of everything, Taipei is comfy like other anons said, and Kyoto is a tourist trap flooded with mainland insects.

>> No.15132936

OP here, so i'm limiting it to seoul or taipei. thanks to everyone for their input. i'm getting the impression that seoul's cultural homogenity is significantly more pervasive and deep rooted than taipei's, tho i could be wrong

>> No.15133460

If that's the choice do taipei. The people are a good deal less shallow and its actually a unique experience compared to what most people do

>> No.15134325

fuck off whitoid cuck,go to western country or something