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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 106 KB, 751x916, 1584068431061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15076748 No.15076748 [Reply] [Original]

Are commies more /fa/ than /fa/scists?

From my experience, most millenials are communists and they dress like s*yboys but nazis larp too much

>> No.15076753

commies are bums
the bums will always lose

>> No.15076755

they both dressed nice back in their peak (nazis and soviets)
but everyone nowadays is just cringe

>> No.15076756

Majority of commies today are rich college white kids that hate their parents and love interracial porn

>> No.15076757

we are will scrape your old ass on the concrete like the meager piece of dog shit you are

>> No.15076762

Commies are probably more effay given most of them are pretty well off. Skinheads are pretty much just trailertrash-core with a bit of the old skinhead style here and there. The one's that do fully commit to the skinhead look though are pretty effay imo.

>> No.15076764
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Ok internet tough guy

>> No.15076765
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True that nothing beats the original but at least college commies have adopted some fashion sense (prob because most are art majors and study design or film).

The far right is very basic, wearing hoodies and MAGA hats.

>> No.15076777
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The far right needs to return to tradition of being punk skinheads roaming underground clubs beating up minorities

>> No.15076779

my ancestors created USSR and Israel
just saying

>> No.15076781

Thank you Jewish tripfag

>> No.15076782
File: 21 KB, 580x548, B09673FA-C28F-442B-8651-F7758BD1D070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no insane antifa gf

>> No.15076783


>> No.15076784

How many degenerates did you kill back in your skinhead days igor?

>> No.15076790

>The far right is very basic, wearing hoodies and MAGA hats.
They're hardly far-right. But i guess this is what happens. You shove the far right so far out of the common eye that people start to forget that actual neo-nazis/skinheads/white-pride/etc. exist.

>> No.15076793

true i'll admit that I've seen some nice looking antifa members

>> No.15076794

>we are will

:^) pathetic

>> No.15076795
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Since there are more communists and they are generally young, they're gonna be setting most the fashion trends.

Rightoids can't even stop themselves from getting banned off the internet while the radical left thrives both irl and online

>> No.15076800
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Yeah, actual violent thugs and terrorists get taken more seriously than college students larping as rebels in the bush.

>> No.15076801
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Nietzsche girl is peak /fa/

>> No.15076811
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>> No.15076813

commies mostly appropriated the neonazi look once neonazis stopped dressing like grunge rockstars and now all wear cheap suits with bad TV anchor haircuts. So yes but they sort of moved in so to speak

>> No.15076815

But Antifa are way more violent and threatening to the status quo and to society than any modern right wing movement. After unite the right nazis just died from bad optics, while the far left have semented their control everywhere and only now are people trying to stop them (and Bernie) before they can actually fuck over whitoids

>> No.15076827

Go outside more desu

>> No.15076834

That’s all antifa has done kek

>> No.15076847
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>But Antifa are way more violent
They run around punching boomers in maga hats and chimping out in black blocs where there's less personal accountability.

Tarrant is a name, and there's still plenty of skinheads running around doing things a lot more violent than what antifa does, often including murder.

>and threatening to the status quo and to society
Neither are a threat to the status quo. Both are a bunch of violent thugs as far as most people are concerned. People hate both of them. At best the left has less hatred aimed at them since they're more often viewed as kids acting out rather than as actual criminals.

>than any modern right wing movement.
That's the thing though. A small handful of right wing lone wolves have had more of an impact than the modern far left has as a whole.

Imagine if Tarrant had succeed in his main goal. Imagine instead of a couple copy-cat attacks, there were a hundred. Far right terrorism has much more potential to snowball into a real shitstorm than anything the left is doing.

>After unite the right nazis just died from bad optics,
Pic related. One of the favorite hitler quotes.

>while the far left have semented their control everywhere and only now are people trying to stop them (and Bernie) before they can actually fuck over whitoids
The far-left has an image of social control. The same powers that be remain.

>> No.15076852

This isn't much more exiting desu, and that's probably a good thing

>> No.15076866
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>The far-left has an image of social control.

No, the far left has the backup of the deep state, or rather, they act as an instrument where the state would be hindered by the 1st amendment. That, more than anything else, was what became clear after Charlottesville.

>> No.15076872

You confuse usefulness with control.

>No, the far left has the backup of the deep state
Funnily enough there's a post here

>they act as an instrument where the state would be hindered by the 1st amendment
This is nothing new. From what i've gathered just about every government ever has favored some group of thugs that act in a way that benefits them. One government lets antifa run around bashing the fash, another lets right wing paramilitaries remove degenerates.

>That, more than anything else, was what became clear after Charlottesville.
>your pic (the guy that an hero'd after getting dox'd from what i remember)
Like i said, social control. The left does a lot of brow beating. They have little real power.

When the left wing is forming unions and being an actual pain in the ass to the suits again, then they'll be an actual threat. Right now they're just pushing multicult shit to protect their cheap labor.

>> No.15076880


They're fucking lame boneheads.

the anti nazi skinheads will probably beat the shit out of them.

>> No.15076883

Go back to your youtube algorithm echo-chamber you absolute brainlet.

>> No.15076909

>not I

Says a lot

>> No.15076924

commie fashion is at an all time low
/fa/cist fashion is alright in the underground
anarcho fashion is fucking brilliant rn, but its mainly underground

>> No.15076953


>> No.15076956

The cope... Its not even confident...

>> No.15076963

don't forget gay gang rape sex

>> No.15077068

True low class physiognomy.

>> No.15077087

>but nazis larp too much

are we talking nazis then or nazis now? because here's how most nazis dressed back then:
*like Germans living in the 30s and 40s
Here's how they dress today:
*like X living today
If you let those retarded "Nazi fashion" threads brainwash you into thinking otherwise you are an idiot.
Far-right people today are preoccupied with looking normal and respectable almost without exception.

>> No.15077105

im going to cement you to your bed with my coom if you don't shut the fuck up

>> No.15077121

Depends on the outfit

>> No.15077139

>antifascism is more threatening to the status quo than any modern right wing movement
On to something here?

>> No.15077148
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>From my experience
>fringe internet groups (be it reddit or the chans) is "experience"

>> No.15077151

he isn't. antifa are status quo storm-troopers. people that think otherwise don't understand what the status quo IS.
for instance: every corporation will don rainbow flags and push for third world immigration.
(increase the labor supply and you decrease the cost of labor [the money you pay employees] while simultaneously increasing the demand for your shit)
and what is one of the first targets of antifa? any rallies to ask for immigration control will be targeted by them.
but these antifa would tell you the status quo is both racist and homophobic. patently false.
even trump did not build the wall and even california voted against gay marriage.

>> No.15077168

I saw on her Twitter she's transitioning now. Two months into whatever meds girls take to make em boys.
Too bad, she was real CUTE!

>> No.15077193

What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.15077219

thats nothing to be proud of

>> No.15077253

This. Antifa couldn't be any more mainstream if they tried. People who think they're dissident fighting nazis when shows like The Hunters are being made are braindead. You literally have Jewish revenge porn being made and think your beliefs are genuine or dangerous? Antifa is just a place for whites that are easily swayed by their college profs and msm that whites are ebil

>> No.15077274
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>> No.15077279
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>> No.15077280
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Commies are way worse at least fascists are just dressing up those numales actually go out like that

>> No.15077329
File: 1.96 MB, 4480x4480, 100290981_hr-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chapo tranny house faggots are so physically repulsive that it borders on being comedic

>> No.15077333
File: 111 KB, 842x960, c5qj4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are commies /fa/?

>> No.15077335

apolitical people are the most effay. imagine taking part in low brain discussions about which retard is better for your country

>> No.15077338

>I let other people think my politics for me
cuck mentality

>> No.15077339

physiognomy. The uglier and more effeminate the man, the more likely they are to be pozzed

>> No.15077353
File: 142 KB, 1080x1014, bd23d60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But cause and effect may be the other way around compared to literal physiognomy.
People who are weak, disgusting, ugly, pathetic, meek, end up living lives that culminate in leftist faggotry

>> No.15077355
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>punch le nahtzees!!

>> No.15077358
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>> No.15077361
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>chapo tranny house

>> No.15077367
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commies are shameful

>> No.15077373
File: 29 KB, 487x630, images (46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True fascism on the other hand is inherently /fa/, as it is very obsessive about aesthetics

>> No.15077375
File: 31 KB, 670x457, images (47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me a commie photo that even approaches this level of aesthetic perfection

>> No.15077383

Notice how all of these weak chinned low testosterone filled "commies" , and all of these fat as fuck weak minded sheep maga conservatards are all american. The point is, you guys are all fucking retarded, fat and unfashionable. aswell as not actually understanding politics at all.

>> No.15077390
File: 630 KB, 1247x931, March_on_Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat as fuck weak minded sheep maga conservatards
Zionist American cuckservatives have nothing to do with fascism

>> No.15077405
File: 123 KB, 640x640, 1486074066078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15077430

Hey cool, I've got that Element shirt, except it's a t-shirt.

>> No.15077439


>> No.15077449

My pic is of James Fields. He was forced into a situation where someone died by the declared "state of emergency" that only seemed to apply to right wingers and antifa directing and blocking traffic on his way home, as well as attacking his car. The court later used boomer-tier memes he had posted online to turn it into a planned terrorist attack and giving him 400 years in prison.

>When the left wing is forming unions and being an actual pain in the ass to the suits again, then they'll be an actual threat.

These days I don't think you can get rid of mutlicult worship without joining an explicitly fascist union.

>> No.15077454

Although the modern left are more fa, their ideology is fundamentally opposed to beauty so they will always produce fashion that is only applauded by people who celebrate ugliness and ultimately dies after a year.

The right, if they can return to putting beauty first and not just being right wing for economic issues can they return to appreciating good fashion and the objective qualities that make it eternal

>> No.15077463

>This is nothing new. From what i've gathered just about every government ever has favored some group of thugs that act in a way that benefits them. One government lets antifa run around bashing the fash, another lets right wing paramilitaries remove degenerates.
this is bana republic shit, so I guess it fits a white minority USA

>> No.15077504

low iq notions

>> No.15077527

Hardly exclusive to banana republics. This seems to be literally everywhere. The only thing that really seems to change is the severity.

>> No.15077816

Not him, but it's pretty true.
About 15 years ago, when youth subcultures were still clearly defined, there was a large revival of local punk scenes and DIY music in general. Nazi skinheads generally did not take part since they mostly listened to bands like Disturbed and Hatebreed. There were a lot of SHARP Skins and Anti-Fascist Punks. For context, understand that back then, Anti-Facist was an adjective, and not a defined group. Many "Anti-Facists" back then were also against Communism. There were also a lot of apolitical punks and skinheads. Some of the apolitical skinheads were even kind of racist in the way working class white people may tend to be. However all the apolitical, and anti-facist people universally despised the Nazi skinheads, and would attack them on site. For further context, the Nazi skinheads were essentially just white trash garbage with shaved heads and combat boots. 39 year old losers, teenage goths who got recruited because they were victims of bullying, juggalos, etc. Despite supposed far-right beliefs they were all degenerates who did hard drugs, had homosex with each other, and did nothing for their movement other than come to our shows to try and stab teenagers. (Who were 90% white anyway) Then they would get beat up by all of us. This repeated a few times until they just went into hiding or found some forums to go on instead or whatever.
TL;DR Nazi Skinheads: A total joke.
FWIW at least they were actually kind've dangerous and not just some dorks that work at BestBuy.

>> No.15077893

You’re fucking retarded if you think this is true, but so is antifa

>> No.15078047

Is he wrong? People in antifa might be full blown communists, but all antifa gets done is making sure no one tries to organize and stop porky from flooding the labor market.

>> No.15078898


there are anti racist skinheads.

>> No.15078899


nazi skin heads are called bone heads. not skin heads.

>> No.15078901
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>> No.15078903


Nah nigger. You wrong.

>> No.15079019

>they dress like s*yboys
only in garbage pol memes
go out more

>> No.15079096

its called self care, queen. <3

>> No.15079121

Generally I'd say they are being young and having a culture of doing lots of volunteering outside, as opposed to alt right nerds who sit inside all day. Remember all those white polo shirts and khaki chino dweebs at Charlottesville? Or when Fred Perry told mgtows to stop wearing their shit? Basedboy is such a vague term, I'd imagine the nerds on /pol/ would think that of most of us if they seen us on the street. Who fucking cares what they say though, if someone called me that irl I'd laugh in their face.

>> No.15079133

where can i find anarcho fashion thats not fucking trannys

>> No.15079336
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>> No.15080888

Bump lol

>> No.15081077

both of you
i will cast concrete into your peeholes
pull it out after it's been cast for some nice sculptures

>> No.15081276


>> No.15081348

pic on the left is based

>> No.15081351

stop talking like a retard

>> No.15081353


>> No.15081355

expand your vocabulary beyond based and cringe and memespeak

>> No.15081364

lmao you're a bald 5'8 kike on welfare with no girlfriend

>> No.15081367
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the only /fa/ political ideology is anarchy

>> No.15081383


>> No.15081386

60's French intellectuals were pretty effay too

>> No.15081487

>anti nazi skinheads
You mean fags wearing big boots?

>> No.15081545

She looks like the kind of girl who wants to be forced into submission.

>> No.15081560

In the US both political parties very much seem to be acting towards the same goal. There’s no real difference at a national level, meaning it’s mostly just pageantry to placate the masses. Local officials may be more likely to do something productive, but nationally the “elected” officials primarily serve their own interests.

>> No.15081575
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>> No.15081868
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>> No.15082020

>You’re fucking retarded if you think this is true, but so is antifa

No U, buddy. See this shit you said? Pure narcissism on your part. If you weren't a faggot you would have been more specific and then I could have either understood where I'm hypothetically wrong or seen where I failed to communicate my points to you and explained them further.
The narcissist is afraid of being proven wrong so he takes jabs at you without putting cards on the table.

>> No.15082027
File: 916 KB, 492x600, 2020-03-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on guys wearing platform shoes?

>> No.15082207


>> No.15082217

>Wanting to maintain the status quo
I don't care what side you're on, that's just sad.

>> No.15082227

This. Fuck tankies, fuck Nazis, anarchists are the only people with good optics now. Cyberpunk, crust, even techwear is getting there and already would be if it wasn't a rich kids larp. If your fit would look more complete with a baseball bat at your side, you're ahead of the curve.

>> No.15082229

Remember that antifascists dislike authleft, Mao and Stalin are just as bad as Hitler in our eyes.

>> No.15082234

cringe. Anarchists are worse than centrists because at least centrism involves poliitcs. Anarchists are too dumb to get their agenda through so they just dont have any

And their fashion is literally just black whatever and a mask. Ugly

>> No.15082243

H*san is 6'4 and he wears 6inch boots making him 6'10, what an insecure pussy

>> No.15082249

The established authority > nationalist movements (in the actual sense, not in a left-right wing sense) > authoritarian insurgencies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anarchists

They always get goosestepped over by someone else.

Antifa has plenty of authleft in it, and it's biggest enemy isn't even authoritarianism of either side. It's basically anti-center-right nowadays.

>> No.15082293
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Yeah but the authleft are mocked and ignored the vast majority of the time, forced into their shitty bootlicker echochambers like r/communism.

However, this is offtopic. Post politically charged fashion.

>> No.15082303
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>> No.15082307
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Probably had a ton of shit back when Ukraine was happening, but lost all of it. Pretty limited on the militant-core that i do have.

>> No.15082313
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>> No.15082771
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>> No.15082882

amber looks like one of those asian girls raised by fundamentalist christians that you accidentally nut in and get married to

>> No.15082884

italian fascism dropped the ball once it cucked on the monarchy. Garbielle d'Annuzio was the last /fa/ fascist.

Only other /fa/ Italian figure of that time is Graziani

>> No.15082969

You're on a fashion board and you don't understand the concept of fashion, retard?

>> No.15083013

They're all larping statists and will be remembered as cringe by future generations

>> No.15084008

Okay retard

>> No.15084042

She aged like shit right now.
Maybe right wingers get shut down cause your leftist views are the mainstream. The system is on your side. The ironic thing is you fags think youre the rebllious ones

>> No.15084046

How is the left not self aware at all? You guys are the status quo. Youre not threatening any system when your views are the same shit thats being said everywhere

>> No.15084051

dutch neonazis =/= fascist

>> No.15084052

I am someone random.
Why do you have to threaten the status quo?
WHat's wrong with a system that doesn't seem broken?
If new rules are implemented as the status quo will you complain about that too?
Will you ever be satisfied?

>> No.15084057

True fa/ is real anarchism. Wanting the shstem to burn. No socialism, or fake larping commies. But hating normalfags and everyone in general. Fuck all you gay faggots with your ideologies. Youre all retarded slaves

>> No.15084061

The status quo is “agree with us or we will silence you” fuck off with your bullshit

>> No.15084070

Oh so you feel like you're being silenced? why do you feel that way? What are you being silenced about?

>> No.15084075

Those movements were a reactionary defense against the fact that those particular nazi skin heads would come to shows specifically to prey on punks with violence and it goes way further back than 15 years. So, its not true and your wall of text doesnt refute the cope, it just provides more cope about a scene you werent a part of.

>> No.15084082

Lmao. Red ears.

>> No.15084120

Imagine defending that insecure faggot. Not even the left thinks he's valuable. What are you doing?

>> No.15084121

Communists, Anarchists, and Fascists are all faggots and dress as such.

>> No.15084173

This is your commie hero OP


>> No.15084288

You fucking retard. I know that the conflict of those subcultures goes back farther, but my personal experience goes back 15 years. My wall of text doesn't refute anything and I'm coping about a scene I'm not a part of? I'm literally fucking saying I was there! Why can't you comprehend what you read?

>> No.15084296

Lmao so mad, no one is buying it. Cope harder.

>> No.15084326

The car didn't even hit Heather Heyer, she just fell on the ground next to the car. There is literally video footage of the car crashing nearby her, and after the crash she just falls down on the ground. She was severely obese, like 6 months of eating before she would be a character on My Obese Life and similar shows. The weight of her own body falling killed her, or her heart gave out.

>> No.15084364

>Conservatives control 2.5 of the 3 branches of government
>No such thing as liberal cops or soldiers
>"The left controls the deep state and the government"
God you're fucking dumb

>> No.15084441
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>the Kardashians are lying to you
Is he sure? How does he know?

>> No.15084513

You sure showed me.

>> No.15084773

kek at that kid with the same fit behind him

>> No.15084845
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Yeah dude.

>> No.15086110


>> No.15086127
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>> No.15086130
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Tankies btfo :^)