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/fa/ - Fashion

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15071608 No.15071608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My IQ is about 145 which I wouldn’t say is autistically intelligent but since I am a girl it is pretty high and I’m socially awkward.
Is intelligence fashionable? Or is it more cool to act stupid and foolishly and not care about culture and the arts?

>> No.15071614

Your question is low IQ tho

>> No.15071615


>> No.15071630

If you were actually intelligent you wouldn't be posting this you retard.

>> No.15071637

High IQ for a girl is not a good thing.

>> No.15071654

you dum ass hoe women can't have high IQ

>> No.15071656

post feet tranny

>> No.15071664

high iq

>> No.15071667
File: 41 KB, 200x180, come on now skeptic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15071726

>My IQ is about 145
that's where you've already fucked up, IQ literally means nothing, just a number for losers to make themselves feel better

>> No.15071729

Why are people judging me for the question and not answering it

>> No.15071735
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>another IQ thread

>> No.15071798

IQ means SOMETHING, just not what everyone thinks. When Binet invented it he specifically said IQ isn't a measure of intelligence or competency but a bunch of people who scored a 110 when they were 10 wanted to hold onto that special boy feeling and started telling everyone that IQ = int

>> No.15071854

not to be mean you seem lovely but bait bait bait bait, go find a nice boy irl, confidence and charm matter for more and smart and dumb people both have different ways of using them

>> No.15071901

I think 145 is a pretty high IQ score, its usually in the top 1% or so and its quite a bit higher than mine. I think you should use your intelligence for something other than posting on /fa/ or even worrying about fashion at all

>> No.15071949

If you were high IQ, you would never seriously expect a straight answer from us

>> No.15071965

Just take your (you)s and fuck off please

>> No.15071972

Because its painfully obvious you're just attention whoring. Why not go to reddit or instagram for this shit at least you get likes there. I'll never understand why people bother with this shit on an anonymous website

>> No.15072013

Why is it that people who claim to have high IQs are always insufferably annoying? You'd think with their high brain power they could realize what faggots they're being and that no one likes them but yet they keep making shit like this

>> No.15072117
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jesus hearing someone being smart really triggers these self absorbed/conscious lowlives. iq isnt fa unless youre also socially compitent and not a showoff. its sort of like a sick easter egg for ur lovers/friends

>> No.15072126

because Anon is notoriously insecure and feels threatened by intelligent women, even just the idea of woman more intelligent than them sends these twinks into an angsty rage

>> No.15072132

IQs past 130 are not given as concrete scores, but as standard deviations because of the ever increasing unreliability of the result.

>> No.15072179
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>I am a girl
every time.

>> No.15072198
File: 108 KB, 803x719, Lindy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm a BERSERKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15072280

High IQ girls are the dream. Problem is they're well educated and in high paying jobs, hence out of most everyone's reach.

Anons are shitting on OP because it's almost certainly just shitposting.

>> No.15072368

And they usually end up single at 35

>> No.15072508


Cope more dumb asses

>> No.15072572

I am not very successful, it's almost like I will never marry. I'm 22 and I have never been married. I have published some poetry and my philosophy thesis, but I don't have a job and I took a break from school.

>> No.15072589

first lindy beige meme i've ever seen

>> No.15072600
File: 113 KB, 500x667, 2F3D081C-6F1A-49B0-94F0-0CF42BA08B54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an iq of 135 and I think the test is bullshit. If it actually measured intelligence I should be getting at least 200. There is literally nothing in the world that I cannot learn and then subsequently master. Everything I have pursued I have made major innovations for. I am fluent in 6 languages, can read and write in an extra 4, I am an accomplished artist and have had my work shown in major institutions. I received a masters in math from one of the top programs in the country and only denied going for a PhD and a guaranteed tenured professorship because I wanted to make money in finance, of which I did and made enough where I'm basically retired at age 28. My novel is in the process of getting published as we speak and I am currently writing a political philosophy work that will rival the impact of people such as hobbes and Marx.
When I am done with this I will create a video game detailing the historical progression that led to the inevitably of my ideas shifting the wheels of civilization and then run for political office to personally implement it under my direct command. My hobbies include the occasional painting of which I sell for 6 figures, sailing the boat I built under the supervision of a local shipbuilder, designing the home I am building for myself on revit, build upon the previous day's attempt at solving the unsolvable mathematical problems that still exist, and fucking 18 year old girls I pick up from the 18+ club by my house. The only thing I cannot properly figure out is zoomer fashion, that is why I am here. If I went by an IQ test to judge my ability it would say that I'll become a decently successful electrical engineer team manager and live in a 2 bedroom apartment in Palo Alto.

>> No.15072608

> and seems to be promoted by ...Racists/eugenists, people bent on showing that some populations have inferior mental abilities based on IQ test=intelligence;

aaaaaaand dropped.

>> No.15072612

this couldve been better

>> No.15072633

My life? Because this is all 100% genuine. Accomplished people exist and they occasionally visit sites like this. As you can clearly see, being smart and successful does not alleviate mental illnesses of which I am a victim of many. I found this board after being confused about how the youth was dressing on my biweekly visit to the local club, but to be honest, I haven't gotten any valuable information from my short time browsing. I used to occasionally go on 4chan when I was around 17-19 and it was much funnier back then

>> No.15072702

Scoring big numbers on some online test doesn't make you "intelligent". Just makes you better at doing those types of problems than most other people. What is the point of you drawing attention to this number? If /fa/ says your online test score number is "fashionable", does that make all your other problems disappear? Can you now breathe a sigh of relief that even if you're socially retarded, at least your self perceived intellect is fahionable... If this isn't a bait post, then this is peak autism, and not the genius kind.

>> No.15072742

>Just makes you better at doing those types of problems than most other people.
And the ease of which you solve those problems indicates your level of intelligence, which iq tests define as pattern recognition. Unless you're an extreme outlier unique mind(you aren't) your ability in identifying the patterns in those problems will be very likely to predict your chances at excelling in anything that requires analyzation and discovering new connections(every single intellectual activity) even a fucking quarterback football player with a 120 IQ is much more likely to be a better player than a 100 iq player. It extends to everything and I find it applicable to most(99%) of minds.

>> No.15072920

not believing in IQ is a hard cope

>> No.15072925

My IQ is about 16'000'000 points and I am the smartest man on earth. And I would say that being that smart is very /fa/.

>> No.15073085

A man with a lower score is probably still more brainy, though probably sucks at verbal skills, but that’s ok, we are hunters and engineers not lawyers and conman

>> No.15073108
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It is, but make sure you only pursue men that have an equal or higher intelligence. Men who are dumber than you will get insecure -- except for a small exception who are successful in life by other means. This is advice from a fellow high-IQ femanon (comp sci phd, faang employee). For a while, I regretted being intelligent because I thought it made me unattractive, but then I realized I was hanging around men with very average intelligences. Either consciously or unconsciously, they will try to make you feel bad about yourself to repair how you've damaged their egos by simply being more intelligent. Once I started hanging around very successful men (business owners, tech CEOs, etc) I realized how attractive my intelligence is to the *right* man, a man who can appreciate it.

Also: don't forget, femininity is key. As long as you hone your femininity, your supposedly masculine traits won't appear unattractive. This means dress, general demeanor, etc. It's really an almost lost art at least in the Western world.