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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 706 KB, 3024x4032, IMG_78273_234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14974020 No.14974020 [Reply] [Original]

Need to dress "business casual" for my new job. Is this okay?..

>> No.14974029

Yeah, it’ll do. I’d recommend picking up either a lighter belt or one with a bit of gloss to it so it’s not as sharp of a contrast with the rest, or consider going with brown. What shoes are you working with?

>> No.14974031

why did you make a thread for this retarded shit? explain yourself turder!!!

>> No.14974034

that's enough for today, i'm heading to bed now. You ruined my night. Just seeing this person made me incredibly sad, i don't want to think about anything anymore, don't want to know these people exist. People looking like this, going about their day, how awful, disgusting, saddening. I'm curious as to why i am so sad now, maybe i shouldn't visit this place at all anymore. Why is it that people look like this? Are they born that way? Or do they just suffer from immense retardation, to the point where there isn't even an ounce of introspection, of self-respect. Goodnight.

>> No.14974036

You look like the biggest stereotype ever.

>> No.14974045

are u a dike.

>> No.14974091

Nah I'm a guy (FtM)

>> No.14974133


I knew a bi girl who had the hots for me dress like this a few times.

>> No.14974135


>> No.14974137
File: 54 KB, 640x453, stop hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14974139

Are you also an alcoholic by any chance?

>> No.14974140

>petite skinny tallish girl that can fit perfectly in most /fa/ attire
>wants to be a man dresses like this

the fuck is wrong with you. You're in the 1% thinspo body type and you want to be a man. Fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ you pissed me off dumb bitch

>> No.14974141

pick one

>> No.14974165

le upvoted my fellow redditeurs!!

>> No.14974172

So what’s your favorite MCR album, Ayden?

>> No.14974205

not keen on the belt. Consider getting some cardigans in your rotation

>> No.14974243

When you get another belt get it in the appropriate size. Given your sex you're more likely often colder anyway and extra layers will only help alter your sihoulette to one of a more masculine upper upper body. And lift some weights too, even if bone structure can't be always or completely hidden.

>> No.14974623

Dude screw you.

>> No.14974648

Looking at you makes me feel better about myself.

>> No.14974650


>> No.14974652

Jesus christ

>> No.14974673

fucking zoomers

>> No.14974678

>>>/lgbt/ is that way sweetheart

>> No.14974682

More layers aren’t very good for female silhouette. She should use less, thicker layers instead.

>> No.14974694

Reddit laps up that radical gender theory PC shit tho—it’s faggots like you who are reddit

>> No.14974735

Holy fucking based

>> No.14974780


>> No.14974829

You're a female and look gayer than a faggot.

>> No.14974832

Cry me a river ya cunt.

>> No.14974840

>Gets haircut
>Buys some clothes at Kohl's
>Pretends to be a dude
>Gets job

>> No.14974861

Great thread, who knew /fa/ was so based desu

>> No.14974941
File: 911 KB, 625x476, 6GKnC6m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would hire you? your a fag your only good for burning

>> No.14975020

Get some nice shoes to pair with your belts. I'd suggest oxfords with brogueing. Consider getting two pairs on sale and rotating between them if you want them to last a while

>> No.14975029

>not a single person on /fa/ has ever worn a belt that fits him

>> No.14975105

So yes you're a dyke

>> No.14975107

Looks good dude, a better fitting belt would suit you better in my opinion tho

>> No.14975111

From what I know about FtMs, which isn't a whole lot, many of them are actually cock crazy from having that test-infused libido.
Probably fuck any dude that is willing to overlook the beard and body hair.

>> No.14975121

You forgot your fedora

>> No.14975163

It’s not bad but those earrings need to go

>> No.14975164

I agree with others on a tighter belt, but I think some tighter pants would look better on you too. Do you have feminine hips and are you trying to hide that feminine form with these pants? Just asking because some of your clothes look half a size too big on you.

>> No.14975214

Stop with this shit already. Your teachers and your parents should be whipped.

>> No.14975224


>> No.14975252

If you wanted upboats to reaffirm your mental illness you'd be in reddit with the rest of the pc brigade. I don't know why you think 4channel would be a good place for you or why pointing out your bullshit is reddit behaviour; you get banned on reddit for telling the truth to trannies.

>> No.14975292


>> No.14975302

No offense, this is more like edgy boy trying to be a grown up at his daddy's office or "just got out of U first job" wear.
Forget about that button-up shirt, the sleeves look too short for you and looks terrible with black. Get a nice t-shirt with a jacket or cardigan instead. Also no belt.

>> No.14975353

you must be a landwhale if you think thats 1%

>> No.14975900

Build muscle, you look silly
Hormone therapy will make it so much easier for you too

>> No.14975904

How tall are you

>> No.14975906
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>> No.14975909

America is all about diversity hires for gubmint tax breaks

>> No.14975950

Back to /pol/ you goblin

>> No.14975978

>iron your shirt
>get rid of minotaur piercings
or you could just wear female clothes

>> No.14976003


>> No.14976005
File: 1.08 MB, 1250x950, 1567731171527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14976358

this. wrinkled shirts are cringey

>> No.14976394


>> No.14976821

I am 5'5"

>> No.14976887
File: 62 KB, 535x1080, 1580219344515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well with that height and that frame, you will be seen as a man, only an MTF. I'm sorry to say but even with the typical tattoos and test beard, it will only help marginally. You should seriously consider detran-ing before you become a statistic.

>> No.14976890

*never be seen as a man

>> No.14976955

have sex

>> No.14977326

>wearing clothes not your size for the unfitted sleeves to show whatever trademark-watch you're wearing

>> No.14977530
File: 29 KB, 600x400, merlin_120105290_1856cb44-a53a-4144-8025-8ccc1c55ab7b-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a guy in the same way rachel dolezal is an african american.(read:you're not. It takes more to be a guy then styling yourself like justin bieber circa 2012.)
As a gay guy, i'm offended twice. Once for you thinking you can just claim to be a guy(disregarding lived experiences all men go through) and because your stupid ego-driven bullshit is now paired with the struggle gays have gone through, by latching onto gay rights.

To borrow the fucking retarded rhetoric of your SJWs, "try to be better".

>> No.14977540

Heres a fun experiment. Go download Grindr and just look at all the FtM trannies who litter the front page.
Now imagine a guy going into a dyke bar, dressed as half-assed as most of those FtMs are(including OP in the OP pic), and think of the reaction he would get.
Its fucking pathetic how careful everyone is with FtM trans folk when they invade other peoples spaces. And yeah, iv been insulted and berated by a few for not giving them attention or somewhat bluntly turning them down... but again, Fuck them(not literally) for trying to socially manipulate and coerce gay men into fucking them with the threat of shamming for them "transphobia". They're just as bad as those fucking conversion therapy centers. "Ignore your gay urges and love vaginas or you'll burn in hell for eternity!!!!" has the same over-all message as "Find my feminine penis(a biological clitoris) and pecs(post-mastectomy chest) sexy and fuck me, or i'll tell everyone you know you're a bigot!", right?

>> No.14977553

Gay men hate mtf though not ftm. Bc mtf want their male bf to pretend that they are actually women. That’s why gay men hate mtf bc mtf are homophobic

>> No.14977615

No that's too dorky.

Err on the side of under dressed rather than try hard wannabe

>> No.14977686

I've seen people come in for interviews looking normal and a week in after getting hired they come in with septum piercings and a bunch of tattoos that they had previously covered up with long sleeves and turtlenecks

>> No.14977701

I'd loose all the piercings etc. Not to say it doesn't have it's place in certain styles, but not really business casual. And as this >>14974029 Anon said I'd pick a different belt too. I'd also try to gain a little more muscle. It's hard work, but clothing in general will fit better as a result. And assuming this is not a massive troll thread, ignore the haters.

>> No.14977704

Start lifting and consuming massive amounts of protein. You have a skinny girl physique and should put on mass. I assume you're taking testosterone? That will help.

And take your clothing seriously. Your fit is fine (it literally doesn't matter at work) but your shirt looks like you crawled out of bed.

>> No.14977801

You look like youd pass out picking up a box of tissues you turbo cuck. I would knock you out cold so easy.

>> No.14977807

Didn't bother reading the replies, the short answer is no, you look terrible for presenting business casual. You look far too moody, leave the emo look at home.

>> No.14977876

should have just said yes

>> No.14977883


>> No.14977889
File: 202 KB, 882x1013, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14977892

God I fucking hate lesbians

>> No.14977902

OP passes a lot better than all the fat Grindr fakebois in my city, i'll give her that

>> No.14977907


>> No.14977962


>> No.14977966

>resbect his bronouns

>> No.14977970

Dubs say trans rights

>> No.14977980

is only game, why you heff to be mad?

>> No.14978006

Post a fit

>> No.14978055

oh wow, so you went from a homely looking girl to an ugly little feminine nerd.......that's a straight downgrade. why you'd want to make your life harder for yourself i will never know

>> No.14978065

so you’re a girl

>> No.14978066

My gender is male, but my sex is male. Gender and sex aren't the same thing you idiot.

Can the mods just delete this thread please? People can't act civil and are acting like assholes. Regret even posting this thread asking for help. Some of you were cool, but fuck most of you.

>> No.14978069

>I get to redefine what words means, and how society should act!!!
>Oh NOES, 4chan of all places isnt going to bend the knee to my crazy demands. MODS!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!!

Reality check, you dont get to decide what words mean. In your hug boxes, and maybe even polite society, people will humor you and go along with this BS. In reality, and 99.9% of peoples minds, they wont. You're a (ugly) chick. Not a dude.

>> No.14978070

The concept of gender was invented by a pedophile. I'm not going to humor that bullshit.

>> No.14978082

>nooooooooo reality is what I say it is!!! mods bawleete everything that contradicts the bullshit I made up in my head!

>> No.14978089

also ftm. you really have to go stealth online or prepare to deal with a horde of leaking rectal cysts telling you the same garbage over and over and insulting you. I don't like it either, and it can get frustrating and emotionally exhausting even after steeling oneself against it for years. honestly, visiting this site is a form of digital self-harm knowing all of this.
don't worry about what a bunch of morons on 4chan have to say. don't take it seriously. their opinion does not matter.

I agree with the anons recommending you iron your shirt and build some muscle mass. as of right now, other than the wrinkles, you look presentable in a normie business casual environment.

>> No.14978099
File: 110 KB, 640x631, get cancer tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up human garbage

>> No.14978126

>hey I too stick my head in the sand and reject reality! It gets easier over time but one day I'm going to realize what a mistake I've made allowing myself to be conned into irreparable self-mutilation and I'll kill myself, but until I join the 41% I'm gonna encourage kids younger than me to do irreparable damage themselves too because misery just loooooooves company
you are a cancer

>> No.14978137

that's a heaping shitpile of projection there, friend. you sound angry. maybe you should chill out.

>> No.14978153

>no u
doesn't work that way tranny, not from something like you
everyone else knows that they're either a dude or a chick
and normal people don't try to convince others to make the same dire life choices as them

>> No.14978159
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14978179
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, serveimage[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts picture of wearing a man's face as a mask

>> No.14978198

OP I forgot to link you this, bud.

>> No.14978207
File: 1.42 MB, 3024x4032, transman_nhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so entitled as to think that the world would kowtow to your delusion.
Go fuck yourself (you're gonna have to lmao because no one else will want to).
Pic related is what's in store for you once you see through the propaganda, if ever, raging in a tent somewhere as a warning to others.

>> No.14979033

Trans rights are neglect of the mentally ill.

>> No.14979036
File: 49 KB, 751x418, 1502039443848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those piercings

>> No.14979040
File: 1.13 MB, 1122x1122, le scrub face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14979045
File: 114 KB, 866x824, shkrelitty dhrelitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I'm amazed at how fucking retarded you idiots are.

>> No.14979053

the sleeves look a bit too long for your arms, but otherwise it's a good look my dude

>> No.14979055
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1988-lincoln-town-car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't look very put together. Iron your clothes or take them to the cleaners. It's not expensive and makes a big difference. Take out the piercings you can and use skin colored plugs for the ears. Your hair is too messy. Your belt shouldn't hang out like that. Push it to the side slightly if you have to, or get a smaller belt

>> No.14979061

Do trannies really think that 4chan is some sort of transphobic middle age bastion of ignorance? People might be direct and insulting on here, but trans acceptance isn't something anybody really believes, people just shut up about it because it isn't relevant and it's rude to say all this shit.
Behind closed doors, nobody has a problem saying trannies are mentally ill and need therapy and pills (non hormonal) instead of literal mutilation. Even when the odd guy brings it up in public, nobody will defend transgenderism in most settings.

>> No.14979094

Lift weights

>> No.14979153
File: 42 KB, 480x611, 1506583363221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give a man a mask and he will show his true face.

This is the prime reason I only spend time on 4chan when I'm online. I no longer associate myself with people who live behind a illusory wall of lies.

>> No.14979158
File: 856 KB, 900x856, 1572015893066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14979163
File: 87 KB, 1080x985, DCI0rxyWsAIQT1T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that really changed my mind. I love degenerates now!

>> No.14979217

Leave him alone you fucking incels

>> No.14979238


>> No.14979254

it is written

>> No.14979900

that was a lot

>> No.14979901

she's a lesbian, she's not gonna fuck you

>> No.14979974
File: 302 KB, 625x350, 1579911157664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gender is a social construct but I want to mutilate by genitalia, dress like a stereotypical western male, and change my hormones to emulate the opposite sex

Yea nobody is buying it anymore. You're a female on the genetic, biological, hormonal and psychological level.

>> No.14980057

>ear guages
>septum piercing
>is still more employable than you, anon

>> No.14980063

Iron your shirt faggot.

>> No.14980277

Ah hell nahhhhhh. Straight beta male if you never stated that you were trans. Small frame, skinny as fuck. Its over

>> No.14980289

Why do you come to this site when you see shit like this? Fuck off already. Thats why retards like you belong to plebbit cause atleast there your feelings are sheltered. Out of all the places you can go you decide to come to the one place that can talk as much shit as they want and wont get banned for it. Fucking idiot fuck you

>> No.14980298

>comes to this site
>knows what its like
>cries when you get made fun of
>continues to come here
Why are you guys so stupid. Its like youre addicted to being fucking victims

>> No.14980362
File: 74 KB, 1024x1024, WgIoL4X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14980368

lol at that fucking weak gay face

>> No.14980377


>> No.14980380


T. Bi.

>> No.14980635

diversity hire, she won't make it past her probationary period

>> No.14980819

You will never pass, please stop this nonsense; your family misses their little girl.

>> No.14980825

Ohh so edgy

>> No.14980829


It's almost like they want to talk about fashion and other interests online but have to deal with the constant bombardment of "join the 41%," rhetoric even in entirely unrelated threads/boards.
Christ, can you imagine being told to kill yourself several times a day for just wanting to discuss things, for existing? And if they go to another site they're a degenerate for interacting with people who don't tell them to neck themselves at every opportunity? Have some empathy. Or at least leave trans people alone.

Living evidence that social ridicule does not necessarily mean one has empathy towards other socially ridiculed minority groups. You're disappointing in your divisiveness. Bit it's fine because "fuck you, I got mine," huh?

>> No.14980851

>don't worry about what a bunch of morons on 4chan have to say. don't take it seriously. their opinion does not matter
I literally have a PhD in medicine and I'm pretty sure my opinion matters to a lot of people in real life.
FtM = mental illness, deal with it.

>> No.14980870

>reddit exists
>goes to 4chan
>cries over transphobia
I just can't see how it isn't on you. The fashion advice is unironically the same.
And honestly, if people on the Internet telling you to kill yourself is enough for you to commit suicide, you can't claim to not be mentally ill. Unless you live in a special kind of trailer park or ghetto, nobody tell you to die in real life.

>> No.14982308

lol. you're not a guy. you're a shemale.

>> No.14982406
File: 388 KB, 1067x1213, 1578471740917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda want to pretend to be a tranny supporter for the (You)s. It is cool to see an ftm though, usually we are stuck with the mtf/porn addict trannies

>> No.14982443
File: 102 KB, 446x390, dumb-gorilla-nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to a site with a huge trans presence because you heard about it from the reddit/stormfront/gamergate/fox/cnn
>get angry that there's trans people on the site
>pic related

>> No.14982447

This is the world they've engineered for us. This women could have, and still could, be a loving happy housewife. With children that she loves more than life itself, making her the happiest women in the world. Supporting some hard working honest guy who does everything he can to provide a good quality of life for his family.

Instead she would rather masquerade as a MAN. An unattractive man at that. Destined to never have children, never have a fulfilling life with all the earthly pleasures we're offered. To be unhappy and unsatisfied with life itself, and not even realizing why. And it might seem to be by her own choice, but no, others have convinced her of this decision. People at the top of society, who, wanted specifically for her to have an unhappy life. Under the guise of enlightenment, social encouragement, and an opposite sense of FOMO.

Its really a sad thing that so many young people have been misled this way. We will surely be the most unhappy generation in the history of man.

>> No.14982458

why does every FtM look like the singer of linking park? he also killed himself lmao

>> No.14982472
File: 935 KB, 1018x756, also a woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I dig the aesthetic of MtF better, but I can also see the appeal the other way around, the true cute boys and lesbian in denial dream.

>> No.14982477


youre a guy?
>no youre not

But since you present as one be prepared to get your shit rocked one day and no one will give a fuck, you know since youree a guy. you arent special , your a sad girl who is creating an imaginary partner who cant hurt you, for yourself