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14946213 No.14946213 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Long Hair on guys offend so many people?

>> No.14946242

The buzzpill is a herd mentality

>> No.14946295

I don't care what others think about MY hair

>> No.14946339
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>he's not following the herd
>he has the guts to do something unusual you dont dare to do yourself, reminding you of your insufficiency
>he ends up with better hair than girls making them jealous
>he may look pretty with long hair, making girls jealous and men confused in their sexuality
>he dont care for the hair, ending bad looking and stinky
but most important
>he doesnt look good with long hair and is unpleasing to look at

>> No.14946606

Having long hair as a guy doesn't automatically make you interesting. I had long hair my entire life until recently. When it was long, I just kept it tied up most days and never styled it. It was just there. But with shorter hair (not buzzed), I actually have more options to tease it out, gel it back, etc.

>> No.14946677

>he dont care for the hair, ending bad looking and stinky
>he doesnt look good with long hair and is unpleasing to look at
literally me

>> No.14946875

This is it anon. No one hates on long hair when it's well done

>> No.14947406

it does? who gives a fuck about how other men wear their hair? thats gay as fuck, hope you guys dont actually do this

>> No.14948335


looks like a faggot

but why does he look like gay thom yorke wtf?

>> No.14948380

Either because its seen as feminine or rebellious, it always seems to be one of the two

Besides when a fat greasy weeb tries to pull off a ponytail or what-not, then people don't like it because its fuckin gross

>> No.14948663

It's a self fulfilling prophecy really. You act like a faggot because you think people care about your girl hair, so people start hating you for being a faggot about your girl hair, which justifies you acting like a faggot, and people hating you for being a faggot.
Break the cycle and get a hair cut already you god damned greasy hippie.

>> No.14948701

You sound like a child parroting his daddy's opinions

>> No.14948717

you meant to say that isn't Thom?

>> No.14948728

Why do people still care about those two? It's been like 60 years since the Rolling Stones and people are still shocked by longer hair on guys

>> No.14948790

lol i bet you're balding

>> No.14948832

but pretty much every guy has long hair these days in a manbun as they call it. i think a mohawk offends more people desu

>> No.14948901

what kind of backwater shithole do you live in? Afghanistan?
Literally nobody gives a shit about your hair.
Just because your mother asked you to get a haircut, doesnt mean that "so many people" are offended

>> No.14949132

baldfags hate what they can't have
taken girls hate you because they lust for your cock and need to deny you

>> No.14949336

Not every guy with long hair is a slob lol
I wash mine and keep it clean
plus I look like a toddler with short hair so

>> No.14949595

I don't think it offends many people at all. It's not the 60's. Even older folks are used to men wearing their hair long.

>> No.14949617

Doesn't offend me if they look like they style or take care of it. Not many men do. They just tie it in a pony tail or bun, which looks lazy.

>> No.14949623

I actually do live in a third world shithole

>> No.14949796
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Depends where you live

>Poor shithole
>"Yo bruv you look like a fag"
>Rich city
>"Wow anon I love your hair"

>> No.14949808

it offends men, because they are balding

>> No.14949839

This and remind that one is younger or plain better in some way

>> No.14949956

reminds me of the girl from brooklyn 99

>> No.14950034

>Not every guy with long hair is a slob lol
why did you pick one of the two negative possibilities out of 6 and doing like you were adressed?

>> No.14950135
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>hated every haircut I ever got
>decided to not waste time and money on haircuts
>have long hair since high school
>parents kept trying to force me to buzz cut
>its not a good look
>now everyone has man buns
>your hair is so trendy
>literally had same style for 15 years

people are just hiveminded

>> No.14950152
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>"i'm so unique"
>literally has jesus hair

>> No.14950411
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No one has ever been "offended" by it where I live. I started growing mine after a series of shitty haircuts I had in high school (dress code included a haircut policy that said 3 inches was the max length, I was always pushing it and as a result most of my haircuts ended up turning into bowl cuts over time) and all I've gotten are complements.

>> No.14950546

nice girl hair

>> No.14950684
File: 49 KB, 1060x795, rpatz hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having long hair is cool

>> No.14950705

I work for Bell Helicopter and I always right off new emoyees with long hair as unprofessional. They never pass my probation period. You Zoomers may not like it, but there are people like me everywhere that judge people off first impressions.

>You choose your employees off of looks?
Yes that's my first filter, obviously the guys with shit work ethic and performance don't make it past probation either.

>> No.14950723

Lord Faarquaad headass lmao

>> No.14950725
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>> No.14950729
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I do actually really like the hair, but your head shape is basically perfect for farquaad

>> No.14950833

lmao thanks guys

>> No.14950912

>there are people like me everywhere that judge people off first impressions.
And you're dying of old age and heart attacks left and right

>> No.14950918

>right off
Who put you in charge of vetting anyone? Does your boss know you can't speak English?

>> No.14950965

Jesus is infinitely unique. No finite amount of people can suffice to render him unoriginal.

>> No.14950968

>right off
k boomer

>> No.14951079

>tfw have long hair and beard
>go on a weekend trip to Dublin
>tfw worried people are gonna make an issue about false idolatry
>turns out everyone just wants a picture with me
Happened three times in separate locations. The attention feels alright but man if the Jesus jokes don’t get irritating.

>> No.14951083

Why not judge them on the quality of their work instead?

>> No.14951105

Then he would have to acknowledge that he was wrong from the beginning. People with weak character don't like to do that.

>> No.14951330
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Every time my hair grow past neck they curl like mad and I'm too lazy to use a straightener so i guess it's over

>> No.14951332

you're fine dude, give it a rest

>> No.14952140

Seriously, where do some of you people live? The manbuns been dead for years.

>> No.14952263

I wish that guy didn't have those awful spacers

>> No.14952306
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>> No.14952312
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honestly, I have long hair and I don't even think it looks good on most men. I don't get dudes who just have straight long hair, hanging down. add some texture, volume or get a better haircut to make it less boring.(I cut my hair myself so no excuses)

>> No.14952320
File: 591 KB, 1576x2097, 996B9B91-9DD8-453B-B2C6-F4B985318236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hair is actually longer than my gfs now, probably going to cut it soon though it’s turning into a pain in the ass

>> No.14952330

How to style long hair, including product and technique?

>> No.14952363

this is my hair >>14952320, I really dont fuck with it, today's a day off so I haven't done anything to it in the picture but if I'm going to work or something I just throw a small amount of whatever styling paste was cheap in and push the top back and to the left, pull the long hair on the sides forward like in the picture and it's done

>> No.14953452

Its fine... I know the truth hurts but it will be okay, I promise

>> No.14953566
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>t. facelet

>> No.14954161

10/10 would

>> No.14954181

It's unironically ugly and only works on 8/10+ guys who would still look better with short (not a buzz but a fade/undercut/pompadour) hair in 9/10 cases. Especially seeing greasy fucks who just let their hair grow out without washing it or properly cutting the ends, really cringe. But, eh, atleast it's better than the buzz meme which only coping faggots use since they're balding.

>> No.14954315
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>> No.14954493

Long hair's fine, as long as you have a face for it.

You must maintain, and care for your hair. Have patience. Keep it healthy, at all times. Become comfortable with a routine minor trim, here or there. Some men shy away from that, leading to their hair to come off as a mangled, disgusting mess.

Nothing's attractive about being that guy with greasy, shoulder length hair. Drop the machismo act. Start giving a fuck about your skin, your hair, etc.