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14884450 No.14884450 [Reply] [Original]

Is being an Air Force officer effay? Specifically being a pilot?

>> No.14884460

dying for israel never has been, is not, and never will be effay

>> No.14884464

The airforce is the least effay branch of the armed forces. Military service is inherently not effay. SOF Chad's are the only exception and giving that you're an officer and posting on a Taiwanese basket weaving image forum I highly doubt you're a PJ or something even remotely respectable.

>> No.14884478

> mandatory amphetamines

Truman signed an arms embargo that wasn't lifted into JFK's term. After the holocaust ended, jews were herded like cattle into American run concentration camps while they could figure out what to do
So what happened next? Jews broke out and started en masse to Israel. They fought for independence, with no foreign aid, in like 3 wars and a few mini intifadas
Usa needs a strategic ally in the otherwise tumultuous (read: failed state) shitshow that is west Asia
Israeli military has been guinea pigs for Lockheed Martin planes and weaponry and they allow the us military to use the haifa naval base, which is basically the only reason ww3 won't happen any time soon
Israel would do just fine on their own without foreign aid from America. It is a solely strategic alliance

>> No.14884486

I would rather be an officer than a PJ. Guess who tells the PJ what to do? Guess who makes more money than the PJ?

>> No.14884497

>dying for Israel
>air force
No one in the Air Force is dying unless it's in a training accident or plane crash

>> No.14884537
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To me effay = interesting in a tiny way so yes. Driving/Flying anything that can go really fucking fast and not dying is a pretty cool and interesting thing and therefore pretty effay. But because being "effay" comes with a certain interest that is completely extrinsic you just cant plainly say it is. For me it is, but my roommate dies of boredom when she has to talk about anything transportation related so she would probably be into the"body" but not into the pilot part of a Air Force officer. Effay as a whole is kind of a spectrum because it relies on extrinsic attion so much.

>> No.14885155

What's the most effay branch to be a part of?

>> No.14885232

you will only be /fa/ if the energy you spend in the military is focused on being a disciplined pilot and/or mechanic. after you leave the military you might be /fa/ but only if you dont exude any type of military bro energy.

>> No.14885239


>> No.14885266
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Coast Guard

>> No.14885269

"DiE fOr IsRaEl" Says the virgin simp coward.

>> No.14885281
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p effay if you ask me

>> No.14885290


>> No.14885291

>chair force

>> No.14885292

nothing braver than drone striking hospitals from 20,000 miles away

>> No.14885295

draft dodgers are objectively the most effay military members

>> No.14885303

Nothing effay about being too scared to face the real world so you stay in the same shitty organization, being treated like a child by officers younger than you despite being in your mid-late 30s, for shitty pay.
The smart ones get out, the dumb ones stay in. Everyone knows this. That's why deep down no one actually respects SNCOs

>> No.14885312

Alphas get promoted.
Sorry about your cleft palate.

>> No.14885317

nigga's just using every popular insult he can think of lmao

>> No.14885335

>Alphas get promoted
Imagine actually believing this. Is that why they changed the rules so that shitbag lifetime Specialists automatically got promoted to Sergeant? Is it because they were alpha? Give me a break.
Anyone alpha gets the fuck out after 4 years and uses their GI bill to make something of themselves or come back in as an officer to tell your old ass what to do

>> No.14885583

that wouldn't be applied to the go die for israel meme. I hope you can see why.

>> No.14885587

someone chose an MOS at MEPS.

>> No.14885590

The Space Force

>> No.14885597

so says the israel simp

>> No.14885629

I hope so.
Canada-fag here, passed all application steps, waiting for my job offer now.

>> No.14885651

Absolutely based. What kinds of jobs are you hoping for?
I have a semester left of school then I'm eligible for officer training school. The US Air Force and Navy are desperately low on pilots so I'm crossing my fingers that can happen

>> No.14885655

I'm only going for Pilot, don't really care if it's multi or fast-jet, my file manager said that there's still 10 pilot positions open before the end of the fiscal year on April 1st so I'm hoping to get one of those, if not I'll have to wait. A friend of mine just got hired as an ACSO (formerly called Navigator) and he starts his Officer qualification in 2 weeks.

>> No.14885667

No. Any governmental authority or aid is inherently evil, but most importantly non-effay.

>> No.14885726

What if you're that authority?

>> No.14885996

Oy vey

>> No.14886086
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>Air force officer

*laughs in Naval Aviator*

>> No.14886091

Inherent evil is effay as fuck

>> No.14887577
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btfo american mutt

>> No.14887593


he cute

>> No.14887603
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Depends on what they get to fly. Needs to be something cool like the Eurofighter.

>> No.14887605
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Navy is objectively the most /fa/ since they have the most uniforms and the most options in those uniforms.

>> No.14887719
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>> No.14888024

>chair force
pick one

>> No.14888089

only paras and mercs are effay

>> No.14888496

zionist detected.

>> No.14888597

True but no one cares unfortunately, this board wasn’t made for well thought out opinions

>> No.14889583

better to be a coward than dead for no reason. A coward unlike the dead man still has potential to make something of himself.

>> No.14889585

>Israel would do just fine on their own without foreign aid from America.
hearty kek!
why would they take it then?

>> No.14889590

Do AF pilots wear AF1s?

>> No.14889650

yep, pilots have always been the most elite people in the military. pilot slots use to be saved for the aristocratic class. im trying to become a marine pilot. (most effay uniforms)

>> No.14889654
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>> No.14889733


>> No.14890040

It's free money and it shows that they want to maintain a strategic alliance with usa

>> No.14890042

Also, I love how everything else I said was entirely accepted

>> No.14890757

I'm not well versed in history