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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 371 KB, 2090x2496, 3C2AD214-6196-48B3-BEDB-9ECE2DE0290D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14873276 No.14873276 [Reply] [Original]

Are tattoos based or cringe?

>> No.14873287

Depends but upwards of 90% are cringe including this

>> No.14873288
File: 25 KB, 308x358, 3487509754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the tattoo DUMBASS

>> No.14873298

cringe and absoluty disgusting

>> No.14873393

>memento mori
>in a place that the owner of the tattoo will never see
this particular tattoo is peak cringe

>> No.14873398
File: 1.72 MB, 1184x1170, Screen Shot 2019-12-18 at 9.31.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are obviously based

>> No.14873400

Disgusting and cringe 100% of the time.
As is dating anyone who has them.

>> No.14873410

I hope you have sex soon, I really do.

>> No.14873530

based post
tattoos are cringe

>> No.14873532

dubs confirm it dating tatfags is cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14873544

these dubs disagree

>> No.14873549

ooh fuck, we're at a stalemate

>> No.14873555
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oh damn good call... ok let's roll a tiebreaker for tattoos being based

>> No.14873566


>> No.14873567

They are based. The trips have spoken.

>> No.14873569

not a dubsfag but those tats are absolutely disgusting

>> No.14873573

the latter faggot

>> No.14873666
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if trips tats are cringe again

>> No.14873668

o shit

>> No.14873718

based satan

>> No.14873888
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what the fuckkkk

>> No.14873892

ok it's done

>> No.14873901
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tats are cringe officially btfo ink fags

>> No.14874104

Fuck really?

>> No.14874105

I thought this was a “MEMBERS ONLY” tattoo which would actually be kinda sick

>> No.14874134

Disgusting. The more tattoos a woman has the more I assume she’s a beat street whore with no value

>> No.14874265

Tattoos are cringe but I've turned being cringe into my persona so it works out ok

>> No.14874271
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>> No.14874280

Usually look good, except for those people who gets random items tattooed on them, like a pair of scissor, a piece of cake, a tie and a rat with absolutely zero connection between them. Or cringy and overused quotes

>> No.14874286

Not all but OVERWHELMINGLY most are hard cringe

>> No.14874291
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>> No.14874292


>> No.14874327

this, if you are in a gang or some shit it's acceptable, even if they look kinda bad
otherwise it's like making drawings on your body like a child with a pen

>> No.14874329

They are cringe for the most part. A bit like beards.

>> No.14874338
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>> No.14874363

Satan hath spoken, begone tattoo heathens

>> No.14874365

>baby Yoda but a cock
I don't know if this is based or cringe

>> No.14874444
File: 1.12 MB, 1190x1184, Screen Shot 2019-12-19 at 10.19.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok there's only one way to settle this

fact: tattoos are based

>> No.14874458

It cant end this way

>> No.14874459

satan BTFO

>> No.14874460

that linework, the smirk on his face
my god... it's... stunning

>> No.14874519

Of I get quads than only SOME tattoos are based

This roll is winner take all

>> No.14874536

Tats are cringe

>> No.14874582
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>> No.14874606

you cannot argue quads unless you get penta.

>> No.14874632
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Tattoos are based!

>> No.14874639

If not a specific gangster, tribesman, sailor or combat soldier tattoo that you earned, it's cringe bruh.

>> No.14874642

yo tf is going on? am I the only one not able to reply to a post?

>> No.14874673
File: 275 KB, 902x1792, B55A92D9-7407-486D-8BF4-B4BE4FE3A4F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my new tattoo /fa/

>> No.14874685

if you already look good tattoos wont make you more attractive and no ugly person will ever look better beacuse of a tattoo. not to mention that trends change but tats stay with you forever

>> No.14874762


Like anything it can be either.

>> No.14874778

so thats a coke/drug use tatto ?

>> No.14874782

there's nothing more gay than an anchor tattoo.

Even cock Yoda is less gay than your shit

>> No.14874901

Tats become immediately cringe when you add text to them

>> No.14875128
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>> No.14875150

tats are fucking gross

>> No.14875185
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, 67159995_1148734495313989_3903518260041089024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gross or not i got this. gonna add onto it this summer.

>> No.14875199

I don't know what to believe anymore

>> No.14875205

Hit the gym tubby

>> No.14875217
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>> No.14875259

>babby's first script kiddy thread

>> No.14875271
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Guess I have to get tatted

>> No.14875278


>> No.14875281
File: 578 KB, 859x1526, 1553081690037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting this on my forearm. Just the guy. Thoughts?

>> No.14875297
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respect to zep, I like it

>> No.14875313

Holy shit...

>> No.14875352
File: 586 KB, 640x452, tattoos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14875401

Tattoos can either be or not be cringe, depending on what it is. 95% of tattoos on girls are cringe and Friday the 13th dopamine rushes. But not all tattoos are cringe. If they're gotten in prison they're automatically not cringe

>> No.14875512
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>> No.14875685

No. Tattoos are cool

>> No.14875687

Fucking sexy. Tattooz make one sexy

>> No.14876001

No, it's a memorial tattoo for my grandfather, it's a phrase he used to say. Which originates back to when we used black powder rifles, hence the term keep your powder dry.

>> No.14876009

what a shit idea

>> No.14876011

Fuck you nigger

>> No.14876012

lmao at least i'm not stuck with that gay shit on me for the rest of my life

>> No.14876014

How's it gay shit

>> No.14876062


It's a super nice visual, but would likely only work on a relatively large scale. Even a thin line specialist working on covered skin (less exposed to the sun) won't be able to keep it from fading/ blending in 5-10 years.

>> No.14876077
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>> No.14876161


>> No.14876257

The dark lord confirms

>> No.14876338

The fuck is wrong with the simulation this week?

>> No.14876361

this shits fucked brah

>> No.14876459

>making a tattoo dedicated to a man
Fucking gay and cringe

>> No.14876590
File: 263 KB, 720x1280, D4DDB58C-2BFD-4320-8BD1-4EA51C68B8A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few.

>> No.14876610
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>> No.14877663

holy shit

>> No.14877695


If you get tattoo's you just lowered yourself willingly on the attraction scale.

>> No.14877767

If you have pale skin tattoos are cringe

>> No.14877779
File: 614 KB, 2048x1152, 1541638983684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incorrect. tattoos are cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14877842

Cringe but they're a borderline necessity in certain social circles, people will think less of you if you don't have visible proof that you can make poor, ill-conceived spur of the moment decisions that will have lasting impact on your life for years to come
People like to feel vindicated in their mistakes by seeing other people make them too

>> No.14878012
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>> No.14878026

thank you i was gonna have to cut mine off

>> No.14878033
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>> No.14878299
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>> No.14878307

what a shitty way to look at things hahah
go hang out with less shitty people my guy

>> No.14878542

No become the guy

>> No.14878585
File: 61 KB, 500x350, IMG_081968686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like capeshit will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

>> No.14878594

nice coloring book tattoo

>> No.14878595

why in chinese lmao you faggot

>> No.14878596

nice this is my phone wp for idk how long

>> No.14878715


>> No.14878716
File: 31 KB, 450x600, 238863291-dioxin_affected_child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has to be a new pasta

>> No.14879207

red flag to anyone unfortunate enough to have that pov of you

>> No.14879904

>"angel and devil in chinese"

>> No.14879939

let me guess, this is a redditor?

>> No.14879976

Shemale-cock baby yoda > regular baby yoda

>> No.14879986


>> No.14879998

Oh no please tell me this isn't real

>> No.14880023

lurk more

>> No.14880257
File: 176 KB, 500x800, 067ABAA6-4D90-4264-855E-BFB831C3DD9D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> I can be your angle….or yuor devil

>> No.14880262

getting my first tattoos on New year's eve

>heaven is overrated

across my chest and

>perpetual sinner

on my back

based or cringe?

>> No.14880268

lmfao that sounds like something a teenage emo fag would write on the bathroom stall

>> No.14880345

How old are you?

If you are less than 25 then there is a good chance you will mature and live to regret those tattoos.

If you are over 25 and still think those tattoos are a good idea then there is a good chance you wont mature any further and will always think it's #badass. In that case you may as well go for it since it will make you happy.

Eirher way they are definitely cringe to most people.


>> No.14880533


>> No.14880647

how much did it cost?

>> No.14880649


do you love dirtbikes and own a lifted truck with a "got dirt?" sticker?

>> No.14880668
File: 23 KB, 271x271, D56E87B7-20B3-441B-B8FC-D0AEFAA0466E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a beta orbiter of a chick who wanted a ahegao face tattooed on her ass. After realizing I was being a faggot I completely ghosted them.
I think I made the right choice but I still miss them.

>> No.14880736

Lmao faggot, you haven't changed at all

>> No.14880800


>> No.14881134

that artstyle won't work on ink/skin

>> No.14881150

Wholesome 100 baby yoda big chungus moment

>> No.14881574

make it stop

>> No.14881589
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>> No.14881592

I want this person to lose that arm.

>> No.14881596

There are worse things to put on yourself.

>> No.14881694


>> No.14881737

Any visible tattoo is cringe

>> No.14881787

bitch looks like fucking dogshit

>> No.14881790

fucking cringe
so fucking childish

>> No.14882169

>imagine getting memes that spoil faster than milk tattooed on your body

>> No.14882192

that is easily the gayest thing ive read today

>> No.14882264

Fuck mayn I got mine 3 years ago. Is this legal? Can you just change things that have already happened?

>> No.14883096


>> No.14883791
File: 262 KB, 1200x1200, 1556469642865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that one fags bison tattoo?

>> No.14883867
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Thus spoke Zarathustra

>tats are based

>> No.14884323
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>> No.14884334
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Yo holy shit

>> No.14884338
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Normally I'd say cringe, but the numbers don't lie

>> No.14884346

lol you fucking retard

>> No.14884441

I am covered in tattoos, women love them men hate them

>> No.14884467

Got almost all of my fingers tattooed. Never again, it hurts too much.

>> No.14884572

what's the urge to get tattoos?

how can you like something that much you would want it on your body. that concept always seemed pretty gay to me

>> No.14884943

I dont see any tats here.Am I not seeing something?

>> No.14884949

I disagree with tattoos due to religious reasons, but putting all of that, there are few good tattoos, they're either ironic or pintrest level shit, neither of which are cute, funky, nor fresh. I have the same opinion on tattoos as I do graffiti, it's always destructive and vain, but if you sort through all of the tacky shit, you can find some hidden gems.

>> No.14885053

I would add
> I love big dicks in my ass

>> No.14885063
File: 2.49 MB, 480x480, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C R I N G E, like most tattoos

>> No.14885124

super gay