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14801255 No.14801255 [Reply] [Original]

i'm 24, i'm not ready to go yet /fa/ how long do i have before i need to get on fin

>> No.14801277

Right fucking now unless you're Scottish, in which case it'll probably stop there and last the rest of your life.

>> No.14801281

fin works better the earlier you take it. it usually only maintains, regrowth is only for the very lucky. I started taking it at 21 and im 23 now, it only slowed the process down.

>> No.14801310

Shave your head. Finasteride lowers test and chemically maintaining your current hairline is hyper-cope.

>> No.14801314


>> No.14801333

any side effects??

>> No.14801341

reddit opinion

>> No.14801368

a reddit opinion would be to play a game that you're going to lose eventually. It's better for his self esteem to accept that it's going to fall out and buzz it off

>> No.14801370

I don't give a fuck about the sexual side effects, what scares me is how the blocking of dht literally effects your brain chemistry and have been proven to lower your iq and neuroplasticity. We still don't fully understand the purpose of dht and prohibiting the production of what is obviously vital to how a matured male brain works is dangerous. I'll rather be a baldlet than a brainlet. If I got the permanent brain fog shit I would kill myself. I don't care about ed. Take fin but understand the risks. Absolutely do not listen to the "it's all in your head bro" retards, pay close attention to how you're feeling and immediately stop the drug if you notice any effects. Be warned too, you could feel fine as it sometimes slowly creeps up on you and you won't notice a difference until you analyze how you're feeling months before. Try everything before you get on fin, give yourself six months to a year to experiment with other methods

>> No.14801394

for fuck's sake, ((((((((brain fog)))))))) isn't even a medical condition. and sides are for 1-2% people taking the medication and sides go away when you stop taking it. stop scaring people shitless in the internet you fuckface.

>> No.14801414

Oh honey..
That time was long ago

>> No.14801420

Why are you so eager for people to take hormones (((anon)))?

>> No.14801422

show me the studies

>> No.14801430

>show me the studies
he can't, cause such thing doesn't exist. post finasteride syndrome is a fucking meme and men claiming permanent ED and other side effects because of taking finasteride are people with depression and diseases like diabetes that got em impotent in the first place

>> No.14801433
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>> No.14801438

Exactly. I literally dose 15x the recommended and my neronuplacity has gotten exonentionally bigger

>> No.14801447

reread those studies because you clearly did not understand them

bbut its a medicine
and its made by big pharma aka jews
so it has to be bad for us
lets ignore that we are surrounded with shit that expedites the hair loss process leadijg to loss in confidence and other mental issues in young men that cant br the jews tho

>> No.14801455






And this is shit that just addresses brain issues, denying even sexual side effects is fucking retarded

>> No.14801459
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Exhibit A on what fin does to your head:

>bbut its a medicine
>and its made by big pharma aka jews
>so it has to be bad for us
>lets ignore that we are surrounded with shit that expedites the hair loss process leadijg to loss in confidence and other mental issues in young men that cant br the jews tho

>> No.14801505

please show me some more studies on alcohol fueled aggression, lmao

>> No.14801518

>details of known side effects
>studies of rats
still waiting for those "literally" studies that prove it lowers IQ

>> No.14801618

how does rogaine hold up? if I use it as directed 2x a day every day will it freeze my hair as it is? i can live with that

>> No.14801635

I can speak from experience that brain fog while on fin is real, i had the craziest expeirence a few weeks ago while on a higher dosage. I was talking with my girlfriend through discord and copied the price of a shirt in order to paste it in the chat, was something like 2499, like 15 seconds later i completely forgot what i was doing, pasted the numbers into the chat and just looked at them, i had no idea why i had copied it until maybe 30 seconds later, maybe its some placebo shit but i’ve never had anything like that happen before, after that i’ve just been doing 0.25 mg m/w/f since my hair is still fine, your shit looks pretty smoked at this point OP so i don’t think you could get away with a lower dosage.

i wouldn’t use rogaine that much unless you want to age the fuck out of your face.

>> No.14801638

>be 45 years old
>taken fin for the last 10 years
>can't get a diamond erection like in 20s


>> No.14801672

I have a big forehead but i dont think im losing hair.

Is it wise to take fin anyways just in case? Are there any side effects?

>> No.14801689

I'm in this spot too. This guy >>14801638 makes me think twice.

>> No.14801925

Are you retarded? Thats like saying im fat and i don't have diabetes but ill start injecting insulin just in case

>> No.14801932

Wait what? Is this a known thing I'm missing out on. I'm Scottish and shitting myself about going bald

>> No.14802012

S*ying yourself over hair is peak reddit. If you can't look at least acceptable bald you are a nu male

>> No.14802013

Fin is literally something MtF trannies take, it's not natural

>> No.14802014

it's broscience

>> No.14802021

Does biotin not do anything

>> No.14802023

also, do DHT blocking foods not do anything either

>> No.14802033

vitamins only work if you are deficient in them, which causes the hairloss.
Source: hair was falling out like crazy, tried all that meme shit including rogaine, got a blood test, found out I was deficient in b12, started taking b12 and stopped rogaine, hair is growing back now

>> No.14802040

that guy is trolling, I hope, because 45 year old men generally have lower test levels and less sexual performance than they had in their 20s

>> No.14802051

>implying bald people have sex



>> No.14802054

Neck yourself, shill

>> No.14802105

wtf that sucks so if I'm going bald and I'm healthy (eat high vegetable diet and take my vitamins etc) I have to castrate myself basically to prevent it? guess ima go bald then

>> No.14802120

I'm 21 and I took it for a year when I was 19 and my erections are pretty mediocre honestly

>> No.14802121

Dubs of truth. I quit cigarettes, started eating hard boiled eggs every day and drinking lots of milk and green tea and my hair is slowly growing back.

>> No.14802127

>drinking lots of milk

It's the eggs not the milk. Dairy milk is so bad for you and saps nutrients

>> No.14802143

lol no it’s not fuck off vegan

>> No.14802153

dang that's brutal. I was willing to risk the sex sides but this is too much

>> No.14802156

It's already over.

>> No.14802162
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fuck medication just grow a mustache and take the ogg pill OP

>> No.14802165

>medication to stop hairloss
>it's not natural
literally a fucking pill to ease stomach ache isn't natural and comes with side effects just like finasteride, still everybody takes it, dicktard

>> No.14802168

I endorsed eating eggs retard

>> No.14802169

>take the ogg pill
yeah I'd do that if I was in my fucking 30's/40's but I'm 22 years old at the time so I'll be taking fin for now

>> No.14802318
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Jesus fellas, looks like there's really no hope for bald fags. Except get ripped and buy a motorcycle.

>> No.14802323

I have brain fog all the time from visiting this site. You guys are literally brain fog.

>> No.14802340

>become an stereotype

no thank you

>> No.14802348
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its the only way to get pussy when you're a bald man. get on the two wheels brother!

>> No.14802355


>> No.14802378
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you can do it buddy

>> No.14802606

>haha just take fin bro, so what if it kills your dick and make you grow tits

>> No.14802611
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>> No.14802749

I was mocking retarded olds

That's the point. They didn't lose their erection because of fin, they lost it by aging

>> No.14802776
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>> No.14803519

Penis shrinkage, severe diarrhea, chronic erectile dysfunction. It hasn't been too bad but the diapers can get frustrating

>> No.14803642


>> No.14803713
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>not having a mcdonalds arch hairline since childhood

>> No.14803727

No one said anything about that faggoty nail polish?

>> No.14804127

Someone with that head should find a woman and start a family sooner than his peers.

>> No.14804136
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how much do i have left?

>> No.14804139

collect up for a hair transplant before its too late

>> No.14804225

Im on dutasteride now since finasteride really didnt to the trick for me (meaning that my hair was still getting thinner).

Dutasteride on the other hand is gold, that shit saved my hair to the last strand. I take 1 poll every 3 days, since it has a long half life time. My hair even thickened up and I'm losing less hairs than before starting dutasteride. I have no side effects.

>Inb4 baldlets starts screeching about "muh killing your dick, muh tranny hormones, muh side effects"

>> No.14804519

Pills are sketchy, bro.

>> No.14804625

blocking dht naturally is a meme, it doesn't work and if it did you would get the same side effects like some people on finasteride get, you have to understand that any side effects happen because of lack of dht not because the finasteride pill goes from your stomach to your dick and kills it, finasteride is just a mechanism

>> No.14804639

based horse ass anon

>> No.14804649
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Finasteride, dutasteride, minoxidil, etc., they're all garbage. They give you minimal results. They'll bring in tiny vellus (peach fuzz) to your temples/hairline. Some of them will darken a bit and that's about it. They don't become "terminal" hairs like the ones that were there before.

If you want an actual shot at regrowing hair through medication, you have to go the MTF HRT route. That's how this guy got his hair back. There's a chance you will become feminized (breast growth, feminine fat redistribution, loss of muscle mass, feminized face, etc), but that's the risk you'll have to take.

This guy took the risk and he won big. But that's what it means to be a man; to be a risk taker. That's how men made it to the moon and the bottom of the ocean.

Either you put your masculinity on the line and risk it all to recover your mane, or you admit defeat, take the buzzpill, grow your beard out, hit the gym, and end up looking like all of those other 30+ year old bald white men strutting around with their cue ball domes acting like it was THEIR DECISION to be bald.

>> No.14804650

>faggoty nail polish
I'm white and I paint my nails black and I love it and everyone around me does too

>> No.14804652

the guy looks like 10 years younger too
I read his thread on hairlosstalk a bit, it puts to rest the meme about "dead follicles"
every fucker pretends to be a scientis with this bs
>uhmm if your temples are shiny then it's gone forever dude!
no it's not, the follicles never die, they are always there

>> No.14804661

Imagine believing everything you read on the internet.

Jesus christ. How retarded can you be.

>> No.14804664

it's all documented on his thread on hairlosstalk forum you brainlet

>> No.14804668

WOW the scientific magazine called hairlosstalk??? I wonder what other publications they have!!! I bet there we're a ton of scientists involved in that experiment as well :DD

>> No.14804677

yeah man go read your indian studies about dermarolling some rat's back and ass, that will surely have more credibility and contribution to understanding hairloss than a guy trying all that shit on himself and documenting it step by step

you would probbaly argue that sky is green if some 'scientists' said so despite the evidence to your own eyes

>> No.14804682


Bro! BRO! BRUH! I'm speaking from experience. I've been experimenting on myself after being disappointed with Failnasteride and Minoxibald. That fail duo only recovered my hairline a tiny bit after 8 months and my right temple filled in much more than my left. I've been on HRT for about two months now and my left is definitely filling in.

>> No.14804684
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Damn. Forgot the picture of my meds.

>> No.14804687

do you take anything for gyno? I'm sure you'd get it right away with that stuff you're taking, probably just with bica alone

>> No.14804698

>Implying a complete stranger on a hairloss forum has any credibility himself
How have you still not realized how retarded you sound.
>you would probbaly argue that sky is green if some 'scientists' said so despite the evidence to your own eyes
Don't you see the irony in your post? Have you ever seen someone grow all of his hair back? The guy could have had some genetic disease that causes temporary hair loss for all we know (like alopecia aratea) or could be straight up telling lies while laughing at all of you. But nah man, you rather believe a complete stranger. There is no cure to baldness, except hair transplants.

Im leaving this thread now. So after this Im not replying anymore.

>> No.14804705

>There is no cure to baldness, except hair transplants.
you are a fucking brainlet, the most aggressive hairloss cases can often be only saved by chemical castration +estrogen but it does work and that guy is not the only one, there is a reason why women don't go bald, they have almost 0 test and dht and a lot more estrogen (which is good for hair contrary to the meme that estrogen in the water makes men go bald)

>So after this Im not replying anymore.
because you realized you embarassed yourself, probably a good decision

>> No.14804711


About 10 years ''ago''

>> No.14804719

if you buzz you can pull off sleaze core.

>> No.14804723

take the mohawk pill

>> No.14804737

Curse all drugs for hair loss. Natty life bay bee. Seriously have fun when ur dick doesn’t fucking work. Women like fun guys it doesn’t matter ur hair. Look at Neil Strauss. Short. Bald. God with women.

>> No.14804784


Haven't gotten any gyno yet. The only changes I've noticed so far are the following.

1. Those short black hairs I got from fin + minox, they would grow in only a few millimeters and never got longer. They would also fall out easily when I rubbed my peppermint oil on them. Now I've noticed them coming in thicker, growing longer, and staying put even when I give them a pinch test.

2. I already have shoulder length hair that I de-tangle once a week. When I de-tangle now, there's a hell of a lot less fallen hair in my brush.

3. My facial hair has been growing back slower. I would wake up to stubble every morning, but now I wake up to an almost smooth face.

4. I don't masturbate as much as before. I was a 4 times a day type of dude, but now I don't feel the urge to as much. This has led to a lot more video gaming on my part is the two were always in an eternal tug-o-war when it came to my free time. I've actually managed to beat two games in my absolutely massive backlog of DS/3DS games that I have sitting around unopened.

That's it.

>> No.14804789

>Women like fun guys it doesn’t matter ur hair.

Yeah. Sure. When I had no hair, I barely got any likes on Tinder and OKC. When I grew my curls out and changed all my pictures, the likes came pouring in.


6. Forgot to mention, my eyebrows have gotten bushier. I have hairs coming in above them.

>> No.14805172

>If you want an actual shot at regrowing hair through medication, you have to go the MTF HRT route. That's how this guy got his hair back. There's a chance you will become feminized (breast growth, feminine fat redistribution, loss of muscle mass, feminized face, etc), but that's the risk you'll have to take.
I don't fucking think so.

>> No.14805181

Maybe you just look shit bald

>> No.14805204

>I don't fucking think so.

Well fine then. Enjoy watching your hairline retreat to the back of your head like the French in some past war.

>> No.14805258


>> No.14805330

>this fucking guy with the terrifying studies

jesus christ people like me take only 1mg and studies were made with finasteride 5mg and sides are for a very short amount of people (1-2%) and people who were given placebo was the same (if not more) amount.

>> No.14805625

4% chance of experiencing sexually adverse side effects
im guessijg most of the study group was men aged above 35
whats the risk here?

>> No.14805636

I’ve seen anons post in these kind of threads talking about their sore balls and watery cum after taking fin so yeah... fuck that lol.

>> No.14805703

Watery cum went away after a few days. Dick not being interested in anything did not

>> No.14805742

and the sore/swollen testicles?

>> No.14805758

anyone who falls for this deserves everything coming to him

>> No.14805763

So to conclude the only way to get your hair back is to become a tranny

>> No.14806518

in the most aggressive cases yes, chemical castration + estrogen are the only way to go but for most people minoxidil + fin/dut will be enough

>> No.14806524

You might be the dumbest person in this thread.
>Disclosure Statement

>Dr. Tosti received honoraria as a consultant, advisory board participant, speaker or book author from the following companies: Aclaris, Incyte (Consultant and PI), Kythera, P&G, DS Laboratories, Merck (Consultant and Speaker over 3 years ago), Taylor & Francis (Author), Springer-Verlag (Author), and National Alopecia Areata Foundation (Scientific Board Member).

>Dr. Shapiro reports the following: Replicel Life Sciences Inc. (Cofounder and Stockholder), Johnson and Johnson (Consultant), Aclaris (Consultant), Samumed (Consultant), Incyte (Consultant), L'Oreal Paris (Consultant), Merck (Consultant and Speaker over 3 years ago), Bayer (Consultant), Kythera (Consultant), Up to Date (Author), National Alopecia Areata Foundation (Scientific Board Member), Cicatricial Alopecia Research Foundation Board of Directors. All consultancies are present except for Merck.

>Dr. Bergfeld reports the following: P&G (Consultant and research), Bayer Health (Consultant), Samumed, Incyte, Aclaris, Cassiopea, Allergan, and Merck investigator for finasteride (in the past, over 20 years ago, no relationship now).

>> No.14806564
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based highlander

>> No.14806588
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Lmao I’m 20 and American but mostly Scots Irish, my hairline has been exactly like this since age 15-17. It is bizarre

>> No.14806602

>exactly like this
no it hasn't, it's slowly creeping up each month you just don't want to admit it, keep thinking you're fine and you'll wake up norwood 4 in a few years

>> No.14806640
File: 372 KB, 1818x1818, DDA5F60A-4901-4A68-A35C-607B0EDC4E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take pretty detailed pictures every three months and have been doing so for two years, if there’s been any change it’s literally so slight as to be imperceptible. Trust me I’m aware of how this can progress, there are cue balls in my family.

If you can tell a diff lmk, pics are age 16, 18, 19, and 20

>> No.14806886

Same. Lowtest betas like >>14806602 overreact a lot about hairloss all time.

>> No.14806892
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Fuck medication buzz it off and dress smart and sharp, it's your best option now

>> No.14806955

that dude has an immaculate hairline

>> No.14807121

thanks brah. I overreact about it too sometimes, but only because I'd like to avoid going fully bald. I think receded temples look cool and masculine, but usually chrome dome is not a good look.

the obsession with juvenile hairlines is nonsensical. low foreheads and NW0s look incredibly low class, like a peasant or some aztec human sacrifice fodder

hopefully I can keep what I have into my 30s and then maybe I'll recede further like Heath Ledger and go for a buzzcut

>> No.14807125
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>> No.14807243

ok riddle me this:
if balding is a sign of high testosterone shouldn't women prefer balding guys to guys with a head full of hear? In general women tend to prefer guys with other signs of high testosterone (confidence, aggressiveness, etc.) so whats up with the hair?

>> No.14807252

Balding isn't a sign of high testosterone, rather high testosterone is correlated with balding. High testosterone is also correlated with bad health, which women aren't attracted to in the slightest.
Because despite what teenagers on here will tell you, the more testosterone is not the better, as long as you're within the normal values you should be fine. Too much testosterone and you'll have lowered IQ, lowered tempering, a libido so high you'll be constantly frustrated, etc.

>> No.14807256

it's dht that enables mpb but it doesn't take a lot of testosterone to make a lot of dht.
they aren't really related.
lot's of low test guys go bald.

>> No.14807403

Why do you look 10 years older than you actually are

>> No.14807559


>> No.14807562

>implying women make sense

>> No.14807681

women prefer men with angular NW2s like Jon Hamm, most high test men have temple recession but strong forelocks (think David Letterman). guys who go completely bald don't have the most test, they just have shitty hair genes. basically everyone has DHT-sensitive temple hair, if you don;t lose it and develop mature hairline you're probably low t

>> No.14807702
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Maybe it’s because I’m high t and this generation was raised on onions and tap?

>> No.14807705

You'll look 50 in 10 years

>> No.14807706

Then girls will stop calling me daddy and start calling me grandpappy

>> No.14807737

*softly gargles balls*

>> No.14807766


>> No.14807817


>> No.14807825

chad looks 27 from age 15 to age 50

>> No.14807834

Can confirm, Scottish guy here, my hair has also stayed at the exact same receded looking hairline since I was 18

>> No.14807837
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>finally have life together
>hairline rapidly receding
I guess life ebbs and flows

>> No.14807867

>andre agassi
holy shit didn't this guy used to have shoulder-length hair and wasn't he married to brooke shields?

>> No.14807880

Yes. He had shoulder length hair and then Brooke told him to shave it when he started balding. She said: "I love your eyes not your hair"

>> No.14807898

well hopefully you earn a lot of money, Dr. Tsuji's stem cell procedure will be available soon, and though prohibitively expensive, is a legitimate cure

>> No.14807900

Nah fuck that. I was pretty lucky growing up. When Im bald im bald ill move on

>> No.14807904
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>tfw ill be able to blame my lack of a gf on being bald

I love not taking responsability for my shit
situation in life

>> No.14808201

male pattern baldness is a normal part of life
if you're ashamed to be normal then you should get your inner head checked out, not the outer

taking medication that increases your risk of cancer, anxiety, depression and sexual dysfunction to combat something that is and always has been normal and present in up to 80% of men is nothing short of severely mentally retarded

nobody gives a shit about your receding hairline

>> No.14808465

Start acting like a man, faggot.

>> No.14808708

>nobody gives a shit about your receding hairline
cope, every single person does

>> No.14808714
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if normal hairline recession (NW1-3) fucks with your aesthetics, then you ugly son

>> No.14808715
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>> No.14808716

it fucks with everybody's aesthetics
>but hurr durrrr norwood 1-3 makes you more masculine haha
not it doesn't, those guys look good/masculine DESPITE receeding hairlines, not BECAUSE OF it

>> No.14808721
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nope, it suits them. neither ever had a juvenile straight hairline nor would they look better if they did.

if you have the bones, you don't even need hair, let alone a perfectly straight hairline. receded temples look better, why do you think barbers intentionally line up NW2s on people with NW1s when they give fades? it looks better and more masculine on most

if you want to be a little boy that's your own prerogative but you should stop projecting your own insecurities on others

>> No.14808730

you are a fucking retarded coping baldfag thinking you will look like some models lol keep dreaming
and no one "lines up norwood 2" on a norwood 1, Jesus Christ the delusion is strong here

>> No.14808839

Hey dude I know you’re on drugs that are nuking your male sex hormones but try to control your emotions and discuss this like a man

>> No.14808861
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whatever you say fincel

>> No.14808947

So where can I get Fin without a prescription?

>> No.14808957


>> No.14808960

>source: trust me bro

>> No.14808966

Source: go outside and take a look at the men you see. 80% of adult men will have some recession. for the vast majority of them, it will never progress into actual baldness

>> No.14808975
File: 43 KB, 462x692, 6717CE81-55C1-461B-B1B2-3AD3CEDB82A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this is ignoring the fact that a ton of WOMEN have NW2s. Like, I’d even say the majority of blonde/Nordic girls have this, or at least thin whispy hair on the temples.

>> No.14809018
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>> No.14809031
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>> No.14809215

and you think they wouldn't look better with round hairlines like most women have? you are retarded, this level of cope shouldn't be possible

>> No.14809266

If they would, its incredibly marginal. Why are you so obsessed with this? Most people look fine and experience no appreciable decline from a mature hairline

>> No.14809341

I'm not obsessed, some people go bald, some don't but I hate copers who cannot admit obvious things

>> No.14809397

>save your hairline at the expense of your dick

The whole reason you’re trying to look good.

Genius idea.

>> No.14809409

this. coping is worse than being bald

>> No.14809523

I never said baldness was good. Obviously, it is bad and unattractive. NW2 is completely acceptable and makes little to no difference for most people though. Did harry styles lose any fangirls when he became NW2+? No, in fact he’s probably got more sex appeal than ever

>> No.14809614

>posting random tinder profiles

>> No.14809646

That’s mine. I am >>14807702 >>14806640 >>14809618

>> No.14809668

It's also a sign of youth. Even balding guys usually still have a pretty decent hairline in their physical prime years.

>> No.14809672
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This. For example Statham picrel looked a little like >>14806640 in his twenties

>> No.14809807
File: 42 KB, 586x524, 1561495709831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there such a thing as natural thinning on the crown? in the sense that as you get older the crown gets a bit thinner while not going completely bald? my dad and grandfather has a bit of thinning on the back of their crowns (where you see the scalp) but it has remained like that for decades...

i'm worried because my crown is thinning a bit

>> No.14809841

No it doesn't. It stops your body from destroying test.

>> No.14809855

how many of them you bang

>> No.14809870

6/104 so far (three months)

>> No.14809877

Nice. Tinder girls are usually pretty bad in most regards sadly

>> No.14809925

True that. They suck. I ghost most of them after I smash. Red flags everywhere, even and especially with the hottest ones. Best looking girls irl aren’t even on tinder

>> No.14809928

Yep this is me. Scottish Highlands, massive temple recession at 21, shaved head, noticed a year of shaving to a 1 guard later that the recession just stopped. Rocking a slick back widows peak just now at 30. No idea what the actual fuck this is or why scots get this.

>> No.14810086

Literally only lookist incels and baldingfags care about receding hairline. Normies can't spot baldness unless it's more than Norwood 3

>> No.14810095

I've been on fin for years. I have a top 1% IQ. I have literally no side effects. I have seen decent regrowth. The side effects are only really applicable to people who are likely going to suffer those problems anyway, or whatever.

>> No.14810113

I'm 43 and I've had the same hairline since I was 13.

>> No.14810116

This post gives me great hope. Thank you boomer. What was your family history genetically?

>> No.14810129
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My hair is mostly like my dad's brother's, but absolutely nothing like my dad's. Look in your family for someone whose hair is similar to yours.

They used to say these genes were strictly inherited from your mother. That is complete bullshit. My mom's dad and brother are Type 5 or 6.

>> No.14810157

Take the hormones, goyim. It will grow back.

>> No.14810432

It is passed via your mom's genes. Are you sure you are not adopted?

>> No.14810456


>> No.14810463


>> No.14810510

Good dermal roller nigga

>> No.14810515

wow anon is getting tinder dms
>all dms from white women
anon you are still at the bottom of the barrel

>> No.14810810

au contraire I just live in an area with no Latinas

>> No.14810814
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Yeah the mom’s side thing is a myth. It’s incredibly polygenetic, read this: https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1006594

As you can see from the graph it’s basically impossible to predict with any certainty, even if you have the best or the worst genes

>> No.14811395

Also a reminder that your haircut can be deceiving.

>> No.14811427
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don't be stupid and hop in fin asap

>> No.14811433

which is why I pull my hair back for the pics now, unfortunately I hadn't developed a hair loss neurosis yet at age 16 so I only have pictures of me normally, but if you look closely you can see it's the same.

>> No.14811458
File: 1.84 MB, 1334x750, E3886FFF-C48C-42E3-87E7-CC3CE3961168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irish grandparents
>Had a big forehead since the day I was born
>Always a fringe, my whole life
Can someone post some good fringe inspo?

>> No.14811476

Man if you havn't worked on being perfectly secure, developing all other aspects, and obtaining the best of women by the time you have reached this stage, or the following one where the rest of your hair falls (if you have terrible genetic disposition), Then you have fucked up. Enjoy crying yourself to sleep for the rest of your life, that or save up 6 thousands euros for a trip to Turkey.

>> No.14811552

same dude, I've had a fringe since I was a toddler. my hairline was shit and my mom knew it so she styled it forward

>> No.14811602

You should have gone on it 6 months ago

>> No.14811836

Scot/Irish here, confirmed. Hairline receded to a Vegetapeak at around 19, 10 years later hasn't budged

>> No.14812653

Holy fuck, why is this a thing, lads? Is there a scientific basis on why Scots get such shite hairlines? Crazy.

>> No.14812659

God had to balance things out considering he made us all hung like a horse

>> No.14812709

Shave it. Dont perma break your dick. There are forums full of people who cant get hard years after taking it. Now then you have my permission to die

>> No.14814055

mix 2g of turmeric and black pepper and drink once daily
take 20g of gelatin once daily before bed too. worked for me.

Hairloss in men is usually caused by chronic scalp inflammation which causes a rise in scalp DHT(an androgenic antiinflammatory) unfortunately however androgens can cause a host of issues for the blood vessels in your scalp fucking everything up.

Also try not eating like shit and get blood work done

>> No.14814266

>Hairloss in men is usually caused by chronic scalp inflammation

i believe this, not even using minox and my scalp always feels sensitive or itchy
did some dermatologist advice those mixes?

>> No.14814285

Dermatologist recommended gelatin

Turmeric is as powerful as cortisone in terms of antiinflammatory activity and is a good Nitric oxide booster(improves circulation).

Black pepper helps with turmeric bioavailability.
if you want to do more, eat a low fodmap/ inflammatory diet, eat lots of parsley, and scalp massage for 20-40 minutes every day (doesn't have to be all at once).

In general don't trust derms. They'll just throw you on fin/dut which has been demonstrated to give small minorities of people permanent extremely low Testosterone symptoms(quite a lot of people commit suicide because of this).