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14704011 No.14704011 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14704016

Being far-left and far-right are both autist things. Only autists with politics as their special interest get that retardedly into that shit

>> No.14704029


>> No.14704035
File: 126 KB, 946x833, 1570562528124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Only chads are fa and chads are right wing by deafault. Deal with it losers, eh, lefties.


>> No.14704056

far left are very cringe. I like lefties who are more relaxed, they are usually nice and more open minded than these wannabe hooligans

>> No.14704057

how's that flyover state treating u?

>> No.14704068
File: 184 KB, 1000x1500, 939F3B0E-9AA2-4F8D-B132-D6627F4D595E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only /fa/ ideology is anarchism

>> No.14704069

2nd dude from the left is definitely eff ay as fuck.

>> No.14704070

only Anarcho Prims everything else is garbage

>> No.14704083

kacyzinski was an autist

>> No.14704098

/pol/tards are really mentally ill huh lol

>> No.14704103

Oh that's the faggot with the Chinese Communist flag. Does he not understand China is basically Nazi Germany but 100X worse because of their technology? China should frighten everyone with what they're doing and have done.

>> No.14704117 [DELETED] 

Do anyone have a picture of that guy in some antifa protest wearing a pair of Ramones?

>> No.14704120 [DELETED] 

Do anyone have that picture of a guy wearing Ramones at some antifa protest?

>> No.14704157

>my political enemies are mentally ill

classic communist

eat a bullet

>> No.14704199

Both sound /fa/ as fuck in theory, both look retarded in practice.

>> No.14704201

>being homeless is fashionable

Maybe 10 years ago faggots

>> No.14704232


>> No.14704242

No it’s extremely non effay, the most retarded thing is that I can guarantee these fools aren’t even poor, they all probably come from nice suburban neighborhoods and got indoctrinated at their rich kid private schools. That said being on the far right isn’t effay either, being that brainwashed by either sides retardation is a clear sign of stupidity, and stupid people aren’t effay.

>> No.14704265

>if you don't want communists to take over you're stupid

yeah nah

fascism is the way

>> No.14704284

I mean most /pol/lacks clearly have some heavy psychological issues and should probably get therapy so that they stop basing their whole delusional worldview on their petty insecurities

>> No.14704381

sacrificing your independence for ideology is not fa

>> No.14704432

Not wanting the communists to take over is the definition of being in the center which is what I’m talking about, you don’t need to be a fascist to see that it’s a failed economic idea

>> No.14705669

but you need to be fascist to remove them from critical institutions like education and media and make sure they don't harm your country in any other way.

Fascism is reactionary: it reacts to the communist subversion.

>> No.14705689
File: 200 KB, 1456x971, m'ein fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fool, only us cool rightard wingers

>> No.14705698

fuck no.

>> No.14705789

This is so lame, right? Haha..

>> No.14705793

being far-right is autist. being far-left is retarded.

>> No.14705807

What’s so depressing about you anti-semites is that you could be valuable allies, if only you stopped scapegoating an entire race and started gunning for the real monsters, which would be the neoliberal capitalist class. Bringing race into the discussion will drive many potential supporters away, and discredit ideas that are actually quite sound if you subtract all the conspiratorial nonsense.

>> No.14705888

Utopia of that kind will never exist dissidence will always rise

>> No.14705890

That’s why commander trump sucks so much Chinese penis

>> No.14705936

>look it up
>it's literally a bunch of anarchist kids protesting drumpf

>> No.14705985

True, Chad is too busy having sex and hitting the gym to give a fuck about politics.

>> No.14705988

Conservative Anarchism

>> No.14706036

definitely. im convinced all republicans / far right people are miles away from empathy because they have deep-seated mental issues that they haven't addressed and direct towards any easy target. I'm fat, unhappy, and no-one gives me attention i believe i'm entitled to? Blame the jews!!! Fuck trannys!!! It's basically just a cry for help

>> No.14706129

noone was talking about joos schizo

>> No.14706134

>I'm fat, unhappy

So you're left wing then, we get it


>> No.14706183

those are the 'Defenders of Western Civilization'

>> No.14706216

No it’s cringe and gay

>> No.14706255

Enlightened Centrist

>> No.14706594

>shut in /pol/tard thinks communists have any power in society whatsoever

Yes I'm sure the literal capitalists who run our countries are secretly avid readers of Marx.

>> No.14706616
File: 26 KB, 247x350, 26DB6625-D814-4921-8CD8-BCA0D25E180A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick only one

>> No.14706619

Ah, a fellow intellectual

>> No.14706622

Want to know how I can tell you're underage?

>> No.14706630


edit: Wow gold? Thank you kind stranger

edit 2: Another? wow my first time getting gold and I got two


>> No.14706637

show some humility and admit you don’t read political theory. you’ve already made it obvious by thinking liberals are left-wing in any sense.

>> No.14706640

I was agreeing with you

>> No.14706662


>> No.14706722


>> No.14706734

I’ve never met anyone who is left-wing who I felt they could kick my ass, I’m a 5’7 140 lbs manlet

>> No.14706923

communists, jews... it's all the same to a fascist. The rhetoric about them infesting our institutions and media is identical in both instances, its partly how the nazis were able to come into power prior to world war II. If a fascist is talking about a certain "them" who occupy positions of great influence and should be removed, you should be very wary regardless of who its about.

>> No.14706946
File: 81 KB, 968x681, al-quds-2017-tehran.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 6'4 240 6% bf anti-Israel "White" leftist and I do MMA everyday, I'd like to be in the octagon with you for a good minute lol.

>> No.14706950

w-w-woah anon s-sorry

>> No.14706955


>> No.14707014
File: 19 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTgyOTgwMDE1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAxNTIzNA@@._V1_UY317_CR90,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reality is coming for you babies and you ain't gonna like it

all is political, if you're not doing your own you're doing someone elses

>> No.14707027

All glory be to a new world

>> No.14707046
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>anarchists wearing an iron cross

>> No.14707098

nah you're cool

>> No.14707101

what's with his hat then?

>> No.14707124

sure, as long as you have reasoning behind your beliefs and you’re willing to have them challenged.

>> No.14707164
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>> No.14707258
File: 47 KB, 634x555, tubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The scientists, from Aarhus University in Denmark, analysed the wealth, bicep size and views on economic redistribution
>bicep size

>> No.14707264

all those twats are richer than me, why aren't they eating each other?

>> No.14707266

>quoting a random part of my post and doing the ole twistaroo
nice dude! u seriously got me

>> No.14707267
File: 1.28 MB, 2716x2000, true counter culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anprim is the most based

>> No.14707352

I wasn’t expecting such a large group of them to crawl out of the sewers and gather on the surface

>> No.14707363

outright develish

>> No.14707594
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Based Hoxha poster

>> No.14707610
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One shouldn't pick their political ideology based on whether it is effay or not, but if that's what it takes for you guys to become socialists I'm all for it. Here is your introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05tz0V9IBi0

>> No.14707673

This is correct. 99% of people that get balls deep into politics are doing nothing with their life and have too much time on their hands.