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File: 52 KB, 625x442, D6732F5B-B8D1-48F4-AEF1-2F4016DCA4CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14696675 No.14696675 [Reply] [Original]

slp edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted
>no replying to fitrats


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post
>age, sex, height
>current weight
>your highest and lowest weight
>how are you losing weight

>> No.14696988
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>> No.14697178

Nicotine is really helpful.
I hate this.

>> No.14697190


Yeah wanna stop but it really helps suppress hunger

>> No.14697211

23M 5'9
CW: 137
GW: 125-130
losing by drinking coffee and not eating

>> No.14697593

18M 1'74
84 kilograms
Highest 99 kilos lowest 76 kilos
I gained weight and I'm starting by how I did it last time green tea less carbs and 15 min of cardio 5 days a week and a whole lotta water

>> No.14697683

CW/LW: 97.7lbs
HW: 120lbs

Ate at restriction long enough and now it's my normal. The other day I tried to eat as much as my friends and I just couldn't do it. It's only uphill from here y'all.

>> No.14697690

Can't stand the smell of smoke and vaping isn't effay so I'm just doing coffee and energy drinks

>> No.14697759

i fcking dont stop eat
any recomendations?

>> No.14697775

black coffee

>> No.14697798
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>> No.14697915

is it boredom eating, or hungry eating?

>> No.14697952
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>> No.14698001

>tfw I'll never have legs like this

>> No.14698018

5'5" and 125 lbs. The doctor told me to not lose more weight, but I'm nowhere near where I want to be (110lbs). Why do doctors hate this shit?

>> No.14698021

They're jews, what do you expect?

>> No.14698159

you can go to 115 and still have a bmi thats within the normal range

>> No.14698163
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>> No.14698301

You can't eat the food if you don't buy it.

Also it helps to drink two bottles of water then wait 20min to make sure you're actually hungry or not.

>> No.14699200


>> No.14699212

Nicotine so good but so bad

>> No.14699348

I hate feeling like this weight im losing is just water weight

>> No.14699400

It's pretty well known that caloric deficiency is correlative, though not causative to healthy and sustainable weight loss.

Increase insulin sensitivity by working moderately, and eating a HCF (High carbohydrate high fiber) diet.

Food's glycemic index is more important than just calories.

You can aspire to be your thinspo without being unhealthy

>> No.14699520

(citation needed)

>> No.14699595
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is mod fashion coming back? at least for men?
also 4 buttons is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.14699597
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im gonna experiment and drop 40 lbs and see if that increases my attractiveness

currently 5'8 175 lbs.
gonna fast on days I'm not working and try to stick with low calories on work days

>> No.14699603

Trust me, you don't want to

>> No.14699604

Oh, trust me, I really want to.

>> No.14699694

ill be doing this too

>> No.14699774

these threads actually demotivate me because everyone is overweight and then i get full of myself to being sub 20 bmi

>> No.14699805
File: 50 KB, 960x1280, received_881562068866617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need to get back down to this weight

>> No.14699829

im sorry bro

>> No.14700014
File: 114 KB, 960x1280, me irl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26, m, 189 cm
>about 60 kg
>almost 90 kg
>gym and restricting

>> No.14700195
File: 96 KB, 640x1136, 1BFCF9B0-9FE9-41C6-BA14-6C489D7EF9C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has thinspo been so dead lately. I feel people haven’t been posting themselves as much. So few pictures in threads

>> No.14700196

back on the ec stack and a regular exercise routine
meeting my boyfriend for the first time in ~40 days. need to lose at least 10lbs.

>> No.14700207

Is ephedrine easy to get in the UK, btw? I got here a month ago for studies, and I could actually use it for both XCLR8ion and to get rid of some extra weight.

>> No.14700219
File: 72 KB, 587x789, d96f779a-3630-476b-b933-b29c508d2494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think of it as all or nothing. Self control is a skill to practice. Take it hour by hour.

Don't think 'I'm not going to eat today'.


>'I'm not going to open those chips right now'

>'I'm not going to eat dinner yet'

>'I'm going to set aside the other half of this sandwich and finish my water bottle to see if I'm really that hungry.'

>'I won't have that brownie. It's no loss; It's not the last brownie on earth.'

Each refusal makes the next easier.

>> No.14700222

Whops I fucked up

>> No.14700228

because it's their fucking job and professional duty. If they told you to have a sub 18 bmi, they wouldn't be practising for very long.

>> No.14700255

it's a pharmacy medication in the UK. unfortunately, where i live (australia), it's prescription only.

>> No.14700256

6’3 124 lbs here. Lose weight fat cunt

>> No.14700268
File: 287 KB, 719x1792, B03BED89-26BE-4323-BAB6-F6C119011FF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to post pics once a thread, I feel like an attention whore if posting all the time.

>> No.14700269

Is a prescription required? Your post makes it seem like "no" would be the answer.

>> No.14700274


>> No.14700315

This might sound weird and random but I always loved old homes where the paint is chipping away

>> No.14700321

it ads a certain charm doesnt it

>> No.14700323

if I'm at a caloric deficit and do a lot of walking/running will my body prioritize losing muscle/fat in other parts of my body while retaining the muscles in my thighs? I want to have thinner thighs..

>> No.14700327

no. you just ask the pharmacist for it

>> No.14700332

Yep. Almost like a worn in patina look if that’s the right word. Living in a old home like that is a dream of mine. Def going to have to save, which means skipping meals for the rest of my life :’)

>> No.14700355

you're uniornically good thinspo though, I've used your pics to help me restrict in the past, I understand that you don't want to be accused of attention whoring but one pic a week is fine

>> No.14700367


>> No.14700410

say goodbye to your metabolism and hello to shitting once a month

>> No.14700421

Cut out energy drinks, that shit isn’t healthy

>> No.14700652
File: 2.89 MB, 1200x676, 1570533922146.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the perfect female body, no doubt

>> No.14700689

15 is warm up you should at least run 30min or 3km. But most important try to find something youbcan do the rest of your life. There isn't something like "goal archived I'm done" you always have to maintain and it's way easier to do when it doesn't feel like chore. Also fasting is a comfy way for losing.

>> No.14700732

Weight loss doesn't permanently fuck up your metabolism, starvation mode is just a meme that isn't backed up by science. If you're restricting really heavily, your BMR might drop a bit (you can recognise a drop by a really low heart rate and body temp), but that's complletely reversible. I would be way more worried about binges, they're the true reason why apruptly starting heavy restriction usually fails, not "starvation mode".
You're of course correct about the shitting once a month part though

>> No.14700734

Energy drinks aren't effay either

>> No.14700758

6’3 ish and like 125 +-.
Th-thanks anon. I’ll try to post more varied things but it’s hard to think of anything other than just leg related stuff. Guess I could post hands/censored nude or something still.

>> No.14700819

Goal weight finally achieved, 5’11” 117 lbs

>> No.14700885
File: 2.05 MB, 2448x3263, visvim 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone in europe interested in a pair of Visvim NWT blue trousers in Size 1? I took a gamble but they are really small so i thought someone here might appreciate them.

>> No.14701148

chill the fuck out, you've become totally anorexic-tier skelly

>> No.14701157
File: 797 KB, 1280x955, tumblr_o33aloUxe61ri70q4o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decides to starve oneself so that muscle tissue eats itself up and ends up with a flat ass and a body with no muscular shape.

A skinny body with some muscle is what you should fucking want. It's more fashionable and pretty because we naturally find it more attractive. No muscle=unattractive af and ruins the fit. >>14700268 is a great example of major and unhealthy muscle loss. Muscle literally give the attractive shape to your body.

>> No.14701160

post body

>> No.14701179
File: 545 KB, 1536x2836, C9AC990D-A8E9-452C-BFDB-5D41A4314C4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure this is the same as that anon and I think they look pretty good

>> No.14701269

no, that isn't me.

>> No.14701272

do skinny girls like skinny men?
irl I always see skinny girls with bigger guys

>> No.14701273

as in >>14700268 and >>14701179 are the same. I’m assuming you’re a fatty until you post body

>> No.14701278

It depends, most of these skinny girls don't even like their own body, they eventually become land whales.

>> No.14701286

do you know what biology is?

>> No.14701290

do y'all even like skinny guys?

>> No.14701293

What I like to do is eat 1-2 small/medium meals a day and just don't eat for the rest of the day. If you like eating out then just stop doing that almost entirely because you'll end up saving a shit load of money anyway. Also that alone will help with losing weight. I usually wake up and only consume water or something with caffeine until I get home from work around 4-5ish, which is when I usually eat. So I fast for almost the entire day, waking at 4 am and sleeping at 9-10 pm. It's been working well for me, I've lost 2.3 lbs a week, on average. Hope this helps at least a little. Not eating is completely mental though, it really comes down to how well you can ignore your hunger. Just remember to eat now and then, good luck.

>> No.14701299

You can leave energy drinks as long as it fits within your macros. If it's going over then you should switch to the low-cal version or just get rid of it. I understand using energy drinks though, because coffee makes me shit, and that can interfere with my work day. Because of that I usually opt for an energy drink in the morning if I'm really tired.

>> No.14701301

Spot reduction is pretty much nonexistent. But if you make sure to get enough protein in your diet, while you stay in that deficit, then you should be able to keep most of your muscle and lose only fat really. But doing some cardio will definitely help with fat loss.

>> No.14701308
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 2167555_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post thinspo musicians

>> No.14701455

>Binged yesterday
>Up 4 pounds
I don't even get how this is possible.
I'm never gonna make it

>> No.14701727

water weight. there’s no way you ate 3500x4 calories

>> No.14701730

has anyone seen any facial aesthetic gains going from a low bmi to even lower? for example 20 to 18

>> No.14701763

Who is this

>> No.14701767

Fiona Apple

>> No.14701821

>125 pounds
>no muscle
>look like a faggot twink
wat do i want vagina

>> No.14701826

I am a skinny girl married to a chubby/dadbod guy. I like his comfy body type. It’s ideal for snuggling. Skinny dudes aren’t really my thing but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker either. I don’t speak for all of us of course, I think it’s fair to say everyone has different personal preferences.

>> No.14701842

it's hard to generalize but most people are biologically attracted to healthy looking people, so it's not common for girls to like underweight guys

>> No.14701859

come back to N. dude nate needs you

>> No.14701945

get back down to this weight? more like get back down to the N. server bitch

>> No.14702105

whats a /thinspo/ weight for 175cm/5'9 male with a small frame

>> No.14702157

God I'm losing my fucking mind.

>> No.14702163

120-130. I’m aiming for 135ish with a tiny bit of muscle

>> No.14702543

too high. 105-110 better

>> No.14702773

Should I really stop? Everywhere, every time, everyone says the same. It's as if I was against the whole world, all alone. I guess this could be one of the rare occasions when I am the one who is wrong.

>> No.14702776

Googling tells me I need a prescription. 0/10 if true.

>> No.14702981

I feel ya brah, same dealio, 6'1 and 125ish. No muscles, thin hair. RIP

>> No.14703021
File: 1.11 MB, 2729x2373, IMG_20191011_110552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting alcohol down was probably the best decision i have made in a long time

>> No.14703090
File: 3.66 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20191011_123350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my lunch, how do I calculate how much calories it is?
Should I cut down?

>> No.14703099

You idiot, do not ever order food because the companies never write down and never give out info on how much lard and sugar their trash contains.

Make your own food, that way you can count it.

>> No.14703116

salad = ~30kcal
chips = ~400kcal
patties = ~150kcal each (could be lower)

depending on how each item was prepared this could be lower or maybe higher but yeah, moral of the story is that chips are fucking awful for weightloss, the patties are a fair few calories too but atleast they'll actually fill you up like most protein/fat dense foods

>> No.14703118

by the look of it could easily be 800-1000ish

>> No.14703120

Oh I just noticed the chcoolate bar
obviously there's nutrition information on the back but it's probably between 225-350 calories

>> No.14703140

this picture makes me so hungry

>> No.14703143

If you count the bread and chocolate bar it's easily over 1000.

>> No.14703147

oh yeah i missed that, indeed

>> No.14703157
File: 226 KB, 1099x1222, joaquin-phoenix-looks-noticeably-thinner-ahead-of-joker-filming-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is joaquin phoenix /thinspo/?

>> No.14703172

yeah man, dont go any lower or it will start causing problems
You look good now, with enough room for a few kilos more

>> No.14703174

fug yes
Just made a thread about Joker yesterday

>> No.14703186
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There was also and a small (55g) croissant behind the water, but the potatoes are the one with most calories?

I'm not really trying to be super thin, I'm 182 m 70 kg (early in the summer) but I feel like I maybe have started to gain some weight.
Don't have much other food options while at work, I tried switching the fries with rice but it was a bit greasy

>> No.14703205
File: 212 KB, 417x498, 1565733296644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'll try to take it easy. Thanks.

>> No.14703206

just bring your own pack lunch, something like a 100g of cheese slices + 400g of deli ham stacked on top of eachother would be ~800kcal and would be a million times more filling, nutritious than what you just ate while also being super easy to prepare and close to half the calories

I maintain by eating 1600kcal/day and I'm physically bloated after this meal, throw in an avocado + almonds + veggies + some 100% dark chocolate later on and I feel like I'm going to be sick from eating too much

>> No.14703207
File: 84 KB, 634x951, 19186482-7527793-image-a-9_1569991894228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not anymore

>> No.14703215

Is dark chocolate less calories than regular?
I'm way more willing to have a smaller meal than I am willing to cut sweet stuff it just tastes too good

>> No.14703217

Usually yes.

>> No.14703222

I don't know if dark chocolate is less calories than regular, because cocoa beans are pure fat and fat is very high calories (9 calories/gram), for reference, a 100g bar of 100% dark chocolate is ~600kcal

HOWEVER, fat is *very* filling, especially in the abscence of sugars (or carbs in general) also dark chocolate contains a fair amount of fiber which is also pretty filling, eating a 600kcal bar of 100% dark chocolate will keep me satiated and full of energy for a very long time, if I were to eat a normal milk chocolate bar I'd probably feel hungry again in less than an hour

>I'm way more willing to have a smaller meal than I am willing to cut sweet stuff it just tastes too good
I wouldn't describe dark chocolate as being sweet...
if you want to eat sweet stuff but still want to lose weight then I recommend trying to replace as much sweet junkfood with fruit instead instead. Apples, strawberries, raspberries, bananas and so on have a pretty high amount of natural sugar in which makes them sweat, but also have fiber which is filling and usually 90% water so they're lower cal than sweet junkfood while also being much bigger. Pretty sugar a banana has the same amount of sugar as a Hersheys bar IIRC

>> No.14703270

in Australia, prescription only. in UK, pharmacy med (limited quantities)


>> No.14703310

Lol i do this. One bottle, though. Not ana

>> No.14703320

I see. Does pseudoephedrine suppress hunger as well? Can it be used as a nootropic? Any experience?

>> No.14703334

How the fuck can you eat a crossaint AND fries, that's enough fat and carbs for the whole day in one meal

>> No.14703347

What are you on about he's sexy as hell

>> No.14703365

Speaking of starving yourself for muscle loss, how much do you have to starve yourself and is it fine to limit protein while eating low calorie meals instead of going full eating disorder

>> No.14703367

Don't worry, skinny men are into skinny men 8~)

>> No.14703392

No you fucking sack of skin. Protein speeds up your metabolism and builds healthy skin. Protein and carbs. Dietary fat is needed in small quantities to regulate hormones, but too much and it will be stored as body fat. If you want to lose muscle then go into a caloric deficit and stay there for a long time. If you cut protein, you're just going to look like trashbag.
Nootropics are a meme, but it will suppress hunger and it WILL speed up your metabolism by a lot. Don't use it for extended periods of time, 3 weeks max, as it will cause breathing problems. Its legal in the U.S. That said, the best fat burner I've ever used is Shredded AF by steel labs, and it uses legal ingredients.

>> No.14703398

No. Girls with eating disorders and body dysmorphia are subconsciously attracted to fat dudes.

>> No.14703407

Gotcha. Thanks.

>> No.14703413

the binges
binge 1 (mcdonalds)
>large fries
binge 2 (last night)
>chicken sandwich (biggee than mcchicken, realer too)
> potato wedges
> two eggos with chocolate syrup maple syrup and butter
> popcorn and chips
> more tatos and a drumstick (Fried and breaded)

help how do i recover and keep myself on track with losing by monday

>> No.14703417

Do women find skinny men attractive?

>> No.14703455



>> No.14703464

As long as you don't look unhealthy.

>> No.14703521


>> No.14703584
File: 37 KB, 750x742, f7a48204caef4701884f40a11ee2c3eebd1ef872r1-750-742v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0 110lbs. I don't get why you guys want to be skinny, it's not attractive at all and I've been insecure about it my whole life and I can't gain weight for shit. Unless you're gay being skinny reaps no benefits, it just makes you look like a weak pussy.

>> No.14703585


>> No.14703632

>italian trash TV


>> No.14703653
File: 34 KB, 500x373, 1557996498849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to maintain weight
>constant food cravings
>start doing keto
>going pretty well
>notice I'm getting too much protein vs fat
>buy some peanut butter to help bump up my fat vs protein ratio
>have one spoonful of it
>huh this is nice
>have a second
>end up eating 80% of TDEE in pure peanut butter before 9am

it's 5pm now I'm extremely hungry, this peanut butter didn't fill me up at all
I had a Pepsi Max and it helped but I'm sensitive af to caffine so I'm probably not going to sleep tonight, especially given hunger and that my retarded flatmates are probably going to be partying

I hate how I can't stop thinking about food, even when I'm trying to maintain all I do is think about food 24/7. As soon as I wake up, while I'm eating, while I'm working, while I'm studying, I even dream about food most nights. I hate food.

I wish I could just learn to eat intuitively, but if I tried to do so I'd either eat nothing or binge non stop. I literally ALWAYS feel like eating, even if my stomach feels like exploding, even if the food I'm eating is disgusting, I just never stop wanting to eat...

I've tried so many fad diets just to help me maintain my weight, IF, OMAD, vegetarian, vegan, paleo, low carb and now keto... none of it works, regardless of what I try I'm just constantly hungry anyway. Always thinking of my next meal (on a side note paleo and high protein keto have worked the best for appetite reduction, keto makes me feel better mentally though)

I feel like spending my entire childhood being obese then car crash dieting to 18.5 BMI in less than a year broke something in my brain...

>> No.14703661

Legs looking chunky
>caloric deficiency is correlative
Agree, I ate <300 for a month once, didn’t slip up once, I was skinny fat at the end, not the greatest look
>dark chocolate less calories
You really can’t figure this out yourself?>>14703413
Stop eating fatty

>> No.14703744

What’s your Starbucks order /thinspo/?

>> No.14703745

this count as thinspo? 6' ~160lbs

>> No.14703747
File: 419 KB, 1007x1007, 20191011_130458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ops forgot pic

>> No.14703765

God im fucked

>> No.14703772

Dude please gain weight, you don’t look healthy. I’m saying this as someone with a similar body type. Being thin isn’t bad but you don’t look healthy.

>> No.14703779

Unfortunately there is a double standard and stick thin for boys is not a good look the way it is for girls, don’t lose any more bud I’d try to gain

>> No.14703797

Yes, you should stop. Even though it might sound stupid to you, you are now within the definition of anorexic. One of the points of anorexia is that you don't see how skinny you've become yourself. I mean, you look yourself in the mirror everyday (I assume), and when we do that, we see the small details of change that happen to the body, but not the big picture of the body.

The body needs a somewhat amount of adipose tissue to be healthy. We are evolved to need it. It's beneficial. Every fashion model has adipose tissue, because it adds to the attractiveness. If they don't have enough (along with muscle), they aren't fit to be a model.

I would just recommend you to take a step back and consider your current eating habits. Intermittent fasting/casual fasting is one thing, regularly starving oneself is another thing. It's not good, neither for our physical health and attractiveness.

>> No.14703847
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x938, outdoors wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weighed myself today
>179 lbs down from 210 lbs
>intense heat of summer finally winding down
>comfy winter weather coming up

gonna make it

>> No.14703850

>it's another right-wing muscle fetishist visits the wrong board episode again

>> No.14703876

Nice job anon

>> No.14703906

What's an effay weight for a 5'9 male?

>> No.14703926

if its over 3 digits it aint /fa/

>> No.14703937

muscles are not thinspo

>> No.14704003

i only do push ups a few times a week and run a little, never been to the gym in my life

>> No.14704075
File: 108 KB, 960x640, joaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joaquin joker is a skinny legend

>> No.14704111

23M 195cm
high 97kg low 85kg
ciggies, fasting, calorie autism

an old model who’s been in the industry 30 years and a tv exec said I’d be “perfect” and should contact some agencies. pretty chuffed ngl i’m gonna give it a shot
fingers crossed

>> No.14704226

honestly his jaw and cheekbones look so much better at this weight. good motivation

>> No.14704328
File: 45 KB, 540x524, tumblr_inline_phbqz9H4SO1wnq7v1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age, sex, height
23, M, 5"8 (173cm)
>current weight
9st 7lb (60.5kg)
>highest/lowest weight
16st (102kg) almost exactly a year ago, lowest is my current weight
>how are you losing weight
Pure CICO. Lots of walking, other than that no exercise.

57kg is my initial goal, but with how flabby my legs are I'll have to go lower.

>> No.14704470
File: 284 KB, 984x1400, vT5VURL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no matter how much weight I lose I'll never pass as a mildly cute girl
I know this to be true, but it's all I hold on for.

>> No.14704521

22 M 5'8"
154 lb (started dry fast today, was 155 before I slept)
last year December maxed at 265 before I realized how fucked I was and decided to make drastic change. Currently at lowest weight.
OMAD + fasting, it just works.
I'm gonna make it lads.

>> No.14704644

Good job anon. That's an incredible transformation.

>> No.14704646

I know that feel. I'm a similar height/weight and my thighs are still pretty big proportionally. Manlet curse.

>> No.14704779

just because you're skinny anon doesn't mean you'll magically become more attractive

if people don't like you rn people will still find you unattractive even if you're skinny

>> No.14704819
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I will try. I actually was out with a few colleagues of mine. We pizza and some crisps.

I'll try to. It's probably a good thing to do now that winter's coming, anyway.

I guess I am really anorexic... I'll try to fix myself.

>> No.14704856

just get to a healthy bmi and then stop caring about your weight

>> No.14704931 [DELETED] 

Fuck off tranny

>> No.14705120


>> No.14705124

miss nate

>> No.14705140

probably true. my personality is very bland. but I want my tummy to be lower

>> No.14705167

Bang is 300mg caffeine with 0 sugar or calories. Doesn't even have artificial colors

>> No.14705218

Dadbod, chubby, skinny, etc. are all really hard to pin down for want of really solid criteria within the definitions (actual measurable figures of frame size, and body fat percentage, and muscle mass comparisons).
If you had the options of a guy with a higher body fat percentage or a lower percentage, with the same muscle mass between the two, which would be preferable?

>> No.14705320

If only it was that easy.

>> No.14705384
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I don't even try

>> No.14705417

for the past 2 weeks ive been eating 800 cal and burning 800 or even 1000 cal doing cardio. my weightloss is pretty accurate to my past water fasts, since im burning all i eat. however i do not feel bad at all like i would when water fasting, i go through my day perfectly fine and started craving healthy foods and stopped binge eating cause i dont wanna ruin the cardio i did. im no where near underweight, but is it unhealthy to continue till i reach my goal weight?

>> No.14705539

Used to be 120 kg, 190cm
Now i'm 105 kg, can't wait to get below 100 kg
This all happened because I moved away for college and I can't cook anything or eat out cause i'm poor as shit but atleast I got something positive out of this
Hopefully I can get to 89 kg before the year ends

>> No.14705991
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>> No.14705993
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>> No.14706001

good job anon, you'll be fine as long as you take multivitamins

>> No.14706017

shit, goals for me.
what does your diet/fitness regiment look like?

>> No.14706099

No, it doesn’t make sense for women to be attracted to skinny men, that would be maladaptive since a skinny guy would not be able to protect or provide for the woman and her offspring
Muscular, and even muscular but on the bulky side, will always be the attractive type for healthy girls. If a girl is into skinny guys that should be a warning sign

>> No.14706108

Neither of these girls are skinny

>> No.14706119

this doesn't apply to modern society, for a long time now. attraction isn't an evolutionary desire.
you are ill if you don't think they are skinny

>> No.14706168
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>> No.14706178
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Okay, so maybe 900-1000 kcal in and 500 burned, so I may gain a bit today.

>> No.14706251

>this doesn't apply to modern society
It’s biological, it will apply for the foreseeable future until it is no longer adaptive and other genes are slelected for. Why do you think girls make fools of themselves trying to fuck chads? The only reason a girl would go for a skinny lanklet is if he had massive access to resources (money etc), or if the girl is damaged in some way, whether socially or emotionally. But even in those cases they would sleep with chad without a second thought given the chance
Not trying to be a dick, but seriously you guys should not be trying to become waifs, put on some muscle

>> No.14706257

They are both average, doesn’t mean they’re “fat”, but definitely not thinspo, and definitely not skinny. Not very toned so not fitspo either

>> No.14706271

explain gay people than genius?
ItS BioLoGIcal, you sound like a 17 year old who thinks he is 20 iq points higher than what he is

>> No.14706449

Congratulations, you’re actually retarded

>> No.14706548

Thank you anon I'll do that sometime cuz I'm working and I need a lot of energy to pull off once I'm off I'll actually do some fasting

>> No.14706603

i'm retarded because you can't answer me?

>> No.14706715
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Horizontal lines are 2kg apart.
(Blue line = trend/Red dots = recorded weight/Blue dot = day I didn't have access to a scale).
Slow slow, but consistent progress. Three weeks to <20bmi now by this trend.

>> No.14706888

What bmi do you start looking thin

>> No.14706890

depends on your body type, some people look skinny at 19 or 18 and some dont look skinny till closer to 16

>> No.14706912

depends on how much muscle you have. if you have 0 muscle you won't look thin until you are unhealthy level

>> No.14707143

You can be my mildly cute girl ^ ^

>> No.14707247

lmao what is this autistic abomination

>> No.14707325

It's either figure out the trend in my head, or map it visually - this way is more precise and I get to see my progress clearly, which are both good for motivation.

>> No.14707373

Tips on getting hollow cheeks?

>> No.14707662

Lose weight? Duh?

>> No.14707778

the sad truth is that it comes down mostly to genetics. if you have hollow cheeks and youre overweight then they might be hidden, but if you have a low bmi and they arent there you probably wont see much of a difference losing weight

>> No.14707836

largely dependent on how much fat u store in ur face naturally, and bone structure

>> No.14707841

unless ur tdee is somehow 500 u will not gain weight

>> No.14707875

Hairline doesn’t ma-

>> No.14707890

I hope there's no dudes in this thread that are straight

fucking gay as hell to be a wispy sissy boy fucktoy

>> No.14708056

Hard to say, really. I did eat a lot of shit on purpose, but at the same time I did also walk a lot and activated my whole body on the gym.

>> No.14708084
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I must say it feels pretty fucked up to have you people tell me to gain, btw. Considering the fact that I see myself as this orangutan, either I must accept I have an eating disorder, or I can interpret this as a conspiracy of jealous people. The latter, which I know to be false, is irrationally the one I still try to cling on to in order to avoid admitting there is something wrong in me.

>> No.14708186

I'm 5'11' and 150lbs but I have fat af thighs. Anyone know any good workouts I can do in my house that will make me drop weight particularly in my legs? I plan on starting to fast as well

>> No.14708395

spot reduction doesn't exist. doing workouts will cause hypertrophy of the muscles in your legs (i.e, they'll get bigger)

>> No.14708522

185cm 63kg.well desu switching from beer to whiskey already made weightloss easy but when i stopped entirely it shredded off like crazy
Most days i only eat bread about 700 and iced tea about 200 a day. Due to work i do have to have dinner with people once a week but that isnt the biggest problem

>> No.14708544

reminder to watch episodes of this kino series, for combined fatdisgust + thinspo + tips education

>> No.14708599
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holy shit sugar free jelly pots are the best anti binge food I've ever come across, I'm trying to maintain right now and some days I'll eat my TDEE and still feel hungry as fuck, when this happens I go to my local cornershop and just buy 3 pots of this stuff and stuff them down while watching a youtube video = instantly bloated to the point of uncomfortableness, each pot is about as satiating as an apple but it's only 5kcal vs the 60-70 an apple is, only problem is that these are kinda pricey to buy regulary (£0.60/pot) if you're on a tight budget

>> No.14708692

calculate your tdee using your height,weight and age
i guarantee it's at least 2000 calories if you're a male around average height.
mine is 1500 calories and im a small girl

please get help. your bones, organs and hair will start degrading if you don't get to a healthier bmi

>> No.14708720

Yeah, called stop eating

>> No.14708722
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Based on your stats, the best estimate for your maintenance calories is
2,567 calories per day based on the Mifflin-St Jeor Formula, which is widely known to be the most accurate. The table below shows the difference if you were to have selected a different activity level.

>> No.14708723

That’s a slippery slope, you’re encouraging binge behavior. You need to learn to eat the right amount without this dumb shit. Just do omad if it’s that hard

>> No.14708731


>> No.14708734

I've been using maybe 1800 for my calculations.

>> No.14708742
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That explains the tiredness, weakness and general brain fog... Oops...

>> No.14708747
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I do OMAD though and yeah I think I already have binge tendencies, unless I'm sickly bloated I can't stop thinking about eating. I can literally eat ~150g of protein + ~90g of fat + 1.5 litres of water for breakfast (like I do most mornings as part of my OMAD) and still be ravenously hungry immediately after, most days I can cope with it by distracting myself by studying/working, but on the weekend it's so much harder so I often buy those jelly pots (and caffine tablets) to help out, I hate being this way but I guess this what car crash dieting from obese to underweight does to brain

I'm >>14703653 btw, considering seeing a doctor about it, what do you think?

>> No.14708748

for who? the anorexic guy?

>> No.14708750

Dat be me.

>> No.14708763

How do I, a muscular chad guy, get a thin effay bf?
Hard mode: I live in Montana.

>> No.14708784

Once you start going from one extreme to the other it can be hard to snap out of it, but it’s entirely doable
The most successful periods of time I’ve had with eating were when I wasn’t as strict on counting (often around 1500, but 2500 absolute max(22f 5’7)) but did exercise daily. I find that working out can curb appetite or deter eating more so to not “ruin” the work you’ve just done. I’d also recommend you do strength training of some kind to take advantage of all the protein (I also wouldn’t stress about macros, just make sure you are getting enough protein and not too many carbs), I do body weight exercises at very high reps and cardio for 30min-hour, you won’t get bulky this way.
You should try to save your main meal for the end of the day, so you have something to look forward to and aren’t going way over if you decide you want a snack (if your main meal is later, you can adjust it to accommodate the snack).
Do you like coffee? If so I’d drink coffee in the morning and afternoon until you get to dinner. Diet soda is nice, but if you have binge tendencies the sweetness might trigger that, you could try them throughout the day but just be mindful.
Also cut down on the water, too much water just makes you pee out all your electrolytes, drink tea instead

But in the end, you just have to learn how to deal with being hungry and not give in. Caffeine etc can be helpful, but it’s more important to establish the right habits. Look up the snake diet guy and try dry fasting for a day or two, even if just to prove to yourself that you can go without eating, let along binging. Hope that helps.

>> No.14708786

Lock him in your basement for a year and only feed him chicken breasts

>> No.14708807

>drink tea instead
tea is just water, and will still make you piss out your electrolytes

>> No.14708832

It’s an improvement depending on the tea, and if caffeinated will help curb anons appetite. Some herbal teas can help with hormones and other things, if anon is going to be drinking fluid tea would be better than just water

>> No.14708833
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Who here raw vegan? I'm a cyclist and have been aware of Durianrider's diet for a while. Anybody have any experience on it?

>> No.14708856

literally what is the appeal of this diet other than getting to eating a fuckton of completely unsatiating and expensive food?

I'd much rather eat a simple diet consisting of lots of lean meats/fish + veggies so I can get a huge protein intake for the metabolism boost, appetite suppression and prevention of lean tissue/hair/skin/nail loss and use the veggies to bulk out my low calorie meals, while also being able to get an improved range of vitamins and minerals from eating wider range of foods

the only appeal I can think immediately of is grossly misinformed orthorexic nonsense about the lowest qualiy animal products

>> No.14708892

Do NOT do it or any form of vegan diet, I can’t believe people still watch this guy. You will become incredibly malnourished and the effects can be potentially irreversible. Eat lots of meat, eggs, and cheese
t. was a vegan as a teenager

>> No.14708908

I've been a vegan for 3 years and it's fucking easy. You omnicucks are just so buttfuck retarded you can't handle basic micronutrients.

>> No.14708965

veganism can be okay but the problem is that barely anyone has a basic grasp of nutrition. These people SHOULD NOT be doing any elimination diets full stop. The average person is unhealthy as fuck as it without excluding major food groups

my brother is the biggest vegan shill in the world, what he doesn't tell people however is that he suffered from a severe protein, iron, calcium, vit d and iodine defiency in his first year of going vegan and lost all of the muscles he had worked so hard to build the years prior

nowadays he takes a huge list of supplements and gets more than 3/4ths of his protein intake from expensive vegan protein shakes because he still can't be bothered to do basic research on nutrition

same goes for all the morons who do keto and end up with scurvy and shit skin. These fad diets are dangerous unless you know what you're doing

>> No.14709012

>year of the lord 2019
>not deadlifting 3X your bodyweight for reps
>not bench pressing 1.5X your BW for reps
>wanting to look like a skinny bitch on purpose

shiggy diggy doo

>> No.14709070


>> No.14709120

>snake diet
he is a thinspo patron saint

>> No.14709126

Bitch I was a vegan for 4 years, you will either get extremely sick or you’ll stop being a vegan. There are dozens of nutrients you cannot get in a bioavailable form from plants, you just can’t. The nutrition of fruits and vegetables is massively overblown, most of it our body can’t even use, some of it is actually harmful.
Screencap this now for yourself, you will whither away or you will eat animals again, I guarantee it

>> No.14709525

I've been fucking around in thinspo circles for far too long to have not watched SSvSS yet, gonna watch this first thing tomorrow morning, thanks anon

>> No.14709564

As long as you don't fall for the raw vegan or low fat high carb memes, you can do fine on a vegan diet. Been vegan for 5 years while maintaining a BMI of 18 - I take omega 3 and b12 and I've never felt better. I hit about 80 grams of protein and all essential amino acids everyday because I eat my fucking legumes and tofu and seitan instead of just fruit and veg.

>> No.14709616
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Same was true for me. I don't even drink that much, but I think mainly just fucking up your routine and habits is the main thing alcohol does to keep you fat aside from calories. And of course bad decisions while drunk. Anyways, how do you cope without it? I went to AA a while ago and it helped and I was super fit for the 3 years of sobriety. Now I drink off and on, and remain fairly healthy, but wondering what you do for social shit?

>> No.14709631

I fucking hate how alcohol has become part of the social ritual, I basically don't go out anymore because everyone wants to get pissed and I always end up feeling like an autist

>> No.14709654
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Yeah. That's why I started drinking again actually. Because it killed my social life. I mean, I went to the gym and joined an ultimate frisbee pick up. Etc. But even those people would have hang outs afterwards where they got drunk. And going on Tinder or whatever, you can't just be upfront about what you both know is the case. We have to play the game and pretend it's alcohol that makes us do what we really want to. So, for like 3 years I just would be antisocial and have arms length friendships with everyone, and just get in one serious relationship and hang out with her inside. No bueno. Once it started costing me opportunities in my career I said fuck it. And started drinking again.

>> No.14709782

ideal weight for someone of my height?

>> No.14709794


>> No.14709805

Wrong, as I said many nutrients you simply cannot get in a bioavailable form from plants. If you have to take supplements your diet is not natural and not meant for your body. You will fail eventually whether it’s by choice or because your body gives out
Legumes, tofu, and seitan are trash, the equivalent of slave food, even if they had any nutritional value the lectins would prevent your body from using any.
It’s part of an agenda, don’t fall for it, get out before you do permanent damage to your body

>> No.14709806

fuck off that is unhealthy

>> No.14709817

I want to snap you pathetic thin wh*toids with my superior muscular BLACK genetics

>> No.14709826

23 M 6'1
highest 115 lowest 105
have always been thin due to poverty. being poor is the best diet imaginable.

>> No.14709840

this was written by a white person

>> No.14709890

I feel the same way, I’ve never liked drinking but it’s such a normal thing for people now. It sucks to feel like you’re becoming friends with people only to be alienated because you don’t want to get drunk
>Once it started costing me opportunities in my career I said fuck it. And started drinking again
Damn I hope I don’t end up like this

>> No.14709904

Nothing about our modern diets is "natural" lol. Also, "not natural" ≠ "not good". Modern medicine is not "natural", either. Thinking that something is bad for you just because it's synthetic is a gateway drug to becoming an antivaxxer so take care lol

>> No.14709914
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>> No.14709916
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>> No.14709921

You’re ridiculous, what’s a cat’s natural diet? It’s a carnivore. What happens when you feed it something different? Doesn’t turn out so great.
Nitpicking the word “natural” is one of the most braindead retorts people come up with, but congratulations on being the same as the next dumbass.
If you were meant to eat it, you wouldn’t need supplements, that’s that

>> No.14709925
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>> No.14709938
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cats are obligate carnivores who literally die without meat. Humans are omnivores. I'd like to believe that my doctor is better at determining whether I'm healthy or not than you. Still, thanks for your concern.

>> No.14709939

just wanna cook you a hearty meal and stroke your head in my lap

>> No.14709942
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>> No.14709949
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>> No.14709954
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>> No.14709957
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>> No.14709962
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>> No.14709965
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>> No.14709971
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>> No.14709979
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>tfw no skny bf to wear fattie shirts with

>> No.14709985
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>> No.14709990
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>> No.14709992
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>> No.14710002
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>> No.14710364

Stupid fast metabolism. I dont gain weight. I fluctuate from 56 to 59kg

>> No.14710406

>who is this

>> No.14710409

dear anxious anorexics of fa,

love yourselves.

>> No.14710445

Fattie logic. By your logic fasting would be better, because carbs have the highest insulin response.

>> No.14710548

Brutal mogged

>> No.14710563

I can't im so fcking fat

>> No.14710576

That’s something a fat person would say

>> No.14710601

135-145 depending on your frame

>> No.14710820
File: 201 KB, 640x798, 6C16F75A-0438-4A64-89A2-6A6CDED1D922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other tall femanons in here that feel awkward no matter how you dress

>> No.14710831
File: 249 KB, 640x790, 254F5BB8-5BC6-4E30-898B-25E013982686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know I just feel awkward with my body all the time with people staring at me. Idk in good or bad way since I’m tall and sort of skinny. I just feel out of place compared to short petite girls who all have boyfriends

>> No.14710847

I'm not the biggest fan of the proportions of the shirt and shorts. i feel like a shirt with shorter sleeves and tighter shorts/ maybe a skirt would work better.
you just gotta find someone that appreciates you for you. I'm sure you're a lovely person with a great personality.

>> No.14710860

Is that you in the picture? Please be my gf.

>> No.14710864

literally being tall and skinny is what every other girl wants to be. do a cozy slp fit

>> No.14710869

I tried tighter short before but felt more tall and showed more of my legs

>> No.14710872

Not in real world where people make fun of you for being tall girl in school

>> No.14710877

how fucking old are you?

>> No.14710889


>> No.14710892

just move to like norway where people are tall and you'll fit right in.

>> No.14710897

You look like that weird girl that eats her boogers hahahahahahaha

>> No.14710911

Joking aside I think you’re cute and have potential. I’m a manlet so I would never date you but I would if I was taller. Like other anons said, maybe try wearing like slp style. Some dark denim if you don’t like shorts, then maybe like a slim fitting dark grey tank top or just simple white t shirt that fits you well. Like how models dress to their castings and shit. You’re pretty, you just don’t see it. I hope all the best for you anon. I mean it when I say you’re beautiful.

>> No.14710912

They’re jealous, all girls wish they were taller. I’m a few inches above average but I wish I was taller
If that is you in pics you’re super cute and your legs look great, you just need to develop a style you like, your body isn’t the issue

>> No.14710919







>> No.14710920

Being a tall girl is so alpha. You get to make average height and tall guys feel like shit. I'm like 178cm and I'm impressed when a tall skinny girl walks by and emasculates me.

>> No.14710927
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>> No.14710930
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>> No.14710935

Thank you for advice. And kind words mean a lot to me >>14710912
Thank you I’m here to try better style for me

>> No.14710937

reminder that caffeine has been proven to induce lipolysis, and you should be drinking coffee / zero-cal energy drinks / caffeine pills.

>> No.14710953
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>> No.14710955

green and black tea?

>> No.14711024

I'm only 176cm but it does make me feel more confident when I stand next to a shorter person.
Also being tall and skinny is like being a model, so I wouldn't feel bad about it.

>> No.14711163

day 6 of starving myself. fasting is much easier when you gradually ease into it (i.e, eat a v low cal diet for a day or two)

>> No.14711174

not strong enough

>> No.14711177

Ur asking chan cins for weight advice? You might have better luck screaming into a cup cause 20% of people In here are thin haha.

>> No.14711196
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Look at some SLP fashion shows, I think you would look great in that sort of clothing :) Also as soon as you realize that being tall and skinny is a blessing, especially as a girl, the jokes people made about you seem ridiculous. Start focusing on the proportions of your clothing in relationship to your body and you will look fantastic in no time

>> No.14711292
File: 5 KB, 115x109, 5b8b3eeeb262b82f0eab2d8f6d91b334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you lost weight from calorie counting, but you still have a disgusting, flabby body because you love carbs
>tfw you finally start to pay attention to macros and plan meals with high protein and low carbs
>tfw even if you don't lose fat, your weight will still go down because you're eating even lower than your usual caloric intake anyway
I hope this goes well. I'll do anything to avoid exercising.

>> No.14711336

Lol people stare at you because you're pretty. They're either attracted to, or intimidated by you.

Regarding your outfit:
- That shirt looks like it's very loose on the upper body, but kinda snug on your hips. Like, it kind of rests on them instead of skimming them. Oversized shirts tend to look better when they're loose throughout the body.
-The visual weight seems off. Might look better if you exposed either some collarbone or a bit more leg. Or you could skip the shorts and half-tuck the top into some skinny jeans. Loose-on-loose-silhouettes are trendy right now, but if you're not comfortable with your style yet, you might feel more secure if you stuck to the old "half fitted, half loose" rule, i.e. a fitted top with a loose bottom or the other way around, but not both loose.
-This is only personal preference, but i find that off-white (bag) and pure white (shirt) don't look as good together as sticking to either pure or off.
-Your posture reflects how awkward you're feeling in these pics :)

>> No.14711557

Yes please enable me

>> No.14711558

>I'll do anything to avoid exercising
This is why you’re flabby, not the carbs

>> No.14711604

That’s cuz that outfit is downright terrible. Get a fashion sense and move on. You should be overconfident being a tall and skinny girl and yet here you are being an awkward weirdo.

>> No.14711786

I forgot your tag
Mine is paypig#0225
If you see this add me, you know who this is for

>> No.14712087

I want qt awkward gf

>> No.14712273
File: 37 KB, 654x643, 1544066818716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed a friend my thinspo folder today

I feel like a weirdo but it felt really good, idk why

>> No.14712443


>> No.14713084

I find your awkwardness cute and endearing

>> No.14713262

Whenever i post everyone says im too muscly :(

>> No.14713273
File: 224 KB, 810x810, SmartSelect_20191014-200435_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14713450

i have a pretty slim frame to be honest

>> No.14713479

Whenever I post, I get those "hilarious" replies like "zomg spoopy mr skellington xD" or "did you fight heman today skeletor lmao kappa xD".

>> No.14713480

how to lose like 8 kgs without cardio?, I've already lost 25kg doing cardio and I'm tired of that shit.

>> No.14713492

I'm so fucking hungry.

>> No.14713542

lel just eat something light

>> No.14713557

I swing both ways-- I prefer if a guy is skinny desu. I like girls to be in a bmi range of 22-24 respectively. Not sure why for either but it's how I roll I guess

>> No.14713560

Yeah bang is a favorite of mine. I'm trying to get into coffee but it's just not happening.

>> No.14713622

Don't eat anything if you're restricting heavily thrne eating "something light" won't do anything and might turn into a binge

>> No.14713623

>had another dream about eating

One nothing wrong with me...

>> No.14713625

Carbs retain a lot of water, don't worry anon

>> No.14713729

>ate no more than 1400 calories everyday
>biked for an hour ATLEAST everyday until I was sweating like a pig
>weight is more than last week by 1 kg

how in the fuck can this happen i'm so mad, all of that shit for nothing

>> No.14713849

youre either seriously miscalculating/misjudging calories or it’s just normal water weight fluctuation. this is why you take a moving average instead

>> No.14713882


You're only awkward because you're making yourself feel awkward. No one is really paying that much attention to you and if they are it's not negative attention. I dated a girl that was in an everything awkward phase and it was the most tiring shit I've ever had to deal with. I remember walking down a busy street and shouting at the top of my lung in order to show her that no one was paying attention to us (not one person turned to look) and she needed to get over feeling awkward and that she only feels and acts awkward because she's doing it to herself.

>> No.14714057

Very true, make tea or coffee instead

>> No.14714453

Does anybody have more pics of fatties and normies being cringy and miserable next to skinny people?

>> No.14714513

new thread