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File: 97 KB, 768x768, BB311BCF-2083-452E-897B-5E6242B2D48C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14692762 No.14692762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do I attract these types of girls?

>> No.14692763

Be attractive. Just like with any other girl. Fucking retard

>> No.14692793

this is the 1000th time this exact thread has been made. fuck off, die, disappear

>> No.14692801

But ar hoes...

>> No.14692803

there are other threads on this? Link?

>> No.14692806
File: 309 KB, 1130x1310, 20190403_202561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like this dude

>> No.14692813
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, 292D25B2-300F-4AFF-A159-3CF3CA380FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be chad.

>> No.14692850

dress like an eboy, or all black with a muscle-y bod

>> No.14692878

You don't wanna bro. Thots are evil and dumb. Waste of time.

>> No.14692935
File: 981 KB, 3024x4032, 54nd16tc6fg31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look like this

>> No.14693530
File: 125 KB, 593x593, 1570375816802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go after these types of girls.

>> No.14693549

wear blundstones

>> No.14693643

how much of a newfag are you? search the archive you nigger

>> No.14693649



Just be a chad, grow a beard and get tattoos

>> No.14693661

Abuse them, seriously

>> No.14693663

Be good at video games.

>> No.14693796


>> No.14693799

>get tattoos

are these attractive to anyone but low class ghetto bitches? art hoes come from an upper-middle class background usually

>> No.14693831

Find those videos and articles where they talk about all the things they hate about softboys. Then become all of those things. You will become irresistible to them

>> No.14693890

This. I know from experience.

Only approach if you're not an emotional faggot and won't get attached (like I did, lmao).

>> No.14693901

Glad you agree. Just dumped cheating arthoe bitch. They might seem nice and caring but underneath they only care about themselves. You're only temporary and a tool to them.

>> No.14693922

go to university in philosophy class or some shit and youre gonna be drowning in these type of girls

>> No.14693930

more importantly where do i find more porn of these type of girls?

>> No.14693989

I've been with one for two years. Cheated on me, I forgave her. Cheated on me again and got fucked up on hard drugs to drive the point home.

>> No.14694008

>forgiving a girl who cheated on you

cuckold alert

>> No.14694016

as an arthoe my best advice is: don't

>> No.14694024

talk about your interests in cock and ball torture

>> No.14694028

>Glad you agree. Just dumped cheating arthoe bitch. They might seem nice and caring but underneath they only care about themselves. You're only temporary and a tool to them.
i hate sluts, feminists, and radical libs but this simply is objectively not true

it's impossible to generalize every member of the opposite sex in relationships because they are different

>> No.14694059

Go on Craigshipp.com/brifitdance to find out

>> No.14694060

Be attractive, have ready access to coke

>> No.14694067

Become a popular Twitch streamer

>> No.14694103

tfw i lost virginity to art hoe

>> No.14694114

its not about "every member of the opposite sex", it's only about arthoes wich 100% true

>> No.14694148


>> No.14694156

it isn't though

>> No.14694204

>They might seem nice and caring but underneath they only care about themselves. You're only temporary and a tool to them.

that goes for all women, no just arthoes, the most important thing for a woman is herself and her child.

>> No.14694214

You fucking wish you were an arthoe

>> No.14694223

lmao tried wearing a choker for the first time today?

>> No.14694276

They talk about the betas but they go for the chads.

Don't listen to what they say, do as they do.

>> No.14694309

honestly no, i don't. yall even hate them

go back to 2014 and maybe that'd make sense
cuck. most arthoes don't wear chokers nowadays, i still do tho

>> No.14694338
File: 101 KB, 900x589, homo-habilis_1058674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop larping

>> No.14694351

yeah those dang femoids are so weird and crazy. we're the normal ones, am i right fellas?

you should go outside more dude. they're just people.

>> No.14694354

Bro if we knew how to attract any kind of girl we wouldn't be on 4channel

>> No.14694365


>> No.14694383

Die screaming

>> No.14694396

Why do they all have shitskin eyebrows?

>> No.14694416

You're gonna be happier repelling them, trust me

>> No.14694444


>> No.14694484

Have you ever been outside? Do you live in a flyover state or the deep south, Siberia or middle east?
Upper middle class people are covered in tattoos, and arthoes stick to tattooed dudes like flies to shit

>> No.14694489

My dad told me the exactly same thing lmao

>> No.14694490

As an art hoe and a part of an art hoe community, on behalf of us all:
-wear black
-have long hair (in good condition not head pubes) not too long too
-black/blonde dye is good
-be skinny/athletic
-keep an eye contact
Oopsie tho, no matter how much money you spent your eyes will turn ayway before meeting hers and thats what makes a Chad chad.

>> No.14694494

Dress like an e-boy or male art ho and be into artsy vaguely experimental media. Literally just be the male version of whatever kinda girl you want

>> No.14694495

a man's purpose is to provide

>> No.14694498

You too wish you were an arthoe

>> No.14694502

Im certified, ama

>> No.14694593

ah dont mate it's not worth it

they're boring kick off and get mad at everything and being in anyway fun to be around would probably cause some sort of brain aneurysm for them

>> No.14694601

how do I fix my curly frizzy headpube

>> No.14694608

I make hard eye contact with arthoes all the time, and see them look at me out of the corner of my eye. I love my girlfriend but goddamn part of me wants to fuck every skinny art hoe on this campus.
All that said, I'd never settle to fucking an art hoe. They're all directionless cum dumps with no willpower or moral compass. Loose women are gender swapped incels. They are both results of poor parenting, lack of confidence, dark triad personality traits, or a combo of all three. Get yourself right.

>> No.14694609

look for straightening videos on african american youtube channels

>> No.14694611

kek I don't want to straighten my hair fuck you

>> No.14694618

>get mad at everything
this, we had fun with real gore vids and pics, but the moment you make a non PC joke that their tribal feminist friends condemn as offensive, their NPC brain goes isntantly lashes out on you

>> No.14694623

Either dress like an e-boy and paint your nails black, or just be a black guy.

>> No.14694628

their priorities are fucked, and they are mostly following a trend to fit in with their libtard friend, spouting every political cliche like being proud of not shaving armpits and free bleeding. deep inside she knows the gender pronoun is retarded, but gets guilt-tripped by her mentally ill comrades into promoting it. it was a wild ride while it lasted

>> No.14694635

ah not even non pc I had some girl kick off at me because I made some joke about her hometown

those girls are just wired to suck the fun out of everything

put chewing gum in their hair like all the other girls probably did in high school they deserve it

>> No.14694640

Listen to Mac Demarco and The 1975

>> No.14695069

talking about arthoes you fucking retard. The girls who are slutty and degenerates that use the aesthetic to lure in alot of guys.

>> No.14695092

arthoes aren't people you dumb virgin

>> No.14695396

I’ll kill myself instead.

>> No.14695412

>t. retard

>> No.14695414

all the archive threads about this are old as fuck

>> No.14695416

this man has his priorities straight

>> No.14695425

This. I don't know how this isn't common knowledge

Normies love tats now. Go to any college campus.

>> No.14695429

Since when have art hoes like black guys

>> No.14695435
File: 49 KB, 640x591, 213DCBAE-005D-41B8-B312-6087F99ED9A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I have to be attractive to attract girls???? WHAT??!! No shit you do I just want to figure out a method. Do you have the brain of a dog?

>> No.14695437

I don't want a fucking art hoe
I want a true goth/metalhead girl, but I bet they aren't different from what I experienced so far. All the scene girls I knew are turning into these tatted up leftist husks too :(

>> No.14695449

be skinny with a chiseled jaw and a cigarette addiction

>> No.14695472

if you weren't ugly you wouldn't be so stumped lmao

>> No.14695478

My sister is an arthoe. When she was 15 year old she has her first boyfriend. She still wasnt an arthoe yet. This guy was a nice guy. She got bored of him after a year and dumped him. She then started dating guys who were much older and slowly began becoming a soulless bitch(at least romantically, she is a very loving sister). The thing is that she knows she is hot and smart and can get any guy she wants so she just plays with guys. She will probably never fall in love with anybody. She only fell in love with her first BF yet she still dumped him because she loves being free and doing whatever she wants even more

>> No.14695487

Once again, art hoes (all types) are attracted by prestige and coke availability. If you're not

1. a tattoo artist
2. the frontman of a punk or metal band (earnest country singers may also count)
3. an established artist with multiple solo shows under your belt
4. a bartender at a cool new bar

Then the likelihood that you'll just need to be a dealer increases. Being an athlete in a recognized sport (snowboarding, skateboarding, rock climbing, etc.) may work if you're looking for fairly crunchy art hoes. In all cases, your looks don't necessarily matter, but if you're fat, you'll probably end up being the cool friend who photographs the art hoe's cake farting endeavors instead of her boyfriend.

Even if you're handsome and check all the boxes, the art hoe may still cheat on you, but it'll be far more likely that she'll be ethically non-monogamous, so have fun fucking all her friends (I'm joking, she won't have girl friends unless she's bi).

>> No.14695492

can't wait for this bitch to hit the wall

>> No.14695493

Silly anon, they don't hit walls.

>> No.14695497

ya this

I want an edgy goth gf

>> No.14695511

There are no goths anymore lol. This is not 2003. Maybe you can find some in flyover states where they are stuck in time

>> No.14695519

ik some hot goths still

they're just not what they used to be

>> No.14695522

They're all just art hoes that wear minimal goth clothing.

>> No.14695538


a couple are alright

I dont go to an art uni that's probably where you meet all the ones you know

>> No.14695628

Curly hair is cool too. Look up Curtis Conner he's an art hoe's Type

>> No.14695692

If you were attractive you would not need a sad pathetic "method". That's the point. Fucking idiot

>> No.14695693

You should honor kill your sister.

>> No.14695714

Threads last 1 week max in the archive you nigger
That old as fuck to you?

>> No.14695717

You stole what I was writing in all the arthoe attraction threads, but made it better so I am not mad, its pretty sad everyone ignores this ultimate truth, but at the end of the day, these women are only good for fucking and not serious relationships

>> No.14695719

Can you snap pics of her wearing pantyhose?

>> No.14695724


every art hoe i know looks really hot, but also every single one is fucked up.

>> No.14695872 [DELETED] 

>have art hoe gf
>cheat on her in the first month of relationship
>gets crazy and starts being madly attached
>been together for 5 years
>break up with her every five or six months
>fuck a few girls
>give them the illusion i like them
>ghost them
>get back to gf

it's easy senpai, you only need to be the first to cheat to assert dominance, she'll eventually commit suicide but they'll never know

>> No.14695874

>have art hoe gf
>cheat on her in the first month of relationship
>gets crazy and starts being madly attached
>been together for 5 years
>break up with her every five or six months
>fuck the new 18yo art hoes
>give them the illusion i like them
>ghost them
>get back to gf

it's easy senpai, you only need to be the first to cheat to assert dominance, she'll eventually commit suicide but they'll never know and desu it's her fault, if she was bi she could also enjoy that sweet 18yo pussy

>> No.14695883

newfags get out
there’s no trick retard. if you’re attractive you’ll get them. only extra is higher likelihood for being a druggie so do with that information what you will
tattoos are trashy. getting some just to try to score some poon is pathetic
why wouldnt you drop after she cheated the first time? thats so sad
tits or gtfo
bullshit i dated and have been around arthoes. chokers are still in full force.
tits or gtfo. all you literally said was be attractive but with more steps you fucking retard

>> No.14695969

you've never really loved a girl, have you

>> No.14695972

>falling for the love maymay

>> No.14695979
File: 162 KB, 543x600, 1570398440765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a terrible person.
I hope you try make yourself better.

>> No.14695980

How would one go about asking for an art hoe’s number?

>> No.14695983

that's how it works, unfortunately
falling and all

>> No.14696044

if she had any self love she would get away, she doesn't, i can't do more

>> No.14696046

go outside more, silly boy.

>> No.14696053

you have to manipulate them

>> No.14696078

If you know she's not capable of such, why do you keep on manipulating her if it causes so much emotional damage?

That's really fucked up man
No memes
No laughs

>> No.14696079

there’s an entire psychology behind manipulation and abuse, it creates a sense of isolation and dependency in the victim. read a book you unironic sociopath.

>> No.14696116

i've tried to break up with her multiple times, i've explained to her that i have fomo and I will never ever stop doing this, i've blocked her from my entire social networks including phone number and she just appears at my place, at my job, when i'm sober i push her away, when i'm on drugs we fuck and get back together

>> No.14696120

again, you’ve successfully manipulated her into submission and now she’s suffering from stockholm syndrome. you have a personality disorder and you need help.

>> No.14696139

i've manipulated a girl because i cheated on her, yes, sure friend

>> No.14696144
File: 498 KB, 478x475, 2018-12-03 10.57.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should you cheating on her, exclude you from being manipulative?

You literally said
>give them the illusion i like them
>ghost them
>you only need to be the first to cheat to assert dominance, she'll eventually commit suicide but they'll never know and desu it's her fault

That is very manipulative to do.
And I of course cannot know the entire scope of the story, or whether or not you said to be cool on 4chan, but it really doesn't sound healthy or nice for either of you.
I hope you take care of yourself and your gf, because I'm sure you both can do better.
Best wishes anon, I hope you take my advice to heart.

>> No.14696145

Cheating is absolutely manipulative. You lead her on acting like you give a shit, and then you go and fuck someone else, causing her to rethink over every little thing you two did together, and every bullshit thing you’ve said to her. Look at yourself. rationalizing your gross personality. Get some help before you hurt any more people.

>> No.14696155

are you stupid or just trying to manipulate US? you literally said right >>14695874 here that you manipulate people by cheating on them. you’re sick.

>> No.14696202

Caught in a lie lmao.

>> No.14696500

holy fuck you lot talk so fucking gay about girls this board is fucking embarrassing

>> No.14696501

go to a commuter campus of a state school that literally doesn't have any art hoes
am I missing out?

>> No.14696509

as a guy who dates majority of art hoes. the best sex and relationship I had is with my current gf who listens to toby keith and Post Malone

>> No.14696511
File: 71 KB, 600x488, luigi you-a fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's this fucking thread

>> No.14697012

holy based
roasts on full meltdown

>> No.14697059

if you don't do drugs dont even try, an art hoe would rather fuck a ratty ass smelly junkyass hipster rather than a good looking guy who doesn't do drugs

>> No.14697063

Ayyyye gang gang gang

This upvote brought to you by cheat gang

>> No.14697069

U sick fuck, I see you player!

>> No.14697091


>> No.14697099
File: 894 KB, 1068x715, 5F39AEE1-6E28-402B-A70E-1DF7A1A6FF7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this forum has the worst taste in women

my question: where do i meet the smooth talking fat boy of my dreams

>> No.14697122

Be successful, well groomed and confident. Men don't need to be attractive.

>> No.14697138


>> No.14697141
File: 67 KB, 441x705, 1439289035931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men don't need to be attractive.

>> No.14698222

this x1000000000
advice de profundis

>> No.14698230

1. Go to Uni (literally whatever direction you want, it needs to be higher education)
2. Have money
3. Be moderately attractive or average looking (no outstanding features that are negative)
4. Dress different than normies (not BETTER, just different)
5. Do not give a flying fuck about them, its the only way they will probably talk to you again after they use you as a dick with legs

that was the guide folks, this is how you nut on the middle class

>> No.14698241

>are these attractive to anyone but low class ghetto bitches?
You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.14698246

Right here.
Hey bb u wan sum fuk?

>> No.14698248

>Men don't need to be attractive.
As a man I am gonna have to disagree with you here.

>> No.14698273

This. Dont approach mentally unstable females. You will regret it

>> No.14698276


It's true
Don't be an insecure pussy, be loud and funny that's literally all you need to attract women regardless

a bellow average looking guy that's "got it" in terms of sociability and smoothness is wayyyy way way more likely to attract women than a handsome but timid dude

>> No.14698362

ya this

>> No.14698379

Don't go for these girls OP, it ain't worth it

>> No.14698392

have sex

>> No.14698734


>> No.14698775

I could bet most of those upper middle class art hoe girls with tats now are the trashy father figure letdowns of tomorrow. They're not "ghetto" /yet/.
Cope... If you're not in a gang or a tribe, or anything of the sort and you get a tattoo, you're signaling how easily impressionable you are. There are only drawbacks to having a tattoo in terms of security and anonymity. The pros must outweigh the cons, or you're just making your life slightly harder in the future (repelling job prospects, leaving breadcrumbs in crime) and shelling out cash for a stupid fucking drawing. Literally just start working out or something; a gym membership is cheaper than most tattoos. This isn't to say that everybody with tattoos is sub-90, nobody is perfect. But please, think.

>> No.14698778

hail hitler

>> No.14698788
File: 81 KB, 393x605, Screenshot_20191009_190432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reee dont call me retard you retard

You can always pay for her premium snapchat. If you have money you dont need looks

>> No.14698939


>> No.14699661

so you gonna post her feet or what?

>> No.14699944

>love a girl who would/has cheat(ed) on you
good one

>> No.14699955

I love that band

>> No.14699960

There's this insufferable arthoe in my class who looks at me, but she's taken FUCK

>> No.14700054
File: 20 KB, 350x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use matte hair clay.

>> No.14700056

love is gay