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14684244 No.14684244 [Reply] [Original]

Why do i get all those nasty red things around my mouth. Its worse irl and i dont understand it. The rest of the face is relatively clean but i have a swarm of this shit in one place. How do i get rid of this fast? I didnt make any changes to my diet

>> No.14684248

stop suckin dick

>> No.14684291

Same my friend. Only around the mouth and chin.

>> No.14684303

eat more vitamin A and less fatty, sugary, and oily foods.

>> No.14684305
File: 34 KB, 598x809, Screenshot_2019-10-03 sweet potato nutritional value - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating a half of sweet potato (~300 g) every day, am I gonna overdose on Vitamin A?

>> No.14684325

The only things you need to worry about overdosing are minerals, especially iron. It wont happen unless you take supplements.

To fix the acne just drink water all day.
Get a decent sized bottle and set a goal to finish it every hour. Hydration will help fix the oil levels and dryness of your skin that allows acne infections to live off your dead skin.

>> No.14684334

I am actually iron deficient and the pills get me constipated. How do you fill up on iron?
I eat about a pound of chicken liver once a week, spinach almost every day, but it doesn't help much.

>> No.14684393

Try eating fish that are rich in iron, or taking fish oils.

>> No.14684396

It sounds like you have an absorption problem. If drinking more water doesnt fix that, eat more fiber and maybe go to a doctor. Being anemic your whole life sucks and taking supplements fixed it for me.

>> No.14684580

Scrub your face, sleep with towel on pillow, toothpaste actually helps. Also use castile soap. You can get it at Wal-Mart. They have Kirk's which is very good for the face. Don't use your shampoo on your face. Don't let it touch your fact when you rinse off. Wash your face last when you take a shower.

>> No.14684598 [DELETED] 
File: 555 KB, 720x1280, 1570122371912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, don't know if this is the right place to most but what to do about this? Current routine is Cetaphil cleanser and CeraVe moisturizer twice daily and neutrogena sunscreen SPF 50 before going out. Also starting to get slight lines on forehead and around mouth, any help I'd appreciated.

>> No.14684603
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Hey anons, don't know if this is the right place to post but what to do about this? Current routine is Cetaphil cleanser and CeraVe moisturizer twice daily and neutrogena sunscreen SPF 50 before going out. Also starting to get slight lines on forehead and around mouth, any help is appreciated.

>> No.14685113

So warm temperature is good for acne? Meaning it makes it develop easier since you sweat more and i can imagine face is sweaty too

>> No.14685114

Probably due to shaving

>> No.14685124

One thing that really helped me when I had acne was to put a fresh towel on my pillpw every night. Also had to learn to stop touching my face.

>> No.14685126

I firmly belive caking all that shit on your face just worsens the problem. Make the adjustments I stated here and see if they help

>> No.14685144

You can not overdose on plant based vitamin A, aka beta carotene.

>> No.14685958

your face looks insanely oily, i'm just going to assume its because of the moisturizer that you use
you probably dont need to a moisturizer if your face is that shiny after putting it on, you are not listening to your body.
try actively massaging your scalp while in the shower, do not use shampoo as it strips your scalp of it's natural oils and your scalp starts to panic, over producing. this in turn also informs your facial pores sebum production.
just use water in the shower, do not use any exfoliant until your face stabilizes, aka minimal inflammation.
it'll just make it worse.
a big important part about this is to never skip showers, do not take scalding hot showers too.
from the looks of it, your faces pores are having trouble pushing the moisturizer off of your face in order to use it's own natural moisturizer (sebum).
so seriously just rinse off your hair, and scalp.
if you really feel like putting product in your hair, just use a good conditioner, and do not get the conditioner near your scalp.
it'll cause what i suspect is your issue on your face, but on your scalp.
i don't know what else to say so just reply to me if you have questions.
t. someone who has bad acne scarring who only figured out how this shit works after the fact.

>> No.14685972

Thank you so much for the help, I'll try this. Glad you figured it out though anon :(

>> No.14685979

you got herpes

>> No.14686027

use salycilic acid pads and switch to a non-oily moisturizer. Cetaphil actually has an 'oil absorbing' moisturizer but I have not tried it. i use jack black oil-free

>> No.14686044

i'd like to see your progress and see if it works out for you.
everyones genetics are different but judging from looks and what you say, i think we might have had the same issue.
also please stop drinking soda and eating junk foods if you are doing these.
they act as a catalyst for your face's inflammation, and it doesnt help in any way.
consuming things that are high in sugar is terrible for you because your body is able to digest these simple energy sources extremely quickly, you don't necessarily want your energy to be digested so fast.
drink seltzers for your bubble kick.
post again in the future in one of these threads, i'd be curious to see.

>> No.14686427

all these people saying do this do that.. if your face is fucked up .. my advice would be:

do nothing.. stop putting and caking shit on your fuckin face every day. whether its makeup or cleanser. see what happens after 6 months

>> No.14686940

I used to get pimples in the exact same region; at some point, I noticed that I had a habit of resting my chin on my hand when sitting at my desk. Kicked that habit and the spots went away.

>> No.14688706

because you be having that perioral dermatitis

>> No.14689153

Eat beef, pork, venison, bison

>> No.14689685

you have ingrown hairs retard ask your daddy how to shave

>> No.14689803

I have the biggest problem with my chin too, if I had to guess acne concentrates there because of after-shave irritation and touching that area with dirty hands to support your head.

>> No.14690036
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Had my hand on my chin while reading this, going to have to try it

>> No.14690538

itt: dumb shit

acne concentrated on the chin is hormonal. you cant do shit about it until you address that imbalance

>> No.14690595

The sunscreen probably makes your skin look a lot oilier than it actually is. Ditch the sunscreen or use a non-oily one. Use micellar water as a cleanser, it will clean your face without making it oily. Then use witch hazel as a toner, it will help to minimize your pores and oil on your face. The moisturizer that I have found to be most helpful for my oily skin is the Soap & Glory Daily Youth Moisture Lotion. It might seem expensive, but you're already using more expensive products like neutrogena sunscreen and cetaphil and cerave shit. And witch hazel and micellar water is cheap, so it should balance out. Good luck

>> No.14690609

To piggyback off this, you don't need to wear sunscreen every single day. Dermatologists and companies want you to think it's a big deal so they can make more money selling their products. But your skin has a natural way of dealing with the sun (melanin) so unless you are going to be out in direct sunlight for long enough to get sunburned, you shouldn't need sunscreen. Sunscreen also tends to clog pores really easily and contains harsh chemicals that irritate your skin.