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File: 137 KB, 800x1200, 1535135672372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14593387 No.14593387 [Reply] [Original]

do girls like twinks?

>> No.14593407

I hope so or I'm fucked

>> No.14593413

Who cares what girls like?

>> No.14593419
File: 562 KB, 831x1098, 1564381872301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look like something a woman would want to reproduce with?

>> No.14593425

Listen to this based anon here

>> No.14593426

no, that's a cartoon. leave your house.

>> No.14593434

Actually yes, very much. But usually only teens or cougars like them. If a woman is in between those ages, she's more attracted to manly providers and dad types. Thin, stylish men are especially attractive to artworld women though, and it helps if you're slightly menacing too. Don't be actually gay.

>> No.14593437
File: 33 KB, 600x600, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using the word twink. Its a made up word by pedophile faggots. Gay culture is degenerate.

You can be thin and prettyboy as much as you want, but always be masculine on the inside. Be stoic and confident, e.g. do not be a kind of person who radiates 'you can fuck with me because Im too afraid to talk back'. The fact that you're doubting yourself means you're not quite there.

>> No.14593441

I want to reproduce with that but I'm a guy (male)

>> No.14593446

No it looks like a girl

>> No.14593450

uh, yes. women go crazy over timothee chalamet and he's very 'twinkish' looking. soft, effeminate good looking men are obviously attractive

>> No.14593479

that's my point dipshit

>> No.14593480

absolutely fucking yes

>> No.14593486

Combined, these posts provide very sage /fa/ wisdom.

>> No.14593500

>hairy legs

Also is he wearing formal dress shoes & black socks with a pair of shorts?? Who does that?

>> No.14593504

Tfw when autistic qt3.14 classmate once dressed up as that for Halloween last year. Pretty sure she was 16 or 17 though and I was 24 at the time

>> No.14593522

>giving a shit what women want
lmaoing at you

>> No.14593565

a normal woman wouldnt want to have sex with another girl

>> No.14593573

i'm a short twink and sometimes girls crush on me but they're always the weird geek-chic dyed-hair goth-lite type. i'm gay tho so it doesn't bother me :^)

>> No.14593579

Tall twink here. If you have the right personality it works very well.

>> No.14593611


>> No.14593642


Something a man would reproduce with and fuck on grindr


>16 year old classmate
>24 year old

Did you get held back a few grades?

>> No.14593683

But what kind of girl do the twinks like?

inb4 "no kind of girl."

>> No.14593687

w2c shoes?

>> No.14593695

We don't all go to university at the same age anon.

>> No.14593700

You do know that people are individuals and have different taste depending on the person right?

>> No.14593752

no, they like traditionally masculine men

>> No.14593764


I live in America and typically most people go to uni at the same age. Around 17 - 18 year old for 1st year freshman.

>> No.14593775


its crazy how hair can make someone 100x more attractive. as well as teeth

>> No.14593789

Teeth dont really matter tho

>> No.14593838

I do, because I’m not a massive faggot like you are.
I need to know what they like so I can get in their pants.

>> No.14593904

Yeah some people don't have the opportunity to go to college after high school and need to work to make some money or do some military service you fucking moron. It's really not hard to realize we don't all have the same opportunities.

>> No.14593905

some do some don't

do you really need 4chan to tell you this

>> No.14593906
File: 84 KB, 640x541, 1560671467809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They like frame.

>> No.14593920

that's why i'm asking the twinks, retard.

>> No.14593927

Knowing what they like will not get you in their pants

>> No.14594079
File: 136 KB, 1025x1024, 1553190073459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy types

>> No.14594097

I had a late start to community college ( yes pleb tier and I should kms and all that) and we have an embedded highschool on campus. It kinda sucks because some of them are very hot but you can't obviously interact with them and also it kinda sucks feeling inferior when you take a math class with some 15 year old. Also doesn't help that damn near every girl my age is a tat slut roastie.

>> No.14594153

Art girls but specifically not art hoes. The quiet mousy looking ones who don't talk to anyone but make good art, like going on long walks and talking and are complete freaks.

>> No.14594215

As gay friends sure

>> No.14594278

Big titty mommies

>> No.14594310

This is a complete turnoff to me

>> No.14594322

*raises paw*

>> No.14594336

they're cute, I'd give them a cute pegging

>> No.14594339

he contradicted himself in his use of stoic too cause a stoic wouldnt respond to someone talking shit to them, not out of fear but still

>> No.14594365


>> No.14594366
File: 323 KB, 540x665, 1563969309661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only girls who like skinny twinks are queer trash e girls who want poly relationships and to peg you. However lots of girls are into pretty boys with muscles.

>> No.14595316

How do I style my hair like this

>> No.14595336

What an ugly body

>> No.14595367

Twink cope

>> No.14595386

What means being a “stoic man”, tho? Help a brainlet here

>> No.14595393

basically being calm and not bothering too much

>> No.14595456

Ah yeah that’s me.

>> No.14595559

Yes, I've noticed that women seem most drawn to men that are somewhere in-between cute/boyish and masculine.
They're usually grossed out by macho manly types but gay men love that.

>> No.14596186
File: 692 KB, 540x491, 1567182449299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14596210

I was once chatting with a cute girl at a show who informed me that she had a gf. We exchanged ig info and saw that her gf used to be her bf before they started identifying as a girl.

so I guess anything is possible

>> No.14596548


>> No.14596562

Girls like twinks.

I was a shaggy haired super skinny twink in high school, and had several girls who had crushes on me. Problem is that I’m gay and so I didn’t want that lmao.

Women like effeminate guys and women like masculine guys. Just depends on the woman. Don’t go for girls who aren’t interested in you. Simple. Also be present and have a personality that people want to be around first and foremost.