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File: 67 KB, 500x644, 1542590344197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14556202 No.14556202 [Reply] [Original]

Moldy bread: >>14543476

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post
>age, sex, height
>current weight
>your highest and lowest weight
>how are you losing weight

>> No.14556210

You're all disgusting and wasting away to nothing. You don't look better by starving yourself, and you certainly don't look better in clothes. You only look slightly better because you're hiding your disgusting bodies in baggy fabric. Get help.

>> No.14556217
File: 1.00 MB, 2160x3840, Snapchat-756150614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556219
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1541157484363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting baggy fabric
look at OP

>> No.14556228

Okay, let's see yours

>> No.14556233

I'm not at my gw yet... 135lb/5'9, I'm disgusting and obese

>> No.14556244

v cute. what's your routine?

>> No.14556250

I see enough body dismorphia on /Fit/
Add some muscle to your frame while you lose weight, the muscle will contour any remaining fat and improve any appearance
Your preferences may even change

>> No.14556253

Lmao thought OP's pic was just Slenderman, legit didn't even notice that was a person.

You and your tattoo look fucking atrocious. You look like fucking Gummo.

>> No.14556262

that's not me
just beautiful /thinspo/

>> No.14556269

thank you!
I'm on 800kcal/day OMAD at the minute, 63kg 174cm, my goal is around 58kg because I still have some flab

>> No.14556296

you need muscle mass

>> No.14556314

Either come to /fit/ and get huuuuge or go to /lgbt/ , take whoremoans and get thiccc. But don't be a sticc

>> No.14556337

who is this pls? image search shows nothing

>> No.14556357

Don't have sex

>> No.14556358

even if you’re trans and want to get thicc, starting out low BMI and adding fat on works better because fat distributes as it comes on faster than it moves around

>> No.14556369

>fat distributes as it comes on faster than it moves around
What the shit are you even saying? You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how fat gain and fat distribution work

>> No.14556374


>> No.14556395
File: 192 KB, 761x1361, 67DAB5A0-20A5-4951-818A-C3E9BD63363B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like anything less than this, you’re probably gay

>> No.14556466

whats her phone number brah

also is caffeine good for weight loss?

>> No.14556473

Caffeine has nothing to do with weight loss.

>> No.14556474

caffine is an appetite suppressent and it can help you feel more awake if you're on starvation diets

>> No.14556478

Caffeine has but the most meme ability to increase lipogenesis and can act as an appetite depressant but you can’t outrun thermodynamics

>> No.14556481

Why aren't you thin then?

>> No.14556486

changing hormones changes how the body distributes new fat but realistically old fat isnt going to move around your body, thats why trans people weight cycle
whats lipogenesis
why arent you?

>> No.14556493

>why arent you?
Because I want to still be able to squat 200+kg and have thighs bigger than your thinspo waist

>> No.14556494
File: 426 KB, 890x1335, 1144AA8A-BB3D-42F0-8C5B-BA03D35B6A52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thinspo/ users are fucking retarded. They take the time to count calories but too stupid to realize that you have to take time to lose weight and you have to get the nutrients your body needs (enough protein for example) because if you lose weight fast, you will also lose muscle. The muscle gives the shape to your body, you will look skinnyfat and disgusting with no muscle and no fat.

Water fasting is also retarded. Losing weight is a long process, if you don’t accept that, you are going to get very frustrated.

Another thing why they are retarded is that they hate the fact that they are not skinny enough, yet they are too fucking lazy to exercises. They would rather fuck up their stomach and body than to eat enough and actually move.

If you want to be thin, fuck these losers and become thin the healthy way. It will be a much easier process, you will not be depressed and sick, and your body will thank you for eating healthy.

>> No.14556498

>le 40%
And basically caffeine can increase the rate your body uses fat as energy

>> No.14556502

Lipogenesis is making new fat, you might have your terms mixed up

>> No.14556503

thats pretty gay brah
how do you logistically squat four people anyway
t. person who is in their fifth year of 'dieting' and weighs 90kg but its ok because you are doing it 'sustainable' and youll be a healthy weight in a decade
60% too many
and thenk

>> No.14556512

>how do you logistically squat four people anyway
When "people" weigh 50kg I can just pick them up one by one, one under each arm then you kind of criss-cross mesh the other two on your shoulders like a fireman carry

>> No.14556514

this desu. Fat does move as your hormones change, but new fat gets added in feminine spots after around 6 months, while moving most of your existing fat and creating subcutaneous deposits takes 2-3 years

>> No.14556522
File: 1.06 MB, 864x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to see this could you find a video
if you lose fat while on mones while it detract from male fat or female fat first?

>> No.14556525

Cute socks

>> No.14556529

thanks but it aint me
it aint me
i aint no fortunate son

>> No.14556531

>fat moves
Lol no, fat will go from dietary to stored via blood, and from stored to actual energy via blood again, it’s not some migrating elephant or some shit

>> No.14556536

depends on your hormone levels at the time, it’s not an exact science. I don’t know personally because I was a skeleton before HRT and am only like 10 lbs more after, tho my body fat % literally doubled. also am intersex and started HRT at like 17

>> No.14556538

when they say fat moves what they mean is you will automatically fat cycle if you are maintaining, as you lose tiny amounts of fat it will be put back in better places
of course this is extremely slow compared to macro weight cycling

>> No.14556546

>when they say something incorrect they mean something correct

>> No.14556551

>use a colloquial expression to describe something
im sorry you dont like how trannies refer to something because its not specific and exact enough

>> No.14556552

more like using a functional over simplification because being overly technical doesn’t really have any kind of gain

>> No.14556565
File: 77 KB, 1024x599, 64A8600A4F404F678407779EB2C36FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another /fit/ can't handle the truth episode
Today I will remind them

>> No.14556566

>caring more about fake “gender change” than correct terminology that takes two extra words to accurately describe the physiological functions behind fat distribution

>> No.14556568

Post body

>> No.14556580
File: 59 KB, 452x371, 1525553922793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556617

>reeing about trans people
autism speaks

>> No.14556622

yo autists shut the fuck and start talking about thinspo again retards

>> No.14556623
File: 62 KB, 596x450, 1E384A1C-FBCF-4AAE-A2FC-AB3D7D458A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is you samefagging, resorting to ad hominem, and being lazy and inaccurate

>> No.14556629
File: 266 KB, 355x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone else autistic for using a commonly accepted colloquial expression
uhh are you sure about that bro
nice mac lol
post some

>> No.14556637
File: 62 KB, 750x917, 1553330220076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post some

here's my ultimate anti-normie thinspo favourite
/fit/rats begone

>> No.14556638

no I was calling him autistic for not understanding it’s ok to shorten/simplify phrases in contexts like these. context is pretty hard for autistic people

>> No.14556649
File: 698 KB, 1828x2513, IMG_20190528_173525__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14556662

thank you anon, doing this thread a service

>> No.14556667

>>calls someone else autistic for using a commonly accepted colloquial
>u-uh if everyone says something that’s wrong it’s just colloquial
Body fat distribution can change, fat doesn’t migrate, they are two very different things that can’t be reconciled my muh colloquial and lazy language

>> No.14556674


>> No.14556775
File: 819 KB, 749x749, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if youre going to be a technical autist then the fat distributions fit the definition of migrate, im sorry youve got your panties in a twist about what other people say but everyone is going to keep doing it regardless of your whining
idk anon but if you find out please tell me

>> No.14556808


Pretty legs, I am currently having leg issues myself... damn thighs :( Wish spot reduction was a real thing

>> No.14556819

same desu

>> No.14556827

How can you become thinspo tier if you're an alcoholic?

>> No.14556840

>you’ve got your panties in a twist about what other people say
>I’m going to keep being incorrect
Aight das cool

>> No.14556842
File: 142 KB, 1400x1400, DzJgLuwUYAAwI_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14556849

Stop drinking

>> No.14556863


It's really hard, alcohol has a lot of calories. I generally just use starvation, sleeping and exercise as "coping mechanisms" instead

>> No.14556872

strawmanning, i couldnt care less what you called me brah
like i said the slow change of fat distribution meets the technical definition of moving or migrating so if anyone is wrong its you
switch to coke or eca/clt stack
maybe pick up smoking like everyone else

>> No.14556904

>I’m gonna call to completely different thing the same because I don’t understand biological processes and am too lazy to write out how it actually works!
t. retard
It’s ok to admit you’re wrong

>> No.14556908

>completely different thing
>meets the technical definition
>is in use by literally everyone who talks about it
>person who doesnt talk about it at all has a massive sperg about how everyone else says it
ok macfag

>> No.14556921

>it meets the imaginary technical definition I made up! And ””everyone”” says it!
Ok tranny

>> No.14556923

>doesnt meet the imaginary technical definition i made up! and ""no one"" says it!
Ok virgin

>> No.14556934

It meets the actual and accurate definitions I said, yes
Seethe harder that this much of an autist sperg has sex

>> No.14557129

what kind of shoes are those

>> No.14557137

dont go outside anon its cold

>> No.14557201

If I want to achieve legs like this should I do cardio or will it make my legs too muscular?

>> No.14557211

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.14557260

>will cardio make my legs more muscular

>> No.14557377

need some help here. im a girl and i want to be thin but i have a broad chest. i look pretty well proportioned now because im heavier, but im afraid that if i lose weight itll skew my hip-shoulder ratio and ill end up looking like a little boy or some shit :/ any tips?

>> No.14557388

Post body

>> No.14557389

if you want to look like you're an anorectic heroin addict then you pretty much need to starve yourself and not exercise
but be aware that it's not a good look outside of yachting circles

>> No.14557416
File: 87 KB, 450x546, D6384758-4D28-4730-A790-5ED59803A0DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good comparison

>> No.14557441

Post (your) body, not Elle Fanning.

>> No.14557514

squats, also your chest probably isn't as bad as you think

>> No.14557726

stop posting this fagget. homosexuality is disgusting.

>> No.14557727

whats homosexual about that picture? are you retarded? do you know what homosexuality is?

>> No.14557769

>whats homosexual about that picture

uhh...the gay man in it? stop being obtuse.

>> No.14557783

>woman posts picture of female thinspo
Not lesbian
>guy posts picture of male thinspo


>> No.14557802

Has your starvation diet started digesting your brain?

>> No.14557810

>Nice argument
Back to /fat/, fitrat

>> No.14557816

how are you able to tell his sexual orientation just based on a pic of his torso?

>> No.14557821

Who cares what the dumb breeder thinks anyway

>> No.14557878

How can you not?

>> No.14557889
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1920, 20190815_105650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he thinspo?

>> No.14557951

great response faggot

>> No.14557986

Post body

>> No.14558002

stop using words you dont understand you underage fat retard. thermodynamics are next to irrelevant when it comes to nutrition anyways.

>> No.14558004

seething fat retards

>> No.14558011

I will NEVER fuck someone with a BMI above 20
man or woman

>> No.14558125

>thermodynamics are next to irrelevant when it comes to nutrition
Yeah I missused lypogenesis but you’re a genuine retard if you think the first law of thermodynamics isnt the absolute most important thing when it comes to weight loss

>> No.14558132

Post body

>> No.14558134

Bumping for post body

>> No.14558135

kill yourself unironically

>> No.14558138

>Not posting body
Cringe and btfo

>> No.14558267
File: 168 KB, 1242x2049, 1539499714509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom's asking me to go to a doctors appointment with her about me having anorexia. This feels like the dumbest shit in the world because I'm a fully grown adult and I don't have an ED, but at the same time I kinda want to go so the doctor can tell her that I'm fine.


>> No.14558301

>doing 72 hour fast
>not hungry at all
>decide to give brother chocolate bar I had under bed
>take one sqaure of chocolate to eat myself
>eat it
>instantly extremely hungry

DOn't Binge. Don't binge. Don't binge.

>> No.14558303

Hide a phone in your anus so you can call a friend to come bust you out of the hospital your mother is going to have you involuntarily placed in

>> No.14558336

Yikes, you’ve already fucked the fast so you should have something with fat or fat/protein (like drink some olive oil or eat ground beef) to stabilize your insulin, blood sugar, and curb craving

>> No.14558413

she would've been god tier if she wasn't skinny fat.

>> No.14558526

You guys seriously need to get some help. Or at least grow out of it. Looking this skinny is unnecessary and does not look anywhere near as good as you people seem to think. There is NOTHING wrong with having muscle or even a certain amount of fat. No one with a healthy mind thinks it looks bad. NO ONE.

>> No.14558529

People here remind me of me right after I lost weight (used to be overweight). The smallest amount of fat or thickness would make me feel fat. Now I'm looking at pics of myself from years ago and I realize how skinny I was.

>> No.14558693

dont you have a general somewhere else to be in?

>> No.14558716
File: 121 KB, 575x969, 9CED49FE-A53C-4DA8-B6E3-A4A4A88481F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards will seethe at this

>> No.14558734
File: 901 KB, 1006x1176, ptaq92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fit girls are fine, but she's legit on roids.

>> No.14558735

someone bought me an icecream as a gift and I ate it

I want to kill myself

>> No.14558758

no, just switch to spirits straight or with 1cal mixers like the rest of us alcoholics, also a plus if you drink so much that your sick

>> No.14558821


>> No.14558868

>She’s legit on roids
That’s the goal

>> No.14559023

Straight men don't pose naked like that showing off their perfect tight skin and hairless body, fag

>> No.14559033

>muh all straight men are disgusting fat ogres

>> No.14559040

That picture was clearly posted for male pleasure, buddy. Don't play coy, thats some faggy female posing shit.

>> No.14559048
File: 42 KB, 400x269, tumblr_pp5elf3Kv71v29puu_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on the thinspo train babyyyyyy. Going out tomorrow night give me the strength to not eat until then. Only calories since 2pm yesterday are from the onions milk in my tea.

>> No.14559058

FUCK is literally me to a t

>> No.14559091


>> No.14559093

What is the best job to be /thinspo/ at? Besides modeling.

>> No.14559094

Not him, but shitty strawman there

>> No.14559144

its pretty clear you do have anorexia though

>> No.14559168

I don't, being thin is just an aesthetics choice for me

>> No.14559195

you post here so clearly it's not just an aesthetic choice and you have mental issues. don't deny it retard

>> No.14559316

I used to post in /fat/ but everyone kept telling me that I had "MaDe It" and I should graduate to lifting weights, drinking protein shakes and other lame shit

>> No.14559366

So do most people here have an ED? Or are we all "dieting healthily" lmao

>> No.14559401

What do you think about 170cm height and 51kg? Bmi 17
I feel I should get to 50kg at least but I don't trust my perception at this point

>> No.14559437

im aiming for 173cm and 53.6kg lol so you should be fine, but i have quite a wide skeleton so that might play into it. i think the most important thing is how do you think you look rather than your bmi or other numbers.
anything except fucking cooking i want to kill myself every day i work lol

>> No.14559479

Is white coffee safe to drink during a fast?

>> No.14559484

I don't even know anymore I don't feel like I have an ED but everyone in real life keeps treating me like a freak when they learn about my dieting habits so I keep that hidden and I only ever talk about it here.

>> No.14559502

Erectile Dysfunction? why would you starve yourself to the point that your dick doesn't work?

>> No.14559520

It stands for eating disorder lmao, I don't have a dick to starve into not working

>> No.14559569

milk is calorie roch afaik
i cant have an ed because im fat

>> No.14559631
File: 54 KB, 575x922, d487c2bf69bf03b3922d1aa6005a4818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can you tell someone's gay, just by looking at them
stop pretending to be woke, next you'll be saying there's no inherent differences between the genders

>> No.14559730

Your stomach sticks out farther than your chest. Are you fucking retarded go back to /fit/ and correct your palumboism

>> No.14559795

onions milk....

>> No.14559842

>ywn take a deep, deep sniff as she sits on your face

>> No.14559849

why am i still here is literally me

>> No.14560040

Why do you have these kind of pictures saved lmfao, fucking closet homo just shut it already. you will grow out of your /fit/ phase tho don't worry

>> No.14560046
File: 693 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190815-184721_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost as if i have access to the internet. try harder.

>> No.14560457

his underwear is kinda gay but otherwise this is just a big guy
the question is why is he photographing himself while almost naked

>> No.14560469
File: 62 KB, 576x768, swimsuithomemade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14560604


>> No.14560617

Post body

>> No.14561249

Puffy Vulva

>> No.14561381

do any of you retards actually have eating disorders or are you just LARPing? i had/have an ED, starved myself underweight, and am now at a normal (but still thin) weight. any happiness you gain from losing weight is directly taken from you health, relationships, and hobbies/interests. seriously grow up, find something useful to do with yourself. thinspo is honestly so cringy.

>> No.14561395

t. fatty

>> No.14561397

>being thin takes away from your health, relationships and interests
maybe if you're retarded

>> No.14561405

nope I'm still thin, just not about to die.
>maybe if you're retarded
the fuck would intelligence have to do with starvation harming the body? and you clearly don't have an ED if you don't understand the pressure it puts on literally any close relationship, and the obsession that causes you to care about nothing else.

>> No.14561411

the intelligence has to do with executing such actions that lead to harm of your body anon
you can be thin without being retarded about it

>> No.14561463


>> No.14561479

>just stop having an ED, bro

>> No.14561779

Im naturally skinny, tried to bulk up a year ago ended up with stomach/kidney problems after going from 54kgs to 68

>> No.14562275

F, 18, 4’10”, 110-118

Need to go back to 95 at least

I also have extreme bloating idk why.

>> No.14562343


I find peppermint tea and light yoga or stretching helps with bloating x

>> No.14562393

you have an 8lb range at that height? legitimately curious, that's my range and i'm a foot taller. i assumed that daily food/water would be less for an lp

>> No.14562399

for you

>> No.14562408

most of the people in these threads are retarded tho. it takes like a month or two to get to a goal weight...yet people are here for years.

>muh anorexia but still 21 bmi

>> No.14562550
File: 17 KB, 398x370, 1509685798781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually fell for it

thats a penis anon, you are now gay

>> No.14562753

have sex (with a female)

>> No.14562947

I have a bad habit being super hungry when I plan out my meals and count calories since my brain gets really focused and attempts to speed run strat my day plans; anyone have tips?
It's weird since when I'm not slimming down I have issues with an extreme lack of appetite.

>> No.14563007

id on boots?

>> No.14563054

you will never be a real female

>> No.14563154

Whenever I eat 1600 calories a day or less my stomach FUCKING hurts
whenever I eat normally I don't

>> No.14563161

How long have you been eating sub 1600 for? Your stomach needs to get used to it to stop hurting, it might take two weeks.

>> No.14563204

why do retards act like they know what they're saying? seriously...how can you type out "it might take two weeks" knowing you're full of shit.

>> No.14563246
File: 78 KB, 789x789, 1561449090356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could eat less than 1200kcal/day without feeling like I'm going to pass out and die any second...

>> No.14563520

I know this feel

>eat at 1200kcal for a few days
>wow this is easy
>go down to 800kcal for a week
>arms heavy, vision blurry, constantly feel ill
>walking down stairs without tripping feels impossible
>random pains all over body
>can hardly hold a conversation with family
>eventually binge

hunger isn't even a problem but oh god the tiredness is awful

>> No.14563535

Could I just not eat for 30 days or something? I just lost my only friend and I don't care anymore. I'm happy to starve myself if it means I might finally break under 19 bmi.

>> No.14563546

If you want to die sure, but there are less painful ways to go. Sorry about your friend though

>> No.14563549

if you're at a normalish weight and you fast for 31 days you're going to get really ill eventually

heavy restriction and fasting is okay, but try to get some protein, good fats and vitamins inbetween so you literally don't die

sorry about your friend

>> No.14563610

I'm pretty skinny but been stuck at 20-20.5 bmi for months because I don't have enough willpower and mental stability. I might eat a little, god knows my mam will throw a fit again but fuck her.

>> No.14563638
File: 1.78 MB, 848x1566, phone1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i doing

>> No.14563642
File: 137 KB, 900x1200, 900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14564120

will cardio make my legs bigger?

>> No.14564141

Whenever I restrict I feel tired but when I fast I feel really energetic, I only do it for a few days though and I do drink more coffee + tea than usual
Also does nicotine gum break a fast

>> No.14564228

I fasted for 1 day a couple of days ago and I felt so lethargic and had this feeling as if I was going to vomit, I don't know if it was sugar withdrawal or something else, but everyone talks about how fasting makes them feel great so I might give it another shot.

>> No.14564379

I find restricting so tough, especially since I like to keep up my running while doing it but with fasting I can just take a few days off running and it feels fine

>> No.14564409
File: 497 KB, 1257x2629, 1559414701447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much more weight should I lose?

>> No.14564722
File: 32 KB, 540x522, pte153Ukd31wsbn2ao1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was 109lbs at the beginning of the year (5'4)
>start eating like shit
>114lbs as of last month
>slowly try to dial it back
>110.6lbs today
Feels good to be back on track, but I want to be lower. I wish I was already 95lbs. If only I didn't eat like a fat-ass.

>> No.14564733

>attention-seeking behavior
>self-harm scars on thigh
BPD confirmed

>> No.14564757

is loose skin effay

>> No.14564869

stopped checking /thinspo/ all summer, lost maybe two or three punds, ready to get skinny and feel bad about my body again

>> No.14565115

kek those aren't scars you imbecile

>> No.14565244

ill try it out^^

>> No.14565247

i say that bc my scale tends to fuck up and like, its what they give me. I used my friends scale recently and it said i was 109, so, joy?

>> No.14565457

I lost ten pounds, but now I'm starting to gain weight back now. I still have 40+ pounds to go. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



>> No.14565482

took that long for me
calm the fuck down retard

>> No.14565534


>> No.14565537

i'm fasting healthily :-)

>> No.14565867

Can I weigh food by going onto a (human) scale with the food in my hands, recording how much weight is added to my body, and converting it to grams?

>> No.14565890

It's not precise or accurate enough.

>> No.14565899


>> No.14565908
File: 207 KB, 1080x1440, 1537885430667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I cure my addiction to food? It's either thinspo weightwatching self inflicted torture, or full on piggy mode, even if I try cutting out unhealthy foods I can't eat intuitively...

>> No.14565925

Where do you live? I'm in the US and have a food scale from Walmart that was less than $15. I think there are even cheaper ones online, but I'm a filthy millennial who demands instant gratification (and the cheaper ones at Walmart weren't digital, and I wanted to make sure my measurements were accurate to the gram)

If you can afford a regular scale, a food scale should cost about the same.

>> No.14565988
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>mfw this article is basically me


>> No.14566062
File: 176 KB, 1000x500, 1565321401056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to binge
I can feel it

>> No.14566088

just drink tea bro

>> No.14566145

I'm one hour away from completing my 48 hour fast, bois. In one hour I can break it with a small healthy meal of cottage cheese and fruit.

Depending on how I feel a couple of hours after that, I'll either have two scrambled eggs or toast with PB. Then tomorrow, I start Calorie cycling.

>> No.14566153

It's too late...
I ate 5 bananas and an apple...

>> No.14566173

the worst part about extending fasting is suddenly weighing a kg more after refeeding. fuck me

>> No.14566227

just eat one meal a day... it's not hard...

>> No.14566376

Wtf is wrong you u people? I've been 5'11, 125 lb with 28 inch waist my entire adult life and it's horrible.

Skinny guys are OUT, this isn't the 60s and 70s anymore. Go outside, all the bear mode men or even semi fat dad bod men have pretty girls by their side, somehow. Thin men like us are probably the least desirable body type right now, except for morbidly obese. Successful and pretty women barely acknowledge us as human, let alone as men. Doesn't it feel horrible that some lazy balding guy wth a big hairy gut is seen as more attractive, a real man, compared to our pathetic boyish waif bodies? Some days it gets to me

>> No.14566383

I find skinny low BMI guys wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more attractive than muscular men

>> No.14566403

>fatty coping

>> No.14566409

Are you either a faggot or a psychologically unstable female who cuts and has daddy issues?
Cause from my experience those are typically the only types who are into low BMI guys

>> No.14566418

well I am a fag so maybe you're onto something

>> No.14566427

i'm a girl without daddy issues and also find slim guys the most attractive by far... it's just harder to find a slim guy who also has a nice face

>> No.14566455

You've proven my point, thanks

Not only are you on 4chan, but on fa. Not only are you on fa, but in the thinspo thread. So clearly you have some issues

>> No.14566459
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>> No.14566465

4ch is normie now especially /fa/

>> No.14566467

Is there anyone who tried starvation?

How long? What result?

>> No.14566474

Read through this thread... Do you honestly think this is normal? Cause it's not at all

>> No.14566478

just gay/bpd e-boys nothing special

>> No.14566904

>doing it to have female attention
If I wanted that I'd go to /fit/. I do it for myself, to be comfortable with myself. It's just how I want to look and personally think it's cool.
Also there definitely are some girls that like this aesthetic, just like with everything else.

>> No.14566909


>> No.14566911

wtc pants?

>> No.14566932

Face > everything else. And a face with low fat percentage is universally perceived more attractive.

I'm personally dropping weight just for the face gains. I already seem to have +5 bonus to charisma from blessed face genetics, can't wait till I get to around 10% bf.

>> No.14566942

I've never understood this line of thinking. How vain to you have to be to think "hurr dur I'm doing this for myself, not others!" Are you fawning over your own image in the mirror all the time? I dunno about yall but i only see myself 2 maybe 3 times throughout the day; i don't give a shit how i look to myself.. it's others who have a similar sense of aesthetic to me that i am dressing for. If i see someone who looks good to me then I think hey they took the time to look good to me and please me, therefore i can dress like that too and return the favor to them or others with similar style.

If you were the only human in existence you wouldn't give 2 shits how you look, by definition your image is defined relative to others. So to say "i only do x fashion thing for myself" is a vacuous and meaningless statement to me

>> No.14566955

Also in my experience (which is admittedly anecdotal), the type of women that are attracted to the thinspo look are all fucked in the head.

>> No.14566991
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....yyeah you're right, now that I think about it

>> No.14567404

15 pounds

>> No.14567445

I’m 20 f
5’2 102 lbs
My weightloss secret is depression and body dismorphia

>> No.14567474

19 m 5'5"
140 highest 127 lowest
110 is goal
I try cal deficit

I have titties as a male and this is why i want to lose weight

>> No.14567493

Do girls actually find twink bods attractive? I'm the kind of skinny where my body has a decent shape but I'm worried that if I show it off with tight clothes and open shirts it'll only attract faggots.

>> No.14567500

No, see
As someone who's lived with a twink bod my entire life, it basically only attracts fags. Can't count the number of times I've been complimented or approached by men... Girls are generally turned off by thinspo. You'd missed the boat, it's not the skinny hippie/ Rock n roll / emo era anymore man.

>> No.14567804

Yeah sure faggot. What are they, then? Enlighten me

>> No.14567811

I love twinks, my boyfriend is one. Muscular or fat men are disgusting. I don't know why men being ugly slobs is socially acceptable, but I don't like it.
I'm definitely kind of fucked in the head, though, so...

>> No.14567821
File: 873 KB, 1242x803, E21AC373-7538-4C40-83B9-4B2E3C503623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol project more pls

>> No.14567879

Fat men?
A bit chubby and/or muscular? Hnnng

>> No.14567886

Everyday is another day where you can do better

>> No.14568177

That's a dumb question, don't be naive like the other anon. There's girls that like fat guys, there's girls that like guys with Schwarzenegger body, there's girls that like auschwitz guys, etc. So of course, there'll be girls that prefer a thin man, but the majority of normalfags like skinny fat guys, the standard body of nowadays' society.

>> No.14568184

>have overall calorie deficit of almost 10000 since I started dieting
>scales haven't moved at all


>> No.14568201
File: 90 KB, 828x946, 1545639279033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that I feel like vomiting almost immediately after I do OMAD and then feel hungry 5 hour later really makes wonder why I do it...

>> No.14568367

To remove localized excess fat you need need daily aerobical acitvity for months to go.

>> No.14568370

>5 bananas

Thats a lot of radioactive potassium intake you got there

>> No.14568388

>today's intake

two eggs, 1tb butter, some ham and lots of coffee with almond milk

total: about 300 cals and no hunger, hitting gym later

carb addicts be mad

>> No.14568394
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>carb addicts be mad

>> No.14568395


>> No.14568399


>> No.14568400

you have no self control and deep rooted self hate

>> No.14568401

how do I fix this?

>> No.14568406

eat slower and more protein-rich food, supplement with magnesium and get better, regular sleeping cycles

>> No.14568409

I always eat a lot of protein and fibre heavy foods, today I literally had just tuna and apples for OMAD

I go to sleep at the same time every night and wake up at the same time

I don't use magnesium supplements, I'll try that out, thanks anon

>> No.14568468

What in my post is "projection"? Are you retarded?

>> No.14568631

19 m 5'10
117 lbs

am I fine or can I go lower?

>> No.14568686

Who cares about numbers, post body

>> No.14568808
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>> No.14569232


>> No.14569301
File: 644 KB, 1800x2700, Adam-Katz-Sinding-After-YProject-Paris-Fashion-Week-Mens-Spring-Summer-2020_AKS3961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What BMI do you guys think pic related is?

>> No.14569473
File: 357 KB, 640x627, CE4AEC18-500F-4AFF-BF5F-9120083E307B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to stop munchies

>> No.14569474


>> No.14569547

she looks emaciated

bad thinspo

>> No.14569832

can you shrink your stomach by eating less food?

>> No.14569837


>> No.14569862

Legitimately thought this was a barbie dolls legs for a second.

If this is you hot damn.

>> No.14569964
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>> No.14570071

literally not unhealthy. literally the standard millions of years human eating cycle

>> No.14570164

MY goal weight, ur good

>> No.14570254

Def something close to 15

>> No.14570618
File: 98 KB, 640x1136, 8B9E95D6-9950-4520-BA2D-CCFDF49B34D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14570753

22 f 5"3 100 lbs
115 highest 95 lowest

is it worth to drop 5-10 more pounds?

>> No.14570931

"Worth it" isn't something we can really determine for you. Ur numbers are already pretty good imo. Would u lose the weight for aesthetics, lifestyle ,what? We cant really tell what it would do for u

>> No.14570949
File: 73 KB, 585x900, 2F905D10-EAF8-463C-80AA-5B05C63DC150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cheeks finally starting to look sunken in
Almost there

>> No.14570973
File: 212 KB, 1710x2048, E7078919-AA9A-4157-8FCC-084EFC24B30D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed a very strict diet, even stricter than what I usually do but gained 1kg because I ate too much peanut butter and didnt know its that bad.
Fuck this life

>> No.14570977

>Tfw when ur typical restriction period suddenly doesn't do anything

>> No.14570982


>> No.14571063
File: 458 KB, 468x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I got a bit more built like pic related would I still be able to pull off the SLP legs without looking too top heavy?
6'1" btw

>> No.14571066

I mostly just want to be able to wear wyatts properly but also not be a frail twink

>> No.14571249

Fuck, just ate 250 calories of bread and 500 of chicken breast, I hate the fact that I want to lose weight yet I don't have the discipline to do it

>> No.14571639

Doing quite good today, not great but not bad. Haven't eaten anything but did have a glass of fanta so I've had some calories.

>> No.14571642

either develop a nicotine addiction or only eat after you smoke, doing the ladder will rape your hunger when sober and will signif decrease hunger when high (you do need to smoke daily for this to work tho)

>> No.14571644 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 1726x2703, 0820190639a-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hit my GW on Sunday. should I set a new one? is this a good place to stop or should I keep it up

>> No.14571645

keep it up! you've still got some chub to lose!

>> No.14571765


>> No.14571895

did your leg get cut somehow?? omg

>> No.14571908

Thank you, I‘m going to try what you suggested and keep trimming myself to lose my appetite so I stop eating and buying food each and everytime

I smoke daily, not heavily but most times and I have a nicotine addiction haunting me as well. It‘s so frustrating because I would be dead without, yet I eat soo much (garbage or healthy) when I smoke because I am never hungry when sober.

If nothing works I am just going to nap immediately and kill my fat ass

>> No.14572032

They look like a little red mark from where his thigh was pressing against the ledge of what he's sitting on.

>> No.14572092

You are autist

>> No.14572705
File: 30 KB, 503x604, C86DC73D-1D62-44D4-9B0C-D9E5FFB409C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want look exactly like this

>> No.14572768
File: 105 KB, 750x750, ef1275d3772cb521e1037c410718c5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, i want to look similar to that ahh

>> No.14572885
File: 150 KB, 1080x1348, shunsukecos_66349557_113682486414460_539832206011224626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to look like this.

>> No.14572890
File: 74 KB, 640x853, serveimage-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have wide cheekbones