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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 142 KB, 500x750, 9DFFD419-D6D9-4557-979E-4F02CD6685C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14456301 No.14456301 [Reply] [Original]

Jannies threw us out edition

Last thread: >>12457825

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Stay hidratted

>> No.14456304
File: 109 KB, 626x602, C6A4BDCA-97AA-49B4-9E25-06C1E13151A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found 200mg caffeine tablets. How many should I take for appetite suppression?

>> No.14456311

I really want to chew and spit food, I am so hungry. But that fucking habit makes me bloated.

>> No.14456317

Whatever you can tolerate. Start at 200mg and go from there.

>> No.14456557

dress better

>> No.14456559

never thought someone can mog nathalie portman

>> No.14456568

Lol wat

>> No.14456700

why are the jannies deleting us :(

>> No.14456779

I hope this question doesn't sound silly, but I really need some help. I know that diet soda has 0 cals and is used as an appetite suppressant, but I've been trying to stay away from soda in general as it especially makes my face/chin fatter which is my main insecurity. I don't know if this also is the case with diet soda but I'm scared to drink it and ruin my progress. But I really need something that will help me stop craving food so much. Should I stay away from all soda, including diet, or try drinking it to help? And if I do drink it, how much is too much?

>> No.14456834

Try coffee instead?

>> No.14456887

are there any other ways to stay energized? caffeine doesn't work on me

>> No.14456905

I always drink RedBull (sugarfree)

>> No.14456916

cocaine should work

>> No.14456942

I really dislike coffee ):

>> No.14456949


>> No.14456951

Try a triple shot of expresso. That's usually the only thing that works on me.

>> No.14457068

I’m on two antipsychotics so going even a few hours without food is hard, but I’m proud to say I’m currently 39 hours into a fast. It’s hard as hell, but I’m determined to make it.

>> No.14457099


>> No.14457108

Not me, just a picture I found. I like before/afters where they wear the same clothes

>> No.14457137

no more than 2 a day

>> No.14457274

guys i need help
i havent been diagnosed but i feel like im relapsing into dangerous habits again and body dysmorphia. today i weighed at 98lbs but i still feel really fat. ive even cancelled weekend plans with bf bc im scared of getting fat with all the food hes going to make me eat. someone please help. im crying my eyes out and i have no where else to vent. i dont want to lose my bf and i feel like this will make him want to leave me even though he said he never would

>> No.14457580

Maybe talk it over with your bf and get help. Is it really him making you eat all that food or do you just have an unhealthy relationship with food and end up eating too much or thinking you ate too much when going out?

>> No.14457667

Saw the IU diet and someone lost 7kgs in 3 days, I need to urgently lose weight (ideally 2 weeks) and as much as possible without making myself sick. I’ve been trying to just eat healthier and work out but my weight hasn’t shifted, I’ve only toned up. The IU diet consists of an apple for breakfast, two sweet potatoes for lunch and a protein shake for dinner. Is this sustainable? I’m lightly active although I’m trying to be more active more recently.

>> No.14457690

just calorie cycle you fucking idiot that way you can still eat out w him.

>> No.14457979

i live with him but im away for two weeks to take care of moms house while shes away. bf is visiting this weekend and i promised him i would make all the meals because i like cooking for him. he encourages me to eat and honestly, ever since living with him ive been really good and havent had a bad thought. but now that im alone, dangerous habits are coming back and im restricting again. im going to talk it over with him soon this weekend

>> No.14458294
File: 644 KB, 1536x2402, 00FE0614-F86E-447D-8B9A-47C816B84F90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see my ribs through my shirt apparently, is that thinspo?

>> No.14458386

Yeah your thin happy 4th

>> No.14458521

How do i normalize my metabolism at the end of my weight loss? I dont really want to bounce back, or keep on doing super low cal later on. Not aiming for thinspo, bmi would be just below 20. Used to go to the gym for a some years and i have some muscle on me.

>> No.14458532

only Kiera Knightly can mog Natalie

>> No.14458539 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 33979c402223dd81124f4bd49d263b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bc they' re fags

>> No.14458543
File: 36 KB, 508x1260, 1562169949484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was op image

>> No.14458576

>How do i normalize my metabolism at the end of my weight loss?
by realizing starvation mode/other changes in metabolism is mostly bullshit (i.e. doing nothing and eating at maintenance)

>> No.14458615

at 20 BMI you shouldn't really have to worry about hurting your metabolism or anything. you should still be able to eat normal amounts and not be starved and not keep weight off easily. Slowed metabolism doesn't really start happening till like mid 16s and below.

>> No.14458639
File: 6 KB, 263x192, 1560687443649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

optimal BMI for aesthetic face as male? i'm 24bmi (yes i'm fat) and cheeks are still puffy

>> No.14458666

>yes i'm fat
>cheeks are still puffy
Duh. Try losing ~20lbs for starters, you will look much better.

>> No.14458692

i just want a goal to look forward to

>> No.14458710

just start losing weight fatty. if your cheeks are still puffy it means you are not there yet.

>> No.14458718

i am. about 1,5kg a week. do you have an answer or not?

>> No.14458721


>> No.14458945

Does this also apply if you have a mouthbreather's jawline?

>> No.14458949

You were literally told to lose ~20lbs/10kg. No one can know for sure when you will start looking good, you just see and judge along the way. But right now you are borderline overweight so aiming for 20 BMI is a realistic starting goal. Good job on your progress, keep losing weight and looking at yourself in the mirror to determine your goal, stop when you are content with what you see or keep going.

>> No.14459133

What are your favorite distractions when extended fasting? Do you drink snake juice?

>> No.14459148

anything but sitting at home alone

>> No.14459275

>no car or bike
>no friends to drive me places
>no job
>nothing within walking distance
>stay at home all day
>too depressed to do anything but be on phone in bed
Wat do?

>> No.14459287

go on long walks

>> No.14459511

Walks, sit ups, light weights (you can probably get little 5 - 10 pound ones at Walmart.
Never give up hope.

>> No.14459519

What exercise do I need to do to get rid of my skinnyfat belly? I want it to be flat (not muscular). I assume just eating better and less is not enough because I only eat twice a day, don't snack and eat quite healthily (although I still live at home and my mom cooks everything, she doesn't make unhealthy stuff)

>> No.14459535

bmi? what you should focus on is your body fat %. aim for around 10%

>> No.14459627

You know how goddamn difficult it would be as a dude to get this picture?

>> No.14459650
File: 332 KB, 1600x1422, 1409241621982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck im at 20 BMI and still have fat cheeks

>> No.14459664

Are you female?

>> No.14459669


>> No.14459671


>> No.14459713

150 pounds

>> No.14459731
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 1559643662470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face is still somewhat puffy. Ass is very fat naturally bubbly (and it's not a huge problem I am Bi and a bottom.) legs are too thick for my liking but thinning out with my walking and I have a slight stomach. I have lost about 40 pounds from now to the last year.
Been stagnate with my weight for a long time.
What are some good exercises for tightening up my skin?
>file is what I am looking for not looking for buff maybe a little lean but I still want to be very thin

>> No.14459739
File: 236 KB, 580x563, 1409960902837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally not gay at all but want to caress those hips and lower abdomen

sounds like you carry a lot of water weight, if you dont want to do keto, you can lower your carb intake steadily you reach a point where you drop water weight but dont go full keto, track your carbs in addition to your calories and drop 5 grams of carbs a day.

>> No.14459751

Would do you recommend I eat to replace those carbs?
I am fine with two meals a day, and I usually have a egg and coffee for breakfast then a light snack to hold me off before supper.
Also is seaweed a good replacement? I live very close to a Korean market it would be convenient.

>> No.14459785

seeds, nuts, meats, vegetables

>> No.14459796
File: 160 KB, 319x295, 1558432373148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank u.
You're so kind

>> No.14460374

How do I fast while getting enough nutrients? My hair is thinning so bad

>> No.14460435

could someone please post the ECA stack guide?

>> No.14460443

If you're getting hit with the Male Pattern Baldness stick then stop fucking worrying about this minmax shit.
Either get on finasteride and minoxodil or just accept it.

On the other hand if your don't have MPB and you're just thinning out from poor health: you shouldn't be fasting, you're killing yourself.

>> No.14460444

dont eat pork eat only chicken. dont eat bread. eat corn only.

>> No.14460492
File: 295 KB, 1196x1028, 5684929312060142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on visible chest bones?

>> No.14460515

>you shouldn't be fasting
I need to lose weight. Life isn't worth living if you're not slim. There must be a way to fast and get a proper nutrition

>> No.14460525

ritalin is amazing for appetite supression

>> No.14460547

Ritalin is for 12 year olds

>> No.14460574

How do you guys deal with emotional pain?

>> No.14460579

wrong board faggot

>> No.14460595

>what is comfort eating

>> No.14460629


No matter how skinny you people get, you'll never be as pretty as Miranda Kerr.

Just get the rope now and be done with it.

>> No.14460635

I don't take any drugs, prescribed or not. I'm just taking a sip or two of diet coke when i feel hungry and it works pretty well as of now. I don't drink that much and I'm not feeling the urge to eat a lot.

>> No.14461003

unbeliveably based

>> No.14461012

not sexy

>> No.14461016
File: 345 KB, 917x853, 1541268332530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Reduce like a non-retard
-Eat like a non-retard

Pic related is the EC stack, I think you can find the ECA stuff on the website it points you to. IMO ECA isn't noticably better/more effective than just EC, but is supposedly much worse for you.

>> No.14461021
File: 42 KB, 180x170, 1559756419587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom said my face looks chubbier today but i have not gained any weight what the hell man

>> No.14461042
File: 9 KB, 300x300, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like u gotta get started on those face exercises bro

>> No.14461102

maybe you're close to menstruation and have water retention? I woke up with my face all bloated and then aunt flo appeared, shit sucks
my belly is all bloated as well

>> No.14461269

For people who use drugs to get thin, how do you manage to maintain that weight once you go off the drugs? If the point of taking them is to reduce your appetite, your appetite is going to just come back after you stop taking drugs and you're going to yo-yo, aren't you?

>> No.14461273
File: 67 KB, 390x390, 6a0120a7b5f86a970b0177443e3bbd970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop eating at a dining hall with unlimited food? I get so hungry all the damn time if I don't stuff myself. It's unbearable. 5'9 140lbs currently

>> No.14461274

who says you stop

>> No.14461282

don't waste your time
they don't work

>> No.14461285

>If the point of taking them is to reduce your appetite, your appetite is going to just come back after you stop taking drugs and you're going to yo-yo, aren't you?
You can train yourself to be less hungry, to expect less food or only at certain times, and drugs like caffeine are a way to help you do that, but if you don't have strong willpower in the first place, if you feel like you /need/ xyz to lose weight or not eat, then you probably can't do it with or without drugs. If you only sit around, the EC stack isn't really going to help you. If you use the stack to train yourself to be better, you won't need it eventually. I've only ever used the stack when I've needed to lose weight for something relatively quickly or when I've been dumb enough to want to look like an Auschwitz case. I haven't ever gained much back afterwords.
To better answer your question, sure, sortof.

>> No.14461393

Such a classic photo

>> No.14461607
File: 40 KB, 335x474, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i qualify as thin

>> No.14461623


>> No.14461643

You're on the lean side of average. Nice body shape going on!

>> No.14461670

Do you just always have a calorie deficit or should you cycle maintenance in there every couple weeks?

>> No.14461673
File: 62 KB, 750x917, 0A1B0180-991E-4A30-9346-E769F80E0FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14461690

No one who doesn't have a fetish would ever look at that and find it sexually desirable. Put me off eating-- not because it's "inspiration," but because it's fucking nauseating.

inb4 fat amurimuttt huuuurrrrr

>> No.14461699

it looks artful, the bones.

>> No.14461708

i don't disagree but i would still lick those bones

>> No.14461724

this is outdated nobody uses aspirin anymore, its useless and just hurts your stomache, the amount you would have to take to actually make a difference in your blood pressure would destroy your stomach after a month. Just avoid intense cardio and stay hydrated, even more than you would usually.

you can come off it over a week by reducing your caffeine intake by 100-200 grams a day and cutting ephedrine cold turkey and go back to normal fairly quickly. Its not addictive in the sense that you desperately crave being on it, the mental focus part of it goes away after your first week so enjoy that nice first week of new amphetamine gains.

EC stack helped me realize just how much of my eating is mental and emotionally dependant and once you understand that you can build on removing the emotional and mental dependency on eating.

>> No.14461754

this is definitely my new goal
i'm 17.5/18 and i discovered my horrible facial structure when i got here. hope you have more luck than i senpai

>> No.14461764
File: 89 KB, 769x920, 20190706_213347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I /thinspo/?

>> No.14461894

If you want to loose weight, fast on the weekend or do omad.

Omad will be the most effective

>> No.14461955

im at 19.5 bmi and im losing hope for a good face structure...

>> No.14461968
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x1236, unknown-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thighs have a 17.5" circumference at the fattest part
>17.5" looks small when i hold a measuring tape of that size in front of me but big when i hold it down at my thighs
do i just die now?

>> No.14461997
File: 18 KB, 640x480, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14462013

You look morbidly obese

>> No.14462058
File: 84 KB, 1046x1280, IMG_20190706_214658_684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been eating well, but I feel so fucking fat. Tonight at the Party I won't drink, only dance my ass off until I lose more calories.

>> No.14462260

I just want the fucking taste of fries so much.
I hate carbs.
I just want them.

>> No.14462263


>> No.14462270

There are better things in life than the taste of fries, anon.

>> No.14462340

Have some good carbs, like oatmeal or brown rice!

>> No.14462346

prioritize protein and healthy fats, they will fill you up longer and you wont have immediate highs and crashes

>muh calories

a pack of beef jerky has like 250 calories while tuna in water is under 200

>> No.14462349

Doesn't fiber also keep you full? Sometimes I'll have a serving of quick oats (150 cal) with a half a serving of peanut butter (90 cal) thrown in for a total of 240. That's a lot of fiber, some protein, and fat.

>> No.14462354

oats are good because they take a while to break down in your stomach and keeps you full, same as brown rice, but its not very nutritionally dense compared to other foods which is what the extreme restrictors here should be going for

quinoa is also really good for grain type meals, ive found that eating a somewhat big filling meal of like 800 calories nutritionally dense foods keeps me from having cravings longer than 200 cal mini meals spread out

>> No.14462392

p u f f y

>> No.14462914

i think its attractive. on both genders

>> No.14462925

I really don't understand this? What is the appeal of being so thin that you look as if you have just been freed from a nazi concentration camp? You are making yourself weak for no reason aside from supposedly looking good when I think most people agree that it does not actually look good.
The only good and healthy looking body on this thread.

>> No.14462928
File: 1.95 MB, 640x540, 71864e24273612fd3f173b28c8ffea420f0ab9f91f4048d14786a987a6b24ebf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14462944

Your size sounds good, anon. Don't worry too much about it. If you feel like you're binging at meal times you should have small snacks in between

>> No.14462963

start working out

>> No.14462983


>> No.14463462
File: 179 KB, 355x541, oh_no_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your neck is thicker than your fucking thighs

>> No.14464083

How do you guys deal with being tired all the time

>> No.14464556

I started smoking cheap Cigars causally. Is it good as aappetite suppressant?

>> No.14464685

Started chewing and spitting again, feel like a bloated mess. Will do this challenge twice in a row and take more meds so I supress my urge to eat. I am a fucking fatass.


I do, I always do. However I fucking love food, I always want more.

>just stop eating

I wish. I wish I had a gag reflex.

>> No.14464686

I don't, I drink energy drinks and coffee.

Yes but it just fucks your health as a whole. As a former smoker I do not recommend.

>> No.14464695

I fucking despise when people tell me I look healthy. I will always remember when my mother told me once: ''you look less skinny honey, see, your arm is thicker'' as she was holding my hand. I quickly retrieved it and yelled at her ''DON'T YOU DARE TOUCHING ME''.

Oh boy, memories.

>> No.14464697



>> No.14464704

wow, you sound like a terrible brat

>> No.14464706

Nah. You see, you fucking faggot, I was just sick.

>> No.14464719

idk I don't scream at my family members just because I'm experiencing body dysmorphia

>> No.14464722

I do because my mother is full aware of my self image problems and still, with a smirk on her face, she tells me I look chubbier. This is one of the many reasons we do not talk anymore.

>> No.14464737

Well with context that makes sense. I rescind my statement that you sound like a brat.

>> No.14464748

Thank you, anon.

>> No.14465284

Psa: lamictal is a better appetite suppressant than wellbutrin

>> No.14465481


>> No.14466030
File: 93 KB, 919x549, alienhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mirin' Bolaji Badejo
>no respect for pure Nigerian corpse thinspo

>> No.14466031
File: 2.04 MB, 2302x3069, 20190708_142740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are my limbs too fat for my body? I've recently gained about 10 lbs, lost ~5 already but I still feel gross
5'9, 121 lbs (normally like 116, shot up to 126 because I wasn't watching what I ate)

>> No.14466037
File: 1.67 MB, 2294x2293, 20190708_143327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14466042
File: 1.12 MB, 1649x2199, 20190708_142653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14466050

I think you look fine and proportional. Post ass and back thighs just so we can be sure.

>> No.14466051

Your arms look kinda odd compared to the rest of you, yeah, but I can't imagine it's noticeable except when you're shirtless. Do some curls or something. I like your waist, by the way.

>> No.14466063

thanks. any particular kinda curls?
I'm pretty hairy back there

>> No.14466073

I don't mind a hairy ass

>> No.14466216
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, tears of envy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of thinspo if youre completely ugly?
Le game of thrones troll face ugly, bong uggo
Cant change my face and at 42kg I think Im done.
I just want colored eyes and a beautiful face.
I want people to be afraid and feel awkward to approach me because Im that beautiful, instead Im approached because Im plain looking and an easy target
Clothing and looking good brings me no comfort anymore

>> No.14466236

>Whats the point of thinspo if youre completely ugly?
Why should you be fat and ugly when you can just be ugly?
The rest of your post just reeks. Have fun.

>> No.14466244


>> No.14466643
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1562494740338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so hungry

>> No.14466680

Are you a male or female?

>> No.14467114
File: 8 KB, 275x369, 1562293726274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14467149


>> No.14467538

Good ish day.

>> No.14467605


>> No.14467638
File: 39 KB, 386x512, 374660-TDMHSi3ow6ANYu8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to deal with my family, /thinspo/?

I just got back from uni and my family are freaking out over my weight loss. My mom is usually really nice but she's been bothering me so much (buying/preparing me extra food, saying I look like a skeleton and that I'm going to get ill, threatening to send me to a psychward etc) that I broke down crying yesterday. She's an actual former bulimiac and keeps thinking that I've developed the same disorder. The rest of my family are actual genuine obeselards and watching them criticise me while they shovel down cake after cake is making me miserable and disgusted. The worst part is that I'm not even skinny, I weigh 64kg which is still well within healthy weight for my height (174cm)

>> No.14467644

Fucking hawt

>> No.14467646

Go to psychward like your mom wants so you can have professionals prove that you are healthy and that she is wrong. She will hopefully stop bothering you after that.

>> No.14467687 [DELETED] 

my god you people look terrible. Wtf, eat a bit of food. Totally mentally unstable if you'd willingly make yourself this weak and pathetic. The race war is coming and you will be crushed like the stack of bones you are, your pursuit of 'beauty' is misguided and results in a horrendous skeletal figure. Pathetic. Go do weights u fgts and eat some food.

>> No.14467691

I keep hearing that if you restrict calories it's counterproductive to weight loss because your body goes into "starvation mode". That doesn't make any sense and seems bonkers to me. The point of the body storing fat is to use it when in caloric deficiency. What is up with this?

>> No.14467725

Lies from the food and weight loss industry

>> No.14467743
File: 462 KB, 1236x1374, 1562435297904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my god you people look terrible. Wtf, eat a bit of food. Totally mentally unstable if you'd willingly make yourself this weak and pathetic. The race war is coming and you will be crushed like the stack of bones you are, your pursuit of 'beauty' is misguided and results in a horrendous skeletal figure. Pathetic. Go do weights u fgts and eat some food.

>> No.14467779


if a race war ever happened and it meant either retards like you or niggers winning, I think I'd just kill myself instead tyvm

>> No.14467844
File: 916 KB, 680x1147, 67e79da75cbb2b46530c904925d9fb9ee641cafc394dc0756b74e3e4ec0e2816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's your imaginary problem to handle, not mine stormfag

>> No.14468065

Friendly reminder that all the /fit/cels who come in here to insult us have eating disorders themselves but they're too self-centered to admit it.

>> No.14468131

your pecs looks horrifically small but I guess you look kinda thin. Surprisingly low definition for your twiggy appearance desu

>> No.14468138

Only women and fags look good that skinny, and in the case of women they still need a full and soft bum with at least b cup breasts for the perfect form. Straw-man harder retard.

>> No.14468317

holy fucking based batman

>> No.14468344

I doubt any of the girls posting here care about your aesthetic preferences you emotionally stunted tard

>> No.14468351

Work out your core, chest, and lats please.

>> No.14468666
File: 44 KB, 550x362, 1405534357994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opening the jar of peanut butter just to smell it

>> No.14468992
File: 999 KB, 1920x1611, F82D4578-5518-467C-AB03-9BFF0A1D8C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit the binge drinking and the weights starting to fall off I’m so proud of myself. The crazy thing is even eating less I feel better than I have in so long. Had a half sandwich and a fruit cup today, might not even eat dinner. I think I’m gonna make it guys.

>> No.14469072

My insides hurt and I can't tell if I'm dying or its just cause i'm not eating enough

>> No.14469082

I know how it feels. I blame my parents for their shitty Jew genes and my ugly nose. Majority of people mistaken me for a mtf trans all because of my nose, being 5'7'' does not help much at all. Seriously, hope my boomer parents rot in hell for letting me exist in this world.
>just have rhinoplasty
Would be nice to have a budget for it, but I think it's better to get a 12 gauge shotgun with some shells. Don't want to have children contaminated by such shitty genes.

>> No.14469086
File: 50 KB, 970x545, 1546511664827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn fucking hell It sucks so much being tired from not eating all day

>> No.14469151

ouch anon that hit too close to home

>> No.14469304


>> No.14469331


>> No.14469551

i didn't lose weight but I've lost 5% body fat after 1 week
is this a good sign

>> No.14469588

my bmi is 17 cause my metabolism is crazy fast. looks pretty kino in pictures but i wanna bulk some muscle to get "skinny-strong" body aesthetics like bruce lee

>> No.14469590


>> No.14469602

63 kgs is what I’m at yet I look thicker. Strange.
If you want to want to suppress appetite why not drink water or eat meals with fiber?

>> No.14469692
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>> No.14469698

That’s Eugenia? Damn, her face is still creepy as hell. I thought it was just the emaciation that made her look scary.

>> No.14469782

the makeup is rlly bad tbf

>> No.14470142

When will she be back? Praying for her

>> No.14470158

Green tea is a great appetite suppressant/metabolic booster/source of energy.

>> No.14470273

It’s hard to say, I’ve never been in treatment myself but I’ve known people who have and it was typically around 5-7 months that they were gone. Eugenia could probably be in treatment for up to a year given how severe her case was.

>> No.14470417

I'm not even hungry, so why can't I stop thinking about food?...

>> No.14470462

On a 1000 calorie deficit and can’t feel hunger you guys can suck my dick, I’m sorry your mind is so weak, see ya fatties

>> No.14470467

You're bored and used to eating to pass the time. Find something else to do, you can do it!

>> No.14470481



>> No.14470542

Yeah it's called eating well and exercising

>> No.14470548
File: 975 KB, 2988x5312, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i lose more weight

>> No.14470570

You really need to ask? Nice gut. You're probably the fattest 140 pound cunt in the world.

>> No.14470640


how the fuck do you even achieve this

>> No.14470780

Looks like you have loose skin. Lose a bit more then maybe invest in a tummy tuck.

>> No.14470798

YES a fuck ton more, you are disgusting

>> No.14470802

tfw eugenia gf to feed her my cum

>> No.14470805
File: 56 KB, 688x960, no food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play melee

>> No.14470863
File: 43 KB, 304x341, _20190608_222406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /clinicaldepression/ here?
>been gaining weight rapidly out of nowhere since doc switched meds
>despite best efforts and extreme measures it's persistent and easy to gain back
>doc insists it's not the meds because it causes weight loss, not weight gain
>do research
>present research and arguments/questions
>doc ignores me
>everybody suspecting I have an ED/anorexia just because I already have one unrelated mental illness and anyone that isn't a whale in this shithole of a town is a sick skeleton
>need meds to live

>> No.14470866
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>grandpa offers me egg sandwich
>kinda hungry and way under maintenance calories so say yes
>he comes over with 4 egg and bacon and sausage sandwiches covered in ketchup
>only eat half of one
>and go to throw the rest away when he isn't looking
>he sees me throwing away the food and asks me why I'm not eating it
>"T-too many calories"
>he starts screaming at me until I start crying

I feel like shit and I don't know who's in the wrong

>> No.14470889

exercise and you can eat more you faggot

>> No.14470890

fuck you cunt i have arthritis

>> No.14470895

he was pissed you were going to waste his time and effort by throwing away a tasty meal he lovingly made for you. Just wrap it up in plastic wrap and say youre saving it for later im sure he'll be less irate than fucking trashing 3 1/2 sanwhiches.

>> No.14470913
File: 75 KB, 1280x704, eureka-seven-hi-1065402-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

June 10th i was 175 lbs now July 10th I weigh 153 lbs. Trying to get to 130 lbs. This shit is super easy. I just track my calories and eat under 800 cal a day. grilled Chicken/salmon + broccoli/zucchini for lunch and dinner sometimes strawberries/blueberries. I Intermittent fast and and my window of time to eat is between 12pm - 8pm. Black coffee and 20 mg of adderall in the morning. When Im fasting I'm either working or playing Town of Salem to distract myself from the hunger. My intake is about 15% fats <20% carbs (only from veggies and fruits) <65% protein. My projection to make 130 is by the start of September according to my calorie tracking app. This shit is easy bros. I'm a 21 yo 5'8 male. Ask me anything if you want.

Should my goal stay 130 or go lower? I plan to start working out / up my calorie count to 1500 once i get to my goal weight to tone up/build muscle.
Send Motivation

>> No.14470918

take an advil and work out like every one else

>> No.14470926

This is the right way to do it. Nice job. But, now you're sort of in a dangerous place. Losing that much weight at heavier levels isn't bad, but closer to 130 is starting to. Maybe you should slow down a little, especially since your body goes into starvation mode. It'll be hard to bounce back and retain it. You want a healthier lifestyle not just to starve yourself or you're gonna get fat again.
Starting eating a little bit more and toning yourself out.

>> No.14470927

but mostly take vitamins and shit >>14470913

>> No.14470934

how would i get fat again if i just ate around 1500 cal and keeping the same nutrition percentages? I highly doubt i would rebound to a heavier weight from overeating/ lack of self control. I feel like personally I have enough discipline to stop eating when i've reached my daily limit. being at 175 lbs made me hate myself enough that i never want to be in that position again. do you recommend any multi vitamins? im looking getting some.

>> No.14470974

apparently my Body Fat % is 18.3

>> No.14471014

I'd take the dumpy titty monster over that plastic bitch anyday

>> No.14471018

>especially since your body goes into starvation mode.
Kill yourself you retarded fatass starvation mode isn't real, its just a cope for ugly skinnyfat losers who cant restrict for shit and have to lie to the people who actually have the willpower necessary to lose weight.

>> No.14471024

Miranda Kerr isn't plastic lmao being a fat cumbrain does turn you into a retard

>> No.14471031

I >>14470913 didnt say that >>14470926 just btw.

>> No.14471037

no she isn't literally plastic but she looks fake to me, definitely has teeth fillings at least.

>> No.14471136
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x3456, 20190710_163255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i look

>> No.14471186


>> No.14471187

Sortof like a pillowcase that doesn't fit.

>> No.14471270

god i fucking hate you

>> No.14471300


>> No.14471357

has anyone tried multi-day fasting?
I'm shitty at moderation, so I think the best way for me to lose weight is just not to eat for two weeks
i'm on day 3 so far. I've only consumed water, water+unflavored electrolytes

>> No.14471365

t. fatass

I know, I probably should've done that but I was originally hoping he wouldn't notice because he's really angry about my weight and constantly tries to fatten me up, I thought that if he saw me saving the food for later he'd get pissed

besides, he said an egg sandwich... and he made 4 egg bacon and sausage sandwiches... and he knows I'm super concious about my weight...I don't know what I was supposed to do other than refuse the offer in the first place which is what I'll do in the future

>> No.14471378

podcasts + walking around

>> No.14471451

>eating a sandwich will make you fat
are you fuckers genuinely anorexic or is my metabolism just too fast

>> No.14471461

It's four bacon, egg and sausage sandwiches covered in ketchup

Eating all that absolutely will fuck up your diet for the day, and having a one off day is a gateway to becoming more and more lenient until all of a sudden you're above 20 bmi again

>> No.14471468

at what points

>> No.14471504

>until all of a sudden you're above 20 bmi again
imagine being above 20bmi at some point in your life kek

>> No.14471637

>teeth fillings
Oh wow so fake guess she'll have to live knowing an ugly sack of shit with low standards wont fuck her ://

>> No.14471651

does shitting your guts out mean anything good at all? im constantly pooping wtf

>> No.14471652
File: 61 KB, 748x1024, 1514744946901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic, me pooping after having green tea and mint gum for lunch

>> No.14471745

It happens to me when I don’t eat too. Idk why.

>> No.14471984

What the fuck

>> No.14472038
File: 312 KB, 389x386, 1540508488786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to lose my love handles bros...

>> No.14472061
File: 4 KB, 211x239, 1508435282078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops I fucked up

>> No.14472127

uhh I don't really care about getting thinner but I come here for the pics of cute sticc girls can u post some

>> No.14472195

fasting like 3 days is actually healthy sometimes. the body gets rid of the shitty cells by having to eat himself and makes room for new powerful cells.

fasting is cleansing yourself basically

>> No.14472561

godspeed anon, fasting is magnificent

>> No.14472747

this isnt really /thinspo/ but does zinc really increase the amount that you cum?

>> No.14472930

I still haven't figured out how to lose weight without losing energy. It's quite easy for me to consume less calories, but this is just a really present annoyance.. Halp

>> No.14472935

Absolute nonsense. Your metabolism will get super sluggish and your lost weight will be hard to maintain. Intermittent fasting is your best call.

>> No.14472938
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how to achieve this aesthetic?

>> No.14473174

Hope you get help skeletor sorry if it’s insensitive

>> No.14473498

this but unironically

>> No.14473513

wasnt that "smirk" just her being happy for you

>> No.14473567
File: 58 KB, 499x496, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ wants to be bulky and strong
>/fa/ wants to be skinny
whats wrong with you guys? whats the deal with wanting to be skinny? it's not attractive or cool. Just eat some fucking chicken nugget and do some pushups, no-one wants your 90lb ass. Seriously, sort your shit out /fa/. Sincerely, a /fit/izen

>> No.14473572
File: 62 KB, 1069x793, 1562876801690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheekbones>muscles, grug

>> No.14473606

yeah people think emma stone is hot must have some type of fetish

>> No.14473637

i want to look like an anime protagonist while being as strong as possible

>> No.14473678

lol have fun

>> No.14473721

fucking disgusting your grandpas an idiot

>> No.14473729

at least somewhat

>> No.14473808

Hit the gym or do cardio, don’t develop a fucking arrhythmia because you’re insecure.

>> No.14473822

Male: need more muscle
Female: need more fat or you’ll have issues having kids and probably other gastric/bone density things

>> No.14473827

Soiboi. Work your chest, nerd.

>> No.14473835

Average build all around. You don’t have any issue with fat but you could use a little more muscle everywhere. Like 7/10 as far as bod goes.

>> No.14475257
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>> No.14475306
File: 588 KB, 1920x1080, луна на полу в зале 1080P.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14475323

And transition.

>> No.14475333
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, луна ползет как миленькая.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14475515
File: 25 KB, 388x800, OTA5NDBhYjE3MDZkNWVjNTI5MTFmNjUxMzJjYjZiYTYxMmRiNw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me /thinspo/ bros. 1 or 2 to fuck?


i have more pics of both

>> No.14475522
File: 365 KB, 218x769, 2more2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14475525
File: 189 KB, 988x1944, 1269B91E-ECF6-44CF-AC2F-421E92B6971E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 more of 2

>> No.14475528

Its disgusting nobody wants to see your pencil thick body or ribs

>> No.14475532
File: 839 KB, 370x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy god damn fuck

>> No.14475535

so im guessing you say 1?

>> No.14475540

Sign of malnourishment, very unattractive, in the same feeling of seeing people with rotten teeth, very gross.

>> No.14475551

Reminds me of the stray cat I used to feed because his owners were druggies and let it wander the streets. Couldnt pat it because all I felt were is spine and ribs like pic related and it was sickening to touch.

>> No.14475553

hell yeah brotha, that's a 10/10 right there.
Hope the face match the body tho

>> No.14475570

Yeah you are an asshole for that. Just eat the food and stop being an insufferable homo.

>> No.14475655

>just eat the food

Why is this general being raided by fatasses? If I did that I'd have to purge later. Eating that many calories is not a fucking option if you have the slightest amount of self control.

>> No.14475733

Would lick all day.

>> No.14475935

how do i fix loose skin?

>> No.14475945


>> No.14475949

is it really the only way? because i dont have a lot of it but the amount of loose skin i have bothers me a bit

>> No.14475973

no other way to get rid of it. if you really want it gone then surgery is the only option; otherwise, the skin is just dead weight and going to sit there.

>> No.14475977

post more of 1

>> No.14475983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14475989 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14476268

>do some pushups
that's the problem

>> No.14476289

why can't i be skinny and pretty like all the other pretty bitches
they do it all so effortlessly too what the fuck
>work out
I tear my hamstrings and snap my shins just from running a flight of stairs

it's not fair, I used to eat whatever I wanted and be a walking stick (48kg 165cm), now despite watching my diet I'm turning into a fatass like the rest of my fucking family. They're literally all fucking fat cellulite-ridden SJW whales.

my pants don't even fit me anymore holy fuck i just want to fucking die

>> No.14476346

eat less

>> No.14476387

are you calorie counting? just eat under 800 cal a day not that hard.

>> No.14476432
File: 150 KB, 1005x1250, IMG_20180918_005011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am, im staying within 500kcal a day but it feels like I'll be doomed into turning into a fatass whale like the rest of the femoids in my family no matter what

hope they're happy now, for how much they used to harrass me for being a faggot anorexic skeleton

anyway here's some thinspo of some guy I found on fit years ago

>> No.14476458

kill yourself please

>> No.14476516


>> No.14476584

if youre eating 500 cal i day then you should lose weight. if you arnt losing weight then you are lying about your portions or just didn't count your portions right. also if you are above 120 lbs you will lose weight every week. if you are below 120 it will be a slower decline. drink lots of fucking water

>> No.14476967

thanks man 7/10 aint bad. what parts do you think woild benefit from exercise the most

>> No.14476968


>> No.14478077

>tfw finally sub 18 BMI and fucked some skelly girls at long last
living alone makes achieving thinspo so much easier

>> No.14478085

Sounds like meme but legit eat less mine has gotten so flat in the last 2 months my friends noticed instantly at the beach

>> No.14478237
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>> No.14478239
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>> No.14478242
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>> No.14478247
File: 121 KB, 1080x1349, roses_are_rosie@p@Bv6J46XB-x_@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478256
File: 120 KB, 1080x1341, warukatta@p@BxnSkt6BDVj@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love nanda so much, she's by far my top inspo
especially ever since i found out she's a weeb and a jojo fan

>> No.14478258
File: 84 KB, 1080x1350, warukatta@p@Btvifz6htyc@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478265
File: 123 KB, 1080x1142, warukatta@p@BskQa6tgr2i@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478273

>tfw this is your goal body but you gotta bulk to get there

I'm scared I'll just become a flabby skinnyfat if I eat more ;_;

>> No.14478277
File: 137 KB, 1080x1349, elenka_me@p@BzkfiQdHxwD@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478298
File: 103 KB, 840x840, prettywords.leftbehind@p@ByVu4xCifgj@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478317
File: 144 KB, 1080x1349, viktorneko@p@ByCp0rln3y4@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478322
File: 94 KB, 1080x1350, viktorneko@p@Bu5fNjJnQ8G@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478324
File: 143 KB, 1080x1350, viktorneko@p@BvQ1k73nErk@0@0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14478328
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>> No.14478343
File: 247 KB, 1080x1350, viktorneko@p@Byr-82Indvo@0@1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so hungry...

ive been craving chicken (esp kfc) so much but even just a small portion has so many calories and im on 500kcal limit

>> No.14478496

I hit 18 BMI the other day, the heaviest I've been in almost 2 years. Time to fast down to 17-17.5 where I can feel cute and not fat.

>> No.14478525

Are you sure you’re not restricting more? How did you lose that much weight that quickly?

>> No.14478655

both of you sound ugly based solely on your list of grievances. Maybe you should work on that first.

>> No.14479217
File: 966 KB, 1080x1925, 2883772781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of your favorite thinspo diet/recipe books?

>> No.14479235 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 640x1136, 6604D1E1-B938-42E6-9FB7-C545AC3BA14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of u human skeletons know if not really feeling hunger or craving anything when I’m in IF like I get hungry but it goes away rather quickly, idk different shit for different ppl but I feel like I’m messing up something.

water and black coffee when I’m in it too

>> No.14479238
File: 122 KB, 1286x857, 4B89B2C5-52A3-4B11-A011-C2F415AA3B3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of u human xylophones know if not really feeling hunger or craving anything when I’m in IF like I get hungry but it goes away rather quickly, idk different shit for different ppl but I feel like I’m messing up something.

water and black coffee when I’m in it too

>> No.14479274

Yeah you can fuck up your hunger cues up

>> No.14479416

reply with ideal male bodies, need to see how close I am

5'10", 135 lbs. I could easily shed ~15 lbs by cutting a few things out of my diet, mainly energy drinks, alcohol, grains.

Main disgust of my body are man-handles

>> No.14479441

So just keep pushing even if my hunger dissipates by the time I’ve hit the window?

Felt like I ate for no reason today wasn’t even hungry felt off kinda I know y’all niggas don’t eat any advice would be cool thanks

>> No.14479478

thats the general layout for my diet. I have logged everything ive eaten for 30 days. somedays i might eat less than 800 cal but i never go over 1200 cal.

>> No.14479492

What app do u use

>> No.14479505

Lose it on the itunes store. im not poor so i just pay for it. imo its worth it

>> No.14479582

Lift weights, eat a high protein diet and focus on a low body fat percentage. If you’re 5’10”, 135lbs and have love handles, then you’re skinny fat. You will look better at a higher weight when you have more muscle mass and a lower body fat percentage.

>> No.14479956

ur gonna look dumb if you're not the teenage star of an overrated netflix series bb

>> No.14480188
File: 18 KB, 484x480, BAE06143-2A3D-4236-AEB2-8D5B22468CDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too lazy to get dinner
>order groceries online for delivery
>12 pack of Diet Coke
Who here /makeit/
No food in the house because /fast/

>> No.14480322

How much adderall should I take if I'm looking to lose 10 pounds? Want to get my lardass from 130 to 120.

>> No.14480425
File: 515 KB, 1932x2038, 8865730A-8DF4-467B-A812-99CCE3FED490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 5’5 and 115 lbs, and I’ve lost weight but it doesn’t even matter because even though I look better in the face, my body looks like shit and clothes still don’t look as flattering on me as they do on other girls. It doesn’t matter that I have collar bones, and thin legs, because I’ve got wider shoulders than my hips and i get arm fat and armpit fat. My waist still doesn’t look define despite losing weight and wearing size 2 jeans.

So basically as a girl who’s lost weight, I’ve lost my curves, but because I’ve got a wide body structure, I still don’t look “slender” enough. This sucks. I’m so fustrated.

>> No.14480434


>> No.14480439
File: 530 KB, 1650x1275, 3176702 - Core-chan chernobyl inanimate nuclear_reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14481007

Say hypothetically I consumed my daily caloric intake entirely in the form of beer. Am I gonna die?

>> No.14481229

none retard