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14431022 No.14431022 [Reply] [Original]

Is it okay boys? I'm 20

>> No.14431023
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>> No.14431090

It's fine now but give it like five years and if consider going all shaved. Wear it with pride.

Signed ,
Maltese lad with think locks of hair

>> No.14431121

But I don't wanna shave I like hair, is there something that can be done to stop it? Has it started?

>> No.14431128

>is there something that can be done to stop it

>> No.14431143

You can try to thug it out until it looks ridiculous just don't cut it short, keep the bun. The day you're gonna have to shave it all off is gonna come anon, I'm sorry to tell ya.

>> No.14431148

But how can you be so sure, my mother's father is 90 and still has a lot of hair. His hairline is worse than mine now but it sitll looks like he's 30 at most by hair

>> No.14431207
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>tfw 30 yo and stuck with dark thick wavy Jew hair

>> No.14431215
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When do I buzz?

>> No.14431216

ur fucked bro

>> No.14431225

iwas pretty much born with that exact hairline. now in my late 20's, it is still exactly the same. so i guess i was born with a receding hairline that has not receded at all during my lifetime

>> No.14431231
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how much do i have left?

>> No.14431351

-5 years still

>> No.14431365
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OP you're fine as long as it doesn't keep receding, many people who aren't actively balding naturally have a widow's peak

>> No.14431425

widow's peak is different, what you're referring to is a mature hairline and it happens to every male during/after puberty

>> No.14431542


>> No.14431651

It's fine, if you really want to obsess about it, take pictures from the same angle and monitor again in 3 months with the same lighting conditions.
If you start to see loss (I don't think you will) start with minox + dermarolling, if that doesn't get you any results move onto propecia.
The only way you "go bald" is if you act too late, or not take the steps required. It looks fine though and I wouldn't worry.

t. Propecia + Minox 5 years

>> No.14431731

yes. >>14431330

>> No.14431753

Then don't do anything and see what happens. Of course no one's gonna know how your hair's gonna turn out, do whatever you want and if it gets worse, it gets worse.

>> No.14431774

You're not your grandpa dude, not picking on you or anything but it's no guarantee. Get ripped now and brace yourself for it.

>> No.14431780

You know what must be done.

>> No.14432065

Looks normal

>> No.14432084

Stop posting Hollywood actors as an example, pretty much all of them are on anti-balding meds.

That said op’s hairline could be just naturally like that. OP if you’re not seeing hairs on your hands while you shower then you shouldn’t be afraid of anything.

>> No.14432118

Not OP but wait.... you aren't supposed to see hair on your hands while you wash your hair????

>> No.14432245

4 or six hairs is fine but if you’re seeing more than 10 hairs then yeah you’re on your way to be bald

>> No.14432255

Once you get tired of rocking the sleaze hairline.

>> No.14432259

I was born with that hairline, if you are just noticing it at 20 you probably arent balding, its just come to your attention. Check to see if you got that hairline in pics when you were like 12

>> No.14432364
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Is being bald even that bad? So long as you're not fat and possibly have some facial hair?

>> No.14432380

I miss it.

>> No.14432391

Going bald during your twenties is definitely some of the worst things a man can experience but you’re a retard if you care about going bald on your thirties or forties

>> No.14432430

Make sure you don't pull your hair back too tightly, that can cause permanent hair loss over time its called "traction hair loss"

Otherwise it's fine, just look up Hugo Weaving. You think any of the elves would be giving Elrond shit for male pattern baldness?

>> No.14432706

I wash my hair once a week (7 days) and usually have about 20 to 30 hairs come out. Should i be worried? I have thick curly hair though maybe the hairs are just getting stuck in it

>> No.14432727

>some of the worst things a man can experience
your actually a bitch and was raised by bitches.

>> No.14432772


Ralph Fiennes.

>> No.14432786

imagine being a manlet and going bald in your early 20s hahaha

>> No.14432833

Well I’m actually not balding but I’ve seen what psychological issues baldness can create in people on their early twenties

>> No.14432842

>maybe the hairs are just getting stuck in it

That’s definitely a real possibility, as long as you don’t see any new changes on your hairline I wouldn’t worry about it

>> No.14432864

Hop on fin bro, become a tranny bro

>> No.14433199

you lose on average about 100 hairs a day, if you have longer hair, the hairs won't fall out on their own but will get stuck and come out when you're showering.

if you shower once a week and have longer hair 20-30 isn't bad

>> No.14433666
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I shaved and it looks worse why did i fall for this meme

>> No.14433669
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>> No.14433703

Handsome ;3

>> No.14434134

It's fine as of now

>> No.14434153

Some people have high hairlines. It looks fine for now, just enjoy it and don't think too much about it.

Ironically you could speed up the process if you keep stressing about it

>> No.14434167

doesn't look that bad right now, hard to say if you're actively balding or your hairline has just matured. my hairline looked like this at 20 then the hair loss just kinda stalled and it still looks like that at 22

>> No.14434181

Fin/minoxidil asap

They don't regrow, they just stop progression, so if you wait too long you'll still look like shit.

But if you have the face, hit the buzz.

>> No.14434279

literally just a mature hairline. Honestly what the fuck is wrong with the people on this board.

>> No.14434888

You looked WAYYYY better with the curly red hair.

Now you kinda just look like a militant lesbian.

>> No.14435058

You're completely fine, you literal fucking retard

>> No.14435380


>> No.14435422

I do a very similar style to this. Start growing that shit back out. Long, curly, thick hair is the envy of everyone. Signed,
a softboy

>> No.14435592
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Don't listen to these retards. Never buzz with a receding hairline. Either keep hiding it or shave it all off. Buzzing makes your retarded hairline even more obvious, pic related

>> No.14435816

Not OP, but I've also noticed hairs on my pillow/in the shower, so I went to a dermatologist and he prescribed me a 5% minox spray (idk if other types exist) for androgenic alopecia. Unfortunately I live in Italy rn, and my Italian isn't the best, and neither was his English so I couldn't really ask him everything I wanted to, but how good is it from your experience? I wouldn't describe myself as severely balding, front of hairline receded a bit, but crown/top is still about the same as always, maybe hair overall is a bit worse in terms of quality (but my diet has also gotten worse the last few years so that's why probably), He said the hair that fell off "could regrow, but don't expect it to". Should I ask for a second opinion and maybe get something stronger?

>> No.14435831

Still really thick in the widow's peak, the temples are just bad. It could stay like this for 10 years.

>> No.14437184

Hairline looks worse but thinning hair overall looks worse when its longer

>> No.14437406

Thinning hair is different from a receding hairline doofus

>> No.14437416

That's hardly buzz cut. That someone who pussied out of a buzz cut at the last minute. The hair should be stubbly, not forming strands; this just makes what hair he has remaining look thin, highlighting the receding hairline even more. Shave that shit DOWN.

>> No.14437588
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Go to /fit/ if you want to stop it, they actually try there. Finasteride and some other shit that starts with an M are you only real options. Other than that "just shave it bro, chicks love that shit"

>> No.14437760
File: 35 KB, 720x406, leonardo_dicaprio-1024x577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people stupid? It is a perfectly fine healthy hairline.
Not everybody's hairline is perfectly straight, in fact most people's arent.

>> No.14438009

unless you have a bald spot you can easily have many hairstyles that doesn't make it obvious, if you buzz and regret it your hair will look like absolute shit in the growout phase.

>> No.14438141

Buzzing =/= shaving