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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 500x750, tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14420285 No.14420285 [Reply] [Original]

What tattoos are worth getting? 99 percent of people I know who have tattoos only get stupid shit that isnt really worth getting? Post inspiration for real kino tattoos.

>> No.14420293

most tattoos are retarded and meaningless nowadays. If you get a tattoo get something with personal meaning, and dont be a retard and stick n poke. Get it professionally done, and try to draft designs. As for examples, its all personal, but avoid face tatts (you aren't a fucking felon).

>> No.14420357

A. Be handsome

>> No.14420473

>you aren't a fucking felon
thats where your wrong kiddo

>> No.14420534

Being a low test faggot isn’t a felony bud

>> No.14420549


>What tattoos are worth getting?

The ones that you like. If you’re getting tattoos based on what other people deem worthy, you’re going about it all wrong.

>> No.14420568
File: 662 KB, 756x571, Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 3.54.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to avoid anything with super significant "meaning" and just focus on getting good artwork. Obviously make it something you like, but a lot of the really dumb tattoos I've seen are ones where people put wayyyy more stock into the "deeper meaning" than they did into finding a good artist and planning something that will look good.

Here's one of mine (out of 3)

>> No.14420573
File: 344 KB, 359x535, Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 3.53.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the 2nd

>> No.14420576
File: 556 KB, 444x636, Screen Shot 2019-06-16 at 3.52.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnd number 3

>> No.14420584

Make like a tree and go!

>it’s leave, you moron!

>> No.14420587

tattoos are trash, for crass plebs. poor wannabes, uneducated swine. imagine being poor, or american, and having tattos. lmao.

>> No.14420733

Tattoos are disgusting. Natural skin is beautiful.

>> No.14420972
File: 126 KB, 1072x522, Photo on 2019-06-17 at 9.29 PM #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Death Grips and Satanic worship /fa/?

>> No.14420979

I don’t hate on people who have tattoos, I’ve seen a lot of cool ones, but I am glad that I don’t have any

>> No.14420987

you know what they say
tattoo low iq

>> No.14421008
File: 221 KB, 374x376, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clean arms
>fingers inked with prison-esque meme tattoo
Kek, hope that's sharpie

>> No.14421080

I have my right arm sleeved, not my left.

Have nerve damage on my left arm, so unfortunately I can't get tattoos on that arm.

>> No.14421102
File: 17 KB, 700x298, b434ce7897935f9b748460555fdce539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of getting some of these I feel like I can pull it off

>> No.14421143

you fucking loser don't steal your tats from mediocre movies.
you WILL look like a fag, and i will bet 100% you can't "pull them off"
fuck you

>> No.14421149

dont steal anything directly from movies because you will never be able to pull it off (think the scorpion jacket from drive) but take it is a inspiration if u like the way it looks

>> No.14421183

>Try to avoid anything with super significant "meaning" and just focus on getting good artwork
>tdlr I’m super uninteresting and use this as a coping mechanism

>> No.14421275

Ok boomer

>> No.14421539
File: 42 KB, 397x600, 2db6b5d666cb426476270b63711935bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421543
File: 77 KB, 700x700, 3d-tattoos-winston-the-whale-5-572b431637fa8__700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421547

They are meritless for most part. It is now for those not hood,soldier or junkie.

>> No.14421548
File: 41 KB, 700x700, a4792a844d5256250e3b09dbeb6f7fe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421553
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, Big-Pointillism-Realistic-Rose-in-Geometric-Shape-Tattoo-on-Lowerarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421560
File: 68 KB, 577x577, C1nOcHoXEAIuwnH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421567
File: 304 KB, 720x1280, good-40-edgy-owl-tattoo-design-ideas-for-an-enigmatic-style-tattoos-of-the-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421594

I've had gay sex straighter than this

>> No.14421598

bumper sticker

>> No.14421618

Yeah nah it's actually really uninteresting people who obsess over getting something "super deep an meaningful" as a coping mechanism. My tattoos aren't supposed to supplement or replace my personality, they're just meant to be pretty to look at. Get the fuck out of here boomer.

>> No.14421624
File: 39 KB, 500x640, 1525742758383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the line work on that border

>> No.14421626

Anything trash polka.

>> No.14421670
File: 132 KB, 1242x2208, 04sc3aajbqd01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14421881
File: 101 KB, 564x1002, d4b8b1f4f63013f361fa3ab5ccf693e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tattoos are stupid shit, don't try to give them some meaning for fuck sake.

>> No.14421901

>I hate artsy shit!
>posts artsy shit

>> No.14421929

Stick and pokes are the only tattoos with any character anymore.

(0.08 and 7:52)

Tattoos are probably going to stop being cool and rebellious soon sort of in the same way as smoking anyway.

>> No.14421933

they are already uncool everyone i know who is stupid and lame has a bunch of tats

>> No.14421941

I still have a soft spot for home done stick and pokes but yeah I agree. There really isn't any alternative culture left other than some form of extremism.

>> No.14421949

No one with a tattoo looks better because of it. They can only make you more unattractive. Fuckin prove me wrong

>> No.14421951

stuff like tats used to be for people living on the fringes, I agree with you that extremism is the only alt culture, normies and business co-opted everything

>> No.14421955

ur literally right though

>> No.14421983

what are the black dots below the nails?

>> No.14422456
File: 47 KB, 480x480, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do this one. Please change my mind.

>> No.14422467


>> No.14422472

Not having tattoos now is more fashionable than having them. People that have tattoos just kind of look like people that still smoke cigarettes.

>> No.14422473

GOD DAMN do I want to cum on the feet of your tattoo.

>> No.14422479

I think tattoo culture is a great way to filter people out. Helps me identify brainlets and boring people.

>> No.14422480

Tattos are products like clothes. You see something that you like and you buy it. It doesn't have to be meaningful or some spiritual thing.

>> No.14422938

Why? It wont hurt you at all

>> No.14422941

No naked ladies on parts that cannot be hidden by a t-shirt, thats the rule

>> No.14422959

I fucking hate this trend, it's total shit

>> No.14422970

>White coloring on fingers

>> No.14423025

None of you need inspiration
Don't get a tattoo

>> No.14423037


>> No.14423048

i like this one, neat

>> No.14423128

Don't go to a tattoo artist with another person's work and expect them to copy it. That's not how this works...

>> No.14423451

Lol fuck off I bet you think tattoos need to mean something too

>> No.14423458

Is it true that scorpion tattoos symbolize that you have AIDS?

>> No.14423558

>these are the kind of people browsing /fit/ now

>> No.14423645

that's not my point. I love stuff like autochrist for example.

Many artist just find that to be extremely disrespectful to the artists who's work is being copied and flat out won't do it. Also everyone's style is a bit different so even if you find someone who would be willing to do it, it won't look the same.

>> No.14423667

lmao gonna be one of those retards who has some bullshit story to tell about their tattoo to try and prove it has a deeper meaning. nice try dork

>What tattoos are worth getting?

None, might be in vogue now, but due to the amount of normies getting tattoos they have lost all edge appeal. Whatever you get will be old and stale in a couple years, will just identify you as a bandwagon follower.

All those people getting tribal armband tattoos thought they were being cool and unique back in the 90's. Now theres a new generation of retards


>> No.14423686
File: 19 KB, 453x604, Headphones-Tattoo-Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tattoos are mostly used by police to identify criminals.
In what way does any part of that story appeal to you?

>> No.14423725

then don't get it
no need to be so negative

>> No.14423970

Why do I have a boner now

>> No.14424482

Huh? What are you even tying to say?
>fingerprints are mostly used by the police to identify criminals
Welp, time to chop down my fingers

>> No.14424514

how to achieve this aesthetic

>> No.14424553

just work out retard

>> No.14424624
File: 835 KB, 2493x3523, IMG_20190621_105137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A birb is worth getting probably

>> No.14424673
File: 748 KB, 1300x1300, 1528821730745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I love the butthurt that tattoos cause on 4chan. Just wanted to say that.

>> No.14424700
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, bla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am bored so here's mine (1)

>> No.14424704
File: 86 KB, 522x1280, bla2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14424707
File: 124 KB, 695x1280, bla3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14424710

Are you japanese or just enjoy their horror?

>> No.14424713

I merely enjoy their horror.

>> No.14424715


>> No.14424716

Uh... I actually do have more. Wait a second.

>> No.14424718

However the Lucifer one is french, not japanese. Oh well.

>> No.14424719
File: 144 KB, 1280x1183, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14424720

Its good they all fit a general style

>> No.14424724

hey that was a pretty good movie

>> No.14424730

I would never, under any circumstances, get a tv or film related tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that people actually have tattoos like this.

You don't see gamers getting Mario tattoos or Legend of Zelda Link.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like tv or film related shit will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

>> No.14424734

You really took time to write that, didn't you.

>> No.14424738
File: 73 KB, 250x311, 250px-Destruction_of_Leviathan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dore is patrician. I'd like to get his leviathan adapted into a tattoo

>> No.14424746
File: 105 KB, 1280x943, 3172301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! And that would be a sick piece on the back or on the belly. You should ask for someone that knows how to do blackwork, though.

My rokurokubi

>> No.14424772

>most tattoos are retarded and meaningless nowadays

So like most of life “nowadays”?

>> No.14424779

This is great

>> No.14424850

(you) (fag)

>> No.14424881

bait more

>> No.14424892


>> No.14424905


>> No.14424908


Some designs are cool. Others are not. I think the best looking tattoos are the ones that are done professionally and are not attempting to bandwagon on a current trend. (American Traditional, minimalism, new school etc.) all look meh, as do designs that are the same themes: Trees/ other flora, geometric symbols, animals, and god forbid references to popular books/ movies (even worse if its a harry potter reference)

But as long as the execution is good and the design is original I think tattoos can look good on all kinds of people.

Re: everyone in this thread hating on tattoos as rule. You are boring as hell and you probably wear your virginity like its some monastic vow you take to be more successful or something.

>> No.14424913

I'm heavily tattooed and i think there are a few things to consider. First think about tattoos that look good on a person rather than on a piece of paper. Secondly think about tattoo designs and styles that have lasted the test of time, fad tattoos look silly as shit when the fad ends. Good luck have fun

>> No.14425039
File: 25 KB, 400x533, tumblr_osk9d773TL1rus40ao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14425042
File: 37 KB, 400x500, 1560459872739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14425074

thin and athletic people with a lot of tattoos tend to look really good.

hot take: for the most part tattoos seem like a way to buy hipster credit; not having tattoos is the new having tattoos

>> No.14425131

if your hot take has already been posted like seven times itt, it's not a hot take.

>> No.14425200

now THATS a hot take

>> No.14425224

Why don't you tattoo a baboon's ass to your forehead - that would be really cool

>> No.14425279
File: 239 KB, 960x2105, IMG_20190621_180128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a skelly too

>> No.14425405

Wtf are shitty lyrics from shitty Christian contemporary music doing on 4chan? I thought I had escaped the reach of church summer camp, lol.

>> No.14425457
File: 606 KB, 1386x2688, Snapchat-1098477916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this

>> No.14425470

every single tattoo is stupid fucking shit and you shouldn't get any whatsoever. not because of conformity but they never look any good on human skin no matter what it is.

>> No.14425474

old godzilla was hopping around

>> No.14425475 [DELETED] 

>so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

yeah, I know, right?
take me for example: I got "milk" tattooed on my arm so I can remind myself to buy it at the grocery store because I always used to forget buying it. Can totally relate, bro.

>> No.14425481

Tokyo city like big playground

>> No.14425528

He will look like a fag, but Memento top tier

>> No.14425723


Man you all sound like my dad, and he's 50.

Grow the fuck up. No one is out here getting tattoos to be "rebellious and cool" in fact, they're becoming so popular now because they aren't really viewed as rebellious, and are therefore less taboo, making more people comfortable getting them. Make fun of genuinely shitty tattoos, but stop acting like a bunch of out-of-touch old men.

I'd expect this kind of boomerism on /fit/, /pol/, and /r9k/, but come on guys.

>> No.14425734

Go back.

>> No.14425831

I would never get a tattoo. I get tired of my clothes, I can change them. What if I get bored with my tattoo? Get a shitty and costly laser removal? No thanks.

>> No.14425835

t. normie

>> No.14425847

check out Maud Dardeau

>> No.14425849

its pretty cool but the quality of the tattoo is dogshit

>> No.14425864


>Horror tranny

Ooo im laffin

>> No.14425898

>inkpig triggered THIS hard

Your dad is actually right, since tattoos are so common we've come full circle and it has become boring and lame.

>> No.14425916
File: 1.00 MB, 500x400, main-qimg-af9bf2e622d37ace40cd64b0df89864e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course the blood group tattoo

>> No.14425998
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, reggie_ledoux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one has stuck with me ever since i saw true detective

>> No.14426061

I really like these ones anon

>> No.14426063

>using "normie" as an insult
>unironically thinking being "normal" is a bad thing

Buddy please go back to /r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.14426093
File: 546 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does an album cover tattoo become better or worse if most people don't recognize it?

>> No.14426126

this one is fucking wild, actually really cool

with the other poster that the quality could be alot better. The artist probably wasnt the best, and you dont seem to take care of them very well. Id get them touched up, cuz the one on your stomach is wild

>> No.14426139

Almost certainly better if they don't recognize it. Probably gives it more meaning to you.

>> No.14426188

I can only imagine how dorky you are with that dumb tat, ugly sock, and nike slide

>> No.14426229

Gooses character made no sense on that movie. He was a quiet autist (big surprise) yet he has dyed hair, covered in meme tatoos and rides a dirtbike for a living. Nobody that does those things would be as brooding and angsty as he was in that movie.

>> No.14426268
File: 62 KB, 640x640, tat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you get a tattoo get something with personal meaning
He's right. I went to school with a guy who had a sleeve full of cartoon characters that he did himself. They looked pretty good (he was talented) but he's now an adult Nickelodeon and CN billboard. Don't be the guy with a bad answer when someone asks about your tattoo, even if it doesn't look poorly done.
>Try to avoid anything with super significant "meaning" and just focus on getting good artwork.
He's wrong, if only for abandoning meaning. Meaning and visual appeal are not mutually exclusive. You can get something meaningful and have an actual artist draw it. That said, stupid tat ideas are stupid tat ideas. If your meaningful tattoo is the contrivance of a brainlet, it's going to be moronic no matter who tattoos you.

>> No.14426403

this is cool design but it just looks like big bruise from a few meters away

>> No.14426454

Nope, that's because it's cinematography that makes it look artificially natural and good. It will look retarded on a regular person in regular lighting.


would refund for that shitty border but the design itself is nice

Woman's face and anatomy are fucked even stylized, with a redesign could be good. Must stay hidden. Also don't steal designs it's fucking gay make it your own.

>hand tats
Yikes. Why are they so fucking muddy too jesus christ

I like the style but it looks like it'll get damaged over time, take care of it.

>> No.14426462

If you get kanji or any kana tattooed on your body without being or knowing Japanese, you are retarded and cringeworthy. What the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.14426469
File: 187 KB, 1499x1000, d84df4d72e8cf7f9434c7b8519040282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What tattoos are worth getting?
Whatever you want...
If you're already attractive, then you'll look fine regardless

>> No.14426489

but when he ages he wont

>> No.14426515

Yeah but that's going to be because of age, not the tattoos so he'll look like shit regardless

>> No.14426647


>> No.14426657

It was freshly done, what are you even talking about?

>> No.14426659


>> No.14426765

This is the worst Skeleton tattoo I have ever seen

>> No.14426776

I think the border only looks bad in the picture because it was taken literally right when it was done, everything was still raised. Plus it's a rectangle that wraps slightly on my arm so it looks a bit distorted from that angle.

>> No.14426883
File: 2.86 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190418_105327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok thanks haha

>> No.14426912

don't get cookie-cutter shit as you see on 99% of people. Get a tattoo that is significant, like the birthday of a child or a memorial

>> No.14427047
File: 122 KB, 599x796, 5c14fab3ace33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tattoos are like bumper stickers. 99% of them are tacky and ruin the clean aesthetic look of the human body.

>> No.14427075

The lines are super blurry and or are too deep and some look not deep enough, the black dont looks consistent
I must say i really like the idea and placement of your tattoos but change the artist please
He is shit

>> No.14427097

Good thing I'm not trying to attract men, which is more than you can say

>> No.14427115


>> No.14427131


>> No.14427151

have sex

>> No.14427180

What. Must be because of the pic then. Besides, it is freshly done, as I said before. It's almost exactly like the original piece so I see no problem.

>> No.14427502

Why are tattoofags so insecure?
>m-my tattoo doesn't suck, you suck! ;_;
Fucking lmao.

>> No.14427580
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 20181014_RNjbCxbXDusWP5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14428412

All tattoos. Boom. Proven wrong.

>> No.14428451

>tattooed people in this thread
Nah man just get what you want, don't worry about meaning but make sure the art is good. It's just a pretty cool way to express yourself!

>Non-tattooed people in this thread
Anyone with tattoos is a literal criminal felon art-hoe normie who has no personality or sense of creativity and has essentially ruined their body!

Yeah nah man.

>> No.14428460

I would like to see these critiqued ala ink master because they are awful

>> No.14428463

looks like justin trudeau worshiping some third worlders

>> No.14428546

Based retard

>> No.14428547

99% of people are too uninteresting to get tattoos.

The only people who should get tattoos are professional criminals and those who reject society completely.

>> No.14429028

I think they’re pretty cool
Fuck the haters

>> No.14429044
File: 32 KB, 620x349, 8bb8c27a10b7c512a60191729ebf7283--boxer-tattoo-music-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14429209

he has a point though. the point of attractiveness of tattoos to women isn't the look. it's what it says about the guy. now tattoos don't say much of anything about the guy. unless it's over the top black out work or on he's face. and even that's getting played out.

if you wanna be ahead of the curve don't get any tattoos and be the guy who is the man without any artificial virtue signally painted on his skin.

also tattoos on women aren't that flattering. honestly it makes them look less. naturally beautiful women are the most beautiful and in my opinion the only ones who can be a 10/10 just from the aura they give off.

>> No.14429230


>> No.14429233

I think they look nice, anon. Blackwork and Suehiro Maruo, copied and pasted.

>> No.14429271

I actually want to get this one but without the black fill of the flower.

>> No.14429282

>googles "japanese horror manga pinterest" once

>> No.14429285

>getting tattoos to attract women
Not gonna make it

>> No.14429289
File: 1.27 MB, 3168x2376, 1494168042403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14429292

>be in charge of new hires for a decade
>immediately disqualify anyone with visible tats
>waste 15 mins of their time and never call back
>zero addicts or problem people on the payroll
Thanks for labeling yourselves you idiot degen fucks. It makes it super easy to spot the pieces of inked up human shit and avoid them like the plague.

>> No.14429293

So they could have hidden tats and totally invalidate your argument? Brilliant.
Let me guess, you hire for some pleb tier job like food service.

>> No.14429296

>hidden tats
Sure there were. But if you're dumb enough to get one where i can see it while you're dressed for an interview than you're out of the running.
>food service.
Powder coating and engine parts manufacture.

>> No.14429305

I think you're trying too hard to be "hip" while your tats are literal carbon copies of pics. I mean they look good, but you overused them.

>> No.14429316

I like them. Cool shit.

>> No.14429321

I'm not gay but all power to you.

>> No.14429327
File: 173 KB, 896x800, 1493_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on getting something like this on my chest, always wanted to do a sun/moon tat.

>> No.14429458

I don't think a tattoo in itself is any more "rebellious" or "outrageous" than wearing a motivation quote t-shirt unironically, or having "live love laugh" on the wall of your apartment. Or being one of those people who wears nothing but clothing that loudly advertises what they like. Gaming t-shirts, band tees, jamaican colors to show everyone you SMOKE WEED DUDE.

Most people wearing that shit look retarded and most tattoos that people get are exactly comparable in their content. Whereas something small like a anchor to show people you're a sailor isn't really different from wearing a small cross necklace to show people you're a christian. Same rules apply to them as with clothing really, except if you buy a retarded graphic tee you can always take it off. But tattoo the exact same thing on yourself and you're wearing it 24/7.

>> No.14429472
File: 1.87 MB, 1290x878, ayuwoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was extremely painful (for me). Props to anyone who knows what this is a a reference to.

>> No.14429558

harry potter?

>> No.14429565

Dude holy shit you're a faggot. I'd literally give a load in the ass to a man and it'd be straighter than this.

>> No.14429577

gamers rise up!

>> No.14429603

When I see hand tattoos on girls, my mind immediately switches to anal and blood borne infections.

>> No.14429606

I like this. Fuck anyone who doesnt

>> No.14429612

cool image, trash take

>> No.14429858

everything you think you do for your "purpose" is to attract women. your a male. unless your a fag. women are your purpose

>> No.14429895

THIIIISSSS if you copy someone else's tattoo you suck . I had one of mine copied recently and it was so fucking weak . The recipient and the artist didnt credit me or my artist

>> No.14429928

imagine thinking your whole life purpose was to get some puss, damn you must be really fucking boring

>> No.14430156

only good ones ITT

>> No.14430219

Sex offenders does not count

>> No.14430222

Nope but it was in 2012 when dg was relevant

>> No.14430241

>he actually thinks that caring about whether you're 'boring' or not isn't just anxiety about not being able to attract someone and reproduce
pretty funny desu

>> No.14430293
File: 91 KB, 704x704, 29132959_1764953340478210_829387459354689536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahah wow this guy doesnt know what a healing tattoo looks like, alot of you dont have a clue at all apparently

>> No.14430310

you sound like a preteen faggot trying way too hard

>> No.14430327
File: 820 KB, 2730x3640, 65006023_423910441527934_5090416585206661120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty great,
also very nice

here's one of mine
bottom is an ouroboros that connects in the front part of my leg

>> No.14430335

well what ever you think, dumbass
if you are one of those people who overthink something meaningful for a tattoo or just get something you think looks good it doesn't matter. get what you like, you'll be rotting in the dirt soon anyways
and as for people with dumb tattoos.. thats their fucking dumb decision, lack of creativity and comonly a crap tattoo artist.. many things make that happen

>> No.14430353
File: 858 KB, 2288x1520, DSC00943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna involve a gratuitous arse shot I'm afraid.
I want to fill the space on the buttocks and back of the thigh, but I really am torn between two artists. So I'm gonna ask for some opinions.

On the one hand I have @shojoonly. Blackwork. I've had stuff off her before and I like the cut of her artistic thinking. I don't know why she's not more popular and I feel like I'd be helping out a smaller artist if I gave her the space. I imagine I'd patchwork more porn in shapes if I were to go with her.

On the other hand, @sudanim._
I like the idea of having a larger patterned piece just covering the area. I'm not so hot on the red, maybe dark blue accents instead. I can see two large designs on the bum and asymmetrical patterns down to the knee ditches.

>> No.14430469

the only people looking good with a tattoo are black people desu

>> No.14430478


>> No.14430487

>my body is filled with notebook doodles

>> No.14430490
File: 37 KB, 720x960, 1559482148016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14430494
File: 90 KB, 576x768, 1557764098069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face but either half skelly.

>> No.14430523

Cringy imo

>> No.14430528

Oh I see it gets more cringy

>> No.14430529

This post is absolutely correct. 20-30 years ago, people were actively going around asking about the meaning, because ink was 1) generally rare, 2) generally limited to outcasts. Nobody cares anymore, tattoos nowadays are just an assessory, another part of your appearance, like a necklace or the shoes. Do you often ask people what's the meaning behind their shoes? It can have meaning if you want to, just don't pretent it HAS to have iot.

>> No.14430569

>this pic
who fucking cares

>> No.14430572


>> No.14430573

>are just an assessory, another part of your appearance, like a necklace or the shoes.
and a lot of people have terrible fashion sense.

>> No.14430606

Oddly enough, despite both being part of your appearance, tattoos and clothes don't follow the same rules. And this is painfully obvious with this board, as people try to apply to tattoos the same minimalistic approach they do with clothing, and get the same fucking Tarot skeleton for the 1000th time.

>> No.14430645

Actually good tattoos always look good despite person. Majority of them just dont look good on a person just like sexcore looks bad if scrawny ugly guys tries it.

>> No.14431793

>he's not a concrete worker and the chemicals and grit haven't dissolved his prints yet
>he doesn't work in a stir fry restaurant and regularly grab the wok, just for the blisters
>he hasn't dissolved his finger prints with lye yet
not /fa/ dog, not /fa/

>> No.14432256

this would be cool if it wasn't Reddit Bowie

>> No.14432337

use your fucking name so I can keep your posts filtered please

>> No.14432473

>Women are your purpose
Imagine being this much of a virgin

>> No.14432493
File: 40 KB, 160x277, 8F8FB011-F86E-4BD0-8C1E-E10F094B7737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of getting this somewhere. Supposed to be a Mayan suicide goddess, because I’m edgy and miserable. Nah?

>> No.14432515

>this fag again

>> No.14432565


>> No.14432581
File: 71 KB, 954x959, tatt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the secret my dude. Everyone says, "get something meaningful". And you will follow this advice for two or three tattoos, each one you will spend a year or more deliberating on. Eventually you will realize nobody cares about "muh deep meanings", least of all you. Then eventually you'll just see things that look neat and be like "lolfuck it, I got a few bucks, put that shit on my body". And then you will have reached enlightenment.

>> No.14432585

Tattoos are for retards anyway.

>> No.14432594
File: 18 KB, 242x242, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taTTOOs aRE fOr REtARds anYWays

>> No.14432609

Funny 9gag meme, I visit that site sometimes too.

>> No.14432613
File: 110 KB, 1080x847, 1508054877706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


only tattoo worth a damn itt imo, its fun and original.

>> No.14432762

100% agree, tatooing is like having to wear the same piece of clothing for the rest of your life, most of the time it isn't worth it unless you are 100% sure that what you're printing on your skin is something worth to keep there for the rest of your life. Generally speaking, using tatoo like a way of showing off your hobbies and interests is pretty much retarded, as the anon above said, buy a t-shirt instead

>> No.14432855

>10 surplus parkas
>20 surplus boots
>burberry knockoff bag
>bunch of dress shoes
my eyes focus so much more on the closet and floor. genuinely did not look at your body for more than a half a second

>> No.14432899
File: 34 KB, 600x338, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send your money to the dirlewanger brigade

>> No.14432905

anon has a point.
this will wash out terribly due to sun exposure

>> No.14432924

i apologize in advance for everything i'm about to say - if that is your leg. i'm motivated by sheer hatred and contempt for >>14429606 and especially >>14432613 (go jerk off to banksy graffiti pleb) talk about motivation to grow it long jesus

>its fun and original
it's a cartoonish, doodle-type drawing of Godzilla (an already massively marketed character that is about to be star wars-level advertised) knocking down a city (literally the least novel thing that character can do). the message says "fuck the world" in capital letters, in a very "Real World" font. So basically he's taken a message that is already written on thousands of t-shirts and put it in a font that was used for an extremely popular MTV series. i won't even get into the issue of how inherently meaningless and unoriginal the phrase is in and of itself. it's said by people who hate the world for being unkind... and yet it's also said by people who want certain groups to be put through meat grinders. it means everything and anything, a totally vague message that virtually anyone might say at certain moments. it's like saying "oh fuck me...." when you drop a glass. which is actually a much funnier and more unique thing to print on yourself than "fuck the world"

there is so much to say about the quality of the drawing. i'm almost positive that the tattoo artist is new to their job because they're not familiar with flames. what is going on with the building on the right? it looks exactly like a serpent's forked tongue. but it's clearly not meant to be because you see the same strangeness in the flames on the left building (which appear to be shooting out only from one spot). even a four-year-old knows to put the flames all over the building, or on top of it. this artist decided to put them BEHIND the buildings, as if they're rocket-propelled.

>> No.14432925

the artist wanted to add a rising sun (maybe it was requested) but he doesn't know how draw a rising sun. so he compensated by making a little sunny-side-up egg and covered it with some molehills (he doesn't understand basic perspective or put it differently he literally doesn't know how to make something look big but also far away). the lizard creature (100% Godzilla) has human penises for toes. they are extremely phallic and there is just no denying that, although i'm not going to read into it. reason being that i know it's merely another example of his inability to draw. he hasn't been taught that when you want to represent a toenail what you do is you draw the toe... and then you "shade in" the toenail. you don't draw the toenail seperately as if it's another feature. one could be forgiven for first thinking that the flames are the creature's tail because they look more like a tail than flames. but then you notice another thing right below it which has a few lines drawn into this (apparently this is how the artist attempts to represent muscle since these strange lines are also on his bicep). OK, so we've located the tail... but then when you follow it back you end up in the crotch area. oh, OK, the artist thinks that tails get dragged under and behind, like some sort of gigantic penis (look underneath him, you would think it was the right leg but it's the fucking tail hahahaha). i am not joking. try to separate, anatomically in your mind, the right left from the tail. it's the same object, the artist just blocked it with the building. there is no possible place for that tail to be coming out of if that's the right leg. it would just be hovering, in a rather horizontal way, right beneath Godzilla. toenails don't work that way and tails do not work that way

>> No.14432928

(3/2) (honestly could use a few pages here if i didn't have to go)
finally we arrive at the face and expression (and mind you i have been leaving out of a lot of criticisms that have occurred to me while typing out these criticisms). his eyes are WIDE-OPEN as if he's seen a ghost, he's "grinning" with his teeth and his eyebrows are leaving his brow. it's kind of like he just get caught by the police... but it's also kind of like he's looking to another Godzilla "hey man, you want in on this?" the eyebrows are saying "HUH? HUH?" we can of course assume that the artist was merely trying to make him look smug but again didn't quite know how they do that. >>14425457 has a common skin issue (he doesn't moisturize his legs enoughs) that will always make the tattoo look red and pimply when he shaves his legs. so either it's going to be a pimply-looking Godzilla (like in the pic) or an even hairier looking tattoo but that's neither here nor there

>> No.14432959

Tattoos are hollow as they are not earnt or maintained. Also they look shit

>> No.14432978

I don't mind tattoos for the most part, but anyone who gets a meme or a pop culture reference tattooed on their body unironically needs to be put to death.

>> No.14433163
File: 90 KB, 612x612, tumblr_ocwb09S0Fe1tp0gymo2_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Barbour check on the bag.
The "dress" shoes are just generic work shoes we get issued every year, metal free corporate style because of the security.

What about a figure on each leg meeting on the butt. I wonder.

>> No.14433197

don't get tattoos. getting something with personal meaning is a retarded way to honor its memory. The only acceptable tattoos are for razing in initiation rituals. It should be a pseudo mark of shame. Everyone gets a tattoo when married or for some military or sports thing or whatever.

>> No.14433489

The flower looks cool but the text is kindof hit or miss
"My hidden evil"

>> No.14433504

Reminder that someone spent their day writing this

>> No.14433624

Dude, please stop. Stop wasting Mony on that trash.

>> No.14433834


>> No.14433873

Tattoos make you look impulsive, vain and lacking in character. If I a tattoo during an interview, I make it a point not to hire them.

>> No.14433918
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 1524171034990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S A Y N O I D

>> No.14434033
File: 3.24 MB, 2282x3030, DSC00435a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't see any of mine, and I don't exactly have the aura of someone with almost the full body covered. I don't know why you think it tells you those things, but I can tell you you're probably wrong.

>> No.14434038

You gotta stop posting. do you contribute to other threads or just these tattoo threads? I kind of hope it's just these so at least your autism is contained to one thread/general

>> No.14434053

There's absolutely no way you'd be helping anybody by "letting" them tattoo your gross naked body. narcissistic and with bad taste

>> No.14434058

>If I a tattoo during an interview, I make it a point not to hire them.
it's cool the way every /fa/ggot on here transforms into a 45-year-old bank manager whenever there's a tattoo thread

>> No.14434071

I don't know why you think I'd listen to people who clearly have no interest in tattoos.

>> No.14434076

Would you commit to one piece of clothing for the rest of your life?

>> No.14434092


>> No.14434093

his tattoos are worlds away from what most black americans get though

>> No.14434326

And tattoofags are suddenly billionaire business owners, fuck off.

>> No.14434347

Maybe we're all just people man.

>> No.14434351

If I see that an applicant has forgotten a word (for instance, "see" after "I") on anything, I assume they're an idiot, and make a point not to hire them.

>> No.14434365

Tattoos are a sign of low self steem, being bad at thinking outcomes, impulsivity, etc.
a huge red flag

>> No.14434411

Honestly that describes most of my friends, 75% of whom don't have any tattoos at all. But they're great company. Imagine being full of yourself and never doing anything spontaneous... I'm sure you're loads of fun at parties, and the stick up your ass is a blast to hang out with as well.

>> No.14434486
File: 157 KB, 1440x1920, 1509183214294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why people think (good) tattoos are spontaneous. I take it as the mark of someone who knows bugger all when I hear that. Most artist you're looking at three weeks wait until an appointment, and if it's a day sitting there's a lot of money involved.

>> No.14434531

>shes not getting boned by the skeleton with a literal bone for a penis


>> No.14434581
File: 216 KB, 400x400, f6c4da9900ece4618c274d5038474a83_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tattoos are all bad and are for degenerates and criminals! Right, Mom?

>> No.14434584

I was thinking about getting some tattoo since I'm about to get out of the Navy, I know there's a lot of traditional sailor tattoos.
Or i might just get a spirited away tattoo of haku.

>> No.14434591

Just have a nice body, you don't need tattoos to be physically interesting if you have a nice body

>> No.14434600

dude most of the threads on /fa/ are fucking suit and watch threads, of course they're all hoity toity bitches

>> No.14434610

I'm a sailor and thinking about getting an anchor tattoo on my forearm but every picture I see looks trash

>> No.14434982

>Tattoos make me think of these negative qualities because that's how my parents thought

Most people nowadays have tattoos, they are no longer fringe or carry any presumptions , so you'll have to keep that in mind the next time you're looking to hire at the Best Buy you manage.

>> No.14434995

Our tastes and thoughts change throughout our lives. I've known people who regret getting the big ass cross, the nazi shit, and the name tattoos. Life changes, but that tattoo is permanent. So focus on good art and design, not heavy emotional meaning.

>> No.14435016

i love the CRT non-sync look
a fresh tattoo is medically considered an open wound, because it is - you've been micro-stabbed thousands of times. If you can't feel anything, your big indicator for an infection is gone. infections kill.
yep. can't draw = can't tattoo. the stencil is a guidance tool, not the translated work.

I'd recommend something that flows with a muscle group, or along a bone - eg. a collar bone spread eagle. Don't get a big protrait or something just sploted on - eg. a flag.

>> No.14435017

nah. the meaning will change with time, and now you have some sad chick that won't go away.

>> No.14435048

All these are good. Also nice brand.

>> No.14435053

Deafheaven tat. Not really a "deep" reference by any stretch, but it's a sick album with sick artwork. 7.6/10

>> No.14435177

boy, imagine being this guy.

>> No.14435184

debt free virigns without tatoos prefer debt free virgins without tatoos

>> No.14435192

god you body purist retards are literally the gayest fucks in existence right now

>> No.14435197

sUnbAthEr iS oKay bUt I lIEkk tHiRE EarLiEr wOrK bETTeR

>> No.14435198

Fuck you, you black metal poser faggot.

>> No.14435217

based hortator and nerevarine

i like this. schizo cat sun and moon.

I've been thinking about getting religious tattoos for a decade. Haven't done it yet because I'm fine without them.

>> No.14435220

he's a zoyboy, are you surprised? pornography is his fetish and he wears it on him. he's probably possessed by a demon and doesn't even know it.

>> No.14435230

if anyone's curious about the metaphysics of tattoos, read Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

tattoos are, in my view, opportunity to praise and propagate an idea. even if you say you got [whatever it is] because it's special to you or you wanted to express yourself, you're raising that image up into a fetish and that says something in itself; more than just "oh he likes porn" or horror/memes/the state or whatever. but also that it is worth imitating. and a lot of this shit just is not.

>inb4 but nihilism bro :shades:
nihilism is retarded. you have an end, and it is not death.

>> No.14435251 [DELETED] 

Imagine being against people doing things they enjoy that don't cause harm to anyone else.

At any rate I think I've had a suitable idea for Shoojunly. I can picture a snake person coming up the right side and over to the left, since it'd be quite easy to have the tail curl around the triangular piece there. Then you can have them interacting with a figure standing on the left.

>> No.14435255
File: 2.51 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20190513_162607554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being against people doing things they enjoy that don't cause harm to anyone else.

At any rate I think I've had a suitable idea for Shoojunly. I can picture a snake person coming up the right side and over to the left, since it'd be quite easy to have the tail curl around the triangular piece there. Then you can have them interacting with a figure standing on the left.

I hope to god no-one imitates me, that wouldn't be interesting at all. In fact I know /fa/ is terrible for this, but everyone should find their own style. Even if it is with the same ideas. I'd enjoy seeing that.

>> No.14435263

tattoos are total gimmick and a fashion trend for normies. Show me one, just one interesting tattoo

>> No.14435273

>hope to god no-one imitates me
Your feminine body is already unique. Don't worry about people copying your tattoos.

>> No.14435274


>> No.14435286

Why does this tranny constantly shit up every tattoo thread with his mediocre tattoos and pictures of his dick

>> No.14435291

lmao its just a tattoo, you just spent half an hour shitting on someones LEG TATTOO
Take your autism meds, kids

>> No.14435293

He (probably) stopped using it after he caught on people started filtering him

>> No.14435296

>Incredibly self centered person is self centered
Who would ask another person to take a photo of himself and then upload to the internet?

>> No.14435346

Yeah, tattoos are very cool, I wake up every day wishing I was as cool as this guy >>14435255

>> No.14435357

I’ve been wanting this, but I’m afraid of how it will translate to skin. I don’t want it to look like a mess

>> No.14435364

Nah, what it was originally for is so far gone now there's not really a point to keeping it. Had to come off one day, and today is a day.

For fun? Don't I always harp on about seeing other people? What's the point of a tattoo thread where people don't post their own, like some kind of crappy /fa/ wishlist.

I'm not cool and I wouldn't want to be.

>> No.14435375

cool berserk tatt

>> No.14435376

I've been browsing tattoo threads for a while, you have one of the worst male bodies I've seen on this board and your have a tiny cock, saw you on naked bodies. Your tattoo positioning on your chest sucks btw and some of your pieces don't fit.

>> No.14435382


>> No.14435384
File: 103 KB, 1080x1080, forearm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really post my pieces but this is my latest and am really happy with it.

>> No.14435424

Naked Attraction.

None of these things should preclude me (or anyone else for that matter) from posting. Anyone can be interested in fashion and make their own thing. I can't believe I'm preaching about 'breaking the mould' but there you have it.

>> No.14436083

hes hot

>> No.14436104

it should be

>> No.14436299

seconded, turd-tier

>> No.14436304

wrong, this tat is one of the best ever posted in these threads. at least it's fun to look at

>> No.14436310


>> No.14436362
File: 852 KB, 2288x1520, DSC00952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then take me in mister officer man~

>> No.14436378
File: 125 KB, 736x1168, 1538549434391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14436381
File: 450 KB, 800x1193, 1559823539424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14436479

Better a wishlist than your pseudointellectual bullshit on feminine fat body

>> No.14436484


>> No.14436550
File: 109 KB, 1573x824, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add religous symbols to this and solid blackwork/tribal that isnt gay 90s shit and its a pretty solid outline i think

>> No.14436578

Every cool tattoo you could get would get copied because it's a rare cool tattoo. So basically you will always end up looking like a tool who follows trends, a degenerate because you keep adding "cool" tattoos to stay ahead of the trends and ultimately a retard because you started getting tattoos at all.

>> No.14436722
File: 508 KB, 750x1161, ajax and achilles playing a game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am considering getting a tattoo of four Greek black-figure pottery scenes, specifically Exekias' series about Ajax at Troy.

The scenes, in order, are (1) Ajax and Achilles playing a game (attached), (2) The fight over the body of Patroklos, (3) Ajax carrying Achilles' body, (4) the suicide of Ajax.

How should I structure the tattoos? Size, location, arrangement? Would appreciate any ideas.

>> No.14436724
File: 1.11 MB, 1318x1394, fighting_over_slain_patroklos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14436725
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, ajax_carrying_achilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14436732
File: 1.81 MB, 1015x1520, suicide_of_ajax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Out of all the scenes, this one is my personal favorite. I find it very moving.

>> No.14436741
File: 16 KB, 418x425, 163955-418x425-greek-key-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would be cool if you're Greek i considered getting a Greek key tattoo

>> No.14436945

can you post a pic of the cube tattoo you have on your bicep? looks really sweet desu.

>> No.14436951

ignore this retard everyone will think its versace themed

>> No.14436968

yike'ola cola

>> No.14437040

You can't refute that your notions of tattoos being bad are outdated. You're more concerned with jumping at the opportunity to point to someone who you perceive as not cool having tattoos. This tells me that throughout your life you've been made to feel insecure about how cool you are by "alt-chads" that had tattoos, society's preconstructed concept of what cool is, and your own inability to reconcile your identity with the notions of coolness. Once the tropes of being cool became normalized, you saw on opportunity to lash out at them, which was much easier than ceasing to be a totally lame, wet blanket. Sad.

>> No.14437354
File: 297 KB, 568x426, 3b66e1300c9b2c61c30858a4ef6752ea[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From an anime (FLCL) but very subtle. Always thought it was a comfy phrase.

Should I get it?

>> No.14437420

Thanks. They know so much about tattoos that they couldn't notice it was a new one and the pic was taken on the same day. Well.


Thanks, man

>> No.14437431

>only bragging about how cool/what a badass you are is cool

>> No.14437565


>try to draft designs...
this is not how tattoos work today. dont be the prick that micromanages a tattoo to the point where it looks awful, trust your artist

+1, this is the tattoo for the colleged age fag that thinks theyre alt


oof. got some scars there. that artist is a scratcher. also that lucifer fallen angel is played out as shit. dont use pintest


>> No.14437601
File: 51 KB, 960x960, 1409456653522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14437672

...cube tattoo?

The back can easily be built up into something bigger by adding things piecemeal. That's what I did with mine.

>> No.14437679

Nigger dots, used to be a way that low key AB identified each other

>> No.14437823

Thinking of covering my prison gained swastika up with something but I don’t know what.

>> No.14437927
File: 293 KB, 640x1135, D6123AFF-DDC2-4BAB-ADFB-09DCFB3085ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tattoo artist is stealing flashes from other artists lol. How does it feel rocking a replica under your skin?

>> No.14438079

haters gonna hate man. you clearly know what you like and what you're doing with these so fuck what they say. i think it looks quite cool

>> No.14438139

Why does everyone always get tattoos from the works of like the same three horror mangaka
There's so much other great art out there that isn't played out

>> No.14438189

Name me 2

>> No.14438195

Because Suehiro Maruo was part of my childhood, so he has somewhat a special place for me. I don't know about the other, tho'.

>> No.14438198

What is Paradise Lost

>> No.14438204

Also, I don't want a sleeve, only torso and hands. So fuck you.

>> No.14438205


>> No.14438212

I like your tattoo. And butt. Nice man-butt.

Forget the others, people are just retarded.

>> No.14438382
File: 13 KB, 493x546, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I don't really take the negativity seriously.

That's an unusual choice. I'll never do my neck or more than 3/4 down the arms. I will however get my genitals tattooed. Figure that one out.

>> No.14438469

What do you plan on doing with your genitals?

With the rest of my back I want to put a long, similar to a snake, yokai and perhaps Susumu from Homunculus.

>> No.14438482
File: 280 KB, 1280x1811, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like @divinemomentsofpain 's work on that one lass, where she has a mixture of the geometric and the black. Either black around it and have patterning on the shaft, or visa versa. Nothing on the head though I don't think.

I always thought this was a very attractive design for a guy's full body.

>> No.14438494

nice sharpie job anon, you're sure to impress the art hoes now

>> No.14438536

>I will however get my genitals tattooed
do they charge extra for that

>> No.14438549

I haven't asked yet.